Child 6 7 months development and nutrition. Neuropsychic and emotional development of the child

Six months is the first small anniversary and an important milestone for the baby. At this age, crawl, sit, so that he has the opportunity to see the surrounding space in a new way - from a vertical position. The child’s entertainment also changes: he stares at his own, as if studying them again, begins to see and discover other qualities in them.

The main task of parents is to help their child develop and improve their skills further, because there is still so much to learn and master. An excellent assistant in this will be games with a baby.

The main task of the parents of a six-month-old child is to help the natural development of the baby, capture his attention and involve him in learning new skills.

The value of games for the development of crumbs

At the age of six months, the baby is actively developing, carefully studying everything around, and parents are obliged to help him in this. All learning must take place in the form of a game.

If mom and dad care about the well-being of their baby, they just need to regularly make time for him to play at home. What to do with the baby at this age?

Modern psychologists point out the great importance of educational games in the life of a 6-month-old baby, they help the baby improve existing skills, as well as acquire new ones.

Without such fun, the child lags behind his peers both in terms of physical development and intellectual development - he begins to speak later, stand up and walk (for more details, see the article:). Such statistics are observed today in many countries.

Build fine motor skills

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Today, children's stores have a huge assortment of educational games, but for crumbs at the age of 6 months, the simplest entertainment is suitable. For this, parents should stock up on simple toys that have been tested by more than one generation of children, as well as various household items (boxes, jars, balls, plastic cups).

Pyramid with rings

An ordinary pyramid with large rings is an indispensable toy for the development of a six-month-old baby. Of course, the child will not immediately begin to assemble and disassemble it on his own, first you need to demonstrate to him how this is done. First of all, we will teach the baby to disassemble the pyramid: we show the bottom ring and ask the child to remove it, we do it ourselves, then with the baby’s pen, and only after a series of exercises will the baby master this skill. When the child learns to manage with one ring, you should complicate the task for him and add a couple more rings to the pyramid. As the skill develops and improves, the number of rings must continue to be increased.

As soon as the baby learns to disassemble the pyramid, you can proceed to the next stage - stringing rings on the rod. This task requires the baby to be more concentrated and able to coordinate his movements - he will master such manipulations closer to 7-8 months, and maybe later.

The pyramid is a multifunctional toy, it contributes to the development of attention, logic and fine motor skills. Playing with it, the baby will get acquainted with different colors and sizes of objects.

Despite the simplicity of design, the pyramid is an indispensable thing: it teaches the baby to distinguish the shapes, colors and sizes of objects.

Box with toys

Small containers, boxes and boxes with lids will be great toys for a six-month-old baby. Curious kids will try to open them on their own, wanting to find out what is hidden inside. If the baby is not interested in the toy, you can attract his attention: shake the box, ask what is in it, offer to open it.

When the child learns to remove the lid, you need to show him how to get the toys out of the container, and then put them back. Taking items out of the box, you can tell the baby about them, perform various manipulations with them. You can collect a whole collection of jars and containers, the child will be interested in fiddling with them for the next few months.

Cup and balls

As the skills of the crumbs improve, we continue to complicate the exercises. Now you need to find a small box, balls (these can be balls, balls or other round objects) and a plastic cup. The task of the little one take the ball out of the container with a pen and throw it into the glass. For a 6-month-old baby, this is a rather difficult task, but it perfectly develops coordination of movements, an eye (because you need to get into a glass) and finger motility.

We train gross motor skills

In order to improve the large motor skills of the baby, you can entertain him in this way: lie on the floor, put on tight socks on your feet, place the baby on your feet facing you. Holding the baby by the handles, raise the legs and move them in the air in different directions (sideways, up and down, in a circle).

Such entertainment will teach a child to trust an adult - a stable psychological relationship will be established between them. Also, the baby will improve gross motor skills, coordination, and the vestibular apparatus. A young mother, during such fun, will be able to tone her abs and remove her tummy after childbirth.

This entertainment will appeal to both the baby and his mother. It will help the baby learn orientation in space, develop his ability to maintain balance.

Learn to crawl

At 6-7 months, most babies are actively learning to crawl. Many experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, point to the need to help the baby master this skill.

The traditional way to teach a baby to crawl - (we recommend reading:) put a favorite children's toy near the baby, but so that he could not reach her with a pen. What will the child do in such a situation? Of course, he will try to make every effort to get to the toy.

He won’t succeed right away, but it’s enough to work out with the baby for 10-15 minutes several times, and in the end he will crawl. First you need to help the baby - put a towel or blanket rolled up with a roller under his chest, so it will be easier for the baby to raise the body and master the skill of crawling.

Such simple fun will bear fruit very soon - the baby, trying to reach out to his favorite toy, will definitely crawl to it. But you need to spend lessons with the baby every day.

Developing tactile skills

A newborn begins to cognize the surrounding space precisely through tactile sensations, at the age of six months they need to continue to be improved. Simple entertainment with the baby will help in this, and feathers, ribbons, pieces of silk or terry cloth become the main toys.

Such fun will help to discover new sensations: you should undress the baby to the diaper and lay it on the back, objects with different textures (something smooth, fluffy, rough) should be driven along the baby’s body. Because of the new sensations, the child will experience various emotions - either freeze warily, or joyfully “gurgle” and smile (for more details, see the article:). You need to start touching from the tummy, then move to the arms and legs, when the baby calms down, you should turn him over and stroke his back.

