How many calories are burned during sex. How many calories can you burn during sex

How many calories do you burn during various activities? Maybe even 1000 - so much we will lose during an hour of walking up the stairs.

So, intense physical effort is enough to burn off half of the daily energy requirement. However, calories can be burned not only when you exercise, but also during sex or even sleep, because the human body burns calories around the clock. Check how many calories you can burn while running, cycling or doing simple household activities.

How many calories do you burn while doing different activities?

It all depends on your gender, age, weight and the time and pace at which we perform this operation. To make it easier to calculate how many calories you burn while running, cycling or cleaning, here is a calorie burn table. Thanks to it, you will know how much energy you spend on performing various activities.

How many calories do you burn during exercise?

Knowing how many calories you burn during intense physical activity is a strong motivation for action, especially if our goal is to lose extra pounds. Intense physical exercise is necessary because it is the best way to speed up the metabolism and use of energy, obtained, in particular, from adipose tissue. How many calories we burn during exercise depends not only on their intensity, but also on the body weight of the trainee, as well as on the time of training. For example, a person weighing 65 kg for 30 minutes of running at a pace of 6.5 min / km, will burn 322 kcal. An equally effective way of losing energy and burning adipose tissue is cycling (20 km / h = 600 kcal burned) and jumping rope (574 kcal / h).

How many calories do you burn doing housework?

Calories can also be burned without intense exercise in the gym. It is enough that we turn to a vacuum cleaner or a mop. While cleaning, you burn 135 kcal. A little less, 120 kilocalories, we will burn while washing windows or floors. A little more energy needs to be spent on hand washing (150 kcal). However, the most effective is floor cleaning, during which we will burn up to 213 kcal.

Burning calories while you sleep

The human body burns calories when you sleep. During an hour of intensive sleep, we can burn about 70 kcal - this is the dose of energy your body needs to regenerate. In addition, sleep is a very important element of the weight loss process. People who don't get enough sleep not only burn fewer calories while sleeping, but also have an increased appetite, which is not conducive to weight loss.

How many calories are burned during sex?

It turns out that burning calories can be not only exhausting, but also enjoyable. Depending on the intensity of the relationship and the time it takes, we can burn from 200 to 600 kcal. This is almost the same amount as when running or cycling.

Burning calories while texting and kissing

Even while doing activities such as texting, kissing or chewing gum, you burn extra calories. We spend the most calories while writing text messages - 40 kcal / hour. Our body needs much less energy while chewing gum or kissing (11 kcal/hour).

Calorie burning table:

Climbing stairs - 948 kcal / h

Running (fast - 5 min / km) - 780 kcal / h

Fast walking (7 km / h) - 293 kcal / h

Walk - 228 kcal / h

Swimming - 468 kcal / hour.

Energetic dance - 366 kcal / h

Aerobics - 300 kcal / hour.

Boxing - 558 kcal / h

Bowling game - 204 kcal / h


It's hard to imagine a more enjoyable way to burn calories than sex. Many people would gladly trade a run on a treadmill for love games. But does sex really help you get rid of extra calories?

Scientists have tried to find the answer to this question repeatedly, counting how many calories are burned during sex under different circumstances, but the results are very different from each other. But in any case, there is no doubt that sex is good for health.

A guide to burning calories in bed

Most people burn 100 to 200 calories during intercourse, but there are several ways to increase this figure.


Kiss! Depending on how passionate the kiss is, you can burn one to five calories per minute kissing. Hot kisses and hugs can use up as much as 85 calories an hour.


You probably don't put too much effort into undressing in front of your spouse, but Italian researchers have found that the act of undressing alone can burn 8 to 10 calories. In order to burn more calories, you need to show a little imagination. For example, A man who takes off his bra with his mouth burns up to 80 calories. Take your time and make stripping part of the love game and your workout.


When it comes to foreplay, how much time you spend pleasing the other matters. A person weighing approximately 70 kg burns about 25 calories every 25 minutes of foreplay. If you double this time, you can burn the same number of calories as during a 10-minute easy jog. Try not to be passive during foreplay to burn more calories.


If your partner has asked for a back massage, there is a good reason not to deny him this pleasure. Massage burns about 80 calories per hour. You can massage each other in turn, so that you both enjoy and get rid of extra calories.


