Thin lips are a sign of a man. The character of a man can be determined by the shape of his lips

Along with the eyes, the mouth is the most expressive part of the face. The science of physiognomy allows you to determine the internal energy of a person by the size and shape of the mouth. A large mouth and lowered corners of the lips speak of a strong will, that is, it is difficult to influence such a person. Although the opinion regarding the corners of the mouth is rather ambiguous. Charles Darwin, for example, believed that the corners of the mouth lowered to the bottom indicate a whiny mood or depression. According to another opinion, the owner of a small arched mouth with slightly lowered corners is sentimental and vulnerable. The raised corners of the lips correspond to an ingenuous, conscientious and mentally gifted nature.
According to physiognomists, a small mouth indicates a weak character and preoccupation in the struggle for survival. The Japanese, for example, are impressed by the large mouth in men and the small mouth in women. A woman with a big mouth is considered courageous, and strong-willed men really don’t like it.

It has been noticed that tightly compressed lips and clenched teeth speak of a person's perseverance. A tightly closed mouth is about determination and determination. On the contrary, an open mouth, especially with a sagging lower jaw, expresses a decrease in mental activity. The symmetrical opening of the mouth, without distortions, indicates a balance of emotions.

In a word, we can say that a large mouth is evidence of courage and at the same time deceit, a small one is fearfulness, as well as modesty, a compressed one is firmness, an open mouth is stupidity.

Also great importance in physiognomy is attached to the size, shape and color of the lips. Representatives of various schools of physiognomists interpret differently. For example, according to one school, thick and large lips speak of mockery and reason, thin and small - about deceit and slyness. A thick upper lip is about injustice, a long lower lip is about amorousness and reason. Heart-shaped lips are about decisiveness and activity, and retracted lips are about gullibility and a bad state of affairs.

According to another school of physiognomists, there are different types of lips, mainly in women:

Lips with a bow are the most feminine. They testify to charm, coquetry, sensuality and at the same time about insincerity and deceit. In men, this is a sign of vanity and frivolity;

Juicy lips are found in lively, talkative, open people who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation and are distinguished by temperament and sensuality;

Small lips - tender, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty;

Thin lips - cold, but charming. They give out a passionate nature, very gentle, but sometimes too restrained. Such a person is difficult to captivate, in any situation he is eloquent and witty. Too thin lips are hard people capable of meanness;

Harmonious lips - subtly drawn and somewhat ironic, may belong to a poetess and an intellectual who knows how to combine reality with sentimentality;

Asymmetrical lips - due to the large upper lip, they belong to an imperious, dry person with a rational mind and devoid of emotions. If the lower lip is pursed at the same time, then this indicates impotence in men and frigidity in women;

Thick (puffy) lips are at the same time a sign of sensuality and firmness of character, the distinguishing features of which are excellent self-control, unshakable calmness and a need for pleasure.

In the same way, by the shape of the mouth, or rather by the bend of the lips at the time of the kiss, one can assess the character and temperament of your chosen one or partner. The "geometry of the lips" during a kiss is an excellent material for serious scientific study. As early as the beginning of the 20th century. an accurate test was developed based on identifying the manner of kissing: the subject covers his lips with lipstick and instead of pleasant lips or cheeks, "kisses" a white sheet of paper. Identification of the imprint of such a kiss will allow a person to know about the character and attitude towards him of his (or her) chosen one.

Various lip impressions at the moment of the kiss and their identification:

A - a mouth in the form of a regular circle: the partner deserves complete trust;

B - mouth in the form of a deformed circle: attraction to you is not serious;

B - mouth in the form of a semicircle: the partner is sincere, but without special guarantees;

G - mouth in the form of a deformed semicircle: promises made in a fever will be kept;

D - mouth with a flat horizontal line: a partner with a kind big heart;

E - mouth in the form of a torn caret; sado-masochist partner;

F - a horn with a deformed vertical line: a very timid partner;

Z - lines of the mouth in the form of a regular zigzag: a partner who hates you.