During one lesson, you should not use more than 2-3 items, this baby will be enough. Such fun brings pleasure to all children, it gives them new sensations and emotions. You can learn about the experience of other mothers and other interesting developmental solutions in the video.

Talking to the little one

With a six-month-old baby, you need to talk as often as possible. A variety of children's songs, rhymes and nursery rhymes contribute to the formation of speech skills in the child in the future.

At the age of 6-8 months, you can perform the “Phone” exercise with the baby. To do this, you need a handset, into which an adult must speak simple syllables, but with different intonation. So, sitting next to the baby, we put the phone to our ear and say, for example, “ma-ma”, then “ma-ma?”, Then we bring the phone to the baby, let him try to repeat something.

For older children (from six months to a year), we can recommend a fun called "First Words". Its purpose is to teach the baby to imitate sounds and babble. You can lay the child on the back and bend over him a little so that he can see the face of an adult. Taking the baby by the handles, we begin to pronounce syllables and short words. During the game, on each word, we spread the handles to the sides and bring them together again, this technique will help the baby concentrate on the very process of “communication” with the parents. The kid will carefully listen to the speech of an adult, follow his lips, trying to repeat the movements.

Although the baby is still very small, parents need to actively communicate with him and use conversational elements in games - the baby will need this very soon

What else do you need to know about educational games?

All caring parents will certainly surround their baby with attention and care, devoting time to games and learning. It is also important that these activities bring real benefit and pleasure, and not be a burden to a child or an adult. It is necessary to create all the conditions for the baby to fully develop and learn new things.

  • choose the right time for entertainment and exercise: it is advisable to spend them after sleeping or feeding, if the child is tired or sick, it is better to postpone them;
  • for active pastime, morning hours are more suitable, for the evening you need to leave more calm fun;
  • do not overwork the baby with entertainment, for a six-month-old baby, 15 minutes a day is enough, with a 7-8 month old baby you can do it longer;
  • for the well-being of the baby, the room must be well ventilated before the training, otherwise the child will start to act up, whine and get tired quickly;
  • during the game, try to constantly be on the same level with the baby - for example, by placing the baby on the floor, also sit on the floor;
  • regularly praise and encourage the baby with pleasant words if he managed to cope with the task, so he will feel the support of an adult and take on a new business with even greater zeal;
  • finally, remember yourself what it is to be a child, go back to childhood for a while.

Funny educational games will not only bring pleasure to the baby, but also help him form new skills, get to know the surrounding space better. You can learn more about the methods of developing a baby at 6 months from a useful video.

It will be useful for parents of a newborn to know. To do this, you should read an informative and informative article by a children's doctor.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with what a two-month-old baby should be able to do, what basic skills and abilities.

Find out from the article of the children's doctor how it goes, what are the basic skills and abilities of the baby at this age.

Useful information that relates to what can. The pediatrician tells in detail what activities are effective at this age and when to worry about the development of the baby.

  • if the child has not yet learned roll over on the back and on the stomach, At six months, it must be able to be sure. Parents should not lose vigilance and not leave the baby alone. Especially if the baby lies on such a plane from which it is easy to fall, carried away by rolling from the back to the tummy and vice versa;

In order not to worry later about a bruise on the forehead, a broken nose or a possible concussion, always insure the child, do not lose sight of him, if necessary, put obstacles in the form of pillows or something else.

  • the child is already sitting, confidently or with support. Some babies at this age will already be able to sit up on their own from a prone position, helping themselves with their hands. Others need to be helped by gently lifting them by the handles from a supine position. And if earlier than six months, pediatricians do not recommend that the girl get involved in prolonged sitting, then 6 months is the optimal time to start sitting;

If a 6-month-old child does not sit and does not even make an attempt to do so, does not express any desire at all, you should consult a doctor.

  • 6 months old baby makes first attempts to crawl. This usually happens when he moves his body forward from a sitting position by moving his arms. But since the muscles of the legs are not yet strong enough for such exercises, he moves like a plastuna, actively helping with his hands;
  • a baby at 6 months successfully masters the skills of handling a spoon. When eating, he actively opens his mouth and removes food from a spoon. At this age, you can already learn to drink from a mug;

The best option for the first mug would be a cup. It is light, when tilted, a lot will not flow out of it, and it will be easier for the baby to regulate the volume of pouring liquid.

  • continue to develop skills in handling toys. The kid can already grab them from any position, transfer from one hand to another. Among the toys, the baby makes pets with whom it is especially pleasant to play.

Neuropsychic development and emotions

The amount of information perceived by the child and processed by his brain increases. Receive their food for the development of the senses.

Physiologically, the child is still farsighted, and it is not very handy for the baby to examine objects when approaching too close.

But the baby is already beginning to gradually distinguish colors. The first one is red. It is this color of toys and objects that attract the baby in the first place. Children of 6 months not only distinguish colors, but they can also separate them into categories “light” and “dark”.

A 6-month-old baby begins to respond to his own name. Hearing it, he turns around, looking for the source of the sound, the owner of the voice. The sound of your own name is very pleasant for the baby. In response, he perks up, smiles, moves his arms and legs.

Of course, there is no such reaction to someone else's name. The baby does not react in any way or simply looks at the speaking person, waiting for the continuation of the speech.

