We steam the face and clean. Alternative, using a mask

There are many procedures that help bring skin condition closer to ideal. The most accessible and common method of its purification is steaming. They are not neglected by elite beauty salons, where the latest developments in the field of cosmetology are used, but you can easily steam your face at home, using what is always at hand - for example, hot water.

Characteristics of the procedure

The essence of steaming is that hot and humid air, acting on the skin, increases its elasticity, makes it softer, increases blood circulation, and makes the pores open. This makes it possible to remove dead cells, make-up particles, fatty plugs that were previously inaccessible. The procedure perfectly prepares the face for cleansing, that is, to remove acne, blackheads, wen, and the effectiveness of masks and creams applied after it increases several times.

Steaming skin of different types has certain nuances:

The skin must first be prepared:

  1. It is necessary to remove makeup and wash with a cleanser. If the skin is oily and prone to dermatoses, you can use a scrub. It is important that the skin is clean before the procedure, because if impurities get into open pores, inflammation may begin.
  2. Apply a rich cream to the skin of the eyelids and around the mouth for protection.
  3. Hair is removed under a special cap or bandage so that it does not fall on the face.

Further actions will depend on one or another method of steaming.

Ways to steam the skin of the face

Use of special tools

Manufacturers of cosmetics offer ready-made masks that have a steaming effect. The components of the product, when interacting with water, emit heat, under the influence of which the pores expand and are cleaned of excess fat and dirt. Completely rid the skin of comedones (black dots) such a tool is not under force, but it dries and tones the skin well. The advantage of these masks is that they can be used even by those who are contraindicated in intense thermal effects (people suffering from hypertension, bronchial asthma).

The method of cold hydrogenation is gaining more and more popularity today. Means for this procedure are indispensable on trips, as well as in cases where exposure to moist heat is contraindicated for the skin. Their action is based on the ability of the liquid from the gel components to penetrate into the surface cells of the skin, provoking their swelling and rejection of keratinized particles. The undoubted advantage of the use of such funds is that the time required for the action of the gel is limited to 5 minutes.

Means for cold hydrogenation are sold in the form of gels

Online stores sell reusable napkins for steaming. It is made from a material resembling microfiber. To carry out the procedure, it is enough to moisten it well, place it in the microwave for 20 seconds, and then apply it on the face for 5 minutes.

Carrying out the procedure at home

There are three main methods for steaming the skin at home - using steam (steam baths), using an application and using a steaming mask.

Steam steam

For this procedure, you will need water (a liter will be enough), a small wide container and a large towel that can cover your head and a bowl of water.

After steaming, you can start cleaning your face. If it was not planned, then a moisturizer is applied to dry skin, and after it is absorbed, rinse it with warm water. Oily and combination skin can be treated with a scrub, but this must be done very carefully. It is better to just wash with cool water and apply tonic. If there is none, then lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5, or apple cider vinegar (a teaspoon of the product is taken in a glass of water) is quite suitable.

After steaming, it is necessary to exclude the effect of sudden changes in temperature. Do not use too cold water for washing or go outside (which is why the procedure is recommended to be done in the evening). If you still need to leave the house, it is better to calculate the time so that at least two hours pass after steaming.

In order for steaming to also have a therapeutic effect, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to the water. When choosing a component, you need to consider which one is suitable for a particular type of skin.

Decoctions for steaming are usually prepared in advance. Vegetable raw materials are taken at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water (for sensitive skin, the volume of grass is halved), brought to a boil, infused for 30 minutes, filtered and heated again for the procedure. Herbs can be used individually or prepared as a collection by mixing several equal parts suitable for skin type.

Table: Herbs for different skin types

Photo gallery: Plants suitable for making decoctions for steaming

Nettle tones the skin and stimulates metabolic processes Coltsfoot decoction helps relieve inflammation Calendula copes well with acne Chamomile can be used for all skin types Elderberry decoction relieves irritation on sensitive skin

The use of essential oils also gives the steaming procedure a lot of useful properties.. These substances activate metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state. However, if you plan to use the oil that is used for the first time, its dosage for the first procedure should be reduced, limited to two drops. The duration of steaming is also better to reduce. This is done in order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Table: Essential oils for steaming different skin types


Another very common method of steaming the face is applications. To carry out this procedure, you will need a container of hot water (you can also replace it with a decoction of medicinal herbs or add a few drops of essential oil) and a large cotton cloth:

  1. Wet the cloth, wring it out and put it on the face, pressing it tightly to the surface of the skin.
  2. After it cools down a bit, remove and repeat the above steps 3-4 more times.
  3. After steaming with lotion, we wipe the skin and proceed to further procedures.

When steaming with a cloth, be careful: if the water is too hot, you can get burned.

Masks with the effect of steaming

A steaming mask can be made based on honey or oatmeal.

