The best hair oil. Choosing an essential oil

Hair shining with health and beauty is a real treasure. Vegetable or essential hair oils will nourish your hair with essential substances and restore its former beauty. Which oil to choose, how to use it to give your curls a stunning look?

What oils are good for hair?

The best hair oils are natural essential and plant substances. Each of them has a special purpose for improving the appearance and general condition hairstyles It is important to purchase one that would be better suited your needs: oil for hair growth, strengthening roots, nourishing root zones, a remedy for split ends or a complex mask. You can buy the best products at a cosmetic store, specialized centers or pharmacies.


Absence harmful substances promotes an active effect on curls. The best vegetable hair oils are made from vegetable fats, without the addition of chemicals. The prices for such products are affordable, they are much cheaper than essential oils, and the health benefits are invaluable. Find out about the best products to choose the one that is effective in composition and effect.


The most fragrant option of all those presented on store shelves, which is considered a hit among Indian women. Coconut oil improves shine and volume, protects curls from negative impact sun and does not deprive them useful elements when washing your hair. Apply the oil as a mask for three hours, then wash off with shampoo. How best protection from the sun is applied before going to the beach.


Receive useful product using burdock roots, which contain a large number of mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, tannins. Thanks to palmitic and stearic acid, itching and dryness of the scalp are eliminated and the damaged hair. Burdock oil is known for its quality of improving hair growth and preventing hair loss. You need to rub it into the skin a couple of times a week, then after 20 minutes, rinse with shampoo.


You can use this oil in its pure form or by adding it to shampoos and masks. Beneficial properties for hair:

  • Sun protection;
  • better hydration and nutrition of the scalp;
  • acceleration of growth;
  • dandruff treatment;
  • improves hair structure and restores after chemical exposure;
  • means of prevention for the improvement of hair.

Grape seeds

The product is filled with vitamins, antioxidants, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, but the main highlight of the product is linoleic acid, which affects not only the strands, but also the root zone. Products from grape seed will help you forget about such problems:

  • slow growth;
  • oily scalp;
  • inflammation, irritation of the epidermis;
  • fragility of ends;
  • dandruff;
  • dull and bad appearance.


A product made using healthy nut, after just a couple of procedures it will allow you to notice the softness, manageability of your hair, its natural glow. It is applied not only to the ends, but along the entire length of the hair, which is convenient, because it is absorbed quickly and does not weigh down the hair. What is useful for hair strands:

  • eliminates dryness, fragility;
  • gives shine, healthy shine;
  • strengthens roots, subcutaneous bulbs;
  • treats damaged strands;
  • accelerates growth;
  • optimal for any type of epidermis, it is hypoallergenic and therefore there are no contraindications for use;


A time-tested product of organic nature, which confirms its hypoallergenicity. A hair mask made from oils or a product in its pure form is up to the consumer to choose. Why our grandmothers loved the best remedy:

  • active strengthening of strands, accelerated formation of keratin in the follicle;
  • gives shine, smoothness, silky structure to the strand;
  • eliminates and prevents dandruff, peeling of the epidermis;
  • increase in volume, splendor;
  • protection after curling, coloring.


According to the Greeks, this product is liquid gold, because its benefits and potency are invaluable for health. A strengthening, smoothing product that prevents dryness and brittleness of curls. For it to be beneficial, use it as part of a mask when heated (about 40 degrees). Leave the mask under plastic wrap for half an hour, then wash it off until the hair is dry.

Essential oils

Improvement with the help of such oils is ensured; they help prevent hair loss, fragility, and accelerate the growth of your strands. The choice on the shelves of stores and pharmacies is great. The best essential oils are: juniper, lavender, clove, fir, rosewood, lemon balm and others. Such oils are individual, soothe the scalp, accelerate hair growth, nourish and treat unhealthy hair.


The regenerating properties of the oil are very effective for oily hair types. It dries, relieves curls of greasy, unsightly shine, and can be used without adding other components, dripping into shampoo or conditioner. To restore hair growth, it is better to use it in combination with rosemary and sage. This tandem strengthens the roots and the curls themselves.


Severe damage and malfunction of the follicles can be treated quickly and effectively with mandarin ether. What tangerine oil will help you fight within the first month:

  • any type of seborrhea;
  • dandruff;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • slow growth of strands;
  • brittle, split ends;
  • dry hair and epidermis;
  • dull, unhealthy appearance;
  • insufficient silkiness of the hair, damaged structure.


