Ultrasonic scrubber for facial cleansing at home: features, reviews. Devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing (Scrubber) buy Ultrasonic scrubber portable

Facial scrubbers have been used in beauty salons for decades. Several years ago, portable ultrasonic peeling devices began to be sold in online stores, which you can use yourself at home.

What is an “ultrasonic scrubber” and how does it work?

Ultrasonic skin cleansers vibrate up to 30,000 Hz to force impurities out of pores and gently exfoliate dead skin cells. The scrubber also helps serums and other skin care products penetrate deeper and work more effectively. With proper and regular use, the device can help with the following problems:

  • clogged pores,
  • excess production of sebum,
  • blackheads and whiteheads,
  • dry, flaky skin,
  • dull tone
  • uneven texture,
  • dirty skin.

How is an ultrasonic scrubber different from other brushes, tools, home peels and products?

  1. It works gently and is suitable for sensitive skin

An ultrasonic scrubber is an excellent alternative to cleansers and microdermabrasion tools. When using it, you can control the pressure, angle and direction of the working cleaning blade (spatula) to delicately remove impurities from the pores, focusing on problem areas, and gently exfoliate the skin, cleansing it. Since an ultrasonic scrubber uses water or a toner rather than a harsh exfoliant, the skin after the procedure becomes clean and smooth, but not irritated.

  1. It's hygienic

Ultrasonic cleaning does not use any abrasives or tools, so the risk of developing a bacterial infection is extremely low. To keep the scrubber clean, simply wipe it before and after use with an antibacterial or alcohol wipe.

  1. Improves the performance of other skin care products

Modern serums and facial products contain effective, expensive ingredients. For them to penetrate deeper, the skin must be clean, without accumulation of dead cells. Ultrasonic scrubbing helps achieve this, and the care products used after the procedure work better.

  1. Inexpensive and accessible

Uz. The device is easy to clean and store. You can buy a good device for an average of 3,500 rubles, while there are practically no other expenses for its maintenance.

  1. Improves skin

With regular course use, ultrasound improves the overall condition of the skin, making it cleaner, healthier and toned. In this case, there are no side effects, as with aggressive types of cleaning.


Along with Gezatone, Esma and NOVA devices, the Silver Fox KD-8020 portable ultrasonic scrubber for home use is popular.

It is slightly different from the previous model KD-8010; you can buy it in online stores with cosmetology equipment.

It must be used like any other bond. scrubber, on damp skin, moistening it, for example, with water, tonic or cosmetic gel. It cleans clogged pores well, you just need to point the spatula at the right angle to the skin. It is a little more difficult to cleanse the skin in hard-to-reach places on the face and where the pores are not very enlarged: on the cheeks, wings of the nose, on the chin.

When operating, the device produces sound and vibration, much like an ultrasonic toothbrush. It has a wireless principle of operation, but periodically requires recharging.

Instructions for the ultrasonic scrubber: how to use

Instructions for use, the principle of operation of the device, as well as its structure and recommendations can be read in the photo below (after clicking, the pictures will open in a new tab in full size).

Before the procedure, make-up and surface impurities are removed from the face using hydrophilic oil or cleansing milk. To tone the skin and expand the pores, apply lotion. In order for ultrasound to penetrate deeper in the future, peeling must be done before cleaning. In salon conditions, for this purpose, as a rule, compositions based on fruit acids are used. Next, the skin is treated with a special conductor gel. The ultrasonic cleaning procedure itself is carried out in stages, affecting each area for 5-10 minutes. It may take 20 to 40 minutes to treat the entire face. If desired, after cleaning they do ultraphonophoresis, darsonvalization, or simply apply a cream appropriate to the skin type. This allows you to consolidate the effect of ultrasound.

What is the operating principle of ultrasonic scrubbers?

The device generates ultrasonic vibrations, elusive to the human ear, with a frequency of 20-25 kHz. As a result, the metal spatula of the device begins to vibrate rapidly with low amplitude. In contact with the surface of wet skin, the plate acts on the gel molecules. It seems to knock out particles of the cosmetic product from the pores, and they, in turn, carry away impurities. Ultrasound not only helps to wash out the horny masses from the mouths of the follicles, but also exfoliates the keratinized cells of the epidermis. Exfoliation occurs due to frequent oscillatory movements of the spatula. The vibration emanating from the tip is transmitted to tissue cells. This leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes in the skin.

