Traditions of the second wedding day: ancient rituals and modern customs. Second wedding day

First damn wedding script If you decide to hold a wedding yourself, without the help of a professional toastmaster, this page is for you!

A modern presenter should be easy and understandable. By following the rules described below, you do not risk being booed! This is an event plan, you choose the words and toasts yourself, not small ones.

And most importantly, do not forget, in order to become a Toastmaster, it is not enough to be able to recite poetry and conduct games, you must be an excellent organizer, a psychologist, be able to attract attention, have a good sense of humor and nerves of steel.

Meeting of the young.

Usually, the meeting of the newlyweds takes place at the entrance to the banquet hall. If the territory and location of the banquet hall or weather conditions do not allow the meeting to be held traditionally, you can move it indoors.

The task of the host is to win over the guests already at the meeting. Don't delay this event. Imagine, the whole honest company has had a walk in the fresh air and she has only one thought, to get to the table and have something to eat.

Therefore, if you do not want to get yourself into trouble, do not delay the meeting for more than 5 minutes.

Do not forget, upon the arrival of the newlyweds, guests who arrived directly for the banquet and parents must be on site in combat readiness. But there is no need to throw your relatives out into the cold, rain and sun in 40 minutes.

Warn the young people so that 5 minutes before arrival they dial your number and inform you of your imminent arrival. This time will be enough for you to prepare.

Upon arrival of guests and newlyweds, invite those arriving to the meeting place. The young ones are the last to arrive.

Explain your responsibilities to guests. Speak clearly, repeat several times. Try to place guests evenly on the right and left, creating a corridor for passage away from the parents.

To give a signal to the young people to get out of the car, ask the guests:

We are waiting for an answer... If the guests did not express their desire to meet the newlyweds emotionally enough, “threaten” them that you will send the newlyweds on another walk, since the guests do not have the desire to adequately greet the spouses.

Are the guests ready to meet the newlyweds?

Waiting for a response. We invite a couple.

Passing through the corridor of guests, the groom holds the bride in his arms (if possible). At this time, guests sprinkle the couple with petals, coins, and grain. Having brought the bride to her parents, the groom puts her on her feet.

The toastmaster offers to give a “parting word” to the groom’s parents.

At the end of the parting words, invite the young people to break off (with their hands) a piece of the loaf and add strong salt. Let the bride and groom feed each other with tenderness and affection, because this is the last opportunity to annoy each other. And without champagne, handing glasses of the drink to the newlyweds, the mother of the bride can say her wishes to the children.

Champagne is drunk, glasses are broken. Large pieces of broken glasses say they are boys, small pieces say they are girls. Ask a couple to count the shards for fun!

Well, now we go into the hall, first the young people, then the parents, then all the remaining guests

(The toastmaster comes in after the parents).

Don't forget to tell your arrivals where the cloakroom and toilets are, and where the smoking area is. Entering the hall, the newlyweds accept bouquets and warm wishes from the guests (without gifts). Guest accommodation (standard option).

After 5-10 minutes, guests are invited to the tables. The newlyweds (if possible) are in the center, the groom on the right, the bride on the left, the witness on the groom’s side, the witness on the bride’s side. The groom's parents are on the right from the young people, the bride's parents are on the left from the young people.

Official feast.

The opening toast is usually given by the toastmaster. But you can change traditions and give the floor to fathers. Don’t forget to ask the guests to fill their glasses and the girls to take care of the appetizers.

Wait until most of the guests are ready to listen to you.

After the first toast, give the guests the opportunity to have a snack, but do not delay the pause for more than 4-5 minutes, otherwise the guests will start drinking on their own whenever they have to.

Offer to play while they have a snack.

“Auction of kind words” addressed to the young people; whoever says the final kind word will receive a special prize.

What are our young people like? Beautiful, smart, charming, etc.

Invite the young people to decide, “Who is the boss of the house.”

Let us break the wedding loaf (into two parts) (we break it on the count of three, the guests count), whoever has the larger piece is the head of the family, whoever has the smaller one, looks after the financial issues of the family.

The next toast is made by parents or immediate relatives (preferably men). Don't forget about "bitter".

During the musical break, you can put on a song about love (one song, maybe not the whole thing). Don't let your guests get bored, the first part is the most important. While the guests are eating, eating and listening, find out whether our bride is economical, and whether our groom is greedy.