It is used not only as part of masks, balms and shampoos, but also for head massage. Prevents and eliminates the following problems:

  • bacterial skin lesions;
  • fragility, loss;
  • increased fat secretion;
  • loss of shiny appearance;
  • inflammation, irritation of the epidermis;
  • decreased activity of follicles;
  • cut ends.


The best active ingredients act to regenerate the scalp and hair. Fragility, damaged structure, dry hair, reduced follicle function using rose oil are easily eliminated. The elasticity of curls, firmness and volume are restored. No less effective for initial forms of alopecia (baldness). Any procedure with 5-7 drops of ether will be useful for both treatment and prevention purposes.

Which oil is best for hair

The type of hair and layer of the epidermis is a purely individual concept, therefore the selection of types of oils for each person should be carried out in the same way. Problems of growth, strengthening of strands, nutrition and care of the ends should be carried out by the best oils, the active components of which are aimed at solving hair problems. What are the best products to tame stubborn strands?

For hair growth

The best vegetable oils that are effective for accelerating hair growth:

  • olive;
  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • mustard;
  • coconut;
  • Flaxseed;
  • peach;
  • almond.

The benefits of aroma oil for hair growth are also high. The following tools are suitable:

  • jojoba;
  • tea tree;
  • citrus;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • cornflower blue.

To strengthen

The best essential oils are highly effective in this case. They are used as part of masks, often in combination, to enhance the effect on curls and get maximum results. These include oils:

  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • jasmine;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • sandalwood;
  • basilica;
  • cassia;
  • citrus types of oils;
  • bergamot;

For split ends of hair

It is best to use unrefined or specialty oil for brittle split ends. The best herbal remedies to help get rid of the cross-section problem:

  • from burdock;
  • almond seeds;
  • castor;
  • coconut;
  • corn;
  • Flaxseed;
  • from wheat germ;
  • argan

The best essential oils for hair:

  • from geranium;
  • grapefruit;
  • clove;
  • lemon;
  • fir;
  • rosemary;
  • ylang-ylang.

For hydration

A few useful drops in a balm or mask will improve the condition of your hair after a month of use. Dry curls spoil the healthy appearance of your hair. The best basic products that will moisturize and nourish the hair structure:

  • peach;
  • almond;
  • hemp;
  • Palm;
  • argan;
  • anise;
  • apricot;
  • burdock;
  • sesame;
  • castor

Video about oil hair masks

Now almost every modern woman suffers from dry hair. For many, the loss of moisture is not observed along the entire length: only the ends, or hair shafts, are affected, starting from their middle; the roots may have normal or even increased fat content.

Trimming dry areas without any additional action on your part is a waste of time. Only improving their nutrition will help restore curls: simultaneous introduction into the diet of foods rich in B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, and treatment of dry hair with oils - essential and cosmetic.

You can buy these products at the pharmacy, they are quite inexpensive. The main thing is to choose those that will help not only moisturize the canvas, but also solve other problems: restore the structure, stop hair loss, cure split ends. Below we will tell you what this or that oil “can do” and how you can use it.

A little theory

Oils used in cosmetology are called cosmetic. They are divided into:

  1. Base oils and batters, which can be used in their pure form or serve as a basis for introducing useful components into them. These products are herbal (natural, obtained from plants) and mineral (their initial product is oil, which undergoes multi-level purification and is enriched with useful ingredients).
  2. Oil cocktails consisting of a base mixture into which various active substances can be added. Basically, these are essential oils obtained from plant materials, having strong odor and high concentration. They, except for the oil extract from tea tree and lavender, are not applied to the skin and hair shafts in their pure form, but only as part of oil cocktails, so as not to cause a burn.

The effect of oil for dry and damaged hair is partly to imitate the function of normal sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. The latter, pressing the cuticle scales to the base of the hair shaft, makes it smooth, soft and shiny. And if a person often washes his hair, or constantly uses a hairdryer or curling iron, the amount of sebum decreases - the scalp dries and flakes. The scales of the hair cuticle “puff up”, opening access to the pigment (it gives the hair color), which is soon washed out or burns out. The hair shafts themselves become brittle, dry, tangled, broken and dull.

In addition to replenishing the deficiency of fat on the hair shafts, the oil should saturate them useful substances, protect from ultraviolet rays and damaging substances, in some cases - stimulate the work of your own sebaceous glands, that is, to provide hydration for a long period. Some substances exhibit antiseptic and antifungal activity, fighting dandruff, others stimulate blood circulation in the head and enhance the growth of curls. Basically, only essential oils act this way.

