Psychological problems of children and ways to solve them. Psychological problems in children? Parents, welcome to counseling! Reasons for increased anxiety

Often a sign family troubles and problems.

In the article will be discussed about problems mental health in children, about how parents should behave with a child and when to sound the alarm.

Causes of child problems

Often psychological problems in a child (children) arise in the absence of warm, close and trusting relationship with him. Also, children become “difficult” if their parents demand too much from them: success in school, drawing, dancing, music. Or if the parents react too violently to the kid's pranks, they severely punish him. It should be noted that all families face difficulties in education.

Mistakes that parents make in parenting can later have a strong impact on a person's life. And it is not always possible to completely eliminate them.

Types of psychological problems

Often, a child's misbehavior simply corresponds to a certain age and period of development. That is why these difficulties should be treated more calmly. But if they do not go away for a long time or intensify, parents need to take action. The most common psychological problems in children (child) faced by many parents:

  • Aggression - it can manifest itself in different ways. The child may become rude, often scream, fight with peers. Parents should not ignore the too aggressive manifestation of emotions in the baby. Sometimes such behavior is a protest against the prohibitions and rules adopted in the family and society. Aggressive children are very often restless and tense. It is difficult for them to communicate with their peers, they are not able to find a compromise. You need to talk frankly with the child and explain the consequences of such behavior.
  • Attacks of anger - often manifested in very young children. They get angry over some little thing, they get hysterical, they fall to the floor. With this behavior of the child, parents need to behave calmly, ignore his behavior, and it is best to leave him alone for a while.
  • Lying and stealing - very often parents panic when they discover that the child is lying or stealing. It is difficult for them to understand why he does this, they are afraid that he will become a criminal. But behind such actions often lies a desire to attract attention. At the same time, the child is satisfied with the attention of parents both in the form of punishment and in the form of affection. In addition, sometimes lying or stealing is a test of the boundaries of what is permitted. That is, this is a kind of experiment that a child conducts in order to find out the boundaries of what is allowed.
  • Urinary or fecal incontinence. Most children begin to fully control the bowels and Bladder by about 4 years old. But if by this period the child does not ask for a potty, this is a sign of deviation. However, urinary incontinence is more common than fecal incontinence. Incontinence is associated with the inability to control one's physiological processes. First of all, you need to find out if this is due to anatomical problems or pathologies. If not, then we can talk about the psychological factor. As a rule, this is a lack of love, excessive severity of parents, a lack of understanding.
  • Hyperactivity. Most often this problem is typical for boys. Such children are characterized by inattention, they do not listen to the teacher in the classroom, they are often and easily distracted, they never complete what they started. They are impulsive and cannot sit still. This behavior of the child is reflected both in the social, mental, emotional, and mental development. The causes of this psychological problem in children are not fully understood. Hyperactivity has long been associated with bad upbringing, irritability, dysfunctional situation in the family. Some scientists attribute hyperactivity to the socio-psychological problems of children. However, as a result of research, it has been proven that this psychological problem is due to biological causes and an unfavorable environment. To correct this problem, medications, in severe cases, more in-depth treatment is carried out.
  • Eating problems are manifested in a lack of appetite. Refusal of food is a way to attract attention, sometimes it is associated with an unfavorable situation at the table, if the child is constantly educated or criticized at this moment. If he has no appetite, and he is forced to eat, then he may have an aversion to food, in the most neglected case, anorexia may develop.

The other side of the problem with nutrition is the situation when food becomes the only activity that brings pleasure. In this case, the child takes excess weight, it is difficult for him to control the process of eating food, he eats constantly and everywhere.

  • Difficulties in communication. Some children are very fond of loneliness, they have absolutely no friends. As a rule, such children are insecure. If a child long time does not contact with peers, he needs psychological help. Children with psychological problems are often prone to depression.
  • Physical ailments. There are children who constantly complain of pain, while doctors say that they are absolutely healthy. In this case, the causes of frequent ailments are psychological. In a family where someone is seriously ill, children appropriate some of the symptoms of a relative's illness. In this case, the child needs to be reassured and explained that if someone is sick, this does not mean that he will also get sick. Sometimes hypochondriac children grow up in parents who are too suspicious, they react very brightly even to the slightest pain, and their parents begin to surround them over-concern and guardianship.
  • Running away from home is a serious psychological problem that speaks of the lack of warm relationship and understanding in the family. Adults should analyze the situation and think about why the escape is happening. After the child has returned, there is no need to punish him, it is better to surround him with care and affection and talk frankly about what worries him.

