Homemade facial scrub recipe for dry, oily, combination skin (reviews). Scrub for dry skin is a great helper in the fight against imperfections

How to make a facial scrub at home? This question worries every woman, because beauty is made up of many factors, the most important of which is skin health. To maintain her youth and freshness for a long time, women all over the world use both salon and home procedures and products. One of the most popular methods is the use of scrubs. Let's figure out what scrubs are, how they work and who they are suitable for. We will also learn how to make a facial scrub for blackheads and pimples at home for different skin types.

What is a scrub and how does it work on the skin?

Let's start with a definition. Scrubs are cosmetic creams that contain a certain proportion of solid particles. This could be salt or sugar, coconut flakes, oat bran, crushed seeds or nut shells, and even purified sand or other mineral grains or synthetic inclusions.

Everyone knows that the process of tissue regeneration, including skin, occurs continuously. As a result, dead particles accumulate on the surface of the skin and must be removed. If this is not done, dead skin cells prevent the absorption of beneficial substances, the skin stops “breathing,” and creams or lotions that you apply to unclean skin will, at best, not work, or even cause harm, further clogging the pores, and They can even cause acne.

Gradually, the skin becomes covered with a layer of dead particles and acquires a dull, gray tint. Of course, in this case we are not talking about beauty; the skin looks tired and old.

Of course, we all wash our faces and use special gels and foams to dissolve sebum and dirt. However, this is not always enough and a deeper cleaning should be carried out from time to time. That's what scrubs are for. In addition to the main action - cleansing - scrubs increase blood circulation, because during their application we give the skin a light massage. As a result, metabolic processes in the skin are restored, oxygen is better absorbed, which means the skin becomes smoother and softer.

For dry and sensitive skin, you should use the mildest formulations; for oily skin that is not prone to redness, scrubs with larger particles are suitable.

How to make a facial scrub at home

Making a scrub at home is very simple. To do this, you need to combine a softening base and abrasive components.

Depending on your skin type, you can vary the composition of the product. This is the first advantage of homemade scrubs.

The second important advantage is cost savings. Agree, it’s easy to mix a little coconut flakes and vegetable oil, and the price of such a composition is much lower than a ready-made natural scrub.

The third argument in favor of homemade scrubs is the ability to independently control the composition of the product and the quality of all its components. This is especially important for allergy sufferers, whose skin can react unpredictably to unknown ingredients in store-bought cosmetics.

Before using the scrub, the skin should be cleaned, at least washed, and possibly steamed. Apply the composition to damp skin, massage lightly for two to three minutes and rinse with water at a comfortable temperature. After this, apply a tonic (tonic, rose water) and cream according to your skin type.

A video on how to make a face scrub at home can tell you not only the original recipes and ingredients, but also the specifics of combining certain products for the best result. In addition, in the video you can see in detail how to properly massage your facial skin, moving along the massage lines.

The best facial scrub recipes

Most often, food-based scrubs are prepared at home. Firstly, it’s simple, because you almost always have cream or honey at home. Secondly, it is safe: if we calmly eat these products, then it is clear that applying them to the skin will also not cause harm.

The bases for a home remedy can be: cream or soft cottage cheese, fruit puree, sour cream or natural mayonnaise, cosmetic clay, honey, vegetable oils, pressed yeast.

Suitable scrubbing particles include: coffee, salt, sugar, coconut flakes, berries with small seeds, soda, crushed egg shells.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

The first thing anyone with dry skin needs to remember is not to scrub too hard or too often. Once every 2-3 weeks will be enough.

The second rule is to use the fattest and most nutritious compositions for the base.

Oatmeal scrub with sugar and oil

Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder with 1 tsp. sugar and pour 1 tablespoon of warm butter (any kind) into the mixture. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Milk oat scrub

The easiest option for dry skin. For it you just need to mix ground oatmeal with warm milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to skin and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Nourishing scrub with almond oil

Mix oat flour (3 tsp), 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. almond butter and 2 tbsp cranberry juice. If desired, you can also add 1-2 drops of orange essential oil. Leave the resulting mixture for 3-5 minutes to swell, and then use as usual.

Toning raspberry scrub

Mix 2 tablespoons of raspberries and one drop each of ylang-ylang and mint oils.

