Symptoms of a pregnant woman. The first signs of pregnancy - complete list

You can talk about some more or less reliable signs no earlier than five weeks of pregnancy. This always refers to the obstetric period. What it is?

The gestational age is never counted from the moment of conception, because it is unrealistic to determine this date (even if you know when sexual intercourse took place).

To avoid confusion, the pregnancy period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. It is always measured in weeks, not months.

So why can’t you detect pregnancy before five weeks? Let's briefly look at the theory.

For pregnancy to occur, the egg must meet the sperm in the fallopian tube. This should happen within one to two days after ovulation - the maturation of the egg in the ovary. The fertilized egg travels from the fallopian tube to the uterus to attach to it.

Several days pass between fertilization and the attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

What does this mean for us? This means that trying to detect pregnancy immediately after sexual intercourse is pointless.

As a rule, you can understand that you are pregnant no earlier than the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy.

That is, about five weeks should pass from the first day of the last menstruation. During this time, conception occurs, the egg attaches to the uterus, the body begins to produce hCG (a special hormone necessary for the successful start of pregnancy), and the fertilized egg becomes visible on ultrasound. And this despite the fact that you have a standard menstrual cycle - from 21 to 32 days. For exceptional cases, the timing will be different.

Signs that indicate pregnancy

As we have already understood, immediately after sexual intercourse there are no special signs of pregnancy to speak of. Sometimes there are particularly sensitive women who, at the level of intuition, can determine that something has changed in the body. But such sensations cannot be measured or confirmed, so it is not possible to determine whether you are pregnant or not.

How to suspect and confirm pregnancy?

No menstruation

A delay of more than seven days is a reason to go to the doctor and get tests that will show what exactly happened. Sometimes during pregnancy there are false menstruation and implantation bleeding. If your regular periods are somehow going wrong, it makes sense to check why.

Chest hurts

This is an indirect symptom that may not appear at all or may signal breast disease (or disease). Typically, the breasts respond to hormonal changes in the body.

Positive pregnancy test


Pharmacy tests detect the level of hCG, the same hormone that is released when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. In terms of timing, this happens at the same time that menstruation is delayed. Therefore, tests are recommended to be done from the first day of the delay.

Any home test can show a false result, so do not be lazy to repeat the test, and if in doubt, conduct an accurate examination.

Blood test for hCG

For laboratory analysis, you need to donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach. This check is more accurate than pharmacy express tests, and you will still get the result quickly, in a day at most.

The result may be false, but in very rare cases, usually indicating some kind of disease, but this is a topic for communication with the doctor.


With an ultrasound examination after the fifth week of pregnancy, the doctor can already see the fertilized egg, recognize an ectopic pregnancy, and check the condition of the organs.

Fetal heartbeat and movements

An obstetrician-gynecologist, using special equipment, can hear the fetal heartbeat from the 8th–9th week, and from the 16th–18th week this requires only a stethoscope. By the 20th week, fetal movements can already be felt, and the shapes often speak for themselves - this is the middle of pregnancy. But there are also cases when a woman is unaware of her condition at this time.

Special condition of organs

Some signs of pregnancy are visible only to the doctor, and he will definitely note them during the examination.

Early signs of pregnancy that don't tell you much


The woman’s body reacts to the new position, so the pregnant woman’s condition is different from usual. Some reactions will tell you what is going on.

Basal temperature rises

This can only be noticed by women who check this very temperature every day and do not make mistakes when measuring. An increase in basal temperature indicates ovulation (a favorable time for conception) and pregnancy. Or simply that it has increased. Or even the usual statistical error.

Nauseous in the morning

They like to demonstrate this sign in films so that the viewer understands that the heroine is pregnant. Toxicosis in the first and second trimester really often plagues pregnant women. But toxicosis does not begin immediately after conception.

Nausea a week after the expected conception is more likely a problem with digestion, rather than toxicosis.

Everything has changed

Due to new processes in the body, many things change.

  • I constantly want to sleep.
  • The mood becomes unstable, irritability and tearfulness appear.
  • New taste habits appear: you want sweet, sour, salty, unusual combinations of foods. And previously loved dishes, on the contrary, cease to be liked.
  • You feel unwell, like you have a mild cold.

All these signs are unstable, do not accurately indicate pregnancy and provide additional clues if there is a delay.

I often want to go to the toilet

Due to the fact that the level of hCG increases, even at fairly early stages, a woman has to frequently visit the toilet: it seems that the bladder is constantly full, although this is not the case. This symptom appears after the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus.

Frequent urination is also a symptom of bladder inflammation, so don’t confuse it.

