Caring for colored hair. Using masks when caring for colored hair

The topic of the article is hair care after dyeing. We will give recommendations for coloring, following them, you can avoid deterioration of the condition of your curls. We will teach you how to properly care for colored hair.

What you should know about coloring

Girls love to change and are rarely afraid to change the shade of their hair. Some believe that such changes will bring them happiness, others just want to add a little variety to their lives.

For this, some actively engage in sports to get a beautiful figure, others experiment with their appearance, wanting to stand out among the crowd.

But in most cases, the desire to change something in your life ends with a change in hair color or a new hairstyle.

If you are tired of your hair color and are seriously thinking about changing your image, take note of the following information:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide, which many people use for lightening, has a negative effect on curls. The higher the percentage of the product, the more damage it causes to curls. The main advantage of a large percentage of hydrogen peroxide is the ability to quickly lighten curls. But the disadvantage is the weakening of the structure of the curls.
  2. For regular coloring, it is best to use tinted shampoos. They do not have a harmful effect on the hair, give it shine, and maintain its structure. These products are also suitable for you if you have some gray hair.
  3. When painting, give preference to proven paints. If the manufacturer of the product does not inspire confidence in you, then it is better to purchase another product. Using dye of questionable quality can cause allergies, damage your hair, or produce a different shade than indicated on the box.
  4. Lightening dye is a tool that helps you transform from a burning brunette to a pretty blonde. It removes pigment from the hair, which causes destruction of the hair structure. This product must be used strictly according to the instructions and kept on your hair no longer than indicated on the package.
  5. When purchasing permanent paint, pay attention to the one that contains a minimum amount of ammonia. This paint is pleasant to use, there is no foreign odor, and the risk of skin irritation is minimal.
  6. When dyeing, do not use cellophane, as it does not allow the skin to breathe. If you do not follow this rule, you can damage the skin, resulting in redness or irritation.
  7. You are unlikely to be able to achieve a light shade after the first coloring if you are brown-haired or brunette by nature. Such transformation must occur gradually, otherwise there is a high probability of deterioration of the condition of the curls and their loss. In such situations, it is best to seek help from a hairdresser.
  8. When dyeing regrown roots, first apply the dye to them, and 5 minutes before washing off, apply a little product to the ends.
  9. Do not try to add third-party ingredients to the paint, even if you are sure it needs them. Any interference with the composition of a cosmetic product may result in you not getting the color you dreamed of or ruining your hair.
  10. To consolidate the dyeing result, immediately after washing off the dye, apply a balm to your hair. And only after that, use a nourishing cream that restores the structure of the curls.


It is not advisable to dye your hair more than three times in 30 days.

In such a case, you risk completely changing the hair structure, which is why you will need to treat it in the future.

Reasons for hair deterioration after coloring

Usually, after dyeing, the hair becomes dry, thin, and weakened. This is due to the aggressive substances present in the paints.

In addition, curls can look lifeless if there are health problems. Other reasons include:

  • insufficient or poor care;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • regular nervous tension;
  • pregnancy;
  • using heat curling irons, a hair dryer or an iron.

Care after coloring

Careful care for colored curls consists of certain actions that must be carried out regularly.

You can also try, which improve the condition of regular and colored curls.

To treat severely damaged and dry hair, use moisturizers that contain coconut milk, almond oil or wheat germ extract.

Combing before bed

Styling your hair will not cause any difficulties if you each comb it with a wide-toothed brush for a quarter of an hour. At the same time, use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

Also, refrain from using conditioner every day, as it weighs down your hair.

Using a special shampoo

After coloring, purchase a shampoo that is labeled for colored hair.

This is due to the fact that regular shampoo can wash out the coloring pigment from your hair.

You can use absolutely any balm and conditioner to care for your curls, but always buy a shampoo that suits your hair type.

If possible, buy cosmetic products from the same manufacturer, because these products are designed in such a way that they complement each other.

Also use conditioners to make your hair soft and silky.


To strengthen colored hair, it is advisable to wash it once a week with a regular egg.

To carry out the procedure, take 2 eggs and fill them with warm water. After this, lightly wet your hair with water and rub the mixture of eggs and water into it. Rinse the product from your curls and comb them.

Using masks

Make nourishing hair masks regularly.

When making them, use only those products that suit your hair type.