Look at the lips of a loved one and find out everything about his character. © Shutterstock

The lips of a loved one can tell you about many traits of his character. Moreover, to tell not only in a literal sense, but according to the laws of physiognomy - the science of reading a person's character by his face.

website advises, take a closer look at the lips of your beloved - their shape will tell you how generous a man will be, whether he can be faithful to you and whether he will obey in family life.

Big lips and wide mouth

Such traits are a sign of a reckless person, prone to rash and spontaneous actions. Although the law is the same for both women and men - the wider the mouth, the better the character of a person. But a mouth that is too large, which does not close tightly, betrays the careless and indecisive character of a man.

The bright red color of the lips gives out a domineering character. Such men usually become good husbands, because they are faithful, responsible and fair to people.

Small mouth

A neat small mouth indicates a peaceful character. A person with a small mouth is usually wise and calm. If a man has a small mouth, which, as it were, does not open well, it means that its owner is always busy fighting for existence. And such a mouth can be a sign of a weak character.

A small mouth with thin lips is a sign of a shy character, an indecisive person, unable to take responsibility. But if a small mouth opens wide, it means that a person has wide views and a shy character.

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Thick lips

A lover of luxury and a passionate man will have just thick lips. Such lips, as Chinese physiognomists say, indicate a sensual man capable of great love. Also, these people tend to have a methodical mindset.

Thin lips

Do you want to calculate the eloquent boyfriend? Just thin lips indicate the eloquence of a man, as well as his quick wits and ingenuity in love. But a guy with such lips is prone to arbitrariness, that is, he will not blindly obey a woman.

"Fish Mouth"

A well-defined mouth with corners down, the so-called fish mouth, happens in people with a strong will, unshakable and not amenable to other people's influence. In a critical situation, such a man will be able to cope alone, without anyone's help. Sometimes the "fish mouth" happens to inveterate gossips.

Convex or flat, straight or curved

If closed lips fold into a straight line, then their owner is thoughtful, scrupulous, albeit a little petty. Men with such lips are usually at the top of society.

If this line is slightly or strongly curved, this is a sign of great energy and boundless enthusiasm. Rough lip lines indicate resourcefulness and ingenuity.

When you look at a man in profile, you can see if his lips are protruding or retracting. A protruding mouth is inherent in people who are decisive, active, and have a quick mind. A drooping mouth is a sign of a prudent person.

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special lips

Lips that seem to twitch are a sign of a nervous and emotional personality. The upper lip is wide and firm, meaning longevity. And if one lip is much thicker than the other, then this person is prone to slow-wittedness, it is not very easy for him to analyze life situations.

Constantly pursed lips betray a secretive and insincere person. But always a slightly open mouth happens to people with an open character, honest and incapable of tricks.

It is believed that the eyes are the mirror of the human soul. But the mouth and lips are no less eloquent than the eyes. Their shape, thickness, size of the mouth and brightness of the skin frankly betray the perseverance and weakness, sensuality and firmness, stupidity and vanity of a person.

An ancient Chinese wisdom says: People with narrow mouths are ruled by their heads, while people with wide mouths are ruled by their hearts. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle pointed to the relationship between the shape of the lips and the internal energy of a person. Many grandmothers can tell at a glance whether the groom is suitable for their granddaughter or it is better not to bring such a family into the family.

People inherit facial features from their parents, as do many character traits. By learning to "read" people's faces, you can make your life safer and communication more pleasant. Restraint in emotions sometimes masks kindness and devotion, and anger and meanness can be hidden behind a sweet smile. Before getting to know a person better, it is useful to look at him from the outside, when he is relaxed and does not think that he is being considered. The mouth and lips can open a lot.

The main thing that people pay attention to is the clarity of the lines and the tension of the muscles of the mouth. A slightly open mouth, relaxed lips often indicate a weakness of character, but this is also characteristic of many creative people, romantic natures and gullible good-natured people. A clear drawing of the line of the lips, their compressed corners, the tension of the circumlabial muscles are characteristic of people with a strong character, able to take responsibility, but sometimes showing excessive rigidity and intolerance in relationships.

