About clothes. Baptismal shirt: history and traditions Why is there a cross on the back of the baptismal shirt?

The baptism of an adult has a number of features, both spiritual and organizational.

The most important thing is that there must be an understanding of why Baptism is accepted. Before the Sacrament, public conversations are required. Moreover, it is not so much the godparents who should listen to them, but the person being baptized himself.

By the way, it is not necessary for an adult to look for godparents, because there is no need to vouch for him before the Lord; he himself understands the fullness of responsibility that the life of a Christian implies. However, if there are church-going friends who will help you take your first steps in Orthodoxy, no one will object.

An adult must definitely prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism: fast for at least three days. This means not eating meat or dairy, not drinking alcohol, not smoking. It is necessary to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel. Try to abstain from entertainment activities, and also from marital relations.

The person being baptized needs to know the basic prayers: “Our Father”, “Creed”, “Virgin Mother of God”. It is also desirable to follow the rites of the Sacrament in order to understand the meaning of what is happening.

Christening robe for adults

If we talk about the “external” part of Baptism, then for an adult you will need:

  • baptismal clothing (for men it is a long white shirt, for women it is a long white shirt and headscarf)
  • a large (if Baptism is by immersion) and/or a small towel (for the hair or if Baptism is by dousing the head)
  • spare underwear for Baptism through immersion in the font
  • slippers, clean or new
  • cross on a long string

Let us draw your attention to the fact that in different churches there are different traditions of conducting the rite of Baptism itself. For example, there is a practice when the person being baptized is immersed in the font immediately wearing baptismal clothes. After which he can dry himself with a towel and throw a small sheet over his shoulders. Until the end of the Sacrament, a person does not change into ordinary clothes. (As an option, in this case, it is allowed to take with you another set of baptismal clothes to take off the wet ones and change into dry ones. Subsequently, the person keeps both baptismal shirts, as a “shrine” in which he received Baptism).

In other churches, the person being baptized is immersed in the baptismal font in linen, and is blocked by a screen. After a person leaves the font, he wipes himself with a towel and puts on baptismal clothes. There are parishes in which Baptism occurs through pouring of the head. Therefore, you need to find out in advance how Baptism will be carried out in your temple.

In any case, you will need baptismal clothes. It must be white. This is a symbol of purity, coming to the Lord and faith.

A large towel will also come in handy for drying off after the bath. And also small. It can be used by women who have long hair to place it neatly on their shoulders without getting their clothes wet.

Do not forget that during Baptism a person must have “free access” to his feet so that the priest can anoint them with holy oil, so the option of slippers is very convenient.

As for the pectoral cross, you can purchase it in advance. Not necessarily in this temple. You can go to any church shop or store. The main thing is that the cross is Orthodox. If it is not consecrated, inform the priest about this before Baptism. He will be able to consecrate it before the ceremony.

And yet, the most important thing when preparing for the Baptism of an adult is the understanding that Christian life after Baptism is just beginning for you!

Women's Christening Shirts

A woman in the temple must have her head covered and without makeup: kissing the cross with lipstick on her lips is prohibited. Clothes must be modest, clean, and tidy. After the font, you will need a baptismal shirt - a loose-fitting ankle-length shirt with sleeves below the elbow. In many temples, the immersion itself is also carried out in it, so it is important to choose products from non-transparent fabric.

The shirts presented in our online store "Krestilnoye" and our showroom in Moscow are always available in sizes from 38 to 56. For the bathtub, we recommend choosing models made from softened linen blend, which has good density, is not see-through, is pleasant to the body, and allows the skin to "breathe" freely.

Among the linen products, the “Lily” shirt stands out noticeably. Decorated with floral lace inserts on the sleeves and hem. The neckline on the chest is decorated with a white and peach ornament with lilies, and on the back there is an embroidered cross with curly lily flowers. You can pair your shirt with a linen scarf with lilies embroidered in the same color scheme.

Budget model made of calico (100% serfs) - “Lyudmila” shirt. The design of the shirt is completely made in white: on the chest with an equilateral cross and floral patterns. The edge of the sleeve and hem is decorated with openwork cotton lace. The color of the embroidery can be any, except gold and silver, which additionally need to be covered with a lining. When wet, the fabric becomes see-through, so we recommend wearing underwear or a long T-shirt.

Men's Christening Shirts

A man should dress modestly when going to church, sticking to a calm color scheme. T-shirts, shorts, tracksuits are not allowed. Traditionally, after the holy font, the man dresses in a long, loose-fitting white baptismal shirt.

We offer models made from natural suit linen and calico (100% cotton). The fabrics absorb moisture well, are pleasant to the body, and do not cause irritation to the skin. Shirts are available in sizes from 46 to 56. A custom tailoring service is also available, tailored to your individual parameters.

Among the linen models, the “Vladimir” shirt is popular. It is decorated with a vine pattern on the chest and a flourishing cross-vine is embroidered on the back. Colored embroidery with smooth viscose thread looks expressive and harmonious on a white canvas. You can add the “Flourishing Cross” terry towel to the set.

An economical option made from calico - the “George” shirt. The neckline is decorated with Orthodox embroidery with a climbing vine in beige and green tones. A cross entwined with a vine is embroidered on the back. Combines with the “Twisted Cross” terry towel. You can additionally embroider the name or date of christening on the towel under the cross.