Using a hair dryer

It is advisable to avoid using a hair dryer to dry colored hair, as it dries out and injures them even more.

If you cannot refuse to use a hairdryer, then dry your hair with a warm stream of air.

Try to dry your hair naturally as often as possible.

Trimming overgrown ends

Trim dry and brittle ends regularly. Such a procedure will make your hair well-groomed and healthy.

Taking vitamins

Start taking vitamins containing beta-carotene, amino acids, zinc, iron and silicon.

It will also be useful to consume vitamins B, C and E.

Folk hair care products

For hair care, use traditional medicine. They moisturize and nourish curls no worse than salon procedures, making strands healthy, elastic and shiny.

The use of esters and oils brings particular benefits to hair. It is best to use burdock extract, olive and coconut oil for these purposes.

With regular application of these products to the scalp, shine and volume appear, and structural damage in the stem area of ​​the curls is restored.

You can make the presented recipes for care products yourself at home.

Mustard mask

To prepare the mask, use dry mustard powder.


  • olive extract - 40 g;
  • mustard - 40 gr;
  • almond oil - 40 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients until smooth.


  1. Distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair, and put a shower cap on top.
  2. Wash off the product when you begin to feel a slight burning sensation.

Effect: Nourishes dry hair.

Kefir mask


  • kefir - 80 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • yolk - 1 piece.

Preparation: Connect all components together.

Usage: Apply the product to your hair using a soft comb, after 45 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

Effect: Nourishes and moisturizes colored curls.

Red pepper tincture


  • chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • alcohol - 150 ml.


  1. Finely chop the pepper and fill it with medical alcohol.
  2. Place the resulting composition in a dark room for 10 days.
  3. Before applying the product, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Usage: Rub the prepared product into the scalp with massaging movements.

Effect: When the procedure is carried out regularly, at least 4 times a week, hair loss is prevented.

Bread mask


  • rye bread - 0.2 kg;
  • light beer - 0.5 l;
  • vitamins A and E - 1 capsule each.


  1. Heat the beer until it is warm.
  2. Grind the bread and pour warm beer over it.
  3. Let the bread swell, this will take about a quarter of an hour, then stir the mixture with a spoon.
  4. Add 15 drops of oils to the mixture and stir.

Usage: Apply the mask to your hair and wash it off after 50 minutes.

Effect: Nutrition, hydration, restoration of curls.

Egg mask


  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • water - 1 glass.

Preparation: Break the eggs into a container of warm water, stirring.


  1. After a quarter of an hour, when the mask has cooled, wet your head and rub the product into the hair roots with massaging movements.
  2. To enhance the effect, rub 1 yolk in your hands and rub it into your curls, wrap your head with a scarf.
  3. After 40 minutes, wash your hair.

Effect: Nourishes and moisturizes hair.

Rinse with tansy

This recipe is suitable for those with dark hair.


  • water - 3 l;
  • tansy flowers - 0.1 kg.


  1. Fill the flowers with water, then boil the composition in a water bath.
  2. After a day, strain the product.

Usage: Rinse your hair with the mixture every time after washing.

Effect: Nourishes and moisturizes damaged curls.

Any coloring, whatever one may say, negatively affects the condition of our hair, it becomes weak, dry and damaged. Therefore, hair after dyeing requires special care and careful handling, especially the first two weeks after this procedure.

Hair coloring is best left to professionals and done in beauty salons, since at home, if precautions are not taken, you can significantly damage your hair, the restoration of which will take a lot of time. It should be noted that you should not dye your hair too often (three or more times a month), since even the most gentle dyeing with frequent use seriously damages the hair structure.

If you still dye your hair at home, you should use natural dyes (henna, basma) for this purpose. For permanent use, preference should be given to modern products that not only gently color the hair, but also care for it, nourishing and improving its condition.

Lightening hair with chemical dyes greatly damages the hair structure, so at home this procedure should not be carried out by more than three tones. Simultaneous dyeing and perm of hair is also not recommended, since it puts too much stress on the hair.

Combing your hair immediately after dyeing is not recommended, since some dyes stop working only after the hair is completely dry. Dyed hair requires the use of products designed specifically for colored hair, since shampoos and other care products you use before dyeing will cause the scales to bristle and wash out the dye. To care for colored hair, it is better to purchase shampoo and conditioner from the same line that was used to dye your hair, as they tend to enhance each other’s effects. As a rule, such products provide hair with vibrant shine and rich color that lasts for a longer time.