Soothing herbal scrub

2 tbsp. Mix oatmeal (can be crushed) with ground dry chamomile and lavender and a couple of drops of lavender oil. The mixture should be diluted with warm water to the consistency of a soft paste.

Scrub for blackheads

A mixture of egg white and sea salt will help get rid of blackheads and oily skin. This mixture is not suitable for dry skin - it will cause peeling and possibly irritation.

Yogurt scrub with coffee

This composition helps get rid of excess fat and normalize skin balance. To prepare it, you need to mix ground coffee with natural yogurt without additives to the consistency of a thick paste. If you are lactose intolerant, you can replace the yogurt in the composition with lotion or milk for washing.

Scrubs for combination and oily skin

Normal to oily skin will do well with a deep cleanse once every week or two. Of course, everything here is individual, and you must monitor your condition in order to adjust the frequency and intensity of procedures in time.

Yeast scrub with lemon

Mix 15 g of yeast and 1 tsp. lemon juice, place the container with the mixture in hot water for 1-2 minutes. Add 1 tsp there. fine salt and mix everything well.

Oatmeal rice scrub

2 tsp mix oatmeal with 2 tsp. ground rice and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Bring the resulting mixture until smooth and can be applied to the skin.

Orange scrub

Grind 1 tbsp thoroughly. dried orange zest, add 1 tsp. ground almonds and dilute with a little warm water.

Honey-salt scrub

Add 1 tsp to the mixture. sea ​​salt and 1 tsp. add 1 tbsp lemon juice. l. liquid honey and mix well. If you are prone to allergies, you should first test your tolerance to honey.

Contraindications to the use of scrubs

Overuse of scrubbing products can thin the skin, making it sensitive and too dry. Also, too frequent and active cleansing of the skin threatens to disrupt the water-salt and lipid balance, which weakens the surface immunity and can cause a lot of trouble.

Some people are not allowed to use scrubs at all. First of all, this applies to those who suffer from rosacea, vitiligo, psoriasis, seborrhea of ​​the facial skin, severe acne, rosacea, fungal or other infectious diseases.

By the way, it is worth remembering that if after using the scrub the skin remains red for more than 3 minutes (and even more so if there is a burning or itching sensation), you should no longer use this composition.

The advantages of homemade scrubs are undeniable - they are easy and quick to make, you can choose inexpensive ingredients, in addition, you always know what is included in the composition and can change the recipe at your discretion.

Self-care is the alpha and omega of any woman’s lifestyle, the most unshakable rule that she always adheres to. It is simply impossible to preserve youth and beauty for a long time if you give up on yourself. First of all, of course, you should take care of your own skin. She is exposed to the negative influence of natural factors (sun, wind), is sensitive to frequent stress, and we cannot reset age-related changes that make themselves felt. Any of us understands perfectly well: it is better to prevent a problem than to solve it. That's why we shouldn't forget about preventive measures. For example, our skin needs constant cleaning. Special lotions and foams are sometimes not enough. And this is where scrubs come to the rescue. They work wonders if you do not neglect this remedy. Have you decided to make a facial scrub at home? It is better to borrow the recipe from friends or good acquaintances. In addition, there are many popular recommendations telling you how to make this. By listening to them, you will definitely find your own recipe for a face scrub at home, which will become your favorite.

Cosmetic educational program

The word “scrub” itself came into Russian from the English vocabulary. There it sounds like scrub. And it is translated in the meaning of “scrape”, “clean”. As you can see, a very telling name. A scrub is quite popular in recent decades. It consists of a base and abrasive (exfoliating) particles. These 2 components fulfill their assigned tasks with honor. Abrasives remove dead cells, excess sebum, dirt and makeup residue. The base softens and soothes the skin, protects it from inflammation. To do this, special medicinal ingredients (for example, herbal extracts) are often added to it.

A few words about the exfoliant

This foreign word in the cosmetics industry refers to those very abrasive particles that can cleanse our skin. In order for a homemade product to be beneficial, it is not enough to know the recipe for a facial scrub at home. You still need to master a variety of feminine tricks, which ladies willingly share in their reviews.

So, the most often used as an exfoliant are:

However, this is not a complete list of exfoliants. You have the right to prepare any facial scrub at home. The recipe may contain a variety of abrasives. You can use the grounds left over from drinking coffee, ground fruit seeds, eggshells, oatmeal, bran, dry tea and many other ingredients. So, bran will be a salvation for oily skin, and coffee and oatmeal - for dry skin.