Competition "Wedding hedgehog". Insert 12-14 clean toothpicks into the apple. The groom, taking out a needle, says a gift, which he undertakes to give to his beloved.

The bride, taking out a needle, reveals the dish that will be prepared for this gift. And so on until the hedgehog goes bald.

Well, then invite the newlyweds to take an “Oath” to each other, or read out the “Wedding Decree.”

We drink the third toast to our parents. It can be said by young people or the toastmaster himself.

A short musical break, for example the song “My Dear Old Men” by Yu. Antonov, won’t hurt. Or another composition at your discretion.

Do not forget that on the wedding day the parents acquired “New titles”: “Mother-in-law”, “Father-in-law”, “Mother-in-law”, “Father-in-law”. Pay special attention to this, give your parents “Medals” or memorable (or humorous) gifts.

Check their readiness to fulfill their direct responsibilities. For example, find out whether future grandmothers remember how to tie “Bows”. Prepare in advance 30 small ribbons (40 cm long, 5-7 mm wide) or regular hair ties and ask your new mother-in-law to tie ponytails on the heads of their wards (guests from the audience). It is desirable that the number and length of hair for both teams be the same.

The mother who will tie the most bows in the allotted time will win.

It's time to refill the glasses. And now it wouldn’t hurt to give the floor to the witnesses (fourth toast). After a toast and a musical break (one song, maybe not the whole song), you just need to test the witnesses for dexterity.

Here, any competition will be good, but don't send them and don't embarrass them. The bride and groom will have to help with the housework, parents are not always nearby, friends will come “On demand.” All that is needed is for the witness to hammer in 7 nails (larger ones), and for the witness to peel 7 potatoes (larger ones).

And whoever is faster receives a prize and applause.

Not forgetting about smoking guests, we will announce a break of 10-15 minutes. Those who want can stay at the tables, those who want can go smoke or dance (although there are not many of them during the first break). The toastmaster can catch his breath or have a snack.

Even if you are a guest at a wedding, do not get carried away with alcohol. You still have work to do!

The guests have gathered. We smoked, talked, it’s time to drink (fifth toast). Grandparents have already calmed down, eaten, you can give the floor to them (Do not ask them to speak at the beginning of the celebration, they are worried, cry and cannot put two words together.).

Well, let's play a little again. It's time to keep the young ones busy.

“Chamomile”, or distribution of family responsibilities. On the petals of the chamomile are written the responsibilities that the young people will have to fulfill while living together. But who gets what for themselves is a matter of chance.


Well, now we’ll find out who will be born to the young, “Boy or Girl.” What do guests think about this? Sliders are brought out, pink and blue.

Pink ones are given to the witness, blue ones are given to the witness. If the guest believes that a girl will be born first, he places any banknote (as much as he cares) to the witness, if he believes that a boy will be born - to the witness. In which sliders the total, after going through all the guests and counting, will be greater, will be the first to be born.

Well, it’s a sacred thing to drink to your firstborn (6th toast), fill your glasses.

A short musical break, don’t forget to have a snack.

Now is the time to announce the “Gift Giving.” While guests can still speak clearly and remember in which pocket the envelope was hidden.

The most important! Don’t divide your congratulations into 2-3 blocks (it’s better to suffer through it once)!

Don’t get carried away with reading telegrams and postcards sent to the newlyweds (so as not to put the guests to sleep), but you can read 2-3. Warn guests in advance: Brevity is the sister of talent.

Gifts have been presented. Invite the newlyweds to the “First Dance”!

Afterwards, there is a long musical pause of 25-30 minutes. Banquet hall for a wedding. Moscow

The official part is over, now you have to carry out the game block. And this is no longer so difficult. Carefully monitor what is happening and carry out the program during pauses.

The gaming part is divided into table games, games for a small number of participants, and group games. Be guided by the audience, which game is better to play in this or that case. You should not invite guests to group games if they brought hot ones, or if the disco has just ended.

It's better to make do with table entertainment.

These could be song competitions, questions and answers, auctions, etc. Involve the active part of the guests. This one is present at any event. But don’t get carried away, give your guests the opportunity to chat.

Don't forget we have Wedding, and not the program of the Olympic Games, dancing, table, game program, everything should be in moderation.

If guests are tired and do not make contact well, involve young people, parents, and witnesses. In such cases, the saying: “There is nothing more pleasant than watching others work” is just right.