The Best Oil Remedies for Home Treatments for Dry Hair

Cosmetic oils are purchased from finished form: for example, some particular oil or ready mixture(“Gliss Kur Oil elixir”, “Loreal Mystic Oil”, Garnier oil). You can prepare a cosmetic cocktail yourself by mixing several base oils or adding essential components.

Which oils are suitable for dry hair:

  • castor: moisturizes, regulates growth, reduces hair loss;
  • Jojoba: nourishes, adds shine, protects against damage;
  • olive: nourishes and strengthens, treats dandruff, resists;
  • burdock: can accelerate the growth of hair shafts;
  • wheat germ: has nutritional and regeneration-improving properties;
  • peppermint: cleanses, restores tone and strengthens, heals;
  • coconut: restores structure, adds volume;
  • flaxseed: nourishes, strengthens, accelerates growth;
  • argan: effectively moisturizes, prevents hair loss;
  • apricot: nourishes and moisturizes;
  • sandalwood: with the help of the active component santalol, it has a protective effect against harmful external substances and oxygen radicals, which accelerate the aging of hair. Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Which oil is best for dry hair ends? An excellent solution is to apply flaxseed, olive, almond, castor or burdock oils to the ends of the hair shafts.

You can also add the following essential oils for dry hair to the base mixtures. The choice depends on the problem that needs to be fixed:

  • tea tree - its action is aimed at treating dandruff;
  • rose oil – reduces the fragility of hair shafts;
  • basil – provides nutrition to the roots;
  • myrrh – moisturize and strengthen hair shafts;
  • lavender – strengthens hair follicles, which is why hair grows strong and healthy;
  • jasmine – gives hair health and shine, moisturizes the skin;
  • tangerine and orange – stimulate the production of collagen by the skin, improve the delivery of oxygen to the follicles;
  • chamomile – restores the structure of the hair shaft, moisturizes the skin, eliminates dandruff;
  • carrot seed – thanks to its active component, vitamin A, strengthens hair follicles.

Methods of using cosmetic oils

Ready base oil(olive, coconut, burdock or other) or a mixture of it with the selected ester is recommended to be applied twice a week to the hair 40-120 minutes before washing it. The composition should have a temperature of about 40°C.

If only the ends or hair shafts from their middle are dry, the composition is not applied to the roots. If not only the hairline, but also the skin suffers from insufficient humidity, the composition is applied completely to the hair and also massaged into the skin. After applying the oil composition, a cap (polyethylene) is put on the head, and on top - warm scarf or a scarf, that's all useful components were able to overcome the surface layer and be absorbed by the base of the hair shaft. In 1-2 hours oil mixture must be washed off with shampoo. In this case, you must first apply shampoo without water directly to oiled hair, whisk it, and only then rinse it off with water. After washing your hair, use your usual balm or conditioner.

At home, you can also prepare masks based on various oils; below we will look at the main ones.


For dry hair, olive oil can be used in the following recipes:

  1. For the treatment of dry hair with split ends. Take 3 tbsp. sour cream and three times less olive oil, 5 drops each of geranium and lavender esters. Mix with a blender, heat in a water bath, and then apply to the entire length of the canvas. Keep the mask for half an hour, rinse with shampoo.
  2. To eliminate hair breakage. Need 400 ml hot water, where add a spoonful of olive oil extract and 1 raw yolk. After mixing, apply the mixture. Exposure time is 20-30 minutes.
  3. To strengthen dry hair. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Keep the mask on for half an hour under a protective cap.


Burdock oil is used not only to restore dry hair, but also to treat scalp itching and alopecia.

It can be used independently, warmed up. It is also used as part of the following mask:

  • 3 tbsp. burdock oil mixture, 2 tbsp kefir, the same amount of peach oil, 2 drops each of ylang-ylang and lavender oils. This mask perfectly nourishes and restores damaged hair shafts, strengthening them.


It is not always worth applying this product to the entire hair, but only if you have alopecia - it will be difficult to wash it off. But you can use castor oil for dry hair ends if they have severe split ends. To do this you need to take 1 tsp. oil, mix with the same amount of olive oil and shampoo. You only need to apply it for 40 minutes, then wash it off with soapy water.


