How much was added to pensioners in April? Average pension after indexation for disabled people

All pensioners, as well as those who are about to become one, will be very interested to know how much pensions will be increased in 2019 in Russia. A table has been published with the timing of pension indexation in 2019: who will receive an increase, when and how much.

  • 1 Indexation from January 1, 2019
  • 2 Indexation from February 1, 2019
  • 3 Indexation from April 1, 2019
  • 4 Indexation table for 2019
  • 5 New amounts of pension payments after indexation in 2019: table
  • 6 Adjustment of pensions from August 1, 2019 for working pensioners

How many times will pensions be indexed in 2019? Will EDV and social benefits be indexed? Will state and social pensions be increased? We talk about the coefficients and present a single table with indexation dates. You can also familiarize yourself with the new amounts of pension payments after indexation.

Indexation from January 1, 2019

The first indexation of insurance pensions will take place on January 1, 2019. The indexation coefficient is the same for all – 7.5 percent. Through this indexation, the authorities want to achieve an increase in pensions by 1,000 rubles per month.

You can independently multiply the size of your pension by 1.0705 and determine what payment you will receive from January 1, 2019.

However, there is an important point - the January indexation will not affect working pensioners. Some will continue to receive pensions at the same rate.

Indexation from February 1, 2019

There will be no traditional indexation of pensions from February 1, 2019 (since indexation will be earlier, from January).

However, from February 1, 2019, it is planned to index other social payments from the Pension Fund (monthly cash payment of the EDV, a set of social services of the NSO, funeral benefits, etc.). The indexation coefficient will be 3.1 percent.

Indexation from April 1, 2019

Also, from April 1, 2019, state and social pensions will be indexed. The expected ratio is 0.4 percent.

Indexation table for 2019

New amounts of pension payments after indexation in 2019: table

Adjustment of pensions from August 1, 2019 for working pensioners

If the pensioner continues to work, then a recalculation of his insurance pension may be due to an increase in the size of the IPC (that is, pension points). Pension points can be increased due to insurance premiums paid for the employee by the employer.

In this regard, from August 1, 2019, working pensioners for whom policyholders (employers) paid insurance premiums in 2018 will receive an increased pension. However, the increase will only affect recipients of old-age and disability insurance pensions.

The maximum increase, which is made in August, is limited to only 3 points (pension coefficients), converted into cash equivalent. As of August 1, 2019, the cost of 1 coefficient will be 87 rubles 24 kopecks. Therefore, pensioners will not receive an increase of more than 261 rubles 72 kopecks (87.24 rubles x 3) from August 1, 2019.

Moreover, if the employer directs part of the contributions to an insurance pension, and part to a funded pension, then the limit on the IPC is even stricter and is limited to 1.875. For such pensioners, the maximum increase from August 1, 2018 will be 163.57 rubles. (RUR 87.24 x 1.875).

The State Duma adopted in the second reading the final version of the draft Federal Budget Law, which for many pensioners brings good news about pension increases in 2019.

On January 1, 2019, a pension reform will begin in Russia, in connection with which pensions will increase at a higher rate than in previous years (outpacing the inflation rate). The Government notes that at this rate pensions in Russia will grow for the first time in recent history, and the planned increase in the Ministry of Labor is already being called “unprecedented.” Parameters of increased pension indexation until 2024. clearly stated in the new law on pensions from 2019 under number No. 350-FZ, which has already been signed by the President and was officially published on 10/03/2018.

According to calculations, the average pension in the country will increase by 1,000 rubles in 2019. The result will be noticeable from January 1, since the procedure for indexing pensions is also changing: now insurance (labor) pensions will be indexed on an ongoing basis not from February 1, as was the case before, but from January 1. However, these plans regarding the accelerated growth of pensions will not affect working pensioners - for them, annual indexation has not been carried out since 2016.

On average, it will increase by 1000 rubles annually and in future years. Pensions are planned to be increased at a rate exceeding the rate of inflation at least in 2019-2024. Thus, pension reform is a long-term project, which will only begin to be implemented in 2019.

All this will be possible thanks to an increase in the retirement age, which, in accordance with the law of October 3, 2018 No. 350-FZ, will begin on January 1, 2019. The Government notes that the reform is being carried out with the aim of increasing the well-being of pensioners and making the entire pension system of the country sustainable ( by reducing the budget deficit of the Russian Pension Fund - PFR). It is for this reason that the Government is forced to take such an unpopular measure among the population as increasing the retirement age.

