You know what a black widow is. Ancestral curses - "black widow

Indistinctly talking with a colleague who yesterday told WHAT happened in her life and I thought about it, but said nothing.

Here's what I've read on the subject:

“Mine buried 3 husbands at the age of 38. Two died, one, the last committed suicide.


The black widow corruption is part curse, part induced negativity.

This type of corruption-curse over time, if not neutralized, will bring torment, misfortune and death. As a rule (more often) the black widow curse-damage is induced from the outside, intentionally. Sometimes innocent women suffer.

But in some cases, the cause of this damage to a black widow may be the lady herself with a negative, powerful energy, which destroys the life of a partner who is next to her. Life partner, husband, friend, lover, etc., passes away early - dies, dies ...

And sometimes it just disappears from the face of the Earth under mysterious circumstances (left home and never returned). The cause of death can be any circumstance, from an accident to a heart attack or other fatal illness.

It is no secret that these ladies are beautiful, attractive and sexy and attract men of all ages. Often a man in love is absolutely unaware of anything, he is not able to understand what this relationship will bring him.

The damage to the black widow spreads gradually and the object of damage does not pay attention to the deterioration in health, which begin to occur soon after meeting with like a woman. Further, more - problems in business, relationships with others are getting worse and worse.

If you are lucky, then the black widow will be able to draw all the conclusions in time, thinking about the circumstances of the failures and weighing all the signs of an unpleasantly developing situation, the person becomes scared, he realizes that the woman next to him is a threat to his life.

This is followed by a series of scandals, a desire to leave, but it turns out to be a strong feeling, holding tightly. What to do in this situation?

Being next to this special, a man gets very serious trouble. Usually,
The "black widow" with its powerful, destructive energy will bring the partner to the most negative consequences. Sometimes, a woman herself does not realize that she is the bearer of such evil.

There are two ways out - to leave and break off relations with this woman, and remove the black widow damage, thereby saving people from the destructive and destructive effects of the negative program.

In conclusion, we can conclude: black widow damage is one of the most destructive negative impacts per person, and it is extremely difficult to remove the damage to a black widow. Cases have been recorded when corruption-curse " black Widow"is inherited.

Personally, I knew such a lady - she, as for me, beautiful soul man, buried three husbands, lovers (after the last husband) also all disappear somewhere. From each husband she received an apartment and wealth. She rents apartments, travels wherever she wants, traveled the whole world. She has no children and never has.

I don’t blame her for anything, (God forbid), and no one blames her, knowing her personal qualities. By the way, this is a beautiful, stately, youthful lady, at 65 she looks 40-45, natural blonde. Healthy, active, participates in all events of the city (large resort town). The whole city greets her and bows. Now, her mother and grandmother had the same thing. They say it's a family curse. At the same time, she is very happy and there are more than enough fans.


Black Widow

One of the worst curses is to live and constantly bury your men.

Those women who have buried more than two husbands are popularly called black widows.

This is a terrible family curse, which is associated with grief and tears.

Often such women, after what they have experienced, are simply afraid to build their personal life further. And they do it right.

So what is it and is it possible to get rid of this curse?

Why do people live in the world?

Why do they go to work every day early in the morning?

The answer is simple: in order not to feel lonely, in order to meet a soul mate, in order to love and be loved, but many of them are in order to forget about problems, about pain, about unwillingness to live in this routine. Kam is more fortunate in this life: a family, a beloved husband and a couple of kids, here it is happiness and you can’t buy it for any money! And someone just lives in the hope that happiness will come, and you will become a full-fledged person. You will no longer be afraid to meet your friends and find out that they are doing well, but you are not. That you are already over 30, and you are still single. Maybe the problem is with you?

My name is Valeria and I am over 40. Many of my friends have a family and children for a long time. It’s just that everything is terrible in my life, they say that after a black stripe it’s necessary goes white Well, it just won't work for me. Every day, looking at myself in the mirror, I hate my reflection. This is my burden, my burden that I have to carry all my life. And it all started at a young age.
When I was 16 years old, I fell in love, at that time it seemed to me that this was love, and only with time I realized how wrong I was. The blue-eyed man won my heart at first sight.

Everything spun so quickly and swiftly that I didn’t even notice how I destroyed his family, deprived my children without a full-fledged family. His wife came to me, fell on her knees and begged to leave him, to let him go. But I didn't care, I wanted to be happy. I realized too late that you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune. His wife could not stand it and committed suicide. A week later, my beloved died of a heart attack. His children were sent to an orphanage.

Only 5 years later I found out that the girl Sveta died under mysterious circumstances, and her son Oleg went to prison.