The use of coconut oil is indicated for those whose hair is not only dry, but also damaged. To do this, the tool can be used:

  • in its pure form, after melting it in a water bath and heating it to 35-40 degrees;
  • adding rosemary leaves and dried chamomile flowers to the oil base (10 g per 100 ml of oil). The mixture should be heated in a water bath for half an hour, left for a week in a dark glass bottle, and then filtered. Before use, the product is warmed up and applied to hairline for half an hour, wrap in a warm towel;
  • in the form of shampoo. To do this, you need to brew chamomile tea (available at the pharmacy) in an amount of 120 ml, mix it with 30 ml of apple cider vinegar. Take 100 ml of coconut butter separately and mix with a teaspoon cosmetic clay, and then both parts are connected. Apply to the head with light massaging movements and rinse after 5 minutes.


Almond oil is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, proteins, tocopherol and glucose. It is a hair growth stimulator and also perfectly moisturizes and heals hair.

It is used mainly in its pure form, even applying a small amount of oil to clean and still warm hair, after washing them. This can be done conveniently with a wooden comb, onto which a couple of drops of this are applied. natural preparation. You shouldn’t take more product, otherwise your hair will look dirty.


Argan oil is a storehouse of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for the core of the hair shaft, as well as for its bulb.

To nourish and moisturize the hair, “liquid gold from Morocco” is used in its pure form. It is applied first to the palm and then distributed from roots to ends for 25 minutes. The product can also be used as a mask to treat split ends and eliminate dandruff. To do this, you need to make an oil mixture of argan and olive 1:2, add 5 drops of lavender and sage esters. Heat the resulting mixture, apply to the hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.


It acts on hair in two ways: it improves blood circulation in the scalp, normalizes local metabolism, so the hair shaft begins to grow healthy. Also, if you apply the product to the hair shaft, it will nourish and moisturize it.

Oily camphor remedy helps with weak and thin hair, dry scalp, eliminates dandruff and treats hair loss. It's better to use it like this:

  • shake 1 yolk in a small amount of warm water, add 1 tsp. camphor oil. Distribute the product over damp hair, massage the scalp for 3 minutes, then rinse with water;
  • dilute 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. burdock and 5 drops of camphor oil. Keep the mask on for half an hour, wrapping your head in plastic and a warm towel;
  • 1 raw yolk is mixed with 1 tsp. glycerin and the same volume of vinegar, add 2 tbsp. camphor, preheated. The mixture is distributed over the entire length of the hair and left for 30 minutes.

Split ends are an aesthetic problem faced by owners of any hair type. Both oily and normal hair, and especially dry hair with split ends, look untidy and difficult to style. Silk-n-Shine hair tip oil is designed to solve the problem. The product is made on the basis of fruit compounds rich in vitamins and microelements. The product has a beneficial effect on hair in general:

  • restores damaged structure;
  • strengthens the root part of the rod;
  • gives a delightful shine;
  • fights hair fragility;
  • makes combing easier.

The product works and how effective protection during the heat styling process. The oil should be applied to wet hair, and then proceed to styling with a hairdryer, iron or curling iron.

Customers note quick tangible results, healthier scalp and low fluid consumption. It helps bring dull and damaged hair back to life, which is not helped by balms and masks.

Garnier Fructis “Transfiguration”

Although many users criticize Garnier products for the abundance of silicones in their composition, this elixir oil pleasantly surprised everyone. The action of the product fully corresponds to its name. Curls really transform literally before our eyes. From dry, brittle and unruly, they turn into soft, pliable and flowing.

And all thanks fruit oils and Chinese camellia extract. They vitaminize dry strands, soften and nourish along the entire length. Oil molecules settle on the entire surface of the hair shaft, creating a reliable barrier against water evaporation. Strands stop losing precious moisture and suffering from harmful external factors. The elixir gives hair excellent shine and an attractive appearance. The product does not contain harmful chemical compounds, its consistency is light, and the aroma is pleasant and unobtrusive. With this oil, you can safely give up expensive masks - Garnier Fructis will successfully cope with the tasks of nutrition and hydration.

Matrix Oil Wonders Indian Amla Strengthening Oil

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is an exotic berry that can balance our body, saturating cells with useful substances. The main property of the plant is antioxidant. It rids tissues of toxic compounds and free radicals, preventing the aging process. Matrix specialists chose amla to create their amazing fluid with a subtle oriental aroma.

