Lipstick bevel and character drawing. Delicate shades of pink

Modern classifications types of character are surprising: today even his ... cosmetic bag can tell about a person! So scientists found out that the shape of lipstick is a direct reflection of the character of the girl. You can find out how true this is if you compare the statements of scientists with your own observations and your lipstick.

The cut of lipstick in the course of use takes the form that the owner gives it. Please note that most often we apply lipstick, holding it at a certain angle. Therefore, the cut can be sharpened or rounded, grinded or flattened. It is not difficult to make sure of this if you look into your cosmetic bag and carefully examine the lip cosmetics.

There are situations when a girl has several different lipsticks and they all have a completely different cut without characteristic clarity. This usually happens when some lipsticks are used more often than others. For example, we pay more attention to lip makeup when preparing for important meeting or a party. Therefore, most likely, we pay attention to how we hold the tube. But when using everyday "outfit" application occurs automatically. Therefore, in order to determine the character of the lipstick, you should use the product that you use daily. So, let's look at the main options for slices.

Sharp "pencil": arrogance and practicality

The owner of lipstick with such a cut looks down on people around. The opinions of others do not seem to exist for her, however, she often reacts to criticism quite painfully and sharply. A little conservative, confident, she often acts selfishly and is always sure that this is the right thing to do. Other features characterize it:

  1. Self-esteem. At work or in a hobby - a girl always considers herself ideal, tends to put herself above others. This character helps to “break through” the road to leadership positions.
  2. Relationships with others. If she sees a good family man in a partner, then she will absolutely not mind appearing loving and devoted wife and kind hostess. This girl loves gifts, but do not try to earn her favor with them: your deceit will be quickly figured out.
  3. Money question. This girl just hates being accused of money issue. Here she always becomes very sharp: being a self-sufficient girl, she will not borrow or lend money.

You need to find a special approach to such a girl. It is enough to adapt a little to her, and you will certainly find with her mutual language.

Rounded cut: economic and neat

The most common option is the rounded shape of the lipstick. Women whose lipstick takes on a rounded shape over time especially like to take care of the house. They are characterized by such traits as thoroughness and accuracy. Other features of the owner of such lipstick are:

  • success
  • opposition to stereotypes
  • the ability to smooth out conflicting corners in a relationship
  • confidence in a love relationship
  • love for bright colors
  • punctuality
  • energy

Such a girl is very principled and a little selfish. However, for the sake of love, she is ready for a lot. Relations with her simply cannot be short, but both sides of this relationship will have to compromise.

Please note that the shape of the owner's lips does not affect the cut of the lipstick: it gets roundness only due to the method of application.

Flat shape: confident optimist

The shape of the lipstick, which does not have any corners and roundings, is clear and flat, characterizes its owner as a balanced girl, optimistic looking only forward. She is calm and reasonable, knows how to find a common language with others and lives in harmony with herself. Trust her with a secret and you can be sure that she will certainly keep it.

Often in relations with people, this girl is too direct: sometimes so much that it can hurt or offend. However, this shows her honesty towards others. Direct by nature, she is a leader with enough difficult character, to find the key to which is not very easy.

Acute Angle: Volcano Woman

The sharp tip of lipstick is a rarity. Therefore, girls with a character corresponding to him are rare. They are cheerful, constantly cheerful, are considered big debaters and because of this they often get into trouble. The following traits give an even clearer understanding of the character:

  • great charisma
  • desire to be "not like everyone else"
  • rich imagination
  • sharp mind
  • stubbornness and assertiveness
  • the ability to feel
  • sarcasm

It is not easy to cope with her, but having met her love, she will devote herself to her, will invest her strength and stubbornly go towards the goal. Any trouble hurts her pride, so she will do everything to get around the difficulties and achieve her goal.

Lack of a pronounced form: incredulity and self-confidence

If the form cannot be determined, this is also a kind of sign that you need to pay attention to. A similar feature characterizes the owner as a distrustful, somewhat secretive and complex person. She is often upset over trifles, however, she skillfully hides this under the guise of self-confidence. Also in her character you can find many other traits:

  • some uncertainty in life
  • uncertainty
  • eccentricity
  • vulnerability
  • special love for beautiful things
  • sentimentality
  • changeability

This girl in many ways resembles a very small girl who needs a wise and experienced partner for long term relationship. It is important that he can console her and be able to help in all endeavors.