What awaits pensioners from January 1, 2019

The following changes will occur in 2019:

In terms of changing the conditions of old-age pension:

  • the generally established retirement age will increase for men and women by six months (6 months) - to 60.5 and 55.5 years, respectively;
  • the age for receiving a social old-age pension will increase accordingly;
  • Some conditions for the appointment of preferential pensions will be adjusted.

In terms of increasing the amount of pension benefits:

  • pensions for non-working citizens will increase at a rate faster than inflation (on average by 1000 rubles, in fact - by 7.05% in 2019);
  • Indexation will be carried out annually from January 1.

The amount of the increase in rubles for each pensioner will be individual. To get the actual amount of your pension in 2019, you need to multiply the size of your insurance part of the pension by a factor of 1.0705 (which corresponds to an increase of 7.05%).

What increase in pensions awaits pensioners in April 2018? How much can pensions increase as a result of indexation? Who is entitled to a pension increase?

Increase in pension from April 1: who is eligible

indexing and how much in real

In terms of pensions will increase?

Dmitry Medvedev officially announced increase in pensions from April 1, 2018 . 10 MLD has already been allocated from the budget. Russian rubles.

On March 22, an order was signed according to which about 4 million people throughout Russia will receive increase in pension in the form of indexation . The increase will be 2.9%. This, of course, is not a lot of money, but indexation is still carried out every year, therefore, the purchasing power of citizens of retirement age does not decrease so much.

This percentage value is exactly the average increase in the cost of living of citizens of retirement age for 2017.

Speaking in numbers, the average increase this year will be 255 rubles. I would like to answer that budget workers at the moment do not expect any increase in wages and, of course, I want to believe that in our Russia after the elections there will be more favorable conditions for life and work.

Who should expect indexation of pensions?

To whom pensions will be indexed from April 1, 2018? Will it indexation of pensions for working pensioners ? Or just wait indexation of pensions for non-workers ? What's wrong indexation of social pensions ?

Social pensions will be indexed

Federal Law No. 166 establishes the categories of social pension recipients:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood;
  • small peoples of the North;
  • children who have lost their breadwinner;
  • citizens over 60 years of age (women) and 65 years of age (men).

Social pensions are assigned under an important condition - the absence of insurance coverage. However, the old-age social pension is provided only to non-working pensioners.

State pensions will be indexed

The assignment of state pensions is also fixed by Federal Law No. 166.

State pensions are awarded:

  • military personnel, including WWII veterans;
  • liquidators of Chernobyl;
  • test pilots and space industry workers;
  • to recipients of social pensions;
  • civil servants.

The size of the state pension for these categories can be established on various grounds:

  • depending on the salary during service or work;
  • in a fixed amount;
  • as a percentage of the social pension.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposed index social pensions Russians April 1 . “Approve the coefficient indexation of social pensions in the amount of 1.029″,” the document says. The Russian Pension Fund has been instructed to provide regional divisions with information about the level of the coefficient, so that from April 1, 2018, social pensions will be paid indexed.

As stated in the explanatory note, social pensions will be indexed by 2.9 percent.

“Based on the data on the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 (8,315 rubles) and for 2016 (8,081 rubles), the growth rate of the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 was 102.9 percent,” the document says .

In real terms social pensions will grow by 255 rubles – up to 9062 rubles.

The average pension for disabled children and disabled children of group I will increase by 378 rubles and 382 rubles, respectively, and after the increase will be 13,410 and 13,556 rubles. To increase social pensions , according to the explanatory note, 1.07 billion rubles per month will be required, or 9.6 billion rubles by the end of 2018.

Who can't wait for indexation of pensions?

The most common type of pension provision is insurance pensions. It is assigned to people who have insurance experience and deductions on individual personal accounts. However indexation of insurance pensions (including working pensioners) is not planned from April 1, 2018.

President V. Putin announced the increase in pensions of military pensioners in 2019 (military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Russian Guard, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) during a meeting with officers and prosecutors, which took place on October 25, 2018. For the second reading of the bill, which took place on November 20, an amendment was prepared and approved, introduced on behalf of President V. Putin. On November 22, 2018, the bill was adopted by deputies in the third reading along with the presidential amendment.

Increase in military pensions in 2019 according to a new procedure: amounts and timing of additional indexation of monetary allowances

In 2019, pensions of military pensioners (military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Russian Guard, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) will be increased from October 1 by 6.3%.