What is the result of using this tool:

  • stimulates follicles, enhances growth;
  • tones the scalp and fights dandruff;
  • reduces the risk of gray hair;
  • eliminates split ends;
  • strengthens hair roots.

This hair growth product allows even the weakest and thinnest hair to look flawless. At regular use You can achieve stunning thickness and strength of strands.

Customers who have tried the product on themselves give this advice. It is better to apply oil before washing your hair - this way its components begin to work more powerfully and intensively.

Echosline Seliar

The product from the Italian company Echosline is a natural, purified argan oil. There is nothing superfluous in the composition of the product - only useful compounds created by nature itself.

Composition and beneficial features argan oil for hair:

  • thanks to the high concentration of vitamin E, it restores the damaged structure of curls;
  • irreplaceable fatty acid serve as protection and nourish hair with energy;
  • organic acids eliminate inflammation, dandruff, flaking and itching;
  • polyphenols and sterols smooth hairs and improve blood circulation in the follicles.

L'Oreal Professionnel Liss Unlimited Blow-Dry Oil

To the rating the best vibes for hair it is impossible not to include wonderful professional product from L'Oreal. The Liss Unlimited series of caring cosmetics works real miracles with your hair. The manufacturer emphasizes that the product is intended primarily for unruly hair. Under the influence of oil, unruly strands radically change their “behavior” - they acquire lightness and flexibility, become soft and moisturized.

Another important property means - protective. Cosmetic product protects hair from the following factors:

  • high temperatures during styling;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • low ambient temperatures;
  • increased air humidity;
  • salt water and wind.

The product will be an excellent companion for beach holiday. After your vacation you won't need restoratives cosmetic procedures and long-term regeneration.

Chandi Coconut Oil

An excellent care solution is offered by the Indian company Chandi. The brand's technologists decided to combine hair and body care products in one bottle. Oil called “Coconut” is a classic option natural cosmetics with proven beneficial properties. The product contains only one component - 100% high-quality coconut oil.

The peculiarity of the product is its dense texture, which does not allow hair and skin to lose protein. As you know, it is protein molecules that serve as the building basis for the skin and strands and are responsible for their health. Gently enveloping the hair, the oil evens out its surface, adds vibrant shine and increases barrier properties. When applied to the skin, it reduces the number of wrinkles and stretch marks, increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.

CHI Argan Oil Plus Moringa Oil

CHI Argan Oil – light nutritious composition of oils with high penetrating abilities. When developing the formula, the brand focused on owners of dull and damaged hair that requires rejuvenation and hydration.

The main components of the composition were:

  • argan oil – regenerates and smoothes hair, gives a mirror shine;
  • Moringa oil – has antibacterial properties and stimulates metabolic processes.

The elixir is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which take care of the health of the strands and provide maximum nutrition and hydration. With this product, your hair will become smooth and healthy, and your styling will be flexible and shiny. Immediately after application, the curls are powerful protection from high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. The hairstyle will not be afraid of the vicissitudes of the weather and aggressive influence styling devices.

Joko Blend Squalane Oil

Cosmetic oil from Joko Blend – universal product, which is suitable for facial skin and hair care.

Composition of the product:

  • olive squalane – retains moisture in the hair and prevents age-related changes;
  • Jojoba oil – provides cells with nutrition and maximum protection;
  • complex of vitamins - improves metabolism at the hair roots, stimulates growth and increases the thickness of strands;
  • green coffee extract – strengthens hair follicles, promotes strong hair growth;
  • Vanilla essential oil – creates the effect of smooth glossy curls.

The oil product will become excellent basis in comprehensive care for damaged hair. All components of the emulsion have a light texture, do not create a sticky film and do not weigh down the hair. The oil is absorbed very quickly, making skincare procedures simple and effortless.

L'Oreal Paris Elseve Oi

Extraordinary oil is ideal for dry hair - it can be used both after shampooing and after styling. The product's ester complex is carefully balanced for comprehensive hair care. Useful components affect the entire length of the hair:

  • normalize metabolic processes fundamentally;
  • smooth the surface of the rod;
  • improve the condition of the ends by sealing the scales.

Additional care is provided by extracts of chamomile, rose, nivaria flowers, tiare and lotus. They are able to penetrate deep into the cuticle and regenerate it from the inside.

If your hair is weak, it is better to use oil before the styling procedure. This way you will protect them from harmful high temperatures and maintain a healthy structure. The product is suitable for frequent use, lays down very smoothly, does not create a feeling of grease or stickiness. Perfume aroma stays on the hair all day, creating a pleasant, gentle aura.