Psychological problems from birth to a year

During this period of child development, the following problems are very common: anxiety, excessive excitability, strong affection to Mom.

During this time, most behavioral symptoms are related to the child's temperament. Therefore, excitability, anxiety, emotionality are considered a variant of the norm. But if parents begin to behave incorrectly, for example, ignoring crying, weaning the child from their hands, showing aggression, then the baby can develop real disorders.

Parents should be alerted if the baby does not show interest in the objects around him, if his development is slowed down, if he is not balanced, does not calm down even in his mother's arms.

How to behave with a child: touch the baby more often, hug and kiss him, satisfy his emotional needs.

Problems in children from 1 to 4 years

During this period, common psychological problems in children are greed, aggressiveness, fears, unwillingness to contact other children. Normally, all these signs are found in all children.

What should alert parents: if these signs noticeably inhibit development and social adaptation child, if the child does not respond to parents, the circle of his interests is greatly narrowed (for example, he is only interested in cartoons).

Deviations from the norm of the psychological development of children are associated with an unfavorable situation in the family and wrong upbringing. Aggression or greed may be due to the fact that little attention is paid to the child in the family. Anxiety and shyness are associated with aggressive parental behavior.

How to behave with a child: it is necessary to analyze the situation and relationships in the family, if necessary, you should visit a child psychologist.

From 4 to 7 years

The most common psychological deviations of this period of children's lives are lies, painful shyness, excessive self-confidence, disinterest in anything, attachment to cartoons (movies, computers), frequent manifestations of harmfulness and stubbornness.

This is normal - if the psychological problems of children before school age associated with the formation of personality and character.

Parents should be concerned: the separation of the child from mom and dad, too painful shyness and shyness, deliberate sabotage, aggressiveness and cruelty.

How to behave with a child: treat him with love and respect. Be attentive to his communication with peers.

Psychological problems in children (child) of school age

When baby goes to school, one problem is replaced by another. Those problems that parents did not pay attention to became stronger and worse with age. Therefore, any difficulties must be taken seriously and try to overcome them. The most common psychological problems of children at school, which should be noticed and dealt with in time:

  • Fear of school, absenteeism - most often manifested in junior schoolchildren when the child adjusts to school. Often children cannot get used to new environment, team. The reluctance to go to school can be caused by fear of some subject, teacher, peers. Sometimes the child is unable to homework and afraid of getting a bad grade. To avoid fear of school, you should prepare your child for it in advance. If the problem still arose, you need to talk to him, find out what he is afraid of. But do not be overly strict and demanding, you should establish contact with the child.
  • Peer bullying. Unfortunately, this is very actual problem modern schoolchildren. When a child is constantly humiliated, bullied, he develops depression, becomes vulnerable, withdrawn, or shows outbursts of aggression and rage. At the same time, very often parents do not know what is happening, and write off the oddities of behavior as difficulties. adolescence. If a child has such a problem, then this may be due to low self-esteem or lack of friends. You need to help him become more confident in himself, always talk with him on an equal footing, involve him in the decision. family problems, always listen to his opinion. Go to school more often, warn teachers about the problem - it needs to be solved together. If necessary, please contact child psychologist. If all else fails, you need to change schools. AT this case this is not an escape from the problem, this is the solution to it fast way. The child will have a chance to change himself and his attitude towards himself in a new team.

  • Bad attitude teachers. Sometimes they choose a student on whom they constantly recoup. It is impossible to put up with a situation where, at the expense of a child, adults solve their own psycho-emotional problems. This may lead to the development of serious psychological trauma. Most efficient way problem solving - talk to the teacher and find out the reason for such an attitude towards the child. If after the conversation nothing has changed, the teenager should be transferred to another school.

How to Prevent Psychological Problems: Parenting

To prevent problems psychological nature in children, it is necessary to talk with the child about everything that worries him, constantly offer his help and protection. The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to solve it and prevent the development of a serious complex.

You should carefully observe how the child communicates with his peers. His communication and behavior can tell a lot about the presence of a problem and its nature. For example, if a child wants to earn the favor of his peers with all his might, this indicates a lack of love, warmth and attention to him.

In addition, one should always remember that each child is individual, has his own character traits, emotional traits that should be taken into account in the process of education. You need to respect him, love him the way he is, with all the flaws and virtues.