A little dirty dancing, even if you're dressed up, can be a great workout. The more seductive movements you make, the more efficiently you burn calories. In addition, studies have shown that immediately after dancing, women are more easily aroused. Energetic dancing can burn up to 170 calories in half an hour.


Do you want to complete your calorie burning task with success? An orgasm will save you another 60-100 calories.

But the most important thing when burning calories during sex is more passion, fire and time spent on sexual pleasure. Anticipation raises your heart rate, you begin to breathe heavily, and calories melt before your eyes. The more inventive you are, and the more emotionally charged the love game becomes, the faster you will get rid of excess calories.

Everyone knows that any physical activity of a person requires certain energy costs of the body. The same can be said about sex, which burns calories no less intensively than moderate running or cycling. The fact that sex burns calories, learned not so long ago. In order to accurately determine how many calories sex can burn, it is necessary to take into account not only its complexity and the activity of partners, but also the duration of the process.

Scientists in order to find out the number of calories spent during sex, conducted large-scale studies. They took into account not only physical parameters and indicators, but also the circumstances under which the studies were conducted and the presence of an emotional connection (enthusiasm) between partners.

Experts have calculated that on average, sex burns about 200 calories in 20 minutes, but this figure is only approximate and may differ in each individual case. In addition, if you have sex in extreme conditions or in an unusual place for partners, where the risk of being “caught” is very high, the calorie loss during sex increases significantly.

Also, how many calories are burned during sex is affected by the presence of foreplay and a violent orgasm at its end. The more active sex, the more calories it helps to get rid of. The same applies to the emotional sphere of sexual relations.

How does the emotional sphere of partners affect the calories burned and sex? Benefits of sex

The beneficial effect of love and positive emotions on the body has long been known. Since sex also gives both partners mutual satisfaction and a storm of emotions, this means that it can also be considered a useful activity. It is known that under the influence of positive emotions, hormones and other substances are produced in the body that increase the body's defenses.

In addition, at the same time, all metabolic processes are activated in a person, therefore, calories during sex will be spent much faster. Scientists have found that calories during sex go almost the same as in a state of platonic love. And the following fact is also known: women who do not have a happy relationship with a partner are more likely to experience an increased need for food, as a way to satisfy the need for “morally spent” calories. This leads to overeating and, as a result, obesity and dissatisfaction with oneself. In fact, it turns out a vicious circle. But at the same time, you should not despair, but it is better to first love yourself and make sure that they love not only your soul, but also a beautiful toned body.

How are calories burned during sex?

Sex is a way to increase a person's activity, associated with a certain amount of energy costs. During it, all muscle groups and organs begin to work more intensively, and the heart rate and pulse also increase. Therefore, a lot of calories are spent during sex. As we have already found out, on average this figure is about 200 kcal per 20 minutes. And if you add another 36 kcal here, which go away during orgasm, then in 30 minutes of such a “pleasant weight loss” you will be able to lose as many calories as are contained in two eaten sandwiches with butter and sausage, as well as drunk tea with jam.

Therefore, following the calculations, many people mistakenly believe that a night of active sex can save them from 1 extra kilogram, but this is not entirely true. To achieve such a result, partners would have to completely forget about rest and breaks, not to mention sleep, which is almost unrealistic. And since sex is a combination of a pleasant pastime with a useful one, at this moment it is better to think not about the number of calories burned during sex, but about the mutual pleasure that it gives to both partners.

Hence the conclusion: undoubtedly, calories are consumed during sex, it helps to improve the condition of the figure, tightening the muscles, but it is better to treat it not as a sport, in order not to destroy relationships. In addition, sex without feelings and mutual sympathy burns much fewer calories than emotional sexual relations for love. And in order to enhance the pleasant sensations during sex and increase libido, you can use specially designed exercises for the small pelvis.

How many calories does the body spend during sex and how does this affect the process of losing weight?

Theoretically, losing weight by dumping calories during sex is possible, but only if the "training" is regular and long. Also, for this you will need a hardy partner or even several of them, because having sex requires a lot of energy and enough strength. If the process itself is important to you, and not how many calories are burned during sex, then in this case it is better to do it in moderation. So you can maintain a normal balance of hormones and always be in a good mood.