Family happiness did not work out for me. All my boyfriends and husbands died under different circumstances: someone died in a car accident, someone from an illness, someone was killed. I even went to a fortune teller to grandmothers, but they all shrugged, not understanding the cause of my troubles. All these 10 years I found and lost, but death lived around me. Four graves of the deceased and a buried marriage are all that remain. All my friends were afraid to approach me for a kilometer. I was left completely alone, afraid of new acquaintances and new losses, I became a hermit, an outcast.
My life has become hell. Not a single mirror remained in my old apartment. Afraid to see there no one needed, and such a miserable creature, I threw them away. Passing by the mirrored windows, I no longer recognized that beautiful girl, it was a wrinkled hunched 40 year old lady.

Somehow I met a guy about 25 years old who was sitting in the passage. I immediately recognized him as the son of my first husband. He was the spitting image of him. The guy had all his veins punctured, and with the naked eye it was clear that he was a drug addict. He did not recognize anything and no one around, he did not recognize me either, and I decided to help him, at least somehow make amends. After all, in fact it is my fault for the ego troubles. I brought him to my house and began to help him. All my efforts, doctors and medicines were not in vain. Caring for this boy, I did not feel lonely and I knew why I live every day.
Walking down the street, I met Alexei, that was the name of the son of my first husband. We talked for a long time, and at the end he said:

“I recognized you, for the fact that you saved me, I am very grateful to you, but I will not forget that you killed my mother and sister until the end of my days. Life has not spared you, but you bear a well-deserved punishment.

You have ruined many lives, maybe not on purpose.”

And so our conversation ended. This is how a seemingly innocent act can turn out. For every decision we make, another innocent person may suffer.

Looking at my reflection, I realized that no one needs a forty-year-old woman with a ponytail with wrinkled skin.

Life has passed by and unfortunately the arrows cannot be turned back.

Black widows are usually called a certain type of spider, however, there are such persons in the circle of people. They are exclusively women who have previously been married, often more than once. Parapsychologists and esotericists agree with the theory that there are women who bring trouble and misfortune to their men. And sometimes even a tragic death.

Such situations may arise in the case of creating a family with a person who has bad karma or if women are simply . Such a fate among the people is considered as one of the most painful - not even to live, but only to exist in an everlasting mourning, constantly sending their men "to the other world".

Those women who buried three or more husbands among the older generation are called "black widows". The most famous young lady with such a nickname was Aurora Karlovna Sternval. Here Short story her sad fate

Just a few days before the wedding of this beautiful lady, her young man tragically died. Soon, Aurora Sternval agrees to a new marriage proposal from Alexander Mukhanov, who was a friend of the famous writer A.S. Pushkin. And again, a few days before the wonderful event - the death of a man. After a couple more years, the young lady still plays a wedding with P. Demidov. However, she almost immediately loses another husband.

After another six years, Aurora again accepts a marriage proposal, this time from the writer Andrei Karamzin. And again her fiancé dies - now at war with the Turks. The last one in this story was another famous poet G. Maslov. The man decided to write a poem in honor of this sad woman, fell seriously ill while working and died in the hospital.

More Aurora did not want to get married, even if she was incredibly popular with men. Apparently, even in those days, rumors haunted people.

In the history of mankind there are many black widows, among which there are famous Russian women. Some of them had ten or even fifteen men die. Most psychics say that dark karma, which comes from curses, is to blame. Such a plot can only be cast by a very powerful sorcerer.

All esotericists at the same time argue that women themselves are indirectly guilty of the deaths of their husbands or boyfriends. Every woman who bears the “title” of a black widow has a story in which she cursed a man with terrible words. This is what causes fatal events.

Life is a long and complicated thing and anything can happen in it. Many women among those who sent their husbands to war remain widows, but no less of those who have lost a loved one due to an accident, suicide, alcohol abuse, etc. Well, if it all ended there, and the second marriage turned out to be long and happy, but what if the husbands die one after another. What is the reason? Black widow, according to many, is to blame.

Who is a black widow woman?

Those who ask who a black widow is should be answered that those who have buried more than two husbands are called that. The term itself comes from the name of an incredibly poisonous spider - a karakurt spider, whose poison is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. The females of these insects are extremely insidious and cruel - they eat the males immediately after fertilization. It is believed that widow women, like spiders, are themselves to blame for the death of their husbands, because they have a strong destructive energy and often do not even suspect it.

Black Widow - Legend

No one will say who was the first black widow, but one of the most famous and well-known include the Baroness and socialite Shternval Avrora Karlovna. Asking the question, the black widow - who is it, it is worth answering that this woman was one of the first St. Petersburg beauties. She met in Pushkin, Vyazemsky and Turgenev, but her personal life did not work out. Having buried two suitors and two husbands, she loses even only son and daughter-in-law, devoting her life social activities and charity.