About this decision President V. Putin said during a meeting with officers and prosecutors on October 25, 2018.

Increase in pensions in 2019 will be made as a result of an increase in the pay of military personnel by 4.3% and additional indexation of pensions by another 2%, that is, in total, an increase in pension provision is expected by 6,3% .

Additional indexation from October 1, 2019, proposed by the President, will be carried out by changing the reduction coefficient for military pensions from 72.23% to 73.68%.

  • In the draft federal budget for 2019, funds were not initially included to increase military pensions by 6.3% - it was planned to only indexation of monetary allowance by 4.3%, due to which payments to pensioners would also be increased.
  • But on October 25, 2018, the President announced that he had already instructed the Government prepare an appropriate amendment to the federal budget bill, which would provide for an additional indexation of 2%.

It is worth noting that even with an increase of 6.3% military pensions will be not fully enlarged, as provided by law. For example, an increase in pensions due to an increase in the reduction factor in 2019 will be made not from the beginning of the year, but only from October 1, 2019. According to the conclusion of the State Duma Committee on Defense, payments to military personnel already underindexed by almost 20%, starting in 2015.

Will there be an increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2019?

In 2019 increase in military pensions for citizens discharged from military service or equivalent service (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal Penitentiary Service, etc.), by 6.3% from October 1. Pension benefits will first be increased by indexing the salaries of military personnel by 4.3%, and then will be further increased on 2%. An additional increase of 2% from October 1 will be carried out by increasing the value of the reduction coefficient to the military personnel's pay by 1.45% (from 72.23 to 73.68).

According to the law, the increase in payments to military pensioners should be carried out in three stages - all of them will be carried out in 2019:

  1. Funds for indexing the pay of military personnel and, accordingly, increasing pensions have already been included in the draft federal budget for 2019-2021. The bill provides for an increase in payments from October 1, 2019 by 4.3%- i.e. on the forecast inflation rate in 2019.
  2. Presidential Decree No. 604 of 05/07/2012 stipulates that pension benefits for persons discharged from military service should increase annually 2% higher than inflation. Funds for such an additional payment were not initially provided for in the draft federal budget for 2019, but President V. Putin gave instructions to the Government to prepare such an amendment to the bill and carrying out additional indexation by 2% from October 1, 2019.
  3. The reduction factor applied to the amount of military pay when calculating the amount of pension payments, There were no plans to make any adjustments in 2019. The government has already submitted a bill to the State Duma, according to which the value of the coefficient was planned to be “frozen” at the 2018 level.. But the project was supplemented amendment from President V. Putin, according to which the coefficient will still be adjusted, but only from October 1, 2019. There will be an increase of 1.5%, that is from October 1, 2019, the coefficient will be 73.68%. Due to this, an additional increase in pensions by 2% will be ensured: 0.7368 / 0.7223 = 1.02 - i.e. 2%.

Thus, the increase in military pensions in 2019 will be carried out from October 1 as a result of an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel by 4.3%. The increase in pensions in 2019 by an additional 2% due to a change in the value of the reduction coefficient to the amount of monetary allowance will also be carried out from October 1, and not from the beginning of the financial year.

Monetary allowances for military personnel

According to the bill on the federal budget for 2019-2021, the salary of military personnel will be indexed by 4.3% from October 1, i.e. on the inflation rate, as provided for in Part 9 of Art. 2 of Law No. 306-FZ “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them”. In this regard, in October 2019 pensions will also be increased citizens dismissed from military and other equivalent service (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, National Guard, etc.).

As Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova correspondent for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a battalion commander with the rank of lieutenant colonel in 2018 receives a salary of 88,759 rubles, a squad commander - 47,821 rubles, an ordinary contract service shooter - 32,012 rubles. etc. In 2019, these salaries will increase by another 4.3%, in 2020 - by 3.8%, in 2021 - by 4% (all adjustments will occur from October 1).

October 9, 2018 State Duma Committee on Defense under the leadership of V.A. Shamalov, he prepared his opinion on the federal budget bill No. 556362-7, which provides for an increase in military salaries by 4.3%, which noted the following:

  • Effect of the law on annual indexation of salary was suspended from 01/01/2013 to 01/01/2018., and indexation by 4% in 2018 practically affected the material support of military personnel, since the total inflation for this period was about 46%, and the cost of the minimum set of food products increased by almost 60%.
  • By increasing the VAT rate from 18% to 20% price increases are expected in the first half of 2019, and payments will be indexed from October 1 (i.e. almost at the end of the year). Therefore, rising inflation in the first half of the year will further worsen the financial situation of military personnel and military pensioners.