Dr. Sante Macadamia Hair

Our list is completed by the “Restoration and Protection” leave-in hair oil from trademark Dr. Sante. The brand produces cosmetics in the budget segment, but does not skimp on the quality of ingredients. This product contains precious macadamia oil, which is extremely useful and effective for maintaining healthy strands. It has excellent regenerating, softening, protective and nourishing properties.

When choosing hair cosmetics, many customers rely mainly on product reviews. At the same time, they forget about such a moment as individual approach. The best product for one woman will be absolutely useless for another. That is why cosmetic companies They are developing samples and mini-versions of products that you can try on yourself before purchasing a whole bottle.

Blow-drying, curling, straightening, backcombing, coloring and chemical treatments, poor nutrition and stress greatly weaken hair. As a result, we get dry, dull and brittle hair that grows slowly and reaches certain length, they begin to itch. Hair needs to be treated and nourished. We will tell you how to vegetable oils you can improve the condition of your hair and how to make nourishing masks yourself.

To nourish, strengthen and moisturize hair, masks should be done at least 1-2 times a week. The mask is applied to clean hair, rub into the scalp with massaging movements. Purchased masks should contain vitamins and natural oils, for example, jojoba oil or castor oil. We will tell you about the nutritional properties of vegetable oils, and you will choose a hair mask based on your hair problems and the beneficial properties of oils. Oils can be purchased in bottles and rubbed into the scalp. After some oils you have to wash your hair 3-4 times.

Burr oil - universal remedy from all problems that hair is susceptible to. Burdock oil is rubbed into the scalp and hair roots for 30-40 minutes before washing your hair. The oil helps with hair loss, dandruff, dryness and itching of the scalp, increases capillary blood circulation and restores metabolism in the scalp, nourishes and strengthens the roots and structure of the hair, accelerates hair growth, stops hair loss.

The oil can be applied before each hair wash. Within 2-3 weeks, with regular use of burdock oil, you will notice that your hair looks healthy and beautiful. You can buy oil at a pharmacy.

Oil for damaged, dry and brittle hair: Included finished mask for weakened hair it should be natural oil avocado. Jojoba oil is also called " liquid wax", this oil perfectly cares for damaged and dry hair. Cedar oil. A real find - hemp oil - perfectly cares for brittle, dry, frizzy and frizzy hair. dull hair. Eliminates the effect of dandelion. Curly and curly hair after a mask with hemp oil lie beautiful waves or curls. The oil nourishes the capillary fiber, improves the structure of the hair, gives it shine, volume and makes styling easier.

Coconut oil moisturizes hair, compared to other oils, and greatly reduces the loss of protein from hair during shampooing. Hair masks with coconut oil are recommended to be used before and after washing, as well as during combing. A layer of oil on the hair protects the hair fibers from damage. Sea buckthorn oil nourishes dry and damaged hair, stimulates hair growth. Oil from peach pits Suitable as masks for dry and brittle hair.

Oil for hair strengthening and growth: Sea buckthorn oil. St. John's wort oil. Castor oil.

Oil for oily hair: St. John's wort oil is excellent for caring for oily hair and dandruff. Calendula oil. Almond oil is recommended for oily hair; it strengthens and restores hair even after long-term coloring. It stimulates hair growth, gives it shine and elasticity.

For dandruff: Castor oil. Cedar oil.

For hair loss: Wheat germ oil nourishes hair and root bulbs, recommended for hair loss. Can be used pure or mixed with jojoba oil (1:1). Apply to hair 15-20 minutes before washing. Cedar oil. Pumpkin oil is rubbed into the scalp for hair loss several times a week.

For shine and silkiness of hair: Corn oil is one of the the best means. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil in its pure form in the morning and evening, and also to make a mask at home: 50 ml linseed oil mix with 30 ml of glycerin, rub into hair roots and leave overnight. Wash your hair with shampoo in the morning. Olive oil adds shine, smoothes and strengthens hair.

Wheat germ oil nourishes hair and root bulbs, recommended for hair loss. Can be used pure or mixed with jojoba oil (1:1). Apply to hair 15-20 minutes before washing.