In this case, it’s good to play on “Who is better?”, the team of the bride or groom. We always have the excitement of championship, and relatives will do anything to bring their team forward! Just don't go too far!

Otherwise, the “Sabre Dance” between relatives will drag on.

The wedding evening is coming to an end, and if it comes to the cake, the celebration is a success! You have completed the mission entrusted to you. It is better to entrust the removal of the cake to the most sober guest or relative. Although the “flight of the cake” is a beautiful sight, it is better to save it for other holidays.

The cake is cut by the young people, to the applause of the guests, you can turn on the musical accompaniment for takeaway. The young people personally deliver the first pieces to their parents, one piece is given to you for sale. Don’t forget that the sale should not look like collecting another tribute from guests!

When a newlywed couple sells a cake, they automatically invite the buyer to their wedding anniversary. This guest, at any time of the day, exactly one year later, can come to the newlyweds and say: “Here I am, feed me, give me something to drink, I came to congratulate you on your anniversary!” Trading a cake can start with a few pennies.

The final amount depends on the talent of the toastmaster and the wealth of the guests.

Witnesses or waiters help distribute the remaining cake to all guests. Make sure that the cake is delivered to children and the elderly first; they are very worried that they will not get something sweet.

Throwing a bouquet and a garter, although not a Russian tradition, is firmly rooted in modern wedding scenarios. The selection of the next bride and groom takes place at the end of the evening. After throwing the bouquet and garter, the bride and groom have the right to leave the wedding without waiting for the guests to leave.

The toastmaster's work also ends here.

The main thing is that everyone, and first of all the newlyweds themselves, remember this day not for constant nervous tension, but for a cheerful feast, joyful smiles, friendly jokes and an atmosphere of happiness and love.

Script for a wedding anniversary - script for a wedding anniversary - script for a wedding - rite of ransom script for a wedding - wedding script - wedding script for a wedding Ransom before the entrance script for a wedding Script for a 2-day wedding in the style of an ancient wedding rite of ransom Script for a wedding Script for a bride's ransom

On the second day of the wedding, the host meets the first guests; she dresses them in different costumes prepared in advance. Usually a young man is chosen for the role of the bride, dressed in some old wedding dress, and shoes and socks are left behind. It is better to take a fragile, cheerful girl as the groom, dressing her in a men's suit, you can add a hat and draw a mustache.

American Father dressed in a cassock (black cape), a cardboard top hat on his head, and a toy pistol in his hands.

Gypsy and gypsy woman, their attributes are a colorful skirt, scarf, cards and beads for a girl, trousers, a shirt and a bell hat for a boy.

A first-grader is dressed in a Soviet school uniform, with two bows on her head, her role is played by a guy.

Doctor - white cap and white coat, gloves, stethoscope, large drawn thermometer and syringe, this role is equally suitable for both women and men.

The policeman is wearing a blue shirt, with “DAI” written on his pocket, with two blue and red balloons, it is advisable to take a big man.

Two traders are dressed in large sundresses, with two balloons attached to the front and to the back.

At the entrance there is a table with the inscription “Customs”, on the table there are alcoholic drinks of your choice and a box for money. The box says "Love Fund". A doctor and a policeman are standing at the door, the doctor first examines the guests, listens to the head with a stethoscope, takes the temperature and prescribes medicine - alcoholic drinks in moderate doses, and at the same time gives an injection. The policeman immediately checks for the presence of alcohol in the blood, offers to blow into a balloon and pay a fine to the “Love Fund”. At the table further away are the merchants, they make sure that no one among the guests slips past the doctor and the policeman, and they also pour out medicine and serve snacks. Those who have already been examined but want to go out are marked with lipstick and a dot is placed on their forehead.

Meanwhile, in the hall, dressed-up characters sit in place of the bride and groom, a gypsy and a gypsy tell fortunes to the guests, and an American priest gives Holy Communion to everyone for money with Cahors. The goal of all the characters is to earn as much money as possible for the newlyweds.

- Hello, my dear guests, I see that you are all already gathered, and the bride and groom are in place. Moms and dads, parents, look, are these your bride and groom?

The parents deny, and meanwhile the bride and groom jump out from the table and rush to kiss their parents.

- We have some strange bride and groom, yesterday he carried her in his arms, danced a slow dance, but today something is different.

Music plays, the bride lifts the groom in her arms and dances a slow dance.

