The sewing machine does not make a buttonhole. Problems with nylon threads

Cause: The needle is set incorrectly at a height, the end of the needle is blunt or bent, the needle is not set to the stop or incorrectly relative to the hook.

Troubleshooting: Change the needle, adjust the needle height, set the needle correctly.

The reason for skipping can also be the wrong choice of needle and thread. a too thin needle, passing through a thick material, bends to the side, a too thick thread that does not match the needle number makes it difficult to loop.

11. Broken upper thread. Causes and remedies.

If the machine keeps breaking the upper thread:

1. Check if the threading is correct and try to loosen it, this is one of the common mistakes.

2. Replace the needle, it may be blunt. There were cases when seamstresses did not set the needle correctly, turning it in the opposite direction from the hook.

3. Disassemble and clean the thermometer (thread tension device), due to the small spool (filament thread) between the thermometer plates, the tension will not be stable, which leads to breakage. When assembling the thermometer, do not leave extra parts (they do not happen there)

4. Check the threads, they may be torn due to old age.

5. The presence of any burr in the thread path leads to breaks, especially on the thread take-up.

12. Broken bottom thread. Causes of occurrence and methods of elimination.

Lower thread break:

1. poor thread quality;

2. the thread is wound on the spool incorrectly;

3. the edges of the bobbin are broken;

4. clogging of the base of the bobbin case;

5. bobbin case defect;

6. sharp edges of the pressure plate;

7. tight tension of the lower thread;

8. defects in the processing of parts of the shuttle set;

9. the bobbin case is installed incorrectly;

10. The hole of the under-needle plate is designed;

11. Defects in the gear rack teeth.

14. Broken needle. Causes of occurrence and methods of removal.

1. All needle breakages come down to five unifying causes:

a) the needle does not correspond to the standard and the material to be sewn;

b) the gaps between the needle and adjacent parts (needle plate, shuttle, etc.) are broken;

c) mismatch between the rotation of the flywheel and the stroke of the needle;

d) the action of extraneous lateral forces on the needle;

e) the machine operates in conditions not provided for by the manufacturer's instructions

2. Top thread tension too high. After capturing the thread by the shuttle, the needle bends in the direction of its movement.

This bending is caused by three resistance forces:

a) thread clamp in the regulator;

b) friction of the thread on the fabric;

c) friction of the thread in the eye of the needle.

To reduce the probability of needle breakage to zero, it is necessary to strictly follow the rule of selecting the thickness of the needle and thread, depending on the fabric, according to the table in the manufacturer's instructions.

3. Missing (broken thread) screw fastening the body of the shuttle. As a result, a skew of the plane of shuttle movement was formed - an emergency situation. It is necessary to put the screw of fastening the body of the shuttle travel - a prerequisite.

4. For sewing thick, coarse fabrics, a fine needle is supplied. Its tensile strength is below the puncture resistance limit of the tissue.

5. The foot has a large play in the horizontal plane. The strength of the fabric per unit length is not the same. The thickness of the stitched tissue, especially where there are scars, is not the same. For these reasons, a presser foot with a lot of play can get under the needle. Needed, replacing the foot with a new one will fix the situation.

Surely everyone who more or less regularly uses a sewing machine has encountered this problem at least once. It would seem that I checked the correctness of the filling, and changed the needle, and cleaned the shuttle device, but the machine still skips stitches! Why is this happening and what to do in this case?

Let's try to find the reason for skipping a stitch when working on sewing machine. The problem in most cases is as follows - the thread lowered by the needle down is not picked up by the hook nose, that is, as a result of any disturbances in the operation of the machine, a sufficiently large loop cannot form that the shuttle nose could capture, and, accordingly, the stitch is not it turns out. Let's see what malfunctions can cause a skipped stitch?

Firstly, good reason A skipped stitch can be a needle that is not suitable for the type of work being done, the type of material being processed, or in the end is simply bent or blunt. For example, getting into the thread of the fabric, an excessively thick needle pulls it down, forms a loop that prevents the formation of an overlap loop from the upper thread.

Secondly, the sewing machine may skip stitches because the sewing threads do not match the needle type and number. For example, with a thin needle and a thick upper thread, a loop-overlap may form on the opposite side of the needle, where the hook nose cannot pick it up.

