Severe dryness of facial skin. How to care for dry skin at home

Dry skin is considered the most sensitive skin. It has certain advantages, namely fine porosity and special tenderness. If you take proper care of this type of skin, it becomes beautiful and healthy, emitting an attractive pink color. But it should be borne in mind that even minimal mistakes can lead to peeling and tightening, as well as a rapid loss of healthy color and shine of the face.

Why does the skin become dry and also flabby??

This is usually caused by some kind of malfunction in the functional activity of the sebaceous glands; they begin to produce a noticeably smaller amount of fat, which significantly reduces the protective film of the face. This film normally consists of sebum and sweat; it is designed to maintain the tone and elasticity of the skin, as well as protect it from external negative environmental influences.

If the amount of fat in the skin decreases, this causes the destruction of the upper stratum corneum, as a result of which the face quickly loses moisture. A lack of fluid and fat leads to the formation of wrinkles. For most people, as they age, their skin changes and becomes more sensitive and dry. Therefore, you need to look after her very carefully.

Exists a few classic mistakes that owners of this skin type usually allow, let’s look at some of them:

Using low-fat creams;

Visiting swimming pools with chlorinated water;

Frequent showering;

Frequent peeling;

Excessive sun exposure.

You ask, what should you do to avoid spoiling your skin?

Basic rules for caring for dry and sagging skin

In the morning, it is recommended to completely abandon the use of cleansers, as they will destroy the already small protective film. A simple wash with warm water will be enough for you. If you lightly massage your skin with a napkin, this will become a good kind of peeling for dry and sagging skin.

In the evening, cleanse your face with oils. In Japan, young girls most often use sesame and shark oil. They perfectly cleanse all skin cells from dirt particles and makeup. In addition, they dissolve fat very effectively and have a gentle type of effect. These oils contain about 50% moisture. They wash off very easily and are not capable of damaging the skin of the face.

During the day, it is recommended to use day creams with a nourishing effect. But you should not use the same product first in the morning and then in the evening; it is better to purchase separate day and night creams. In the morning there is no need to apply a product containing a large amount of fat. After you have washed, pat your face dry with a towel and apply cream to it. Wait about five minutes and remove any remaining product with a napkin. When you finish the stage of nourishing the skin, feel free to move on to the process of applying makeup.

In the evening, be sure to use night cream. During sleep, a huge number of new cell formation processes occur in the body, so the nutrient will provide them with excellent support.

One of the very important aspects of caring for sagging and dry skin is the use of masks, since they are able to gently smooth the skin and contribute to its intensive renewal. With the help of properly selected products, you can make wrinkles less noticeable, and your face more toned and elastic. Therefore, let’s look at several recipes for masks that you can easily make with your own hands from available ingredients.

Folk remedies

Take one yolk from a fresh and homemade egg and grind it thoroughly in a small container. At the same time as rubbing, add to it a teaspoon of any unrefined vegetable oil of your choice (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.). Also stir in one teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice from any fruit. You will get a mixture that needs to be applied to your face with a cotton swab, rubbing a little. After half an hour, remove the residue with cotton wool, gauze or a paper napkin. This mask will have a softening and tightening effect.

Beat a whole egg, grease the skin with a thin layer of vegetable oil and apply the resulting mixture to it. Rinse off after half an hour, first with warm and then with cold water.

Grind one egg yolk and add a tablespoon of heavy cream to it. Mix thoroughly and apply to face and décolleté. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

To the mashed yolk, add a little grated lemon or orange zest, a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. This recipe is one of the most effective.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of oven-baked apple with an egg and apply to your face. Rinse off with warm water after half an hour.

Peel one small medium-sized apple and cut it into cubes. Boil them in milk until a thick paste forms. Cool it a little and apply it to your face. After twenty minutes, rinse with cold water.

Take a fresh egg yolk and grind it with a quarter teaspoon of natural liquid honey. Add half a tablespoon of oatmeal to the mixture. Apply on your face for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

Mix a teaspoon of any freshly squeezed juice with an egg yolk, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of fat sour cream. Add some black bread to the mixture until it becomes thicker.

Daily and careful care of dry and sagging skin can make it elastic and toned. In addition, it smoothes out wrinkles and adds a healthy glow.