- Well, I don’t know, it seems like it, okay, sit down for now, we’ll figure it out later. What kind of guests are these? We didn't see any of these yesterday.

The gypsy and gypsy begin to prove that they were here yesterday.

- I won’t believe it until you dance, here are the scarves, distribute them around the camp.

A gypsy song sounds, the characters dance, involving the rest of the guests in the dance. The one who was given the scarf also comes out to dance.

- Well, now, don’t leave, everyone come here, it’s time to meet the newlyweds.

All guests stand up, forming a corridor, the host takes a bag of petals and shiny tinsel and gives it to everyone. Fanfares sound, the doors open, and the newlyweds enter the hall; guests throw petals and tinsel at their feet. They head to the wedding table. Since the seats are full, the groom buys his seats with a box of chocolates and champagne.

- Since our witness did not save the place of the bride and groom, he will have to work for it. We all know time is money. And who counts time in our clocks? That's right, cuckoo, so you will work for it.

The “Cuckoo Clock” competition is being held; the first-grader places her feet shoulder-width apart and her hands in a lock above her head. Two strong guys take the witness from both sides and swing him rhythmically. When the witness's head pokes out between the first-grader's legs, he must say: "Ku-ku."

- Well, the witness worked honestly, now the witness. Come out here, don’t be afraid, we also have a task for you, bring stronger men from the hall to be your assistants.

A “Live Relay Race” competition is held, men line up one after another, the first takes the witness in his arms and runs around the chair with her, then passes her to the other.

- Well, in order for the witnesses to completely atone for their guilt, you will have to tell fortunes, here are blue rompers for a boy, pink ones for a girl, which rompers they put the most money in will be the first-born of the young couple.

The witness and the witness quickly go around the guests; you can put not only money in the sliders, but also candies and fruits. The presenter makes the count and announces the voting results for the boy and girl.

At this time, the traders also count the capital earned at the entrance and solemnly present the “Love Fund” box to the newlyweds.

- It’s necessary, what kind of beauty walks around our hall, it’s by what leaps that such luxury has risen.

The traders walk importantly around the hall, swinging their balls under their sundresses.

- No, well, where do men look, choose the young ladies you want.

The traders choose a couple, cheerful music plays to which both couples dance, then the music ends abruptly and the dancers must quickly pop the balls under their sundresses.

- Here are the winners of the competition! Let's applaud them! But the dance continues, only now, when the music ends, you look for another couple from the audience, and so does everyone.

Each time there are more and more people dancing in the hall, until almost everyone gets up. The presenter distributes paper hearts to all guests, on which they need to write a wish to the newlyweds.

Solemn music sounds and a wedding cake is brought into the hall. The presenter hands over a knife, the young people cut the cake into pieces together, and the bargaining begins. The presenter has a wooden hammer, which she taps when selling a particular piece of cake. When the main part of the cake has already been sold, the rest is distributed to everyone for any toast or wish to the newlyweds.

- White dance, ladies invite gentlemen!

The host also brings the newlyweds into the middle of the hall, they dance along with everyone. At the end of the dance, the leader brings out a large glass goblet and asks everyone present to stand in a circle. She gives the glass to the young couple, they go around the guests, and they read the wishes written on the heart and put everything in the glass. The presenter congratulates the newlyweds and wishes them a full, rich life like this glass of wishes.

A wedding is a holiday that you want to celebrate in a big way! But they used to do this, stretching the feast over three days, and sometimes longer! Over time, traditions have changed, and now young people are not always sure that they want to celebrate the 2nd wedding day. After all, these are not only additional financial costs, but also moral ones.

The portal will try to dispel all doubts regarding the question of whether it is worth celebrating the second wedding day. He will also give you current ideas and share useful tips.

Second wedding day traditions

In Rus', the second day of the wedding was given special significance. And the main tradition was a joint visit to the bathhouse by newly-made spouses. It was believed that such a ritual washed away all the sins of a past life and helped young people enter family life with pure thoughts. Moreover, the newlyweds always took with them the brooms given to the groom by the bride.

After the bath, the couple went into the house, with the husband entering first, and after him the newly-made wife. This tradition made it possible to emphasize who would be in charge in a young family.

According to tradition, on the 2nd day of the wedding the main treat was a loaf baked by the bride’s mother and pancakes for the groom.