If you do not trust the products produced under industrial conditions, you can prepare a steaming mask yourself (the frequency of use of such products depends on the type of skin: for oily and combination they can be done once a week, for dry - once every 10 days). Here are some simple recipes:

  1. In equal parts, mix the yolk, honey and olive oil until smooth. The composition in a water bath should be brought to a temperature where it becomes already noticeably warm, but not burning, and applied to a cleansed face for 10 minutes. You can check the temperature of the mask by applying it to the back of your wrist. After the required time, wash off the composition with warm water.
  2. Not only to steam, but also to lighten the skin, a mask based on semolina will help. To do this, you need to cook a thick milk porridge (do not add salt, sugar and butter), and after it has cooled to a comfortable temperature, apply it on your face for 15 minutes. The composition is suitable for very sensitive skin or when the vessels on the face are dilated or located close to the surface.
  3. Another option is an oatmeal mask. Of these, thick porridge is boiled in water and table soda is added (a teaspoon of soda is taken for 3 full tablespoons). The warm mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes and fixed with polyethylene. At the end, the skin is lightly massaged and only then the mask is washed off with warm water. This procedure is suitable for oily skin types.

Video: How to properly clean your home

Contraindications and precautions

Often the question arises of how often you need to steam your face. The admissible terms have already been mentioned above, but if there is no urgent need, it is better to reduce the frequency of the procedure to once every 10 days for normal and oily skin, once every three weeks for dry skin. The drier and older the skin, the worse it reacts to such aggressive influences and the higher the risk of irritation.

Has steaming and its contraindications. These include:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • skin diseases in the acute period;
  • rosacea (spider veins).

Steaming masks should not be used in parallel with other thermal effects, as this can cause tissue overheating and even burns. Although such formulations are not contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and circulatory disorders, they should be used with caution, carefully listening to your feelings during the procedure.

Before using a new component, you need to conduct an allergy test by applying a small amount to the elbow and waiting for two hours. If no reaction occurs during this time, the composition with the ingredient can be safely used.

Skin health is one of the most important criteria for beauty. To maintain and maintain it, the face must be constantly looked after. Steaming is the basis of many cosmetic procedures, and their effectiveness and final result depend on how correctly it is done.

High-quality facial skin care involves not only the use of nourishing and moisturizing masks, creams, serums and exfoliators, but also deep cleansing, which is easiest to do with steam.

Benefits of facial steaming

Steaming rightfully occupies the top lines in the ranking of home facial treatments. Normal daily washing is aimed at superficial cleansing of the skin.

Peeling works a little deeper, which allows you to remove dead skin cells. And only steaming contributes to deep cleansing of pores, regulation of the activity of the sebaceous glands, improvement of blood flow and preparation of the skin for applying a serum or mask. This effect is explained by the reaction of the skin to exposure to hot steam: it becomes soft, the pores open and their contents are easily removed.

However, poor-quality cleaning can lead to the opposite results: rashes, inflammation, irritation on the skin of the face. Therefore, steaming should be started, having carefully read the features of the procedure and the list of contraindications to it.

Rules for the steaming procedure

Preparation for steaming includes several mandatory steps:

  1. Remove hair in a ponytail or under a scarf so that it does not interfere with the procedure. Wash your hands and cleanse your face with your regular cleanser.
  2. For 1-2 minutes, treat the skin of the face with a soft peeling or scrub, then rinse off the remnants of the product with warm water.
  3. Proceed to the actual steaming, the time of which is determined by the characteristics of the skin type. For dry, 5 minutes will be enough, for normal - 10 minutes, and for oily - a quarter of an hour.
  4. At the end of steaming, you need to wipe your face with a cleansing tonic or lotion, then rinse it with warm water and dry it with soaking movements with a soft towel or napkin.
  5. The next step can be the application of a cleansing mask, with which you will clean the pores as much as possible. If for some reason you decide not to make a mask, then you can immediately proceed to the next step.
  6. Treatment of the skin with a tonic to soothe it and close the pores. Serum or cream application.

Attention! After steaming, avoid drafts and do not expose the skin to cold for at least 2 hours.

Unfortunately, steaming is not a universal and suitable procedure for everyone. It is not recommended to expose yourself to high temperatures under the following conditions:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pustules;
  • problems with blood pressure;
  • increased facial hair.

How to steam your face

The most well-known method of steaming is steam from hot water, but this is not the only way. Along with it, you can carry out a deep cleansing of the face using warm wipes and special masks with a warming effect.

For the steam steaming procedure, you will need the following inventory:

  • a container in which you pour water
  • a mixture of dried herbs or oils
  • towel
  • tonic or lotion

It is very important to choose the right herbs that you add to the water. Properly selected mixture will help regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, refresh and soothe the skin. For dry, as well as sensitive, chamomile, calendula, rose are perfect. Owners of oily skin can use mint and lemon, and normal - lavender, jasmine, rosemary.

After filling the container with hot water (it can be a saucepan or a basin), add herbs there and wait 3-5 minutes, allowing it to brew a little. Then, having previously removed the hair, we bend over the steam and cover our head and neck with a towel.

When the steaming time, selected according to your skin type, is over, you need to remove the towel and use a cotton ball or pad dipped in tonic to wipe your face, thereby removing the contents of the pores. Then wash your face with warm water and apply a cleansing mask. A good effect will be the use of masks based on clay, which has good absorbent properties.

After 5 or 10 minutes, depending on your skin type, wash off the mask, wipe your face with a pore-shrinking tonic, and apply a cream or serum.

It is not necessary to use a bowl or saucepan to steam the skin. Now on sale you can find such a device as a facial sauna (another name is a steam bath). It is a steam-generating device with a high bowl, over which you need to hold your face. Herbal decoctions or oils can also be added to the facial sauna. In addition, it is effectively used as an inhaler, which will be useful during the cold season.