The committee proposed index by 4.3%(forecast inflation rate) from the beginning of the financial year, that is from January 1, 2019, and not from October 1.

Indexation of military pensions in 2019

In addition to increasing pensions for military pensioners (military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Russian Guard, etc.) through indexation of monetary allowances, according to the decision of V. Putin in 2019 an additional 2% increase will be made. Thus, from October 1 military pensions will be increased in total at 6.3%.

Recall that this order indexation at 2% above the inflation rate was already provided for by subparagraph “g” of paragraph 1 of Presidential Decree No. 604 of 05/07/2012, but in fact this norm was not implemented. According to the State Duma Committee on Defense military pensions are “under-indexed” by almost a fifth - by 20%, therefore, the Committee recommended that full indexation be carried out in 2019 and that the Presidential Decree be implemented.

  • The government planned not to carry out an additional increase in military pensions in 2019, since the initial draft federal budget for 2019-2021. such expenses were not included. In addition, this bill was adopted in the first reading by the State Duma on October 24, 2018.
  • The next day (October 25), President V. Putin announced that instructed the Government to prepare an amendment to the draft and provide funds for an additional increase in pension benefits at 2% above the rate of inflation. The draft budget with such an amendment was already adopted in the second reading in the State Duma on November 14, 2018.

The State Duma, in the third reading, supported the amendment proposed by the President and payments to military pensioners in 2019 will be indexed by 6.3% instead of the initially envisaged 4.3%. An additional 2% to the pension will be provided by changing the reduction factor to cash allowance from 10/01/2019.

Reduction factor for military pensioners in 2019

When calculating the amount of pension for military pensioners to the amount of monetary allowance for military personnel a reduction factor is applied, i.e. in fact, an incomplete pension is paid. The Government of the Russian Federation has already submitted bill No. 556372-7 to the State Duma, according to which the coefficient for 2019 is set at 0.7223 (that is, 72.23% of the monetary allowance). But V. Putin introduced his own amendment to the draft, according to which the value of the coefficient will increase from October 1, 2019 by 1.45% - from 72.23 to 73.68.

  • Let us recall that in 2017 and 2018, a reduction factor was applied - 0.7223, therefore, since 2018, an increase for military pensioners due to an annual increase in the reduction factor by 2% has not been made due to its “freezing”.
  • The State Duma adopted the above bill together with the amendment of the President and from October 1, 2019 there will be an additional increase in military pensions (an increase of 2%).
For reference

According to part 2 of Art. 43 of Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, the reduction factor for 2012 was set at 0.54 (i.e. 54% of the military personnel's salary), and every year he should have increased by 2% until the final value is set to 100%. But in fact, the coefficient changed according to the following scheme:

Date of adjustment 01.01.2015 01.10.2015 01.02.2016 02/01/2017 and 01/01/2018
Coefficient value 0,6212 0,6678 0,6945 0,7223

Thus, the last time the coefficient was adjusted was in 2017, and in 2018 it was not increased, maintaining the previous year’s standard. In 2019, the Government planned to do the same - leave the coefficient value at 0.7223 until January 1, 2020. But on behalf of V. Putin, its meaning will be increased from October 1, 2019 to 73.68%.

Online consultant answers to user questions

Contributions to the Pension Fund from several places of work

  • I work in several organizations. In one of them I was signed up for an employment contract. The rest are part-time jobs. Will salaries from all my places of work be taken into account when calculating my future pension under the new law?


  • Each employer is obliged to transfer insurance contributions from the salaries of its employees to the Pension Fund for the formation of pension rights. When a person works several jobs and receives a “white” salary, then all payments made from his income are taken into account in his individual personal account. You can check this fact by ordering an extract from your personal account, which will reflect information about the length of service, income and insurance premiums. Accordingly, this data will be taken into account when assessing pension rights and calculating the amount of the pension.
  • There can be a restriction only if the amount of accrued earnings for all organizations exceeds maximum contribution amount, established annually by the government (in 2016 - 796 thousand rubles). Funds in excess of this amount will not be taken into account when calculating future pension payments.