The psychology of a black widow

The fate of a black widow woman is unenviable. They are shunned by men, and women themselves are afraid to arrange their personal lives after several tragedies. There are several versions of the appearance of such notoriety and such evil fate. Here they are:

  1. A heavy curse on a woman. Not all of those who want to know what a black widow means will believe it, but some parapsychologists and esotericists believe that such women really fell under a strong magical influence or were cursed by someone in a moment of strong emotional shock.
  2. Karmic widowhood. Often a girl with a strong emotional connection with his mother, adopts her fate. She can choose as her husband a man bearing the name of the deceased father and bury him at the same age as her mother. If she gives birth to a child of the same sex, then there is a great risk that he will remain living under the same roof with his mother and grandmother, without starting a family or tragically losing a loved one.
  3. Passive victim. The status of "black widow" can be obtained by a woman who has chosen a male vampire as her husband. Having mocked her all his life and died untimely, he transfers all his negativity to her and even from the next world continues to pump energy, not allowing other representatives of the stronger sex to her.
  4. Vampirism. Such women, wittingly or unwittingly, are looking for those who could become an energy donor for them. They bring men to physical and psycho-emotional exhaustion, and after the death of one they go in search of the next.

Why is a black widow dangerous?

It is clear why a woman is called a black widow, because she brings with her, if not death, then trouble, severe illness and mourn. Not every man will decide to marry such a person, knowing that she has already buried several husbands. Who knows, maybe she poisoned them or hastened their death in some other way? For this reason, in ancient times, in many countries, women who lost their husbands were put to death or forced to commit suicide. Much less frequently, widows were ordered to marry in-laws of their husbands.

Signs of a black widow

It is clear that there is no stigma and mark on such a woman, but those who are interested in how to identify a black widow can say with all responsibility that such women never end up in admirers and suitors. Often they are good-looking, affable, open and friendly. Men are drawn to them like a magnet, because they find understanding and love there. It often even happens that men who are poor and uninteresting to other girls, after meeting a black widow, "rise", begin to earn good money, become more, but their terrible end is predetermined.

Black widow woman - what to do?

The concept of a black widow - creepy by definition, can become the fate of any woman, because it is not known what the distant ancestors sinned in and whose clouded mind caused damage or a curse. Even if the bearer of this definition herself does not believe in everything supernatural and explains everything from the point of view of science, you will inevitably think about karma and fate, when one after another unknown reasons loved ones die. In this case, a woman has only two ways - to turn to a psychic who knows and knows how to remove such curses, or to go to church and ask God for help.

How to become a black widow?

Those wondering who is considered a black widow received an answer to it and concluded that the fate of such women is unenviable. Nobody wants to become a black widow, but a lot in such a situation depends on the woman herself. Even if she does not believe in God, she can live according to the laws of justice, act according to her conscience, strive to bring goodness and joy to people. If, do not allow even the thought of the worst, then the chances are high that everything will change, because thoughts are material.

black widow movie

The most famous black widow who has nothing to do with the heroine of this article is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe. A film about a black widow and a character who bore this nickname - Natasha Romanova was released in 1964. Then the well-known " iron Man”,“ The Avengers ”, etc. The very theme of a woman bearing death was raised in many films of both modern cinema and the film industry of past years:

  1. "Black Widow" - a female killer, filmed by Armand Mastroianni and released on screens in 2008. The main character is charming and successful, she has a loved one - a millionaire, but not everything is so simple in the fate of this woman.
  2. Black Widow directed by Alejandro Lozano. At the beginning of the film, the main character appears naive and gullible, but after the rape, she is driven only by a thirst for revenge on hated men.
  3. Black Widow directed by Bob Rafelson. The main character of the film marries rich men and after a while becomes the owner of their entire fortune. An ominous trend draws the attention of a member of the Serious Crime Unit.

One of the most famous "black widows" of the past is a lady from the high society of St. Petersburg Aurora Karlovna Sternval. A very young beauty, a few days before the wedding, the fiancé died tragically ... Soon the girl was proposed by a friend of A. S. Pushkin, Colonel Alexander Mukhanov ... The wedding was scheduled again - but on the eve of the event, Mukhanov died suddenly ...

Two years later, Aurora nevertheless married P. Demidov, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. But almost immediately she remained a widow ...

Another six years passed - and Sternval decided on a second marriage. Her chosen one was the son of the famous historian and writer Andrei Nikolaevich Karamzin. But here, too, evil fate lay in wait for the young woman: her husband was killed in the war with the Turks ...

Until her death in 1902, Aurora Karlovna was successful with men, but she never married again. She was sure that a curse was hanging over her - according to family tradition, Aurora's mother somehow, angry with her daughter, cursed all the men who dared to fall in love with her ...

