Happy birthday girl 10 years old beautiful. Congratulations to a girl (10 years old) Happy Birthday

A year of good luck and good deeds, a year of love and a joyful and happy set of circumstances, let it begin its countdown from your birthday. Therefore, I wish you many interesting and bright life events, a fair wind for your ship on the way to the most interesting countries and continents of your dreams, and may your dreams not get tired of soaring in the summer air like beautiful seagulls. I wish you a lot of interesting and bright, bright future and the embodiment in life of all the most interesting for you. May life open the sweetest box of chocolates and sweets for you, may your life give you a lot of joy and love, and may your time become interesting and bright, as you dreamed. Here is my most important gift for you on your birthday!

I understand what love is
So hard and sad without you
When one I am a complete zero,
My destiny, my love.
Your eyes are like the sky
You give the world the sun light
My support and stronghold,
Even though you are 10 years old.
Happy birthday I say
Your favorite flowers
Solemnly now I will hand over,
I confess my love from the bottom of my heart.

Our love is hope
You and I are 10 years old
We have learned to love tenderly
And better than our couple - no.
Darling, your birthday
Not just a date - an anniversary,
I will surround you with joy
And I will give a part of my soul.

Happy Birthday, Princess,
My favorite person
You are my elixir for stress
The holiday is exactly 10 years old.
Always be as sweet
Sunny as a clear day
Smart, bright and playful,
Not letting a shadow into the heart.
I, with my masculine strength,
I will save from bad weather,
And for the beloved girl,
I'll do everything I can.

I congratulate you on the date
Birthday - 10 years,
For your beloved you need -
Bring a big bouquet.
I'll take my feelings with me
I will give in front of everyone
So that you don't feel sad
Whisper what I love.

The heart won't stop beating
For the two of us, I keep love,
And I'll be the best guy in the world
And in congratulations I will say:
That you are my hope, faith,
You are my joy and sorrow
Let me wish you a happy birthday
And not thinking in the distance.
I confess the happiness of relationships,
For the two of us it's love
Happy tenth anniversary
I congratulate you again.

My love, I've known you for a long time
But every time I open you more and more.
You are bright and so unusual
You are the cutest in the world.
May all your dreams come true
May you have only good dreams.
I want to love me always
And we will be happy with you then!

Congratulations on your 10th birthday!
She was just as beautiful as always!
I wish you success in any endeavors,
And courage in the most secret desires!
It's easy to get everything always
Desirable gifts are given by fate!
I wish you dreams come true
Let everything be the way you want it!

Congratulations on your 10th birthday
You always blind your enemies with beauty!
Be the most beautiful, give warmth,
And never let trouble in your heart!
You are my most beautiful darling
And we will never be in trouble!
For everything in life there will be only the right answer,
Love will give you good advice!

Nice girl, hello!
ten wonderful years
You turned up! .. And - laughter,
Smiles and flowers for everyone:
You are the only one for me -
On gossip, harmfulness is poor,
Rich in kindness, care.
Is there anyone better around?
Always be so "fluffy"
Carry the light of participation everywhere,
And trouble will pass
Come - love, luck, happiness!

You are ten years old today
My beloved girl.
And there are no such warm words,
So that I can congratulate you.
For this humble anniversary
I want to wish you happiness.
Dreams come true so as soon as possible
Greet every day with a smile.

Today is a difficult date -
Tenth Anniversary.
I congratulate you, princess,
I wish you the brightest days.
I wish you every success
Let every step lead to a dream.
More joy and laughter
Let childhood pass without worries.

Ten years is, in general, a long time,
This is your little anniversary.
This is just, dear, the beginning
New life in your destiny.
Youth is ahead of you.
There will be sunshine and bad weather.
But for many, many years
Miracle childhood lives in you!

Today the sun has knocked
To you in the window glass
To wish you a happy birthday -
Let it envy!
After all, you are 10 years old today!
Let everything be OK in life
And wishes come true
Your any quickly!

Serious age - 10 years,
Now you are not a baby!
Let the sun shine bright
And dreams will come true!
Smiles bright round dance,
Friends are laughing all around
Let there be happiness all year round
Gifts are pouring in!