Hello, our dear subscribers. We are glad to see regular and new readers on our website.

Today we will discuss a question that worries our subscribers: very dry facial skin is flaky - what to do in this case?

This is one of the many dermatological problems that representatives of the fair half of humanity often face.

Due to flaking and excessive application, it becomes difficult to apply decorative cosmetics; they come out in chunks and flake off. In addition, there is constant itching, irritation and tightness of the skin.

A particular peak of dry epidermis occurs in the autumn-winter period, when the body lacks vitamins and the skin is affected by unfavorable weather conditions.

Before you adopt methods that will help make your skin less dry, it is necessary to consider the reasons that provoke the appearance of dermatological problems.

All factors that lead to dryness and flaking can be divided into two groups - external and internal. Let's look at each of them separately.

Internal causes of dry skin: what are they and what to do to neutralize them

Internal factors that provoke dryness and flaking of the epidermis are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body, so they cannot be eliminated quickly.

In order for your skin to become smoother and less dry, you will need to make every effort and take care of your health.

  1. Moisture deficiency. If the body does not receive enough water it needs, then this will be reflected first on the skin; the epidermis will begin to crack and lose elasticity. Therefore, in order to restore the skin’s water balance, it is necessary to drink more water and use cosmetics with a moisturizing effect.
  2. Hormonal imbalances. If problems arise in the body due to hormonal imbalances, the elasticity of the skin decreases and, as a result, it becomes drier. Therefore, you should undergo annual medical examinations in order to prevent not only the onset of the disease in time, but also to avoid skin problems.
  3. Fungal infections and skin diseases. If you are concerned about dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis or other dermatological problems, then do not waste time and consult a dermatologist
  4. Avitaminosis. If you have recently suffered from any illness, were on a diet or consumed a lot of fast food, fried, processed, salty foods, sweets or alcohol, then you will immediately notice the result on the skin. Therefore, if there is a lack of vitamins in your body, consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you a vitamin-mineral complex, start eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, nuts, legumes, cereals, dairy products and eggs.
  5. Allergic reaction. If you notice that after eating any food an allergy begins, then determine what kind of food it is and eliminate it from your diet. In addition, such reactions can occur as a result of any medications, so before treatment, carefully read the instructions for use to know what side effects medications may cause to the body.

External factors that cause dryness and methods to combat them

  1. Exposure to wind and cold temperatures. Do not forget to protect your face in the autumn-winter period with special protective creams, and when going outside, wrap yourself in a scarf.
  2. Dry indoor air. Be sure to humidify the air in your apartment and office; for this you can use special humidifiers, ventilate the room, or place wet towels on the radiator.
  3. Allergy to water. If your skin begins to peel after using tap water, then start using filtered or boiled water to wash your face.
  4. Exposure to the sun. Don't forget to use sunscreen when going outside, especially in the summer.
  5. Poor quality cosmetics. Incorrectly selected cosmetics can dry out the skin and also cause it to peel. Therefore, do not buy cosmetics of questionable quality and try to use skincare products that suit your skin type.

Eliminating peeling at home

  1. Salt scrub. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of finely ground sea salt and mix with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, massage a little and rinse with warm water.
  2. Coffee peeling. Mix one tablespoon of finely ground coffee with two teaspoons of cream and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Use your fingertips to massage in a circle and rinse off the mixture with cool water.
  3. . Mash a ripe banana until mushy, mix the resulting mass with one tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask to your face, massage the mixture into the skin, leave for ten minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  4. Oatmeal scrub. Grind two tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix the resulting powder with one tablespoon of kefir. Apply the mixture to your face and massage for a couple of minutes. Rinse your face and apply moisturizer.
  5. Cucumber peeling. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, mix the resulting pulp with one tablespoon of potato starch. Wipe your face with the resulting mixture.
  6. Curd mask. Mix one tablespoon of medium-fat cottage cheese with one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mask for fifteen minutes.
  7. Mustard mask. Take one tablespoon of mustard powder and one tablespoon of olive oil, mix the ingredients and apply the mixture on your face for fifteen minutes.
  8. Clay scrub. Mix one tablespoon of white or green clay with one tablespoon of cream. You can add a teaspoon of salt or oat bran to the mixture.
  9. Egg mask. Mix one egg with a tablespoon of kefir, add a teaspoon of liquid honey to the mixture and apply the mask for ten minutes.