Giving alms, not necessarily at the church, was considered a good tradition.

On the second day, the bride had to demonstrate her skills to the family of her new husband. For example, embroider, knit, cook, clean. And the groom’s relatives, in turn, tried to stop the girl with jokes and jokes.

Of course, in the modern world, few people turn to the origins and adhere to the traditions of their ancestors, but those customs can be taken as a basis and come up with unusual ideas for the second wedding day.

Among modern traditions we can highlight:

In order for the second wedding day to go off with a bang, you should think through the plan and ideas for the holiday in advance. A clearly scheduled day is a guarantee that everything will be exactly as you planned.

2nd wedding day: main points of preparation

Don't know where to start preparing for your second wedding day? We advise you to pay attention to several important points presented below.

Organization of the second wedding day:

When thinking through the details of the main celebration, do not forget to think in advance about how you want to spend the second wedding day. It should maintain a festive mood, and not just go into the category of drinking, eating and leaving.

Not everyone celebrates their second wedding day. Some couples prefer to go on their long-awaited honeymoon immediately after the first day, while others want to avoid additional expenses. And some simply believe that the wedding lasts one day and there is no need to extend it. However, those newlyweds who decide to arrange an additional holiday for themselves and their loved ones receive lifelong memories, albeit not of such a solemn day as the first, but of a very cheerful and sincere second day.

Second wedding day in Russian traditions

The second wedding day was of great importance for the young family. It symbolized the beginning of a new life as husband and wife.

The day began with the newlyweds going to the bathhouse. To make their path clean and bright, the road in front of them was swept with special brooms. The ritual of bathing in a bathhouse helped to cleanse oneself of past sins before a new stage of life. The husband and wife washed separately and then returned to the house. The husband stepped on the threshold first to emphasize his dominance.

Guests were waiting at the couple's house to test the abilities of the new mistress. She cooked, cleaned, carried water, and the guests complicated the task, distracting the young woman in every possible way and adding to her work. At this time, the husband went to his mother-in-law for pancakes. Having finished with the treat, he had to break the dishes on the floor for good luck. In order for the new family to live in love and fidelity, the mother-in-law combed her son-in-law’s hair, saying: “Ram, ram, don’t walk through other people’s yards, love your little one.”

After all the rituals, the bride presented her new relatives with gifts. These were belts, towels, shirts that she made with her own hands. Then the feast began. Near the house, guests were greeted by men dressed as women and vice versa. They demanded to pay for admission and say a toast in honor of the newlyweds. The mummers entertained the guests and acted as modern toastmasters.

Traditionally, weddings in Rus' lasted 3 days, but rituals and competitions were held only on the second day. The celebration ended with the guests being served a pie.

Where and how to spend the second wedding day

For couples who like stability, the ideal location for the second wedding day would be the same location as the first day. Everything there is already familiar and guests will feel calm and at ease. But for those who want to diversify their holiday and change the atmosphere, there are many other options for organizing a holiday:

On the second day, a small number of guests remain, mostly close friends and relatives. Therefore, most often it is spent at home as a family, taking a break from yesterday's celebration, sharing impressions and enjoying home cooking. If most guests still stay on the second day, then they spend it in a cafe or restaurant, and in the summer - outdoors. Newlyweds choose other options less often, usually to surprise guests and stand out from other couples. To ensure that the memories of this holiday last a lifetime, you should invite a photographer to the second day of the wedding.

What to serve

On the second day of the wedding, a feast is also held, but not as magnificent and elegant as for the main celebration. The menu is based on homemade dishes. Traditionally, pancakes are placed on the table. In addition, on the second day they serve pies, zrazy,... It is highly desirable to have a sufficient amount of sweets. After all, many guests might not try dessert at the wedding because they left early, or they simply didn’t have enough energy for sweets after the variety of main courses.

As for drinks, it is better to give preference to light alcohol. Champagne, wine or apple cider are ideal for the second day. Plus, they will quickly save guests who have had a bit too much to drink from a hangover.

Choosing an outfit

Clothing for the second day is usually simpler and more comfortable than wedding attire. If it takes place at home or outdoors, the bride can wear a short, light dress or an elegant sundress. The groom is allowed to wear trousers and a shirt, without a jacket and tie.

If the celebration will take place in a restaurant, then it is better to choose an evening outfit. This could be a light French-style dress that won’t restrict movement or a cute retro-style dress. Brides often choose a simplified version of their wedding attire for the second day. For example, a short white dress without fluffy skirts. In this case, it is better for the groom to also wear a jacket, but refuse a tie or bow tie.

Games and competitions

Competitions on the second day of a wedding are organized to amuse and invigorate guests, wake them up after a hangover, make friends with new relatives and create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. In addition, they are called upon to test the young wife in the role of a housewife, and her chosen one in the role of a husband and head of the family.

Competition for the second day “Thread and needle”

To conduct the competition you will need:

  • 3–5 pairs of participants;
  • Threads;
  • Needles.

Each guy takes a needle and moves 5 meters away from the girl. Each girl picks up a thread, and at a signal runs to the guy and tries to insert the thread into the needle without his help. As soon as the thread is in the needle, the guy runs to where the girl used to stand. The girl whose boyfriend reaches the finish line first with a thread in the needle wins and is declared the best housewife. To avoid injury, all needles should be blunted in advance.

Competition on the second day for witnesses

For this entertainment you will need:

  • From 20 guests;
  • 2 bags or 2 baskets.

Game "Sale"

No additional equipment required.

After the previous competition, guests will want to get their things back. But to do this they will have to complete the task of the presenter. For example, the presenter takes car keys out of the basket and says that they need to sing a ditty for them. If the owner of the keys completes the task, he receives them back. The game continues until all items are returned to their owners.

Game "Accordion"

For this game you need:

  • From 10 participants;
  • Paper;
  • Pens or pencils.

The presenter says that you need to come up with a congratulation in verse for the newly-made spouses. Each participant must write one line, then fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and write the last word of his congratulations for the next participant. The next participant comes up with a line that rhymes with this word, folds the sheet and writes the last word from his line. When all participants show their poetic talents, the accordion straightens and the congratulations are read out loud.

Competition on the second day “Guests’ clothing”

To organize a competition you need to prepare:

You need to install 5 chairs in a row - each girl has her own chair. At a signal, they must ask one of the guests for a shirt or jacket and put it on their chair. The last one to succeed is eliminated. Then the girls need to hang a tie on the chair. The last one is out. The next target is the trouser belt. The last girl is eliminated. In the finale, you need to take the shoes from the guests and insert the chair legs into them. The first girl to dress up her chair is the winner.

The second wedding day can be even more fun and interesting than the first. The newlyweds finally throw off their uncomfortable clothes, relax, rest and begin to get used to their new status. If everything is organized correctly, then this day will leave no less wonderful memories than the celebration itself.

Watch the video below on how you can spend your second wedding day, the video is very funny and entertaining.

The decision of where and how to spend your second wedding day depends only on your personal preferences. After all, some newlyweds want to relieve stress on this day after the celebration, others want to prolong the fun, and still others want to spend time with friends. First of all, you need to decide on two points:

  1. Will the second day be a thematic continuation of the first day, or will the holiday be radically new, in a completely different setting and with a different decor;
  2. Who do you want to spend this day with?

Second day only for two

Prod The idea of ​​having fun with loved ones

Celebration in nature

A holiday in nature is an ideal option to spend time with family and friends in an informal setting. Moreover, it is the change of scenery that will help clearly distinguish the second wedding day from the first. You can organize a holiday in a country house, in a boarding house, in a private cottage. It’s possible just in a beautiful forest clearing or beach, but in order not to worry about problems with the weather, it’s better if there’s a “roof” nearby.

To spend this day with pleasure, it is worth considering a number of important points:

  • To make it easy for guests to get to the venue of the celebration, and after it home, it is worth renting a spacious bus;
  • It is advisable to invite a photographer who will capture the touching looks, smiles, kisses of this day;
  • You can invite a professional celebration organizer, or you can think through the holiday scenario, a list of games, competitions, and prizes in advance;
  • For a holiday in nature, you should prepare all the necessary disposable tableware, knives, napkins, etc.

If the main dish on the second wedding day is kebabs, then you should worry about marinating the meat in advance. The newlyweds will have no time to deal with this issue on their wedding night, so it is better to entrust this important matter to one of your relatives or friends.

It’s good if the country house or boarding house where you organized the celebration of your second wedding day has a sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, pond, where you can have a varied and useful time and take beautiful photographs. In winter, the list of outdoor activities can include snowball fights, snowman building, snow castles, and sledding. In the summer, you can plant a tree as a symbol of creating a new family, and in the evening you can light a fire and spend time with family conversations.

