The guy is very big. What to do if your partner has a too big penis - Svetlana Makovkina

Small penis syndrome is one of the major psychological problems that, according to experts, worries at least 55% of the male population of the planet. "Size doesn't matter," you say. How else has it! And it should be noted that for the most part, size matters only for the men themselves.

Why do men experience small penis syndrome?

The origins of the problem are hidden in childhood, when boys compare the size of their penis with what they can see in a bathhouse, pool, Internet, etc. The difference in size leads to obsession, which is reinforced by social myths about this problem. When a young man in the stage of sexual development often hears that the size of the penis affects success with the opposite sex, he gradually begins to experience, which over time can develop into small penis syndrome.

Average penis size, or how research results affect men

Studies of the average size of the penis are carried out and corrected with enviable regularity. And each following information about the average size continues to confuse many men.

“Young people come to urology clinics complaining about their size, despite the fact that their size falls within the average range,” says Dr. David Veal, from King's College London.

Some men who are overly concerned about the size of their penis are found to have body dysmorphic disorder, an obsessive-compulsive disorder in which a person has psychological problems against the background of a greatly exaggerated or completely imaginary defect in their appearance. Such a disorder is often associated with increased anxiety, depression, etc.

Data to help get rid of small penis syndrome

A group of scientists led by Dr. David Veal decided to systematize the information related to the results of studies of the average size of the penis. To do this, 17 of the largest studies were reviewed and the data were correlated, taking into account age, race, and the size of the penis in a calm and aroused state. So (drumroll) here are the latest results:

The results of the study showed that the average length of the penis at rest is 9.16 cm in length and 9.31 cm in girth. In the excited state, respectively, 13.12 and 11.66 cm. At the same time, the length of the penis in a calm state does not always correlate with the length in the state of excitement. For men, this information should sound like this: if you did a comparative analysis of the sizes in the shower of a fitness club, and the results are not in your favor, this does not mean that your penis will be smaller than other erect men.

"We believe this study will help clinicians reassure the vast majority of men that their penis size is within the normal range," says David Veal.

In addition, according to the British Journal of Urology, more than 85% of women are satisfied with the size of their partner's penis. And for the vast majority of women, the ability of a man to have penetrative sex plays a more important role, that is, a powerful and lasting erection is much more important than size.

When do you really need to worry?

Given the proliferation of free, easily accessible pornography on the Internet and the rise of aggressive marketing by companies promising through the use of extension cords, drugs, and other pseudoscientific nonsense, it's no surprise that about half of men are not satisfied with the size of their dignity.). The rest of the men experiencing small penis syndrome should rather seek help from psychologists.

Dmitry Belov

yurayakunin What to do if your partner's penis is too big

“You don’t value your happiness,” some will say dreamily. “Yes, I understand you, this is a problem,” others will nod sympathetically. We are all so different, and not only do we have to get used to our soul mates in character, but also the physical parameters may not match. Well, do not lose a good guy if, at the sight of his dignity, your pupils dilate in horror?

Sometimes you have to hear girlish complaints: they say that their man has a penis of such an impressive size that they experience pain during sex. No, it's not good and it can be avoided.

1. With such a treasure, you will need a longer prelude than usual.

Do not hurry. You must be well aroused to take it without problems.

Let your man pay more attention to all your sensitive points with his tongue and fingers, and only when you are ready, he begins to penetrate.

2. But before that, do not forget to use a lubricant,

if your own lube isn't enough.

3. Fear has big eyes.

You are already worried if your intimate relationship is just beginning, and then you are also impressed by the length and / or volume never seen before.

If you expect that you will be hurt or uncomfortable, all your muscles, including the vaginal ones, tense up - and instead of fabulous pleasure, you get exactly what you were afraid of. Exactly the same as with defloration.

Try to relax. Your boyfriend can help you by starting with a massage - this way you will gradually get used to physical contact with him, and he will stop scaring you so much.