Happy Birthday to my love!
Today is your tenth anniversary!
May cherished dreams come true
The road to victory will open!
And dazzle everyone with your beauty,
And pure, open soul!
And I hope in you, and I believe
What awaits you the greatest success!

Let the sun shine brighter for you
Let the warm wind blow gently.
Today is your main holiday
My favorite, the best in the world!!!
Let the stars send brighter dreams
May the angels watch over you, dear.
May your wishes and dreams come true!!!
I wish you love and happiness.

Ten years is your first anniversary
Soon your youth will swirl!
There will be many happy days
The one who is in a hurry for happiness!
Darling, I wish you health
And I want to say from the bottom of my heart:
May you be happy in fate
But don't rush to grow up!

The very first anniversary
Round ten!
It means hurry up
Accept gifts!
There will be bright flowers
Cakes and pastries,
Let dreams come true -
Even impossible ones!
Your tenth birthday -
The best, no doubt!
Blow out ten candles
And make a wish!
To be fulfilled sooner
Smile more fun!
Happy birthday!

You are 10 years old today!
I want to wish with love
So that only the heart as it pleases
Everything in your life was yours!
And happy birthday congratulations,
I'll tell you a little secret
What I believe without a doubt:
There is no better girl in the world!

Your tenth birthday
Today, my love, you are celebrating.
Let it come true instantly
What you so dream about.
Be always so beautiful
And immensely lucky.
Many happy days for you
And love for me is immeasurable.

10 years for a girl, the date is not easy,
Not small anymore, but not big either.
A wonderful period, the first anniversary in life,
I wish you health, happiness and grow soon!
Let the boys already fall in love with you
Just don't let your dreams be broken
I wish you to have true friends
Be obedient at school and never get sick!

Here comes the anniversary! First! Round date!
Forgot how small you used to be?
How did you walk under the table?
We will remind! It was ten years ago!
Congratulations! You have become simply irresistible!
Tall, smart, slender, polite, beautiful,
Stay beautiful and pure soul
And may your parents always be with you!

Happy Birthday! 10 years! We want to grow up!
We wish you to become a famous actress or singer,
Seriously though, choose what you like
And get what you want in life!
But it's later, enjoy your childhood,
Draw with paints and play with dolls,
You will have time to grow up, your whole life is ahead,
And may you be lucky on the path of life!

10 years! Happy anniversary! We wish you great success!
We wish to give us more of your laughter,
We wish to become a beauty queen,
We wish that your dreams come true!
And may you now begin to grow up quickly,
You will love and respect mom and dad,
At school, we wish to be the soul of the team,
We wish you to look well-groomed and beautiful!

Princess! 10 years to you! Congratulations, kiss!
Let your maiden fate be unconcerned
May happiness hurry to meet you
Let youth swirl in a crazy round dance!
May you be lucky in your endeavors
Let hope live in desires
May no one ever hurt you
May the guardian angel protect you!

Your youth will soon have a ball,
And you dream that the whole world will know about the anniversary,
Ten years! Should this happen?
Congratulations on being lucky to be born!
And do not rush to drive away your childhood,
Soon you will understand everything in life
Be happy in spite of everyone and everything,
May the girl be successful, your life!

Slender, beautiful, and very young!
Happy anniversary! 10 years! I wish you happiness!
May youth live forever in your soul,
May your youth last forever!
Your curls in the wind develop in gold,
And let everyone know about today's date,
Friends, neighbors, classmates, and family even more so,
This day you are going to celebrate nicely!

So young, but already a real beauty,
I wish you a lot of joy on your first anniversary,
Childhood sends you a big hello,
And youth wishes long and happy years!
And may you grow up every year every time,
You will not cease to please us with your smile,
May your soul be forever young
Only 10 years! I wish you good luck in everything!

So your first anniversary happened,
Many calendar days have flown by since birth,
And every new day leads to adulthood,
But let your childhood not pass yet!
After all, this time is golden and it will not be returned,
Then you will confidently step on the adult path,
And you will only remember about childhood,
How fun it was to play with dolls!

You are dressed like a princess
You are waiting for guests for the holiday,
You, our little one,
First important anniversary
You are ten years old today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Get an A at school
Don't rush to grow up
Enjoy your childhood
Be happy, don't be sad
Great happiness awaits you
You grow healthy!