Leave-in conditioners designed to treat and restore hair structure are considered an effective way to protect colored hair.

Styling, curling and blow-drying at high temperatures are contraindicated for colored hair, as they make already dehydrated hair even drier. Therefore, after dyeing your hair, you must either abandon these procedures or do them on especially important occasions (celebratory events). Regarding drying with a hot hairdryer, I will say that this procedure is destructive even for undyed hair, so you should dry your hair with warm and cool air. The ideal option would be to dry your hair naturally. If you cannot do without using a hair dryer, be sure to use a gentle foam, gel or styling foam when drying your hair to protect your hair from overdrying.

Immediately after dyeing, a special conditioner should be applied to the hair, after which you should use a nourishing cream or capsules to restore the hair structure, containing biologically active substances, which should be applied and distributed over the entire length of the hair. You can wash your hair with shampoo three days after the coloring procedure.

As a treatment for severely damaged color-treated hair, you can use moisturizers with coconut milk, almond oil, or wheat germ extract. The most effective in our time are considered to be products with a thermal effect, which are applied to colored hair while warm.

Colored hair needs constant nutrition. Therefore, in addition to medicinal balms and the use of nourishing shampoos (for example, with sesame oil or soy proteins), it is necessary to use products to restore and strengthen damaged and colored hair. Nowadays, a special gloss for colored and damaged hair, which contains a complex of multivitamins of group B, is popular. It must be sprayed onto clean, damp hair and massaged into the scalp.

To nourish and moisturize colored hair, it is recommended to use a mask designed specifically for colored hair twice a week. This kind of product can be bought in a salon or a special store. I will say right away that these products are by no means cheap, but they are effective. The use of such masks makes hair smooth, preserves color, and has a beneficial effect not only on the hair, but also on the scalp.

Dyed hair should be combed every night with a wide-tooth comb, starting from the bottom, for 5 to 10 minutes in all directions. This procedure makes hair manageable.

Dyed hair should be removed from dry and brittle hair ends.

If you go to the pool, then you should know that after dyeing your hair, it is recommended to refrain from visiting it for at least a couple of weeks. Yes, and you should try to wash your hair with purified boiled water, or rinse your hair after washing with non-chlorinated water.

It’s no secret that colored hair needs not only external care, but also nourishment from the inside. Therefore, natural vitamin and mineral complexes for hair containing vitamins A and E, ginkgo biloba, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, soy lecithin, as well as other biologically active substances.

Folk remedies for caring for colored hair.
In order to strengthen hair that has undergone a dyeing procedure, it is useful to wash your hair with an egg mixture at least once a week. To do this, you need to take two chicken eggs and break them into a glass, into which add warm water. After this, the eggs should be stirred continuously to prevent them from curdling. Then you need to pour the egg mixture onto the hair moistened with hot water and rub it into the scalp with your fingers, after which the hair should be rinsed with running water. To enhance the effect after this procedure, rub the yolk of one egg into the scalp, wrap your head in a thick terry towel and leave for ten minutes, then rinse your hair with warm running water.

To nourish colored hair, you can also use egg yolks whipped into a strong foam, which are applied to dry or damp hair. After application, you need to massage your scalp for five minutes, and then rinse off the foam with warm (but not hot!) water. The number of yolks is taken depending on the length of the hair and the degree of coloring. If you have weakened, dyed hair, then this procedure should be done two to three times in one hair wash. To enhance the healing effect, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the egg foam.

A good effect for colored hair is given by rinsing after washing with water with the addition of lemon juice. Instead of lemon, you can use vinegar, but the persistent smell requires additional rinsing with clean water. Dry scalp and damaged, dyed hair will become elastic and soft again if you rub burdock oil into the skin and hair.

As a rinse, you can use an infusion of chamomile, yarrow, celandine and sage, taken in equal quantities. A tablespoon of this collection should be poured into a liter of boiling water and left for half an hour.

For treating damaged, dyed hair, regular rye bread is an effective remedy. It (200 g) must be poured with a liter of boiling water and left for three to six hours in a warm place. Then drain the water, and rub the remaining pulp into your hair with massaging movements, then rinse with warm water. In addition, this procedure has a positive effect on hair growth. To care for dark colored hair, you can use ordinary nettle or tansy.