What problems does an ultrasonic facial cleansing device solve?

  • Removes impurities from pores and prevents acne.
  • Removes the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis.
  • Reduces the severity of age spots, congestive spots, and scars.
  • Improves blood circulation, lymph flow, metabolic processes.
  • Increases skin and muscle tone.
  • Reduces the oiliness of the skin.
  • Evens out skin tone and texture
  • Promotes better penetration of medicinal and cosmetic products deep into the dermis.

In many ways, the final result depends on the position of the device’s spatula during the procedure. Thus, facial massage, smoothing out scars and fine wrinkles, is done with the back of the plate. When peeling, the nozzle is positioned at an angle of 35-45 degrees. If you need to additionally saturate the cleansed skin with active components of cosmetics, use the phonophoresis mode.

Who are ultrasonic scrubbers suitable for?

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is recommended primarily for those with problematic skin prone to oiliness, the formation of comedones, acne and post-acne. It should be carried out for uneven and rough skin, hyperpigmentation (freckles, age spots). The use of the device is indicated for women with dehydrated, hypotonic skin and age-related changes (sagging, wrinkles).

The number of beauty sessions and the choice of cosmetic products accompanying the procedure depend on the type and main problems of the skin. Thus, oily porous skin is best cleansed with peeling tonics and lotions, dry, sensitive and aging skin - with solutions with a moisturizing effect. Using hydrating preparations together with ultrasound is also useful for pigmentation and scars.

How often can ultrasonic peeling be done?

It is important to remember that ultrasonic cleaning is not the only type of peeling. Moreover, it is undesirable to resort to this procedure too often. For sensitive, normal and dry skin, the ultrasound device should be used 1-2 times a quarter, for oily and problematic skin - once a month, for combination skin - 1-2 times a month.

Cleaning with an ultrasonic scrubber is best done:
  • In combination with mechanical peeling. This type of cleaning is called combined and gives a more pronounced result.
  • On the eve of a trip to the sea. For example, after chemical peeling you cannot sunbathe in the sun, but ultrasound has no such contraindication.
  • Before an important event. After ultrasonic peeling there is no peeling or redness, the skin immediately looks well-groomed and makeup is easy to apply to it.
  • When the face has not been cared for for a long time, and ordinary procedures carried out at home do not give the desired effect.

Contraindications and warnings

Ultrasound procedures cannot be performed in the area of ​​the eyes, thyroid gland, heart, or genitals. It is prohibited to use the device in an area with contour gel plastic, over silicone implants.

Contraindications to the use of an ultrasonic scrubber are:

  • thrombophlebitis,
  • blood diseases,
  • insufficient blood circulation,
  • heart rhythm disturbance.
  • This procedure is not suitable for those who wear pacemakers or other electronic implants.

Ultrasound cleaning cannot be done if your face has:

  • skin neoplasms,
  • trophic ulcers,
  • abrasions,
  • wounds,
  • purulent and acute inflammatory processes,
  • Sensation is impaired due to nerve disease or injury.

Sound waves pose a danger to people who have implants in the muscles or under the skin: with postoperative staples, gold threads. The ban does not apply to braces, pins, or gold crowns. It is best to avoid ultrasonic facial cleansing during pregnancy or if you have an unknown ailment.

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Hardware is a procedure that is extremely popular among visitors to beauty salons. Moreover, such purification is performed using professional equipment and has a high cost. In order to cleanse your face at home and save money, the device can be purchased in a specialized store or online.

What is a scrubber?

One of the best devices for facial cleansing is a professional ultrasonic scrubber. Its use is possible not only in a beauty salon, but also at home.

This is a great way to get rid of excess oily skin, pore contaminants and dead particles of the epidermis. Essentially, a portable ultrasonic scrubber is a small unit that has a remote probe with a metal blade, which is the main element of the device. Vibrations of ultrasonic waves with a frequency of about 20 kHz are transmitted through this part. Such impulses are invisible to the human eye, but quite noticeable to the skin of the face.


To carry out such a procedure, what should be the indications for use? At the same time, not all representatives of the fairer sex can use an ultrasonic scrubber, but more on that later. So, indications for the need for ultrasonic cleaning.