You are ten years old today
You are not more beautiful in the world!
The whole world lies before you
Today, on your birthday.

Receive a million smiles
Freckles solar bag,
Delicious sweets wagon
And this holiday rhyme.

10 years is no joke
This is a big anniversary.
Once you were a baby
Today you have grown up.

We heartily congratulate you.
Be joyful always, always.
Let, like a golden coin,
A lucky star shines.

Don't get upset,
Everything in life will be fine.
Let the sun shine brightly in the sky
This is my poem for you.

Birthday has come
And the princess enters the hall:
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations to the whole family!

Be beautiful like a flower
Delicate, like a petal,
And ruddy like the dawn
And happy as a star.

Have fun at school
Work at home on time.
Be healthy, good -
Let your soul sing!

Today our dear princess
Not too many and not too few - exactly ten!
We wish you to grow up sweet and beautiful,
And, of course, crazy happy
So that your eyes burn with joy,
And every day gave bright colors,
And may all that which has long been dreamed of,
Without any “buts” and “nos”, it always comes true!

You are no longer a baby
first anniversary,
Every day you are more beautiful
Joy, honey.

Be obedient, be diligent
And be healthy.
Let the star sparkle brighter
Illuminating the path.

You are ten today
Your very first anniversary.
We'll put on a couple of cool songs
Let's have fun!

I wish you with all my heart
Smiles, joy, kindness,
So that you, like a rose, dear,
Fragrant and blooming!

Let the sun shine
Just for you, on your birthday
From happiness the heart stops,
Life gives a lot of pleasure!

Congratulations on your anniversary
With the first ten
And I wish you life
Like candy, sweet.

So that you grow, girl,
Beauty and smart
people smiled,
To meet on the street.

school success,
To please us
To be happy
In life every hour.

You are ten years old today
It's your birthday.
And heterogeneous gifts
All relatives gave.

Congratulate everyone, wish
And health, and good luck,
Let it not happen for you
Unsolvable tasks.

May friendship be strong
And the family will be native,
May you get everything you need
On this festive day.

May there always be a smile
Illuminate your face
And a violin plays in the soul,
And all will be well.

Congratulations on your first anniversary
And I want to wish today
So that dreams come true as soon as possible
So that your life is on the "five".

So that you are always healthy
And I want loyal friends.
For everyone to think you're cool
Life just got more fun!


Congratulations on your 10th birthday!

I wish you dreams come true


Here comes the anniversary! First! Round date!
Forgot how small you used to be?
How did you walk under the table?
We will remind! It was 10 years ago!

Congratulations! You have become simply irresistible!
Tall, smart, slender, polite, beautiful,
Stay beautiful and pure soul
And may your parents always be with you!


You are 10 years old today
And there is no better holiday.
I want you to grow up
Respect relatives and friends

I want loyal friends
fun life ideas
Let dreams come true
To be happy you!


You are big now
10 years is quite a lot!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To always shine on you
An asterisk in the sky for happiness
And led you to the heights
He helped with his participation
A tailwind blew at my back.
There are so many waiting for you, I know
And victories, and adventures.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
More happy moments.


To the most iridescent girl
On her first anniversary
We sincerely wish
Many bright bright days!

Let study be a joy,
Let friends surround
May your path be illuminated
Guiding star!


Sweet, tender and beautiful age,
And today you are exactly 10 years old.
You are smiling, open and serious,
And today you are the most beautiful of all!

Happy birthday, cutie girl.
Be obedient, sweet and simple,
To not get tired of admiring
Your light, peace, beauty!

Faithful to you, devoted girlfriends
And good boy friends.
Let everything that you need be done.
Have fun, grow up and don't be shy!


Wonderful girl today
On her tenth birthday
We give from the heart, heartily
Simple congratulations.

We wish her to grow beautiful
And at the same time be moderately modest,
Walk confidently
In the world of adults, difficult, huge.

To be strong, interesting to people,
funny, joyful, cheerful
And, even having matured, charming
Stay a girl from school!


You are exactly 10 today!
So be a naughty girl
Obedient, smart, sweet, modest,
Nice, sweet, simple!

Study hard at school
We wish, girl, seriously.
After all, you are the hope of parents.
We want laughter, not tears!