Gentle slope: amorous and spontaneous

Such a slope in many ways resembles a natural one: it almost does not change during use. The owner of such a tool is called Miss Surprise. She tends to make decisions quickly - at first glance it seems that they are thoughtless. However, this is not at all the case. What other traits characterize this lively girl?

  1. Some confusion. Such a girl is not always neat, she is in a state of haste, she always has a lot to do. But she certainly knows what she wants and how to achieve it!
  2. Inspiration. A smooth slope suggests that at any moment something can lure or inspire a girl. But how long will this inspiration last?
  3. Touchiness. Ready to be offended even by some trifle, she nevertheless quickly forgives her fleeting enemy and will soon forget about her recent offense.

Do not think that a smooth slope is typical for superficial girls - this is not true. Such a girl, on the contrary, is characterized by a rich inner world and a striking propensity for deep reflection.

If you have not yet managed to find yourself among the proposed options, then do not despair. Try the following video test, which will help you choose the right option for sure:

Mysterious lipstick will tell about the character of its mistress Manufacturers are trying in every possible way to make lipstick not only elegant and beautiful, but also such that its owner does not feel the lipstick on her lips. There are lipsticks different forms, colors and have a variety of packaging. But be that as it may, the novelty still takes on the form that its owner creates.

Interestingly, psychological studies have shown that the form of lipstick that a girl creates in the process of use changes one way or another. And each girl cannot have the same lipstick shape, because each paints her lips in different ways.

Every woman has her own way of applying lipstick. Therefore, by the tip or cut of lipstick, you can determine what character a girl has. Interestingly, not only lipstick leaves an imprint on the lips, but its owners also imprint their marks on it.

How to recognize the character by the shape of lipstick?

According to a study, a woman on average uses about 900 tubes of lipstick in her life! Girls have a great passion for lipstick for a reason. After all, this is a way of self-expression, besides, lipstick is also considered useful, because it moisturizes and nourishes delicate skin lips. But how do you define character?

Smooth rounded shape

If the lipstick has a rounded even shape, then we can say about her mistress that she is very hardworking and non-conflict nature. You can always rely on her and entrust the most secret secrets. This person has a rather calm and simple character.

Even in the most difficult situations such a person will always find a way out without conflicts, she will smooth out all the corners, like on lipstick. In her personal life and at work, she is very purposeful. This person does not tolerate carelessness, accuracy is her second self.

In family life, this woman beautiful mother and wife, as well as a wonderful hostess. She always has everything in its place. This man will never let himself be offended. This girl is friendly and attractive. But it is worth noting that she will never let the man she does not love close to her, a man should try hard to prove his feelings to his beloved.

Unchanging shape or obliquely erased

If the shape of the lipstick remains unchanged or is erased obliquely, then its owner is a real dreamer. She has a rich imagination, often exaggerates and embellishes. It is better not to enter into an argument with such a woman, she will prove her point of view in every possible way.

Such a girl always knows how to listen to her interlocutor, she can safely be trusted with secrets. But she herself is in no hurry to open her soul and very rarely shares her secrets with others. She will help in difficult situation. Through her excessive friendliness, she often forgives her friends and treats their actions quite loyally.

Such a person is very attentive to trifles and loves to watch other people, analyzing their actions. She chooses her friends very scrupulously, about this she is very picky. Such a girl is restrained in her feelings and emotions, but one has only to hurt her to the quick, and she will show everyone the other side of herself.

The shape of the lipstick resembles a sharpened pencil

This form of lipstick is rare. And her mistress is also an unusual and unpredictable nature. He likes to command and often shows his "thorns". She is very picky when choosing friends and a soulmate. In the circle of friends and acquaintances, she is always an authority.

To trifles often shows stubbornness. Likes cleanliness and order. With such a person, everything is always in its place and it simply cannot be otherwise. Such a woman is very amorous, but knowing the smallest difficulties, she quickly despairs. The mood of such a person can change a hundred times a day. Very friendly and extraordinary personality.

Indeterminate lipstick shape

The mistress of such lipstick is a vulnerable and secretive nature. He does not prefer to share his thoughts with others, because he has a feeling of not trusting people. She is insecure. Often tries to hide his displeasure with playing in public.

Takes everything too personally. Unbalanced and selfish personality. The shape of the lipstick speaks for itself. Like lipstick does not have a clear form, so its owner does not know what she wants from life. She has no particular tastes or hobbies.

The shape of the lipstick resembles a cone

Such a person lives by the rules and loves life very much. She understands people well and solves her own problems. He never asks for help and does not complain about his fate. Calm and self-confident, she boldly goes forward in spite of everything.