4. If you experienced unpleasant and even painful sensations with those partners who had more standard sizes,

and now everything has become even worse - be sure to visit a gynecologist. Pain can be caused by cysts, adhesions, or infections. If the root cause is eliminated, pleasure will replace pain.

5. Choose a position that allows you to control the depth and speed of penetration.

- As we have written before, the “woman on top” is an ideal position from this point of view, which will allow you to do everything gradually and allow him to penetrate deeper only when you are ready.
- In the missionary position, remember that the higher your pelvis is raised, the deeper the penetration, so take your time throwing your legs over his shoulders and putting a pillow under his ass. Also, the wider your legs are, the shorter your vagina is, so stretch them out and close your hips. Then he will not be able to dive too deep into you, but he will be able to rub against your clitoris with every movement, and you will receive an additional bonus.
- Another trick: make circular movements of the pelvis towards him, and not back and forth, as usual.
- You can partly hold, partly stroke the base of his cock so that the guy does not have a feeling of dissatisfaction due to the fact that he did not enter completely.

“Many girls suffer because of the small size of their partner's penis, and I have the opposite problem. My young man has a very, very great dignity. I am a fragile, thin girl, my height is only 155 cm. We obviously do not match in anatomical sizes. My beloved knows that sex often turns into torture for me, tries to restrain himself, but before an orgasm he loses his will and “hammers” with all his might. Otherwise, he is just the perfect man, the one with whom I want to live next to my whole life. How can I deal with this trouble?"

Before telling you how to be and what to do if your man has something in his pants that is comparable in size to the famous Rasputin dildo, I want to dispel one myth. The size of the vagina in no way depends on your external parameters: height, weight, chest volume, thumb pad width. The size of the vagina varies from 8 to 14 centimeters at rest. We are talking, of course, about the average healthy sexually mature woman without congenital (pathological narrowness of the vagina, infantilism of the genital organs) or acquired (birth trauma, keloid scar) abnormalities. But this is not the limit of possibilities. In a state of excitement, the vagina is able to stretch 2-5 centimeters, adjusting to the size of the partner's penis.

With the help of simple calculations, we can conclude that any male sexual organ longer than 19 centimeters in an erect state can somehow cause discomfort to a partner during penetration, as it presses (not always carefully) on the cervix. And if you are paired with a giant man, then here are some simple rules that will help you avoid pain and unpleasant consequences during and after sex.

1. Choose the right poses, that is, try to avoid those in which a man can enter as deeply as possible. The best fit are either positions in which you control the depth of penetration (“rider”), or those in which a man cannot physiologically penetrate deeply (“spoons”, “entry from behind with legs together”).

2. Use devices - limiters. Restrictive penis ring can be bought at any sex shop. It will not allow the partner to penetrate the vagina to its full length and at the same time will not give him moral discomfort from constant control over the depth of penetration. Sometimes it has additional nozzles to stimulate the clitop, it is better to choose them so that the restrictor looks like just a sex toy, and not a kind of handcuffs for especially dangerous ones.

3. Spare no lubricants. In this case, natural will obviously not be enough. And when it seems to you that “and so it will do,” think of a stuck ring on your finger. And keep lubricating.

4. Do not be silent. Don't tolerate pain during sex. Even for the best man in the world who looks like a mixture of Zac Efron and Bradley Cooper. If your partner keeps pushing and complaining that "it doesn't feel right" if he doesn't penetrate completely, then patiently give him a short anatomy course. For example, tell me that the shaft of the penis is not sensitive to friction at all, and all the nerve endings responsible for its pleasure are in the front.

For most men, the most important and significant part of the body is the penis. What do merit depend on?

This issue is of interest not only to the stronger sex, but also to the bulk of the female population. There are a huge number of beliefs and signs that supposedly explain what determines the size of a penis in men. Below, the most common of the speculations will be considered and will either be confirmed or refuted.

How is the male reproductive system

The reproductive organs of the strong half are divided into internal and external. The former consist of the testicles, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles, while the latter consist of the scrotum and penis, or penis. Their main function is reproductive.