Thirdly, often the sewing machine skips stitches when sewing elastic synthetic fabrics. If the fabric you are working with is elastic, then a thin needle will not be able to make a sufficient hole in it. When the needle passes through the hole in the needle plate, the fabric clings to it.

Fourth, skipped stitches often occur when changing from a thick to a thin section of a seam (for example, when hemming the bottom of the trousers in jeans).

Fifth, a skipped stitch can be caused by a mismatch between the shuttle and the needle.

What to do?

If your sewing machine starts skipping stitches, proceed as follows:

1. Check that the upper and lower threads are threaded correctly.
2. Loosen the upper thread tension.
3. Change the needle. An old needle can become blunt, bent, and dirty as a result of long use. When doing this, it is important to know what type of needle your machine is set to. All needles have their own markings and calibers, write out the markings of recommended needles from the instructions of the sewing machine and then you can find exactly what suits you on sale.

When buying needles, you should choose the smallest suitable needle thickness for a particular fabric. It is preferable to use a universal needle, or a needle with a medium or wide round point, or a finishing needle. For sewing stretch fabrics, use special needles marked "stretch".
The needle must be inserted into the needle holder correctly, until it stops. But in especially difficult cases, it can be lowered a little, sometimes this method helps so that a sufficiently large loop can be formed from the upper thread.

4. Check that the presser foot is set evenly, sometimes you need to increase its pressure (or even pull the nose of the foot down while sewing), as a result of which it will hold the fabric much better. In this case, the needle will not pull the fabric down through the needle plate. It is preferable to use the straight stitch foot (with a small round hole). If you don't have a straight stitch foot, try turning the needle all the way to the right.

5. Use a needle plate with a small hole, if you do not have a needle plate with a small hole, then try to cover a part of the wide hole on the ordinary needle plate with adhesive tape.

6. Change sewing threads. Perhaps the threads you are using have an increased twist. Due to the highly twisted thread, the overlap loop may immediately fold to the side when formed, resulting in a skipped stitch.

7. When sewing elastic synthetic fabrics, you can try to stabilize the fabric with a special water-soluble material, in the absence of such, soak the fabric with a solution of gelatin or starch. You can put thin paper under the fabric, which should be carefully torn off when sewing is completed.

8. When transitioning from a thick to a thin section of the seam, use a special foot to go through thick places. Some models of sewing machines have a special mechanism that simplifies the transition from fine to thick layer material - read the instructions for your sewing machine carefully.

9. If none of the methods worked for you, your sewing machine may be skipping stitches due to a mismatch between the movements of the shuttle and the needle. In this case, the most The best way fix the problem - call a sewing machine repairman. If you are ready to comprehend all the secrets of repairing a sewing machine yourself, the book by A.I. Zyuzin "Repair of sewing machines".

The main reason for the appearance of skipped stitches in the line sewing machine- the nose of the hook does not capture the loop formed by the upper thread above the eye of the needle. The gap between the needle blade and the nose of the shuttle should not be more than 0.3 mm, sometimes it reaches sizes in millimeters. The spout passes next to the loop and a pass appears. Other factors also influence the formation of a loop and its capture by the nose of the shuttle, in particular, the tension of the threads, the quality of fabrics and needles. But still, if this gap more than normal, it needs to be adjusted. If the sewing machine makes a stitch with gaps, use a magnifying glass to inspect this knot and make sure that all the gaps are normal and there is no need to call the master.

You can eliminate skipped stitches yourself by setting the correct shuttle and needle settings. At the moment the needle is lifted (set the stitch type switch to straight stitch) by 1.8 - 2.0 mm from the lowest position, the looper nose should pass above the eye of the needle by about 1.0 - 2.0 mm, with a gap between the needle blade and the nose of the shuttle equal to 0.15 - 0.25 mm.

The needle can cause gaps in the stitching, especially if a different type of needle is installed, for example, with a round (industrial) bulb or a different (smaller) bulb diameter. This is a common "breakdown" when the seamstress is careless about the choice of needle and inserts any one that comes to hand. Be sure to know what type of needle your machine is set to. For example, needles with a deep flat are Indian, with a shallow saw cut - domestic. As a result, there is an excessive gap between the nose of the shuttle and the needle and a gap is formed. It is necessary to install those needles that are indicated in the instructions or according to the sample. All needles have their own markings and calibers, write out the markings from the instructions and when buying in a store, the seller will select a similar one for you.