Hair masks at home: We use only fresh ingredients for the mask and apply the mask to the hair immediately after preparation. It is best to prepare the mask in a glass

Utensils and use a wooden spoon. The mask is rubbed into the scalp and hair roots, then the head is wrapped in plastic wrap and covered with a towel on top. The mask is applied for at least 15-20 minutes, maximum for an hour; it is not recommended to leave the mask on your hair overnight. After this, wash your head thoroughly with shampoo.

Very good for your hair kefir or yogurt masks. These dairy products strengthen hair, give it shine and silkiness, and also prevent dandruff. Apply kefir or yogurt to your hair, rubbing the liquid into the hair roots. It is enough to leave it on your hair for 15-30 minutes.

Honey-egg mask with green onions: The only disadvantage of such a mask is the smell, which lasts for several hours, so if you are going somewhere, it is better to refuse the mask. You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped green onions, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 egg yolk. Grind the green onions, mix it with honey and add the yolk. Rub the mask into your hair, cover with plastic wrap and tie a towel on top. Keep the mask on the hair for 1 hour. The mask should be washed off with warm water.

Hair oils - best alternative store-bought hair care products. They are made on the basis of vegetable fats, which means they have natural origin without adding chemical substances. Oils do not contain artificial components, and therefore are beneficial for hair and scalp in general. Thanks to their composition, they are truly important products that give our body health and beauty to our hair. Essential oils are a little more expensive than regular plant oils, but they are no less beneficial.

Different hair types - different treatments

The scalp can be conditionally divided into 3 groups according to the thickness of the hair. They can be thin, thick and medium thickness. Hair can also be sparse or thick. Based on the amount of sebum secreted by the epidermis of the head, they are divided into normal, dry, oily or mixed type.

The most problematic and demanding to care for are thin and greasy hair. The former are highly susceptible to cosmetic cleansers. Due to the frequently secreted sebum, they get dirty quite quickly. In such a situation, it can come to the rescue

Slightly less demanding are dry and Thin hair. This type, as a rule, quickly gets tangled and, accordingly, loses its former shine.

If your hair structure is thick and dense, and your scalp is of normal type, you are lucky. Such hair does not need special care. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the best oil for hair growth.

Benefits of hair oils

Oils are prepared from different plants, seeds and seeds. A special effect can be achieved when used if you use one that was extracted by cold pressing. Thus, they retain a large amount of substances necessary for health. Hair oil can significantly improve the condition of your hair, make it thicker, get rid of dandruff, accelerate growth and add shine.

But each of them differs in its properties. Therefore, before using the product you have chosen, you need to figure out what results you would like to achieve: get rid of dryness, brittleness, or maybe add shine to them?

Which oil is better to choose?

From a large and varied assortment essential supplements there is always the opportunity to choose best oil for hair that will suit your type. To figure out which one to choose, you need to understand what properties distinguish each of them.

To get the expected effect, simply apply the chosen product to your hair, wait a little and rinse thoroughly. So, the best hair oils:

  • The best oil for oily hair is jojoba oil. It will cope with tasks such as moisturizing, nourishing, restoring hair structure, and giving it incredible softness. Due to its thick consistency, many manufacturers try to add jojoba to various hair care products.
  • The best oil for dry hair is wheat germ oil. It has everything: vitamins, various antioxidants and acids.
  • The best oil for hair that suffers from poor environmental conditions and excessive dullness is
  • Burr oil. It contains vitamins and various mineral salts. It can work wonders - bring hair back to life, including on a balding head. Also oil will do and those who would like to gain a thick mop. Choose the best for yourself Burr oil for hair through recommendations from friends or by searching for it on store shelves.
  • Castor oil. If you want to return your hair to its former strength, restore it and strengthen it, then feel free to choose it. Perhaps, to the question “which oil restores hair best?” The answer can definitely be given that this is exactly it. By using castor oil you will regain the lost shine for your hair. This is an excellent remedy for dull, weak and lifeless curls.
  • The best oil for hair suffering from hair loss is, of course, bergamot oil. It prevents hair loss and supports the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Coconut oil. It has several advantages.

Let's look at them:

  1. Firstly, this is the best oil for weakened, damaged and split hair.
  2. Secondly, it has a great effect on colored hair, as it is distinguished by its excellent moisturizing properties.
  3. Thirdly, thanks to it, healthy shine and strength will return to the hair, and then relief from dandruff will come.

Advice: take a closer look at Indian-made goods. It is believed that they are the highest quality and natural. Thanks to this simple recommendation, you can choose the best coconut oil for hair.

All these means are far from full list all existing ones. Their composition is a source of energy for hair growth, shine, thickness and strength.