In communication with others, the child shows an increasing number of emotions and feelings. It is no longer just joy and sorrow. A whole range of reactions of the baby to the events surrounding him and communication with other people grows and develops.

Of course, he first copies all this, adopts from his parents. With age, all these unconsciously copied reactions will become part of the child's personality.

In dealing with unfamiliar people, the baby is cautious. In most cases, of course, he will not scream at their sight, but he will not quickly jump off his mother's hands either. A child at 6 months of age prefers to be wary of strangers.

Games become more diverse. The child likes to take toys, pull them into his mouth, try by mouth. Now he not only shakes them, listening to the sound. The kid can throw them with force, knock on the crib or the floor, offer them, stretching them out, to mom or dad. Seeing a small fragment of a hidden toy, he finds it, pulls it out and plays for a long time.

The development of a child at 6 months already allows him to actively improve his skills in handling a mug and a spoon. And although, of course, he still cannot eat on his own, he will not refuse to simply hold a spoon in his hand while eating. In the future, this will stimulate the baby to eat on his own, without the help of parents.

A child of six months pleases his parents not only with communication and emotions, but also with developing speech. This is the time for the babbling to begin. Previously emitted sounds merge into the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba". Sometimes even the words “mother”, “dad” are heard. But these are not real words yet, because they are unconscious and are obtained by combining, repeating sounds and syllables heard by the baby from loved ones.

By six months, the baby had already decently grown up and gained weight.

The body weight of a child at 6 months, compared with birth weight, doubles. You can more accurately calculate how much a child should weigh at 6 months by adding up the figure of body weight at birth and the amount of due increases for previous months. By six months, the baby is gaining an average of 4.5 kilograms.

The growth of a child at 6 months also depends on the initial parameter. Usually, in 6 months, the baby grows by 18 centimeters.

With the growth of the baby, the proportions of his body also change. The head in relation to the body becomes smaller, while the chest grows more intensively. By six months, their circumferences in most cases are equal, become equal to 42 - 44 centimeters.

More precisely, the centile table, which is on the table of every district pediatrician, will tell about the ideal body weight and height of the child.

The weight gain and growth rate of girls and boys may differ. Usually boys physically develop more intensively.


The nutrition of a child at this age includes formula or breast milk and complementary foods. Moreover, the leading role is given to milk and products that replace it.

6 months is the deadline for the introduction of complementary foods. Formula-fed babies start feeding at 4-5 months of age. For babies, the optimal age is 5-6 months.

It is not worth delaying, as well as rushing, with the start of complementary foods. Earlier, its introduction is fraught with allergies and digestive problems, later - anemia, rickets and malnutrition.

After six months, the baby needs more energy, and therefore calories. The need for minerals and vitamins increases. Complementary foods, in addition, develop the skills of chewing, swallowing, enrich the life of the baby with new tastes and smells.

From the article of the children's doctor, parents will be able to learn how to properly and how to cook mashed potatoes from a variety of vegetables.

The best time to introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet is summer. Dishes made from fresh, not defrosted foods are much tastier and more valuable for the child's body.

A 6-month-old baby will most likely not give up the breast even after the introduction of a full amount of complementary foods. And he will ask her after a hearty breakfast, and after a hearty lunch. In fact, this happens very often. Do not worry, the time will come, and the baby will completely switch to adult food.

During the day, the baby still has 2 - 3 daytime sleep and one night. The duration of the day is individual. From half an hour to several hours.

An uninterrupted night's sleep is 6 to 7 hours, then the child usually wakes up for reinforcements. Some children are already sleeping through the night. True, among infants this is a rarity.

The active phase of sucking is shifted to the last few hours of sleep.

To make the crumbs sleep stronger and longer, small rituals can be introduced into their lives. A ritual is a certain sequence of actions performed before going to bed.

For example, gymnastics, or exercises on a fitball, - bathing - massage - a bottle or chest before going to bed - a lullaby. So, having got used to the given sequence, the child will already know that after all these actions it is necessary to fall asleep.

First tooth

Perhaps not the first, but the second or even the third. For most children, six months is the most common period for the appearance of the first teeth. First, the lower units are cut.

Often this process is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, loosening of the stool and a general deterioration in mood. But as soon as the tooth appears above the level of the gums, all symptoms disappear.

At this time, you need to devote more time to processing toys and washing hands. After all, babies put everything in their mouths. Especially when it itches and hurts. And swollen gums are an excellent environment for the development of various kinds of stomatitis.

If the baby sucks on the pacifier, it's time to wean it off. The pressure exerted by the pacifier on the growing teeth can lead to improper formation of the jaw apparatus.

Instead of a pacifier, offer your baby a teether.

How to develop a child at 6 months?

The development of a child never stands still. The whole environment with its sounds, smells, tastes and objects already makes possible the development of a 6-month-old baby.

It is important for parents to know that their main contribution to the development of the child from 6 to 7 months is the creation of optimal conditions for the safe knowledge of the baby of this world and all kinds of help and encouragement.

For a child at 6 months, various toys play an important role. The simplest musical instruments will be useful - tambourines, maracas, drums, xylophones.

Of interest to a baby at 6 months are balls of different sizes and colors, toys made of materials of various textures. It will be interesting for the kid to get acquainted with the tactile and sound sensations received from these games.

For the active development of speech with a baby, you need to talk a lot. For some young parents, however, it is quite difficult to tune in to a constant flow of speech. You shouldn't worry. This skill comes to everyone over time.