What to take as a basis?

Interesting question. In industry, the basis of any scrub is oil. So, olive oil will help dry skin, almond oil reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, coconut oil prevents aging, avocado oil perfectly moisturizes the skin.

However, take any homemade face scrub recipe. The functions of the base can also be performed by other products: kefir, eggs, sour cream, whey, honey. Sour cream has a whitening effect, and honey and eggs nourish the skin, saturating it with essential elements.

How can supplements help us?

In principle, these two components are enough to prepare an effective remedy. But knowledgeable people who leave reviews advise adding vegetables or fruits to them. With them, the effectiveness of using a homemade product increases several times, because they have a variety of beneficial properties.

Judge for yourself:

  • Strawberries can perfectly lighten the skin.
  • Kiwi can be improved
  • Cucumber will remove unnecessary puffiness and swelling under the eyes.
  • The tomato will protect you from ultraviolet radiation thanks to the lycopene it contains.

It would seem that these are ordinary products that are frequent guests on our table, but how much benefit do they have?

Have you found the long-awaited recipe and decided to make a face scrub at home? Then start preparing and using the product as soon as possible, but do not brush aside the reviews of friends and acquaintances, as well as the recommendations of specialists. What should you pay attention to?

Preparation of scrubs

Acting as the creator of a miracle remedy, do not forget about simple rules.

  • Use plastic or glass containers with an airtight lid for cooking. This way you will increase the product.
  • The amount of exfoliant should be 2 times the base. Otherwise, the product will not have any effect.
  • Such homemade cosmetics can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Homemade face scrub: recipes for dry skin

Have you decided to please yourself and prepare your own cosmetic masterpiece? A facial scrub at home for dry skin is in no way inferior to salon products, which are incredibly expensive. All you need is:

Homemade face scrub: recipes for oily skin

Oily skin can cause a lot of inconvenience to its owners. However, using homemade scrubs can solve this problem.

  1. Mix sea salt (a teaspoon) with the same amount of blue clay and low-fat kefir.
  2. Mash ripe berries (you can take strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries) to a pulp. Mix 1 tablespoon of mass with a teaspoon of clay. The scrub is ready. It is advisable to leave it on your face for a while (10 minutes), and then simply rinse with water.

Recipes for combination skin

The mixed type forces women to buy 2 types of cosmetics at once, so that some areas do not dry out and others do not become even more moisturized.

Try making a homemade face scrub for combination skin and you will make your life a lot easier.

  1. Strawberry pulp should be mixed with honey (half a tablespoon) and a similar amount of almond oil should be added. Massage the skin (two minutes will be enough), leave the mixture for a while longer (five minutes), and then safely rinse.
  2. You can mix ground rolled oats (1 tablespoon) with honey and yolk (1 teaspoon each). Add a dessert spoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the skin, massage and then cleanse your face.

Do normal skin need a scrub?

Even if you don’t have any particular problems, you shouldn’t neglect scrubs. After all, you need to cleanse your face anyway.

  1. There is one wonderful recipe for a facial scrub at home using eggs. In addition to exfoliating dead cells, it also copes with another problem - removing unsightly blackheads. It's very easy to make. It is enough to mix honey, eggs and salt in equal proportions. Massage your face using this mixture for three minutes and then wash off with water without soap.
  2. An orange scrub is also suitable for normal skin. Mix chopped orange zest (1 tablespoon) with ground almonds (1 teaspoon). Dilute the dry mixture with warm water. Massage your face for three minutes.

Attention! Sensitive skin

You need to be very careful with this type. Abrasive particles can cause irritation and inflammation. It is better to use potato starch. It should be lightly moistened with warm water and wrapped in gauze. After this, you can begin to wipe your face with the resulting healing swab.

Experts recommend using scrubs with synthetic abrasives for sensitive skin. This is explained by the fact that such exfoliants cannot injure the skin.

As you can see, it is not difficult to prepare a facial scrub at home. The recipes (reviews confirm their effectiveness) are very simple, and as a result you will get rid of oily shine or flaking, open access to oxygen, and remove dead cells.

The article will provide the best recipes for body scrubs that you can make yourself.