Properties of the penis

Male flesh is a sexual organ that is designed to transport sperm into the vagina during copulation, as well as to remove urine from the body.

The phallus consists of a base, a body and a head. The base consists of 2 parts, or two bodies - cavernous and spongy, containing many gaps filled with blood. At the end of the spongy body there is a thickening - a head, the edge of which closes the ends of the cavernous bodies. It is closed by the most delicate skin (foreskin), which has an abundance of glands responsible for smegma.

The appearance of the penis in each man is unique, at rest it is straight, but during an erection it has a strong bend.

penis size standards

The size of the reproductive organ in men in an inactive state is small - from 5 to 10 cm, but during arousal it reaches 14-16 cm, which corresponds to the size of the female vagina. Interestingly, shorter phalluses increase in erection more than long ones. But the shape and slope in this period are individual. The penis, the length of which in an erect state is from 16 to 18 cm, is considered to be large, and the one that reaches 18-20 cm or more is considered a giant. The diameter of this organ usually varies from 3 to 4 cm.

At the time of birth, the length of the penis in boys is from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, at about 6 cm, then this organ actively grows until adulthood, and after 18 and up to 25 years it does not increase much.

At the moment of excitation, the size of the phallus increases from 2 to 8 times due to a decrease in venous outflow during the contraction of special muscles near the base.

So what determines penis size in men?

Major misconceptions

The most common mistake is the opinion that the size of manhood depends on the length of the nose. But this is absolutely not true. Scientists have proven that the main respiratory organ has nothing to do with the size of the penis. It is also generally accepted that the length of the penis in men is directly proportional to the length of the foot, which is also completely wrong.

Another misconception is comparing the distance from the base of the thumb to the tip of the middle one with the length of the penis. This judgment has long been refuted by scientists and is completely groundless.

Also, the researchers could not prove that there is any relationship between the height of a man and the size of his reproductive organ. Therefore, this criterion is also considered erroneous.

Recently, there is an opinion that among representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, the phallus has a more impressive size than among heterosexuals, but this is absolutely not true, which was proved by Richard Edwards, in whose study 1768 people took part.

Does weight class matter?

The next common question is: "Does penis size depend on weight?" Let's figure it out.

When a man has a large amount of fat deposits in the pelvic area, because of this, the visible size of the penis decreases. But when returning to normal body weight, the dimensions of the phallus also become the same. So what determines penis size in men really?

Factors Affecting Male Flesh Size

First of all, the length and thickness of the male penis (as well as other parts of the body) is determined by heredity! Genes are the most important factor influencing the appearance and structural features of the body as a whole.

Of course, the features of growth and development also play their role. If even before the birth of a boy or by the time of puberty there was a failure in the formation of testosterone, then the formation of the genital organs may not proceed correctly.

The reasons for the small size of the penis can be trauma, surgery, epispadias, hypospadias.

The infamous professor conducted a very interesting study and gave his answer to the question of what determines the size of the penis. Turns out it's racial!

So, according to the test results, the leading position is occupied by the inhabitants of Africa, namely men from In this country, most of the representatives of the stronger sex have a phallus length of 18.0 cm. Ecuadorians follow - 17.77 cm. In third place were men from the country of Ghana.

Europeans follow only from the 10th line in this list, and the Hungarians are in the lead among them (16.50 cm). And in Russia, the average penis size is 13.21 cm. This figure is generally an indicator of standard penis sizes around the world. So to speak, the golden mean. Residents of North and South Korea, or rather, their male part, have a "dignity", the length of which does not exceed an average of 9.66 cm. Asians took all the last places in Richard Lynn's table.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the researcher is right, and the nationality of a man plays a significant role in the size of such an important body.

The opinion of a sexologist regarding this issue

From the point of view of the sexologist Salov Pavel Pavlovich, the main factor on which the size of the penis depends is still genetics. He also explains the desire of men to have "great dignity" by the fact that for a strong half of the population, the phallus is their pride and ego. This perception is present in every son of Adam on a subconscious level, and this state of affairs has existed from time immemorial.