Clothing for baptism: what is it for?

Christenings are considered one of the most important moments in the life of any person. At christenings, a white shirt is usually worn, symbolizing the purity and innocence of thoughts before God. Before the start of the sacrament, old clothes are removed as a symbol of sin, and a new clean person comes out of the water and puts on a clean shirt, like a new soul received from God.

Anavolius, this is how the baptismal shirt sounds in Greek, has a straight, loose cut and is decorated with very symbolic embroidery.

Model overview

For adults

Women's baptismal shirt Traditionally, it has a loose fit, maximum length and is sewn from white fabric. The cut of the shirt includes sewn or one-piece sleeves and maximum coverage of the chest and shoulders. Women's anavolia are decorated with embroidery in the spirit of Christianity and thin lace.

A christening shirt is also necessary for men, since in it the immersion into the font takes place and the Sacrament of Baptism is performed. Men's models may be shorter than women's. Usually their length reaches the knee. In addition, men's models are more laconic than women's, less often decorated with lace inserts and resemble the clothes of a priest. A cross is traditionally embroidered on the back and chest of the shirt.

For teenagers

Teenage models are not much different from adults. They are usually smaller and shorter than adults.

Models for girls are more delicate, sometimes the style resembles a dress. Boys' shirts have a more formal design. Universal shirts for boys and girls are also made; they usually have a simple cut, embroidery and modest lace decoration.

For newborns

The baptismal shirt is the first thing the baby is dressed in after the ceremony. Incredibly beautiful and delicate clothes are made for little princes and princesses. They are usually decorated with a lot of lace and embroidery.

A christening outfit for newborns is a whole set of clothes, consisting of a shirt, a cap (for girls) and booties.

How to choose and what it should be

When choosing a baptismal shirt, you need to think, first of all, about comfort. The design of a shirt or dress should not restrict movement; it should be spacious and light. This is especially true for children's clothing.

An uncomfortable christening shirt can cause your baby or toddler to become cranky and in a bad mood. Shirts for newborns should be lined or with perfectly finished seams, or with seams facing out.

The material from which the shirt is made should be pleasant to the body. Anavolia made from natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin and are well breathable are preferred. For sewing baptismal shirts, cotton, linen, viscose, and silk are used, which undergo a special softening treatment. All these fabrics are environmentally friendly and harmless to the health of adults and children.

Previously, decorating baptismal shirts was highly welcomed. Luxurious embroidery and luxurious lace adorning the hem of a long shirt meant a long and rich life. Over time, shirts became shorter and jewelry became more modest.

Nowadays christening shirts are decorated in a cute and tasteful way. Lace and satin ribbons are used as decoration.


Despite the general features, lines and rules for sewing baptismal shirts, their range is quite wide and has many design features and design differences.


This model is mainly used when sewing anavolia for children. These hooded shirts are not only beautiful, but also very comfortable. They are very quickly put on the body, and the hood goes over the head. This point is especially important when baptizing boys, who are not customary to wear caps after the ceremony.

With a cross

The cross symbolizes the suffering of the Savior and his victory over death. The cross is made using various embroidery techniques, mainly with gold, silver or white threads.

The technique of applying a cross from Swarovski crystals is also known. As a rule, the cross is located in the center of the shirt on the front and/or back.

With smell

The christening shirt with a wrap has a special cut - its edges overlap each other. The halves are tied together with braid or ribbon. The cut lines of such a shirt are usually straight. The wrap style allows you to adjust the width of the shirt and usually fits several sizes.

What to do with her next

Orthodox tradition involves further storage of the baptismal shirt. It is believed that a shirt that retains traces of the world on itself has a beneficial effect during illness and illness.

Is it washable?

Careful handling of baptismal clothing helps preserve it in its original form for the rest of your life. It is not customary to wash a baptismal shirt, since during anointing, droplets of the world fall on it. You can only wash the towel that was used at baptism and this must be done separately from other things.

Is it possible to wear

In everyday life, a baptismal shirt is not usually worn. It is taken out in case of illness and applied to the sore spot.

Brand overview

My pea

When sewing baptismal shirts, My Pea, as for its other products, uses only natural fabrics and, basically, the brand gives preference to 100% cotton fabrics. The seams of the baptismal shirts are very carefully processed and will not damage the baby’s delicate skin.

Seraphim and Seraphim

The brand produces baptismal shirts for true connoisseurs of tradition, style and beauty. The production uses high-quality natural fabrics and rich Italian lace. Satin ribbons are used as additional decoration.

The collection includes models with a hidden zipper at the back, which allows you to quickly put on and take off the shirt.

Tron plus

The brand offers baptismal shirts of various cuts for newborns. All products are made from 100% cotton and decorated with satin ribbons: white, pink or blue. The cut of the shirts is spacious and does not restrict the movements of children. The fabric is soft and pleasant to the touch, giving the child only a comfortable feeling.

My angel

Almost all models have elements of the old Russian style and are made of natural fabric - percale, which is the thinnest and thickest cotton fabric. The fabric is made from long-staple cotton fibers, which makes it strong, dense, but smooth and soft. The design of shirts often uses embroidery with gold and silver threads and Swarovski crystals.