Human skin is an amazing product of evolution. And although it does not protect a person as much as thick elephant skin, for example, it still has a number of amazing properties:

  • Human skin breathes. Many metabolic processes occur through it, without which life is impossible.
  • The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, its cells regenerate the fastest
  • The life of an epidermal cell ranges from 4 to 6 weeks. The younger the person, the faster the regeneration
  • The skin has the most important protective and regulating properties; it is one of the organs of interaction with the outside world

As already noted, the older a person is, the worse his cells are restored. This is why older people cannot boast of delicate skin. But we ourselves are able to help our skin recover faster. There is a simple way to do this - scrubbing the skin.

How to use a body scrub?

  • The skin needs natural protection, which is produced by the subcutaneous glands. Scrubbing destroys this protection
  • People with oily skin types can use a body scrub once a week, with dry skin types - once every 2 weeks.
  • If the scrub contains oils, then after applying it you need to keep the product on the skin for up to 5 minutes.
  • The scrub should be applied to damp, steamed skin. Then its effect will be maximum
  • After scrubbing the skin, it should be lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Is it possible to make a body scrub at home?

  • A scrub at home can not only be prepared, but is even necessary. This scrub will have many benefits.
  • You will be confident in its composition that there are no preservatives, dyes or harmful chemicals. This is especially important for people with allergies or sensitive skin
  • The price of a homemade scrub will be significantly lower than a purchased one.
  • In a homemade scrub, you can adjust the size of the scrubbing particles at your own discretion. After all, some people like, for example, small scrubs
  • You can literally make a scrub at home using available ingredients.
  • Some homemade scrubs need to be prepared immediately before use.
  • Any homemade scrub should consist of a softening base and particles that will exfoliate dead skin cells. If desired, you can add additional substances to improve your homemade cosmetic product.

Anti-cellulite body scrub at home, recipe

  • The anti-cellulite scrub works on several levels: microparticles stimulate blood circulation in the skin, and nutrients smooth it out
  • Anti-cellulite scrub can be prepared according to several recipes
  • Recipe 1. Coffee-based scrub. Take the cake from the brewed coffee, add a spoonful of olive oil and a couple of drops of orange essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin with massage movements, paying special attention to areas with cellulite.
  • Coffee has long been famous for its ability to accelerate blood circulation, and orange oil is the best remedy in the fight against cellulite. The complex of these products is a powerful remedy for “orange peel”
  • Recipe 2. Mix a spoonful of sea salt with a spoonful of base oil (for example, almond oil), add 2 drops of rosemary oil and 1 drop of orange oil
  • Sea salt removes excess fluid, and rosemary oil improves blood circulation. If the salt is too coarse, grind it in a coffee grinder
  • Any of the anti-cellulite scrubs should be actively rubbed into problem areas and then left for 5-10 minutes.
  • After scrubbing, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizing lotion with a drop of orange essential oil

Coconut body scrub at home

  • Coconut body scrub - a real heavenly delight for the skin
  • The particles that cleanse the skin will be coconut shavings. It's not too harsh, so exfoliation will be gentle.
  • This scrub is suitable for people with sensitive skin
  • Coconut flakes for scrub should be without dyes
  • Recipe. The chips, if necessary, are additionally ground in a coffee grinder. Then mix it with a few tablespoons of almond butter and a spoon of white sugar. If desired, you can add a drop of peppermint essential oil for aroma.
  • Depending on how much sugar is added, how hard the scrub will be. Adjust its amount based on your skin type

Homemade honey body scrub

  • Honey is an indispensable cosmetic product. It not only supplies the skin with beneficial substances, but also helps cleanse the skin of acne and red spots.
  • Honey scrub with coffee will become your favorite skin care product. By adjusting the amount of coffee, the scrub can be made rougher or softer
  • We will need: 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a spoon of ground coffee. All ingredients need to be mixed and slightly heated in a water bath.
  • All skin needs to be scrubbed. But pay special attention to your elbows and knees - that’s where the skin gets rough the fastest

Sugar body scrub at home

  • Sugar is a universal exfoliant. You can use both white and brown sugar
  • For a sugar scrub you need: 4 tablespoons of fat sour cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix the product thoroughly before use.
  • Sour cream or cream is rich in animal fats, which nourish and moisturize the skin.
  • Only natural sour cream can be used, without impurities or additives. It is best to take sour cream with 25% fat content

Salt body scrub at home

  • It is best to use sea salt to exfoliate your skin. If it is too coarse, grind it in a coffee grinder
  • Salt should have colorings and flavors
  • The best base for a salt scrub is oil. Therefore, add 2 tablespoons of salt to 3 tablespoons of oil (olive or almond)
  • To make the scrubbing procedure enjoyable, add a couple of drops of essential oils. For example, 1 drop of bergamot oil and 1 drop of clove oil. Mix the belongings thoroughly before use.