It's just that men with outstanding sizes are more ambitious, which is why they are so popular among women. In fact, the sexologist assures, there is nothing wrong with a small penis (if it is not a pathology), the main thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities, then there will definitely be no problems with the fair sex.

And finally, we will discuss whether men should worry about amorous affairs, and whether orgasm depends on penis size.

More is better?

Most women without hesitation answer that the size of the "dignity" of a partner does not play a special role in delivering pleasure. The main criteria are skills and ability!

As you know, Grigory Rasputin and Casanova were the owners of phalluses of very modest size, but women, nevertheless, went crazy over them. Why? The whole secret is in the ability to bring your beloved to orgasm!

Sexologists assure: you just need to find the right approach to your partner, do not be shy in the process of intimate games and the act itself. A huge role in such a delicate situation is played by the psychological factor: the less a man has complexes about the size of the penis, the more relaxed he behaves in bed, pays more attention to the lady, feels relaxed and conquers the woman with his skills.

Mikhail M., 33 years old (23 cm erect).

As a teenager, I didn't think much about the size of my penis. Of course, I've heard about men in the rocking shower comparing who has more, but I'm not a fitness freak, so I passed it. True, several times I specifically went to the gym to sneak a look at how other guys were doing. But there was no way to see their aroused penises, and it did nothing for me.

I realized the full "scale of the disaster" only after losing my virginity. I was 16 and I was so afraid that I didn't get up for quite a while. And when a short erection came, a friend exclaimed in shock: “Yes, he is huge!” Then I understood everything about myself. For several weeks my girlfriend tried to deal with Him to make sex enjoyable. There were moments when she screamed in pleasure, but more often in pain. After some time, we adapted - more or less comfortable for her was the position of the rider, allowing her to control the depth of penetration. It was the only possible option. If I tried from behind, she would panic and roll over. We broke up after eight months and I think my penis was the main reason.

I got on the Internet, where I found that my size is found in 5% of men. Now that I understand this as a problem, I understand the hackneyed phrase "it's not the size that matters, but the skill." And when I was younger, proud of what nature has given me, I thought that my partners should like it too. Fortunately, the illusions soon dissipated. When one night after another girlfriend screamed in pain, I realized that I had a lot to learn. The longest relationship I had was with the mother of my child. When we first met, Olya was delighted with everything. A few months later, when she became pregnant, our sex life deteriorated. I was disappointed, but when I started talking about it, she threw: "You think you're so cool with your huge one, but you have no idea how to use it." We broke up shortly after the birth of our son.

Of course, the large size has its positive sides. In jeans, he looks very attractive, and on the beach, in swimming trunks - in general, to be honest, I like to emphasize him. And I get a well-deserved share of the attention of women. All in all, I've found that while some girls like it a bit bigger when choosing between length and thickness, most will prefer the latter (I'm a healthy 14cm around) and many are quite happy with the medium size as well. Without surgery - I don't consider it - there's not much I can change. In the end, this is not such a big problem in life, there are more serious ones. Just don't step on the same rake as me. And yes, do not believe the common myths - I wear shoes in size 41.

Female look. The greater the dignity, the less often orgasms.

Maria Bogdanchikova, 28 years old (sexual experience with the owner of the size of 18 cm in an erect state).

I found out what a giant manhood is when I was barely 19. As I remember now, the first thing I thought about when I saw the 18-centimeter stone guest was: “Mmm ... And the world loves me!” Roma was the second man with whom I happened to be in bed. My previous boyfriend enjoyed playing basketball more than making love, so I was hoping for compensation in my new relationship. The size inspired me - big cocks look monumental and that's probably why they so often play the main roles in porn. However, the difficulties began already at the stage of oral foreplay. The sensations, I confess, are not the most comfortable, similar to swallowing a gastroscope during an examination of the stomach. Only this time the "device" was several times thicker. The next day, cracks appeared in the corners of my lips. Irritation healed for four days, and when my friends asked me what happened, I ridiculously laughed it off: they say, the day before I laughed too widely. Sex happened only on the third attempt, when all the pillows that were found in the house were placed under my thighs. The painful sensations from penetration were compensated by lubricants, which, however, were not enough. But I so wanted to feel this primitive male power that I think I would agree to use butter as a lubricant - like Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider in the movie "Last Tango in Paris".