Are punishments necessary?

It is difficult to say unequivocally that it is impossible to punish children. But punishment should not turn into beatings, a constant demonstration of dislike or anger. Punishment must be correct, fair, expedient. In addition, education and punishment must be consistent. That is, you cannot punish for something that was not paid attention to at other times.

Instead of a conclusion

Violation of the psyche is associated with a lack of attention, severe punishments, a constant feeling of fear of parents; it manifests itself at a time when the child begins to consciously perceive the entire environment. During puberty, the psychological problems of children are associated with the desire for independence, with communication with adults.

How often are these problems related to intrauterine development child?
– As a pediatric neuropsychologist, I always monitor and study the perinatal history and I can say that in 60-70% of cases, problems are associated with an unfavorable pregnancy, with complications during pregnancy and childbirth. And also with a not always successful early period of a child's development, when parents, due to their ignorance, incorrectly organize and carry out rehabilitation work with the baby.

For example, a child with intellectual problems is brought to me, and it turns out that he has immaturity in the interhemispheric interactions of the brain. The first level of interhemispheric interactions is formed in the first year of a child's life. Many parents do not know this and do not help to form this basic level, which allows them to build the correct vectors in the maturation of the brain in the future. And this is very important! And you have to do this when the parents start to face problems and come to a neuropsychologist. And if parents knew and carried out this work before themselves or with the help of specialists, then development would be more effective. Very often treated with problems of memory, speech development, sense of space, coordination. And the source of the problems is the same immaturity of interhemispheric connections. Although parents believe that they do not remember well - a problem with memory, cannot name the days of the week - problems with speech, "knocks all corners" - problems with coordination.

– What exactly needs to be done?
– For example, cross step, crawl. When you ask parents how your child crawled, they remember that he did not crawl at all, "sat, sat, got up and walked." And it turns out that such a child misses a whole stage of development, when interhemispheric interactions begin to form.

- And what about the difficult course of pregnancy?
- Quite often, after a difficult pregnancy, children are born weakened. Most often, they have a history of perinatal encephalopathy, impaired hemoliquor dynamics, and they are at risk. Often these are children with normal intelligence, but at the same time they cannot withstand intellectual stress for a long time. That is, scientifically speaking, these are children with low level mental performance. Emotionally, these children often have a tendency to affective states, a violation of emotional control, which manifests itself in frequent mood swings, "tantrums". Of course, it is very important here that parents understand the essence of the processes and act correctly!

Can the help of a psychologist help to correct this situation?
- Yes, sure. There are various psychological approaches to correcting the emotional states of the child. I work within the framework of a humanistic approach, i.e. work with a small child through his condition, "through himself." Those. we ourselves must be calm and balanced if we want to achieve this from a child. We also have to talk with parents that it is important for the child that they become that good environment that understands, helps, loves and is a buffer. Those. parents help to process these negative emotions and change their intensity and sign. Although it is very difficult! And the reasons are different. It happens that actively working parents themselves are very tired, and they themselves need support. It happens that they do not spend enough time with the child, and more often it is communication with the nanny.

It is important to early development was the right way organized. Many parents believe that early development is primarily associated with learning to read and count. This is teaching letters, syllables with access to reading. But it turns out, and pediatric neuropsychologists are very actively talking about this, that this violates natural course child development. Because at the age of 3 years, other processes should develop. And when active intellectual learning takes place, it can be said that the natural sequence of maturation of the functional systems of the brain is violated. And in the future, such children very often experience stuttering, tics of varying complexity. Of course, parents can understand and explain this situation “to do everything as soon as possible” by the requirements of society. The question is the cost of education. Quite often, older children, before school, cease to withstand these loads, get tired. A failure appears in the form of severe health problems, or problems with emotional state, in the form of protest behavior, affective states.

However, there are situations when earlier education does not harm, but is due to the very nature of the child's development. To understand this, it is advisable to see the baby and the whole family as a whole and discuss issues that are important specifically for your child and your family.

- There are problems in early period that are easily corrected by a psychologist and family?
– Yes, now parents very often come with emotional problems in a child, and the reason lies in the violation of sleep and wakefulness. Today, many parents build a child's regimen in a way that is convenient for them, but not useful for the child, which does not affect his psyche. in the best way. For effective recovery nervous system and emotional health requires a certain, properly built daily routine, taking into account the psychophysiological constitution of the child, his workload and even the season. Of course, this is discussed individually, and if parents are ready for changes, then working with a specialist can be very effective and problems with “wrong” behavior and emotional reactions are eliminated.