I dreamed about the fish

Even if the fish spawned, there is no need to rely on signs. And try to detect pregnancy using methods using iodine, a ring on a string and fortune telling. The regular test is faster and the results are obviously more accurate.

How to detect pregnancy

To begin with, listen to yourself, but don’t go crazy. More or less reliable signs appear a few weeks after conception, so you don’t need to do a test every day and look for two stripes under a microscope. If you worry too much about a possible problem, you can get a full range of false symptoms: morning sickness, mood swings, and a love of lemons and salt.

And when the body sends unambiguous signals - delay, pain, other signs - you should definitely go to the doctor.

After two weeks, only women who are very inattentive to themselves can not feel the onset of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy include heavier breasts, general malaise, and lethargy. Most of these symptoms appear due to hormonal changes caused by the body beginning to prepare for bearing a child.

Different women may experience certain signs of pregnancy at different times.

    Delayed menstruation (although light bleeding is possible for several months after conception).

  • Breast enlargement, increased sensitivity, slight tingling.
  • Fatigue not only in the evening, but also during the day.
  • Weakness, dizziness.
  • Increased vaginal discharge.
  • Nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  • An aversion to some smells (for example, perfume or tobacco) and a craving for others (for example, the smell of gasoline).

  • Intolerance to some foods (alcohol, coffee, fresh cucumbers) and, conversely, an urgent need for others (for example, pickles).
  • Unusual excitability caused by hormonal changes in the body,
  • Frequent urge to urinate.

Almost all symptoms of pregnancy appear due to changes in hormone levels in the blood, as well as due to the pressure that the growing fetus puts on internal organs. To confirm pregnancy, you can take a test from the first day of missed menstruation, and if it turns out to be positive, consult a doctor for further confirmation of pregnancy and observation.

Features and significance of early signs of pregnancy.

Every sexually active girl should know the signs of pregnancy. Having noticed signs of pregnancy in the early stages, a woman will be able to either decide whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy. Knowing the main signs of pregnancy, you need to see a doctor as early as possible. An early visit to the doctor will, in any case, be beneficial. The expectant mother will be able to avoid many problems associated with pregnancy and understand for herself what is a sign of pregnancy, i.e. normal, and which condition requires emergency medical attention. Signs of pregnancy in a woman in the early stages are subjective, that is, they are present in one woman and not in another. So, let's move on to describing the main signs of pregnancy.

Delayed menstruation is the main sign of pregnancy.

In order to notice this early sign of pregnancy as early as possible, you should always carefully monitor your menstrual cycle. Every woman who takes responsibility for her health has a special calendar in which she marks her critical days. But a delay in menstruation is not always a sign of pregnancy in the early stages. Irregular periods occur in many women. There can be a lot of reasons for this - starting from hypothermia and nervous work, and ending with serious hormonal disorders.

Let's try to briefly consider the physiology of this sign of pregnancy. Starting from puberty, from the age of 12-14, girls experience vaginal bleeding every month. Without such a “trouble,” pregnancy would have become impossible. Teens' first periods are often irregular. In the first year or two after menarche (first menstruation) this is normal, but later you should consult a doctor about this problem. The normal menstrual cycle consists of 28 – 35 days. Its shortening or lengthening should also not go unnoticed.

Some absolutely healthy women experience menstrual irregularities. Without knowing the exact duration of your cycle, it will be difficult to notice signs of pregnancy.

An increase in basal temperature as a sign of pregnancy in the early stages.

Many women at least once in their lives are faced with the need to measure their basal temperature. The main purpose of the measurements is to determine the day of ovulation, i.e. the period when conception is most likely. It is necessary to measure basal temperature every day, starting from the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle. A sharp jump in the direction of increasing basal temperature indicates ovulation. Some ladies even use this method as contraception. Although this is not particularly reliable. An increase in basal temperature during the period of delayed menstruation can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy.

So, if you are experiencing some signs of pregnancy, then try measuring your basal temperature. The basal temperature in the rectum is measured using an ordinary thermometer. A prerequisite is that it must be measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. If the thermometer shows a temperature of 37 degrees or higher, then there is every reason to suspect one of the signs of pregnancy.

Increased frequency of urination as a relative sign of pregnancy.

So, you are experiencing a delay in menstruation and an increase in basal temperature - the main signs of pregnancy. It's been 1-2 weeks now, but my period still hasn't arrived. But the urge to urinate became very frequent. If you do not have cystitis, then this is also a sign of pregnancy in the early stages. Every day, a woman’s uterus increases in volume more and more and begins to put pressure on the bladder, as a result of which the woman begins to want to go to the toilet “in a small way” more often. In addition, the hormonal levels in the body change, and this can also cause the urge to urinate more frequently.

