Sports games as a means of developing the physical qualities of the body. Sport as one of the ways to develop a child’s personality

Playing sports as a means of a harmoniously developed personality for the purpose of further socialization and adaptation of the child in society.

When writing the work, I set a goal - to show the moral, aesthetic and social aspects of team sports, their role in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. In our time, physical culture and sports have acquired such social power and significance that they have, perhaps, never had an analogue in the history of society. And therefore, team sports in schools with disabilities are not only an effective means of physical development of a student, strengthening and protecting his health, an area of ​​communication and manifestation of social activity, a form of organizing and spending leisure time, but undoubtedly influence other aspects of human life: authority and position in society, which are very difficult for children after graduating from our schools, on work activity and value orientations. The ability to master game sports provides every child with impaired intelligence with the broadest opportunities for development, affirmation and expression of one’s own “I”, for empathy and participation in sports action as a creative process, makes one rejoice in victory, saddened by defeat, reflecting the whole gamut of human emotions, and evokes feelings pride in the infinity of human potential.

In our schools, physical education is considered as one of the most important means of educating a full-fledged person, harmoniously combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. Work on oneself, great physical and volitional stress, the struggle for the best result in each lesson, for victory in the competition are perceived and comprehended with the help of the teacher. It teaches you to react adequately to defeats, failures, and success and is the link that helps you adapt painlessly to society after school. It is quite obvious that by engaging in team sports, a student first of all improves and strengthens his body, his ability to control movements and motor actions. But the teacher must lead the student to this understanding. It is very important. Back in 1927, Professor A.P. Nechaev wrote: “It’s time, finally, to admit that we cannot talk about complete education where there is no education of movements.” And sports play, without a doubt, is one of the main means of cultivating movements, improving their subtle and precise coordination, and developing the motor physical qualities necessary for a person. In the process of classes, both in class and outside of class, the student’s will and character are strengthened, the ability to manage oneself, quickly and correctly navigate a variety of difficult situations, make timely decisions, take reasonable risks or refrain from risks is improved. All this will help children with disabilities build relationships in independent life after leaving school.

All of the above only confirms that the game thus gives children a very important skill in working together. The distinctive features of gaming activity are usually seen in its voluntariness, high activity and contact dependence of the participants. But we must not forget something else: play is perhaps the only type of activity aimed at developing not individual abilities (for art or technology), but the ability to create in general. In intellectual games, the creative task is to quickly make a decision in a non-standard situation. In role-playing games, construction games, dramatization games, the task is different, but no less creative - imagine, invent, depict. And at the same time, in all group games there is a single task - find a way to cooperate, interact towards a common goal, act within the framework of established norms and rules. It is easy to see how important these qualities are - organization, self-discipline, creative initiative, readiness to act in a difficult, changing situation, etc. - for children who graduate from our schools, entering an independent life. /adaptations/

Sports games such as basketball, volleyball, handball, football are widely represented in our schools; in extracurricular physical education, sports and recreational activities, in addition to those mentioned, table tennis, badminton, hockey, tennis, bocci, etc. are cultivated.

Sports games are traditionally popular among all categories of schoolchildren, due to their diverse effects on the human body. As a meansphysical education (effective promoting harmonious development personalities) sports games have their own characteristics, Without taking them into account, fruitful pedagogical activity is impossible. The most typical of them are the following.

    The complexity of the impact on the body of those involved(versatility of influence), i.e. e. simultaneous improvement of basic motor qualities (strength, speed, endurance, agility), body functions (breathing, blood circulation, etc.) and the development of vital motor skills. ByDue to the versatility of their effects on the body, they are an ideal means for developing vital skills and improving physical qualities.Sports games use a variety of movements and actions: walking, running, jumping, various throwing andblows on the ball (puck). The players strive, by expediently using gaming techniques together with their partners, to achieve an advantage over the opponent, who is actively resisting. Opposition from the enemy leads to a constant change in conditions when carrying out the planned actions of an individual player and the team as a whole, and a rapid change in game situations. The players face a wide variety of tasks that require timely resolution. For this it is necessary (indicators:an elemental set of game techniques (aspect of tactics);ability quickly and correctly assess the situation, select and effectively apply the optimal attacking or defensive action for a specific game situation (aspect of technology); specialqualities and abilities on which the effectiveness of directexecution of an action (requirements for temporal, spatial and power parameters of execution);in the shortest possible time to see the createdsituation (location of partners and opponents, position of the ball or puck), evaluateit, choose the most correct actions and apply them. All this can be accomplished if the players have certain knowledge, skills, abilities, motor and volitional qualities.

The motor skills of those involved in sports games are characterized by great mobility and dynamism. Players must be able to make accurate passes, blows on goal, throwing the ball into the basket in various ways and in a wide variety of conditions.

    Collectiveness of action, a characteristic feature of most sports games. An important feature of sports games is complex collective tactical actions. Most types of sports are team games, and success in competition largely depends on the coherence of the actions of all participants. The difficulty of good interaction is that the game does not have a predetermined sequence of execution of game techniques and a constant rhythm. In each game situation, the actions of individual team players will be different, but they must be interdependent and aimed at solving a common problem. Players are required to have maximum initiative, creativity and courage in order to coordinate their actions with partners and achieve success. Mutual assistance between players is of great importance in a collective game. Timely and correct assistance to a partner is an important factor in achieving victory over the enemy. Both in attack and defense, helping each other, we must strive to create a constant numerical advantage of players over the enemy. Independence and initiative in choosing game actions, combined with tactical discipline, create favorable conditions for the manifestationindividual characteristics of players. The sports team becomes an active factor in the formation of conscious discipline and collectivist qualities of the individual.