Mouth size and character

The mouths vary in size. Regardless of the shape of the mouth, it can be small, large or medium. Differences also depend on belonging to a particular nation.

A large mouth is a sign of a reckless person, prone to rash acts. But they are also independent and courageous, generous, open in communication and able to go against everyone, defending their principles or protecting the weak. People with big mouths tend to be very talkative and like to talk without listening to others. Often they have a bad relationship with their parents and older people, because they do not like to follow instructions, do not tolerate teaching.

A small mouth is more common in people who are restrained, who tend to first think and consult with everyone, and then make a decision. Sometimes they are distinguished by stinginess, but often this is ordinary prudence, which does not allow you to recklessly scatter money. Men with a small mouth are often talkative, emotional, annoying, but behind this masquerade they hide a sober mind and logic, their real actions have nothing to do with what they show to the public. Women with a tiny mouth seem naive and helpless "sparrows", weak-willed and submissive. Some, indeed, are such in reality, but most are able to firmly grasp gaping prey with their “beak”.

A medium-sized mouth indicates a harmonious balance of character traits and the absence of extremes.

Lip thickness and character properties

Ideal lips are when the upper and lower lips are about the same size, neither too thick nor too thin. The color is even, light red. The thickest (swollen) lips are characteristic of the equatorial (Negro-Australoid) race. The thinnest lips are found among some peoples in the North of Europe and Asia. National characteristics should be taken into account when determining the type of personality.

Physiognomy teaches that full, rounded lips mean that a person is caring and sensitive. The thicker the lips, the more passionate the person. Full bulging lips of a beautiful clear shape are found in successful, lucky people, full of energy and optimism. Thick lips of an indefinite shape are good-natured, sensitive and sympathetic, but weak-willed people.

People with thin lips are more careful in feelings and relationships. They are distinguished by perseverance, determination, they are not so easy to deceive with flattery. They do not like to be teased and ridiculed, they can hold a grudge for a long time. People with thin lips are more serious, hardworking and responsible. However, people with very thin lips can be emotionally cold and find it difficult to find a mate. Sometimes excessive scrupulousness and prudence prevent them from building harmonious relationships.

According to ancient Chinese beliefs about the correspondence of facial features and character, the upper lip represents the "female" side (yin) while the lower lip represents the "male" side (yang). The upper lip of a person can show his sensuality and ability to love, the lower lip indicates how much love he needs from other people.

A thick lower lip combined with a thin upper lip is a sign of greed and selfishness. Such people love pleasures, but only their own, what their partners feel and what their partners want, they are not at all interested. But they can be witty and funny, bursting with energy, entertaining and captivating. They know how to enjoy life and it is worth learning from them.

If the upper lip is full and the lower lip is narrow, then often such people are indecisive, unable to stand up for themselves. They willingly take care of someone, help and save. However, they often like to manipulate others, are vain, tend to set the tone, make plans and captivate others with their ideas. Surprisingly, they usually succeed.

Where are the corners of the lips directed?

People with raised corners of the lips are considered optimistic and cheerful, they are sociable and meet every day with a smile. People with downturned lips are often pessimistic, very shy and tend to be alone. However, you can count on their honesty and fairness.

With age, facial muscles weaken and the corners of the lips droop in almost all people. However, in some they form a hard line, while in others they give the face an unhappy expression of bitter disappointment.

Which lip protrudes more?

If you look at a person in profile, you will notice that one lip almost always protrudes more than the other.

The upper lip, protruding above the lower one, indicates the indecision of the owner. Such people are distinguished by kindness, they understand others well, they are sincere and honest. They do not like confrontation, it is difficult for them to prove their case and defend their desires, they are prone to compromise. It is easier for them to give in than to offend someone.

If the lower lip protrudes forward, then the owner of such a mouth has a tenacious and decisive character. They are energetic and fast-paced. People with a protruding lower lip can fight for their interests, prove their case, even if they have already realized that they are wrong. They have their own ideas of honor and pride, sometimes they are too demanding of themselves and others.

How to check the reliability of the characteristics of the lips?

The answer is very simple: take a closer look and observe people with whom you are well acquainted and whose character is not a secret to you. Start with yourself and those people who have clearly expressed certain features of the structure of the mouth and lips.

It is not always convenient to look at a person closely, so start with photos. Choose those where your friends and relatives are not posing, but got into the frame by accident. Describe a person by their lips and check if your personal opinion matches what the lips indicate. And don't forget to look at photographs of your elderly relatives in which they were taken in their youth. Old photographs will reveal a lot to you.

P.S. The character of men is easier to determine, for girls it changes depending on the makeup.

Based on site materials

Do you want to know how easy it will be to communicate with the man you just met? Take a closer look at his lips: they will help you find out what type your new friend is.


Large mouth, lips well-defined, wide in the center and tapering to the edges, the corners are raised.

He: open, self-confident, loves to be the center of attention. He needs a relaxed partner, capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a performance where he plays the main role. He will publicly make tender confessions to you, but get ready for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very well-defined lips.

He: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Likes stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, she prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on mood and situation.


Lips "bow", plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding of his companion: at any time of the day, she must look stunning and be ready for love. Likes sex without frills and frequent changes of positions.


Lips thin, pale, pursed.

He is the leader. Lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If the relationship breaks, then forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the neckline of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


Lips well defined. The hollow in the center of the upper lip has slightly pointed edges.
He is: uninhibited, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but at the same time not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not so easy. He can take the initiative in a relationship, but will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand the limits, restrictions, obligations regarding sex. Values ​​freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places for this: in a fitting room, in a dark corner of a park, on an airplane.


Lips of medium size or rather large, clearly defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is: passionate, ambitious, loves to effectively joke and switch attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love, he often pursues sports interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. In sex, he does not like long foreplay, he is ready to experiment.


Lips of medium size, even, in the form of a leaf. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower lip or slightly wider, almost without a bend in the center.

He: in love will rule. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either he is prone to extreme sports, or he is very conservative.


The lips are medium, clearly defined. The lower lip is even, straight, narrowing at the very edges, the upper one rises towards the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, build eyes, make hints. Counter initiative does not reject, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics, he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears, as it were, by the way.


The lips are thin, not too defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself an unusually romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over emotions. He is restrained in feelings, does not like manifestations of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's love relationship is somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning the apartment. But sex as a wellness procedure is quoted very highly. He attaches great importance to the technical side of the issue. She loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

Read more lips...

If you know how to “read lips” correctly, then the shape of the lips and the outlines of the mouth as a whole will reveal the secrets of the character of their owner.

Plump lips are a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Isn't that why we try in every possible way to draw the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

A narrow mouth speaks of the heavy and gloomy nature of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are closed and gloomy. Even if your lips are not like that, it is quite possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in those cases when you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation for you. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create the impression of a “buki” about yourself.

A convex or simply plump lower lip is a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. With a person whose lower lip is much larger than the upper one, it is difficult to communicate on an equal footing, he will always try to defeat you. And, again, such a lip can also appear in a person with a normal mouth, if he disrespects you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. Coaxing someone whose lower lip is too protruding is a bad job, you don't even have to try.

A protruding upper lip is a sign of stubborn, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you catch such a person for a living, you risk losing his favor forever. Your opinion will mean nothing to him anymore. Such people, although very tolerant, are still in the depths of their souls quite sincerely sure that they are right.

A convex mouth with well-defined lips are features inherent in "earthly" people who do not experience unnecessary illusions at their own expense, unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles in the sand and do not hover in the clouds, their destiny is commonplace. A distinctive feature of people with a clear lip contour is low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have a strong enough character to cope with themselves and improve their lives, no matter what.

The science of physiognomy - a way of describing a personality and its character by facial features and its expression - originated in ancient Greece. Surprisingly, even the corners of the lips, their fullness and the curve of the mouth can tell a lot about a person: whether he is persistent or pliable, stupid or smart, stubborn or easy to compromise, and so on.