An effective rinse for dark colored hair is a decoction of hops. To prepare it, a handful of hops and a handful of tartar should be poured with a liter of water, put on fire and boiled from the moment of boiling for twenty minutes. Strain the resulting broth and cool. After washing your hair, use it as a rinse.

For colored hair, a useful procedure would be to rub in products with Dead Sea mud. This procedure restores hair, improves blood supply to the scalp and regulates the amount of fat. Apply this product to clean hair with light massaging movements for fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.

The dyeing procedure harms not only the hair, but also the scalp, which causes dandruff and itching. In this situation, onion and garlic juice will help. Due to the sulfur and acid content they contain, they have a beneficial effect on colored hair and scalp. You can add vegetable oil and lemon juice in equal quantities to the onion and garlic mixture. This mixture should be applied to slightly damp hair with light massaging movements. After thirty minutes, the head should be rinsed with warm water and lemon juice.

If as a result of dyeing your hair begins to fall out, you can use an alcohol tincture of red capsicum to strengthen the hair and stop hair loss. Take 1/4 of a crushed red pepper pod and add 1/4 cup of alcohol. Infuse for a week, after which the tincture is filtered. One part of the prepared tincture should be diluted with ten parts of boiled water and rubbed into the scalp. This procedure should be performed twice a week.

Hair masks are an excellent way to nourish and moisturize your hair. As a mask for colored hair, you can use a herbal infusion of crushed leaves of plantain, sage, nettle, oregano, leaves and flowers of celandine, taken one teaspoon each. This herbal mixture is poured into a glass of water, infused for an hour, and then filtered. 300 g of black bread is added to the resulting infusion and everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The resulting warm mask should be rubbed into the scalp, covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a warm scarf. After two hours, rinse the mask with warm water without using shampoo and let your hair dry naturally.

Our beautiful ladies take care of themselves and keep up with new trends in caring for colored hair. However, not everyone realizes that after dyeing, curls are exposed to chemical reagents and they need special care. Natural methods are harmless, but cannot remain on the hair for a long time. It is more effective to use recommendations for sustainable hair care products after coloring.

Traditional recipes for hair

Well-groomed hair is an indicator of a healthy person. The beauty of curls depends on a balanced diet and a set of care procedures. Caring for colored hair at home with the help of restorative masks and herbs is simply necessary.

Mustard mask is used for hair loss, strengthening and growth. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of water and 2 teaspoons of sugar, mixed until smooth, applied to the roots, wrapped in a towel and left for 1 hour.

Kefir mask. Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of kefir, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey, mix, apply over the entire length for half an hour. The procedure can be repeated once a week or 10 days.

Red pepper tincture. Cut a pod of hot red pepper, pour in half a glass of alcohol, leave for seven days, filter through a sieve. The tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and rubbed into the roots, possibly overnight. The procedure can be done often - up to 3 times every 7 days.

Vegetable oils are an excellent strengthening agent. For oily hair, oils can be applied once a week, and for dry hair - up to 3 times. It is better not to use an iron, hairdryer or curling iron temporarily during recovery.

Over time, the rich color fades. The appearance with such curls becomes unpresentable. To maintain a beautiful color, you need care.

Store-bought cosmetic products

Basic products for the care of colored hair include shampoos and conditioners. Pay attention to the labeling of the products. Take professional shampoos for colored curls.

Conditioners, sprays, masks and creams are used as additional products. Each tool performs its own function. After the conditioner, the hair is easy to comb and quickly styled. It has protective properties and adds shine. Masks have nourishing and restorative properties.

There is a product for every hair type. For normal type, any products are suitable. Oily hair needs to reduce sebaceous secretions. Dry curls require increased nutrition. They can be moisturized with creams and masks.

After staining, you must follow simple rules:

Natural and chemical paints

Coloring agents are divided into natural and chemical. Natural remedies can provide short-term effects; they are not highly durable.

Natural ones include:

Chemical products include: persistent, semi-persistent, special shampoos with a tint. Thanks to the durable ammonia paint, a very beautiful color is obtained. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which are part of the paint, worsen the condition of the curls. Discoloration greatly injures the structure. Hair breaks and begins to split due to the introduction of ammonia dyes, becomes very damaged and falls out.

This happens because the natural structure of the curl changes due to a new natural pigment, and also due to a reaction with intense dyeing preparations. The scales on the surface are injured, and the flicker disappears.