So, how to distinguish cystitis from frequent urination as a sign of pregnancy? Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Cystitis mainly affects women of childbearing age. The reason for its occurrence is the entry of bacterial infection pathogens into the genitourinary system. And this is most often a consequence of hypothermia. Because when hypothermia occurs, it is much more difficult for the body, especially an unhardened one, to fight any infections.

Cystitis has a main difference from physiologically caused increased frequency of urination, that is, a common sign of pregnancy. This is a pain during urination and aching pain in the lumbar region. An accurate diagnosis can be made by taking a general urine test. By the way, in pregnant women, exacerbations of cystitis occur twice as often as in women who are not expecting a child.

Nausea and vomiting are one of the signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

Many women, precisely because of this sign of pregnancy, begin to suspect that they will soon become a mother. Indeed, toxicosis is commonplace for expectant mothers. Interestingly, the exact causes of toxicosis have not yet been clarified. There are three main theories. The first is that intoxication occurs in the body of the expectant mother. And in this simple way the body tries to get rid of harmful substances. The second theory is that a woman’s body reacts in this way to a “foreign body,” that is, to the fetus. And the third theory of the occurrence of toxicosis is psychological. Some researchers believe that toxicosis occurs more often in women who are not psychologically ready to become a mother. But, be that as it may, toxicosis was and remains one of the main signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

But sometimes, unfortunately, women mistake poisoning and intestinal infection for toxicosis. There are also frequent cases of so-called psychological toxicosis. That is, a woman notices signs of a non-existent pregnancy. This often happens in women who do not become pregnant for a long time; or those who are afraid of pregnancy like hell. Noticing a delay in the onset of menstruation, they become so immersed in an imaginary “pregnant” state that they actually begin to feel the presence of signs of pregnancy. Although in reality there is no pregnancy.

Pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy.

Indeed, some women experience this sign of pregnancy in the early stages. But more often such pain is caused by intense physical exertion or exacerbation of cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder) or pyelonephritis (kidney disease). Lower back pain can become not only a sign of pregnancy in the early stages, but also a symptom of a threatened miscarriage (threatened miscarriage). The same can be said about pain in the lower abdomen. If this is regarded as a sign of pregnancy, then most likely there is a threat of its termination.

Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands are a sign of early pregnancy.

Breast engorgement is familiar to many women. This malaise occurs especially often in the last week of the menstrual cycle. The most common cause is mastopathy, a disease of the mammary glands that accompanies most young and middle-aged women. But engorgement of the mammary glands is also one of the signs of pregnancy. From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman’s mammary glands begin to prepare for lactation (breastfeeding), and the woman feels this as breast tenderness. Often, unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands are accompanied by yellowish discharge from the nipples. This is colostrum. If a woman is pregnant, then this should be regarded as a sign of pregnancy; if not, then this condition may require consultation with a mammologist.

Increased appetite is an important sign of pregnancy.

A pregnant woman should eat for two. Probably every woman knows about this. Although this is not entirely correct. A pregnant woman should consume more vital nutrients and vitamins - this is true. Signs of early pregnancy include increased appetite in a woman. In this way, her body tries to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients necessary for the normal gestation and development of the child.

Unusually fatigue is a sign of pregnancy.

The exact nature of this phenomenon is not clear. But we should assume that this is due to hormonal changes in the woman’s body. In addition, subconsciously, a woman who notices signs of pregnancy tries to protect herself and her baby as much as possible from possible negative, damaging factors. In this way, the female body tries to protect itself. During pregnancy, a lot of energy is spent on the pregnancy itself, and then there’s physical activity! So, the familiar signs of pregnancy protect the expectant mother and her baby.

Pregnancy from the very first week leaves its mark on a woman’s condition. After the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, hormonal changes begin in the woman’s body.

They manifest themselves with certain symptoms that can be used to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage.

The most favorable time for conception is the period of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs when the follicle ruptures and an egg ready for fertilization is released.

If for some reason there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle, the timing of ovulation may shift and conception may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle.

The mature egg enters the fallopian tube, which contains sperm. The most active of them penetrates the membrane of the egg and fertilizes it. Then it begins to move towards the uterine cavity. Along the way, the egg divides and by the time it enters the uterus it turns into a fertilized egg, consisting of several hundred cells.

Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs 7-10 days after ovulation.

