With whom did Kipelov sing? Where does Valery Kipelov live?

Russian rock musician, singer, composer and songwriter.
Founders and first vocalist of the rock band "Aria". Leader of the rock group "Kipelov"

Valery Kipelov was born on July 12, 1958 in Moscow. The boy spent his childhood in the Kapotnya district, which was considered not the most prestigious in the capital. From a young age, Kipelov was fond of sports. At one time, his father loved to play football, so he dreamed of passing on his knowledge to his son and making him a real hockey player or football player.

Even as a child, Valery began to study music. However, his parents made this choice for him. They sent their son to a music school, where he learned to play the button accordion. Since the boy did not show sufficient interest, they promised to give him a puppy. Gradually, Kipelov became interested in music and even learned to perform the hits “Deep Purple” and “Creedence” on the button accordion.

The year 1972 brought significant changes in Kipelov’s life. His father asked Valery to sing at his sister’s wedding along with the invited group “Peasant Children”. The boy performed a couple of songs by the Pesnyary ensemble and the Creedence group. The musicians were surprised by the guy's abilities and invited him to become a member of the group. So, from the eighth grade, Valery began performing at family holidays and earning his first money.

After school, Valery studied at the College of Automation and Telemechanics. As the musician himself recalled, it was a wonderful time of constant self-searching and an unforgettable first love, but in 1978 Kipelov was drafted into the army. Valery was sent to a sergeant training company in the Yaroslavl region (city of Pereslavl-Zalessky). Kipelov then served in the missile forces near Nizhny Tagil. But even in the ranks of the Red Army, the guy did not forget about music. Together with the army ensemble, he visited many missile sites in the country, where he performed for soldiers, as well as at various celebrations for officers.

After returning from the army, Kipelov began to study music at a professional level. For some time he was a member of the “Six Young” ensemble. Note that it also included Nikolai Rastorguev, who later became the vocalist and leader of the Lyube group.

In September 1980, the entire team of the “Six Young” group moved to the “Leisya, Song” ensemble. Several fruitful years ended with the group's disbandment in 1985. The guys were unable to pass the state program, and therefore were forced to stop their joint musical activities.

The next stage in Kipelov’s career was participation in the “Singing Hearts” ensemble. But this group did not last long. Soon, several members of the group decided to create a new project in the tough and provocative style of heavy metal at that time, and Kipelov was assigned the role of vocalist.

On the basis of “Singing Hearts” the group “Aria” was formed, which received significant support from Viktor Vekshtein. The popularity of the new team grew at an incredible pace. Moreover, it was Kipelov’s original voice that largely determined the guys’ success. In addition, Valery authored music for several rock ballads.

In 1987, a split occurred between the group members, and under the leadership of producer Viktor Vekshtein, only two musicians remained: Vladimir Kholstinin and Valery Kipelov. Then Vitaly Dubinin, Sergey Mavrin, Maxim Udalov join them, and the team continues to work with a new composition.

The rapid growth of the group's popularity was cut short by the difficult years of the early 90s for the country and population. People stopped being interested in heavy music and going to rock band concerts. “Aria” no longer performed, and in order to feed his family, Kipelov had to work as a watchman. At the same time, conflicts began to arise more and more often between group members.

Valery had to collaborate with other groups, for example, with the “Master” group. His colleague Kholstinin at that time was selling aquarium fish and reacted extremely negatively to Kipelov’s actions. That is why, when “Aria” recorded an album called “Night is Shorter than Day,” the vocalist was not Kipelov, but Alexei Bulgakov. Only the record company, which threatened to terminate the contract, was able to return Valery to the group.

After Kipelov’s return, the musicians presented three more joint albums. However, in 1997, the rocker recorded a new album, “Time of Troubles,” with Sergei Mavrin.

After the release of the “Chimera” album, a large tour and the “Invasion” festival, Kipelov decides to leave the band and create a solo project. He was also supported by other members of the group: Sergey Terentyev, Alexander Manyakin and Rina Lee. At the end of August 2002, Valery’s last performance with the group “Aria” took place.

The new musical project “Kipelov” was created in early September 2002. Almost immediately after this, a large tour “The Way Up” followed. Active and fruitful work has yielded results. The popularity of the talented musician grew rapidly. It is not surprising that in 2004 Valery’s project was recognized as the best rock band.