Ammonia-free paints are semi-permanent and harmless. The paint reagent does not penetrate deep inside and does not change the structure. Manufacturers add vitamins to the dye that are beneficial for hair. Such paint cannot completely disguise gray hair or change the shade; it is quickly washed off. Tinted shampoos are easy to apply and rinse off quickly.

How to care for your curls

In order for the regrown roots and hair along the entire length to look decent, it is necessary to observe the frequency of dyeing, do not wait until the roots stand out and differ from the main color. It is necessary to keep a diary and keep track of how many days are left for coloring, stock up on paints in advance. It happens that the time for painting is approaching, but the required paint is not available. If the regrown roots have reached more than 1-2 cm, you can apply paint only to the roots. In this case, the color after dyeing will not differ from the main one. It is recommended to periodically update the color along the entire length so that the curls are graceful and shiny.

After dyeing, you should wash off the curls with warm water, using regular shampoo and balm that came with the paint from the package. You need to distribute it over the entire length and leave for 5 minutes so that it can penetrate the scales.

It is important to carefully read the instructions before applying dye and properly care for colored hair. You should not wash your hair after coloring for the first 3 days so that the color sets well. It is not recommended to comb undried curls; their structure can be damaged.

Proper nutrition and plenty of fluids will give your curls a healthy look. N It’s a good idea to include fruits and vegetables in your diet, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Peanuts, chicken, beef, and red fish contain iron. Walnuts, almonds, and oysters prevent hair loss. They contain zinc.

It doesn’t matter so much whether you switched to the “dark” or “light” side - even the most gentle coloring changes the structure of the hair and requires special care after the procedure.

We have collected nine main rules that will help keep your curls shiny and bright for as long as possible.

1. Don't wash your hair the same day

During dyeing, the hair cuticle opens so that the dye penetrates as deeply as possible. Even after drying and styling, the color is not yet fully set. Professionals advise waiting 72 hours so that it finally “settles” and does not fade prematurely.

2. Get shampoo and conditioner for colored hair

Product lines labeled “for colored hair” are not a whim of stylists or a gimmick of marketers. They really work differently than universal products: they cover the hair scales and prevent the dye from washing out.

Products with sulfates and parabens (even if it is a product for colored hair) cleanse harshly and aggressively. Together with impurities, they gradually wash away the precious color. If you have already spent money on expensive coloring, you should not skimp on shampoo - with the right care product, the “salon-like” effect will last several times longer.

Don't forget about moisturizing conditioners. Any shampoo has an alkaline environment, which balms and conditioners with their acidic pH bring into balance.

3. Avoid overheating

Here we are talking about both natural heating (UV rays) and hot air (hair dryer and all kinds of stylers). To protect from the sun, there are special leave-in sunscreens that nourish and protect hair, giving it shine.

Hot styling causes more significant damage - it makes hair brittle and lifeless. Experts advise letting them dry naturally if possible. If forced drying is unavoidable, protect your hair with a special lightweight heat-protective spray or cream. And if your hair is to be tested in the form of a straightener or tongs, thermal protection is not just a desirable item, but a must.

4. Use shampoo less often

The advice is quite obvious, but no less effective. Try to reduce your shampoo use to two to three times a week (by the way). In between, you can maintain a fresh look with dry alternatives. It is also better not to wet your hair in the shower again - any moisture negatively affects the brightness of the pigment.

5. Wash your hair carefully

The process of washing your hair should resemble a massage, not a 1000-rpm wash. After shampoo, you need to apply conditioner to each strand, then rinse your hair, pat it dry with a towel (without squeezing!) and wrap it in a turban.

Also be careful with hot water - it damages the cuticle and dries out the hair, as well as the skin. It is advisable to accustom yourself to a cooler shower.

6. Be more careful with care

In the first two weeks after dyeing, your task is to maintain the color. That is why at this time it is recommended to exclude restorative masks from use - they open the scales and steal the pigment.

Experts advise starting procedures for restoration and preparation for coloring a week in advance. These can be nourishing masks or other oil-based products. This will smooth out damaged areas, resulting in a deep, even color.

7. Maintain brightness

To prevent the color from fading, replace your regular shampoo once a week with a product with a toning effect. For blondes, these are bright purple shampoos. There is no need to worry about your curls; the product does not color, but only neutralizes yellowness. The colors of tinting shampoos and masks for brunettes and redheads match the acquired color.