Princess has a birthday
Congratulate everyone around.
Will you dance in a dress
Surrounded by friends.

10 years old today
You are beautiful, no doubt
I wish you a lot of happiness
True friendship and victories!


You are the prettiest of all today
However, the same as always.
Our princess has grown up
How quickly the years fly by.

Congratulations on your anniversary
Yes, yes, yes 10 years - anniversary.
Let fate caress you, cherishes,
Will give many fabulous days.

Be beautiful. kind, obedient.
Be healthy, gentle and sweet.
Be the best in studies
And of course the most beautiful.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 10 years old girl


Our girl has an important day today:
She is not too lazy to dress up in a beautiful dress,
Guests will come today, they will bring gifts,
They will see the unearthly beauty of the girl!

She's wearing glitter hairpins and a new pair of shoes
And the cheeks suddenly flared up with a pink fire!
Hurry, dear, we will cut the cake!
After all, our glorious baby is already ten years old.


Happy Birthday! 10 years! We want to grow up!
We wish you to become a famous actress or singer,
Seriously though, choose what you like
And get what you want in life!
But it's later, enjoy your childhood,
Draw with paints and play with dolls,
You will have time to grow up, your whole life is ahead,
And may you be lucky on the path of life!


Gathered friends, girlfriends.
The cake is beautiful on the table.
Girl's birthday
She is 10 years old today.

We wish the princess
Be happy don't get sick
To be more beautiful every year
One day to be queen.


Reached the round date
Nimble fidget!
The little one was once found
Under a cabbage leaf!

Always be smart, beautiful,
Super mood!
Be the soul of the team
Sun, happy birthday!


Happy birthday golden.
Here you are ten years old.
We sincerely wish you
And achievements, and victories.

A million wishes
You will definitely bring it to life!
You will make all your dreams come true
After all, you don't sit still.

May all troubles and misfortunes
Side pass soon!
Lots of joy and happiness
Let it be in your destiny.


Balloons, surprises and sweets!
On the arm is a gold bracelet.
Tablet and smart watch
Let your dreams come true!
Health, sunshine, warmth
And be happy always!


Our girl is very beautiful,
Each of us wants to congratulate you,
With the first and important such anniversary,
You are neither kinder nor nicer!

We wish you success at school
So that you can become an excellent student,
Sing, dance, draw, don't be lazy,
No one can compare with you!

So that you grow cheerful and tender,
Joy and happiness to be boundless,
To be respected, praised,
Well, the family loved it!


Congratulations on your first anniversary
And I want to wish today
So that dreams come true as soon as possible
So that your life is on the "five".

So that you are always healthy
And I want loyal friends.
For everyone to think you're cool
Life just got more fun!


You're already ten - that's cool,
So happy birthday.
We want to congratulate you
And we speak from the heart.

Learn, dare and don't be lazy
And know that your life is wonderful.
But don't live in haste
Be a more playful child.

Find the perfect remedy
To be happy all childhood
Learn to be friends, don't be arrogant
And smile nicely at people.


A miracle happened ten years ago:
You appeared in the white light.
Happy birthday, dear girl,
After all, you are more expensive in the world!

May your childhood be happy
Don't rush to grow up, don't rush.
Be beautiful, smart, successful,
Respect your relatives, study!

Be the best girl on the planet
Take advantage of your friends.
Be modest, friendly, like a lady.
Don't be too shy in class.

Make a wish now
Believe in your fairy tale and in miracles.
May your dreams come true
Your eyes light up with a smile!

Congratulations to the girl happy birthday 10 years old


Birthday has come
And the princess enters the hall:
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations to the whole family!

Be beautiful like a flower
Delicate, like a petal,
And ruddy like the dawn
And happy as a star.

Have fun at school
Work at home on time.
Be healthy, good -
Let your soul sing!


Congratulations on your first anniversary
And I wish you all the best.
Let the soul and body do not get sick,
Let the magic happen in the world.

Stay beautiful as always
And be sad as little as possible.
The world around you will become wonderful,
And your dreams will come true.


10 years! Happy anniversary! We wish you great success!
We wish to give us more of your laughter,
We wish to become a beauty queen,
We wish that your dreams come true!