The following year brought the famous musician his first solo album, “Rivers of Times.” Two years later, Valery Aleksandrovich Kipelov received the RAMP Award (nomination “Fathers of Rock”). In addition, he began to regularly appear at anniversary performances of groups of which he had previously been a member. For example, in 2007, the rocker participated in a concert of the group “Master”.

Valery Kipelov had a friendship with Edmund Shklyarsky for many years. In 2003, Valery participated in the presentation of the group’s new project called “Pentacle”. Four years later, their joint performance of the song “Purple-Black” captivated fans of both groups at once.

In 2008, Kipelov, together with other musicians of the Aria group, gave two big concerts. This is how the musicians celebrated the 20th anniversary of their legendary album “Hero of Asphalt”. In addition, Valery performed at a concert dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Sergei Mavrin’s group.

2010 again brought several anniversary performances for the Aria group. Then the team celebrated the 25th anniversary of its activity. In addition, in 2011, Valery Alexandrovich’s discography was replenished with the album “Live in Contrary.”

2012 marked the tenth anniversary of the existence of the Kipelov project, which was marked by a spectacular and memorable concert. Subsequently, he was recognized as the best of the year.

After this, the rocker’s new single called “Reflection” was presented. The best songs included in this record were: “I am free”, “Nadir’s Aria”, “Dead Zone”, etc. Two years later, the single “Unconquered” was released, which the musician dedicated to the fearless residents of besieged Leningrad.

In 2015, the 30th anniversary of “Aria” was celebrated. Of course, the group’s concert could not take place without its leader, Valery Kipelov. The following compositions were performed from the stage of the Stadium Live club: “Street of Roses”, “Follow Me”, “Shard of Ice”, “Dirt”, etc.

On May 4, 2016, Valery Kipelov and the group “Kipelov” were awarded the All-Russian Prize “Golden Crown of Victory” by Sergei Mironov for creating the song and video clip “Unconquered”, dedicated to the courage of the heroic defenders of Leningrad.

On July 9, 2017, Kipelov took part in the elections as a candidate for the post of president of the “Invasion” festival. According to the head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, Valery Kipelov took 3rd place with a result of 15.16% of the votes, losing to Sergei Shnurov.

The Kipelov group presented their third album “Stars and Crosses” on September 29, 2017, which was released on the Navigator Records label.

Despite his advanced age, Valery continues to tour and create new compositions. Active work is underway on recording a new album, so the musicians of the Kipelov project spend a lot of time in the recording studio. Fans of the legendary rocker constantly follow photo reports from Mosfilm, where a new album is being created.

In 2010, on November 20 in St. Petersburg, November 27 in Moscow and December 11 in Yekaterinburg, Kipelov took part in the anniversary concerts of the Aria group, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the group.

On February 27, 2011, an autograph session and presentation of the group’s second studio album, “Living in Contrary,” takes place.

Arthur Berkut (Mikheev) is no worse than Kipelov - I’ll say this many times \\ I specially inserted the coolest song of the golden eagle there - i feel fire from the TSAR album - let the fa...

According to the results of the “Chart Dozen”, the group “Kipelov” won in the category “Best Concert of the Year”

Personal life


  • Parents:
Father - Kipelov Alexander Semenovich, mother - Kipelova Ekaterina Ivanovna.

Valery Alexandrovich has been married since May 12, 1978. Wife: Galina Petrovna Kipelova (Date of birth: 05/09/1960). We met while living in the same village on the outskirts of Moscow. Has two children: Zhanna (Date of birth: 08/02/1980) and Alexander (Date of birth: 03/16/1989), has a granddaughter - Komarova Anastasia Vladimirovna, date of birth: 08/14/2001; On April 30, 2009, another granddaughter, Sonya Aleksandrovna Kipelova, was born. Valery's children are also involved in music: Zhanna is a conductor, Alexander graduated from the Gnessin School in cello.

Views and beliefs

  • Religious views: Orthodox Christian, baptized.

“I consider myself an Orthodox person. I don’t go to churches very often, because there are “churched” people there, those who observe all the fasts and canons, who have risen to another level. I haven't reached this level yet.

As far as possible, I try to keep all the commandments that our Savior left us - do not deceive your loved ones, do not sin, do not betray, sometimes it doesn’t work out, but I constantly struggle with this, I work on myself. I respect the Orthodox Church. God is love! We sing about love, not like popular performers, but in other words, we treat our fans with love.”