In order to more accurately determine the number of calories burned during sex, you need to understand how it affects the acceleration of various processes in the body. For example, the heart rate during sex usually increases to 120-130 beats per minute. Such a load on the body can be tantamount to cardio training in the gym. As for breathing, it almost doubles, which can be compared with rapid breathing during aerobic exercise. In addition, during sex, the body temperature of both partners rises, pressure and pulse jumps.

Sex (Latin sexus) is usually called the mutual attraction of a man and a woman to procreate and satisfy sexual needs. It is an integral part of human life, delivering real pleasure.


Intimate relationships of people based on love feelings are especially beneficial for their general state of health. Thanks to positive emotions and active actions, a large number of various hormones are intensively produced in the human body. Oxytocin enhances the trusting feelings of partners and relieves Men additionally have a powerful release of dopamine, called the hormone of pleasure. Produced substances contribute to the enhancement of the metabolic process and increase the body's defenses.

Long-term medical observations show that people who are happy in love and, accordingly, rarely suffer from headaches, circulatory disorders, colds and stress. According to recent studies conducted among women, it turned out that unsatisfied women develop an increased need for food, and this can inevitably lead to weight gain and related diseases.

calories and sex

During intimacy, people, without noticing it, perform active physical actions. The whole body begins to work with increased load. Thus, it turns out that calories are burned during sex.

To consider sexual relations only as an effective means of weight loss, of course, is not worth it. Rather, it is an additional way to keep your body in good shape. Still, it is worth considering how many calories are burned during sex for the average couple.

Active and passive actions

Depending on the degree of activity, energy consumption is also different. For example, how much sex does a person weighing seventy kilograms, behaving passively, have? According to statistics, about eighty calories are spent on this process in half an hour. An active partner is able to lose twice as much. Indicators may have deviations depending on how sincere the partners' feelings for each other are. The power of mutual love can burn an additional fifty percent of calories.

The intensity of sexual activities can be equated to training in the gym. If on a treadmill a person’s pulse can increase to one hundred and twenty beats per minute, then during the achievement of orgasm, its frequency increases by half.

When it comes to talking about how many calories are burned during sex, you should understand what such a unit of measurement means. This is the amount of energy that the human body receives when the food is fully digested. In technical documentation, it is indicated in kilocalories (kcal), and in everyday life the term "calorie" is more common. Understood the concept. When calculating how many calories are spent during sex, you must also take into account general metabolic indicators, vital activity level, total weight and appetite level.

Regular lovemaking must be accompanied by moderate sports activities, outdoor walks, quality nutrition and psychological balance in family relationships.

If a person likes to achieve the perfection of his figure solely through intimate physical exertion, then you can significantly expand your capabilities in this matter.

Intimacy in a non-standard setting

Do sex out of the bedroom burn calories? There is no doubt that intimate activities filled with the fantasy of partners can significantly increase energy burning rates. You can play sexual games at home on the kitchen table, in a bath filled with aromatic foam, on the floor covered with a fluffy carpet or soft skin. But all this diversity is nothing compared to extreme copulation.

So, how many calories are burned during sex in an unfamiliar place in addition to the usual energy expenditure? The answer is one hundred and twenty. And if an unfamiliar place turns out to be public, then energy consumption will increase fourfold. It remains only to guess how many calories are burned during sex in a place where lovers can be found at any time. The number is sure to be outrageous.

Pose and calories

The position in which intimate sessions are held is essential. The traditional family arrangement of bodies will add only fifteen to twenty kcal to the total mass of energy costs. But the position of the torso in the form of a horizontal number sixty-nine will immediately increase the standard figure several times.

There are a number of conditions that are required to obtain maximum results. Achieving the natural climax of sexual intercourse greatly increases the expenditure of energy. But how many calories are burned during sex with imitation of orgasm, it's hard to even calculate, because it all depends on the artistry and physical fitness of the partners. In some cases, the figure may be higher than the average.

Sexual partners who are devoid of prudish prejudices, free in their desires and striving to constantly improve, can achieve record levels in calorie loss. Sexual contact without the consent of a partner can take a lot of strength and energy. It all depends on the strength of the resistance and the level of their abilities.