They are:

  • increased skin porosity;
  • decreased tone and turgor of the skin;
  • comedones on the face;
  • acne rash in a calm stage;
  • combination or oily skin;
  • fading dermis;
  • high sweating;
  • dull skin color on the face.

Each symptom, individually or in combination, can be an indisputable indicator of the need to cleanse the skin using an ultrasonic facial scrubber.


Like any type of cosmetic procedure, it has a number of contraindications for use. It is not recommended to do this if you have:

  • inflammatory processes on the face in acute form;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • for oncology;
  • during pregnancy;
  • neuralgic deviations of the external nerve.

After undergoing surgical interventions, some discomfort may occur on the skin of the face, but the use of a scrubber is acceptable.

Basic mechanisms of ultrasound action

Ultrasound is invisible wave vibrations that are used in various sectors of human activity. Cosmetology has not been left out either. Such vibrations are transmitted by the emitter to the surface of the skin; in this case, an ultrasonic scrubber is used. When used, the upper layers of the dermis are subjected to high-frequency vibrations, which promote the separation of dead cells of the stratum corneum of the skin and the removal of various contaminants from the pores, as well as the surface of the vital layer. At the same time, the insignificant power of wave oscillations transmitted by the device cannot harm the skin in any way.


Peeling is a deep cleansing of the surface of the epidermis. Using an ultrasonic facial scrubber as a peeling device, mini-jet liquid peeling agent reaching the surface of the dermis penetrates the pores with high efficiency and removes any impurities, and also has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin, eliminating excessive secretion of sebum and dead skin. cells of the stratum corneum. This treatment deeply cleanses and at the same time perfectly nourishes the skin with oxygen.


In addition to cleansing, the skin requires increased blood circulation, which will contribute to a speedy recovery from minor injuries. Micromassage is another procedure that can be performed with a portable ultrasonic scrubber at home.
There are several types of micromassage effects:

  • Mechanical. This effect is exerted by the transmission of wave vibrations through a small layer of lotion, gel or other product previously applied to the skin. The process involves deep micromassage of facial tissues, stimulation of cells to regenerate, cleansing of the skin and increasing the elasticity of the connective tissues of the dermis.
  • Massage promotes the breakdown of collagen fibers, which, in turn, have a positive effect on the skin and make it more elastic.
  • Thermal influence converts the acoustic energy of tissues into heat, which increases circulation and accelerates biochemical reactions, activates redox processes, forms serotonin and other active biological substances, changes the pH of the skin, promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Bactericidal effect. Ultrasound promotes the production of lymph, which distributes beneficial substances throughout the skin cells.
  • Phonophoresis is an enhancement of the effect of medications through the influence of ultrasonic vibrations on skin cells with the preliminary application of medications. Thus, medications penetrate faster into the deep layers of the dermis, act on the skin longer and reduce the number of side effects.
  • The pulse type of micromassage provides a high lymphatic drainage and lifting effect.

How to choose a scrubber?

In order to decide how to choose an ultrasonic scrubber, you need to follow some recommendations.

If you do not take them into account, then you can quickly become disappointed in the device when buying an ultrasonic scrubber. The instructions have all the necessary information, so you should definitely take a look at it. You should pay special attention to the following data:

  1. Manufacturer. You can choose a product from famous manufacturers, but by purchasing an ultrasonic scrubber made in Russia, you can get a high-quality model and save a lot of money at the same time.
  2. Safety. The device must meet all norms and quality standards, be environmentally friendly, and therefore safe to use.
  3. Design and equipment. It is better to opt for a model that is made without unnecessary parts and is easy to use.
  4. Dimensions. A small and lightweight device will be the best choice for home use.
  5. Power. The higher this indicator, the better the ultrasonic scrubber will perform all the tasks assigned to it. An undeniable advantage of the device will be the presence of several speeds, which will allow cleaning of varying intensity.

In order to get a multifunctional device, you should buy a portable professional ultrasonic scrubber. Using this model, you can effectively cleanse, ionize, peel and tone the skin. This will make it possible to receive almost all salon-type cosmetic procedures at home.

The price of good quality professional facial cleansing equipment is usually high. Therefore, you should not try to buy an inexpensive ultrasonic scrubber. The optimal device would be a device in the mid-price category. Adhering to these nuances, you can choose a high-quality cleansing device for facial peeling at an affordable price and carry out salon procedures at home.