And may you now begin to grow up quickly,
You will love and respect mom and dad,
At school, we wish to be the soul of the team,
We wish you to look well-groomed and beautiful!


Wake up dear daughter
and accept a fragrant bouquet.
We hope you haven't forgotten.
That you are 10 years old today.

Dress up in a fashionable dress
And don't feel sorry for blush today.
Who is knocking at the door with might and main?
Hurry up, meet your friends.


Bright boxes, balls, flowers.
At your tenth birthday, you are the queen!
A sea of ​​congratulations from relatives and friends.
Successful first anniversary.


You are 10 years old, you have become more beautiful.
Happy birthday our daughter.
Until now, you were a bud,
And today it has blossomed into a red rose.
We wish you to smile more, cry less.
We love you mom and dad.


Congratulations on your 10th birthday!
She was just as beautiful as always!
I wish you success in any endeavors,
And courage in the most secret desires!

It's easy to get everything always
Desirable gifts are given by fate!
I wish you dreams come true
Let everything be the way you want it!


Happy birthday young lady!
Be beautiful, active, cheerful,
Strong to strive for victory
Positive and smart, healthy!

May you be lucky at school, success
To make parents happy.
Let no interference interfere with you
So that development is stable!

10 years is a time of knowledge,
May life be fair to you.
May many wishes come true
What can make you happy!


We are celebrating your first anniversary
You are 10 years old today!
May all dreams come true soon
And every moment will be warmed with warmth!

I wish that a rainbow beam
Captured every moment of yours!
Become happier every day
To have a great mood!


Congratulations on your anniversary
With the first ten
And I wish you life
Like candy, sweet.

So that you grow, girl,
Beauty and smart
people smiled,
To meet on the street.

school success,
To please us
To be happy
In life every hour.

Wake up sunshine, open your eyes!

And good luck every day, catch every moment!

You are beautiful like a swan
Like a flower in spring you bloom
Grow up to be a beautiful girl
And you will find your love.
Ten years is a big date
Gather your friends
May no evil touch you
And the envy of people.
Butterflies of goodness fly
Light up your life
And bloom with love
Your thoughts are like flowers.

Well, girl, just super,
Ten hit you
Change will come
On your way, in destiny.
And the boys build their eyes,
And study on the nose,
But for our girl
All this is on the shoulder.
Young but not small
smart, beautiful,
Like the sun shines on us
This is so amazing.

Not big, but anniversary,
You celebrate today
Do not be shy in front of the guests,
And greet them with a smile.
It's a birthday,
All friends will gather
For pastime.
And boy friends will come
To bestow flowers
Our beauty,
It is impossible not to love.

Let the sun shine bright
And you will be in love
Oh how beautiful you are
Give us your light.
Give your smile
In the middle of weekdays, gray days,
Get over the mistakes
And on a new day soon.
And let you only ten
Trust me, it's not much
'Cause on your way
Huge road.
Native, happy birthday,
Play and have fun
And most importantly, try
And study well.

Congratulations on your 10th birthday
Stay the same always
I wish you good grades
And let them respect you.
Little sun,
But you illuminate everything
And to everyone who is around now
Light and good.

10 is the best time
When a girl blossoms
And youth at the porch,
Calls for first love.
The first friends will appear
Good and faithful friend
The boys will pull the braid,
And fight for you with each other.
And you are like a cute princess,
As long as it only grows
You will meet many more
Different people on the way.

Ten! First anniversary!
Pour some lemonade!
Congratulations to our daughter
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
So that the house is full of friends,
And at the festive table
So that everyone wishes you
Joy in your destiny!

A treasure was found in our house,
You never dreamed of it.
ten years ago
Our "Star" was born.
Grew up for the joy of all
And she has largely succeeded.
Here is the newspaper without problems,
She does not sit idle.
Journalist and model
Gotta wash the dishes.
Sing spring drops
A song about our miracle.
Wish her well
Life in a fairy tale.
And let her soon
Goes to Disneyland.

10 years - I congratulate you!

Let everything be the way you want it!

The date is not easy -
Tenth Anniversary.
I congratulate you, princess,
I wish you the brightest days.
I wish you every success
Let every step lead to a dream.
More joy and laughter
Let childhood pass without worries.

Today is the brightest holiday for you,

10 years to you, congratulations,

May happy days never end.