Please note that excessively dry skin and the appearance of flaking on it is a dermatological problem that indicates a malfunction of the body, so if skin defects do not disappear after eliminating external irritants, you need to seek help from specialists.

Take care of your health and follow our new publications. Until next time.


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Skin on the face that is prone to dryness is, of course, a significant and very uncomfortable problem. It’s completely uncomfortable when your face dries out so much that it becomes “creaky.” This may sound a little exaggerated, but the feelings of those girls and women who are familiar with the problem of dry skin from their own experience are exactly like that.
By the way, the feeling of dryness and tightness on the face is characteristic not only of those whose faces belong to the “dry” type. Similar discomfort can also be experienced by those representatives of the fair sex who are more likely to have an oily or combination type. The whole essence of the problem lies in improper care and poor nutrition.

Dry skin: symptoms and sensations

In general, if we speak correctly, the dermis of the face itself is very prone to dryness. One good reason for this is dehydration. That is, when there is not enough moisture in the body or its level remains stably below the acceptable level, consequences begin in the form of unpleasant tightness, peeling, redness and general dryness of the face, when the skin seems to be stretched.

By the way, both young girls and older ladies should not turn away from solving the problem of dry skin. Those same “crow’s feet” and micro-wrinkles can quickly appear and be clearly visible on young skin as well. What symptoms indicate that the skin on your face is dry and requires intensive moisturizing? Here are some of them:

  • a feeling of tension on the face, as if the skin tissue is tightly wrapped around the bone;
  • the elasticity and tone of the skin disappears;
  • typical phenomena are peeling and redness;
  • the dermis quickly hardens and becomes rough;
  • facial wrinkles, “cobwebs”, “crow’s feet” and other unpleasant flaws easily appear;
  • the face is distinguished by a predominantly dull shade, that is, it does not “burn” with a vibrant blush;
  • Fine lines begin to form around the eyes, mouth and cheekbones.

Causes of dry and flaky skin

As a rule, no one thinks or rarely thinks about what the cause of dryness may be. It is typical for women to immediately deal with the visible consequences, but at the same time the true causes of deterioration of the skin on the face remain ignored. Maybe this is right, because everything that makes your appearance (especially your face) worse needs to be corrected immediately.

However, much less often, dryness on the face occurs due to some external factors. Much more often because of internal ones that need to be sorted out. So, why does the skin on your face dry out?

Firstly, this is an excessive passion for cosmetics, especially cleansing ones. So, soaps and gels simply kill all the tenderness of the facial skin completely, leaving only a feeling of dryness. But various gentle peelings, creams, cosmetic milk are indispensable products for sensitive facial skin.

Secondly, while washing (or taking a shower or bath), you should not get carried away with too hot water and hard sponges. For example, in a humid and hot environment, the pores open, and at the same time, the skin of the entire body loses moisture (it seems to evaporate). The advice is that it is better to take water procedures in lukewarm water; there is no need to torture yourself with boiling water.

Third, besides everything else, why does the skin on my face peel? Due to a deep lack of water in the body. Therefore, moisturizing from the outside must begin from the inside. Not just drinks and liquids, but simple water in the body should be enough for your face to glow with beauty and shine with health.

Most of the fair half of humanity suffers from dry facial skin, which is accompanied by flaking and an unpleasant feeling of skin tightness. How to provide your skin with maximum hydration and eliminate unwanted manifestations of dryness? There are all possible creams and cosmetics, and there is also a miraculous mask for dry facial skin, which can easily be made at home. So, how to save yourself from moisture loss and provide your facial skin with appropriate care?

There can be many reasons for dry skin on the face. The main ones are:

  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • age-related changes;
  • various diseases: gastrointestinal tract, nervous system;
  • often dry facial skin can be caused by a lack of vitamins;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • frequent peeling;
  • frequent washing with hot, chlorinated water and soap.