After entering the uterus, the fertilized egg does not immediately attach to its wall, but remains in a “suspended” state for 2 days. During this time, it prepares the surface of the uterus for implantation, relaxing its tissue. This is necessary so that the walls of the uterus do not reject the foreign body.

More often, attachment occurs to the posterior wall of the uterus, since it is thicker, many vessels are concentrated in it, and better conditions are created for the development of the embryo.

Implantation may fail for a number of reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance (change in the concentration of progesterone, estrogen, glucorticosteroids, prolactin, etc.);
  • unpreparedness of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) for implantation. The thickness of the endometrium for successful attachment of the fertilized egg must be at least 7 mm;
  • fibroids (benign tumor) of the uterus.

If the fertilized egg fails to implant, menstruation will begin and it will leave the uterus along with the menstrual flow.

Hormonal changes after implantation

After the implantation of the fertilized egg, the active work of the body begins, aimed at the proper development of the child.

A woman faces hormonal changes, which affect the functioning of all body systems.

At the site of the burst follicle, it appears - this is a temporary formation responsible for the production of progesterone.

Progesterone is a hormone necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg and the normal development of pregnancy. Malfunction of the corpus luteum can lead to miscarriage or.

During the division of a fertilized egg, the rudiments of the future embryo and membranes (chorion) appear. The chorion produces a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Based on the presence of this hormone in the blood, pregnancy can be predicted with a high degree of probability. In rare cases, it is not associated with pregnancy, but with certain diseases.

Subjective first signs before delay

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay are based on the woman’s feelings.

They are characteristic of pregnancy, but their severity may vary: in some women they appear more strongly, in others they are absent altogether. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is the first, second or third pregnancy, any woman can feel early signs of pregnancy, regardless of age, nationality, social status, etc.

Even before your period is missed, the first sign of pregnancy may be chest pain. They appear at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

The breasts swell, become more sensitive, any touch causes pain.

The initial sign of pregnancy before the delay may be increased pigmentation of the nipples. This symptom does not always appear; in some cases, women do not feel any discomfort in the chest.

Another, so to speak, popular sign of pregnancy can be slight bleeding from the genital tract.

The process of attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus may be accompanied by implantation bleeding.

A woman may mistake it for premenstrual discharge. They can last from several hours to days.

The changed hormonal background becomes, which causes apathy, loss of strength and drowsiness.

Such early signs of pregnancy can accompany a woman throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy. To these are added changes in the emotional state of the pregnant woman: tearfulness, irritability and anxiety appear.

Many women are concerned about the malaise characteristic of colds: headache, feeling of weakness, nasal discharge,...

These symptoms are caused by a temporary weakening of the immune system, characteristic of early pregnancy.

If a woman consults a doctor about an illness, she needs to inform him about the possibility of conception.

This will allow the doctor to select drugs that are safe in the early stages of pregnancy.

Accelerated blood circulation in the pelvic organs and changes in kidney function cause increased urination. If it is accompanied by a pulling or cutting pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, frequent urination may be a sign of the development of a genitourinary tract infection.

During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases and the uterus begins to grow.

An increase in the size of the uterus may be accompanied by a feeling of “fullness” in the abdomen, pain and tingling in the uterine area.

The primary sign of pregnancy before the delay may be diarrhea.

Diarrhea is not infectious and goes away quickly. In this way, the body reacts to the stress caused by pregnancy.

Don't worry about this - after a while the stool will recover. According to statistics, local gastrointestinal disorders in 65% of cases are obvious signs of pregnancy before the delay.

Looseness of the cervix, decreased turgor of the vaginal muscles. This is due to the action of progesterone, which helps relax muscle tissue.

Without waiting for an examination by a gynecologist, you can conduct a self-examination: insert a finger into the vagina and evaluate muscle tone. When palpated, in the event of pregnancy, the muscles will seem “boiled.”

Unusual signs of pregnancy include changes in taste preferences, excessive tearfulness, flatulence, heartburn, and decreased visual acuity.

Despite the abundance of signs indirectly indicating pregnancy, you may not experience any signs at all other than delay.

Personal experience

Let me start with the fact that I am a mother of 3 children and all 3 pregnancies were, so from the very first days after conception I listened to my body and carefully monitored all the changes that were taking place.

I would like to clarify that the early signs of pregnancy, which can occur 1-2 weeks after conception, are so subjective (even for one woman) that you should not try on all the sensations of other people on yourself.

So, for the first time, the earliest sign indicating pregnancy was pain in the mammary glands. The chest became swollen, became very sensitive and hurt so much that it was impossible to lie on the stomach. This didn't happen before. My chest, of course, hurt, but not much. It was this fact that inspired me, and he gave it.