How to steam the skin of the face with warm wipes

You can also effectively steam the skin with a cotton or linen cloth soaked in a hot herbal decoction. Before laying on the face, the fabric needs to be squeezed out a little. As soon as the scarf begins to cool, repeat all over again. In total, such procedures need to be done 4-5 times. Skin care after the end of this steaming method does not differ at all from that recommended after hot steam: tonic, cleansing mask, again tonic and cream (serum).

The decoction in which the napkin is wetted should correspond to the type of skin:

  • calendula, chamomile and rose - for dry and sensitive;
  • linden, mint, sage - for oily;
  • nettle, lavender, licorice - for normal and combined.

To prepare a decoction, you need to mix suitable types of herbs in equal parts (1 tablespoon each), pour boiling water (700 ml) and keep in a water bath or in a thermos for 20-30 minutes. After straining, the decoction is ready for use.

Another way to steam your face is to use special masks that have a warming effect. They are suitable even for sensitive, capricious, irritated skin. Steaming your face with a mask not only helps open up pores and increase blood flow, as with hot steam and wipes, it also has several additional benefits:

  • there is no risk of burning the skin;
  • the ability to do various things and steam the skin at the same time;
  • skin oxygenation.

The entire session usually takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the composition of the mask and the manufacturer's recommendations. The effect is noticeable immediately after washing it off: the skin color is even, the face becomes more well-groomed.

How to apply steaming masks correctly

Despite certain advantages of warming masks over other methods, their use requires compliance with certain rules.

This steaming method cannot be used simultaneously with others, because. this is fraught with overheating and possible destruction of skin cells, and in special cases, tissues.

Warming masks are not contraindicated for people suffering from pressure or circulatory problems, but this does not mean that they are absolutely safe. They should be used with caution, carefully listening to your own feelings.

Like any other product, the steaming mask can provoke allergic reactions, therefore, before use, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate test by applying a small amount of it to the inside of the elbow. If after two hours there is no redness or itching in this place, then you can use it on your face.

Usually, steaming masks begin to produce a thermal effect when in contact with water. To strengthen it, you can sprinkle your face with water every 2-3 minutes or lay a moistened paper napkin on top of it with slits for the eyes, mouth and nose.

As with other types of steaming, you should not wash your face with cold water, only warm. The skin can be treated with a soft scrub or peeling and wiped with a tonic, and then apply a cream or serum.

The frequency of application of warming masks depends on the type of skin and usually does not exceed once a week for oily or combination / normal, and once every ten days for dry and sensitive.

You can effectively steam the skin not only with an industrial mask, for this procedure there are also homemade recipes from familiar products.

  1. Mix the yolk, olive oil and honey in equal proportions until smooth. Warm the mixture in a water bath until it becomes noticeably warm (but not hot), apply on a cleansed face for a quarter of an hour. If there is no olive oil, then you can do without it by slightly changing the amount of honey (50 g) and yolk (2 pcs.). The principle of preparation is the same - in a water bath until warm.
  2. A mask of two parts of white clay and one part of zinc ointment, diluted to the consistency of sour cream with cucumber juice, will also have a warming effect. The exposure time of the composition on the skin is 10 minutes.
  3. A semolina mask will help to steam out and also lighten the skin. It is enough just to cook a thick porridge in milk (of course, without sugar, butter and other additives), let it cool to a comfortable temperature and apply on the face for 15 minutes. This mask is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive ones.
  4. An oatmeal mask will help warm up and cleanse the pores at the same time. Of these, you also need to cook a thick porridge, but with the addition of a teaspoon of soda. Cooled to a warm state, the mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

As can be seen from the description, homemade warming masks consist of affordable products, are easy to manufacture and use. The main thing is to control their temperature and not apply too hot a mixture to the face, and wash it off if discomfort occurs. Do not forget about proper skin care after the mask: be sure to treat it with tonic and moisturize with cream. You can use a scrub if you like.

The beauty of our face is largely determined by the condition of the skin, and it, in turn, depends on cleansing and subsequent care. Steaming is exactly the procedure that will help to effectively maintain it in good condition: just choose the method that suits you, follow the instructions and enjoy the effect.

Video: deep facial cleansing at home

How to effectively steam the face before cleaning at home, as well as how to steam the skin of the face, contraindications and precautions.

Facial care is the prerogative of every woman. This includes visiting cosmetology clinics, spa centers, massage parlors. But sometimes you can do facial cleansing at home, resorting to folk remedies and procedures. Let's look at how you can steam your face before cleansing and why you need it.

Why do I need to prepare the skin before cleaning?

In order for the epithelium to be smooth and radiant, it is necessary to periodically clean it. Superficial cleaning is carried out with gel, lotion, scrub, peeling. For deeper intervention, preliminary steaming is required.

Steam cleans from the epidermis:

  • street dust;
  • sebaceous fat;
  • black dots;
  • black plugs ();
  • dead cells;
  • cosmetic residues.

Steaming with hot steam successfully copes with a pimple without causing damage to the skin, it is only necessary to apply light pressure. The procedure precedes both mechanical cleaning and peeling.