The sixth month is the right moment to purchase the first book. Preference is given to publications made of thick cardboard, or made of fabric.

Gymnastics complexes, fitball exercises, massage and baby swimming will help in the development of motor skills.

Closer to the year, you can teach your baby to differentiate the main shades. However, the question is relevant even at the age of six months. That is why the baby needs to show objects of various shades to improve visual and color perception.

When should you worry?

Of course, the development of each crumb is individual. But there is a certain list of what a child should be able to do at 6 months without fail. And a baby who cannot, for example, hold his head at 6 months, deserves the close attention of doctors.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • the baby does not hold his head confidently;
  • with a slight sip on the handles, does not make attempts to sit down;
  • does not respond to emotional contact with a smile or animation;
  • does not distinguish between parents and strangers;
  • does not make attempts at pronunciation of sounds;
  • does not respond to sounds and speech;
  • not interested in toys.

Always remember that your baby is beautiful. And the time spent with him is unique.

A tiny lump at 6 months turns into a fully grown man. Although he is still small, he already hears and sees perfectly, he is used to his mother, with her warm smell, and to his father, with his gentle hands. He can already actively show emotions - excitement, sadness, joy, fear or pleasure. Are adults ready to move with the baby into the era of the rodent and crawler?

The kid stands, sits, tries to sort out the legs from the support and take the first steps. When he sees your dinner plate, he tries to examine its contents. He loves when you put him on the floor and place him around the toy. He reaches out to them, throws them, explores, makes an effort to explore the surrounding space.

Child development at 6 months (what should be able to)

Six months is a kind of anniversary, to which the baby “comes” with an average height of 64-67 cm and a weight of 6800-7200 g. Of course, the individual characteristics of children are different, deviations can be about two weeks, and this is considered normal. Some babies grow 2-2.5 cm in a month, and gain more weight - up to 7800 grams.

Besides that, baby:
- can sit with cushions or support, confidently holding his head;
- can stand on its own legs with support for some time;
- lying on his back, pulling his legs into his mouth;
- crawls, moving on the tummy;
- examines toys, shifting them in his hands;
- throws objects and watches them fall;
- tries to get up, holding on to the back of the crib;
- turns in any direction, leans;
- perfectly knows his name, distinguishes between close people and strangers;
- pronounces syllables, sounds, sings and babbles, repeats the sounds heard;
- tries to eat with his hands;
- understands what objects you are talking about, finds them;
- likes repetitive phenomena;
- Distinguishes tasty and tasteless food;
- can focus on one subject for a long time;
- takes all the toys in his hand;
- looking for an object missing from the field of view - turns.

If by the end of the sixth month a child cannot reach the toy and take it in his hand, does not respond to sounds and does not ask for hands, turning to an adult - do not hide this from the doctor. You may be referred for an examination or advised on some special developmental exercises.

Baby care at 6 months

Try to engage in hygiene procedures with your child when he is dry, not cold and lightly wrapped up. Clean his ears, nose, treat the skin, wash, wash after each diaper change. Towels should be made of soft cotton - gently blot the skin without rubbing. Wipe the folds with napkins if it is not possible to wash the baby. At six months, you will have to teach your baby to one more procedure - washing your hands before eating, as the baby is very active, picks up a lot of things, and in general - loves to eat with his hands.

Bathing, as before, is carried out every day, at any time. Too active babies should be bathed in the morning. It is advisable to set aside a special time for bathing in the daily routine, the main thing is that when bathing the baby is not hungry and has a good mood. Do not leave your child alone in the bath, even if there is very little water in the bath. Make sure that hypothermia does not occur, the water should have a temperature of 37-37.5 º C, and the room itself should be warm. Prepare everything you need in advance - a towel, soap accessories, washcloths and toys. This month, babies may already have teeth - give them a spoonful of water after eating so that they can clean their mouths of residues.

Particular attention should be paid to the care of the delicate and sensitive skin of a 6-month-old baby, otherwise diaper rash, irritation, rashes and even suppuration cannot be avoided. Maximize the time spent by the baby without diapers and sliders - for open air access. Try to use disposable diapers only when walking and at night. If minor irritations nevertheless appear, wash these places, treat them with antiseptic ointments, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

Gymnastics and massage are very useful for everyone, and especially for small children. Continue to do exercises using the complexes recommended by doctors.

Baby food at 6 months

Before breastfeeding, do not forget to clean your baby's nose so that he can breathe freely. Complementary foods are already needed at this time, introduce the baby to adult food gradually, play with him, arouse interest and draw attention to food. He can take slices of vegetables and fruits into his mouth, but the main food is porridge or vegetables or fruits, juices chopped together with broth. Solid foods can also change the amount of breast milk or formula.

An important rule is that new complementary foods should not be introduced within 7 days before vaccination to avoid allergies and strain on the intestines. Let the baby try the contents of the plate with his hands on his own, then with a spoon.

The daily routine of a child at 6 months

The daily routine for the 6th month does not change - the baby still sleeps several times a day, stays awake for 1-2 hours, and sleeps at night, almost without waking up. 5 meals a day can remain, intervals - about 4 hours. The activity of the child increases somewhat, he may not sleep even on walks, which should be mandatory procedures. The walk should be postponed at a temperature of more than 30 degrees, and less than 10 degrees of frost. Bathing - 1 time per day, about 7-10 minutes. If the child is excitable, you can add a decoction of herbs to the bath before going to bed - motherwort, valerian, mint, lemon balm. During wakefulness, try to play more with the baby.