It is probably difficult today to find a person who does not know about the tragedy of the first years and centuries of Christianity, and about the reasons why in those ancient times our churches were built in caves and deep underground - in catacombs.

Persecution by the authorities turned into unimaginably cruel torture and terrible death for Christians, hence the secret places for holding religious services and ceremonies, the first of which is baptism.

The cold of the underground is a constant companion of the first centuries of Christianity. Centuries, when its difficult history was written and the first traditions and rituals took shape, and above all, the rite of baptism, which was initially considered a new and main birth of a person - spiritual.

How responsibly our distant ancestors approached it is evidenced by the fact that in the first years of Christianity only adults were baptized, after making sure that the person was going to all possible trials and torments consciously. The rite of infant baptism appeared only towards the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd centuries AD.

By this time, it was already taking place according to the firm rules that had developed in previous decades. The history of the baptismal shirt began at the same time - as a mandatory attribute of the ceremony. For adults, it was necessary for two reasons: to hide the nakedness of the person being baptized even from the gaze of the clergy, and as protection from the cold of the catacombs. The baptismal shirt came into the rite of infant baptism as a tradition. In those distant times, in connection with possible difficult trials that could at any moment befall a Christian, mostly men were baptized, therefore it is the baptismal shirt for boys that is considered, so to speak, the “classical” attribute of baptism, in Greek it sounds like “anavolium” and means outerwear.

What should a baptismal shirt be like?

By tradition, this is a straight white shirt, always below the knees, but not “to the floor”, certainly new and, of course, made of natural fabric. Its whiteness is a symbol of the spiritual purity of the newly baptized.

Royal christening shirts

From these oldest attributes of baptism, the baptismal shirt of the daughter of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, baptized in 1533, has come down to you and me. The shirt is long, quite simple and loose in style. But already in 1841, Queen Victoria's first-born was baptized in an elegant silk shirt decorated with pearls and guipure: to this day, all crown princes and princesses of England are baptized in it.

It was from this moment that the tradition of decorating baptismal shirts developed - although they were made easier for boys than for girls. For the fairer sex, they are decorated more richly, often lush and multi-layered.

The difference between the Orthodox baptismal attire and the Catholic one

In the West, to this day, baptismal shirts for both sexes are sewn as elegantly and magnificently as possible. This does not interfere with the ritual, primarily because in the most widespread confession of the Western world - Catholicism, it differs from the Orthodox: very rarely, individual clergy immerse the baby in the font three times. Everywhere this moment is replaced either by wetting the head for boys, or by simply sprinkling the baby with holy water. There is no anointing in the ritual, which is replaced by anointing only the baby’s face with oil, and there is no communion. Until now, in almost all Western faiths, infants are baptized infrequently; as a rule, this occurs at the age of 7-12 years and the ceremony is supplemented by a lit candle, which is given to the child. In other words, the original ancient rite of baptism has been shortened and, in fact, modified almost beyond recognition.

The tradition of baptismal clothes for boys and girls

The rite of baptism among the Orthodox is completely different, as close as possible to the ancient one. Our tradition strictly separates baptismal shirts for boys and baptismal dresses for girls. Although for both of them, the sleeves and the shirt itself should not be too long to allow the priest to perform confirmation. In addition, while boys' heads must be open during baptism, for girls a mandatory addition to the baptismal dress is a cap or scarf.

How to sew a baptismal shirt

For male babies, the cut of the shirt itself and its length - just below the knees - in Rus' are as close as possible to the robe in which ancient Christian babies were baptized. The shirt should be loose, with sleeves no higher than the elbow; it can be either an open shirt with soft ties on the back, or one that can be pulled over the head. As long as it is comfortable for the baby. If fasteners are used instead of ties, the product is lined so as not to scratch the delicate skin of the newborn. A christening shirt for girls is usually sewn a little longer, often with a yoke, and if it has fasteners, they try to make them not only beautiful, but also on the front; the yoke itself is always lined.

If we are talking about the first-born in the family, the shirt must certainly be new, and the fabric from which it is made must be natural. In Christian families, the baptismal shirt of the eldest child is traditionally kept and then the younger children are baptized in it. However, it can only be washed before the next baptism.

Embroidery on a boy's christening shirt

Of course, in Rus', for a long time, baptismal clothes for babies were decorated: shirts for boys were decorated with national ornaments, hand-embroidered, and Christian symbols. The most important of them is, of course, the Orthodox cross, also embroidered, symbolizing the Lord Himself, his torment and the devotion of the baptized to Christ. In rich families, pearls and other precious stones were added to jewelry, and sewing was done with gold or silver threads. At the request of the parents, lace is also added; soft ribbons were used as ties to match the embroidery, which often also included a floral ornament with the obligatory roses: a rose is also a symbol, a symbol of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A very exquisite baptismal shirt of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, sewn from natural silk and richly decorated, has survived to this day. It is kept in the museum named after him.