A fairly balanced personality, it is difficult to piss her off. Knows how to listen and give a good and valuable advice. She does not seek to be the center of attention, sometimes she is shy. The only thing that is her lack is envy. Very often, this character trait is to her advantage, because there is a desire for the best. For her, this is a kind of incentive to achieve goals. This is a person who, if he thinks of something, stubbornly achieves his goal.

Lipstick cut flat

If the lipstick has absolutely flat shape, then her mistress is a real optimist. Friendly and upbeat. She never pays attention to minor troubles, always looks at things differently. Knows how to support and cheer. She literally infects everyone with her optimism.

Such a girl is a true friend, you can always rely on her. She does not tolerate lies and justice is very important to her. Never gossip or discuss others. At work, she is an interesting person and easily achieves her goals.

Slightly pointed lipstick shape

This form of lipstick indicates that her mistress is a practical, disciplined and self-confident person. She always has everything at hand, and in everyday life and in her personal life everything is laid out on the shelves. Does not tolerate disorder. Such a girl easily finds a common language with people around her. She is punctual and organized.

Easily organizes any meeting or party. He solves all problems with ease and manages not only to work, but also to relax too. Being a conservative, such a woman does not like surprises and any surprises. Be wary of change.

lipstick and brush

There are women who cannot imagine lipstick without a brush. In this case, if a girl applies lipstick with a brush, then only one thing can be said here, that she always wants to be the first everywhere. Such a person likes to be in the spotlight, she is feminine and always keeps up with fashion. It can be assumed that this girl is an artist by nature.

Lack of lipstick

But what if women do not use lipstick at all? How to characterize in this case? Everything is very simple. If a girl does not prefer to paint her lips, this indicates that she either appreciates natural beauty or is confident in her natural beauty. Such a girl can be a classic feminist. She does not seek to stand out and does not require the attention of men. Work is what comes first for her, and she completely immerses herself in it with her head.

This is how she is lipstick. Did anyone guess that leaving an imprint on the lips, it also remains on the lipstick. And from how a girl uses lipstick, you can tell what kind of person she is. After all, everyone has their own way of applying lipstick. And using lipstick daily, no one pays attention to how it changes. And lipstick can change in different ways and the shape of each of her mistresses is also different. Lipstick, like a woman, can change.

Every woman wants to remain a mystery, but it turns out that it is quite difficult if her lipstick is visible, because she can tell a lot about her mistress. So, psychologists believe that you can find out the character of a woman by a cut of lipstick. They identified 8 ways to grind it (see their characteristics below in the pictures), on which it depends on what temperament its owner is. Picture characteristic means

1. Slightly pointed

Here is an organized, practical and confident woman. She is comfortable only when she has order everywhere, from the wardrobe to the plans for the future. It does not take much effort to achieve this for her, as she is energetic and practical. People around are only surprised how she succeeds: the house is a full bowl, the children and husband are always full and satisfied, friends are happy, the figure is perfect, the career is excellent. All these are her merits, but she doesn’t know how to make a plan and follow it clearly - that’s her motto. Although sometimes this woman goes astray - the culprit -!

2. Uniformly rounded

This woman has a restrained character. She is amiable, sympathetic and courteous, quickly finding a language with people, even strangers. Diplomacy is her forte, she skillfully avoids sharp corners and finds a compromise. Her sense of tact helps in both work and personal life. She always has many friends, because she will not only listen, but also give good advice, and also help financially if a person needs it. This girl is punctual, for which she is respected at work. She always keeps her promises - friends appreciate her for this quality. However, this sweet and beautiful lady can get angry if she has a careless and careless person in front of her.

3. Indefinite form

This type of women is fussy and unbalanced. She is always in a hurry somewhere and does not have time. Any trifle can unsettle her, often they say about such a woman - hysterical. But these are not sincere tears, but a game for the public to regret. Although there are such girls among the owners of lipsticks with an indefinite cut, which have a sentimental character, crying from scratch. This lady is spoiled and oversatiated with life, not used to enduring rejection. However, sometimes she herself does not know what she wants. The strength of this type of character is an innate sense of beauty.

4. Sharpened pencil

Purposeful women most often grind off lipstick according to the principle of a sharp pencil. They will achieve what they want at any cost, even walking over corpses. This lady has one right opinion- her, the rest are constantly mistaken. She does not get along well with people because of her arrogance and selfishness. Although such behavior is only a mask put on to protect against an unjust world, inside it is white and fluffy. And the one who can remove the prickly scales from her will not regret it, because under it there is a kind, sympathetic, passionate and economic girl, ready for anything for her beloved.