It is advisable to find out what exactly caused the dryness of your skin in order to direct all your efforts and resources to eliminate the root cause. If you manage to get rid of it, your skin will no longer be dry.

Dry skin needs appropriate care to help mitigate the unwanted effects of dryness. The rules of care read:

  • wash your face only in the evenings: if you wash off the fat that has accumulated overnight from your face in the morning, your skin will lose its protective barrier and will be exposed to unwanted external influences;
  • the temperature of the water you need to wash with should be room temperature;
  • It is better to wash with settled, filtered or cooled water after boiling;
  • morning and evening, use moisturizing creams, tonics, lotions;
  • Use special masks to moisturize 2 times a week;
  • choose cosmetic products carefully: none of them should contain alcohol, which will dry out the skin even more.

If you regularly follow these simple tips, your facial skin will receive sufficient hydration and the problem of dryness will be minimized.

Dry facial skin: how to normalize?

Modern cosmetology actively solves the problem of dry skin. There are a number of cosmetic procedures recommended for dry facial skin. You can also use traditional, time-tested methods.

1. Cosmetology procedures

  • a hot compress is an effective cosmetic procedure that dilates blood vessels, pores, improves blood circulation, warms the skin, removes dust and dead cells; evaporation of water from the surface of the skin stops, the stratum corneum swells - dry skin becomes tender, soft and elastic;
  • if you have dry, sensitive skin, use salt cleansing;
  • chemical and mechanical peeling, removing dead cells and renewing the skin;
  • collagen mask moisturizes, tightens and tones;
  • cosmetic massage improves blood circulation, removes old cells, improves complexion.

2. Procedures at home

  • hot compress: fold a terry towel into a strip, dip it in hot water and place it on your face for 20 minutes (the water temperature should be such as not to burn), it increases blood flow, relaxes muscles, removes dust from the skin;
  • herbal steam bath: place a boiling decoction of herbs (for example, chamomile) in a saucepan on the table, tilt your head over it and cover with a towel for 10 minutes, then rinse your face with cold water and wipe with lotion.

Only the owner of dry skin can decide what suits her best: a beauty salon or home walls.

Dry facial skin: home care recipes

Which folk remedies are the most effective in the fight against dry skin?

  • all kinds of masks made from herbs (chamomile, calendula), fruits, vegetables, dairy products, which are easy to prepare at home;
  • water consumption regimen: per 1 kg of your weight per day you need to consume 30 g of water in small portions;
  • fish oil and vitamins A, E in any form;
  • Buy a humidifier for your home.

However, the most effective remedy remains homemade masks for dry skin, which are so easy to use.

Dry facial skin: effects of homemade masks

What to expect from the effects of homemade masks?

  • Moisturizing: such masks retain moisture for the skin as much as possible, thereby normalizing the water balance.
  • Smoothing: wrinkles are evened out, the skin becomes smooth and even.
  • Restoring elasticity.
  • Rejuvenation: the aging process noticeably slows down.

Homemade masks are good because there is no doubt about the naturalness of their ingredients: you yourself know what you are preparing them from. No chemicals in their composition will harm your skin. The natural components of such masks restore water balance. If it is normal, the skin looks well-groomed, smooth, matte, without flaking spots. In order for the result of the mask to be obvious, you need to strictly follow the recipes for its preparation.

Dry facial skin: mask recipes

There are a lot of recipes for making masks, and all of them are quite effective at moisturizing dry skin. Choose for yourself the recipe that will not cause you any trouble in terms of its ingredients and preparation.

  • 1. Mustard mask

Dry mustard (a teaspoon) is mixed with vegetable oil (a tablespoon) and diluted with water until it becomes mushy. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 5 minutes, rinse with warm water. After it, it is recommended to use any cream for dry skin that you usually use.

  • 2. Curd mask

Mix cottage cheese (a tablespoon) with liquid, preheated honey (a teaspoon). Dilute with warm milk and make a mask for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

  • 3. Oil mask

Heat olive oil, soak a cotton swab in it and apply to your face. Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

  • 4. Herbal mask

Mix the following herbs in equal quantities:

  • hop cones;
  • blackberry leaves;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow.