Homemade chocolate body scrub

  • Chocolate is not only a tasty treat. It is also a powerful antioxidant and remedy for dry and aging skin.
  • Chocolate can be used not only for scrubbing, but also as a wrap. To do this, after the scrubbing procedure, wrap the problem areas with cling film and hold the product for 30 minutes.
  • It is best to use dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa products for cosmetic procedures.
  • Chocolate scrub can be stored in a jar in the refrigerator for quite a long time.
  • We will need: 3 tablespoons of white sugar, a finely grated dark chocolate bar, 3 tablespoons of almond oil, 2 drops of orange essential oil and 2 drops of cinnamon oil. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly

Firming body scrub at home

  • A tightening effect for the skin is created by some essential and cosmetic oils that must be included in the composition. Honey and coffee also have a tightening effect.
  • Let's create a fragrant scrub based on soap. The scrub will be gentle and can be used more often than a regular scrub.
  • We need: 3 spoons of very fine coffee, 4 spoons of shower gel with a neutral scent, 2 drops of clove oil and 2 drops of cinnamon mala
  • This scrub foams like a regular shower gel. This makes it very convenient to apply.

Moisturizing body scrub at home

  • For people with very dry skin, scrubs should be used no more than once every 2 weeks.
  • The best base for a moisturizing scrub is full-fat sour cream or cream.
  • Prepare the scrub: mix white sugar with sour cream, add a little liquid vitamin E and 3 drops of orange essential oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly
  • Scrubs based on sour cream should not be prepared in reserve. It must be used as soon as it is prepared.
  • Be sure to moisturize your skin with lotion after scrubbing.

  • Remember that the scrubbing procedure is not only beneficial for the body, but also a source of pleasant sensations
  • Choose essential oils that you like. Any recipe can be modified at your discretion
  • Don't overdo it with scrubs. Frequent use will lead to deterioration of the skin condition
  • After the scrubbing procedure, the skin responds better to massage and wrapping.

Video: Preparing a body scrub at home

The skin on the face is the most vulnerable place.
We cannot hide it from the cold and wind in winter and from the sun's rays in summer.

She suffers, and the process of death of the cells of the upper layer - the epidermis - occurs faster than anywhere else.

Remaining on the skin, they prevent air and water from penetrating healthy cells. And also all the beneficial substances that are found in the creams and masks that we use.

The easiest way to remove dead cells is a scrub. It consists of a soft base and absorbent particles.

While massaging the skin, they catch old cells and remove them. After this procedure, the complexion is evened out, the skin becomes softer and softer.

Finding a scrub for dry skin is not easy. The thing is that it is thinner than oily and normal. Therefore, it is easier to damage.

But at the same time, carry out the procedure more often: not once a week, as recommended for other skin types, but twice.

Preparing scrubs at home for dry skin

You can go to the store for a good scrub. Or you can save time and money and make it at home.

It is not at all difficult to prepare such a remedy. You probably have everything you need at home, in the refrigerator or in the kitchen cabinet.

The benefits from “your” scrubs will be no less. Properly prepared product. will easily remove all dead particles from the skin, and the vitamins, minerals and microelements of the natural products that we are going to use will nourish and enrich it.

In addition, you can prepare a homemade scrub “for yourself”, focusing on your problems and selecting the most suitable ingredients.

You can even learn to regulate the size of the exfoliating particles so that during the procedure, your skin feels as comfortable as possible.

Oatmeal recipe

Oatmeal for external use is no less useful than for internal use. In terms of the content of vitamins and microelements, this is a real champion.

During peeling they will penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. and will satisfy her with everything she needs.

For dry skin, oatmeal scrubs are the best option.

The flakes produce a very soft, abrasive material that acts gently, removing dead cells without causing any harm to healthy ones.