– Do people come to you with problems in children who were born through IVF?
- Yes, now there is a large flow of children 5-6 years old who were born as a result of these operations. According to various experts, this is milestone in the development of science, but ambiguous in terms of health and development of children. Practice shows that very often there are changes and disorders in the health of children born in this way. Changes from emotional development, neuropsychological and psychosomatic health. I have a wish, my personal one, that you need to think very seriously before going for this kind of operation. After all, that hormone therapy, which the mother receives during preparation for IVF and during pregnancy, also affects the fetus. These children are often born with dysfunctional hormonal background leading to emotional problems in the future. If the parents are ready, this can be corrected by classes with a psychologist. But it takes time and effort, first of all, the family. In my opinion, the problem of natural conception is not only medical, but also psychological. In my practice there were happy occasions natural conception after 3-5 years of "silence".

Parents also need to understand that most health problems in children are psychosomatic in nature. For the successful development of a child, the emotional comfort that he receives, first of all, in the family, from his loved ones, is very important. The reasons for the violation of emotional comfort and, as a result of the appearance of functional, psychosomatic disorders, are different, and it is necessary to understand each specific case separately. In particular, I am approached with such psychosomatic problems as VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), JVP (biliary dyskinesia), bronchial asthma in remission. Often treated with one problem, for example, an emotional one, and after a cycle of classes, the child begins to get sick less colds and learn better. Other problems that the parents did not see, but which were visible to the specialist, go away.

– With what problems of children it is necessary to turn to a neuropsychologist?
- I believe that a child with an unfavorable perinatal history, living in a metropolis, must definitely undergo neuropsychological diagnostics, and the sooner the better, that is, at about 4 years old. It is important to contact at the age of 5-6 years on the issue of school readiness, and in cases where parents feel that something is wrong with the child, and they cannot understand the reasons.

- Do you often talk about the readiness of parents, that is, one psychologist cannot solve the problem of a child?
- Of course not. There must be work together with the family, its active assistance. Personally, I stick to the position of doing homework. When we do something with a child during individual work, then we tell this to our parents, and they repeat what has been done to consolidate the effect. And it is also very important that the child sees that this is our common family. This motivates the child in a different way and gives a very nice results.

- And if the parents brought the child to a psychologist and believe that they have removed the burden of the problem from themselves, now another person will solve it?
- The result will be, but short-lived. The effect will be on the lesson itself and for some time after it. For a child, the support of parents, a sense of unity is really important. And we know that the most important motives for a child are laid in the family.

Parents need to know that if children have certain psychological problems, then their causes, first of all, must be sought in the family. Departure of the child's behavior from the norm is often a sign of family problems. For example, difficulties may arise in the absence of a close and warm relationship with the child. "Difficult" often become children from whom parents, because of their ambition, demand too much ( great success in studies, music, etc.). If the parents react incorrectly to the "abnormal" behavior of the child or severely punish him, then the result is the opposite of what is expected. Mistakes made in raising children may later have a huge impact for the whole life of a person. And it is not always possible to eliminate their consequences.

Types of psychological problems

Many parents face the following psychological problems of children. Of course, often such behavior simply corresponds to the behavior of a certain period of development. Therefore, the difficulties of such a period must be treated more calmly and more condescendingly. However, if these problems persist long time or increase over time, parents should take appropriate action.


Aggression can manifest itself in different ways. For example, a child becomes rude, often breaks into a scream or fights with peers, tortures animals, etc. Parents should not be too lenient aggressive behavior child. Of course, aggressiveness can be a kind of rebellion against the prohibitions and rules of behavior adopted in society or in the family. Aggressive children are often tense and restless. It is difficult for them to communicate, they are not able to find a compromise. It is necessary to speak frankly with them and explain the consequences of such behavior.

Bouts of anger

Anger attacks are often observed in young children. Because of some little thing, they may start to get hysterical: they suddenly start screaming, fall to the floor, get angry. In this case, it is necessary to behave very calmly: the child wants to impose his will, to force others to do what he wants. In this case, it is better to ignore such behavior and leave the baby alone for a while.