Planning my second pregnancy lasted for six months. My health was fine. Before planning a pregnancy, my husband and I took the exam. But for some reason the test did not streak. I listened to my own body, and when my chest started to hurt, I ran for a test, but the results were negative. So, during the next cycle after ovulation, I noticed that my breasts did not hurt at all.

To be honest, I thought that this time my body decided to take a break and reward me with an anovulatory cycle. My chest never started to hurt. This time I didn’t even go for the test. However, it was this cycle that ended in pregnancy. And I did the test after the delay, and it showed a bright red second stripe.

Moreover, a few days after ovulation, I began to experience cystitis due to... I successfully cured my cystitis with Monural, and 2 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. I don’t know if cystitis and colds can be called early signs of pregnancy. But I am glad that taking the antibiotic did not affect the child in any way.

The third time I got pregnant again the first time. Moreover, pregnancy occurred immediately in the next cycle after discontinuation of OC Regulon. This time the breasts were in normal condition. She began to swell slightly after ovulation. In principle, nothing foreshadowed pregnancy.

However, this time I set aside for myself the day when the embryo transfer was supposed to take place. On this day, my whole body felt weak, I wanted to lie down all the time and... By the way, this time the test did not show pregnancy before the delay. A weak second line appeared the second time on the 2nd day of the delay.

So, even for one woman, each new pregnancy manifests itself differently.

Ksenia, 34.

Objective signs of pregnancy before delay

One of the reliable signs of pregnancy before the delay is considered to be an increase in basal temperature (temperature in the rectum) above 37 ° C.

The obtained measurement results may be correct if certain conditions are met.

Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Before this, the woman must lie down for at least 6 hours.

You cannot take measurements earlier than 2 hours after sexual intercourse, as the results will be incorrect.

The onset of pregnancy can be judged by the level of the hCG hormone. At home, its level in urine is determined using special tests.

In early pregnancy, a second faint line may appear on the test. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the tests over several days and monitor the change in the brightness of the stripes.

If the pregnancy is short, home tests may indicate that implantation has already occurred, but the level of hCG is still insufficient to detect it in the urine.

For correct results in the early stages, it is better to use with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml.

A false negative result can also occur for other reasons:

  • the test was spoiled or expired;
  • it was not the morning portion of urine that was used;
  • on the eve of the test, the woman drank a lot of liquid or took diuretics;
  • kidney disease;

If you suspect pregnancy, but a home test shows a negative result, a blood test is necessary.

HCG is detected in it earlier than in urine. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein, the analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after a meal at another time of day.

To confirm the result, it is necessary to take hCG over time. In the case of a normal intrauterine pregnancy, the level of the hCG hormone in the blood will constantly increase.

After the first signs of pregnancy appear, you must wait until your menstrual cycle is delayed and consult a doctor.

He will prescribe an ultrasound, which will clearly establish the fact of pregnancy and determine its development (uterine, developing or frozen).

After conception, physiological changes occur in a woman’s body, which are manifested by unusual symptoms. At the very beginning, these manifestations are weak, not all women pay attention to them. However, it is useful to know about the most typical first signs of pregnancy so as not to confuse this condition with a common illness and not to proceed with treatment that could harm the unborn baby. The first weeks of intrauterine development are a very crucial period, so it is important for a woman to find out about her situation even before the delay occurs.

In the first weeks of embryo development, the most important organs are formed. Incorrect behavior of the mother (excessively intense sports, increased nervousness, drinking alcohol, smoking) can have a detrimental effect on the health of the unborn baby. Infectious diseases pose a particular danger.

A woman who wants to give birth to a healthy baby must introduce some restrictions into her life from the very first days of pregnancy. She needs to stop drinking alcohol, as well as strong coffee, and should take a more responsible approach to nutrition. Pregnant women should not be nervous or overexert themselves physically. If you feel unwell and have to see a doctor, you need to warn him about your possible condition so that he takes it into account when prescribing medications.

Conception may also be unplanned (for example, contraception was unsuccessful or the woman made a mistake in calculating safe days). The first signs will indicate that an unexpected event has occurred; she should be careful not to harm the baby. If a woman does not intend to give birth, she will be able to have an early abortion, avoid toxicosis and other ailments that have to be endured before having a regular abortion at a later date.

When do the first symptoms appear?