Other advantages of steaming:

  • any therapeutic agents act much more effectively if they penetrate deep into the pores;
  • steam exposure is beneficial for fatty epithelium;
  • hot steam will benefit mature skin, as it promotes the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity;
  • full inhalation of steam is an excellent prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.

The procedure saturates the dermis with oxygen, thanks to which it receives good nourishment. As a result, the skin becomes radiant and healthy.

How to steam the skin of the face

To properly steam your face before cleansing, use methods approved by experienced cosmetologists. You should choose the method that is most convenient for you.

The most effective ones are:

  1. Steam baths.
  2. Masks and other means.
  3. Warm napkins and towels.

If you want to achieve the maximum effect from steam baths, then use special compositions for steaming. It is important to know what type of skin they are suitable for.

Second way Make your own sheet mask. Cut out an oval from a clean fabric that matches the contour of your face. Then make cuts for the eyes, lips, nose. Soak a cloth in the hot mixture and then apply to the face. After cooling the mask, repeat the procedure. Then rinse your face 4 times. Throw away the used mask in the trash, as it is considered disposable.

Third way- application of warm napkins. This express method is carried out using cloth napkins (or towels) soaked in healing compounds. Supplement the liquid with 2-3 drops of essential extracts (lavender, neroli, ylang-ylang, etc.).

The course of the procedure:
  1. Prepare and slightly cool the herbal decoction.
  2. Drop a napkin into it. Then take out and squeeze well.
  3. Gently apply a napkin to a pre-cleansed face.
  4. Keep until completely cool.

You should repeat the steaming 3 times. Napkins should be made of cotton.

Preparation for the procedure

Prepare a wide container: an enamel pan, a glass bowl, a basin, etc. In the pharmacy chain you can buy a special inhaler, and in a cosmetics store you can buy a mini-sauna for your home.

The steaming procedure is carried out only with clean skin. First remove the remnants of cosmetics from the face, using a mild composition for. This moment cannot be ignored, because if the remaining blush, powder and other products clog the pore, a pimple may form.

After that, you need to protect the lips and the area around the eyes with an emollient. If, then you need to moisturize it with a thin layer of cream.

Preparing a steam bath. The best solution for a complete procedure is the use of natural antibiotics: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, yarrow. Make a decoction out of them. Cool the healing liquid to 47–53 ° C. The specified temperature is comfortable for the face, and is also effective for the procedure. The maximum result can be achieved if you add vegetable extracts to the cooled composition: eucalyptus, mint, or others.

Step-by-step steaming of the face

The first session is recommended to be carried out in a beauty parlor equipped with special equipment. This will help you become more familiar with the nuances of the procedure, as well as receive individual advice from a specialist in the care of the epidermis.

Cleaning consists of several steps. Stages of home steaming:

  1. Gather your hair in a ponytail so that the strands do not break out on your face. Tie short hair with a special bandage or scarf.
  2. Lubricate the area of ​​​​the lips and the area around the eyelids with a fat cream to protect them from hot steam.
  3. Fill a basin with boiling water. You have to wait until the steam is comfortable. The face must be approximately 20 cm from the surface of the water.
  4. Place a towel over your head to cover you completely. If you use a “home sauna”, then it is not necessary to cover yourself.
  5. Perform the procedure until the skin softens and sweats from the steam effect.

Approximate time spent above the steam: 5 to 20 minutes. The drier the epidermis of the face, the shorter the session should last. Then remove the towel, lightly dry your face with a dry cotton cloth.

Start cleaning. It is performed with a sterile instrument or clean hands. At the end of the cleansing, exposure to cold is necessary. Wipe your face with ice cubes. For freezing, instead of ordinary water, take strawberries, cucumber pulp, infusions (chamomile, mint, calendula).

After the session, you need to make a restorative mask. Opened pores will absorb nutrients. However, you should not load the epithelium with a fatty agent of a dense texture, it will only clog the pores.

You should take steaming seriously, weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Your efforts will not go unnoticed. As a result, a woman will get beautiful and radiant skin.

Attention ! Facial cleansing should be done regularly.

With sensitive or dry epithelium, steaming can not be performed more often than 1 time in 12 days.

Steaming with herbs

It is advisable to supplement the steam with decoctions of herbs, because most plants have a healing effect:

  • calendula (marigold) perfectly disinfects problematic epidermis. Dosage: 3 tbsp. l. herbs in 250 ml of water. Instead of marigolds, coltsfoot will do;
  • chamomile used for redness, swelling, irritation, as it wonderfully soothes the dermis. Dosage: 1 tbsp. spoon for 1000 ml of water;
  • St. John's wort enlarges pores and clears them of black plugs. Dosage: 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of water;
  • nettle improve the turgor of the aging epidermis. Dosage: 4 tbsp. spoons for 0.5 liters of water.

Brew the herb with boiling water in a container, then insist for several minutes.

The following recipe is suitable for those who want to whiten their face, eliminate age spots. Pour a glass of boiled water over a bunch of parsley and a few dandelion flowers. Boil the mixture for a few minutes, then leave to cool. Strain the solution and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it.

On a note! For sensitive or dry skin prone to dryness, use mint, linden, and rose petals, taken in equal amounts.