Poems happy birthday 10 years old girl

If at 10 years old
You set a goal
That and growing up
Never give up.
Perseverance in study
active sports,
We wish not to burst
From happiness and cake!

You are ten years old today
You are not more beautiful in the world!
The whole world lies before you
Today, on your birthday.
Receive a million smiles
Freckles solar bag,
Delicious sweets wagon
And this holiday rhyme.

Ten years is a respectable age,
You have matured completely
You read a lot of books, you know
About everything and everyone.
happy birthday congratulations
And we wish now
clockwork mood
Every moment and every hour!

Happy birthday girl
Be cheerful, bright, sonorous,
Naughty and pretty
And study just fine
Surprise with your enthusiasm
And then everyone will say in chorus:
This little girl is ten years old
She's the best at it!

Fairy whispers in my ear:
“10 years my girlfriend!”
He asks very much to convey
Congratulations and hugs.
Together we wish you
To be an excellent student and we know
Great success awaits you
And happy loud laughter.

Happy Birthday,
You are 10 years old today.
And you are already smart, beautiful,
You are the light in the life of mom and dad!
Tablet and mobile phone new,
Cosmetics big set,
And a lot of jewelry for you
The dress has an embroidered pattern.
Learn only "excellent",
Succeed everywhere in life
And when you grow up, of course,
The one you want to be - the one to become!

10 years is no joke
This is a big anniversary.
Once you were a baby
Today you have grown up.
We heartily congratulate you.
Be joyful always, always.
Let, like a golden coin,
A lucky star shines.
Don't get upset,
Everything in life will be fine.
Let the sun shine brightly in the sky
This is my poem for you.

You are ten today
Your very first anniversary.
We'll put on a couple of cool songs
Let's have fun!
I wish you with all my heart
Smiles, joy, kindness,
So that you, like a rose, dear,
Fragrant and blooming!
Let the sun shine
Just for you, on your birthday
From happiness the heart stops,
Life gives a lot of pleasure!

The cute princess is growing up
And celebrates the first anniversary,
From an early age falls into the heart
Princes of young, stately kings.
And in the eyes - two bright pure sun,
Let them show you the way.
Be always so funny, cheerful,
Smile and be happy.

beautiful girl,
Renowned for listening
Kindness and patience
And to study with a strong zeal!
Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you a fabulous life
To someone's magic
You brought happiness!
To make the girl look good
She could and did everything
To study well
Congratulations personally!

Poems happy birthday girl 10 years old

Ten years like ten fairies
They dress you nicely:
You're getting prettier and sweeter
And smarter - and even more so!
Let your wonderful ball thunder
And curls shine in gold,
For the whole world to know
About your wonderful date!