In order to prepare the scrub, you need to grind the oatmeal.

Based on your skin type:

  • if it is very thin and prone to irritation, the exfoliating particles should be made as small as possible.


  • 1 tablespoon of cereal;
  • 2 tablespoons carrot juice.
  1. Pour the carrot juice over the flakes and let them sit for 10 minutes until they are properly puffed up.
  2. The resulting pulp can be used as a scrub.

Carrots will saturate the skin with additional vitamins and help make the complexion more even.


You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of cereal;
  • 12 tablespoons of milk powder;
  • 1 tablespoon high fat milk.

Mix the cereal with the milk powder, then pour the slightly warmed milk over it.

Let the mixture sit for a while. 10 minutes will be enough.

Then use it as a scrub. Milk will make your skin softer and more tender.


  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin puree;
  • 1 teaspoon of flakes;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).
  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes.
  3. Use as a scrub.

Pumpkin will saturate the skin with vitamins, and the oil will saturate it with fats, soften it and make it more tender.

"Sour Cream"

Mix oatmeal with sour cream and use the resulting mixture as a scrub.

Our great-grandmothers used sour cream to care for the meat. It allowed them to keep their skin tender, soft and young.


  • 5-6 large grapes;
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal.
  1. Remove seeds from grapes.
  2. Remove the skin and mash thoroughly with a fork.
  3. Pour the resulting slurry with water at room temperature, close the lid and leave for a few minutes.
  4. Then use the mixture as a scrub.

Grapes perfectly tones the skin and makes it more elastic.


  1. To get a puree, just grate the cucumber on a fine grater, after peeling it.
  2. Mix it with oatmeal, being careful not to lose any of the resulting juice.
  3. Mix thoroughly and leave for a few minutes.
  4. When the juice is completely absorbed into the oatmeal, the scrub can be used.

Cucumber has a slight whitening effect, it will help even out your complexion, get rid of minor age spots and freckles.

Coffee scrub

Coffee is the most effective exfoliant.

Thanks to the special substances that are included in this invigorating drink, it not only cleanses the skin, but also tones it. Caffeine contributes to this.

It also makes the skin less susceptible to aggressive external environments, increasing its resistance.

So, frost and sun, with regular use of such a product, will cause much less harm to it.

And antioxidants, which are also present in coffee beans, can smooth out fine wrinkles.

This is especially important for dry skin, because it is more prone to their appearance than others.

At the same time, polyphenols will force the production of natural collagen, which will prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Finely ground coffee or coffee grounds can be used as an absorbent.

The first contains more useful substances. But the second one acts more gently and will not harm even the most delicate and sensitive skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of coffee;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Mix all ingredients and use for peeling.

The oil will have an additional softening effect, and honey will add nutrition.

"Coffee with sour cream"

  • 2 tablespoons of coffee;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Mix the ingredients and use as a scrub. Thanks to the softening effect of sour cream, it is suitable for the most sensitive skin.


  • 2 teaspoons coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons milk.

Mix coffee and rice flour and pour milk over them.

The result should be a mass similar in consistency to sour cream. It can be used as a scrub.

Rice flour will saturate the skin with additional nutrients, and milk will soften and make it more tender.

All of the above recipes are presented in the article for informational purposes. The resource administration is not responsible for their actions. The use of recipes depends entirely on your decision.

In this video you will see how to prepare a scrub at home.

Many women use natural facial scrubs at home. The recipes for their preparation are simple, and the benefits for the skin are obvious.

The scrub is designed, first of all, to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, so that the surface of the skin is renewed, even, soft and smooth. In addition, it serves to remove dirt, cosmetic residues, and fat that have accumulated in the pores of the skin and do not allow oxygen and moisture to reach the cells.

Coffee grounds – 2 tablespoons
Sea salt – ½ teaspoon
Sugar – 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon – ¼ teaspoon
Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon

Mix all ingredients, apply to face with light massage movements and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water.

Orange zest – 1 tablespoon
Ground almonds – 1 teaspoon

Grind the citrus zest well in a coffee grinder and mix it with ground almonds. Dilute the mixture with boiled water and stir until smooth. Apply the mixture onto your face and neck with light massage movements and leave for 8-10 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

This scrub mask is ideal for cleansing normal skin. The components have high nutritional properties and help tighten the skin. The composition can be varied depending on availability and your preferences: you can add olive oil, sour cream, pink clay, and ground eggshells to the specified composition.