How to conduct an ultrasound facial cleansing session?

Cosmetic procedures performed using ultrasonic waves, as a rule, do not require special preparation. But, if before this moment such actions have never been carried out with the skin, you need to familiarize yourself with the main stages.

  • Cleansing. You should first cleanse the skin of existing cosmetics, and also use a mild scrub to remove obvious impurities from the dermis.
  • The steaming process is not required before ultrasonic cleaning, and a light massage should be performed to prepare the skin for the effects of waves.
  • During cleansing, the device uses special creams, lotions or gels that increase the impact of ultrasound. At the end of the cleansing session, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin, after wiping your face with a damp cloth and wiping it dry.

Depending on the condition of the skin, you can use a home ultrasonic scrubber once a week or even a month. Reviews from cosmetologists contain recommendations that you should not use the device often, since such manipulations can cause damage to the skin. One procedure should not last longer than 15 minutes, with a break every 5 minutes.

Only a salon procedure or is there an alternative?

You can use an ultrasound machine not only in the salon. In a specialized office, this procedure is carried out by professional cosmetologists according to individual programs, but the cost of such services is quite impressive. Having purchased a professional device, you can do all the manipulations at home, but you should first consult with a specialist.

If your skin problems are quite serious, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary sensitivity test, because even the best ultrasonic scrubber does not guarantee safe use on problematic facial skin.

In any case, using ultrasound to cleanse the dermis is an excellent way to get rid of many skin problems and improve its condition.

Just a few years ago, ultrasonic facial peeling at home was considered something out of science fiction. The procedure was already offered in cosmetology clinics and offices, but it was impossible to imagine doing it yourself at home.

Why is the ultrasonic scrubbing procedure necessary?

Today, an ultrasonic portable scrubber can be used anywhere and anytime, which is enjoyed by a huge number of girls and women. What is ultrasonic skin exfoliation?

This is a kind of atraumatic facial cleansing, the mechanism of action of which is based on the introduction of high-frequency waves into the deep structures of the skin. The use of ultrasound is completely painless, safe, and at the same time effective.

This procedure is universal and suitable for any skin type. In particular, unlike many similar procedures, its use is allowed in patients with telangiectasia (rosacea). It solves many tasks, starting with deep cleansing of pores and ending with smoothing the skin microrelief.

Portable scrubber: action and instructions

A professional portable facial scrubber is now available to the average person. Typically, such products are sold in specialized stores for cosmetologists and estheticians, but today they can be purchased in any online market.

A portable ultrasonic scrubber is designed for thorough cleansing of the skin through chemical, mechanical and thermal effects. The device also provides comprehensive facial skin care, delicately relieving it of a variety of problems - fine wrinkles, comedones, acne and post-acne.

Cosmetologists unanimously say: our skin needs regular mechanical exfoliation.

Typically, for these purposes, women use various scrubs - from ready-made compositions to homemade masks based on food and drinks.

However, all these products provide only superficial care, without affecting the deep structures of the dermis and epidermis. Dead cells that accumulate on the surface of our skin are very harmful to it. They prevent the penetration of oxygen, the main oxidizer of toxic substances, into the pores, as a result of which the skin becomes dull, flabby and dehydrated.

In addition, keratinized cells create an optimally favorable environment for the introduction and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - fungi, staphylococci and other bacteria that provoke congestive inflammatory processes. A person who does not take any measures to regularly exfoliate the skin often has enlarged pores with open comedones, commonly called “blackheads”.

Elimination of dead skin cells can indeed be achieved through regular scrubbing. However, things will not go further than this effect. With the use of a professional ultrasonic scrubber, things are different.

The device emits high-frequency sound waves that promote delicate, gentle cleansing of the epidermis from standard impurities, “blackheads” (including inflamed ones) and excess sebum.

At the same time, the cosmetology device stimulates accelerated tissue regeneration, activates the synthesis of fibroblasts that produce “proteins of youth” - collagen and elastin, and increases skin elasticity.

Under its influence, the skin becomes somewhat lighter, which is important for those with freckles and hyperpigmentation. The ultrasound device gradually eliminates all acne scars or post-acne scars. He is also able to cope with more severe scar changes, however, this may require a certain time and number of procedures.

What can a scrubber do?