Fertilization of the egg occurs only after ovulation, which in a 28-day cycle occurs approximately in the middle. There may be slight deviations in the timing of conception due to the presence of individual physiological characteristics in women, as well as the existence of differences in sperm activity in men. However, it is safe to say that there is no point in trying to detect reliable signs earlier than a week after sexual intercourse.

When is it appropriate to do the test?

If the test is used earlier, the result may be false negative. That is, conception has occurred, but the level of the hormone secreted by the embryo (hCG) is still too low. More expensive inkjet tests have the greatest accuracy. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, since if done incorrectly, the result may be false positive.

Blood test for hCG

A reliable result of a hormone test can be obtained only 10-12 days after sexual intercourse. The fertilized egg must have time to implant in the uterus, only after that the chorion (embryonic membrane) begins to secrete hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Each week of pregnancy corresponds to a certain level of the hormone, higher than in non-pregnant women.

However, this sign is not absolutely accurate, since an increase in hormone levels occurs not only during pregnancy, but also with kidney disease or diabetes.

Signs of pathological pregnancy

If the test gives a positive result, and the hCG test shows its content in the blood is below normal, this indicates that the pregnancy is ectopic. It is especially dangerous when the fetus begins to develop in the uterine tube. A condition in which a pipe ruptures is life-threatening for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to identify such a pathology as early as possible and remove the fetus. Signs of improper attachment of the embryo include the appearance of cramping pain on one side of the lower abdomen, as well as spotting.

A frozen pregnancy is possible, when the embryo stops developing and dies, but a miscarriage does not occur; the fetus also has to be removed surgically. This pathology occurs if a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome or an increased level of androgens in the body. An early sign of a frozen pregnancy is a low level of hCG in the blood.

There is such an anomaly as false pregnancy. Moreover, the signs are so real that it is difficult to dissuade a woman from her self-hypnosis.

Video: What are the signs of pregnancy?

Early signs of conception

All signs of pregnancy that appear before a missed period are not absolutely reliable; they only allow us to make an assumption about its likely occurrence.

These include the following manifestations:

  1. Nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of toxicosis. They appear approximately 3-4 weeks after conception. At this time, a woman develops intolerance to certain odors (for example, perfume aromas or the smell of meat broth), as well as unusual taste preferences (love for pickles, sweets).
  2. Drowsiness and fatigue, decreased blood pressure, inability to concentrate, weakened memory.
  3. Frequent mood changes. The desire to cry over the most insignificant things.
  4. Change in the nature of discharge. If a woman is not pregnant, then before the onset of menstruation, the leucorrhoea becomes scantier and thicker. After fertilization has occurred, the level of progesterone (the corpus luteum hormone that remains in the ovary after ovulation) remains high. Thanks to this, the work of the cervical glands that produce mucus is activated. Discharge literally from the first days of pregnancy becomes abundant, transparent and liquid.
  5. Implantation bleeding. Droplets of blood may briefly appear in the discharge. In this case, a particularly sensitive woman feels a slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms occur when the fertilized egg implants into the endometrium of the uterus. If bleeding occurs immediately before or coincides with an expected period, it is sometimes mistaken for menstruation. In other cases, women mistake them for intermenstrual bleeding. You need to know that pregnancy can be assumed if such “menstruation” is too scanty and short-lived.
  6. Swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. Changes in their condition occur immediately after conception. Before the delay, the skin around the nipple may darken, and the tubercles on the areola become more noticeable. Sometimes a clear yellowish discharge from the nipple (colostrum) appears.
  7. Constipation, feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen.
  8. Increased urination, cystitis. With the onset of pregnancy, women's immunity sharply decreases. In this way, the body “adapts” to the new state, doing everything to prevent fetal rejection. Decreased immune defense leads to increased susceptibility to bacteria and viruses. Therefore, at the very beginning of pregnancy, inflammatory processes worsen (in particular, in the bladder). Colds may become more frequent.

Note: Do not forget that these signs are non-specific. Nausea and vomiting can also occur with intestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis), poisoning, and strong emotions. Odor intolerance occurs even with the flu. Craving for sweets occurs during nervous stress.

It is important not to confuse changes in the mammary glands with symptoms of diseases. If the pain becomes obsessive, lumps appear, and the breast skin turns red, you should definitely visit a mammologist.

Basal temperature

One of the first signs of pregnancy is the constancy of a woman’s basal temperature after conception. True, it can only be detected if the measurements were carried out for a long time (over several cycles) in the previous period.

Basal temperature is measured rectally. This allows us to exclude the influence of various external factors on the indicators. The procedure is carried out in the morning at the same time. In this case, the woman must still be in bed. By changing the temperature you can find out when ovulation occurred, since at this moment it reaches a maximum (37°). If fertilization does not occur, the temperature decreases. And if conception has occurred, it remains slightly elevated.