Classes with a child at 6 months (how to develop)

As for physical development, you should not force things and push the baby so that he sits and walks ahead of time. The time will come, and he will acquire these skills on his own. Just put it on the floor more often, place the toys at a short distance - reaching out to the object will be a great incentive for the baby. Remove from this area all dangerous objects that can injure the baby, break or undesirably get into the mouth. Be sure to continue massage, exercise on balls, swimming in the water, this is necessary for the proper development of the central nervous system, strengthening the immune system. At the same time, tell him poems, nursery rhymes, occupy his attention so that the baby is interested.

Games and toys for children at 6 months

Try not to buy toys without a quality certificate, as well as those that can break in your mouth, fasten small objects on smooth ribbons. Remember that a six-month-old baby examines objects with his hands, touches, feels them, and kneads them. Let him touch hard and soft objects, sticks, pebbles, snow. Say the name of the subject. Pay attention to the development of motor skills, buy puzzle toys. At the age of six months, the main toy for the baby is cubes or all kinds of pyramids. Disassemble and assemble toys together with the baby, play with individual elements.

Moving toys are also interesting, on which you can press buttons, pull levers, watch the light bulbs light up. Singing musical instruments, drums, maracas, houses with doors - all this helps to develop hearing, eye, logic, skin sensitivity. You can also play with the hands of the baby - a little exercise, for example, “paint-paint”. You can learn to stroke a cat on toys, while saying "good, good." Let the child explore the world in all its diversity, destroying the pyramid made of cubes with it or tearing the fabric by bending objects.

Medical supervision at 6 months

The age of 6 months is the time of the control examination of the pediatrician. All sense organs are checked - hearing, vision, development of muscles, speech, richness of emotional response. The baby should roll over on the tummy from the back, change the position of the body, hold the head. Lying on his stomach, leaning on the handles, he should be able to grab objects in front of him. Speech development - cooing, babbling. The doctor will verify the child's ability to sit with support. The mental development of the baby is also assessed - whether he is interested in toys, whether he reacts to strangers. The child is examined by narrow specialists: a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a cardiologist, an orthopedist. If hemoglobin falls, blood tests are prescribed, the condition of the urinary system is checked by a urine test.

For your baby to sleep well

Some babies are very light sleepers. Some startle, frighten themselves. If the baby cannot sleep in diapers, try putting him to sleep on his stomach, noticed. That such a dream is more peaceful. Physical education, walking in the fresh air, swimming in the bathroom, hardening also strengthen sleep.

First teeth

At this time, the child already has several incisors. They may even tap on the mug. Sometimes, as the teeth grow, the temperature rises. The growth period of each tooth is very individual, you should not worry about this. The lower middle incisors appear first, then the upper front teeth. During their growth, salivation increases, there is a desire to gnaw objects, he sucks his lower lip. The temperature often rises, the appetite may deteriorate. You can alleviate the suffering of a child by giving him a special silicone ring.

Transition to adult bath

If so far bathing the baby took place in a baby bath, it's time to move to an adult. You can accustom your baby to a shared bathroom by taking procedures together. The water temperature may be the same as usual. Some parents try to teach the baby to swim, but he can only hold his breath and move a short distance, their physiological development is not yet ready for serious swimming. Do not attach too much importance to this, otherwise the baby may be afraid of water, and then this fear will accompany him for a long time.

The word "No"

In raising children, you need to be consistent. You can't ban too much, but you have to be adamant about security. So that there are fewer prohibitions - inspect the apartment and remove all dangerous items - medicines, small buttons, chemicals. Close sockets, shelves and drawers so that the baby cannot pinch his fingers. Now remember the main thing - if “it’s impossible”, then it should always be!

A six-month-old baby is very different from a baby who has just been born, both physically and emotionally. What did the little one learn by the age of 6 months, what skills does the parent enjoy every day, and how can adults stimulate the development of the baby at this age?

Physiological changes

  • The muscles of the back and shoulders by the age of 6 months have already strengthened so much that the baby can sit without outside support. Sitting, the baby maintains balance and freely controls his hands. Muscle development is also important to start crawling.
  • The child rolls freely in any direction and is very mobile, which requires increased attention from adults.
  • The vision of 6-month-old babies is fully developed and functions like an adult's. The child easily follows objects that move, as well as the views of other people.
  • Many children at this age erupt the first teeth. They appear on the lower jaw. In this regard, the secretion of saliva in a six-month-old child increases.

A baby at 6 months old can already sit on his own. If your baby is not yet sitting, do not worry and do the appropriate exercises.

Physical development

During the sixth month of life, the little one gains approximately 650 grams, and the growth of the baby becomes 2 centimeters larger. By this age, the weight of the crumbs becomes twice the indicator that was determined immediately after the birth of the baby. The chest for the sixth month increases by 1-1.5 centimeters, and the circumference of the head - by 0.5-1 centimeter.

Each child develops at his own pace, however, in order to understand whether the baby is growing normally, the boundaries of the norm were determined, as well as the average indicators of the physical development of children of a certain age. Knowing about them, parents can identify whether there are problems with the growth of the baby and whether the child needs additional consultation with a pediatrician. We presented the main indicators for 6-month-old children in the table:

What can the baby do?