Use for different types fabrics (jeans, knitwear, leather, etc.) special needles. Them design features facilitate the process of passing the thread through the tissue, prevent tissue rupture at the puncture site and possibly eliminate the problem with gaps.

A bent needle also causes skipped stitches in the sewing machine stitch. At the slightest distortion, you should throw it away without trying to fix it. The metal for the needles is red-hot and it is ideally impossible to straighten it, but it will harm, constantly falling under the arm. Make it a rule to change needles often, even if it is not clearly necessary, especially after prolonged use or when there is a thud. This blunt nose of the needle no longer pierces, but breaks through the tissue, which is why a characteristic sound appears.

Needle size mismatch with upper thread number. The thickness of the thread should always correspond to the needle number, according to the table in the manufacturer's instructions. The use of a thin needle with a thick thread necessarily leads to loosening of the thread and breakage, makes it difficult for the thread to pass through the eye of the needle, and the formation of a loop when leaving the fabric, and as a result, the appearance of gaps. A blunt needle, falling into the thread of the fabric, pulls it down, interfering with the looping process and can cause a stitch skip. When working with a blunt needle, a characteristic thud appears, this is a signal to check the needle. It is recommended to periodically check the needle for dullness and bending.

A badly broken hole in the needle plate will cause skipped stitches in the stitching. In this case, it is better to replace it, since this defect can cause other malfunctions.
If the upper thread is strongly twisted, then you can tie a rubber band around the head of the machine and pass the thread under it. But it is desirable to use higher quality threads.

Except standard stitches and operations, the electronic sewing machine can also perform complex types of stitches: overlock, eye loops, alphabet embroidery, etc.

Many modern overlock machines use a differential feed of the processed fabric. The differential feed also allows you to make a wavy edge of overcast fabric and other types of finishing seams.

The quality of the sewing stitch deteriorates sharply when the machine starts skipping. What are possible reasons such a malfunction and how can they be eliminated on their own?

1. The main reason for skipping stitches when sewing

The stitch during machine sewing is formed due to the fact that the bobbin point grabs the loop of the upper thread when passing by the needle and throws it over itself. In this case, the upper and lower threads overlap and the stitch is formed. If the nose of the hook does not catch the thread, a skip occurs and the line is broken. Violation of the interaction setting of the hook nose and the needle is the most common cause skipped stitches while the sewing machine is running.

When properly adjusted, there should be a gap of no more than 0.3 mm between the hook nose and the needle blade. If this parameter is set to a higher value, the bobbin point passes away from the needle and does not grab the thread.

Before concluding that the gap setting is incorrect, check that the thread tension, needle brand, thread number, and fabric thickness are appropriate for your machine. Perhaps the reasons for the pass are in incorrectly selected operating modes, sewing accessories and materials.

A magnifying glass will help you make sure that the interaction between the shuttle nose and the needle is set correctly. Through it, it will be much easier for you to see how the tip of the shuttle moves relative to the needle. And if you are firmly convinced that the problem of skipped stitches in your machine is precisely in the size of the gap - call the master who will adjust it.

2. What should be the gaps between the hook point and the needle?

If you have enough skills in working with mechanisms, and you feel confident, you can adjust the gap yourself and solve the problem of skipped stitches that occurs for this reason.

To do this, set the straight stitch mode and lower the needle to its lowest position. At the moment when it, when raised, changes its position by 1.8-2.0 mm, the nose of the shuttle should be 1.0-2.0 mm above the eye of the needle. In this case, the gap between them should be 0.15-0.25 mm. In theory, the smaller the gap, the more reliable the stitch formation process will be. In practice, too close an arrangement of parts can cause the needle to break or blunt the tip of the shuttle. For such a setting, we recommend contacting a sewing machine repair service center!

Depending on the thickness of the fabric, the height of the passage of the nose of the shuttle above the eye is set:

  • For thick materials -2.0 mm
  • For thin fabrics -1.0 mm

It is usually practiced to use the middle option - about 1.5 mm. If gaps still occur, you can try to correct this parameter.

For models that perform a zigzag, the gaps are adjusted in the right and left positions of the needle. But on such machines, a number of other subtleties must also be taken into account.