Christian views also influenced Valery’s work: for some time now he has refused to perform the song “ Antichrist».

In 2008, in an interview with 1ROCK magazine, Kipelov said that

“I realized that few people grasped the essence of this song (the complex relationship between the Antichrist and Christ), and what was left in their heads was: “ My name is Antichrist, my sign is the number 666“. At concerts, people chanted exactly this line; the dramaturgy of the text went unnoticed. And it became somehow unpleasant to sing... well, relatively speaking, “chernukha.” I don't want to flirt with such serious topics. That is, I don’t give up mysticism - it is characteristic of our genre - but I don’t want to sing such lines in the first person.”

In March 2011, in an interview with the Segodnya newspaper, he said:

I realized that few people caught the essence of this song, and fans only isolate: “My name is Antichrist, my sign is the number 666.” At concerts, people always chanted this line. And only her one. And it became unpleasant for me to sing it... as if I was doing something bad. Besides, after I sang it, I had various troubles. So I don’t want to flirt with such serious topics anymore.

In January 2012, in an interview with the Chelyabinsk program “Stars in the Frame,” he answered the same question as follows:

“I simply understood that when you sing from the first name, that: “ My name is Antichrist, my sign is 666“” this is too much... Here. And when our fans started singing along... Well, there was all this leaven in this: it was supposedly an attempt at a dialogue between the Antichrist and Christ. That is, he tells his story that he went through the circles of hell, how he, roughly speaking, came to such a life... But when I heard in response that “my sign is 666,” then I realized that this is wrong, that it’s just They didn’t understand this and sing in the first person... in general, I didn’t take such courage. Some interesting events began to happen: fires, and we got into an accident. Exactly and almost at the time when we performed this song. Our conductor fell into the orchestra pit, when I had already refused to sing, they performed instrumentally... He simply fell into the orchestra pit. He was not warned that a very large hole had been cut there so that the drums could rise. They just covered it with a tent like this. They forgot to warn him that there was a hole there, that there was no floor there. So he stepped there and fell... But, thank God, everything worked out and he was not injured. Here. But there was also such a case: they played instrumentally with an orchestra... Therefore, I decided for myself that it was not worth playing all this.. These are not really toys. This is all quite serious.


early years

Valery Kipelov was born on July 12, 1958 in the Kapotnya district of Moscow. During his school years he studied accordion at a music school. He took his first musical steps in the group “Peasant Children”, which performed mainly at holidays and weddings.

After the army in 1978-1980, Kipelov became part of the “Six Young” ensemble, which also included Nikolai Rastorguev, later the leader of the “Lube” group. In September 1980, Kipelov and Rastorguev continued their careers in the VIA “Leisya, Song”, which included the entire cast of “Six Young People”. But in 1985, VIA did not pass the state program and the ensemble closed. Kipelov moves to VIA “Singing Hearts”, whose producer was Viktor Yakovlevich Vekshtein. When Vladimir Kholstinin and Alik Granovsky, members of Singing Hearts, begin to create a heavy metal project, Valery joins them as a vocalist.

Kipelov in the group "Aria"

In 1994, Kipelov began to have disagreements with Kholstinin. Due to the lack of touring activities and financial problems that arose, Kipelov worked as a night watchman. To earn money professionally, Valery Alexandrovich performs with the Master group in recently opened nightclubs. Kholstinin, who made his living by breeding and selling aquarium fish, perceives Kipelov’s act as a departure from the group, which is why the recording of a new album begins with Alexei Bulgakov. Sergei Mavrin states that he sees no prospects for success without Kipelov and leaves the group. Kipelov was “returned” by the record company Moroz Records, threatening the group with fines for breaking the contract.

In 1997, Kipelov, together with Mavrin, recorded the solo album “Time of Troubles”. The album includes 10 songs, including some that are not typical for the “Aria” style. Subsequently, Mavrin’s group “Mavrik”, founded the following year, performed songs from this album.

In 2001, after the release of the album “Chimera”, the tour, the “Invasion” festival, where the group was the headliner, Kipelov refused further participation due to disagreements existing in the group and announced the decision to start a solo career. He is supported by guitarist Sergei Terentyev, drummer Alexander Manyakin and band manager Rina Lee. According to Valery, the musicians agreed that no one would get the Aria brand; Kipelov and his team named their band after the leader’s surname. The remaining participants - Kholstinin and Dubinin - were going to call their group, like the last joint album, “Chimera”, but after a short time they decided to return to the name “Aria”, since they retained the copyright to it. Kipelov’s last concert with “Aria” (“Judgment Day”) took place on August 31, 2002.