The last victim of the "fatal Aurora" was the poet G. Maslov, who wrote about this mysterious woman poem. While working on it, he suddenly became seriously ill and found his end in a hospital bed ...

It is believed that there are many black widows in the circles of the modern Russian beau monde. So, last wife actor Alexander Abdulov was a young beauty Yulia Meshina. Shortly after his marriage and the birth of his daughter, Abdulov, who was only a little over 50, died of lung cancer. Meanwhile, the previous husband of Yulia Meshina, Alexei Ignatenko, died five months after Abdulov - from a heart attack ...

Another famous "black widow" - Albina Nazimova, ex-wife TV journalist Vlad Listyev, who was shot dead in March 1995. After his death, Albina got the shares of the ViD television company and the position of art director. The second husband of Albina was the famous TV presenter, director and producer Andrey Razbash . Nine years after the wedding, he died of a heart attack ...

Bad luck with husbands and glamorous writer Oksana Robski. The first husband, Andrey Antonov, was killed in a drunken brawl. The second, a banker, was shot dead in the entrance of his own house. The third, Michael Robsky, suddenly disappeared, leaving his wife a mansion on Rublyovka. They say that before that he got into big trouble ...

For the fourth time, the writer married the famous football player Igor Shalimov. The wedding was postponed several times. And the marriage lasted only six months. Perhaps the newlyweds were afraid of the glory of the "black widow"?

Why did these women suffer such a fate? Or is it just a series of fatal coincidences?

- "Black widows" are called women who, against their will, have strong destructive energy, - comments parapsychologist Viktor Yasin - Daily communication a man with such a partner literally kills him. After all, the wife, like a vampire, "sucks" out of him positive energy. Is it any wonder that sooner or later a man starts to get sick. The woman herself, as a rule, does not even suspect that she exudes evil. She seems to be sweet, loving and caring. After all, she is also a victim of someone's bad will. There is even such a kind of curse sent to a woman - "black widow's veil".

But the psychologist Olga Klim approaches the problem from a rational point of view:

- "Black Widows" - bright, seductive women, from which men are completely delighted. They know how to behave and know how to please. Most of them grew up in families where their mothers pushed their fathers around. This experience becomes their life program, they absorb this model of behavior with mother's milk. And as adults, they transfer it to their family. These ladies subconsciously choose weak and sick men as partners, who are easier to manipulate. Having lost one, they again subconsciously look for a similar one.

So the mystery of the "black widows" is still a mystery. What weighs on them - a curse or psychological attitudes forcing them to look for men from the "risk group" - is still a matter of dispute ...

The Black Widow, her sinister image has been on the pages of many works for more than one hundred years. For the first time its appearance is noted in medieval European legends. With slight variations, the plot in them is the same - the insidious and predatory beauty knows how to produce indelible impression on men. They come across entirely influential and wealthy. Their fate is sad: after marrying an insidious seductress, they do not live long. They suddenly die from incomprehensible diseases, a hint of which they had not recently had. And the black widow, having inherited a fortune, moves on in life in search of new prey and new adventures.

Is there smoke without fire?

Could it be that the black widow is nothing more than an impressive poetic image and an abstract symbol of evil? Or do similar ladies meet here and there? Of course, there were a great many real historical prototypes of the insidious poisoner in history. Their biographies constantly appear on the pages of the "yellow press" and other tabloid fiction. Most often, the main characters of these novels know how to handle natural substances at the level of graduates of the Hogwarts school. And the motives of their actions are banal and uncomplicated: to send her husband to the grave and get his fortune.

Many thus recoup for all the evil that they had to endure on the threshold of youth. But in the classical works of this genre, everything is far from being so primitive. In them, as a rule, a black widow is a woman with a special gift. It would be more accurate to call it a curse, which most often she herself is unaware of and opens gradually, as the plot develops. The main property of this curse is that it condemns to death all those who love it. And the main character, the black widow, finds herself in front of a very difficult how to continue to live and what to do with her supernatural gift. Of course, the entire Holy Inquisition bravely fought against such ladies with all the arsenal of means and tools at its disposal. Needless to say, what a luxurious material this is for screenwriters of all formats? In cinema, this image has been exploited throughout the history of its existence. This commercially successful symbol brings a good income to everyone, from creators to the leading lady, inclusive.

From legend to reality

As long as the black widow is a book or a television series, then, as they say, to hell with it ... But we increasingly see this name in TV news reports about committed terrorist acts by self-detonation. Those who do this call themselves this phrase. Most often, these are real widows of extremists who died in the war. The terrorist underground gives them such a name, and "black widows" wrapped in shahid belts go to the Moscow metro.

It will be interesting to note that, in addition to terrorists, this name - "black widow" - denotes a particularly poisonous variety of spiders, which is widespread in many countries of the world. There are over thirty varieties. And they are very dangerous.