A six-month-old baby has already learned to sit without support. However, many children of this age are not yet able to sit up on their own. In the kitchen, the baby can already sit in a special chair, watching how mom prepares dinner.

Another very useful skill of a six-month-old baby is crawling. Some babies actively move in a plastunsky way on their tummy, helping themselves with their feet, while others get on all fours.

Encourage your baby to crawl as this strengthens the baby's back well.

No less important skills of a 6-month-old baby:

  • The kid also begins to stand on his feet, grabbing his hands on some kind of solid support. If an adult takes the baby by both hands and pulls it a little towards him, he will see how the baby will stand on straight legs. Moreover, holding the little one by the chest, you can see how the baby begins to step over his feet.
  • The child has great control over his hands. If the baby is interested in any object, the baby will reach out with his hands to him. A child can easily pick up a toy that has fallen out of his hand. Holding an object in one hand, the little one can deftly transfer it to the other handle.
  • The child can already connect his actions and the result, for example, if you pull his hand, a toy with a bell will ring, and if you throw it out of the crib, it will fall to the floor.
  • The baby is still studying objects, trying on the “tooth”. This is an absolutely normal way to explore the world for six-month-old children, which should not be taken as a bad habit.
  • The child already knows his name perfectly and answers it with a smile and animation. The kid listens attentively to the speech of the adult. If you tell him about any familiar large object, the baby will immediately find it with his eyes.
  • The speech of a 6-month-old baby changes. The baby connects sounds into syllables, but so far they do not carry any semantic meaning. The number of spoken syllables is increasing every day. Such speech is called babbling.
  • A 6-month-old peanut treats strangers with apprehension and is very wary. At the same time, six-month-old babies are more supportive of other children. They watch them and often copy their actions. With loved ones, the baby can show tenderness, for example, cuddle up to mom.
  • Six-month-old babies can already remove food from a spoon with their lips.

How to assess the development of a baby at 6 months, see the video tips for moms of the Supermoms channel.

Don't worry if your 6-month-old baby hasn't yet learned to babble, sit unsupported, reach for an object, stand on his feet, distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people, or eat solid food - all of these skills may come a little later.

But there are skills, the absence of which in a baby should alert. These include:

  • Flips from stomach to back and back.
  • Lifting the upper body in the prone position on the tummy.
  • Ability to sit with support.
  • Turning the head to view the world around.
  • Cooing.
  • The study of toys with the help of hands (the baby knocks them, shakes, feels).
  • Studying different objects with the help of the mouth.

Since a 6-month-old baby explores toys with his mouth, keep them clean.

About what the baby should be able to do at 6 months, see the video of Larisa Sviridova.

Activities for development

  • Let the baby spend enough time on the floor. Spread various toys around the crumbs so that the baby wants to crawl towards them.
  • When the child is sitting on the floor, sit opposite and roll the ball from you to the baby and back.
  • To develop coordination, dad can roll the child on his shoulders, and mom can put the baby on her leg and shake slowly and then quickly.
  • Purchase small boxes to store your baby's toys. The baby will enthusiastically dig into them, sorting through toys.
  • Massage the crumbs daily for 2-3 minutes. Knead each finger in turn, and also lightly sip it.
  • Let your child play with molds or boxes of different sizes. The baby will also like toys in which the figures can move in a spiral, squeakers, nesting dolls.
  • Offer a third to a child holding two toys. At first, the baby will want to grab it without letting go of the available toys, but then he will realize that one of the toys will have to be put down.
  • Make several bags for the baby, in which there will be different fillers - buttons, beans, millet, smooth pebbles and others.
  • For the best development of the baby's speech, constantly communicate with the baby when he makes sounds. Answer the baby by repeating his babbling, and also voice all your actions. At the same time, say “mom” about yourself so that the baby begins to correlate this word with you (“now mom will give you a bell”). In the same way, teach the baby to connect the word "dad" with the father.
  • Show your baby books with bright pictures. At the same time, talk about what is drawn in them. It’s great if such books contain short rhymes with repeated phrases.
  • Walking with the baby in the park, show the baby leaves, trees, grass. If you take your 6-month-old baby to the store, do not miss the opportunity to show your baby fruits, vegetables, dishes and many other items, voicing their names.
  • Tie a balloon to your stroller and watch your little one pull the string.
  • The baby is still interested in such games as “cuckoo”, “patties” and “magpie-crow”.
  • Diversify baby bathing with different toys. Let boats, plastic dishes, rubber toys float next to the bathing baby.
  • Invite families with children to visit so that the baby learns to communicate with another child.

Play with your baby, it's more fun and exciting

Play with your child the games shown in the TV show "Mom's School" on the TSV channel.


The daily procedures for caring for a six-month-old baby continue to be:

  • Hygiene procedures - washing, washing, cutting nails, combing, cleaning ears and nose. Brushing your teeth is added to them, even if the first tooth has not yet appeared. It is advised to clean the oral cavity of the crumbs with a special rubber brush.
  • tempering procedures. At 6 months of age, these are air and sunbaths, walking on a wet towel, rubbing.
  • Bathing. A bath will not only help the baby relax before a night's sleep, but will also bring a lot of positive emotions.
  • Massage and gymnastics. Stroking, rubbing, passive and active exercises help the body of the little one to become stronger.