Kipelov Group

The day after the split, September 1, 2002, Kipelov, Terentyev and Manyakin form the Kipelov group. The group also included: Sergey Mavrin and bass guitarist of the group “Sergey Mavrin”

Valery was born in Moscow on July 12, 1958. The boy spent his childhood in the Kapotnya district, which was considered not the most prestigious in the capital. From a young age, Kipelov was fond of sports. At one time, his father loved to play football, so he dreamed of passing on his knowledge to his son and making him a real hockey player or football player.

Even as a child, Valery began to study music. However, his parents made this choice for him. They sent their son to a music school, where he learned to play the button accordion. Since the boy did not show sufficient interest, they promised to give him a puppy. Gradually, Kipelov became interested in music and even learned to perform the hits “Deep Purple” and “Creedence” on the button accordion.

The year 1972 brought significant changes in Kipelov’s life. His father asked Valery to sing at his sister’s wedding along with the invited group “Peasant Children”. The boy performed a couple of songs by the Pesnyary ensemble and the Creedence group. The musicians were surprised by the guy's abilities and invited him to become a member of the group. So, from the eighth grade, Valery began performing at family holidays and earning his first money.

After school, Valery studied at the College of Automation and Telemechanics. As the musician himself recalled, it was a wonderful time of constant self-searching and an unforgettable first love, but in 1978 Kipelov was drafted into the army. Valery was sent to a sergeant training company in the Yaroslavl region (city of Pereslavl-Zalessky). Kipelov then served in the missile forces near Nizhny Tagil. But even in the ranks of the Red Army, the guy did not forget about music. Together with the army ensemble, he visited many missile sites in the country, where he performed for soldiers, as well as at various celebrations for officers and warrant officers.


After returning from the army, Kipelov began to study music at a professional level. For some time he was a member of the “Six Young” ensemble. Note that it also included Nikolai Rastorguev, who later became the vocalist and leader of the Lyube group.

In September 1980, the entire team of the “Six Young” group moved to the “Leisya, Song” ensemble. Several fruitful years ended with the group's disbandment in 1985. The guys were unable to pass the state program, and therefore were forced to stop their joint musical activities.

The next stage in Kipelov’s career was participation in the “Singing Hearts” ensemble. But this group did not last long. Soon, several members of the group decided to create a new project in the tough and provocative style of heavy metal at that time, and Kipelov was assigned the role of vocalist.

Best of the day

Group "Aria"

On the basis of “Singing Hearts” the group “Aria” was formed, which received significant support from Viktor Vekshtein. The popularity of the new team grew at an incredible pace. Moreover, it was Kipelov’s original voice that largely determined the guys’ success. In addition, Valery authored music for several rock ballads.

In 1987, a split occurred between the group members, and under the leadership of producer Viktor Vekshtein, only two musicians remained: Vladimir Kholstinin and Valery Kipelov. Then Vitaly Dubinin, Sergey Mavrin, Maxim Udalov join them, and the team continues to work with a new composition.

The rapid growth of the group's popularity was cut short by the difficult years of the early 90s for the country and population. People stopped being interested in heavy music and going to rock band concerts. “Aria” no longer performed, and in order to feed his family, Kipelov had to work as a watchman. At the same time, conflicts began to arise more and more often between group members.

Valery had to collaborate with other groups, for example, with the “Master” group. His colleague Kholstinin at that time was selling aquarium fish and reacted extremely negatively to Kipelov’s actions. That is why, when “Aria” recorded an album called “Night is Shorter than Day,” the vocalist was not Kipelov, but Alexei Bulgakov. Only the record company, which threatened to terminate the contract, was able to return Valery to the group.

After Kipelov’s return, the musicians presented three more joint albums. However, in 1997, the rocker recorded a new album, “Time of Troubles,” with former “Aria” member Sergei Mavrin.

After the release of the “Chimera” album, a large tour and the “Invasion” festival, Kipelov decides to leave the band and create a solo project. He was supported by other members of the group: Sergey Terentyev (guitarist), Alexander Manyakin (drummer) and Rina Lee (group manager). At the end of August 2002, Valery’s last performance with the group “Aria” took place.