5. Flat shape

This woman is an optimist who never mopes, even when cats scratch her soul. She's like a sip fresh air, like the sun that illuminates everyone with its warmth and faith in the good. And even if the problems make her bend, she will do it, and then spread her wings again to fly and do good deeds. Although she has one drawback - she is a fighter for justice. For her sake, she is ready to make many sacrifices - to part with a loved one if she finds out about his even petty deceit, to quit a highly paid job when offended good colleague. She can even hurt by telling the truth directly, but no one is offended by her, since this sun will immediately warm her with her rays of kindness.

6. Sharpened pencil without lead

Before you is an extraordinary person. She is smart, beautiful and talented, but with "cockroaches in her head", so she first attracts, and then alarms. This woman always follows the rules of being carefree, witty and easy to communicate, but she does all this only for the sake of her loved one. Everything else is vanity for her. However, in love, everything is not going smoothly for her - she is easily carried away, but just as easily and disappointed as soon as she encounters a difficulty in relations with her beloved. Despite her controversial nature, thanks to her mind, she always catches the breeze, which helps to disperse any obstacles to achieve her goal.

7. Beveled at an acute angle

Such a girl has such character traits as daydreaming and love of life. Quite often she looks at life with irony, but this does not prevent her from building castles in the air. She is very curious and attentive, but she never shares her observations with anyone, only when she wants to answer the offender. Here she will show her claws in full height. Although these women are quiet and peaceful people, secretive, they trust only those close to them. They are excellent listeners, not traitors, but they still shouldn’t reveal much, they can use information against the interlocutor if he turns out to be on the side of the enemies.

8. Truncated Cone

A cheerful and calm girl, she does not like to be upset, so it is hard to piss her off. She accepts life as it is, and people with their shortcomings, for which they love her. By the way, she immediately feels and sees the interlocutor. Always gives good advice but if asked about it. However, she also has a drawback - envy of the success of others. It is the desire to be more successful that makes her a purposeful person who easily conquers new heights.

Many women use lipstick, but few of them think about why the form of lipstick they use is different for each woman. Turns out she has a lot to say about mental state women unique to her salient features about her temperament.

round shape - speaks of how such a woman is charming, attractive to men. Friends enjoy spending time with her. You can really relax with her. Such a woman is generous, but too principled, she is ready to defend her principles by any means. She is family good hostess, but in family relationships there may be friction due to its principled nature. It is difficult for her to object, and it is impossible to convince her.
Loves bright colors dressed with taste, has good figure. In sexual terms, she is very sensitive, it is difficult to enter into close relationships - she must be in love with her partner. Foreplay before sexual intercourse should be long and sophisticated. In this way, she is not only excited, but also checks the sincerity of her partner's relationship.
Such a woman is relaxed and devoid of complexes. Maybe on the go, in transport, pull out a mirror and tint her lips, public opinion she cares little.

Sharp corner lipstick indicates the obstinate nature of the woman. She does not tolerate restrictions of any kind. If he encounters any restrictions on personal freedom and independence, he does the opposite and always does what cannot be done. An avid debater, even if she is wrong, leaves the battle with the air of a winner. She is an eternal fighter for justice, boldly rushes to the defense of the offended, because of which she has a lot of trouble. Honest and open. Most often, such women are born in December or November. Stubborn, assertive. Whatever they are advised, they always do everything in their own way, it is impossible to convince them.

Lipstick spiky on both sides: such a woman knows what she wants from life, thinks about herself most of all, loves herself very much. Everyone should revolve around her, satisfying her needs. She can be generous, but only when it suits her interests. Her life path must certainly be wide and well lit, she is not inclined to go back streets - only straight ahead. Faced with obstacles, she wonders who dared to stand in her way?
Such women have good memory, beautiful handwriting have innate literacy. Have good taste, know how to dress beautifully and fashionably, they always find financial opportunities.
They love jewelry, but they also know how to wear jewelry that looks expensive on them. jewel. Very clean, squeamish. They have many friends until they show their teeth and show excessive selfishness. It is difficult to part with money, they do not like to repay debts, which also spoils their relationship with devoted friends. However, they spare no expense for themselves. Everything in their life is aimed at achieving their own satisfaction. Even sacrifice on her part pursues her own interest.
In their personal lives, their egoism is manifested to no lesser extent. If husbands try to moderate their appetite, take the budget into their own hands, then it all ends in divorce. These women are unusually attractive to men, often have many lovers, but they can also be devoted wives, if married life meets their requirements.
They are sexy, but sexually they strive for a dominant role, they try to suppress their partner, to subordinate them to their will.