Daily regime

The presence of a daily routine is very important for the development of the child's nervous system. A baby at the age of six months needs about 15-16 hours of sleep per night. Approximately 9-10 hours the child sleeps at night, and the rest of the time is divided into 3 daytime sleep, the duration of which is up to 1.5-2 hours. Try to put the baby to bed at the same time every day, and you should not wake up a 6-month-old baby in the morning.

Walks at 6 months of age are still held twice a day, subject to weather conditions. Long festivities are possible in good weather, and if there is a strong wind outside, a downpour or the air temperature drops below -10, you should refrain from walking. During walks, the baby now not only sleeps, but also explores the world around him with interest.

Breastfeeding at six months of age varies slightly. Sucking at night shifts to the last hours before waking up. At the same time, in the first half of the day, the baby is applied to the chest less often, and in the afternoon, the attachments become more frequent.

A six-month-old child, who previously received only mother's milk, begins to introduce complementary foods, choosing vegetables for him in the form of mashed potatoes or porridge. The next type of complementary foods for a 6-month-old baby will be fruits. A new dish is offered in small portions in the morning, observing the state and reaction of the baby's body.

Breast milk remains the basis of a 6-month-old baby's diet

Formula-fed babies eat 5 times a day. The total amount of food for a 6-month-old baby is calculated by dividing the child's weight by 8. On average, a child of this age eats 1000-1100 ml of food per day. This volume is divided by the number of feedings, so the approximate portion of food for one meal of a six-month-old baby will be 200-220 ml. The food menu for artificial babies includes vegetables, cereals, fruits, butter and vegetable oil.

Calculate your feeding schedule

Six months of life is the first "anniversary" of the baby, at this time he begins to develop rapidly, showing his personal qualities. He has a character, preferences, habits, mental and physical changes occur. At this age, the diet and daily routine of the child changes significantly, the weight and height of the little man grows, he especially needs the attention of parents and communication with them.

Physical development of a child in six months

It is not only about weight and height, but also the skills of the little one. A healthy baby of 6 months masters new movements and postures, he sits well, leaning on a vertical surface. Now you can arrange him in a stroller while sitting, but you don’t need to keep him in this position for a long time - he will get tired.

At the end of 6 months, you need to introduce complementary foods. For the first six months of life, you can only feed him with breast milk, but now it's time to introduce the little man to other foods. At the same time, you should not completely stop breastfeeding - the baby will be happy to eat mother's milk for up to a year and even longer.

The little one sleeps for six months for 14-16 hours a day, while he sleeps for 10 hours at night, and during the day he sleeps 2-3 times for 2 hours. If the child sleeps 3 times during the day, then the longest sleep should be in the middle of the day, and in the morning and evening the rest can be quite short.

The weight and height of the little man continue to increase, but if you do not introduce complementary foods, then soon the baby will stop growing. The table of height and weight of a six-month-old girl and boy gives the following data:

Height and weight are relative - they are for the average baby. If it does not reach the right size, do not worry, look at adults who vary greatly from each other in height and weight. The main thing is that the child grows from week to week, so that his development is evident.

At six months, the baby can already sit on his own, but only if there is a vertical support behind him.

Psycho-emotional indicators of development and skills

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What can a six-month-old little man know, what is the norm? It was said above that he sits, leaning on a vertical surface. He actively moves, spins, rolls over from his back to his stomach and back, makes attempts to crawl. If the baby does not know how to roll over, but he is active, laughs, communicates - it does not matter, the skill will develop a little later.

List of basic skills of a six-month-old normal baby:

  1. The baby is sitting in a stroller and in a high chair. When he is awake in the crib, he tries to sit up on his own. If he can't sit still, there's nothing wrong with that. Wait a few weeks before sounding the alarm, because not all babies develop strictly according to the schedule, the norm is slightly different for everyone.
  2. When the baby is 6-7 months old, he tries to crawl. If the surface is flat and comfortable, he can crawl. Put a bright toy close to the child, stimulate his desire to crawl towards it - this is a very useful skill. Those who crawled well in early childhood do not have spinal diseases at an older age (we recommend reading:). In addition, crawling prepares the child for walking in adulthood, he develops the necessary muscles.
  3. A six-month-old baby can take objects by himself. He tries them "on the tooth", shakes, hits each other, trying to find a use for toys. At this time, an understanding of causal relationships is born, the bell shook - it rang, threw the ball out of the crib - it disappeared. The baby develops a primary understanding of the essence of things.
  4. TO the arapus laughs loudly, screams, sings in his incomprehensible language. He tries to imitate the sounds he heard from his parents. Babble is still dominated by vowels, but consonants also appear.
  5. The little man loves to play with his parents. He screams with delight when dad throws him up and catches him, he likes it when mom shakes him on his knees or on outstretched legs. He loves to be circled under the armpits. Just do all this carefully, away from furniture, so as not to harm the little one.

Watch a video about the behavior of a six-month-old baby - this will help you evaluate the development of your child.