Happy Birthday!
Eat jam in a jar!
Ten years is a serious age.
The case is not funny at all.
You, young beauty,
I want fives in school.
And also, so that every hour
Pleased you and us! Congratulations on the tenth anniversary
And we want to wish you
To never leave
Love and happiness are on the way.
And let the joy of dad and mom
You will bloom brighter than all.
You were recently a baby
When did she grow up? .. Little beauty -
Big hello!
endless joy,
Many years of happiness!
At ten years old you wish
Happy with all my heart
Bright rainbow days
Good luck big! 10 years is your first anniversary,
Soon your youth will swirl!
There will be many happy days
The one who is in a hurry for happiness!
I wish you health
And I want to say from the bottom of my heart:
May you be happy in fate
But don't rush to grow up! Congratulations on your 10th birthday!
She was just as beautiful as always!
I wish you success in any endeavors,
And courage in the most secret desires!
It's easy to get everything always
Desirable gifts are given by fate!
I wish you dreams come true
Let everything be the way you want it! You are 10 years old today
And there is no better holiday.
I want you to grow up
Respect relatives and friends
I want loyal friends
fun life ideas
Let dreams come true
To be happy you! Wake up sunshine, open your eyes!
You are ten years old today, please don't forget.
You are so beautiful, my girl
All your friends will gather soon
Wish you happiness from the bottom of your heart
I ask, dear, do not rush to grow up!
Be a cheerful girl, rejoice, live,
And good luck every day, catch every moment! You are beautiful like a swan
Like a flower in spring you bloom
Grow up to be a beautiful girl
And you will find your love.
Ten years is a big date
Gather your friends
May no evil touch you
And the envy of people.
Butterflies of goodness fly
Light up your life
And bloom with love
Your thoughts are like flowers. Not big, but anniversary,
You celebrate today
Do not be shy in front of the guests,
And greet them with a smile.
Ten years is not just a case,
It's a birthday,
All friends will gather
For pastime.
And boy friends will come
To bestow flowers
Our beauty,
It is impossible not to love. Let the sun shine bright
And you will be in love
Oh how beautiful you are
Give us your light.
Give your smile
In the middle of weekdays, gray days,
Get over the mistakes
And on a new day soon.
And let you only ten
Trust me, it's not much
'Cause on your way
Huge road.
Native, happy birthday,
Play and have fun
And most importantly, try
And study well. Ten! First anniversary!
Pour some lemonade!
Congratulations to our daughter
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
So that the house is full of friends,
And at the festive table
So that everyone wishes you
Joy in your destiny! A treasure was found in our house,
You never dreamed of it.
ten years ago
Our "Star" was born.
Grew up for the joy of all
And she has largely succeeded.
Here is the newspaper without problems,
She does not sit idle.
Journalist and model
Gotta wash the dishes.
Sing spring drops
A song about our miracle.
Wish her well
Life in a fairy tale.
And let her soon
Goes to Disneyland. Today is the brightest holiday for you,
You celebrate your birthday, my girl,
Around you smiles and flowers bloom,
But the best flower, of course, you.
10 years to you, congratulations,
We wish you a fabulous life with all our heart,
May you always be admired
May happy days never end. Today my daughter is 10 years old!
You are like the sun, shining brightly
You are not happier on a holiday,
You are beautiful on your birthday!
We want to smile more often
Always be so beautiful
And don't be sad, just laugh
Always love your family! Dear beauty, dear,
How have you grown up girl?
I used to call you "Small"
And now you've outgrown everyone.
Clever, great activist,
Friendly, cheerful sister,
Character - a great artist,
And temperament - the same as me.
Pure, beautiful soul
Your magical age is ten years old,
I'm proud of my sister
Congratulations and I give a bag of chocolates. The very first anniversary
Round ten!
It means hurry up
Accept gifts!
There will be bright flowers
Cakes and pastries,
Let dreams come true -
Even impossible ones!
Your tenth birthday -
The best, no doubt!
Blow out ten candles
And make a wish!
To be fulfilled sooner
Smile more fun!
Happy birthday! Our girl has an important day today:
She is not too lazy to dress up in a beautiful dress,
Guests will come today, they will bring gifts,
They will see the unearthly beauty of the girl!
She's wearing glitter hairpins and a new pair of shoes
And the cheeks suddenly flared up with a pink fire!
Hurry, dear, we will cut the cake!
After all, our glorious baby is already ten years old.

Birthday wishes for a 10 year old girl

Happy birthday, sweet girl!
Be funny, obedient, happy.
All your friends like your enthusiasm very much,
Stay like this, beauty!
Your school years are flying by
But always be nice.
You are already 10 years old
May health and good luck increase!

10 years old our girl,
Bunny, happy birthday.
You are our beauty
This is without a doubt.
We wish you to be healthy
Sweet and decent.
At school so that you
Everything was great.

Small but anniversary
We are celebrating 10 years.
Our birthday girl
We only wish you good health.
Girl be good
Try to study for five.
And all the failures for evil,
You always smile brightly!

Congratulations on your birthday,
You are our beautiful girl!
Your second anniversary - 10 years,
Grow up and be cute!
Let dreams come true
And it will be the way you want!
Let fate and life caress
Hope, Vera - let them not melt!
Enter the courtyard - there is a world of miracles,
You are on Pegasus to heaven
Take off! Fly over the shores
Above the chocolate forests!
Let life be a fairy tale
And you be smart beautiful!

Happy Birthday Baby,
Here you are ten years old
We will give you a doll
And here's a simple tip:
Stay the best
Help your loved ones
About good manners
Never forget!

10 years we celebrate the fairy,
Our fairy princess.
And we wish everything in a crowd
We are our own happiness.
Be healthy, our bunny,
You can't find a prettier girl.
At school, only success,
Rejoice us all with laughter.