Concave lipstick top indicates the curiosity and observation of a woman. Nothing is hidden from her close attention, sharp look. This is the nature of a detective, an investigator. The character is complex, unyielding. Such women are intrusive, obsessive. They often poke their nose into other people's affairs, are prone to squabbles and intrigues. Nature is fond of, prone to philosophy, endowed with an innate gift of fantasy, artistic abilities. Excellent storytellers, they invent stories on the go, they love to lie, brag.
They love their home and family. They furnish the apartment with love and have good taste. The interior of their apartment is always original. Unusually neat, it can go into their disease state which often complicates family life: constant remarks to the spouse, pulling children, requiring maintenance perfect order in the house, poison the life of the household.

Smooth slope lipstick speaks of the extraordinary amorousness of a woman, the breadth of nature, generosity and openness of the soul. Such women are very energetic, active. They always do not have enough time to implement their plans. They rush like furies everywhere, they care about everything, except for the house, where there is always a mess.
They just don't notice it. She has better things to do. The mood of such a woman changes with a breath of breeze, she is easily offended, but immediately forgets about the cause of the offense. She is ready to rush to help everyone and everyone, but on the way she can be distracted by another problem, which she also will not solve to the end and will do something else. Easily makes promises and forgets about them, takes on an unbearable burden of other people's problems and is very offended when she is accused of being optional - she cannot be in time everywhere.

The shape of the lipstick stays the same which indicates the punctuality, accuracy, commitment of their owners. They are prudent, think over all their actions very carefully, do not make mistakes. Secretive natures, trust few people, even close people, rely only on themselves. They know how to calculate their strengths and abilities. They are not inclined to show feelings, they experience everything in themselves, they do not seek consolation. Others respect such women for their independence and independence, but they will never be the soul of the company. If such a woman slips away unnoticed from friendly party or even from his birthday, then it will be revealed only when everyone has dispersed.
AT sexual relations such women do not have a great temperament, although they dream of stormy love. In fact, they are not capable of madness, they will not burden themselves with unnecessary troubles, they are afraid emotional experiences, violations of the usual rhythm of life.

This is the lipstick of a person who is constantly, again and again, looking for her own I, Does it tirelessly, in different areas. Maybe because she doesn't know who she wants to be or which of her true faces to show people. The so-called domestic side of life does not interest her at all. Likes to experiment and is able to get into dangerous situation. And in general - cheerful and friendly.
The sharp corner of the lipstick indicates the obstinate nature of the woman. She does not tolerate restrictions of any kind. If he encounters any restrictions on personal freedom and independence, he does the opposite and always does what cannot be done. An avid debater, even if she is wrong, leaves the battle with the air of a winner. She is an eternal fighter for justice, boldly rushes to the defense of the offended, because of which she has a lot of trouble. Honest and open.

The owner of such lipstick positively looks at the world and people. She is open and direct, knows what she wants to achieve in life, and consistently strives for this. This is a man full of ideas, endowed with creative imagination. It is tinted as if on the run, preferring to preserve the natural lip pattern. Consciously chooses a shade that most suits the face. He does not chase the hits of the season and does not follow the example of his girlfriends.
Most often, such women are born in December or November. Stubborn, assertive. Whatever they are advised, they always do everything in their own way, it is impossible to convince them. "February" women have a strong will, leaders by nature. They have an artistic gift, have a developed imagination. Good organizers easily captivate others with their ideas, lead them, and are able to take responsibility for themselves.
In marriage, their character is not manifested with better side, it is difficult to get along with them, so the spouse must be "summer". If their marriage fails, then they rarely marry a second time, have a reliable and devoted friend for life.
Their character is changeable and strongly depends on mood, which is manifested even in color scheme used lipstick: they can change the color of lipstick several times a day, in the morning - light tone, in the evening - bright.

About the mistress of such lipstick, we can say that her character is not too strong. She is slow, imposing, does everything slowly, as if with laziness. She is a dreamer and visionary. He spends most of his life in unfulfilled dreams. Sentimental, friendly, touching, like a child.
Most often, these women are born in summer or in January. These women gather for a long time in the theater or in other public places, they can’t decide what to wear, what makeup to put on. Such women usually have a whole collection of different lipsticks by color and components. They often buy lipstick, but do not use one for a long time. They do not like to stand out in society, but they know how to appreciate the attention of men. They are very attractive to the opposite sex with their mysteriousness and extraordinary femininity. They live a spiritual life. They carefully plan their time, they are always afraid to be late somewhere. Very vulnerable, touchy. They can be hurt ordinary word, carelessly thrown. Another woman wouldn't even notice. Not vindictive, quickly forget about troubles.