How to steam your face with baking soda

Soda solution is used mainly for mature epithelium.
Boil some potatoes in their skins and take them out of the pot. Pour 1 tbsp into the remaining water. a spoonful of soda, then add 10 drops of ether.

The baking soda will eliminate the fine lines around the eyes. Potatoes will supply the epidermis with starch, which will make up for its lack of collagen. And the essential extract will tighten sagging skin.

Precautions and contraindications

Steaming should be taken seriously. The beautician will not start facial cleansing without this procedure. First of all, it carries the risk of injury to the skin (when removing abscesses, black spots, squeezing pimples). It is necessary to clean the skin after steaming carefully, since the resulting scars heal for a long time.

For some people, it is strictly contraindicated to heat the eye area. Therefore, consult with an ophthalmologist in advance whether steaming is contraindicated for you. Contact lenses, if you wear them, should be removed before the procedure.

During pregnancy and lactation, the session should be carried out carefully. At this time, the epithelium is particularly sensitive, which can provoke undesirable consequences.

Attention! To avoid thermal burns, do not bend your face over hot steam.

Let's figure out who is contraindicated in this procedure:

  • no need to soar the epidermis, which has enlarged pores - this will only exacerbate the problem;
  • with asthma, steaming should be excluded, since it threatens to cause an attack;
  • steam can cause rupture of a blood vessel;
  • steaming is prohibited at elevated body temperature;
  • it is contraindicated in heart ailments, as well as vascular diseases;
  • steam has a drying property, so they should not get carried away with flaky epidermis;
  • if formed on the skin - the session must be stopped.

Thus, steaming is an effective way to care for the epidermis. If performed correctly, it can eliminate many cosmetic problems. However, precautions must be taken, there is a risk of harming the dermis.

Many skin problems can be avoided if sufficient attention is paid to cleanliness. Most people mistakenly believe that simply washing your face is enough for this. Some add scrubs, peels and gommages and do not see the need for a deeper cleansing of the pores. But they are clogged with whole plugs of dermal debris: cosmetic residues, particles of atmospheric dust, sebaceous deposits. As a result, cellular respiration is disturbed, the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues becomes catastrophically small - the skin fades, acne and black spots appear.

In order for the cleansing stage to be deep and of high quality, you need to know how to open the pores in order to extract all this dirt from them. There are different methods and ways to steam your face at home - you can use any of them.

Why is this needed?

Is it good to steam the skin of the face? When is it necessary to do this? Usually such a preliminary stage is carried out before a large-scale one. This procedure allows them to open up as much as possible under the influence of heat (or cold). Accordingly, the scrub, cream, mask and any other cosmetics applied after that will be able to penetrate much deeper into the epidermis in order to start the necessary processes at the cellular level.

The mechanism of action of steaming the pores on the face is quite simple, and the results can surprise in the most pleasant way:

  • hot steam cleanses the pores of sebaceous deposits, cosmetics, toxins and other skin debris;
  • it is very useful to steam the face from, because after such a procedure, their rods are either independently removed (pushed) to the surface, or very easily come out under gentle pressure with your fingers;
  • improvement of cellular respiration is a guarantee of a beautiful complexion: a natural blush appears, and dullness and yellowness disappear;
  • if you steam your face in front of the mask, its effectiveness will increase several times, since nutrients penetrate into the very depths of the epidermis;
  • various metabolic processes in cells are activated;
  • steaming has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the skin;
  • acne, comedones becomes noticeably smaller, so this procedure is recommended for all owners of problem skin, and especially for teenagers.

If you regularly steam the pores before cleansing, they can be opened to the maximum and enhance the effect of scrubs and peels, eliminating all dermal debris.

You will be surprised how well-groomed and beautiful your skin will become if you perform such procedures constantly. The main thing here is to do everything right, without violating the general recommendations.

The secret of efficiency. Under the influence of heat (hot water, steam, thermoactive components), even the most narrowed pores can open up. However, given this principle of action, you need to be careful with, for which you then have to use means with the opposite effect - narrowing.

The course of the procedure

If you need to quickly and efficiently steam out the skin of the face, you will have to follow a certain algorithm of actions. It is the same for all existing methods and techniques. If you follow it exactly, the results will exceed all expectations.

  1. Remove makeup with this.
  2. Wash with cleansing milk or gel.
  3. Pin up your hair or put it under a hat / scarf. It is important that they do not interfere with the procedure.
  4. Steam the pores in accordance with the chosen method.
  5. How much should I steam my face before cleansing? The optimal time required for complete opening of the pores is 10 minutes.
  6. After the procedure, you can not wash or dry with a towel. Allow the skin to rest for another 10 minutes so that the moisture is completely absorbed.
  7. Wipe your face with a dry cloth.
  8. Clean with a scrub / peeling / gommage.
  9. Apply .
  10. Treat the steamed skin with cream.

Many are interested in the question of how often you can steam your face. You can carry out the procedure according to this scheme 2 times a week for very problematic and contaminated skin. If her condition is not so critical, 1 time will be enough.

If something is not clear, you can always find a training video and see how a professional does it. Of course, in many respects the effectiveness of the procedure will depend on which particular method of steaming was chosen. But before moving on to a review of these techniques, a few more general useful tips from cosmetologists.