    Education of the individual in the team and through the team. The main psychological attitude towards the game is the desire to completely subordinate one’s own actions to the interests of the team (even contrary to personal well-being, perhaps “to one’s detriment” in one way or another). I would like to note that it is very difficult to achieve positive results in children with disabilities in this area; this is one of the problems for the teacher. But in the absence of such an attitude, each team member cannot have a strong, coherent team as a whole, even if it consists of individually good technically, physically and tactically

trained players. The scope of gaming activities is determined by the relevant rules, violation of which entails various penalties. Players are forced not only to determine what technical technique and tactical action should be used inat the moment, but also remember the rules of the game. The second not unimportant problem at sports competitions is the acute reaction of those involved in imaginary and real mistakes of sports judges. The teacher’s personal example plays a big role here. His correct and friendly attitude towards the judges, the absence of external manifestations of irritation due to possible mistakes - all this contributes to the development of endurance, courage, and respect for the principles of sports ethics. Accessibility for children of different ages and abilities.

Sports games are a unique spectacle, on this basis, other sports cannot compare with them. The attractiveness and popularity of games lies in their accessibility and entertainment. This makes them an excellent means of attracting the general public to regular physical education.

And in conclusion we can conclude: Sports games are a very effective means of strengthening the health and physical development of those involved, therefore they serve as an effective means of physical education in a wide age range.

Thus, sports games contribute to the development of positive skills and character traits.

With the help of sports games, children are taught:

* the ability to subordinate personal interests to the interests of the team, * mutual assistance, respect for one’s partners and rivals,

*conscious discipline, activity as a team member, and in the future as a member of society, a sense of responsibility for the team and for loved ones, patriotism and pride in one’s city, one’s country.

Thus, game sports are a mandatory component for the preparation and adaptation of children with disabilities in society.

The influence of sports games on children's development.
In the general system of comprehensive human development, the physical education of a child occupies an important place. It is in preschool age that the foundations of health and physical development are laid, motor skills are formed, and the foundation for the development of physical qualities is created. Preschool children enjoy physical education with great pleasure. They are especially interested in sports games (basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, badminton, etc.), as well as sports exercises (swimming, cycling, sledding, skating, skiing, etc.)
Sports games and exercises contribute to improving the activity of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), improving physical development, physical fitness of children, and nurturing positive moral and volitional qualities. It is very valuable that playing sports games and exercises contributes to the development of positive character traits in preschoolers and creates favorable conditions for friendly relations in the team and mutual assistance. They are held outdoors in summer and winter, which is an effective means of hardening the child’s body.
When teaching sports games and exercises in kindergarten, it is necessary to develop children’s interest in physical education, as well as the need for independent activities. Achieving this is not so difficult if the teacher truly deeply understands the importance of physical exercise for the child’s health and has the appropriate training for this. Playing sports in the literal sense of the word is not recommended for preschool children. But elementary actions in sports games and exercises, individual elements of competition are not only possible, but also advisable. The teacher must take into account that the content, methodology and planning of educational material on sports games and exercises have their own specifics. Their organization requires taking into account the age characteristics of children, their physical development and physical fitness, the tasks of physical education of preschool children and the specifics of the work of preschool institutions.
The age characteristics and physical capabilities of children, the specifics of the kindergarten’s work determine both specific teaching methods and the form of conducting classes. It would be a mistake to allow in pedagogical practice, when teaching sports games and exercises, a patterned repetition of movements, a mechanical use of forms and teaching methods used in general education and sports schools, without due consideration of the tasks being solved with this group of children. Depending on the extent to which age characteristics are taken into account, the physical capabilities of preschoolers, sports games and exercises can give different results in health, educational and educational terms.
An excellent feature of sports games and exercises is their emotionality. Positive emotional tone is an important prerequisite for health, prevents various diseases, and maintains interest in physical exercise. The joyful mood continues to possess the child even after the lesson. Children are interested in class when they are busy, when rest time does not exceed work time. Boredom comes when guys are left idle, when they are forced to perform monotonous, monotonous movements. A variety of exercises and games captivates children: they sometimes “forget” about time. Having experienced the joy and pleasure of the activity offered to them, they leave the lesson with the desire to continue it.
The game form of conducting classes is the basis of the methodology for teaching sports games and exercises. The lesson should be held as an entertaining game. Monotony and boredom should not be allowed; the movements and games themselves should give the child pleasure; Therefore, it is important that the lesson contains motor activities that are interesting for children, playful images, and unexpected moments. Teaching sports games and exercises proceeds more successfully when all general didactic principles are implemented. It is especially important to ensure the availability of educational material and an individual approach to children, since sports exercises and games are quite complex for preschoolers.
During games and sports entertainment, the teacher must know that the child’s psyche is unstable and easily vulnerable. Sometimes the most trifling word or remark may seem offensive to a child, he may burst into tears, lose faith in his strength, and this will push him away from this or that type of game for a long time. You need to point out your mistakes to your child very tactfully. Nothing strengthens self-confidence like intelligently expressed approval. Of course, those who succeed quickly should not be praised very often - they may become arrogant. But a kid who hasn’t been able to do some exercise for a long time, and then finally succeeds, should definitely be praised.

When starting classes, you should keep in mind that children are not the same in their physical development, character, and health. The load in games is dosed taking into account the individual and age characteristics and well-being of the child.
Preschool children tend to overestimate their capabilities and often play around (to the detriment of their health). Therefore, both learning the exercises and the game itself cannot be long: they must be alternated with rest. Games of great activity are replaced by calm ones.
It is better to underplay a little so that the game for the child is always tempting, attractive and not harmful to health.
The load during games should be distributed evenly across all muscle groups and increase gradually from year to year. Parents can and should help their child develop beautiful posture, teach them to breathe correctly, without holding their breath, in accordance with physical exercise, deeply and evenly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
Properly organized games and sports entertainment strengthen children's health, strengthen their bodies, help the development of the motor system, cultivate strong-willed character traits, valuable moral qualities, and are a wonderful means of active and reasonable recreation.
The task of the teacher-educator comes down to inventing a fairy-tale game that explains sports movements. All this is connected with the development of the child’s intelligence and his ability to fantasize.

The formation of a child’s movements is carried out in accordance with the laws of the formation of motor skills. They conventionally represent a consistent transition from knowledge and ideas about an action to the ability to perform it, and then from ability to skill.
The effectiveness of teaching motor actions depends on the extent to which the objective sequence of actions and the corresponding components of the functional system as a whole are observed.
During the formation of motor actions, the initial motor skill arises. It represents an action that has not been brought to a significant degree of automation.

The most effective form of teaching preschoolers sports games and exercises is organized exercise during walks.
Sports games and exercises are primarily aimed at strengthening health, improving the overall physical fitness of children, and satisfying their biological need for movement.
The main goal is to familiarize children with sports games and exercises, laying the basics of correct technique. But under no circumstances should this become highly specialized training or preparation for participation in competitions. Real competitions; where the struggle is for points, for places, are an unbearable psychological burden for the child.
A distinctive feature of sports games and exercises is their emotionality. Positive emotional tone is an important prerequisite for health, prevents various diseases, and maintains interest in physical exercise.
During class, it is very important to determine the optimal number of repetitions of exercises so that children do not develop bad habits that interfere with further learning. If a previously well-mastered movement is used as a lead-in exercise, then it is enough to repeat it only a few times immediately before learning a new motor action.
Leading exercises can include:
1. Separate parts of the motor action being studied.
2. Imitation of the studied motor actions.
3. Directly studied motor action, which is performed under easier conditions. Such exercises are especially important when teaching new motor actions associated with the possibility of falling and injury.
4. The motor movement itself being studied, performed at a slow pace. When performing the exercise at a slow pace, it is easier for the child to control his movements and he makes fewer mistakes.
More complex actions of sports games can be learned in specially created conditions (outside the game). In this case, it is advisable to direct the child’s attention to the quality of the movement. In the future, you can complicate the conditions for performing actions and lead children to more difficult tasks.
The general requirements for a teacher are precisely expressed in the words of N.G. Chernyshevsky: “The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be... or, at least, strive for this with all his might.” Children unconsciously tend to imitate the movements, demeanor, speech of the teacher, etc. A teacher must always remember that he is an educator - both in class, at a sports festival, and on a hiking trip. He influences the child with everything: his worldview, appearance, manners, behavior, etc.
Sport exercises
1) in winter
- Sledding: it has a great influence on the physical impact and hardening of the child’s body. The environment, the content of games and exercises will encourage activity, independence, and initiative. Children learn to show will, overcome difficulties and obstacles, and help each other.
- Sliding along ice paths: Helps prevent diseases, strengthen the body's defenses, increase efficiency, organization, discipline, independence, activity and the manifestation of strong-willed qualities (courage, determination, self-confidence, etc.).
- Skiing: Tempers the body, gives vigor, increases performance and endurance. When skiing, all muscle groups work, breathing and blood circulation increase. Great dynamic work of the legs when skiing has a strengthening effect on the formation of a child’s foot, helps prevent the development of flat feet, promotes the development of spatial orientation, coordination of movements, and the prevention of colds.
- Ice skating: Strengthens the muscles of the arch of the foot, develops the vestibular apparatus..
2) In spring, summer, autumn.
- Throwing. Develops eye, accuracy, dexterity of movements. In addition to exercises in throwing at a target and at a distance, a number of exercises in throwing, catching, and throwing a ball are proposed for inclusion in classes. All these exercises develop the physical qualities of children.
- Walking and running. By the time children enter school, they should have mastered the most essential elements of walking and running. Walk and run easily while maintaining correct posture.
- Jumping. It is necessary to teach children to combine take-off and take-off when jumping.
- Climbing. Climbing, clambering, climbing are different ways to overcome obstacles. Climbing develops courage, coordination of movements, and helps overcome the fear of heights.
- exercises for balance. Balance depends on the area of ​​support, the position of the body’s center of gravity, the state of the vestibular apparatus, and the degree of tension in the nervous system. To make balance exercises more difficult, you need to gradually reduce the width of the support (board) and increase the height. For this, it is recommended, in addition to gymnastic benches, to have stepladders with a set of boards of different widths.
- Biking. Promotes spatial orientation, maintaining balance, and developing personal qualities..
- Swimming. Has a positive effect on the development of the cardiovascular system.
Preschoolers are taught to swim “front crawl”. Body position, leg movements, arm movements, and breathing are studied.
- Outdoor sports games. “Race”, “who is further”, “Who is faster”, “Catch up”, “Snake”, etc.
In summer, physical education classes should be dynamic and quickly change activities. The starting positions should not be stable, once and for all assigned to these exercises; they should be changed more often.
It is advisable to have a special physical training area on the site, equipped with all the aids necessary for the development of basic movements. It’s good to have large “Chocks” on the site - pieces of logs with a diameter of 20-25 cm and a height of 25-30 cm (25-30 pieces). Chocks can be used as a stand-alone tool, as well as in combination with slats, cords, etc.
- Riding a scooter.

Table tennis (ping pong).

In the general system of educational work of preschool educational institutions, the physical education of children occupies a special place. As a result of targeted pedagogical influence, the child’s health is strengthened, the physiological functions of the body are trained, movements, motor skills and physical qualities necessary for the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual are intensively developed.

Used Books:

1. Glazyrina, L.D. Methods of physical education of preschool children / L.D. Glazyrina, V.A. Ovsyankin. - M.: Vlados, 2000. - 262 p.

2. Demchishin, A.A. Sports and outdoor games in the physical education of children and adolescents / A.A. Demchishin, V.N. Mukhin, R.S. Mozola. – K.: Health, 1998. – 168 p.

3. Emelyanova, M.N. Outdoor games as a means of developing self-esteem / M.N. Emelyanova // Child in kindergarten. - 2007. - No. 4. - P.29-33.

Sports games are widely represented in physical education in institutions of general and vocational education. In academic work, these are basketball, volleyball, handball, football; in extracurricular physical education, sports and recreational activities, in addition to those mentioned, table tennis, badminton, hockey, tennis, etc. are cultivated.

In the system of additional education, sports games are represented quite widely: in children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, children's and youth physical training clubs, in the army, various health clubs, in physical education and sports classes in recreation areas, etc. P.

Sports games are widely used in training athletes of almost all sports as an effective means of general physical training, development of physical qualities and enrichment of the motor experience of athletes, especially young ones. In team sports, “other” (in relation to the chosen game) sports games are also included in the number of means of general and special physical training. In terms of basic physical qualities, representatives of sports games occupy high places among athletes of other types.

The complexity of technical techniques and tactical actions determines the need for long-term special training of players with a permanent team (in collective games). Gaming activity is characterized by work of variable intensity, mainly of a speed-strength nature. During each game, different power levels are possible. Therefore, training should be aimed at achieving high levels of aerobic and anaerobic performance in athletes.

Sports games are traditionally popular among all categories of the country's population due to their diverse effects on the human body. As a means of physical education(effective promotion of harmonious personal development) sports games have their own characteristics, without which fruitful pedagogical activity is impossible. The most typical of them are the following.

1. The complexity of the impact on the body of those involved(versatility of influence) , i.e., simultaneous improvement of basic motor qualities (strength, speed, endurance, agility), body functions (breathing, blood circulation, etc.) and the development of vital motor skills. Due to the versatility of their effects on the body, they are an ideal means for the development of vital skills and improvement of physical qualities. Sports games use a variety of movements and actions: walking, running, jumping, various throwing and hitting the ball (puck). The players strive, by expediently using gaming techniques together with their partners, to achieve an advantage over the opponent, who is actively resisting. Opposition from the enemy leads to a constant change in conditions when carrying out the planned actions of an individual player and the team as a whole, and a rapid change in game situations. The players face a wide variety of tasks that require timely resolution. For this it is necessary (indicators: elemental set of game techniques (aspect of tactics); the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, select and effectively apply the optimal attacking or defensive action for a specific game situation (aspect of technique); special qualities and abilities on which the effectiveness of the direct execution of an action depends (requirements for temporal, spatial and power parameters of execution); energy mode of the athlete; sensory-motor control, etc.) in the shortest possible time, see the created situation (location of partners and opponents, position of the ball or puck), evaluate it, choose the most correct actions and apply them. All this can be accomplished if the players have certain knowledge, skills, abilities, motor and volitional qualities.

An important feature of sports games is the large number of competitive actions - game techniques. It is necessary to perform these techniques repeatedly in the process of competitive activity (in one meeting, a series of meetings) to achieve a sports result (winning a meeting, competition) - hence the requirement for reliability, stability of skills, etc.

The motor skills of those involved in sports games are characterized by great mobility and dynamism. Players must be able to perform accurate passes, shots on goal, and throws the ball into the basket in a variety of ways and under a wide variety of conditions.

2. Collectivity of action, a characteristic feature of most sports games. An important feature of sports games is complex collective tactical actions. Most types of sports are team games, and success in competition largely depends on the coherence of the actions of all participants. The difficulty of good interaction is that the game does not have a predetermined sequence of execution of game techniques and a constant rhythm. In each game situation, the actions of individual team players will be different, but they must be interdependent and aimed at solving a common problem. Players are required to have maximum initiative, creativity and courage in order to coordinate their actions with partners and achieve success. Mutual assistance between players is of great importance in a collective game. Timely and correct assistance to a partner is an important factor in achieving victory over the enemy. Both in attack and defense, helping each other, we must strive to create a constant numerical advantage of players over the enemy.

Fostering collectivism, the ability to sacrifice one’s own interests for the sake of team victory, the desire to see and understand collective interest at every given moment of the competition is one of the most important tasks of the preparation process in team games. During training sessions and competitions, with proper pedagogical guidance, students learn to subordinate their personal interests to the interests of the team. A sense of mutual assistance, friendship, and responsibility for one’s actions before the team is fostered. A sudden change in the gaming environment requires quick and rational decisions. Independence and initiative in choosing game actions, combined with tactical discipline, create favorable conditions for the manifestation of individual characteristics of players. The sports team becomes an active factor in the formation of conscious discipline and collectivist qualities of the individual.

4. Education of the individual in the team and through the team. The main psychological attitude of an athlete towards the game is the desire to completely subordinate his own actions to the interests of the team (even contrary to personal well-being, perhaps “to the detriment of himself” in one way or another). In the absence of such an attitude, each athlete on the team cannot have a strong, well-coordinated team as a whole, even if it consists of individually well-technically, physically and tactically trained players. The conditions of team competitive activity contribute to the development of this attitude through the influence of the team on the participants in the game. Often such an impact is very harsh, strong, and effective, which contributes to the development of appropriate personal qualities in a person.

During educational, friendly and calendar meetings, conflicts may arise between players related to pain (during collisions), dissatisfaction with the actions of a partner, etc. The complex nature of competitive gaming activity creates constantly changing conditions, necessitates assessing the situation and choosing actions, usually with limited time. An important factor is that the athlete has a wide arsenal of technical and tactical actions, which would make it possible to optimize strategies that ensure the effectiveness of the team’s actions to achieve results in conflict situations.

The scope of gaming activities is determined by the relevant rules, violation of which entails various penalties. Players are forced not only to determine what technical technique and tactical action to use at the moment, but also to remember the rules of the game. Those involved react very sharply to the imaginary and real mistakes of sports judges. The teacher’s personal example plays a big role here. His correct and friendly attitude towards the judges, the absence of external manifestations of irritation due to possible mistakes - all this contributes to the development of endurance, courage, and respect for the principles of sports ethics.

Thus, sports games contribute to the development of positive skills and character traits. With the help of sports games, the ability to subordinate personal interests to the interests of the team, mutual assistance, respect for one’s partners and rivals, conscious discipline, activity, a sense of responsibility, and patriotism are developed.

5. Accessibility for people of different ages and abilities(the level of physical activity is regulated in a wide range - from insignificant in activities with a health-improving orientation, to extreme physical and mental stress at the level of elite sports). Sports games are a very effective means of strengthening the health and physical development of those involved, therefore they serve as an effective means of physical education in a wide age range.

But there are also certain difficulties in regulating the load in sports games - even in groups of homogeneous age and gender, the physical development of those involved is different. The teacher must carefully monitor each student, guided mainly by objective indicators of fatigue (impaired coordination of movements, profuse sweating, paleness, increased heart rate above the permissible level). “Subjective” indicators of fatigue (“I’m not tired, let me play some more”) should be accepted. taken into account strictly according to the individual characteristics of the players

6. A feature of sports games is the stepwise nature of achieving a sports result. In sports with single competitive actions (for example, jumping, throwing), the optimal combination of two factors - motor potential and rational technique (in principle, even with a single attempt) leads to the fixation of a sports result.

In games, this is only a kind of first stage - “technical-physical”. We also need to organize the actions of athletes - individual, group and team as a way to realize technical and physical potential in competitive activities specific to games.

7. Sports games are a unique spectacle, on this basis other sports cannot compare with them. The attractiveness and popularity of games lies in their accessibility and entertainment. This makes them an excellent means of attracting the general public to regular physical education. Games hold one of the first places in terms of the number of people involved and participating in competitions. Sports games carry high emotional charge, here on this basis everyone is equal - “both old and young. However, the great emotionality and exciting nature of sports games creates certain difficulties in organizing the pedagogical process. The desire to quickly start playing sometimes causes an insufficiently serious attitude towards general physical training, studying elements of technique, and learning tactical combinations. Using specific examples with sufficient tact, the teacher must convince students of the advisability of all types of preparation

Sports games in E S K

Sports games are included in the Unified Sports Classification, which largely contributes to their development in our country. The ESC determines the conditions and procedure for assigning sports categories and titles based on the norms and requirements determined by the ESC of the Republic of Belarus).

The main objectives of the ESC are: establishing uniform assessments of the level of skill of athletes and the procedure for assigning sports titles and categories; promoting the development of sports, improving the system of sports competitions, attracting citizens to active sports, increasing the level of comprehensive physical fitness and sportsmanship of athletes. Depending on the scale and type of competition, the team’s performance is also assessed from the perspective of the Unified Sports Classification (USC) - team players are assigned a sports category or title. Rank standards are the standards necessary for the assignment of sports ranks and titles, expressed in quantitative indicators of measures of length, weight and time, and rank requirements are the requirements necessary for the assignment of sports ranks and titles, expressed in points, points, place in team or individual competitions, victories over an opponent, achieving a certain rating. The team’s performance over a certain period of time (one year, two years, etc.) in total in various competitions is also assessed. To do this, taking into account the category of competition and the place taken (I-IV), a rating scale is developed, where each performance is assessed in points, which are ultimately summed up.

Youth categories (I-III), sports categories (candidate master of sports and I-III), the title "Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus", "Master of Sports of International Class", "ZMS".

However, no matter how great the positive significance of sports games, they cannot be considered as a universal means of physical education. Only in organic connection with gymnastics, athletics, swimming and other sports can classes in sports games successfully solve the problems of versatile physical development of a person.

Vladimir State University named after. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs

Aleksandrova Olga Stepanovna, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs


Recently, sport has become an increasingly popular activity among people, but few people know about its main features. So the main goal of this work is to show how this area of ​​human activity can affect not only a person’s physical health, but also the formation of a highly moral personality.

In recent years, the sport is becoming more popular among people, but few know about its main features. So the main goal of this work is to show how this physical sphere of human activity may affect not only health, but also on the formation of moral personality.


physical Culture and sport; personal qualities; moral and ethical education; formation of will; process of self-realization; self-knowledge and self-improvement.

physical culture and sport; personal qualities; moral education; formation of will; the process of self-realization; self-knowledge and self-improvement.

UDC 796/799

In the modern world, sport is an integral part of the lives of many people. Each of us has attended a training session at least once, or attended physical education classes at school, but not everyone knows about the intricacies of these disciplines. And in my work I would like to reveal one of the main directions of sports life.

In my opinion, a person should first of all care not about improving his body, but about the development and formation of a personality, which in turn will consciously care about the perfection of the body. Thus, playing sports serves the purpose of raising a harmonious person, and it does not really matter what type of sports activity this is.

The concept of harmonious human development, in addition to anthropometric data, which are largely determined by hereditary factors and difficult to change for the better, should also include the unity, consistency and proportionality of “non-corporeal” qualities inherent only to humans (will, morality, aesthetics, intelligence). And all this in the aspect of the unity of spirit and body.

With this understanding of the harmonious development, the leading direction becomes the general orientation of the individual, understood as a need-motivational orientation within its framework of general culture.

Physical culture is the interaction of at least three human personality traits:

Correct value orientation in lifestyle;

A certain level of physical fitness and education

There is a need for regular physical exercise for the purpose of an active process of self-improvement.

The most necessary condition for the free development and disclosure of one’s physical and spiritual strengths is the meaningful desire of each person to achieve physical culture.

Systematic sports activities have a beneficial effect on the development of such human communicative abilities as sociability, sociability, impulse for creativity, and independence in decision making.

Active sports is not a particularly long period in a person’s life. However, this period is extremely important, since it is during this period of time that the main formation of a person as an individual occurs. But it should be noted that the organization of sports activities should be under reasonable, humanistically oriented, unified pedagogical management, and not be uncontrolled.

If this requirement is neglected, the sports team does not often form a positive life position of the individual. Often in such cases you come across corporate morality and a selfish mood. This mainly happens when sports mentors strive to educate primarily an athlete, and not a person.

Among the wide variety of sports disciplines, multi-event and team sports deserve special mention. Nowadays, the first of them are becoming increasingly widespread, and the second are attracted both by collectivism and by the fact that in the process of gaming activity, anthropometric data are largely leveled due to the need for different roles and the improvement of the rules of competition.

In my opinion, in sports activities one can note a number of significant functions that influence the formation of a person’s personality:










Recreational and health.

It is also necessary to highlight some qualities that are formed in a person in the process of playing sports: the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats, the ability to learn a useful lesson from this, an increased sense of duty and responsibility to the team and society, understanding of one’s honor and dignity, participation and empathy, conscientiousness in the conduct of wrestling.

A specific feature of any sport is competition. They have a positive effect on the formation of personality. In sport itself, the building of relationships is prescribed, although the rules can be strict, most athletes still adhere to the rules of competition. This competition involves the need to obtain victories and gold medals, to reach heights, and to set new records. However, the beauty of sport is not only the competition, but also the influence on the moral and ethical education of the individual. After all, you can defeat your opponent and win not only through physical strength, but also through volitional efforts, reflection and instant reasonable decisions, as well as an emotional attitude and proper preparation for competitions. Nowadays, sport is an integral part of educating the younger generation. After all, sport gives a healthy generation, both physically and morally, and in return it requires only training and nothing more.

Sport also gives people confidence in themselves and their abilities. Every person, including an athlete, has a need to evaluate himself and his capabilities. All our actions are constantly evaluated by someone. From this a person develops a certain self-esteem about himself. Increasing the level of self-esteem affects volitional aspirations and goal building, fruitfulness, quality and usefulness of human activity. How can an athlete demonstrate this? That's right, thanks to competitions. Consequently, sports results are the basis of an athlete’s self-esteem. We can say that as you move up the ladder of your sports career, you grow in communication with people and in other areas of life and activity besides the team.

Of course, victories bring a person an additional supply of energy and self-confidence, which has a positive effect on his entire life, especially in the process of developing an individual as a person. However, victory is not necessary to convince one of the superiority of forces over the opponent. Sports, awards, victories are a means, not a target.

Also, thanks to sports activity, a person’s intellectual abilities develop. This occurs in the process of a creative search for mastering technique and tactics, the ability to manage one’s emotions, find instant decisions and make them. Consequently, a person has all this stored in his head, and at a subconscious level it manifests itself in his actions and behavior in social situations.

All this contributes to the development of depth, breadth, criticality, flexibility of thinking, as well as cognitive activity, which is greatly facilitated by the international nature and multi-contact nature of communication in the field of sports.

If we consider from the point of view of aesthetics, then the main thing in sports is the knowledge of the beauty of the physique and movement, the demonstration of this beauty, the inexhaustible physical and spiritual capabilities of a person.

I.A. Ilyin, discussing beauty, writes that each person receives his bodily appearance not as something final and complete, but as a certain source material, the processing and formation of which is entrusted to his soul. Man is the creator of his body, and everything that he experiences in his soul is immediately and inevitably imprinted on his body and on his facial features. Therefore, internal ugliness can distort even the most beautiful face, and internal beauty can transform even the most unfortunate features. P.A. also wrote about the transformative effect of a person’s spiritual beauty on his physical appearance. Florensky, and other Russian thinkers.

Thus, in traditional Russian culture, the beauty of a person is determined by his spiritual development and the beauty of his soul, manifested in his external appearance and physical beauty.

The phenomenon of body aesthetics can be interpreted in three aspects:

The natural body is the biological body of an individual, subject to the laws of existence, functioning, and development of a living organism;

The social body is the result of the interaction of a naturally given human organism with the social environment;

The cultural body is a product of the culturally consistent formation and use of the human body.

Also, in the context of understanding the aesthetics of the body, the concept of “bodily aesthetics” - “corporality” is formed. This concept refers to the body with its inherent motor activity and expressive forms of manifestation, as well as its beauty and grace.

By “body aesthetics” we can understand a set of sociocultural characteristics that are endowed with the physical figure of an individual in various historical eras. Along with the meanings of the body, certain sets of bodily practices are formed in various historical eras.

In terms of will, it is impossible to achieve a productive result in sports without overcoming a whole complex of both objective and subjective difficulties. By daily, hourly, intense struggle with oneself, a favorable atmosphere appears for creating objective conditions in order to form such vitally important volitional qualities of a person as perseverance, determination, courage and determination, self-discipline and initiative.

It can also be noted that many people build relationships through sports, get to know other people and themselves. As a rule, the opportunity to express one's feelings comes to the fore. Moreover, sport also has important practical benefits: it reduces anxiety, tension and aggression in people, has a positive effect on human health, and influences self-organization. Sport is a kind of antidepressant that helps you forget about your problems at least for a while, unwind and simply relax, spending this time benefiting your body.

Of course, not all people have the opportunity to engage in professional sports, because some cannot overcome the required effort. But physical education classes in sections, gyms, clubs, etc. help the individual to survive in some life situations. After all, sport develops proper coordination of movements, fortitude, and a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems and the body as a whole.

But no matter how we talk about the beneficial effects of a sports lifestyle, many people believe that physical activity has no effect on human health, that it is a useless and pointless waste of time. Unfortunately, this opinion is wrong. It is regular exercise, although not long in time, or not particularly difficult in terms of difficulty, that can maintain the human body in constant tone, strengthen muscles and health. Therefore, many women actively go to fitness centers and willingly play sports. Some of them want to quickly lose weight, while others want to maintain their figure in perfect condition. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is that they know about the benefits of sports exercises and have set themselves some kind of goal, to which they are getting closer and closer with each lesson.

All people grow old sooner or later. They get bored of sitting at home, reading books and newspapers, watching TV, or conquering the vastness of virtual life.

Sport is the ideal way out that can come to their aid. It can be enjoyed at any age. In addition, it is especially useful in old age, when muscles work worse and bones weaken. Sport will also be pleasant for the soul. The most important thing is to choose the right atmosphere, as this affects your health and mood. There is no need to go to the gym. You can arrange a pleasant holiday for yourself at home.

To do this, it will be enough to watch training videos or read special books with exercises and methodological recommendations in order to correctly build your training schedule and get the greatest useful benefit from it. This kind of exercise will help prevent diseases, as well as prevent the development of depressive disorders in older people associated with the retirement crisis, etc.

Morning exercises provide 68% protection of the body from infectious diseases, resistance to stressful situations increases by 75%. And stress resistance in megacities is vital.

I believe that sport is without a doubt not only one of the most important aspects of strengthening and maintaining health and the physical condition of the body, but also a means of educating the individual.

Sports should start from early childhood. Nowadays, a huge number of methods and recommendations have been created for raising a child’s love for sports. And love for sports should start with family. On the one hand, this brings the family closer together, which influences the correct formation of personality.

Evening jogging, biking, skating, winter skiing, and you can list any sports that you can do with your family, which will directly influence the child’s consciousness, the development of his personality, but will also have a beneficial effect on the family environment. Sports strengthen family ties. This helps you feel more confident and comfortable. Doing it with your loved ones and family is the key to a good and favorable future.

To summarize my essay, I would like to say that physical education and sports are physical exercises, during which performance increases, thereby preventing various diseases.

So it would be worth thinking about building your whole life in a new way, based on regular physical education and sports. A person who leads a healthy lifestyle is a full-fledged and full-fledged member of modern society. A new country can be built on such a person. These strong and healthy people will revive the country, rebuild it, thereby raising it to a sufficient height. After all, for such people no problems that come their way will become a hindrance. They will cope with them in one go, since they are physically hardened and mentally prepared.

The purpose of my work was to demonstrate the influence of sport on the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. And in my essay I prove this, that sport can be not only a means of promoting health, or a rational form of spending free time, but also significantly influence other aspects of human life: work activity, moral and intellectual qualities, and the formation of a person’s personality. It was also examined how physical culture and sports influence moral and ethical education, the process of self-knowledge and self-improvement, and the formation of will.

Every year the sport becomes more complex, smarter, more interesting, however, the active expression of interest in the sport is also increasing. This means that the share of influence of physical education and sports on the development of a person’s personality is constantly increasing.


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“Formation of a child’s personality through playful forms of work in physical education lessons”

Currently, life places new demands on the school, on the teacher, on the students.

Physical education of students is an important part of the entire educational work of the school and occupies one of the leading places in preparing students for life.