Pour boiling water (a glass) over the herbs (a tablespoon) and leave for 20 minutes. Next, mix the infusion with apple juice (a tablespoon), honey (a teaspoon) and egg yolk. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • 5. Mint mask

Mint leaves (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (a glass), put on fire (for 3 minutes), cooled and filtered. Apply a warm mask to your face for 15 minutes. It is better to remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

  • 6. Oatmeal mask

This mask is especially recommended for those who have very dry facial skin to the point of flaking. Oatmeal (a tablespoon) is poured with hot milk (4 tablespoons) and left for 10 minutes. The mask acts for 15 minutes and is washed off with warm water.

  • 7. Lettuce mask

Chop green salad leaves (2 large leaves), mix with olive oil (teaspoon) and sour cream (teaspoon). Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • 8. Chamomile mask

Pour boiling water (a glass) over pharmaceutical chamomile (2 tablespoons), let it brew for a couple of hours. Mix the infusion (2 tablespoons) with butter (a tablespoon). Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes and remove with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

  • 9. Apple mask

Grate a medium-sized apple on a fine grater, after removing its peel and seeds. Mix with olive oil (2 teaspoons), apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • 10. Cucumber mask

Chop a small cucumber (it is better to grate it), mix with cream (1 teaspoon) and lemon juice (4 drops). Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

If you naturally have dry facial skin: what should you do to eliminate this phenomenon? The answer is simple: use our tips for caring for this type of skin and prepare several recipes at home. And very soon you will be pleased to touch your own skin, and looking in the mirror will lift your spirits. Be beautiful, take care of yourself!

Dry facial skin (xerosis) causes a feeling of tightness and discomfort, especially in winter. On such dermis, irritation and peeling often appear, causing itching. Although dry skin is not a symptom of a serious disease, it still requires special care, without which the condition of the dermis will rapidly deteriorate. The skin will become dull and early wrinkles will appear. Having studied the main causes of xerosis, you can choose an effective treatment for the epidermis.

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Causes of dry epidermis

There are many reasons for dry facial skin: from heredity to dry air in the office. The main ones include the following:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Lack of fluid in the body.
  • Taking frequent hot baths or showers.
  • Dry air (due to air conditioning or heating).
  • Climate change, frequent moving.
  • Body weight deficiency, vitamin deficiency.
  • Smoking, alcohol.
  • Sunbathing in the active sun, visiting a solarium.
  • Frequent use of a computer (exposure to electromagnetic radiation harms the skin).
  • Low-quality decorative cosmetics.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Tendency to allergies and dermatitis.
  • Stress, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, adolescence).
  • Using soap.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Diabetes mellitus and diseases of the digestive system.

In some cases, drying out of the epidermis on the face and the appearance of flaky areas, redness and inflammation indicate a lack of vitamin A in the body. This substance is extremely important for protecting the entire skin from aggressive environmental influences. Mostly women are susceptible to xerosis and peeling of the dermis, but in men, the skin has amazing properties of restoring dry skin.

Principles of care

Cosmetologists consider very dry dermis of the face to be a rather serious problem and advise moisturizing it with professional products and using home recipes for auxiliary treatment.

In cosmetology for xerosis, various cosmetic procedures are used, among which are:

  • salt cleaning;
  • hot compress;
  • masks with collagen;
  • peeling;
  • cosmetic massage;
  • biorevitalization.

During the consultation, the cosmetologist will individually select the necessary procedures and medications for the treatment of dry facial dermis.

Cosmetical tools

Dry skin of the face and body can be moisturized using various gels, serums and creams with a moisturizing effect.

The most popular are products containing hyaluronic acid, which can intensively moisturize the skin, for example, Novosvit Collagen and Hyaluronic acid cream (deeply moisturizes the epidermis and smoothes out fine wrinkles).

Preparations with ceramides, fatty acids and phospholipids also have excellent moisturizing properties. By creating a lipid barrier, such products retain moisture in the skin and ensure its renewal. Such products include, for example, Anne Marie Borlind Ceramide Fluid cream with ceramides (increases the ability of the dermis to retain moisture, smoothes wrinkles, suitable for all types of epidermis), Dado Sens soothing cream for emergency measures (soothes the skin, fights redness and irritation).