Essential oils for hair

Essential oils have been known for their healing properties since ancient times. They are useful because they can help us improve the nutrition of the hair and scalp, accelerate hair growth and stop hair loss. One of the most effective natural gifts to help your curls - these are essential hair oils. Which ones are better?

Choosing an essential oil

If you have pinned your hopes on oil as a solution to your health problems, you should understand that not every hair type is suitable for this or that choice.

  • For dandruff, it is better to use mint, rosemary, tea tree or any citrus oil.
  • If your hair is oily, then clove, lavender, rosewood and juniper oils are great choice to get your head in order.
  • Ylang-ylang or saffron will relieve hair loss.
  • Fir, lemon balm and cinnamon are perfect for hair growth.

Need to know

Do not use essential oil in its pure form. It must be mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:2. Otherwise, you can cause a scalp burn due to the high concentration of the active substance. Only after this can you apply it for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Be sure to do an allergy test. Apply to inner side elbow drop of 2% solution. If itching, redness, rash or any other unpleasant sensations you should stop using them.

More effective method Applications of oils are:

  • masks;
  • shampoos, balms;
  • combing.

Combing is one of the most simple ways hair care. Apply a few drops of oil to a comb or comb and comb through.

For lightness and freshness of hair, try to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, using a base of pine, ginger, cypress, lemon, and eucalyptus.

For length and thickness of hair, use a mask with the addition of essential oil and rosemary (a couple of drops), one egg and a spoonful of honey. You can also add a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil, jojoba and grape seed oils. This composition is applied for about half an hour to damp curls and washed out with plenty of warm water.

Using oil masks for hair

If we take one of the most thick oils, for example, such as coconut oil, wheat germ oil, castor oil and add any other useful ingredients to them, then you can get a good hair oil mask. It’s up to you to decide which ingredients are best to combine, since you already know that the choice of oil directly depends on your hair type.

  • The mixture or just oil should be applied to dry hair with a brush, thus distributing the mask or oil along the entire length of the hair, just as is done when dyeing it.
  • It is necessary to keep the mask on for about an hour, but it is better if you leave it longer.
  • For greater effect, use cling film, attaching it tightly to the head.
  • It is better to rinse twice.

Masks for those with dark hair

Black algae oil based on sesame in a 1:2 ratio is what you need. Especially ideal for those who often use straightening irons and hair dryers. Increase hair growth, promote the appearance of new ones, restore the structure after coloring - just such a mask will help you cope with all this.

Another composition with the addition of essential oil is a product based on cocoa and almond oil. It is also great for those with dark hair. To create it you will need a few spoons of cocoa, a spoon of honey and a spoon of almond butter. Use the mask for about an hour if possible.

Masks for those with blonde hair

The combination of castor oil combined with onion juice gives a dazzling effect. This one regular mask prepared from a couple of tablespoons of onion juice and the same amount of castor oil. After mixing the ingredients, rub them into your scalp. Cover your head with a cap for half an hour. After this, it is advisable to rinse your hair two or three times.

Chamomile oil is the best oil for hair. Reviews about this product are simply wonderful. The girls who tried it claim that in combination with one egg yolk it will turn out great mask for light curls.

Cedar oil for home use

Under the combination of words " Cedar oil"it is supposed to be called not the vegetable fat of the pine nut itself, but the whole group essential oils obtained from Siberian pine, cedar, pine needles and juniper. This whole mixture is called fatty vegetable oils.

There are two varieties of cedarwood essential oil on sale - Texas and Virginia. They are obtained from Mexican and Virginia junipers. These vegetable fats are well used in medicine and pharmacology, in the perfumery and chemical industries.

These types of oils can be added drop by drop to any mixture for skin or hair, as they have excellent antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Pine nut fats serve as the basis for many cosmetic products.

Using different oils, you can care for any type of hair. If all the ideas and recommendations on how to turn your hair into an object of pride and envy, without spending a large amount money and a lot of effort, you have been inspired, then feel free to transform yourself. Choose the best hair oil. Reviews of a number of products are given in our article. We hope this will help you choose the most suitable oil for hair. Girls who regularly spend similar procedures, they know that none cosmetic product will not give best results than caring for curls using natural ingredients.

It is important to remember that all activities must be regular, otherwise they will not have the desired effect. Girls should definitely know the best essential oils for hair and find time for themselves in order to always remain attractive, well-groomed and desirable.