Happy first anniversary
Congratulations soon
Accept! Let in 10 years
In the world you see only light!
Let it not be bitter in life
In the diary - one five,
In the heart - eternal spring,
Happiness so that the soul is full!

What is your ten years?
She became an adult quite a baby.
Ten years is the beginning of victories.
We wish the same, skipping
Run on new paths
Catching new impressions.
Adulthood is not in seriousness,
And in your dreams and aspirations.

We are our friend
Congratulations on the tenth anniversary
And only for five to study
We wish you the whole company!
Studying about friends
Don't forget with your friends
Chat with us on the phone
Invite to visit or just take a walk more often!

Our girl is very beautiful,
Each of us wants to congratulate you,
With the first and important such anniversary,
You are neither kinder nor nicer!
We wish you success at school
So that you can become an excellent student,
Sing, dance, draw, don't be lazy,
No one can compare with you!
So that you grow cheerful and tender,
Joy and happiness to be boundless,
To be respected, praised,
Well, the family loved it!

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary

Happy anniversary! Ten years!
Big and small victories
Studies only on "excellent",
Always behave yourself.
love your parents
Help them, appreciate their work.
Good, sincere friends
And a lot of cool ideas.

Ten years is awesome!
Ten years - wow!
Congratulations, games, and jokes,
And fun without end.
May they be with you
Only best friends.
Let them come true as a reward
All desires are yours.
Let in teaching among the best
You will always, always
May you not be bored.
Happiness, joy, kindness!

Congratulations on your 10th birthday, on a wonderful date, sometimes childhood dreams
and carefree fun. I wish good friends, great success in
study and hobbies, joyful mood, interesting games, many
yummy treats and the happiest life.

Ten years ago
We found a wonderful "treasure"!
"Treasure" quietly stirred,
Sweetly, he smiled softly.
Stretched, roamed
I asked for a rattle
Then our "treasure" began to crawl,
Eating sweet chocolate...
So 10 years have passed
Our "treasure" has grown ... Like a sonnet,
The voice is sonorous, the growth is high,
The look is mysterious, deep.
You grow up as an obedient child,
Do not shed tears in your life with hail,
At school, just study for "5"
And try to understand everything!

10 years is a wonderful holiday,
You are getting older.
May life be beautiful
There will be many bright days.
Happiness, joy, patience,
vivid impressions,
Crazy luck
Sea of ​​adventure.
Let luck not leave
And goes with you on the road.
After all, we all know very well -
You have everything ahead!

What is "10 years"?
This is the way of great victories,
amazing events,
New knowledge and discoveries.
Your tenth birthday
Meet with a cheerful mood.
Rejoice more, frolic
But you strive for success.
And great friends for you
And unusual gifts
All dreams come true
Achievement of all aspirations.

Happy first anniversary
I congratulate you!
You are now a year older
And twice as smart.
Interesting and fun
Let it be every day
To wake up for school
It wasn't lazy in the morning.
May they always walk with you
Loyal friends around.
Don't let problems scare you
And they always decide.

golden ten years
Anniversary? Certainly!
Let the dawn be bright
Good hopes.
I want to know a lot
Study well,
And dream about the future
If suddenly you can't sleep.
Never hang up your nose
Fight for the dream
Believe - after storms and thunderstorms
The sun always shines!

Cheerful, nice man,
You are celebrating an anniversary
Eyes sparkle with joy
It is impossible to look without tenderness.
And the mood is mischievous,
Today you have no peace
It's been ten years,
You are not happier in the world.
Let them give a lot of gifts
And let the world around become more beautiful
May wishes come true
And sadness does not come to visit.

Happy first anniversary
I congratulate you!
10 years is no joke.
The whole family knows this.
Work like an adult now
And do not be lazy to study.
Exchanged the second ten -
Another life has gone on.
However, you can still:
splurge, play,
Screaming, jumping
To pester all adults.
You can grow with this
That way, up to twenty years.

Congratulations on your anniversary
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Health and happiness is purer
Ten years is the time for smiles!
Of course we love you
And how can you not love!
On this day, we truly wish
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
How cute are you anyway?
You are our dear child
Good luck to you, our dear!