Baptismal shirt decorations for girls

Of course, christening shirts for girls were decorated more lavishly and were certainly trimmed with lace, ribbons and rhinestones: if the family was poor - with simple stones, if wealthy - with pearls and other precious and semi-precious stones. The obligatory symbol - just like for boys - was an Orthodox cross, in embroidery - a rose. In this form, the tradition of baptismal shirts for babies has survived to this day.

Being a symbol of the purity and sinlessness of the baby, the baptismal shirt is put on him after the font, as soon as the godmother or godfather takes the newborn from it into the kryzhma.

The healing power of baptismal attire

In Orthodox families, following ancient tradition, baptismal shirts must be kept. Moreover, separately from the rest of the linen, in a special bag or handbag, which are included in the complete baptismal set. You can put it in a box or decorative box. It is believed that if a baby gets sick, for a speedy and complete recovery he needs to be dressed in a baptismal shirt and, in addition to the diaper, covered with a kryzhma.

There is much evidence that the baptismal shirt has healing powers: even adult Christian believers often apply it to a sore spot to relieve painful sensations. This is how our distant ancestors did it - this is how it is done today.

Lyudmila Danilova

This question is asked by many parents who are baptizing their first child. The child is still so small that it is difficult to find something comfortable and, at the same time, warm, something that can be easily taken off the baby and put back on.

What to consider when choosing clothes

During the sacrament, the priest will cut a small tuft of the baby's hair; you need to be able to quickly remove the cap.

If baptism is performed with complete immersion, then you will need to remove all the baby’s clothes, and then, having received him in a baptismal towel, quickly dress him.

After baptism, chrismation will be performed on the baby: the priest will anoint the baby’s hands, legs, chest, forehead, nose, ears, eyes with chrism, so you shouldn’t wrap yourself up too much after baptism: it’s not all over yet. After anointing and prayer, the myrrh is washed off with a special sponge: after this you can cover the baby.

What clothes are suitable for baptism?

For a baby's baptism, loose clothing that does not require much time to put on is suitable: a vest with laces, a hat or cap with ties, pants without galoshes. The onesies with buttons that have become familiar to parents are not suitable: they take a lot of time to fasten and unfasten, and it is very difficult to fasten the buttons when the baby is crying. To keep your baby warm, you can wrap him in a diaper or blanket.

Today you can choose special clothes for the baptism of a baby - a set for the baptism of a boy or a girl. In the store on the website, the baptismal set for a boy consists of a vest or long dress, a diaper, a cap, booties and sometimes panties. The christening set for a girl includes a dress, booties, a cap or headband and a diaper. All the clothes in the sets are very beautiful and comfortable, easy to put on and take off, made with love from natural materials.

When to dress your baby in christening clothes

It is best to dress the child in a baptismal set at home; on top you can put on a blouse, overalls, and, if necessary, a warm hat. In the temple you can leave only the baptismal kit and diaper and wrap the baby in a blanket. As a last resort, if it is very cold in the church, you can dress the child warmly, undress him only for baptism, after immersion, change him into a baptismal shirt or dress until confirmation, and wrap him in a blanket. After washing away the world, you can again “warm yourself up.”

At the sacrament of baptism, the priest will tell you what he will do, make the necessary explanations and wait while you dress or undress the baby, so don’t worry if you don’t know something.

Technical problems with ordering

Question: I can’t place an order through the cart, insert personalized embroidery and other technical problems with registration on the site. What should I do?

Answer: You can write your order and wishes by email, call us or leave your phone number, email address via feedback - then we will contact you ourselves and discuss the order. WA and Viber 8-903-121-02-22 are also available during store opening hours.

Question: I want to place an order by phone, but I can’t reach you.

Answer: Most likely, the line is simply busy at the moment, because... We don't have a multi-line phone. You can order a call through feedback, and the operator will contact you during store business hours. We also have a cell phone number 8-903-121-02-22, we call you back for missed incoming calls, you can also send a message to WA or Viber +7-903-121-02-22.

Question: I have a non-standard order, where can I indicate my wishes?

Answer: Please note the comments field when placing your order. Here you can indicate your wishes. When placing an order, the operator will definitely clarify all the details. If you have already made an order without leaving a comment, you can send us your wishes using feedback, by email, or inform the operator upon confirmation (he himself will not ask if there were no comments). Don't forget to include your order number!

Pre-order questions. Price, quality, production, product availability

Question: Who makes the jewelry (crosses, spoons, chains) presented in the store?

Answer: We cooperate with manufacturing companies from the Kostroma region, famous for its jewelry factories and workshops. Our jewelry assortment is represented by products from the Aquamarine and Sokolov factories (silver spoons and gold crosses), individual entrepreneur Monichev, Kostroma region. (silver spoons). Also here you will find wonderful products from the Silver Factory Argent Kolchugino (silver spoons, children's silverware) and Elizaveta SPb LLC (silver and gilded crosses). Gaitans for crosses are produced by Pokrovsky workshops, the Aquamarine plant and IP Ignatova.

Question: Whose production of baptismal clothes?

Answer: We design and sew all garments in our workshop, with the exception of several baptismal dresses from the Russian brand Fleole. To sew baptismal towels, we use either terry cloth or factory-made blanks (rectangular towels 70x130-140, 100x150 cm) from an Uzbek or Russian factory.

Question: I found the same baptismal robe styles at another online store and they were cheaper. Why is this so?