3. The reason for skipping stitches can be a needle with a round bulb

Quite often, needles are not installed on household sewing machines. suitable model. This causes skipped stitches.

Outwardly very similar, sewing machine needles, however, have differences. They may have different shape flasks - for household ones it is cut down on one side, and an unequal sawing depth is possible, for industrial ones it is round. The thickness can also vary, as well as the length. All these parameters affect the size of the gap between the tip of the needle and the nose of the shuttle. Therefore, when preparing for work on a sewing machine, you need to carefully and responsibly approach the choice of needle - install only the type that is recommended for a particular model of equipment by the instruction.

If you find it difficult to understand all the subtleties - when buying needles, take the instructions for the machine or an old needle with you. The store employees will understand the labeling and select the best one for you. suitable look needles

4. For specific materials such as knitwear or leather, special needles are needed.

Modern industry offers special needles for materials of different quality, which provide the highest quality sewing. Jeans, knitwear, leather and other difficult fabrics will be much easier to sew if you install the appropriate needle in the machine. Its design will help to avoid breaking the fibers of the material being sewn, create the necessary thread tension and allow you to correctly form a loop for hooking.

5. Using a blunt or bent needle results in skipped stitches

curvature sewing needle or the blunting of its point often leads to the formation of gaps, as well as its breakage. If you notice that the needle has even the slightest curvature, immediately replace it with a new one. Trying to fix it yourself is useless. The characteristics of the metal from which they are made will not allow you to do it perfectly, and any deviation will disrupt the operation of the machine.

If a dull thud begins to occur during sewing, change the needle. Her point blunted and she began to tear the fibers of the material, rather than pierce them. It is impossible to sharpen a machine needle as needed at home, so you just need to replace it.

And in general, you need to make it a rule to change the needles without waiting for them to completely wear out. Especially if they have served a long period of continuous operation.

6. The thickness of the upper thread must match the size of the needle

Each manual for the sewing machine shows the correspondence between the size of the needles and the threads used when sewing. If the thread is thicker than necessary, it will be difficult to pass through the eye of the needle and through the fabric. Because of this, she begins to shag, which makes it even more difficult for her to advance and interfere with the formation of a stitch. Eventually, the thread breaks.

7. A broken hole in the needle plate interferes with the normal operation of the machine

For machines that have been used for a long time, the hole through which the needle is immersed in the fabric may be broken. Therefore, when sewing, the material can be forced through it, which will prevent the needle from properly piercing the fabric and forming a loop for the stitch. If such a defect is found, the needle plate must be replaced immediately, as it may cause other breakdowns or malfunctions.

8. The quality of the stitching depends on the quality of the threads

Some manufacturers produce too much twisted thread. Such a thread in work constantly forms knots, which cause a failure in the formation of stitches, as well as its breakage. Home remedies for this problem, such as running the thread through an elastic band tied around the head of the machine, will give some results, but it's better to just stop working with such threads and replace them with more quality materials. Elastic threads are considered the most suitable for machine sewing, which have uniform thickness, good strength and appropriate torsion. And, of course, you need to follow the right ratio thread thickness and needle number. Then the sewing will be smooth, uniform and of high quality.

I think that every craftswoman who sews has met with such a problem ... I offer a few tips.

Advice from "very skillful_hands"
Jeans... whose cars are missing in thick places? It’s clear that the industrial one wouldn’t let it through .... but our change houses can also do a lot, you just need help, and since it’s better to see once ... In general, when your foot climbs onto the thickening, put the same thickness in a checkerboard pattern , here is a piece that was cut off or stitch a pillow from as many layers,

When the foot has already sewn through the thick place completely, lower the needle, remove the backing.

That's it ... there are no passes ... they sew jeans, even if they're not wet, even if it's not like that, but they sew :)

And this is advice from mageta.
I have one interesting book from the Singer series. It is advised to go through thick seams using a gasket (for example, a piece of cardboard)
Seam start. To straighten the foot, place a pad (such as a piece of cardboard) under the foot and sew from the edge of the fabric.
Passing through a thick seam:
1. Sew until you reach a thick seam and the foot begins to rise. Place the pad on the back of the foot to line it up.

2. Move along the thick seam until the presser foot begins to lower. Place the spacer in front of the foot to straighten the foot.

Move on until the foot is completely on the pad. Remove the gasket and continue working.