Wrong opinion. Some women try on their own to increase the thermal effect of cosmetics (masks, gel, wipes), which steam out the pores. To do this, they actively move during its action: they do gymnastics, dance, do something around the house. And they only make it worse. After all, they sweat intensely. Droplets of salty sweat fall under thermoactive cosmetics and cause severe irritation.

To avoid side effects, you need to be able to properly steam your face at home so that there are no health problems. This procedure is included in the category of quite dangerous, since there is a high risk of complications if the technique is not followed.

To avoid unwanted consequences, follow simple but important recommendations from cosmetologists.

  1. Do not steam the skin with unbearably hot water or steam: they can burn your face or provoke development.
  2. For dry epidermis, it is advisable to reduce the procedure time to 5 minutes and do it no more than once a month.
  3. Within 3-4 hours after steaming, the person should not go outside. This applies to any weather: open and cleansed pores are equally negatively affected by both ultraviolet and frost.
  4. The most optimal time to steam the pores is 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Any steaming cosmetics must first be tested on the sensitive skin of the wrist.
  6. They can not be applied to the area around the eyes and lips.
  7. If after this procedure irritation appears on the face, this method should be abandoned and consulted as soon as possible with a cosmetologist / dermatologist.

One of the most important steps is to choose the way you will steam your pores at home. After all, there are several ways, and you will only need to choose one. But first you will have to study the list of contraindications and decide for yourself whether this procedure is harmful to you at all.

Useful advice. So that cosmetics that are designed to steam out the pores do not burn the lips and skin around the eyes, apply to them.


At the moment when you steam out the pores, hot air, vapors penetrate deep into the skin and affect not only cellular processes, but also blood circulation and air ventilation in the lungs. If some internal organs malfunction, the condition may worsen. Accordingly, this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • asthma;
  • lung problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heat.

If there are any chronic diseases (even if they are not associated with contraindications), it is better to dispel all doubts and consult a specialist if you can steam your pores before cleansing. This will help avoid complications.

And now, finally, the long-awaited ways with which you can put your skin in order.

Be careful! If you have too much inflammation on your face (many pimples), the vapors can spread the infection even more.


Among the ways to steam your face for cleaning at home, there are advanced methods that are used in beauty salons (vaporizer, cold hydrogenation), and there are artisanal ones, that is, as simple as possible, using improvised means (basin, towel, herbal preparations ).

It is up to you to choose which one will be the most acceptable and effective for you.

Herbal steam bath

If you need a high-quality, well-steamed face with minimal risks to the skin, you won’t find anything better than a steam bath. And the first thing you will need to do is to choose herbs according to your skin type.

  1. From acne: aloe, immortelle, calendula, St. John's wort, lavender, coltsfoot, succession, plantain.
  2. For oily skin: butterbur, birch, aloe, oak, nettle, burdock roots, linden, mint, horsetail, plantain.
  3. For dry skin: thyme, oregano, calendula.
  4. From wrinkles: rosemary, coltsfoot, chamomile, sage.
  5. From black dots: mountain ash, nettle.
  6. From: parsley, dandelion.

The technique for performing the procedure is as simple as possible:

  1. Make a concentrated infusion or decoction from the herb.
  2. Pour a glass of herbal decoction into a liter of boiling water prepared in advance in a deep cup (a basin, a small bath or a special device - a steam sauna).
  3. Lean over the container so low that the vapors do not burn your face.
  4. Cover your head with a terry towel.
  5. As the infusion cools, in order to steam the pores to the end, bring the face closer to the surface of the healing liquid or add boiling water.

The herbal bath allows you to open the pores as much as possible in the minimum time. This is a proven method that rarely causes side effects.

Towel / napkin

A terry towel or a cotton napkin allows you to steam your face very quickly at home - literally in 5-7 minutes. Moreover, there is a universal way: moisten them in ordinary hot water, wring out slightly, cool to avoid burns and attach to the problem area.

And there are special therapeutic solutions that will not only open the pores, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. And then the towel or napkin is wetted directly into them.

The following mixtures of herbs and essential oils turned out to be the most effective recipes:

  1. For problem / oily skin: a mixture of sage, birch, St. John's wort, linden + essential oils of lemon or mint.
  2. For dry skin: infusion of linden, chamomile, dandelion, bay leaves + rose or fir esters.
  3. From wrinkles: decoction of cinnamon, licorice, nettle + essential oils of lavender or.
  4. For combination skin: a mixture of sage, calendula, mint + esters or jasmine.

Now you know how to steam your face with a towel: perhaps this is one of the easiest and fastest ways with a minimum of costs. If you want even more effect and are ready to empty your wallet for this, thermoactive cosmetics are at your service.

Thermoactive cosmetics

Thermoactive lotion-tonic from "Styx" (Austria)

A steaming facial cleansing gel gives a very noticeable effect, which rids the pores of dirt, dead cells, toxins, improves blood circulation and perfectly prepares the skin for the subsequent application of cream / scrub / mask. Thermoactive cosmetics of this kind collects good reviews:

  • gels from Anna Lotan (Israel), New Line and Cora (Russia), physiogel from Stiefel Laboratories (Ireland);
  • Detox - thermoactive tonic lotion from Styx (Austria);
  • exfoliating thermoactive mask from Nuxe (France).