Kipelov Group

The new musical project “Kipelov” was created in early September 2002. Almost immediately after this, a large tour “The Way Up” followed. Active and fruitful work has yielded results. The popularity of the talented musician grew rapidly. It is not surprising that in 2004 Valery’s project was recognized as the best rock band (MTV Russia Award).

The following year brought the famous musician his first solo album, “Rivers of Times.” Two years later, Valery Aleksandrovich Kipelov received the RAMP Award (nomination “Fathers of Rock”). In addition, he began to regularly appear at anniversary performances of groups of which he had previously been a member. For example, in 2007, the rocker participated in a concert of the formerly famous group “Master”.

Valery Kipelov had a friendship with Edmund Shklyarsky (leader of the Picnic group) for many years. In 2003, Valery participated in the presentation of a new project of this group called “Pentacle”. Four years later, their joint performance of the popular song “Purple-Black” captivated fans of both groups at once.

In 2008, Kipelov, together with other musicians of the Aria group, gave two big concerts. This is how the musicians celebrated the 20th anniversary of their legendary album “Hero of Asphalt”. In addition, Valery performed at a concert dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the existence of Sergei Mavrin’s group.

2010 again brought several anniversary performances for the Aria group. Then the team celebrated the 25th anniversary of its activity. In addition, in 2011, Valery Alexandrovich’s discography was replenished with the album “Live in Contrary.”

2012 marked the tenth anniversary of the existence of the Kipelov project, which was marked by a spectacular and memorable concert. Subsequently, it was recognized as the best concert of the year (based on the results of the “Chart Dozen”).

After this, the rocker’s new single called “Reflection” was presented. The best songs included in this record were: “I am free”, “Nadir’s Aria”, “Dead Zone”, etc. Two years later, the single “Unconquered” was released, which the musician dedicated to the fearless residents of besieged Leningrad.

In 2015, the 30th anniversary of “Aria” was celebrated. Of course, the group’s concert could not take place without its leader, Valery Kipelov. The following compositions were performed from the stage of the Stadium Live club: “Street of Roses”, “Follow Me”, “Shard of Ice”, “Dirt”, etc.

In 2016, a very unusual, but very touching performance by the famous musician took place. At the “Invasion” festival, Valery performed the song “I am Free” together with Daniil Pluzhnikov, the winner of the popular project “Voice. Children 3". At the same time, at the rehearsal, the rock musician was so shocked by the boy’s abilities that he invited him to additionally perform the song “Lizaveta.” The rocker later stated that he plans to continue collaborating with the young performer.

Despite his advanced age, Valery continues to tour and create new compositions. Today, active work is underway on recording a new album, so the musicians of the Kipelov project spend a lot of time in the recording studio. Fans of the legendary rocker constantly follow photo reports from Mosfilm, where a new album is being created. For 2017, the musician has planned a tour of several Russian cities, so lovers of good music will be able to enjoy excellent live performances.

Personal life

The famous rocker understood the importance of a strong and happy family even in his youth. In 1978, Valery Kipelov married a girl from his area, Galina. A tall, impressive guy easily conquered the beauty with his sincerity and talent.

Together with his wife, Valery raised two children: daughter Zhanna (born in 1980) and son Alexander (born in 1989). In addition, today they have two granddaughters: Anastasia (born 2001) and Sonya (born 2009). Kipelov's children also chose a musical career. Zhanna became a conductor, and Sasha graduated from the famous Gnessin School (cello class).

The musician also finds time for several hobbies. He is interested in motorcycles, billiards and, of course, football. Valery even participated in the creation of the anthem of the Moscow football club Spartak. In his free time, the rocker likes to read the works of writers such as Jack London and Mikhail Bulgakov.

In addition, it’s hard to imagine Valery’s leisure time without the songs of Ozzy Osbourne and the legendary rock bands: Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Slade. However, Kipelov once admitted that he would not mind listening to compositions by modern musical groups: “Nickelback”, “Muse”, “Evanescence”, etc.


1985 - Delusions of grandeur

1986 - Who are you with?