Summary table of skills and abilities of a baby at 6 months:

Development areaWhat's happening?
Physical activityWhen pulling up by the handles, the little one sits down and rises on his legs, tries to step over, leaning on his foot. Dances - springs on a solid support. Crawling and rearranging the handles, moves around the crib (arena). Rolls over from tummy to back. He sits but quickly loses his balance.
Actions with objectsManipulates toys by transferring them from one hand to another. He learns to grasp objects: first he finds with his eyes, then purposefully raises his pen and takes it. He pulls toys into his mouth, "studying" them not only with his fingers, but also with his gums.
SkillsHe eats with a spoon, removing food with his lips. Drinks from a cup (from the hands of an adult).
VisionVisual acuity develops: the baby studies the object in detail, loves small objects.
HearingReacts to intonation, his name. He rejoices when an adult addresses him. Loves music - "sings along".
EmotionsMore and more attached to a close adult (mother), there is a real affection and love. Strangers may be perceived with anxiety. Communication with loved ones acquires a situational-business character: the baby needs an adult to involve him in business, cheer him up, and praise him. Be offended if they do not pay attention to him or take away a toy.
SpeechHe pronounces separate babbling syllables, and by the end of the month there are already about 40 sounds in his vocabulary, and the baby is babbling with might and main.
IntelligenceEverything is researched and studied. Learns to recognize: i.e. correlates new impressions about the subject with those that are already familiar to him. He already clearly answers the question "Where ..." - he finds an object with his eyes. Performs an action only in order to perform another, i.e. to achieve the desired - overcomes difficulties.

Reasons for excitement

There are some points that may be a reason to see a doctor:

  • if the baby does not try to dance when he is supported by the armpits in a standing position;
  • if he does not try to sit up while awake and does not sit leaning on pillows when his parents sit him down;
  • if during the game he does not transfer objects from one pen to another;
  • if he does not want to handle;
  • if he does not listen, does not start when some noises are made outside his field of vision;
  • if he does not recognize his parents, does not babble something in his own language, does not smile.

By contacting a doctor in these cases, you will receive recommendations for additional exercises with a child of 6 months or more. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe some kind of examination and treatment.

Feeding a six month old baby

If the baby is breastfed, then the 6th month is the best time to start complementary foods. Keep in mind that we are talking about the end of the period. Do not introduce new foods to the menu if the child is less than 6 months old. If the baby was fed with milk formula, then complementary foods should be started 2 months earlier, since he gains weight faster.

A six-month-old average baby no longer has enough mother's milk or formula to compensate for the energy costs of active movement - he needs more useful substances - proteins, fats, minerals, trace elements. Including vegetable proteins.

With the late introduction of complementary foods, the baby is more difficult to adapt to adult food, sometimes diseases associated with vitamin deficiency begin - rickets, anemia, malnutrition, lack of growth. He does not get the skill of chewing in time, his taste perception of food may be disturbed. In addition, if you introduce complementary foods later than the 7th month, you will have to add several products at the same time, and this is undesirable - you may develop an allergy to any product or disrupt the digestive tract. Talk to your pediatrician before introducing complementary foods.

The composition of complementary foods depends on the characteristics of the baby. If he is overweight or often constipated, you should start with vegetables - you can mash zucchini or cauliflower (we recommend reading:). Broccoli will also work. If the baby is thin, start with cereals, cereals from buckwheat, rice and corn are suitable for him. Puree is made from boiled vegetables with a blender. Porridges are boiled in water without salt and sugar.

Vegetable complementary foods are suitable for those babies who have gained a little more weight or suffer from constipation - the fiber contained in vegetables will improve the digestive tract

The first complementary foods should consist of 1 product: for example, mashed potatoes only from zucchini, porridge only from buckwheat. The calendar for introducing various foods into the baby's diet suggests that mixed vegetable purees and cereals from several cereals are best introduced into the menu after the seventh month. It is worth feeding in the first half of the day, so that in case of a bad reaction of the baby - vomiting, pain, diarrhea, you can cope with the situation until the evening. Start complementary foods with 1 teaspoon.


Complementary feeding is convenient to start in the summer, when there are many quality vegetables on sale. Try to make the puree smooth and thin - a blender allows you to do this. If the puree is thick, add the water from the vegetable boil to it. Porridge should not contain lumps - cereals can first be ground to a state of flour.

The nutrition of a child of the 6th month of life looks like this: first you give ½ or 1 teaspoon of complementary foods, then you supplement the baby with milk. For 10 days, bring the amount of complementary foods to 180 grams and completely replace 1 feeding with complementary foods. Give a new product only when the baby is used to the previous one.

Check if the child is allergic to any product. If a rash or red spots develop, discard the last product added. Check if the baby's stool is normal.

The baby eats five to six times a day. Power mode looks like this:

  • 1 feeding - give breast milk early in the morning;
  • 2 feeding - in the late morning they give a little fruit puree, then mother's milk;
  • 3 feeding - during the day they give vegetable puree or porridge;
  • 4 feeding - fruit puree is given in the early evening, then breast milk;
  • 5th and 6th feeding - at night and at night they give only breast milk.

Feeding times may vary from baby to baby, depending on the baby's preference. At night, the child can not be fed if he sleeps and does not require food, you just need to observe the interval between feedings - at least 3.5 hours.

A well-known pediatrician draws attention to the fact that some difficulties in the life of a 6-7 month old baby are the norm. The little man starts teething, so he can worry and sleep badly. Dr. Komarovsky advises to walk longer with the baby, bathe him in cool water, feed him more heartily at night so that he falls asleep. Before going to bed, you can give the baby a relaxing massage. The main thing - do not worry, and remember that all difficulties are temporary. Teeth climb in turns and periods of anxiety do not last long. Your baby's weight may decrease slightly at this time - take everything calmly, then your baby will be calm.