Fresh strawberries – 10 berries
Cottage cheese – 1 tablespoon
Semolina – 1 tablespoon

Mash the strawberries into a puree and add semolina and cottage cheese. After mixing, try to use the mixture immediately so that the semolina does not become sour and lose its light abrasive properties. Apply the mass and lightly rub it into the skin with your fingers for 2-3 minutes, then leave to absorb for another 5-8 minutes. Wash your face with clean water at room temperature or herbal decoction.

This procedure is extremely simple, but it perfectly cleans the pores, tightens them, polishes the surface of the epidermis, and the skin becomes smooth after such cleansing.

Salt – 1 pinch
Baking soda – 1 pinch

You can mix salt and baking soda each or use them separately. Wet a cotton pad with water, dip it in salt and soda and massage your face in a circular motion, following the massage lines. This should be done on warm skin after a bath or shower.

If you have oily skin and want to get rid of oily skin, use a yeast-based recipe. After using it, your face will have a matte color for several days.

Yeast – 15 g
Lemon juice – 2 teaspoons
Sea salt – 1 tablespoon

Grind sea salt in a coffee grinder. Dilute fresh yeast with freshly squeezed lemon juice and add salt. Warm the mixture for several minutes in hot water. Apply the scrub to the skin and massage with a washcloth, paying special attention to oily areas of the skin. Rinse off the residue with warm, clean water and rinse with sage or chamomile infusion.

Oatmeal – 2 tablespoons
Chamomile herb – 1 teaspoon
Lavender essential oil – 6 drops

Make a small amount of chamomile infusion, and while it is warm, pour it over the oat flakes, let them swell slightly. Then add lavender. Apply the mixture as usual, lightly massaging the skin for 2-3 minutes and leave to absorb for another 5. Rinse with lukewarm clean water.

For dry skin, use a sugar scrub, which moisturizes and softens the skin and prevents flaking and irritation. Cream can be replaced with nourishing cream.

Granulated sugar – 30 g
Heavy cream or sour cream – 50 g

Pre-steam your face over a steam bath with medicinal herbs of chamomile or sage. Mix the ingredients and gently apply to the skin, leaving them for 10-15 minutes to absorb. Wash after the procedure with water with lemon juice or still mineral water.

Nuts are great for cleansing and nourishing the skin: walnuts, almonds, pine, nutmeg, hazelnuts and others. Vitamins and important nutrients increase skin elasticity and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

nuts - 1/3 cup
olive oil - 1-2 tablespoons

Grind the nut kernels in a coffee grinder to the desired grain size. Add olive oil to the nuts and stir until a thin paste is obtained. Instead of butter, you can use natural yogurt. Apply the resulting composition to clean skin with massaging movements and leave for another 5-7 minutes. then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.
To enhance the cleansing effect, you can add finely ground nut shells

Honey – 1 tablespoon

Mix all ingredients. If it is coarse, grind the salt in a coffee grinder so as not to injure the skin. Apply the scrub, rubbing gently with a sponge or washcloth for 3-5 minutes, leave to absorb for another 5 minutes. Then wash your face with water at room temperature and rinse with herbal infusion.

The composition of this scrub is suitable for both normal and problem skin, as it has not only cleansing, but also antiseptic properties.

Salt – 2 tablespoons
Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Strawberries - 5-6 berries

Crush the berries to a puree and mix with salt, add vegetable oil. Pre-steam the skin with a compress and then apply a scrub. Follow the massage lines when rubbing the scrub into the skin. Wash your face with lukewarm water and rinse with a decoction of herbs or wipe with an ice cube.

In hot weather, try a composition with fresh raspberries and essential oils. It will cleanse the skin well, tone and refresh the face.

Raspberries – 2 tablespoons
Ylang-ylang oil – 2 drops
Peppermint oil – 1 drop

Crush the berries, add essential oils and rub into the skin of your face and neck. After the procedure, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Choose the homemade scrub that you like best and suits your skin and use regularly. As a result, your skin will become clean and well-groomed, you will be able to get rid of problems and will look young and beautiful.

Prepare a homemade scrub for face and body with strawberries, honey and oatmeal:
