Thermal water. Properties of thermal water for the face

Water is an essential condition for the normal functioning of the body. Without it, life is simply impossible. To get the maximum benefit, it is recommended not only to drink water, but also to apply it externally. The thing is that an unfavorable atmosphere negatively affects the skin, so you need to take care of it. Thermal water is superior to ordinary water in that it moisturizes well and resists evaporation.

In nature, it is formed from vapors arising from the cooling of magma. As they rise, they turn into water. Such a liquid can also be obtained from precipitation penetrating into the depths of the earth, which leads to purification and saturation with useful substances.

What is thermal water for and what is its use?

Given the origin of such a liquid, it is important to note that it contains a large amount of useful salts, as well as micro and macro elements. With regular use, the skin receives important substances, moisturizes and tones.

In addition, thanks to it, you can cope with peeling, redness, inflammation and irritation.

For the face, the benefits of thermal water are also due to the fact that it helps to improve skin color. Thanks to it, a protective layer is formed and the water balance is normalized. It can be applied directly to makeup, without fear that everything will flow and spoil the appearance.

Today, stores offer a wide range of products that are extracted from various thermal springs. That is why the composition may differ, which means that such cosmetics must be selected individually.

There are such options for water:

  • Isotonic. Such a product has a neutral pH, that is, the composition is as close as possible to blood cells and fluids in tissues. With its help, you can get rid of inflammation and irritation, because it has a calming effect on the dermis. It is recommended to use for owners of normal and dry skin;
  • Hydrocarbonate-sodium. This remedy is highly mineralized. If you use it regularly, it calms down and restores the dermis. The protective properties also increase, and acne dries out. Recommended for use by owners of oily and combination skin. It is also worth noting that such thermal water can be used to fix makeup;
  • With selenium. This substance helps to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals and slows down the aging process. Thanks to selenium, the skin better tolerates heat in the summer, it perfectly refreshes and soothes the dermis after sunburn. With its help, you can get rid of redness from burns. It should be used primarily by people with sensitive skin;
  • Weakly mineralized. Thermal water spray contains a minimum of 1 g/l. This liquid perfectly moisturizes the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The tool is perfect for owners of dry skin;
  • With oils and flower extracts. Such water is not extracted, but saturated with the necessary substances in laboratories. Depending on what ingredients were used, the liquid is aimed at getting rid of a specific problem. It is important to consider that some essential oils can cause allergies.

How to use thermal waters?

Manufacturers have taken care of the convenience of their customers, and produce products in jars with a spray. The best options are considered with a small spray. It is recommended to use such cosmetics before applying the cream, so that the beneficial substances will more easily penetrate the skin.

Cosmetologists advise using thermal water after removing make-up and performing various cosmetic procedures. Natural tonic is very easy to use. It must be sprayed at a distance of at least half a meter from the skin.

After half a minute, blot with a napkin, but it is best to leave everything to dry naturally. You can use the healing liquid as an ingredient in masks and other home cosmetics.

Many people use thermal water for hair. It saturates the hair and scalp with useful substances, which greatly strengthens the roots and improves the structure of the hair.

With regular use, the process of combing hair is greatly facilitated. It is also worth noting that you can get rid of split ends. In addition, such products have a pleasant aroma that remains on the hair for a long time.

How to make thermal water at home?

If it is not possible to purchase an expensive cosmetic product from the store, then you can prepare thermal water yourself. There are several options, consider one of them. You need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of linden, green tea or chamomile. Pour the selected grass with 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave to brew for half an hour.

Add 3 drops of essential oil of your choice:

  • Tea tree - has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Recommended for owners of oily and combination skin;
  • Rosemary - has a tonic effect. Helps to improve complexion, get rid of age spots and puffiness;
  • Peppermint - has a cooling effect, so this option is ideal for the hot season.

At home, you can prepare water, the composition of which is close to thermal. Take 250 g of liquid, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and 3 drops of peppermint essential oil. The finished liquid must be poured into spray bottles.

It is important to note that it is impossible to obtain a remedy identical to thermal water at home, but a liquid prepared by oneself will also be useful.

Thermal water sources in Russia

Everyone has the opportunity to improve not only the body, but also the spirit. Numerous spas at natural springs offer various treatments that will not only help improve the appearance of the skin, but also get rid of some diseases.

In Russia, the following natural springs are the most popular: Tyumen, Tumnin and Belokurikhinsky. There are also corresponding resorts in Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Baikal.

A magical cosmetic bottle refreshes, moisturizes, but how to make thermal water for the face at home? It would seem that manufacturers have already come up with everything that is possible, and cleansing, healing, tonic and nourishing products. Ordinary, at first glance, the liquid becomes an integral part of the basic caring set.

One bottle can easily replace a whole shelf of expensive creams and lotions. It is convenient to take a small bottle on a trip, which will always have a place even in a miniature clutch. The life-giving liquid is useful both at the ski resort and the sea coast.

How to make thermal water for the face at home? Simple enough, you just need to understand what kind of innovation it is. Absolutely natural liquid, is of natural origin, it is obtained from thermal springs. Like mineral, it is rich in various elements, only they are perceived by the skin better, due to the low molecular structure.


The stereotype that fashion water can only be used for cleansing, this remedy successfully refutes. It costs twenty-four hours a day to apply it and for absolutely different purposes:

  • a wonderful base for make-up, after making several sprays, you can not wait, as usual, fifteen minutes until the oily cream is absorbed, but apply a tonal foundation, the properties of water allow you to refresh and moisturize the epidermis in seconds;
  • to restore the same make-up, at work, on business trips, travels, it is difficult to allocate half an hour or carry a luggage of cosmetics with you in order to edit powder, lipstick, concealer that have floated from the heat and turmoil, using thermal water, it is easy to literally put yourself in order in a minute ;
  • for moisturizing and nourishing, the molecular structure allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, saturating the cells with useful substances, improving oxygen respiration, and prevents dehydration and flaking;
  • to create a protective barrier of the skin, throughout the day the delicate thin shell is subjected to stress - air conditioning, computer monitor, dry air in the room, wind, sun, cold, endlessly tested for strength, cosmetic liquid allows you to reduce this effect to a minimum;
  • helps to solve aesthetic and therapeutic problems, for withering, aging skin it is an excellent assistant to replenish the deficiency of moisture and minerals, for problematic inflamed skin it is useful due to its antiseptic properties, accelerating the healing process.


A safe, hypoallergenic product, depending on the composition, it has various characteristics:

  • isotonic- universal liquid suitable for any type, including sensitive, with manifestations of rosacea;
  • hypertonic- contains an increased amount of salts, sufficient to cleanse and tone dry skin;
  • hypotonic– minerals are present in a small proportion, which allows you to restore lipid balance, soothes and restores problematic, oily and irritated dermis.

Home cosmetology. You can create an alternative to branded concentrates with your own hands. It is enough to find a suitable bottle with a spray nozzle and prepare a magic liquid to fill it. There are other forms of application. If frozen into ice cubes, you can rub in the morning and evening along the massage lines. This is a wonderful ready-made cleansing, toning and. It will enhance the effect of other components as a base for a mask, scrub or peeling.

The basis

For its preparation, you can use ordinary mineral water or herbal decoction. The second is preferable to use, due to the properties to refresh and restore the epidermis. Depending on the type, you should pay attention to the following gifts of nature:

  • for dry - it is preferable to give flowers of linden, jasmine, rose, hops, chamomile, violet, fennel and dill, they contain a large amount of carotene, vitamin C, mineral elements and essential oils;
  • for a normal dermis, choose chamomile, lemon balm, succession, yarrow, calendula, hawthorn and rose hips;
  • for problematic, oily, with enlarged pores in the T-zone, birch, coltsfoot, wormwood, chicory, St. John's wort, marigolds, horsetail are suitable;
  • for sensitive - licorice, ginseng, parsley, nettle, hazel leaves (hazelnuts).
If there is a catastrophic lack of time to look for the right collection, you can use ordinary green tea, known for its antioxidant and sorbent properties.

Preparing is easy enough. a spoonful of dry or fresh raw materials, pour 350 ml of water (in the end, after all the manipulations, about 300 will remain), put on a slow fire. After boiling for another ten minutes after boiling, you can set aside. After cooling and straining, combine with other components of thermal water.


These include more active components - essential oils and vitamins. For 300 ml of the finished base, you will need up to five drops of a fragrant product:

  • dry skin well perceives esters, lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and geranium; in winter, you can add a few drops of retinol and tocopherol;
  • for oily skin, products with antiseptic and bactericidal properties are suitable - bergamot, orange, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, cedar oil, with a lack of nutrition, which usually occurs during the off-season period, add up to eight drops of vegetable oil of pomegranate seeds or wheat germ;
  • for happy owners of the normal type, esters of geranium, rosemary, patchouli, rosewood, neroli are suitable;
  • for sensitive dermis, the choice is to stop at calamus, basil, anise, fennel and sweet orange, also add six / seven drops of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 perfectly soothes irritated integuments.

How to prepare and apply?

Very simple and quick, add a few drops of ether and possibly selected liquid vitamins to the base. Do not use a whisk or mixer for a homogeneous structure. The liquid will need to be shaken vigorously before each use/spray. It is recommended to use 3-4 times a day, not more often.

You need to spray at a distance of ten / twenty centimeters from the face, while outlining a circle or eight. You can also create a thermal cloud and then just enter it. After two / three minutes, the moisture that has not been absorbed can be easily blotted with a napkin or cosmetic sponge.

For lasting make-up, the effect of delicate baby skin or invigorating freshness on a hot day, there should be a cherished bottle in your purse. A few natural ingredients and a life-giving, fragrant liquid are already ready for use.

But what if you are not ready to spend money on a pharmacy product? Or is it just that your skin doesn't like it? The answer is simple - you can cook it yourself.

How to prepare thermal water at home

To prepare thermal water at home, you will need a bottle of mineral water from a good source. To get the water ready to apply on your face, leave it open overnight to let the gas out.

In fact, already at this stage you can pour water into a container with a spray bottle, and apply it as a facial moisturizer.

If you want to improve water, add your favorite essential oil to it, first mixing it with half a teaspoon of salt.

Interesting: Georgian mineral waters are more suitable for oily skin, but Carpathian ones are for normal and dry skin. Keep this in mind when choosing the water from which you will prepare thermal water.

Thermal water with herbs

If you like the way herbs work on your skin, add some herbs or flowers to your homemade thermal water: rose petals, chamomile flowers, tarragon and even parsley will do. Choose an herb based on the condition of your skin.

Add the selected ingredient to mineral water and refrigerate for 20 hours. Then strain the water and pour it into a container with a spray bottle.

Life hack: if you want to use homemade thermal water over makeup, get a container with a very fine spray.

Thermal water for facial skin should become an indispensable thing in every women's cosmetic bag. Its main goal is intensive skin hydration, preservation and freshness of makeup, saturation of the epidermis with essential vitamins and microelements, as well as protection from negative external influences (sun, ecology, etc.).


Properties and benefits of thermal water

The amazing cosmetic effect of thermal water on the skin of the face is due to its composition. By its properties, it can be compared with mineral water, because it is also extracted from underground sources. Thermal water is extracted from a spring that is already warm (20 °C and above). The composition of such water contains enough minerals useful for the skin (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, etc.), due to which, with its constant use, intercellular metabolism in the skin improves, a reliable protective barrier against diseases is created, and recovery processes improve.

The structure of thermal water is lighter than mineral water, it is devoid of an excess of trace elements, salts and minerals that the skin is not able to absorb in large quantities. Thermal water for the face can be of several types, this is influenced by the chemical composition and mineralization, which vary greatly: from fresh and brackish nitrogen, hydrocarbonate, calcium, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbonate-sulphate, sodium and carbonic acid to salty and brine nitrogen-methane, chloride, sodium, methane, calcium-sodium, nitrogen-methane, less often hydrogen sulfide. When choosing a remedy, this factor should be taken into account, since what suits one type of skin may be contraindicated in another.

The main function of thermal water is intensive hydration and toning of the face. Remember that all skin needs constant hydration, including oily. Only in this way will the epidermis be able to maintain internal balance, withstand negative external influences (dust, ecology, etc.), and cope with stress.

Thermal water has an excellent cleansing, anti-inflammatory and healing ability, stimulates blood circulation in the skin, improves the supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients, fights dehydration and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, keeping the skin young and attractive. Sometimes the use of such water is effective in accelerating the healing process of burns.

Already after the first application, the transformation of the skin of the face is noticeable. Thermal water improves complexion, helps to solve the problem of oily, dry and flaky skin, eliminate comedones and inflammation, as well as other problems that arise against the background of skin overheating.

Why thermal water is needed and how to use it

Thermal water can be found in any specialized store or pharmacy. Most often, it is available in the form of a spray of various sizes, which is very convenient, your favorite thing will fit in any cosmetic bag and will always be with you. Water is convenient to use while at work in the office, to take with you on a trip at any time of the year. For home use, such water is also indispensable, especially in winter, when the air in the apartment is very dry, and in summer during the heat. Spraying thermal water on the face instantly eliminates dryness, signs of peeling, refreshes the skin, renews makeup. It does not evaporate from the surface of the face, is completely absorbed by the epidermis, creates a kind of barrier that prevents moisture from evaporating excessively. This property will come in handy during the beach season, after going to the solarium.

Thermal water is used in its pure form, in combination with other cosmetics, as well as for diluting powder masks and preparing home remedies. During morning and evening washing, instead of ordinary water, it is good to use thermal water. In the morning, its use awakens and tones the skin, and at night it improves the effect of night cosmetics. If washing with such water is too expensive for you, then after cleansing the skin, simply spray thermal water on your face at a distance of 30 cm (close your eyes!), wait a bit and remove the excess with a paper towel. And then apply skin care products.

Video: All about thermal water in the Good Morning program

This cosmetic novelty is an excellent base for make-up in the summer. It not only lays down evenly, but also stays strong throughout the day. It is enough to refresh the face with water from the spray a couple of times during the day, no more, the makeup will not deteriorate.

The product is also good for fixing and prolonging the freshness of freshly applied makeup. Water-based cosmetics can be enriched with a few drops of thermal water.

The product can be sprayed on cosmetic wipes and applied to the face for 10 minutes. In the same way, the tool can be used for the area around the eyes.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of this cosmetic; with a neutral pH, it can be used many times.

How to choose thermal water

The effect of using thermal water directly depends on its type and skin type. There are several types of it:

Hypotonic thermal water. The composition of the thermal water is slightly mineralized and is intended for dry and sensitive skin.

Hypertonic thermal water. The composition of thermal water contains a lot of mineral salts, tones the skin. The product is intended for oily skin, has an intensive cleansing and antiseptic effect.

Isotonic thermal water. The composition is close to human blood serum, suitable for all types of facial skin, especially sensitive, has a calming effect.

Hydrocarbonate thermal water. It has a high ionic composition, does not draw fluid from the surface of the skin, but retains it. Used to refresh the face and set makeup.

Cosmetologists will help you choose one or another type of thermal water. Be sure to consult!

Video: Choosing thermal water.

Preparation of thermal water at home

You can try to make thermal water at home, it will turn out no worse. To do this, open a bottle of Essentuki No. 17 mineral water and leave it for several hours so that all the gases come out. Everything can be used. To increase efficiency in such water, you can add an infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage, mint. The finished product will have good cleansing and moisturizing qualities. Such a composition can be poured into ice molds, frozen and wiped on the face twice a day. Purity, vitality and freshness of the skin is guaranteed.

Or, instead of herbal infusion, you can add lemon juice and your favorite essential oil to our “homemade” thermal water, which will enhance the effect of the product and give a pleasant aroma. For 500 ml of home thermal water 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 6 drops of oil. Pour the composition into a clean and dry spray bottle and store out of direct sunlight. The only drawback of the home remedy is that the spray is too large.

Regardless of the method of using thermal water, its effect is simply impossible not to notice! Use this amazing tool and stay young and attractive.

Thermal water for facial skin should become an indispensable thing in every women's cosmetic bag. Its main goal is intensive skin hydration, preservation and freshness of makeup, saturation of the epidermis with essential vitamins and microelements, as well as protection from negative external influences (sun, ecology, etc.).

  • How to choose thermal water

Properties and benefits of thermal water

The amazing cosmetic effect of thermal water on the skin of the face is due to its composition.
its properties can be compared with mineral water, because it is also extracted from underground sources. Thermal water is extracted from a spring that is already warm (20 °C and above). The composition of such water contains enough minerals useful for the skin (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, etc.), due to which, with its constant use, intercellular metabolism in the skin improves, a reliable protective barrier against diseases is created, and recovery processes improve.

The structure of thermal water is lighter than mineral water, it is devoid of an excess of trace elements, salts and minerals that the skin is not able to absorb in large quantities. Thermal water for the face can be of several types, this is influenced by the chemical composition and mineralization, which vary greatly: from fresh and brackish nitrogen, hydrocarbonate, calcium, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbonate-sulphate, sodium and carbonic acid to salty and brine nitrogen-methane, chloride, sodium, methane, calcium-sodium, nitrogen-methane, less often hydrogen sulfide. When choosing a remedy, this factor should be taken into account, since what suits one type of skin may be contraindicated in another.

The main function of thermal water is intensive hydration and toning of the face. Remember that all skin needs constant hydration, including oily. Only in this way will the epidermis be able to maintain internal balance, withstand negative external influences (dust, ecology, etc.), and cope with stress.

Thermal water has an excellent cleansing, anti-inflammatory and healing ability, stimulates blood circulation in the skin, improves the supply of cells with oxygen and nutrients, fights dehydration and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, keeping the skin young and attractive. Sometimes the use of such water is effective in accelerating the healing process of burns.

Already after the first application, the transformation of the skin of the face is noticeable. Thermal water improves complexion, helps to solve the problem of oily, dry and flaky skin, eliminate comedones and inflammation, as well as other problems that arise against the background of skin overheating.

Why thermal water is needed and how to use it

Thermal water can be found in any specialized store or pharmacy. Most often, it is available in the form of a spray of various sizes, which is very convenient, your favorite thing will fit in any cosmetic bag and will always be with you. Water is convenient to use while at work in the office, to take with you on a trip at any time of the year. For home use, such water is also indispensable, especially in winter, when the air in the apartment is very dry, and in summer during the heat. Spraying thermal water on the face instantly eliminates dryness, signs of peeling, refreshes the skin, renews makeup. It does not evaporate from the surface of the face, is completely absorbed by the epidermis, creates a kind of barrier that prevents moisture from evaporating excessively. This property will come in handy during the beach season, after going to the solarium.

Thermal water is used in its pure form, in combination with other cosmetics, as well as for diluting powder masks and preparing home remedies. During morning and evening washing, instead of ordinary water, it is good to use thermal water. In the morning, its use awakens and tones the skin, and at night it improves the effect of night cosmetics. If washing with such water is too expensive for you, then after cleansing the skin, simply spray thermal water on your face at a distance of 30 cm (close your eyes!), wait a bit and remove the excess with a paper towel. And then apply skin care products.

Video: All about thermal water in the Good Morning program

This cosmetic novelty is an excellent base for make-up in the summer. It not only lays down evenly, but also stays strong throughout the day. It is enough to refresh the face with water from the spray a couple of times during the day, no more, the makeup will not deteriorate.

The product is also good for fixing and prolonging the freshness of freshly applied makeup. Water-based cosmetics can be enriched with a few drops of thermal water.

The product can be sprayed on cosmetic wipes and applied to the face for 10 minutes. In the same way, the tool can be used for the area around the eyes.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of this cosmetic; with a neutral pH, it can be used many times.

How to choose thermal water

The effect of using thermal water directly depends on its type and skin type. There are several types of it:

Hypotonic thermal water. The composition of the thermal water is slightly mineralized and is intended for dry and sensitive skin.

Hypertonic thermal water. The composition of thermal water contains a lot of mineral salts, tones the skin. The product is intended for oily skin, has an intensive cleansing and antiseptic effect.

Isotonic thermal water. The composition is close to human blood serum, suitable for all types of facial skin, especially sensitive, has a calming effect.

Hydrocarbonate thermal water. It has a high ionic composition, does not draw fluid from the surface of the skin, but retains it. Used to refresh the face and set makeup.

Cosmetologists will help you choose one or another type of thermal water. Be sure to consult!

Video: Choosing thermal water.

Preparation of thermal water at home

You can try to make thermal water at home, it will turn out no worse. To do this, open a bottle of Essentuki No. 17 mineral water and leave it for several hours so that all the gases come out. Everything can be used. To increase efficiency in such water, you can add an infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage, mint. The finished product will have good cleansing and moisturizing qualities. Such a composition can be poured into ice molds, frozen and wiped on the face twice a day. Purity, vitality and freshness of the skin is guaranteed.

Or, instead of herbal infusion, you can add lemon juice and your favorite essential oil to our “homemade” thermal water, which will enhance the effect of the product and give a pleasant aroma. For 500 ml of home thermal water 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 6 drops of oil. Pour the composition into a clean and dry spray bottle and store out of direct sunlight. The only drawback of the home remedy is that the spray is too large.

Regardless of the method of using thermal water, its effect is simply impossible not to notice! Use this amazing tool and stay young and attractive.

What is it and what is the use

The benefits of thermal water:

  1. Deep hydration of the skin;
  2. Antioxidant properties;
  3. Pore ​​cleaning;



How to choose by rating

Name Note
La Roche Posay and Rive Gauche
Kenzo, Givenchy, Chanel, MAC
Garnier and Nivea
Thermal water Belita
Dermophil Bagnoles de Lorne

How to make a remedy

  1. To refresh the face;
  2. For makeup removal.

Thermal water has long settled in the women's cosmetic bag. This universal care product appeared in the middle of the last century. Since then, women have been able to enjoy the benefits of regularly moisturizing their skin with a handy spray bottle of thermal water. In most cases, manufacturers of this product use mineral or thermal water, which is extracted from natural sources. Water of different grades may differ in its properties for the simple reason that each deposit has a special mineral composition, which means that their valuable elements are somewhat different. But they all have moisturizing and refreshing properties. Most manufacturers pour water into convenient bottles that you can always carry with you.

Thermal water is simply irreplaceable product for summer. In the heat, the skin is quickly dehydrated, and with the help of thermal water, you can quickly put yourself in order. A few clicks on the spray - and the skin is again filled with moisture and breathes freshness. In addition, many people use thermal water as a cosmetic product that helps to cope with some skin problems. Depending on the composition, water can have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Some manufacturers enhance the composition with various additives that help with minor skin rashes, enlarged pores and redness.
In addition, thermal water works make-up products. Sprinkling a little on your face, you can fix the make-up and give it a finished look. Thermal water perfectly copes with excessively dense tonal coverage. As you know, excess powder can emphasize wrinkles. Spray with thermal water will help to cope with makeup errors: one spray conceals imperfections and makes the coating lighter and more transparent.

Thermal water is available in many cosmetic brands, but if desired, it can be easily prepared at home. To do this, you need to purchase high-quality mineral water and simply pour it into a suitable container. The ideal option is a bottle left after using branded thermal water. Pre-rinse it well and dry it, and only then fill it with mineral water. A special spray bottle for flowers is also suitable. When buying, pay attention to the sprayer: the smaller the holes in it, the more comfortable it will be to use thermal water. For example, special spray guns for orchids are suitable.

Water must be prepared before use. It is best to buy mineral water without gas - it can be used immediately. Carbonated water should be left open overnight so that gas comes out of it. In principle, you can easily get by with a natural composition, but, if desired, it can be enriched with additional ingredients.

Thermal water for problem skin.
Prepare a decoction of chamomile: 1 tbsp. l. dry grass, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let the composition brew for about an hour. Then add decoction (30 ml) to mineral water (70 ml) and use as needed.

Thermal water for oily skin.
For oily skin, it is recommended to add lemon juice to homemade thermal water. For 100 ml of mineral water, you need a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice. This composition perfectly refreshes and helps to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands.

Thermal water for dry skin.
In the case of dry skin, thermal water can be enriched with nutrients. For example, you can use honey (a quarter of a teaspoon per 100 ml). Shake the composition well to disperse the honey, and spray as soon as you feel that the skin is tight and needs to be moisturized.

Thermal water for all skin types.
Essential oils will also help improve the composition of thermal water. In addition, they aromatize mineral water, giving it a pleasant smell. For 100 ml, you need literally a few drops of your favorite oil. Tea tree oil has a healing effect on problem skin, drying inflammation; orange oil is indicated for flabby and dry skin; rose oil is recommended for aging skin, helping to restore elasticity and smoothness; rosemary oil is great for oily skin. In a word, it remains only to find the composition that is shown to you personally.

You need to use homemade thermal water in the same way as purchased, spraying it at a distance of 15 cm from the face. Cosmetologists recommend using this product not only as an independent care, but also in combination with moisturizing creams and serums: generously sprinkle your face with thermal water and, without waiting for it to dry, apply your favorite preparation to the skin. This method helps to achieve the maximum caring effect.

Thermal water at home

It is impossible to prepare thermal water at home by 100%. Except if you are lucky enough to live somewhere close to the source. But we can afford to prepare life-giving moisture as close as possible in composition and properties. Or maybe even do what is perfect for you.

The easiest way is to find fresh or slightly mineral water, release gas from it. Pour into a convenient container and your refreshing pshikalka is ready. This option is more suitable for oily or combination skin.

The next way is that if the first option dries the skin too much, you don't need it. Then for 100 ml of water we add 20 ml of mineral water, having previously released the gas. Water can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chamomile - soothes, mint - pro tones, oak bark in combination with tea tree oil will relieve inflammation. Here the flight of fancy is not limited. Who knows, maybe this path will lead you to the source of eternal youth and beauty.

A little about the use. Every beauty product has a place and a time to use it. Morning and evening on cleansed face between tonic and cream. Do not use it before going outside in the cold season. Also, if it is very hot outside and a dry wind blows, it will simply dry out your skin, and moisture will attract the sun and you can get irritated. If you really need to use it in such a situation, then find a shadow, sprinkle your face and blot with a napkin. It can also be used to fix makeup and use during the working day. But if you are sitting in an office where the air conditioner is running, which dries out the skin and air, then do the following. You go to the toilet, where, as a rule, the air is not so dry, and the air conditioner works less. Perform a facial irrigation procedure, count to at least 30 and blot with a napkin.
From personal experience I can say that, like everyone else, I use prepared thermal water at home. Because some of them turned out to be not affordable for me over time, from others I simply did not understand the sense. That he splashed, that he listened to the radio. For example, having studied the composition of Vichy, I realized that it is the most mineralized of all and the basis is sodium bicarbonate, which is great for oily skin. It was easiest for her to find an analogue in composition in a supermarket. Now, depending on the needs of my skin, I can prepare exactly what it needs. Fortunately, a bottle of mineral water is not expensive, and sometimes it is useful to use it inside, especially in summer.

Be great, you deserve it.

PS I will be glad to answer your questions, read comments and listen to comments. Thank you in advance for your sincerity and attention.

Mineral or thermal?

Mineral water is a complex solution of salts and minerals. Its enrichment with chemical elements occurs naturally. As you know, water is the best solvent in nature. She is able to dissolve anything in herself, it's all about time.

Moving for years and centuries in the depths of the Earth, groundwater is saturated with useful salts, sulfates, carbonates, other natural compounds and microelements. In order to dissolve some, such as ordinary table salt, it will take minutes. It can take years for solid minerals to dissolve. But, as they say, a drop wears away a stone.

Natural mineral waters in some places come to the surface of the Earth or they are extracted from aquifers underground. The natural chemical composition of underground moisture can have a different degree of saturation. With an increased content of active biological components, water acquires a therapeutic or prophylactic effect on the body.

It should be remembered that natural mineral water cannot be called:

Artificially mineralized water;
Groundwater mixtures of various geochemical compositions;
Mixtures of mineral water with ordinary drinking water or artificially mineralized.

Let us dwell in more detail on what thermal water is. It has special requirements. Such water has the right to be called only that "mineral water", which is extracted from the ground or comes to its surface already in a heated form.

There is a distinction according to the degree of heating of the liquid:

  • If the t of water is from 20 to 37C, this is a warm or subthermal source;
  • 37-40 - thermal;
  • More than 42 - hyperthermal, hot spring.

To heat the water underground to such a temperature, something in the depths needs to warm it up. And the most “high-grade” bowels are located near active volcanic processes, and red-hot lava approaches the surface of the earth. The process of mineralization here is especially intensive, water not only absorbs minerals, but also gases. It turns out natural carbonated mineral water.

But thermal water is found not only in seismically active regions.
In these cases, heating occurs due to the fact that the waters through cracks in the earth's crust have the opportunity to sink very deep. And near the Earth's mantle, t of earth layers is always high. Vodichka draws its healing powers in the heart of our planet, and then generously shares them with people.

What is she for?

Life-giving thermal waters have long been successfully used for treatment and healing. Famous balneological resorts have always been very popular. It was not in vain that the entire color of the Russian aristocracy preferred to go to be treated and improve their health “on the water”.

They drank healing waters, took baths in them, washed themselves with them. Later they began to produce cosmetics based on mineral sources. But for some reason, such useful thermal waters in the form of sprays have only recently been used.

And why do you need thermal water for the face in the form of a spray?

For some reason, some women believe that thermal water should be used only by those who have excessively dry or withered skin, when peeling or irritation appears. It's not like that at all. Moisture is required by any type of skin, it will only benefit.

Do women like thermal water?

A rhetorical question. Who among us does not like to be beautiful? After all, a bottle of thermal water in a purse is a guarantee of finding freshness and pleasant sensations. Just don't bring the sprayer too close to your face. There may be a danger that mascara will flow from the eyelashes.

Keep the can at a distance of about 30 cm and you will be fine. If desired, excess liquid can be removed with a napkin.

The best and fairest judges are, of course, those ladies who already have experience in using the cherished spray bottles.

And their reviews of thermal water for the face will be useful to know.

The choice of thermal waters is large. But it is better to buy it in a pharmacy, more guarantee that it will not turn out to be a fake. Choose not by price, but by features. Each has its own characteristics. Great stuff!

Thermal water proved to be a savior. We were on a train to the sea, the air conditioner in the car broke down. The heat was terrible. She saved herself with some water, puffed constantly: her face, wrists, neck. Now I do not part with the spray even at home.

If you have very sensitive skin, choose Avon Thermal Water, it is soft. Vichy relieves irritation well. In general, it is better, through recommendations and trials, to choose your own water, which is best suited.

Real thermal water is bottled directly near the source, the only way to preserve all its beneficial properties. But the question arises: “Is it really impossible to prepare such water on your own?”. It would seem that it’s easier - I bought a bottle of mineral water, poured it into a spray bottle and splash as much as you like.

If you really want to do this, you can try. Only in this case it is better to choose water that does not contain a lot of salts, they will dry the skin. After irrigation, blot your face with a tissue. If you choose sparkling water, release gases from it by holding the bottle open before use.

And yet it is better to buy a quality factory spray. Now many cosmetic companies produce these products. Of the domestic firms, the most popular thermal waters are Ya Samaya (100 rubles) and Black Pearl (320 rubles). They are easy to use and, in addition to moisturizing, have a protective function, protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, which is not always useful.

Such a universal care product may not be on your dressing table or in your cosmetic bag if you did not know about it. Now you know. So it's time to start using it!

What is it and what is the use

Thermal water is a type of mineral water that is found deep underground and contains healing properties, cleansing the skin of bacteria and protecting it from environmental aggressors. For example, it is found in large quantities in rocky rocks, and there its occurrence level varies from 100 to 1500 meters. Atmospheric precipitation, melted water and water processed from soils are also used.

The formation of this water takes thousands of years. During this long process, the liquid is saturated with minerals and carbon dioxide. Naturally pure and rich in mineral salts, iodine and CO2, thermal water is considered one of the best remedies for treating various problems of the skin of the face, body and even internal organs.

The benefits of thermal water:

  1. Deep hydration of the skin;
  2. Significant relief of the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis (relieving itching, eliminating peeling, normalizing the blood supply to certain areas of the skin);
  3. Getting rid of pain in the joints with gout and arthritis;
  4. Antioxidant properties;
  5. Pore ​​cleaning;
  6. Giving the skin a pleasant matte color and normalizing its tone.

Harm natural cosmetics of this type are not applied, moreover, it does not cause addiction or allergic reactions. But you need to be careful if the manufacturer adds additional elements to his tool - they can cause problems.

Thermal water can be bought not only as a pure liquid for the face, many companies create entire lines based on it. These are creams, ointments, sprays, washing gels and much more. To find your ideal option, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our table.
Video: properties of different thermal waters

How to choose by rating

Each cosmetic company has its own specific approach to creating this cosmetic miracle. Some use exclusively natural options without additional additives. Others prefer, in addition to the existing mineral compounds, to saturate the water with additional chemical elements (mainly sulfur, silicon and zinc).

Name Note
La Roche Posay and Rive Gauche Help turn back time. Due to the high content of selenium, these cosmetics rejuvenate cells, cleanse pores, and normalize blood flow.
Vichy Vichy is incredibly useful for residents of metropolitan areas. In addition to moisturizing, this thermal water also provides protection and release of skin cells from toxins and poisons. Probably the most useful among all at an affordable price. It contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc and other minerals.
Avene Avene Thermal Spray helps the epidermis cope with extreme conditions such as heat, cold, wind, sun, and excessive dryness of indoor air. It is often used to treat eczema.
Evian's Evian offers a cosmetic product with a large amount of fossil minerals, whose birthplace is Switzerland. It comes in small bottles, but it nourishes and restores the normal pH of 7.2.
Clinique Clinic is considered one of the best waters for mature and aging skin. The composition includes zinc and sulfur, as well as selenium - they help to tighten the face and moisturize it.
loreal This is just a great water for problem skin. She has unlimited use per day, also Loreal cleans pores and relieves inflammation.
Kenzo, Givenchy, Chanel, MAC The cost of these brands is much higher than other analogues, but it is not just thermal water, but a concentrate. The composition includes tonic elements, in particular, copper, magnesium, potassium and zinc.
Garnier and Nivea The main properties of these drugs: moisturizing and cleansing. The unique formula of the combination of serine and cerulin promotes deep hydration, while cleansing the pores of dead cells and accumulated oil.
Uriage Uriage is a special remedy for super sensitive skin. It contains herbal extracts that help eliminate inflammation, as well as minerals that deeply saturate the epidermis with moisture.
Thermal water Belita This is one of the most affordable, but very effective cosmetics. The combination of unique trace elements and rock waters helps to provide excellent skin hydration, relieve flaking and itching in eczema and psoriasis.
Bionsen Japanese thermal water Bionsen is a unique remedy for moisturizing the skin of the face in winter. It contains particles of natural pearls and minerals from the springs of Once.
Dermophil Bagnoles de Lorne The famous French thermal water-spray Dermophil will perfectly cope with the problems of dry skin. It is applied through the use of micro-sprays, whereby h2o molecules enter directly into the pores, saturating them with energy and freshness.
Librederm At its core, Liebreder's water contains liquid from sources in Scotland. Because of this, it is known for its numerous salts and high sulfur content.
biotherm Relatively inexpensive water, perfectly moisturizing the epidermis. Contains zinc and sulfur, which helps not only for emergency hydration, but also to eliminate visible signs of premature aging.

Water brands Mary Kay, Oriflame, Avon, Faberlic are very popular now, which can be bought on order. From domestic brands, thermal water for the face Black Pearl and Beauty Recipes has good reviews. At the same time, owners of delicate dry skin are advised to use mild preparations: Soin Deau, Caudalie (with clay to moisturize combination and oily skin), Bioderma, Pure Aqua, La Fontaine (extracted from the Alps).

How to make a remedy

Thermal water for the face has a rather high cost, the average price of the product is from 200 to 1000 rubles, depending on the brand. In addition, many manufacturers do not bother to indicate what contraindications their additives used in thermal water have. If you want to save money and protect yourself as much as possible, then you can make a tool with your own hands.

For the simplest, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. A decoction of linden and chamomile in equal parts;
  2. A teaspoon of essential oil (it is recommended to work with olive, mint, coconut or peach);
  3. Mineral water, you can take branded.

Make a decoction of herbs. To do this, pour an equal amount of herbs with hot mineral water, but just do not boil it. After that, you need to infuse the product for an hour until it cools completely. The resulting composition must be filtered using a strainer or a simple nylon. Next, add a spoonful of essential oil to the water, mix well. Everything can be poured into a convenient container and splashed on the face. Shake the can before each use. The use of such a tool lasts for 3 days, after which a new composition is prepared.

Many folk recipes will also include the addition of various mineral components: clay, calcium, zinc. You need to be very careful with chemical elements, so we recommend using only herbs at home.

How to use thermal water for the face:

  1. Morning and evening on clean skin. In the first case, to give it a tone, in the second, to moisturize at night;
  2. To fix makeup. For example, this is Vichy;
  3. To refresh the face;
  4. For makeup removal.

Also for moisturizing certain areas of the body, giving the skin radiance and freeing pores from free radicals.

Publication date: 2014-12-18 | Cosmetics

Thermal water is truly a special product for the beauty of the skin. It moisturizes it, fills it with useful substances and perfectly fixes makeup. Of course, the home analogue will not be thermal water, if we talk about the chemical composition of the product. However, its effect will be exactly the same.


To prepare homemade thermal water, you will need a bottle of mineral water from a good source. Leave the bottle open overnight so that all the gas and excess salts come out. In fact, you can already pour water into a spray bottle and use it like thermal water: as a moisturizer before applying cream, as a makeup fixer, or as a moisturizer throughout the day.

To use homemade thermal water over makeup, find a spray bottle with very fine holes. Such as is used for watering orchids: when drops are not needed, but only mist.

If you want to feel like an alchemist and improve the composition of the water that you made, you can safely add a decoction of herbs, a little honey, lemon juice or essential oil to it.

Mineral water of different brands has different effects on the skin. So, Georgian waters are more suitable for oily skin, and our Carpathian waters are more suitable for dry and normal.


If you like the effect of herbal decoctions on the skin, add one of them to your thermal water. This will help provide additional care depending on your skin type. For example, for oily skin, mint or sage are ideal, which will reduce the oiliness of the face throughout the day. For normal skin, take chamomile, and for dry skin, take linden.

Preparing herbal decoction is very simple: add a tablespoon of dried herbs to 200 ml of boiling water. After a minute, turn off the fire and let it brew. Dilute the decoction with mineral water at a ratio of 70:30.


If you have dry skin that suffers from summer dryness, add a quarter teaspoon of honey to mineral water (per 100 ml). Mix well. Honey will nourish the skin.


If you have oily skin, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to 100 ml of mineral water and mix well. Lemon juice will help control the level of oily skin.


If you love the aromas of ethers, and your skin reacts well to their effects, feel free to add your favorite essential oil to mineral water. With it, you can fight aging, oiliness, nourish the skin and protect it from the negative effects of the environment.

To prevent essential oils from floating on top of thermal water, dissolve them in a small amount of honey or sea salt, and then mix them with water. So they will combine with water into a single substance.