A: Typically, brands force partner stores to maintain a suggested retail price policy for their products. Therefore, the prices of online stores for the same product are approximately the same and you can only save money through discount policies or free shipping. The online store you visited violates the rules or forgot to change the price when the supplier’s price list changes, or maybe it’s selling off leftovers. We supply our sewing products to children's stores, churches, and cooperate with other online stores while maintaining the same recommended prices for our products. Therefore, you are unlikely to find our specific models at a lower price than on our website. Most online stores operate from the supplier's warehouse and do not have products in their own warehouse. By contacting the supplier, such an online store will be refused to supply the goods for violating the MRC policy and will not purchase the goods you need from the supplier. You will waste time. The second reason for lower prices for seemingly similar baptismal clothes is banal theft. Even in the world of baptismal fashion, manufacturers look at each other’s ideas, copy patterns, embroidery designs, and decor. When we started in 2011, we developed our own model range and technology, because there were no other specialized productions of baptismal clothing on the market. Since then, we have many competitors who do not hesitate to take our popular models as a basis, sew them in cheaper fabric and sell them at a lower price. After all, in a photograph, especially a professional one, all fabrics look the same - white and smooth, and the quality can only be understood by touch.

Question: Do you have certificates for clothes, spoons and crosses?

Answer: All baptismal and children's clothing is certified and meets European safety standards. Certificates are provided by the manufacturers of the goods presented in our store. For a copy, you can contact our operators or send a request via feedback via email. As for jewelry products, each product has the mark of the assay office, as well as a tag from the manufacturing plant - this confirms the authenticity of the sample of the product. Mandatory certification of jewelry has long been abolished, so certificates as such do not exist.

Question: Is the product in stock as stated?

Answer: All sewing products of our production are in stock or can be quickly sewn within a day if something suddenly runs out. We order jewelry - crosses and spoons from factories and workshops in advance, and buy them back to our warehouse, so many products are exclusive and are simply not available in other stores. The manager will promptly confirm the availability of the product without checking with the intermediary - we are one of the few online stores that operate our own jewelry warehouse. If something is missing (the site is not directly connected to the inventory database and availability on the site is updated manually, so it may be delayed during the season), with our wide range you can easily select an analogue to replace the missing item.

Question: The description of the towels says that the terry is 100% cotton, lush. Are you sure it doesn't contain synthetic additives?

Answer: The products use terry of varying densities from 350 to 450 grams. This is the terry of an ordinary average towel - that is, not like the pile of a fur coat, but definitely not rare! The composition of the fabric is stated by the manufacturers as 100% cotton, while some towels may have a silky feeling that is not characteristic of 100% cotton, from which you expect some roughness. The fact is that to give the towels a marketable appearance, they undergo special processing that does not affect the composition of the product. This is a surface treatment that disappears after the first wash.

Question: Many baptismal shirts are made from linen. Will linen be too hard for the baby?

Answer: The softness and density of flax varies. We sew from thin, softened blouse fabric. In terms of its composition, this fabric is not 100% linen, but a mixed fabric - 45% linen/55% cotton, which gives it important advantages: it is pure white, soft, not prone to shrinkage, its structure is somewhat reminiscent of calico with textured linen sleepwear. But when compared with calico, linen fabric looks richer. If you are still not sure about choosing baptismal clothes made of linen fabric, then pay attention to cotton products - we also have a wide range of them.

Question: How to save money on buying things for Baptism?

Answer: It is not recommended to buy a used baptismal set, because... baptismal clothes must be new. You can buy an inexpensive set of thin calico-gauze or mixed fabric with polyester, without lace, with simple embroidery for about 500 rubles. - such products can be found in church shops or economy-class children's stores. As for our online store, we do not sew products from such fabrics, but we always have shirts and diapers at a discount. Usually these are models with a slight defect (wrong embroidery color, small weaving defect, a spot in an inconspicuous place) or unredeemed items with personalized embroidery. On the website they are presented on the sales page, but the list is incomplete and you need to check with the operator about the availability of the selected item. We can send the photo to WA or Viber +7-903-121-02-22. You can buy items from the sale in the showroom.

Pre-order questions. Composition, dimensions and equipment

Question: My child is larger (smaller) than his peers, how can I choose the right size?

Answer: When choosing a product, pay attention to its card - it contains recommendations for determining the size and measurements of the product of all sewn sizes. You can also ask our operators for advice; they see all the products live. If, even after talking with a consultant, you still have doubts (for example, in the case of a “borderline” age - 3 or 6 months), then we can add two sizes of the product to your order. For a child over one year old, there is usually no problem with choosing a size; choose the size strictly according to height, our products do not run small. If a product has a double size, for example 98-104 cm, in reality this shirt is designed for height 104.

Question: Is it possible to include a cap one size larger/smaller than the shirt?

Answer: Indicate your wish in the comments to the order, as well as the circumference of the child’s head in centimeters. In fact, it is not always necessary to increase the size; many people think that the head is large, but it turns out to be standard. If this decision is justified, then we will be happy to fulfill your request and add a larger cap to the set or add 2 caps to choose from.

Question: I can't decide on the model and size online. Why is there no delivery of products to choose from?