Entertainment with several partners will not only add thrill to all participants in the action, but also release excess energy. Of course, that such sexual intercourse will allow you to lose more calories than usual.

Sex on the brink of danger can provide such great pleasure that there is little to compare. And it's hard to estimate the energy consumption at all.

Preparing for sex and then resting adds up too. Long and passionate kisses burn about five calories per minute. Women spend especially a lot on this pleasant procedure, because on their lips they have nerve endings associated with the brain and responsible for arousal.

The process of undressing, if carried out artistically and with imagination, can be turned into an erotic striptease session. It will help you get rid of fifty more calories.

Gentle caresses

Differing in variety and sophistication, they burn thirty calories in half an hour. If they are mutual, then the energy consumption increases even more. Significant pleasure and undoubted benefit is provided by erotic massage. Carrying out exciting actions on each other, you can get mutual joy and obvious benefits.

Under a slow and sensual melody, they are able to ignite the imagination of partners with great power, as well as provide significant benefits to the body in the loss of excess calories.

Upon reaching orgasm and the end of sexual pleasures, it is not necessary, falling into bliss, to relax, and even more so - to fall asleep. You can abruptly get out of bed and start putting yourself in order. This behavior contributes to the additional release of physical energy.


Having sex is very similar to fitness. The higher the activity in bed, the more calories will be lost.

How many calories can you actually burn during sex?

No matter what you do, any physical effort burns calories. Did you know that 10 minutes of laughter can burn about 50 calories? Even brushing your teeth for two minutes burns 5.7 calories.

Sex also burns a few calories, but it's very difficult to determine the average. Some say that you burn 69 calories during sex, while others say you can burn more than 200.

Modern Data

In one study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, there is a small mention that a man in his 30s who has an average duration of sexual activity (i.e. 6 minutes) burns only 21 calories. This conclusion is based on an assessment of the rate of energy conversion (metabolism) in men during sexual intercourse. So it's really nothing more than a guess.

Obviously, it is very difficult to determine the average value. It depends on a huge number of factors, including whether you are a man or a woman, when you engage in sexual intercourse, how long it lasts, how energetic it is, whether you have cardiovascular disease, what is the ratio of muscle to fat mass in the body, and, of course, what position you take.

So how many calories does sexual activity actually burn? Let's see what science has to say about this.

calorie counting

Physical activity, which obviously includes sex, accounts for only 10 to 30% of total energy consumption. The more muscles you have, the more energy they require, and the more often you breathe, the greater your energy waste.

So if you are used to especially vigorous sex and at the same time your body is distinguished by muscles, you will burn more calories. This is the fundamental science in any form of exercise.

In addition, a long foreplay, such as a massage, or a spontaneous dance, undoubtedly burns more calories. There is also one more thing that should not be overlooked: the orgasm.

biological fireworks

An orgasm requires more energy, and we're not just talking about the stimulation it needs. Obviously, the longer it takes to bring your partner to orgasm using various repetitive actions, the more calories you will burn. But what about your partner: does he burn calories when he reaches orgasm?

Orgasm involves a rush of hormones, a surge in blood flow, the generation and ejaculation of various fluids, all of which consume energy. On average, the process of achieving orgasm can burn 60 to 100 calories, according to one study. Other sources claim that only 3 calories are burned during an orgasm.

In any case, most men need a period of time after orgasm to rest, and on average it lasts about 30 minutes. At the same time, during this time they cannot experience another orgasm. At the same time, some women can orgasm almost indefinitely in the same period of time. So in terms of calories burned through orgasm, women certainly win this round.

awkward position

The more positions you change during sex, the more calories you will burn, but for the sake of simplicity, let's assume that you use only one. But which one will burn more calories?

As it turns out, there aren't many studies on the subject. Conducting a full-scale experiment using high-tech cardio equipment is a rather difficult task for several reasons, so most publications give only rough estimates, which, at first glance, differ from each other.

A company called UK Medix, which is an online pharmacy, has created a "sex calculator" of sorts. The company claims that this curious digital device allows you to determine how many calories you burn in bed, depending on your position, weight, and gender. However, this device is not particularly accurate. It doesn't ask for the precise data needed for the calculation, so it's not scientific.

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