Thrush in early pregnancy

A natural decrease in immunity can provoke the appearance or exacerbation of thrush. The occurrence of the disease is also facilitated by changes in the state of the vaginal microflora due to an increase in the volume of discharge. The lack of beneficial lactobacilli leads to the proliferation of Candida fungi in the body.

However, not all pregnant women develop thrush. It all depends on the state of the immune system and the characteristics of the hormonal shifts occurring in the body. Therefore, the presence of thrush cannot be considered a reliable way to establish the fact of conception.

Video: Early symptoms in pregnant women

The onset of pregnancy for women who want to join the family is a joyful event and a real miracle. Every representative of the fair sex at least once in her life should experience the extraordinary feeling of the birth of a new being within her. Many girls, when conceiving for the first time, do not know at all how early signs of pregnancy manifest themselves; they naively believe that the embryo will immediately move in the womb and give a sign of its presence. In fact, the process that has begun and the signs of pregnancy themselves in the early stages do not outwardly reveal themselves for quite a long time. The test will show the presence of a fertilized egg only 8 - 10 days after conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear only after a month or two.

Signs of early pregnancy

A woman who has not given birth before cannot understand when the first signs of early pregnancy appear and how to distinguish them from the onset of the menstrual cycle, and often attributes strange changes in the body to illness or illness. Moreover, some symptoms of pregnancy are really similar to disruptions in the functioning of body systems as a result of stress, hormonal disorders, heavy physical activity, and the use of potent pharmaceutical drugs. And menstrual irregularities occur even in healthy women. Therefore, every potential mother needs to learn how to identify the very first signs of early pregnancy, and at the slightest suspicion, go to the gynecologist’s office.

The first sign of pregnancy in the early stages is a change in mood

When a woman begins to undergo hormonal changes in her body, preparing for a long period of bearing a child, close people simply cannot recognize her. The expectant mother is ready to explode at any moment, unleashing streams of rage on her husband and relatives, even for no apparent reason. She feels misunderstood, offended, deprived, surrounded by callous and stupid people. The woman is unable to control outbursts of aggression, although she understands that she is causing pain and offense to her family. Sudden and causeless irritability appears earlier than other signs of early pregnancy. It is she who may suggest that conception has taken place.

The second sign of early pregnancy is a change in taste preferences

A pregnant woman's body, in preparation for bearing a baby, tries to accumulate as many nutrients and nutrients as possible. Therefore, the expectant mother develops unexpected taste preferences. She begins to enjoy eating food that she previously did not like, and combines foods on her plate that are in no way compatible. All dishes seem bland to a pregnant woman, so she salts and seasons them generously. Eating a large jar of pickled cucumbers at a time is not difficult for her. And some mothers suddenly have an irresistible desire to “feast” on chalk or sand. Changes in taste and increased appetite are the first and most obvious symptoms of pregnancy that immediately attract attention.

The third sign of early pregnancy is delayed menstruation

Failure of the menstrual cycle is the main sign of pregnancy. If a woman does not get her period after the usual period of time, she suspects successful conception.

Menstrual bleeding will not bother the mother not only for the entire nine months of bearing the baby, but also for about six months, and sometimes even a year after childbirth. Menstruation will resume only when the mother’s body has fully recovered. But the absence of menstruation on time, in addition to pregnancy, can also signal pathological changes in the body and a woman’s unhealthy lifestyle. The menstrual cycle is disrupted by:

  1. stress, depression and anxiety;
  2. strong physical activity;
  3. change in climate or daily routine;
  4. colds and viral diseases;
  5. use of contraceptives and potent drugs;
  6. obesity or starvation;
  7. beginning of menopause.

The fourth sign of early pregnancy is swelling of the mammary glands

Swollen mammary glands and swollen veins on the chest are signs of early pregnancy, appearing mainly in the later stages. When pressing on the nipples, yellowish colostrum is released. And in the first months of pregnancy, a woman may only feel some discomfort in the chest area. Also noticeable signs of pregnancy in the early stages are Montgomery tubercles. These are small growths that form in a circle around the nipple immediately after successful conception. Outwardly, they look like warts filled with a sebaceous substance, but do not in any way disrupt the functioning of the mammary glands or affect the mother’s health.