The shape of lipstick - "slide" after some time of using it, characterizes her mistress as a disciplined, law-abiding, neat woman. She is devoted to her family, her relatives, respects family traditions, honors all family holidays, remembers the dates of celebrations. Very attentive to all relatives and friends. Easily attached to people, it is difficult to lose friends. He does not walk along uncharted paths, he tries to use the roads trodden by millions of people. Knows how to be content with what he has, does not wait for manna from heaven. However, he loves beautiful and expensive things, collects some antiques, and is very proud of new acquisitions. She loves to lead, the husband must always obey her will. If he is stubborn, then he will definitely insist on his own, does not tolerate objections.
Workaholic by nature, not afraid of hard and routine work. She is prudent and practical, does not spend money on items that are unnecessary in the household, except for her weakness for antiques. In serious matters, he can give in to his spouse, after a little thought in order to avoid a scandal, but then he will find an opportunity to do everything in his own way.

Such a lipstick can only look very busy on a woman, although often this is only the appearance of extreme employment. But such a woman is energetic and restless for sure. She is fussy, always in a hurry somewhere, always absent-minded, out of breath. He does not always have time to carefully use cosmetics - everything is done on the go, in a hurry. Often, even such a woman has no time to pull out a mirror and she uses lipstick from memory or by touch. Such a woman is very faithful friend sincere and devoted. A purposeful person, although she gives the impression of an unassembled and eccentric woman. They create a lot of hype around themselves, attract too much attention to themselves. adore male society.
They prefer bright colors lipsticks, try to stand out among girlfriends. The character of such women is strong, masculine. They differ in business qualities. But they are too dependent on the mood. They have good taste, but they dress super fashionably, avant-gardists are in fashion.
They are married more than once, they can not immediately find the right partner for life together. Don't be stingy, especially for yourself.
Such women, if they meet true love become devoted and faithful wives ready to sacrifice for the sake of the family. They don’t like household chores too much, but they can cook according to their mood very tasty.

Did you know that determining the character of a girl by lipstick is quite simple. Each representative of the weaker sex “sharpenes” her cut in her own way, prefers a certain color scheme, which allows you to find out about her temper.

Character by lipstick: what does the color say

The craving for a certain color scheme lies in the subconscious of a woman and indicates her character. For example, the love of red lipstick speaks of a strong and purposeful nature, which has a career and communication with the opposite sex in the foreground.

Brown shades of lipstick indicate leadership skills in character. You can rely on such a woman, she is able to withstand any adversity. Besides, everyone likes chocolate fondant. sexy girls who seek to attract the attention of men.

Lovers of pink colors are romantic and slightly windy. Such women prefer not to shoulder the burden of problems, remain away from any responsibility. many mature men this feature female character quite satisfied.

Colorless hygienic lipstick on the lips of a woman says that her owner is 100% sure of her attractiveness

If there are lipsticks of different shapes in the cosmetic bag, then this indicates changes in the girl's life that significantly influenced her character.

The character of the girl by the cut of lipstick

There are several basic forms of lipstick that can be used to judge the character of a girl.

  • The cut, pointed on one side, indicates an organized and practical nature. Such a woman maintains order in everything, always plans her day. If something does not go according to plan, she will be very upset. Surprises and surprises do not like.
  • The tip of the lipstick, rounded on all sides, speaks of a balanced character. The girl is attractive, sociable, kind and punctual, you can rely on her in any situation. Does not tolerate carelessness and carelessness in people.
  • The indefinite tip of the lipstick characterizes the eccentric nature. A woman is distinguished by an unbalanced character, spoiled, unrestrained, any trifle unbalances her. This girl has everything and nothing.
  • The cut, pointed on all sides, resembling a pencil, indicates a selfish and arrogant nature. Such a woman is difficult to communicate, someone else's opinion is not authority for her. However, for the sake of her family, she is ready for a lot.
  • A flat cut of lipstick gives out an optimist, with whom it is always light and fun. Such a woman will not let others get bored. Its disadvantages include straightforwardness, excessive honesty.

However, if the cut of lipstick practically does not change after use, then the girl is distinguished by her imagination and enterprise. She loves attention to her person from her friends, but she avoids male companies.