Lies and theft

Often, having convicted a child of stealing or lying, parents panic. They cannot understand why their child does this, they are afraid that a criminal will grow out of him. However, lying and stealing often hide the desire of the child to attract the attention of parents. If he lacks attention and love, then there is a chance that he will try to attract attention to himself in such a shocking way. In addition, even punishment for a child can also be a manifestation of the attention of others. Lying and stealing can test the boundaries of the adult world. It's like an experiment - every child has experienced it, wanting to find out the boundaries of what is permitted.

Are punishments necessary?

It should not be categorically stated that punishment is bad and children should not be punished. However, the punishment should not turn into beatings, constant anger, or a prolonged demonstration of dislike. Punishment must be correct, expedient and fair. The child should not be punished for offenses that are not paid attention to at other times.

Mental disorders due to lack of attention, severe punishments and a constant feeling of fear, manifest themselves most often when the child begins to consciously perceive the environment. Later (during puberty), problems are caused by the desire of children for independence and are more often associated with communication with adults.

Urinary and fecal incontinence

Most children are able to control their bladder and bowel function by about 4 years of age. However, if by this time the child does not ask for a potty, we can talk about a deviation. Urinary incontinence in children is more common than fecal incontinence. Parents should be aware that incontinence is due to the child's inability to control these physiological processes. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find out whether this is caused by organic disorders. Otherwise, it is considered psychological factor(lack of love, understanding, excessive severity). Having noticed such violations, it is necessary to show understanding.


Most often, boys suffer from hyperactivity. hyperactive child First of all, very careless. Once at school, he does not listen to lessons, is easily distracted and never completes the work he has begun. He is impulsive and cannot sit still. Such behavior of a hyperactive child greatly affects both his social and his mental development. The causes of hyperactivity are not fully understood. For a long time, hyperactivity has been associated with irritability, poor parenting, and a dysfunctional family environment. It is now known that extreme hyperactivity is due to biological factors and adverse environments (eg maternal smoking). Psychological problems in children, due to behavioral characteristics and academic failures, may occur later. AT severe case drugs are prescribed to suppress hyperactivity. However, a child suffering from this disorder needs more serious treatment.

Nutrition problems

Lack of appetite can be caused psychological reasons. Refusing food, the child tries to attract the attention of his parents. Sometimes the refusal of food is explained by the unfavorable atmosphere at the table, especially if the child is constantly brought up during the meal, morality is read. If a child has no appetite, but is forced to eat, then this may cause him to have an aversion to food.

One of the reasons overweight- a bad example of parents: the child acquires the wrong habits of the culture of eating. In this case, eating becomes the main and only occupation that brings satisfaction in life.

Difficulties in communication

Some children do not have friends, they prefer loneliness, without coming into contact with peers. As a rule, such children are not self-confident, as they constantly hear statements from their parents such as “you can’t trust anyone” or “count only on yourself.” If a child leads a life of a “hermit” for a long time, then in this case he needs psychotherapy. The fact is that even a tendency to depression can be hidden behind the unwillingness to communicate.

physical ailments

There are children who often complain of headaches, pain in the abdomen, throat, back, but at the same time, doctors say that they are absolutely healthy. In this case, the causes of ailments may be psychological. If one of the close relatives suffers serious illness, then this can greatly frighten the child, and then he will “appear” the same symptoms. In such cases, it is necessary to try to calm him down, explain that if someone is sick, this does not mean that he should also get sick.

Too suspicious parents often have children grow up as hypochondriacs: they react very violently even to the most insignificant pain, and then parents surround them with excessive care.

Running away from home is a sign of self-doubt

Running away from home is a serious psychological problem. If a child runs away from home, then this usually indicates a lack of understanding in the family. Parents should consider why instead of frank conversation an escape was made. After the child has returned, one should not punish him, but rather surround him with affection and attention.

How to solve children's problems?

First of all, children's problems must be solved in the family. Parents need to speak frankly with their children about their difficulties and offer their help. The earlier a problem is detected, the more likely its elimination. However, parents cannot always cope with the problems that have arisen on their own, so if necessary, you should contact a psychologist. In such cases, it is not uncommon for the entire family to be involved in the “help program”. Psychological help render school psychologist, private psychologist, speech therapist, etc. medical assistance can be provided by a pediatrician, family doctor and other specialists.

It's no secret to anyone that modern children different from their predecessors. Rapidly developing information Technology, great amount constantly changing information and the development of the media - all this together has a strong influence on the development of the child and the formation of his psyche. Children's problems in modern Russia are formed mainly due to rapidly developing technologies and a powerful information flow.