8. Update the length regularly

This advice is especially relevant for girls with bleached strands. The ends of the hair are lifeless and dry, so the color fades out of them faster. Every couple of months, you should trim the length by a couple of centimeters so that your curls look vibrant and well-groomed from roots to ends.

9. Avoid chlorinated water

Swimming pools are the worst enemy of colored hair. Especially on vacation, when the sun's rays and sea salt are added to the effects of the chemical. Under their influence, light hair turns green, dark hair becomes dull. If you don't have the opportunity (or desire) to wear a swimming cap, wet your hair with fresh water before diving. So the harm from chlorinated water will not be so noticeable.

10. Sleep with dry hair

When wet, hair is flexible and can take on the most unexpected shapes while you sleep. There is a high probability that what you see in the mirror in the morning will not make you happy. Also in wet condition. When you toss and turn on the pillow, creases appear, curls get tangled, and as a result they look untidy and dull.

The fastest way to change your image is to dye your hair or get a creative haircut. And if changing the color is quite simple, then providing care for colored hair is somewhat more difficult.

What is the problem after dyeing?

During the dyeing process, the dye disrupts the integral structure of the hair, lifting its scales, so that the dye applies evenly. After this, the scales on their own will no longer fit tightly, making each hair weak and unprotected against any test: the sun, hair dryer, iron, wind and dust - the worst enemies after coloring.

Priority measures

These include measures to restore the integrity of the hair structure. After dyeing, the alkalis contained in the dye remain on the hair and scalp for more than a month, continuing their negative effects. Therefore, hair care after dyeing will be as follows:

  1. For the first wash after coloring, use a special shampoo and balm, which are included with the color - their composition can neutralize the effect of residual alkali, cover the hair cuticle, thereby fixing the color. If these products are not included in the paint kit (can be checked by the label on the package), then it is advisable to purchase them separately. The ideal option is when the manufacturer of the dye and product for colored hair is the same.
  2. For the first two days after changing color, refrain from washing to fix the paint. In the future, it is recommended to use shampoos labeled “For colored hair” and other care products.
  3. Visiting a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool will have a negative impact in the first days after coloring.
  4. Using a straightening iron or curling iron will also damage the newly colored curls, but they can, of course, be used in the future.

Advice. Before purchasing paint, you should familiarize yourself with its composition, recommendations for its use and check the availability of shampoo and balm for the first wash after coloring.

Each person’s hair is individual, and everyone knows the problem with choosing a shampoo: the one that shows excellent results on a friend’s hair can cause itching, dandruff, and excessive fluffiness in your own hair. General recommendations will help improve the care of colored hair.

  • Drinking plenty of plain water (purified or mineral) will naturally moisturize them, give them elasticity and shine;
  • Healthy eating, especially limiting fatty, fried foods; eating fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals in any form, will improve not only the health of the scalp, but the entire body as a whole;
  • Taking vitamins B, C, D, A is not only good for your hair, but taking care of your scalp is also important. Eating all kinds of salads made from fresh greens, seasoned with vegetable oil, will provide the body with folic acid (vitamin B9, “female”), which, in addition to accelerated growth, will cleanse the entire body of poisons and chemicals.
  • When purchasing the main care product - shampoo - pay attention to its purpose and the type of hair for which it is recommended. Additional care products, conditioner and balm, should also be selected according to the same principle and purpose. It is advisable that all care products for colored hair be of the same line.
  • Following the recommendations of proper washing, drying and combing after it will help preserve the structure of each hair and their number.

Advice. After washing, dry your hair with a towel and let it dry a little naturally. It is better to comb with a slightly damp, wide-toothed comb.

Healthy curls: secrets of care with home remedies

Dyed hair requires more care than natural hair. Maintenance is complicated by the presence of paint, which has to be taken into account when choosing products, especially at home. A large selection of masks and rinses that have been proven over generations makes it possible to choose the appropriate type and color after painting.

Mustard mask

Plus - stimulates rapid hair renewal and growth; improves the condition of the scalp. The downside is that the roots grow quickly, which requires additional coloring.