Physical education of junior schoolchildren has its own specifics. This is due to their anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics, and of course to the fact that students find themselves in new conditions to which they need to get used. When a child begins to learn, the volume of mental work increases, and motor activity and the opportunity to be outdoors, on the contrary, are limited. Therefore, proper physical education is a necessary condition for the comprehensive development of a student’s personality, an effective factor in increasing his mental performance.

There are many forms, methods and technologies of physical education. They require students to demonstrate organization, initiative, and initiative.

I want to dwell in more detail on gaming technology.Gaming technologies in school are an important means of solving a complex of interrelated problems of educating a student’s personality, developing his various motor abilities and improving skills.

The game is one of the oldest, but still relevant, teaching methods. It is an important way of transferring experience from the older generation to the younger. With its help, you can simulate life and educational problem situations and concentrate game actions around real problems and relationships. Including games in the educational process increases interest in the subject, creates situations filled with emotional experiences, and stimulates student activity. It is the main activity in primary school during physical education lessons.

Games are used in each section of the program material, and outdoor games are highlighted in the program in a separate section.

Game technology is a unique form of learning that allows you to make an ordinary lesson interesting and exciting. In the game, the child receives satisfaction of physical and spiritual needs. The child’s mind and strong-willed qualities are formed in the game. Outdoor games are an accessible and very effective method of influencing a child. In the game, everything ordinary becomes attractive. The main distinguishing feature of outdoor games is the presence of motor actions, therefore they are a means and method of physical development.

Practice shows that the use of gaming technologies, taking into account age-related characteristics, does not lose its relevance in middle and high school.

Principles of gaming technology:

The principle of gradualism is from simple to complex. The teacher showed how to teach the technique of receiving and passing the ball in the game of volleyball from elementary school.

The principle of visualization - the essence of this principle is that the teacher, using demonstration and various visual aids, creates a clear idea of ​​the material being studied, helps to understand it more clearly.

The principle of accessibility is the selection of exercises according to complexity in accordance with individual age, gender characteristics, and also the degree of preparedness. Exercises should be accessible and at the same time present a certain difficulty for those involved.

The principle of strength is that the material learned through repetition is brought to a lasting skill. Gaming technologies are used to develop physical qualities (speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility);

Outdoor games in physical education lessons are used to solve:

1) educational tasks (consolidating and improving the studied playing techniques, developing the ability to navigate the court during the game, increasing the motor density of lessons);

2) educational tasks (sense of solidarity, camaraderie, honesty, responsibility for each other’s actions);

3) health-improving tasks in accordance with the requirements of the program.

Also, during the game, mutual understanding of partners in the team is developed, which is so necessary in team and individual-team competitions.

Pedagogical observations show that an important result of the game is the emotional uplift of children. Thanks to this feature, games, more than other forms and means of physical education, correspond to the development of motor abilities in children. Game types and actions require the entire range of speed abilities from the student due to the fact that in order to stimulate the development of speed it is necessary to repeat movements many times at maximum speed, and also take into account the student’s functional capabilities. The use of a variety of game options allows the student to repeat actions familiar to the student with increased requirements, helping to maintain his interest in the game.

Based on the foregoing, games can be divided into three groups: non-team games are games in which there are no common goals for the players. In these games, children obey certain rules that provide for the personal interests of the player, for example: “Empty Space”, “Fishing Rod”, “Day and Night”, “The Strongest Teddy Bear”. games transitional to team games are games in which there is no constant common goal for the players, there is no need to act in the interests of others. In these games, children begin to engage in collective activities, for example: “Beetles”, “Traffic Light”, “Two Bears”. team games are games that are characterized by joint activity aimed at achieving a common goal, for example: “Net”, “Sparrows and Crows”, “Snipers”, “Shootout”, “Fire from four directions”.

In order to organize an interesting lesson or a fun event, the teacher needs to familiarize himself in detail with the main types of gaming technologies. Think through the entire course of the game. Interest in these lessons stimulates the development of strong-willed qualities in children and encourages children to creative self-expression.

An important feature of gaming technology in physical education lessons is its connection with other subjects. In almost every lesson, children work with balls, jump ropes, and hoops. Children also use in practice the knowledge they received in physical education class.

Each physical education lesson uses elements of gaming technology:

For teaching motor actions (outdoor games, sports games - basketball, volleyball, football)

For the development of various physical qualities (various relay races, outdoor games) - for the formation of concepts about the norms of social behavior, the development of cultural behavior skills

To increase positive emotions from physical education, increase interest in physical exercise and sports.

The result of using gaming technology is: active motor activity of a gaming nature, positive emotions that enhance all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems

Recently, outdoor games are increasingly used by physical education teachers. Creative teachers, including myself, strive to introduce the game or its elements into the everyday life of students in a broad and diversified way.

Thus, the significance of games lies in the fact that acquired skills, qualities, and habits are repeated and improved in new conditions that place different demands on children. Elementary skills and abilities acquired by students in game conditions facilitate further mastery of relevant technical techniques. And also, in addition to the above, the game method allows you to distract students from the sometimes continuous monotonous work in the lesson, increase the emotionality of classes, and add variety to them.

List of used literature and sources:

    Ilyin E.N. The birth of a lesson. M. 1986.

    // Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of the II international. scientific conf. (Kazan, May 2015). - Kazan: Buk, 2015. - pp. 10-11.

    Neverkovich S.D. Game methods of personnel training, 1995,

    Pedagogy of physical culture and sports: textbook / ed. S.D. Neverkovich.- M.: Physical culture, 200