Psychological problems in children

The child's psyche is unstable and labile, that is, it is subject to the influence of the surrounding society and circumstances. The most common psychological problems of children in the modern world:

  • Chronic fatigue. It is noted when parents, trying to develop their child in all directions, overload him with all kinds of circles and sports sections, while not taking into account the fact that the child still has to study at school and at home. The young body and psyche are not able to cope with such a load - this must be taken into account when choosing hobby activities for your child.
  • Big choice. This problem has an indirect connection with technological progress. In the past, children used to invent games for themselves. fresh air or at home. Not every kid will be able to tell what the game "Cossacks-robbers" is. Huge selection toys and entertainment sets, attractions and computer games, all kinds of sections, clubs, cinemas and a huge number of cartoons - with reasonable use, this can have a positive effect on the formation of a personality. However modern parents provide their child with unlimited access, which leads to not the most favorable consequences. A child just won't be able to come up with himself if you deprive him of modern means entertainment.

  • Too much information flow. Again, the merit belongs to the Internet information network. Computer games with elements of cruelty, videos of dubious content, programs "for adults" - all this leads to the wrong formation of personality.
  • Lack of parental attention. Adults often like to fuse their child to grandmothers or other relatives, load the baby with all sorts of activities and circles. All this is necessary in order for parents to be able to calmly work at three jobs - after all, they earn money. Yes, you can understand parents here, but an extra pair of sneakers will not replace three hours spent in the forest with the whole family.
  • The complete opposite of the previous point - overprotection. Moms who decide to devote their whole lives to raising children are often too protective of them, trying to protect them from everything bad. As a result, children grow up infantile and unable to make their own decisions.

  • Depression. It occurs most often against the background of a strong workload of the child and is a consequence of chronic fatigue.
  • Problems in socialization. The Internet has firmly established itself in every family, and very often Small child knows how to use a computer better than an adult. Communication in in social networks become familiar and normal, however, with a personal dialogue, all eloquence dries up.

Communicating on the Internet, the child does not develop his social skills, which can lead to difficulties in adulthood.

It's still far from complete list psychological problems of children in modern society.

Signs of psychological problems in children

Signs of psychological problems in children may not be noticeable to many parents, but this does not mean that they are completely absent. What should parents prioritize?

  • Physical signs (sleep disturbance or pain);
  • Emotional symptoms (feelings of fear, depression, feelings of anxiety or sadness);
  • Atypical behavior (aggression and cruelty, inability to perform daily duties, protests);
  • Cognitive signs (memory disturbances, inattention, questioning and difficulty in abstract thinking);
  • Decreased curiosity and imagination in schoolchildren;
  • decline vigorous activity and "screen" addiction;
  • Decreased social activity and inability to make decisions independently;
  • Individualization (typical for adolescence).

Parents should pay attention to all of the above symptoms, as well as try to understand the reasons for their appearance. At present, familial, cultural, emotional and public values recede into the background. In the first place is material wealth, which in turn provokes rivalry among teenagers (for example, who has the best phone).

For proper development children need to create the right environment in the family. It is necessary to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, which will positively affect the condition of the child.

How to help a child

The current economic situation has exacerbated the situation in the family. The ever-growing material dissatisfaction, as well as the escalation of social and political tension, leads to the fact that family conflicts go beyond the cell of society, affecting teachers in schools, educators in kindergartens, work colleagues, etc. As a result, the number of children who have any signs of psychological problems that have arisen against the background of an unfavorable psycho-emotional situation in the family is increasing.
Helping a child means creating a favorable psychological climate which is possible from adults. Keep in mind that help qualified specialist necessary, but you should try to cope with the child's problems on your own.

In order to improve the "weather" in the house, you must:

  • The problems of a child in modern society can be partially solved by limiting the flow of information(minimize the time spent at the computer or TV);
  • Increase Quantity physical activity (joint classes sports, walks in the fresh air, work in the garden);
  • Participation of a teenager in various sections, circles and creative activities;
  • Favorable environment in the family (goodwill, calmness and mutual understanding);
  • The absence of conflicts occurring in front of the child;
  • Allowing the child to make their own decisions or choices.

All this together will help to establish psychological balance in the family, as well as create everything that is necessary for correct formation child psyche. To achieve best result You can seek help from a child or family psychologist.