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The lips are different in shape: thin, medium and full, and the mouth is large, medium and small. The character of a girl whose lips and mouth size are average can be described as mixed.

Full lips

Full lips testify to the sensuality of a woman, her natural beauty and craving for pleasure. She is accustomed to male attention and an adventurous life. Being in the center of the event and receiving compliments is her usual state.

However, she was not so lucky with her character: momentary whims must be fulfilled, otherwise the mood will be spoiled. In a relationship, such a woman is looking for ease, and sometimes calculation. A good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at herself is her virtue, which she is also looking for in the opposite sex. With age, such women become responsible wives and mothers.

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Full lips are what needs to be emphasized. Try Lancôme's rich red L'Absolu Rouge or YSL Beauté's burgundy Rouge Pur Couture 72.

Thin lips

There is an opinion that women with thin lips are evil. We hasten to assure you that this is a stereotype. Thin lips are a sign of restraint, which does not exclude the charm and charm of nature. Such women like to read a lot, go to exhibitions, and in communicating with people they are always attentive, showing sincere interest.

Smart and modest owners of thin lips are assertive and purposeful and, as a rule, succeed thanks to oratory skills and the ability to beautifully express their thoughts on paper.

For girls with thin lips, we recommend not to be shy about it, but, on the contrary, to be proud of it. If your lip shape is beautiful with soft lines, then accentuate it with delicate colors, such as Maybelline New York's Color Riche Sensational pink lipstick.

Big mouth

A woman with a big mouth can be called gambling. She will find someone to compete with everywhere. Turning on the TV, she watches races or poker games, and during the holidays she is not averse to taking part in them herself. Passion and the ability to conquer at first sight are in her blood.

She is not afraid to take the initiative both at work and in relationships. She needs a man to match: energetic, risky, ready to share the feeling of adrenaline with her. But family natures do not get along with her: she is too freedom-loving and prone to a change of scenery.

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Naturally, makeup for such girls should be approached wisely: if you focus on the lips, then the eyes should only be tinted with mascara. On the contrary, when drawing arrows and smoky eyes, choose a nude lipstick color or a shade of dusty rose. L'Oréal Paris has this one in the Color Riche line.

Small mouth

If a woman has a small mouth, then she is very punctual and painstaking in her work. She cares about details and timing. She is cautious in making decisions, but if she takes up a task, she will execute it flawlessly.

The perfectionism of such a woman is also found in her relationship with her man: she will always iron his shirt, iron his tie and bring a delicious lunch with her.

She is strict with herself: no matter how difficult the day is, going to the gym in the evening is on her schedule. However, living with such personalities is not always easy: they like to find fault with trifles and withdraw into themselves for an insignificant reason.

Often a small mouth does not spoil the face at all, but, on the contrary, looks harmonious on it. If your lips are plump, then follow the same rules as for women with full lips. And if they are thin, then apply a soft gloss to them to increase volume (for example, Flash Lacquer mirror lip gloss from Giorgio Armani), and make the main focus on the eyes and eyebrows.

The upper lip is fuller than the lower

A full upper lip gives out a coquette in a girl who is confident in herself and is not afraid to meet new people. Each person for her is an open book, while she herself remains a mystery to everyone. Often such women are hindered by pride and resentment: leaving without saying goodbye is a common thing.

She needs a man who is patient and not jealous. The point is not that she is windy and fickle in her feelings, but that she is too sociable and cannot live without male attention - even if it consists in ordinary compliments and light flirting.

The upper lip is thinner than the lower

This girl is full of contradictions. She loves to be at home and strive for new discoveries at the same time, she is faithful to one thing, but admires many, she dreams of motherhood, but is afraid of losing her freedom. She can be sensual and passionate, but it depends on her mood: to say “enough” to everything and move to another country - one can expect such a “trick” from her.

What is especially important for a girl with this lip shape is support and the knowledge that she is not alone. Often this turns into a long search for their place in life and uncertainty in relationships.

What is the shape of your lips? Tell in the comments!