1987 - Hero of Asphalt

1989 - Playing with fire

1991 - Blood for blood

1995 - Night is shorter than day

1997 - Time of Troubles

1998 - Generator of Evil

2001 - Chimera

2005 - Rivers of Times

2011 - Living in spite of

2015 - Unconquered

Personal life:

Parents: Mother – Kipelova Ekaterina Ivanovna. Father - Kipelov Alexander Semenovich.
Family: Wife – Galina Petrovna Kipelova (born May 9, 1960).

Valery Kipelov has two children: son Alexander (born March 16, 1989) and daughter Zhanna (born August 2, 1980). Valery is already the grandfather of two granddaughters: Anastasia Vladimirovna Komarova (born August 14, 2001) and Sonya (born April 30, 2009).

The son and daughter of Valery Kipelov also devoted themselves to music. Daughter Zhanna works as a conductor, and son Alexander graduated from the Gnessin School and plays the cello.

Valery Kipelov took part in the recording of the anthem of the Spartak football club, for which he supports. Besides football, he also loves motorcycles and playing billiards. Kipelov prefers the hard rock of the seventies: Led Zeppelin, Slade and Black Sabbath. Favorite band: Judas Priest. Favorite performer: Ozzy Osbourne.

Valery admitted that he also prefers some alternative bands, for example: Evanescence, Muse, Nickelback. Religious views: baptized, Orthodox Christian. Orthodox beliefs also influenced the musician’s work. Valery says that he no longer wants to perform the song “Antichrist” at his concerts.

Kipelov explains: “I realized that no one understands the meaning of the song (the complex relationship between Christ and Antichrist). At concerts they constantly repeat only one line: “My name is Antichrist, my sign is the number 6,” completely not understanding the dramatic essence of the text. And it became unpleasant to sing this song... I don’t want to play with such themes anymore. I’m not going to give up the mysticism that is so characteristic of the genre in which our group plays, but I don’t want to sing such lines on my own behalf.”

Valery started smoking quite a long time ago and continues to do so, although he knows that smoking is harmful to the ligaments. He loves orange juice very much and tries not to abuse alcohol. I quit smoking in mid-January 2010. Valery spoke about this in the program “Zvezdo4at”, which aired on January 30, 2010 on the “A1” TV channel. And after some time, Kipelov admitted to a correspondent of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” that after two months of “abstinence” he started smoking again.

In 1992, the group “Master” recorded their album “Talk of the Devil”. Kipelov assists in recording backing vocals.

Together with Sergei Mavrin in 1995 he worked on the project “Back to the Future”. Unfortunately, the album was never officially released.

Session work:

1995 - Kipelov takes part in the popular rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” (Russian-language production), performing the role of Simon the Zealot.

2002 - Valery Kipelov and Sergey Galanin (group “Serga”) perform the song “Alien”.

2005 - Kipelov records the composition “Black Angel (Talisman)”, which was performed in the film “Black Angel (Talisman)”.

2006 - Vocalist of the group “Black Obelisk” Dmitry Borisenkov records a joint composition with Kipelov called “Someday”. Later this song was included in the maxi-single of “Black Obelisk”.

2007 - Valery takes part in the project of rock poet Margarita Pushkina. For the album “Dynasty of the Initiates,” Kipelov records the composition “Nobody,” where he performs it alone and, in one of the recordings, with Arthur Berkut. Such famous musicians and singers as Kirill Nemolyaev, Sergey Terentyev, Arthur Berkut, Alexey Kharkov and Anatoly Aleshin also took part in this project.

2010 - The rock festival “Rock over the Volga” was held. Valery Kipelov performed several songs on it.

In culture:

Valery Kipelov’s composition “Death Machine” is mentioned in the book “Six-Armed Resident” by Alexander Rudazov. The book describes a moment when even demons were horrified when they heard this song.

Some compare Kipelov with the Dark Other from Sergei Lukyanenko’s book “Day Watch” because only the Dark Other is capable of singing songs such as, for example, “I am free” or “Time of Troubles.” If the existence of “Others” actually took place, then Valery Kipelov would classify himself as a Light Other, reports an unknown source.

The books “Fire Patrol” by Alex Kosh describe the dreams that the main character of the book sees from a parallel world. In them he will star in the songs of the group “Aria”. A vampire is also mentioned - a long-liver who can sing them for hours in moments of sadness and despondency.

Interesting Facts:

Kipelov Valery Aleksandrovich does not know how to drive a car. Having poor handling of his personal car, he prefers to travel by public transport.