Going to a restaurant or cafe

In the evening of the second wedding day, you can continue the festivities with friends and relatives in a restaurant, cafe, or club. On this day, the newlyweds will be able to feel more relaxed, dance to their heart's content, and communicate with loved ones. You can invite a professional presenter, but if you want to save money, on the second day the role of toastmaster can be played by one of your relatives or friends. To make the day memorable, it is worth considering a program and various competitions for your guests.

Romantic boat trip

You can organize a boat trip for young people and guests, and successfully combine a trip on the water surface with dinner. Keep in mind that when renting a ship, you should inspect the ship on which you are going to spend the holiday in advance and find out how many guests you can invite, whether it is possible in case of bad weather to shelter from the rain or wind in a cozy cabin.

Active sports program

Bowling, karting, paintball, cycling, billiards, an ice skating rink, and a water park are suitable for an active holiday. If you have the opportunity to visit an equestrian club, then a romantic horseback ride can also be an unusual solution for celebrating your second wedding day. On this day, an instructor will teach those who wish to ride a horse, and if there is a forest or other picturesque nature nearby, then after the horse ride you can organize a picnic.

Such an extreme second wedding day is an opportunity to gain new impressions and recharge with new energy. To enhance emotions and competitive spirit, during entertainment you can divide into teams: the husband’s team and the wife’s team, and prepare prizes for the winners. In addition, sports establishments often provide the opportunity to sit at a café table or barbecue on a special area.

Important: Since such entertainment may not please all guests, it is worth finding out in advance whether your relatives or friends are ready for such an entertainment program.

Theme party

To prevent the holiday from being boring, you can hold it on some interesting topic. In the summer, it could be a Hawaiian party, the attributes of which will be appropriate music, beachwear, beads, and tropical cocktails. You can arrange games of Indians or cowboys by coming up with appropriate paraphernalia and competitive tasks for the newlyweds and guests. A themed party can be held in any setting: at home, in a restaurant, at the dacha, on the beach, in the park. To do this, you don’t have to come up with something very complicated. The main thing is that your guests are ready to support the theme chosen for the holiday.

How to save money on your second wedding day

1. You can invite only your closest people to the second day, or throw a party exclusively for young people.

2. After a luxurious wedding banquet in a restaurant, there is often a lot of food and drinks left on the tables. Therefore, you can arrange in advance at the restaurant so that after the wedding you will be provided with containers with cuts and snacks that will be suitable for the table on the second day. After the banquet, you can pick up alcohol, which usually remains.

3. An alternative to meat kebabs for a country party can be sausages, sausages, and kupaty. The second day's menu can be light, with plenty of snacks, vegetables, fruits, and sweets.

4. To reduce costs in the summer, you can not rent a room, but organize an outdoor holiday, for example, in a picturesque place outside the city or on the beach. You can also use the resources of your loved ones if they are ready to provide their private home or cottage for the festivities. But in this case, you must help them clean the room after the celebration.

5. You can invite your friends to join you in a cafe or club, explaining that everyone will pay for themselves. Most friends are sympathetic to this idea.

Dress for the second wedding day

The second day is not so formal, so a casual dress or a light sundress is perfect as an outfit. You can also consider clothing options in bright colors and bold patterns. Clothes should be selected in accordance with where and how you decide to celebrate this day.

For a holiday in nature, comfortable clothes and shoes are suitable; hats may be needed. To make the newlyweds stand out, you can choose matching T-shirts that say “groom” and “bride,” or put a tie on top of your regular hiking clothes, and attach a veil to the bride. Flower decorations can complement the look. To celebrate in a water park or on the beach, you need bright swimsuits, pareos, and original hats. If you wish, you can take several clothing options: in one - to take beautiful photographs, in another - to participate in sports competitions, in the third - to look stylish on a cool evening.

An evening in a restaurant or cafe is a great opportunity to show off in a wide variety of outfits. Both an elegant floor-length evening dress and a medium-length cocktail dress can highlight your beauty and create a romantic look. At the same time, it will be good if the outfit is practical, and you can wear it to any other event in the future.

From the many ideas for celebrating the second wedding day, you can choose from traditional ones to quite bold and exotic ones. No matter how you decide to arrange this holiday, the main thing is that it is filled with positive emotions and impressions.