Preparation and use: mix 2 tbsp until smooth. dry mustard, the same amount of vegetable oil (olive, almond), 2 tsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. water. Before washing your hair, apply the paste to the scalp (with a brush or your hands) and wrap your head in polyethylene and then with a towel for 45-60 minutes. If the mask causes a burning sensation, then the mustard is fresh; the mask can be washed off earlier. For dry hair, apply a mask every 10 days, for oily hair - once a week.

Kefir mask

Plus: it moisturizes and nourishes dry hair well. Minus: it lightens them a little.

Preparation and use: mix 4 tbsp. fat kefir, 1 tbsp. honey and the yolk of one egg. If the hair is long, then it is necessary to increase the amount of ingredients by 2-3 or more times, since the mask is applied generously over the entire length. Keep for 30-40 minutes, use once every 8-10 days.


Plus: they nourish and restore damaged curls well, make them elastic and manageable, and are good for the scalp. Minus: some oils are difficult to wash out and create the effect of stale hair. Traditionally, burdock and castor oil are used for care. Research has shown that coconut oil is much more effective than these classic remedies. It is included in many cosmetic products; it is useful to use it to care for the scalp after coloring. In addition, it washes out perfectly and makes hair shiny and manageable.

The use of oils is extremely simple: apply evenly to the head and the entire length of the hair, wrap for an hour or two. Coconut oil can be hard, so it should be warmed in a double boiler or by hand before using. Residues will harden again after use without changing their properties. For oily hair, oil can be used once a week, and for dry hair - every three days.

Henna, basma

Plus: absolutely harmless, nourishes and strengthens the roots well, has a good effect on the scalp (henna). Minus: change shade; colorless henna is neutral in color, but blonde curls can take on an unaesthetic yellowish tint. The correct use of these natural herbal remedies is indicated on the packaging, taking into account the available color. But henna can be used in a more complex mask, which will surprise you with its results. The main composition is as follows:

  • 3 tbsp. colorless henna;
  • a third of a glass of boiling water;
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
  • 1 yolk.

Preparation: steam the henna with boiling water and let it cool slightly. Then add cocoa and yolk. This composition can be changed by adding kefir, honey, or replacing boiling water with a decoction of chamomile, nettle or string. The mask should be applied to the entire length of the hair and scalp. Wrap your head in plastic, then with a towel for about an hour, then rinse well. The hair acquires a deep shade, shine, and elasticity.

Ground coffee

Plus: natural scrub and mask at the same time; Remains of varnish, silicone and everything that has accumulated over several days are well removed. Minus: not everyone drinks brewed coffee; slightly changes hair color to a darker side. Usage is extremely simple: apply coffee grounds after brewing coffee while washing your hair. You can add sugar or salt to enhance the effect. Lather, then rub the coffee over the scalp and hair with soft circular movements for 5-7 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. The hair acquires a beautiful shine, blood flows to the scalp and hair roots, which improves its condition.

Some information on how to care for your hair after dyeing with herbs. If you wash your head more than once a week, then instead of a mask you can use herbal decoctions. At the same time, you need to know how they affect hair color:

  • Chamomile - slightly brightens and gives a little yellowness. This is a universal decoction that dries out the skin a little.
  • Sequence - makes the hair a little darker, very useful for the scalp after dyeing.
  • Hibiscus (hibiscus decoction) contains a lot of acid, which brightens and adds shine. An ideal conditioner for those with red hair.
  • Black tea and leftover coffee will refresh the dark color.
  • Nettle and hop cones are universal products for caring for all types of hair of any color.

What to paint when

If you take good care of your hair after dyeing, it will quickly grow back, and the difference between the native color at the roots and the main mass becomes noticeable. Therefore, once every 3 weeks (or more often) it is necessary to tint only this part. Experts recommend doing full coloring no more than once every six months - this will help keep your curls healthy and strong.

It is ideal to dry naturally after washing. But for a short haircut, as well as for long curls, this is not always acceptable. A few simple tips will help maintain the health and beauty of colored hair.

  • Eliminate the use of a hair dryer for drying 100%. Curls should dry naturally.
  • When using a hairdryer, the movements should be directed from the roots to the ends - in this case, the scales are as close to each other as possible, and the hair has a healthier appearance.
  • Never use an iron or curling iron to style wet curls. They will quickly begin to split and take on an untidy appearance.
  • When styling, it is recommended to use thermal protection products - special foams, gels, sprays, mousses.

The main goal of caring for colored hair is to restore the structure of each hair, giving it a healthy shine and strength.