In addition, beauty salons offer cold hydrogenation for facial cleansing. It does not injure or stretch the skin. Funds for such a procedure are produced by brands such as Anna Lotan, Magiray, Holy Land from Israel. Today they are sold in the public domain, so it is quite possible to do a cold steaming of the face at home.

  1. Apply a hydrating gel to your face.
  2. Rub it into the skin with light massage movements.
  3. Cover your face with a sheet mask with slits for the mouth and eyes.
  4. From above, you can make a warming compress to enhance the effect.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, everything is removed, the remains of the gel are removed with a dry cloth.

With the help of thermoactive cosmetics, it will be possible to steam the face very quickly and with high quality, as it contains special formulas - the latest developments in the beauty industry.

Steaming masks

There is a special steaming face mask that is easy to prepare at home. Its principle of action is to create a vacuum under itself so that the layers of the dermis warm up in depth. After the thermal composition is applied to the face, it must be covered from above with a special fabric mask with slits for the eyes and mouth. This will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.

Several recipes for homemade masks of this kind will allow you to thoroughly steam the pores at home.

  • Egg-honey

Beat the yolk with olive oil and honey (1 tablespoon each).

  • semolina

Boil coarse-grained semolina porridge in milk without salt to the desired density (so as not to spread), apply warm (almost hot) on the face.

  • oatmeal

Boil thick oatmeal in milk without salt, add 10 g of baking soda, apply warm (almost hot) on the face.

Now you know how to steam your face before cleansing: there are a lot of funds, you can choose any method to get rid of dermal debris.

Clean pores are essential to your skin's health, so take care of it regularly. And if there are any doubts, perhaps they will be dispelled by a block of questions and answers on this topic.

It is interesting. Preparations for cold hydrogenation (steaming) are produced in the form of a gel, produced mainly on the basis of extracts of succulent plants (these include aloe, cacti, etc.).

Questions and answers on facial steaming

If you decide to steam your face at home on your own, you will have to work out every nuance of the procedure. Answers to the most problematic questions will help you to understand everything thoroughly.

  • Can you steam your face every day?

Even with the most polluted skin, it is impossible to steam your face every day. Maximum (for oily and problematic epidermis) - 2 times a week.

  • Is it possible to steam the face with acne?

If they are single and the inflammation has not spread throughout the face, it is not only possible, but also necessary. But if the rashes cover a very large area, you first need to be treated and relieve inflammation.

  • How to steam the skin on the nose?

To steam the pores on the nose so that black dots disappear, you can use thermoset strips. And so any of the above methods is suitable for cleaning any area of ​​the face.

  • Do I need to steam my face before using a clay mask?

Before any cosmetic mask (whether it is home or industrial production), including steaming the pores, it is very useful. This enhances the effectiveness of the cosmetic product.

  • Do I need to steam my face before peeling?

Before any, it is better to steam your face properly - this is one of the main tips of cosmetologists.

You can thoroughly wash your face every day with all kinds of cosmetic products with a cleansing effect, use scrubs and peels regularly, but at the same time feel that the pores remain clogged. Because of this, a lot of skin problems arise: acne, dull color, black dots, uneven relief, etc.

But even at home, you can get rid of skin debris if you thoroughly steam the pores on your face with one of the methods described above. Then the cleaning products you use are guaranteed to fulfill their functions, penetrating to a sufficient depth and extracting from the innermost layers of the dermis the dirt that prevented it from looking clean and well-groomed.

Any girl, woman dreams of being "always young". But this is not possible, and we all know this very well. And how do you want your face to be beautiful, well-groomed, and also healthy.

Our rhythm of life, bad habits, ecology, lack of sleep make our skin look older, polluted and prone to stress. Nowadays, there are many beauty salons that help to bring the skin of the face in order and give it a healthy look. But not everyone can afford to visit beauty salons, for many reasons. The main factor is money. Facial cleansing procedures are not cheap.

Facial cleansing can also be done at home. Why do you need to steam your face? It is recommended to steam the face before medical or cleansing procedures, namely before peeling or other home masks. The steam helps to open the pores on the face, which makes the face softer. After steaming the face, it is easy to clean it of all impurities, it is much easier to remove acne or a black rash. Toxins are removed from the skin, which makes it possible to keep the face clean. Steaming has a positive effect on blood circulation. Improves skin tone and helps relieve puffiness. Slows down the aging process, allowing the skin to remain supple and healthy.

Preparatory procedures before steaming the face

  1. Wash your hands well;
  2. Wash your face with water;
  3. Wipe the face thoroughly with a cleanser - tonic, milk, foam, gel or non-greasy cream;
  4. Do a facial massage with a scrub for 2-3 minutes, along the massage lines of the face, to clean the pores;
  5. Rinse your face with warm water;
  6. For dry skin, soften the skin with lotion or cream, for combination or problematic skin, pat it dry.

A facial scrub is sold at any pharmacy or prepared at home. To clean the pores, a scrub with small particles is suitable, large particles can damage the skin of the face or injure it. At home, the scrub is easy to make from coffee, oatmeal, or based on baker's yeast.