The fifth sign of early pregnancy is toxicosis

Typically, toxicosis in a woman manifests itself in the middle stages of pregnancy, when the baby in the womb is already quite developed. The expectant mother is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, she can no longer tolerate her usual dishes, and after every meal she is overtaken by the urge to vomit. But sometimes these pregnancy symptoms also occur in the early stages. In this case, doctors diagnose so-called early toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting are not the most obvious signs of early pregnancy; the cause of these unpleasant phenomena can be food poisoning. Also, many diseases of the digestive tract cannot be avoided without these symptoms: gastritis, enteritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers.

The sixth sign of early pregnancy is frequent urge to urinate.

Frequent trips to the toilet usually plague women in late pregnancy, when the growing baby in the womb begins to put pressure on the bladder and ureter. However, disruptions in the urinary system can also occur in the early stages of gestation. They are caused by chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that is abundantly secreted in a pregnant woman and provokes an acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Mommy feels like her bladder is full, although there is actually little urine in it. This feeling is especially strong when lying down, so pregnant women sleep poorly at night and suffer from incontinence.

Frequent urge to urinate is not only the first signs of early pregnancy, but also symptoms of complex diseases of the genitourinary system. Urinary incontinence is accompanied by diabetes mellitus, in which the patient drinks a lot of fluid, as well as cystitis or urethritis. If you feel a strong painful burning sensation in the lower abdomen when urinating, it is not a matter of pregnancy, but of illness.

The seventh sign of early pregnancy is an increase in basal temperature

By measuring basal temperature, women usually establish. When the temperature inside the genital organs rises slightly above normal, the egg is ready for fertilization. But using basal temperature, you can also determine the onset of conception. To do this, during a delay in menstruation, a thermometer is placed in the anus, since the temperature in the rectum and genital tract is the same. It is better to carry out the procedure after a night's sleep, without getting out of bed.

If a woman keeps a basal temperature chart for 3-4 months, then if pregnancy occurs, she will notice that a week before the start of her period, the basal temperature, instead of decreasing, continues to remain at 37 degrees. In this case, you can most likely assume pregnancy.

The eighth sign of early pregnancy is bloody discharge from the genitals

A week after conception, some women notice slight bleeding from the genital tract. They can be confused with scanty menstrual bleeding, but these discharges differ from menstruation in a lighter shade. They occur just at the moment when the fertilized egg clings to the wall of the uterus, but they do not last long. Sometimes women observe quite thick yellowish discharge. This is how cervical erosion appears at the beginning of pregnancy. There may be no discharge at all, and this is also normal in the early stages of pregnancy.

The ninth sign of early pregnancy is a painful condition, malaise

Important signs of early pregnancy are a sharp decrease in immunity and acceleration of metabolism. The body of a pregnant woman itself suppresses its immune cells so that they do not perceive the fetus as a foreign body and try to destroy it. And metabolism is activated as a result of hormonal changes. In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother often catches a cold, suffers from a runny nose and hoarseness, and may develop a fever. In order not to harm the embryo, it is advisable to treat ailments not with pharmaceuticals, but with folk methods.

Pregnant women often complain of weakness and drowsiness and want to sleep both at night and during the day. This is how the hormone progesterone manifests itself, produced by the ovaries after conception, which is responsible for preserving the fetus.

The tenth sign of early pregnancy is changes in the skin

Pigmentation and inflammatory changes in the skin are noticeable symptoms of pregnancy. The hormonal transformations that occur in a woman’s body after conception have a great impact on the condition of the skin. Due to sharp fluctuations in sex hormones, the face, neck and chest of a pregnant woman are dotted with age spots, and spider veins, similar in color to hematomas, appear on the legs and arms. With the birth of the baby, all pigmentation will disappear, the mother does not need to worry about it. The sebaceous and sweat glands work intensely during pregnancy, which is why many women have acne on their faces. Around the twelfth week of pregnancy, a longitudinal pigment stripe appears on the mother’s belly, which will remain until childbirth. And already from the twentieth week of gestation, stretch marks begin to form on the sides and lower abdomen. They are more noticeable the fuller the pregnant woman.

The eleventh sign of early pregnancy is bowel dysfunction

Sex hormones, actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman, suppress intestinal function and promote its relaxation. Therefore, constipation and diarrhea are common symptoms during pregnancy. Typically, these unpleasant signs of pregnancy haunt the expectant mother in the later stages of pregnancy, when the uterus expands, squeezing the intestines. But sometimes women who are not carrying their first baby notice constipation, excessive gas formation, and loose stools already in the early stages. Many mothers suffer from hemorrhoids. To eliminate these symptoms of pregnancy, which cause a lot of trouble, it is advisable to use not medications, but folk remedies that are safe for the developing embryo.