Answer: We limit the delivery of goods of choice for two reasons: our couriers are on foot, so purely physically they cannot bring bulk goods of choice, they have up to 10 deliveries per day. The second reason: maintaining the presentation of the product. When thirty hands have touched the clothes and seven children have tried them on, it is no longer possible to sell it, much less wear it for Epiphany. Therefore, if you have a size to choose from, please do not try on the clothes directly on the child, evaluate them visually or carefully apply them to the baby. As for jewelry, we can easily bring up to 5 items to choose from, because... We work with our own warehouse.

Question: I like the set, but it comes with a towel without a hood. I want the same one, but with a hood and a different color of embroidery.

Answer: Write about your wish in the comments to the order, and we will fulfill it. In this case, the operator will recalculate the order amount. You can also put together a set from different items you like - take a shirt from one set, a towel with a hood from another, a cap from a third, put it all in a basket and sign “pack as a set.” If the products do not suit each other, the operator will warn you.

Question: Is it possible to adjust the product to my measurements, tailoring to order, or other embroidery?

Answer: The figure of a child under 3 years old can hardly be called a figure that requires individual adjustment, so we do not adjust baby clothes according to the measurements taken by the parent, just take a larger/smaller size, focusing not only on weight, but also on weight , chest circumference. In children closer to adolescence, deviations from the standard figure are possible, full rows appear, and we sew all products to an average fullness for a given height/age. You need to accurately measure your baby's height and chest circumference. If the child’s figure is radically different from the standard or his fullness is different from the average, the operator discusses this point with the technologist. The service of individual fitting or re-tailoring of the product is provided on an advance payment basis, the increase in the price of the product will be 20%, the order completion time is about a week. Embroidery design and product design can also be adjusted, please contact our operator for details.

Question: We are baptizing a boy, do we need to buy a full baptismal set with a cap, although we do not wear the latter?

Answer: You can purchase the shirt and towel/diaper separately. Or indicate in the comments to the order that you do not need a cap, and we will recalculate the amount. The sets for boys also offer a choice of options - with a cap or a storage bag.

Question: Which baptismal set should I choose - with a diaper or a towel?

Answer: After the bath, you accept the baby in a diaper or a towel. This thing will become wet almost immediately, and you will need to put a shirt on the child and wrap him in a blanket. During Baptism, neither the film nor the towel will be useful to you, so the choice is not so important. Fathers often ask for a towel, but in the future it needs to be stored, and it takes up a lot of space. Therefore, we personally are inclined to choose film - you can put it in the crib, and then fold it compactly and keep it as a keepsake. The diaper can be warm, i.e. flannel, the baby will not freeze in it even during baptism in winter.

Question: What should I buy for a child's baptism?

Answer: The required minimum of baptismal supplies for a boy: a shirt and what you will wear from the font - a diaper or a towel. A girl may need a headdress, although in theory it is not required for infants (children under 7 years old). You will also need an Orthodox cross made of any metal and a string. Read more about the list of things for a child's Baptism in the article. If a child (over 7 years old) or an adult is being baptized, slippers will be needed.

Question: Why do you need 2 towels for Baptism?

Answer: Usually in church they don’t explain this, they just ask you to bring 2 towels. In short, you use one of the towels for your child as a baptismal one, i.e. after the font, and leave the second one in the temple for various needs. Therefore, the first one can be personalized, with an embroidered Orthodox cross, and on the second one you can save money - buy a simple white terry towel. You can read more about this in the article.

Questions about delivery, payment, pickup

Question: Do you accept payment by card?

Answer: You can pay for your order via card online directly on our website, at the pick-up point in Moscow and to the courier Krestilnoe for delivery in Moscow. When ordering, be sure to indicate the desired payment method, as... Not all couriers have payment terminals with them. When delivering by third-party courier services in St. Petersburg, the SDEK courier service in Russia and in the Moscow region, the couriers do not have terminals; the order can be paid for by card online on our website.

Question: Is it possible to come to you and buy what you need without making a reservation?

Answer: You can, but we do not recommend doing this for some reasons. Firstly, the pickup point is not a full-fledged store. It houses a small exhibition hall, which displays samples of baptismal clothing. And the pick-up point in St. Petersburg is generally an office without a storefront. Our managers are often busy taking orders by phone and via the Internet, and you will have to wait for a consultation. Personalized embroidery cannot be done on site; it must be ordered 1 business day in advance. The full assortment of jewelry is not presented on display. Any number of crosses and spoons to choose from must be ordered at least an hour in advance. Therefore, we recommend making a pre-order so that all products are set aside and you can make a purchasing decision on the spot.

Question: Christening is tomorrow, can I urgently receive an order in Moscow?

Answer: As a rule, the baptism of a child is scheduled for the weekend. And such urgent orders arise on Thursday-Friday. Therefore, if you manage to place an order before the couriers leave for the route (that is, before 9 am on Friday) with a comment about urgent delivery, then your order will be processed in the morning (be prepared to receive a call from 9 am) and delivered on the same day. If the couriers have already left, then make a pre-order and come to our pickup point on the same day! We work according to the schedule indicated in the header of the site).

Question: How can I pay for delivery within Russia if I am abroad?