  • Recipe number 1. 1 st. mix a spoonful of ground coffee with st. a spoonful of any base oil (jojoba, grape seed or olive) until a slurry is obtained. You can also add auxiliary ingredients such as: sea salt, sugar, sour cream, cosmetic clay. The scrub is suitable for all skin types
  • Recipe number 2. For dry and sensitive skin, an oatmeal-based scrub is suitable. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or with a blender, add milk or base oil.
  • Recipe number 3. For oily skin, a scrub based on baker's yeast is suitable. To do this, mix 15 gr. yeast, a tablespoon of sea salt and 10g. lemon juice. The first stage of preparation is to mix the yeast with lemon juice and put it in hot water for several minutes, the second stage is to add salt while stirring.

Scrubs are applied to the skin in a circular motion with a cotton pad. Washes off with warm water.

  • It is allowed to steam the face several times a month;
  • If there is inflammation or irritation on the face, consult a beautician;
  • You can not combine all methods of steaming;
  • Any mask must be tested before use;
  • Steaming procedures are kept for no more than 20 minutes on the face;
  • The applied mask is covered with a paper towel with a slit over the eyes;
  • Masks are washed off with warm room water;
  • After the procedure, irritation appeared - contact a dermatologist and refuse the procedure.

Ways to steam the skin at home

To date, there are several popular ways to steam the skin at home, these are:

  • Exposure to the skin with steam;
  • steaming masks;
  • Steaming with a warm cloth;
  • Ready-made masks and gels with the effect of steaming the dermis.

We steam the skin of the face with the help of natural remedies.

The easiest way to steam your face is with steam or warm water. For this method, you need hot water with an infusion of herbs or essential oils.

  1. Wash your face thoroughly before the procedure.
  2. Remove hair, close eyes, keep a distance of 20 cm from hot water.
  3. Exposure 10-15 minutes.
  4. After applying the procedure, do not stand in a draft and do not wash your face with cold water.

For more effective steaming of the face in a water bath, infusions of herbs or oils are added to the water. Herbs can be selected according to skin type. For face with normal skin suitable rose, lavender, rosemary. Lemon, thyme or mint is used for oily facial skin. And for dry skin recommend - chamomile, lime, rose, rosemary, geranium.

Recipes for warming homemade masks.

  • No. 1. Dissolve salt in boiling water in proportions of 1:2 (20 g of salt per 1 liter of boiling water). Dip a washcloth into the solution and place it on your face until it dries completely.
  • No. 2. Mix 2 yolks with 50g of honey. Heat the mixture on a steam bath. Exposure 15 minutes.
  • Number 3. Mix 3 g of soda from a tablespoon of oatmeal. Add water or milk, stir to a creamy puree. Withstand 20-25 minutes.
  • No. 4. Zinc ointment will help steam your face. To do this, you need to mix zinc ointment with white clay (proportions 2: 1). Add cucumber juice while stirring.

Warming or bursting masks are no less effective at home.

If there is no time and desire to mess around with steaming your face at home, you can always turn to professionals. Beauty salons offer masks with the effect of steaming the dermis. The range of such masks is large, with different herbs, suitable for all types of facial skin.

Steaming your face with a warm washcloth.

For this method, you will need a cotton napkin and hot decoctions of herbs. The napkin is soaked in a decoction with herbs, squeezed and cooled slightly (if necessary) and placed on the face. Leave for a few minutes and remove, then repeat the procedure 4 times. At the end of the procedure, apply cream to the skin of the face.

Recipes for herbal teas.

  • No. 1. Mix 5g. herbs: coltsfoot, rosemary, linden flowers, birch leaves, chamomile. For 3 cups of water - a tablespoon of mixed herbs. Boil 10 minutes.
  • No. 2. Dill, linden leaves, coltsfoot, mint mix 10 g each. Pour 500 ml of boiled water over the mixture, leave for 10 minutes in a thermos.
  • Number 3. 40 gr. herbs (cinnamon, ginger, anise and licorice, bay leaf) pour 2 tbsp. boiled water.
  • No. 4. Dry herbs of sage, St. John's wort, birch leaves, lime blossom mixed in equal proportions. 30g. dry mixture pour 4 tbsp. water, boil for 10 minutes.
  • No. 5. For dry skin, a mixture of herbs is suitable: dandelion, linden, chamomile, 2 bay leaves. Pour 3 tbsp. water, bring the broth to a boil, then cook for 10 minutes. on a small fire.
  • No. 6. For a decoction of nettles, you need: nettle, licorice and cinnamon. Mix all herbs in 2 tbsp. spoons. Pour 2 cups of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  • No. 7. Mix calendula, sage and mint. 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials pour 750 ml. boiling water. Insist half an hour.

Contraindications for steaming the skin

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Hair on the skin of the face;
  • Purulent acne;
  • Drawing of blood vessels on the face in the form of an "asterisk";
  • Hypertension.

If you have at least one of the list of contraindications, it is impossible to take steaming of the skin, so as not to get the opposite effect.

The harmful side of steaming the skin

Face masks have not only positive aspects, but can also cause harm to the skin. Also, steaming a face has its own side of harm:

  • The steam will dry out the skin.
  • With a sharp change in temperature, capillary stars may appear on the face.
  • Steaming the face should be used as a preliminary procedure before the main mask. No need to use steaming products to get rid of acne on the skin of the face.
  • The benefits of steaming will be only after following all the rules of the procedure.