Using this equipment, it is very convenient to perform professional phonophoresis - a procedure designed for deeper penetration of cosmetics and therapeutic drugs into the inner layer of the skin. This “miracle machine” is designed to provide the skin with soft, delicate cleansing, as well as comprehensive care.

Depending on the selected model, you can carry out the following procedures:

  • Micromassage of facial skin to improve its tone, firmness and elasticity;
  • Anti-aging technique that eliminates age-related changes and manifestations of photoaging;
  • Warming up tissues for the purpose of their surface lifting (suitable for the problem of gravitational ptosis of 1-2 degrees);
  • Whitening and depigmentation;
  • Implementation of nutrients deep into the dermis.

Typically, devices are sold complete with a power supply and several attachments.

The main advantages of using them at home are:

  • Mains operation: you can connect the device wherever and whenever you want, without worrying about buying and changing batteries;
  • Compact and comfortable to use: The device is light, mobile and small-sized, which makes it easy to transport. You can take it with you on vacation, and rest assured that it will not take up much space in your luggage;
  • Variability of use: Each scrubber is programmed with several options with which you can vary the treatments. Using a home scrubber, you have the opportunity to independently turn to salon procedures: hardware cleaning, lifting and massage;
  • High frequency of ultrasonic vibrations, providing the device with performance comparable to the effect of using professional equipment;
  • Comfortable concave blade surface: The “floating” shape of the communicator allows it to move freely around various curves and work even in the most difficult to reach areas.

All procedures performed using a scrubber are absolutely painless and safe. From now on, you do not need to constantly visit expensive aesthetic medicine clinics to ensure a well-groomed appearance.

Final results

When purchasing any product or device, any woman rightly expects specific results from its use. We will not say that a scrubber is a real panacea for all ills, capable of solving any, even the most serious, dermatological problems.

Of course, there are diseases and defects that only a qualified medical specialist can handle. However, if you do not have any serious skin defects, you can easily cope with decent, high-quality care using ultrasound equipment.

Regular cleaning procedures with a scrubber will relieve you of the following pressing problems:

  • Abnormally increased sebum secretion, accompanied by an unattractive oily sheen of the skin and “blackheads”;
  • Excess of dead skin cells, causing dullness and visual “fatigue” of the face;
  • Minor inflammatory processes (without pustular formations);
  • Chronic manifestations of acne and scar changes after cured acne;
  • Whiteheads.

If you need banal prevention, you also cannot help but notice amazing results on your appearance:

  • Smooth, pearl-colored skin with an even micro-relief;
  • Global cleansing of the skin, significant reduction of pores and comedones;
  • Rapid renewal of young cells;
  • Increased elasticity and natural turgor of the skin;
  • Activation of cellular metabolism, as a result of which the skin looks healthy, nourished and optimally hydrated;
  • Smoothing out fine wrinkles of facial and age-related types;
  • Velvety and perfect matte complexion.

Beautiful skin without wrinkles and pimples is the result of proper care. Simple washing with soap is not enough to keep your face clean. Throughout the day, skin secretions are produced that attract dust and dirt. As a result, the pores become clogged. Peeling is a deep cleansing of the dermis, which allows you to rid the skin of numerous problems. An ultrasonic scrubber will help prolong youth and keep your skin clean.

Features of using a scrubber

Peeling involves penetration into the deep layers of the dermis. When mechanically cleaning, steaming the skin and opening the pores is mandatory. The ultrasonic scrubber can be used without special training. All you need to do is clean the affected area with milk or regular soap and treat the skin with mineral water or a special gel. The ultrasonic scrubber does not cause any damage to the skin. The procedure is absolutely painless.

The skin is regularly exposed to negative factors such as temperature changes, poor-quality food, and poor ecology. Only competent care will keep the dermis in good shape. Ultrasonic cleansing of the face and body makes it possible to solve many skin problems. This may include:

  • skin aging;
  • seborrhea;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • post-acne;
  • rough skin;
  • disruption of lymph flow.

The procedure can be carried out on any area. The only exceptions are the area around the eyes and the bikini area. An ultrasonic scrubber has a significant advantage over devices for. It is gentle on the skin without damaging it. At the same time, the waves penetrate really deeply, cleansing the pores of old impurities.