Answer: You can pay for your order online using a card on our website; most foreign cards are suitable for payment. If the card does not go through, we offer other payment options, such as Western Union transfer, Zolotaya Korona. We do not work with Paypal.

Question: I want to make a surprise and order delivery of goods as a gift. What do I need to do?

Answer: In the comments to the order, indicate your intention, leave your phone number and the recipient (mark whose number is). You can pay for your order using a card online or make a transfer to the bank details we provide. We also sell gift cards of various denominations, both in physical form and in the form of electronic certificates.

Question: Can I send my courier to pick up the order?

Answer: Yes, to pick up your order, tell your courier the order number and the name of the person to whom the purchase was made. Don't forget to give the courier our phone number and address. You can pay for your order in advance or upon receipt - in cash or by card.

Question: Why don’t you send orders to the regions by transport companies, because it’s cheaper?

Answer: We can send an order to any TC of your choice, but to the TC tariff you need to add the cost of delivery services by our courier in Moscow if the TC's address is within the Moscow Ring Road. Often, SDEK courier delivery costs the same amount as the tariff of the cheapest TC + our courier to the TC address.

Question: I don’t want to pay for the order before it is sent, I’m afraid of being scammed, I want to receive the order with cash on delivery.

Answer: The site and workshop Baptism has been operating since 2011, and during this time tens of thousands of orders have been completed. The team of our company is more than 15 people, we have a real address in Moscow and an official legal entity, and believe me, any negative feedback on the network regarding the failure to send paid orders would affect us with losses incomparable with the cost of your order. So don’t worry, we ship everything, don’t forget to promptly report payment and track your parcels with orders, because... There are some problems with postal notices. If you are still worried, we can send your order by mail or SDEK courier service with cash on delivery if the order does not contain items with personalized embroidery. To do this, you need to make an advance payment only for delivery, and pay the rest upon receipt of the order. Be prepared that the delivery cost in this case will be higher due to the insurance cost of the shipment than when sending a regular prepaid package. Delivery services also have a fee for the cash on delivery service. Therefore, when choosing this payment method, you greatly overpay.

Question: Why is there a surcharge when delivering with cash on delivery?

Answer: All details of delivery with payment upon receipt can be found on the Payment Methods page. A markup is a commission that the delivery service takes on top of the cash on delivery itself. For delivery by SDEK service it is 5%; for Russian Post the commission varies from the amount of cash on delivery and is 7-12%. We do not ship orders with 100% payment upon receipt; we always take prepayment for delivery. Several years ago we tried to send orders without prepayments with full cash on delivery - the statistics are sad: 30% of customers did not pick up their orders at the post office, we paid not only for empty delivery, but also for returning orders back. Therefore, we are now working according to the “partial prepayment + cash on delivery” scheme.

Question: How long should I wait for the parcel?

Answer: The Russian Post website states wonderful delivery times, which in reality are longer. And the delivery time for first class, in our experience, does not differ from the delivery time for a regular parcel. Departures from Moscow most often reach the regional centers of the European part of Russia in a week; beyond the Urals it will take 2 weeks. However, if you live in a remote village where mail is delivered by helicopter several times a year, do not expect fast delivery; check the deadline at your post office. Do not forget to track your shipment using the tracking number that the operator will send after sending the order. We cannot track all orders; after dispatch, the post office or transport company is responsible for delivery times. Notifications do not always arrive in the mailbox, and the storage period for parcels at the post office has been reduced to 2 weeks. Budget courier services, such as SDEK, also often fail with delivery. And on New Year's Eve, all delivery services have problems. The deadlines are violated and we cannot do anything. As soon as we send your order and provide its tracking number, you monitor its fate independently and, in case of delays, find out the delivery time directly from the delivery service.

All questions about personalized embroidery

Question: How quickly is personalized embroidery done?

Answer: Personalized embroidery is done on the finished product in one working day on weekdays. If your order is placed before lunch, it will be embroidered today and ready for pickup/dispatch the next business day. If the order requires prepayment, it will be embroidered immediately after receiving the advance payment. On products with lining (towel hoods, double-layer hoods, lined shirts), personalized embroidery is done 3 working days after prepayment.

Question: What fonts are used for personalized embroidery?

Answer: For embroidery on fabric we use a thin, slightly cursive font, Monotype Coursiva. Sometimes we use Mon Amour, it has a monogram in the capital letter. For embroidery on terry products we use fonts with wide letters - Lobster or Boyarsky. Upon request, we use a font similar to the Old Slavonic Ermak, but it only contains capital letters and no numbers. To embroider long inscriptions on terry cloth, we use the more compact font Monotype Coursiva, in this case the inscription should be colored; white color with a thin font will be hidden in the pile.

Question: Why was I asked to pay in advance for embroidery, because I am in Moscow and want to pay the order directly to the courier?

Answer: Most likely, this is because the name that needs to be embroidered is not in the Orthodox Saints, or it needs to be embroidered in Latin, or the name is simply rare. Some of our unscrupulous clients refuse their orders for reasons beyond our control. And finding a buyer for products with embroidery of uncommon names is very difficult! Products sit for years and are eventually scrapped. We take an advance payment only for the product with embroidery, and you give the rest of the payment to the courier upon delivery.