If redness and irritation occur on the skin, it is necessary to use soothing, moisturizing and relieving products. In this case, cleansing should only be gentle using special products (milk, foam) for dry skin. It is recommended to avoid lotions and tonics containing alcohol during treatment; they dry out the skin even more.

You can get rid of dry skin using the following cosmetics:

  1. 1. Nutritious cream. We need a high-quality product that combines natural ingredients with new techniques; only it can effectively remove the symptoms of overdrying of the epidermis. It should contain the following specific components: vitamins A, B and E, natural oils, honey (a natural moisturizer) and potassium (an important component for dry skin), for example, Librederm Aevit nourishing cream.
  2. 2. Collagen-based masks for the face, décolleté and neck. A placental-collagen mask is a napkin soaked in liquid with holes for the lips and eyes. Keep it for no more than 20 minutes; at the end of the beauty session, wash the face and neck with warm water, for example, Floralis from the Placental Skin renew Age figting series.
  3. 3. Moisturizingoil. These extracts from natural plants effectively moisturize the skin, giving it elasticity. For girls under 25 years old, this is an excellent alternative to creams. Some of the popular oils are: rose (contained in the Roseof Bulgaria series of cosmetics), mango (contained, for example, in the Miya Cosmetics My Wonder Balm Hello Yellow Face Cream series).

For excessive dryness, using jojoba oil is effective. It is rich in amino acids, beta-keratins and vitamins. With regular use, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes dry skin, creating a protective film on it. Cosmetologists recommend using it instead of cream, applying it to flaky areas of the epidermis before bed until the symptoms of dryness and flaking completely disappear.

Before going to bed, you should definitely apply a moisturizer with vitamins to the epidermis of the face, preferably with the effect of cell restoration.

For local application to particularly dry areas of the skin, it is recommended to use Bepanten cream. It increases the regenerative abilities of the skin, healing it from damage, and restores the integrity of the epidermis.

Healthy eating

There is no denying the direct connection between skin health and nutrition. To ensure normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and the preservation of the water-lipid film, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet.

To do this you need:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • Eat fish and walnuts, which are rich in fatty acids that your skin needs.
  • Include in your diet foods that contain vitamins C, A, and E.

Folk remedies

Symptoms of dry facial skin can be effectively combated using folk remedies at home. Dermatological specialists recommend the use of masks from the most common products that are found in every kitchen.

Product name Recipe Application time
Honey mask
  1. 1. Dissolve honey in a small amount of water (1 teaspoon) and apply a thin layer to the dermis, lightly massaging in a circular motion.
  2. 2. The mask moisturizes by exfoliating the dead layer of cells.
  3. 3. At the end of the massage, the face should be rinsed and a moisturizer should be applied to the skin.
3-5 minutes
Milk compressAfter soaking a soft towel in milk, apply it to the problem area. If milk is not available, whey or kefir will do. Lactic acid is an effective moisturizer that helps remove dead skin particles15 minutes
Aloe juice
  1. 1. Cut a fresh aloe leaf and squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. 2. Apply it to a clean face and rinse at the end of the procedure.

Aloe vera juice helps treat irritated and red skin. But such a mask is considered very intense, it cannot be applied every day

Once a week for 15 minutes
Oatmeal mask
  1. 1. Oatmeal should be crushed until dusty and mixed with 3 tablespoons of gruel from grated half of a cucumber, adding a tablespoon of sour cream to the mixture.
  2. 2. The resulting product should be applied to a cleansed face. At the end of the procedure, rinse with warm water.
20 minutes
Egg and honey mask
  1. 1. 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2 fresh yolks.
  2. 2. Having ground the components, they should be heated in a water bath.
  3. 3. The mixture is applied to the face. It is recommended to apply the next coat at intervals of 5 minutes. A total of 4 layers are required.
  4. 4. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water or linden decoction, and after washing, apply a moisturizer
20 minutes
Olive oil for lipsMix olive oil and carrot juice in equal proportions. Lubricate your lips with the mixture2 times a day for a month

Using the above cosmetics and traditional medicine recipes for caring for dry dermis of the face, you can quickly restore the dermis. In a short time it will become healthy, the dryness will be removed. All that remains is to keep it healthy.