Even if the skin visually looks good, this does not mean that there is no need for special care. Regular use of a scrubber allows you to activate regeneration processes in the deep layers of the dermis. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to improve lymph flow and blood circulation. In addition, the scrub promotes the production of collagen (the protein responsible for youthful skin). Ultrasound strengthens the local immunity of the dermis.

The result of ultrasonic cleaning will be skin that glows with health.

Already after the first cleansing using an ultrasonic scrubber, the skin is transformed and a healthy glow appears. If there are visible problems, the positive dynamics will not be noticeable the first time. It is necessary to carry out a course of 10-12 procedures with a break of several days. To maintain the results obtained, it is necessary to deep cleanse your face twice a month.

Who should stop using a scrubber?

Many cosmetologists recommend using an ultrasonic scrubber from the age of 18. At this time, the sebaceous glands work in full force, dirt accumulates in the pores. If significant skin problems are observed already in adolescence, the scrub can also be used as prescribed by a dermatologist. At the same time, deep cleaning will be only part of a complex of skin restoration procedures.

Before purchasing a portable scrubber, it is worth studying the contraindications to the procedure.

The scrubber itself is absolutely safe. However, in some cases you will still have to stop using the device. Ultrasound peeling has the following contraindications:

  • external nerve neuralgia;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin in the acute phase;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy of any stage.

It is not advisable to use a scrub for any infectious disease. Even a common cold is a reason to refuse ultrasonic skin cleansing. You should wait until you feel better, and only then carry out the cosmetic procedure effectively.

People who have recently had facial surgery may experience slight discomfort when exposed to the scrub. If the sensations are quite painful, you will also have to refuse ultrasonic cleaning.

How is the procedure performed?

As before any other cosmetic procedure, the skin must be cleansed. It is imperative to remove makeup and treat your face with toner. In order for ultrasonic waves to better penetrate deep into the dermis, a special gel is used. A portable device for home use, as a rule, goes on sale along with a skin pre-treatment product. If there is no gel, you can use mineral water. An ultrasonic scrubber is a device with a metal blade that is guided along massage lines. It is this blade that transmits ultrasonic waves.

There is no need to specially prepare the skin to use the scrubber. You just have to wash your face in the usual way

If there are no pathological processes on the skin, peeling is completely painless. You may only feel a slight vibration in places where bones are close under the skin (kneecaps or cheekbones). The ultrasonic cleaning procedure itself can last for 15-40 minutes. It all depends on the affected area. Processing one area takes no more than 2 minutes. Many cosmetologists recommend performing a massage before cleaning. It is believed that in this way it will be possible to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

A special gel will help improve the conductivity of ultrasonic waves

If the ultrasonic scrubber is used correctly, there should be no redness or irritation on the skin. There is also no need to take special care of your skin. All you need to do is treat your face or body with a suitable moisturizer. You can also complete the procedure by applying a rejuvenating or nourishing mask. An integrated approach will provide a more tangible result.

In the salon or at home?

Today, the ultrasonic cleaning procedure can be carried out in any beauty salon. The cost of services depends on the location of the establishment, as well as on the professionalism of the specialist himself. For one session you will have to pay about 1000 rubles. The advantage of a procedure in a beauty salon is that a specialist will be able to create an individual program to solve any skin problems. Additionally, creams, lotions and other care products for the face and body will be selected. If you approach the problem comprehensively, you will be able to save significantly.

It can also be carried out successfully at home. Special portable devices are available for sale. A professional device is suitable for independent use, but it will be quite expensive (from 100 thousand rubles). A portable device can be bought for 10-15 thousand rubles. The price will depend on the following factors:

  • pulse frequency;
  • provided programs;
  • possibility of changing nozzles;
  • manufacturer.

Portable scrubbers differ from professional scrubbers primarily in power. Salons are purchasing more expensive units with more functions. For your home, you can easily choose a small device with characteristics suitable for solving a specific problem (wrinkles, acne, scars, rough skin). When choosing a device, you should pay attention to whether the seller provides a guarantee. As a rule, official distributors offer free repairs if the device breaks down within a year of purchase.

Portable scrubbers are not designed for intense use like professional devices. If you use the device several times a day, it will not last long. But one device can be chosen for several family members. For example, a daughter and mother can successfully use a home scrubber. And in this case, the ability to change attachments will also be beneficial. Different family members are unlikely to have the same skin condition. Using one device by several family members is a great opportunity to save money.