Question: The date of Baptism has changed/they chose a different name instead of the ones already embroidered. What to do?

Answer: We warn you that it is impossible to flog the embroidery (this mark is on every product card), in exceptional cases we can flog one number, but it will take 1 day and will cost 300 rubles. If you need to change several numbers or a name, then 2 options are possible: 1) You take the product and rip out the entire date/name yourself, hand it over to us, we embroider a new date/name over the rip-off free of charge. 2) We embroider a new date and name on a new product, provided that you buy back what you ordered earlier.

Question: Why can’t personal embroidery be done on all products?

Answer: We do personalized embroidery on many products; this option is specified in the specific product card. It happens that we can, but forgot to indicate it on the card. Therefore, in any case, ask the operator if it is possible to embroider a name on the selected item. On some items, in particular items with lining, it is impossible to make personalized embroidery, because... this needs to be done during the sewing process, and we embroider in 1 day only on finished products. If you have a few days left and you are ready to make an advance payment, we will embroider on the cut and sew the product with a lining that covers the reverse side of the embroidery; this is usually how personalized two-layer kryzhmas or towels with a name embroidered on the hood are made. It happens that the desired place for embroidery is chosen poorly, for example, we cannot embroider a name on a small cap or yoke of a finished dress, our hoop is too large for such small details.

You can baptize wearing a shirt from your previous child. There are no canonical prohibitions on this. But still, if your financial situation allows, it is better to purchase a new set so that each baby has his own baptismal robes.

Question: Can baptismal garments be washed?

Answer: Any children's underwear must be washed before use, paying attention to labels with information about composition and washing. As for baptismal clothing, it cannot be washed after Baptism, but before it, it must be washed, just like regular underwear. Fabrics in factories are processed many times, there are stages of bleaching or dyeing. Therefore, it is better to wash your clothes, or, as a last resort, at least rinse them in water. And pay attention to the care instructions included in the product - they tell you everything. As a rule, our baptismal products cannot be washed in a machine, but only by hand. After the Sacrament, it is not customary to wash the baptismal shirt, because... droplets of holy myrrh may fall on it during anointing. But if a towel suddenly gets dirty, you can wash it (but preferably separately from other things).

Question: I bought a baptismal set, what should I do next and what should I take with me to church?

Answer: Christening clothes intended for a baby must be washed, following the recommendations on the attached tag, or, at a minimum, steamed well with an iron. After washing, it is important not to overdry the fabric, otherwise it will be difficult to iron it and get its original presentation. It is best to bring the baptismal set to the temple on a hanger or as unfolded as possible, so that the products do not look wrinkled in photographs. Read the article about what to take with you to church for a comfortable ceremony. In short, the things you will need are a warm and beautiful blanket, diapers, napkins, a pacifier or bottle, a baptismal set, a cross on a string, a birth certificate, and godparents baptized in Orthodoxy. In the temple you need to buy candles, an icon and make a donation for the Sacrament. Mother and godmother must wear skirts and cover their heads.

Return, exchange, incomplete equipment

Question: The size didn’t suit me / The christening was postponed, can I change or return the order?

Answer: A return or exchange is possible if standard conditions are met: the product is new with tags, has not been tried on a child, no more than two weeks have passed from the date of purchase, it is advisable to keep the receipt and fill out a return application. Exchanges and returns are possible in our office Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00 (administrator’s working hours differ from the operating hours of operators who do not make a decision on exchange/return). A courier in Moscow can come for a return or exchange, but you must pay for the delivery service. The courier does not decide on the return, therefore, in order to receive a refund for the goods, you must come to the office or provide account details for a remote refund.

Question: How can I return an item if I am not in Moscow?

Answer: First of all, you need to inform our operator about the planned return, he will provide the address for sending the return, and send an application to fill out. If your order does not contain personalized embroidery, you can return the products in full within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the parcel. If the shipment was by mail, you need to receive the order, send it back to us, and provide the tracking number. If delivery is by courier service, you can send the item back by regular mail. After receiving the parcel, we issue a refund for the product. If the product is not defective, we will compensate its cost, but delivery and return are at the buyer's expense. If there is a defect, all shipments (return and replacement) are at our expense.

Question: The order was delivered too late and is not relevant to me, what should I do?

Answer: If the order does not contain personalized embroidery, you can return the product and get money for it according to the scheme described in the previous question. We do not accept products with personalized embroidery or individually sewn back, because... We are not responsible for the performance of third-party delivery services. If delivery deadlines by a courier service are violated, we file a claim with this service and, if this service compensates us for the costs of delivery and return of an order not delivered on time, we will compensate them to you. The consideration of such a claim usually takes more than a month. Please note that the SDEK courier service does not accept claims for parcels being delayed by 1-2 days, and Russian Post does not accept claims in principle.

Question: A defect (or incorrect packaging) was detected, but the courier has already left. What to do?

Answer: In this case, please contact us. If we find a defect, we will replace the product with a similar one or return the money. When you receive your order, you sign for checking the order contents, be careful. If there is no painting and a shortage is discovered after the courier leaves, we check at our warehouse and deliver the missing goods, the second option is a refund (if they were paid for the entire set).

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