Yes, I got this Oscar, but no one could even imagine what it was like for me to live with him: painful sensations - as if you were deprived of virginity again and again, healing and regenerating ointments after sex, the same “painless” poses and , surprisingly, rare orgasms. Many women have a stereotype: a large penis equals multiple orgasms. But this is not entirely true. Point G, which is responsible for pleasure, is located on the front wall of the vagina, at a depth of about 5–6 cm. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to knock on this “door” with something huge - there is a high risk of missing.

If for women the size is not of fundamental importance, then for the men themselves everything that they carefully wear in swimming trunks is a totem. For example, it seemed to Roma that if he had a huge one, then I should get an orgasm only from the sight of his erection. It's funny that after ejaculating, he placed his cock comfortably on his right thigh and experienced wild delight when he looked at it (I was even a little jealous, because I'm pretty too!). As a result, we broke up with Roma three months later, largely because sex ceased to bring me pleasure. And it's not just physical incompatibility. It doesn't matter if you are big or small - it decides how open you are to experiments in love and how ready you are to try in bed.

Big Brother and his problems

Ekaterina Lyubimova, sex coach, founder of the SEX.RF training center

Physical strength in the animal world is a sign of an alpha male, and in society it gives a psychological advantage. If a man has a large sexual organ, then he feels head and shoulders above the rest. That is why they constantly measure their merits.

The main principle of "work" with great dignity is a lot of lubricant (or silicone-based lubricant), otherwise sex is fraught with skin irritation and microcracks in the tissues of the vagina. In addition, the pain of penetrating a large penis without prior preparation blocks your orgasm. Watching adult films or foreplay with cunnilingus will help here. You can also prepare yourself with a vibrator - usually 3-5 minutes of "warm-up" is enough, and the vagina becomes twice as wide.

Avoid doggy style, grilled chicken, and other positions that make deep penetration easier. Favor poses with closed or crossed legs and variations of the "woman on top", in which it is easier to adjust the comfortable depth of entry. By the way, if, sitting on a man, lean back to rest the penis on the G-spot, you can get an unforgettable experience. In addition, focus on pleasant short frictions in the first third of the vagina - the chance to achieve orgasm will increase significantly. Before sex with a big-size partner, use the restroom (a full intestine presses on the uterus, exacerbating the pain). And most importantly: do not rush anywhere - slowly enjoy. It is difficult to injure the uterus, but if a partner with a 20-centimeter member starts to beat the breath out of you, this will provoke spasms.

Divination by penises

How to determine sexual potential by external signs? The size of the foot, the length of the nose, the phalanges of the fingers are dubious signs. Look at the physique. Thin or, on the contrary, obese men with narrow shoulders and chest, most likely, will not surprise you with the size of dignity. Often the formation of these types of figures is a consequence of hormonal disorders and a lack of testosterone during puberty. While the stocky, fit young man was probably not deprived of the male hormone in childhood, it means that his penis is in order.

Geography of pleasure

National average data from TargetMap, 2015 (erect):

18 cm -(largest) Congo

16–18 cm - Cameroon, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Gambia, Jamaica, Lebanon, Peru, Venezuela

14–16 cm - Serbia, Senegal, Peru, Panama, Norway, Morocco, Holland, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Georgia, France, Czech Republic, Croatia, Chile, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Australia

12–14 cm - Italy, Greece, Romania, Ireland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Japan, Ukraine, England, Canada, Belgium, Egypt, Estonia, Israel, Spain, Turkey

10–12 cm - Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, India, Bangladesh, South and North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Philippines

9 cm -(smallest) Nepal
