In which curlers can you sleep. How to wind your hair on curlers? How to curl curls overnight on paper towels

Luxurious flowing curls without harm to hair? It's real! Locs - a novelty in the field of hair curling!

Girls, have you heard about the Loks? It's time to try them!

And now some facts:

  • LOKS - a patented model. No hooks, clips or plastic parts!
  • Locks are made of durable and wear-resistant foam rubber, the curls do not wrinkle overnight due to the quick restoration of the shape of the curlers.
  • Locks are eco-friendly and gently curl your hair.

Locks are unique:

  • Super soft for overnight curls
What is more comfortable to sleep on? On foam rubber, or hard plastic and wire inserts?

  • Hold firmly on the head
Curlers untwisted overnight and the whole hairstyle is ruined? You are insured against such surprises using Loks.

  • Spiral Curler long hair!

  • Curlers for volume short hair!

  • Development and production - Russia.
  • More than 1000 points of issue in Russia, with payment upon receipt, sending by Post, courier.

How to choose Loks?

With the help of Lox curlers, you can style hair of different lengths:

  • if you are the owner of long hair and want to create a lush volume or large luxurious curls, choose Loks Maxi vertical curlers;
  • in order to wind hair of short or medium length without harm, modern Loxa Classic spiral curlers are perfect.
  • To create basal volume on short hair, choose large soft Super Volume curlers.

Our foam curlers are also great for thin, weak hair. They allow you to make the most gentle curl and help create a lush hairstyle.

High price?

Sometimes we are asked why Locs are so expensive? After all, this is ordinary foam rubber and rubber bands?
The price is dictated by the characteristics of the material and its processing. If you open a very expensive mattress, you can see there, too, the most ordinary at first glance, foam rubber. But it's not. Its properties are specially selected for the loads for which this mattress is designed, for a certain shape memory effect, and so on.

Our material withstands repeated compression-expansion-twisting-twisting, quickly recovering its shape. According to our observations, Loks are able to serve at least 2 years, subject to approximately 2-3 perms per week.

Agree, for 2 years of constant high-quality perms, their price is not so high.

How to get Hollywood curls, soft waves or fun curls?

(on the example of Loksov Classic)

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Curly curls give the image a flirtatious and playful character. But the trouble is, not everyone is ready to boast of natural curls given by nature. Straight-haired beauties have to look for ways to curl.

Some can harm the hair, lead to split ends and brittleness. In this case, a standard set of curlers comes to the rescue.

To answer the question of how to properly wind hair on curlers, you should familiarize yourself with their types and degree of impact.

What are curlers:

  1. boomerangs;
  2. Velcro;
  3. metal;
  4. velvet;
  5. bobbin;
  6. Thermo curlers.

Now let's look at each type separately. After all, knowing the principle of their work, it is easier to choose the right option.

Boomerangs or papillots are made of foam rubber. They are soft and different in size. This set is suitable for owners of short and long hair. Hairdressing procedure can be carried out before going to bed. The soft form will not cause inconvenience.

Velcro is also good for a haircut, the prickly surface of the hedgehogs allows you to use curlers without additional clips. This option is suitable for a hairstyle in a hurry. The curls under them dry well, and a volume is visually created at the roots. To get large and light waves, we use large-diameter curlers. At night, this method is not suitable. Do not wind weak hair - hedgehogs will damage the already fragile structure.

Metal molds are one of the rough ways. With their help, you can create beautiful curls, but it is very difficult to withstand their presence on the head. And in no case should you heat hair wrapped on metal objects - oxidation will occur.

The velvet look is the most popular among hairdressers. With their help, even a beginner can wind their hair. Curling with their use is gentle and gentle, which will maintain a healthy look of curls. It is not recommended to wind up at night - you will not see sleep.

Bobbins are used to create small, charming and delicate curls in an African style. To obtain the look of wet chemistry, the curls are treated with a gel before curling. Hairstyles are chic, however, it is difficult to comb out later.

Thermal curlers and electric curlers - make a curl in 20 minutes. This is the highest result. However, do not abuse this look - ruin your hair.

How to wind curlers so that the curls turn out beautiful is a frequent question. Sometimes, you try, twist, but you get a bird's nest on your head. Such an effect is clearly not needed by anyone. For your procedure to be successful, use the following tips.

How to wind hair on curlers at night?

Why at night and not during the day - you ask. The answer is simple - during sleep, the curls will dry out and take a neat shape. Curls curl evenly.

But to get a chic image in the morning, you will need auxiliary means:

  1. styling spray;
  2. foam;
  3. mousse.

Rinse your hair with shampoo. Apply a fixing agent, for example - foam. Dry your hair naturally. Comb and try to select a strand of medium size. Now you need to wind the curl on the selected curler. Secure with a clip or elastic band. Head to bed and wait until dawn to show off your perfect hairstyle in front of your colleagues at work.

How to wind curlers on short hair?

A perm for short hair is done on hedgehogs or thermal curlers. The result will not keep you waiting, and it will take little time to wind up. The technique is no different from the previous one. If the head has just been washed, dry it. If not, slightly moisten the curls with a spray bottle. Wet hair is treated with a fixative and wait for complete drying.

We separate the strands one by one and wrap them on curlers. By the way, this is the same way as winding curlers on curlers.

The sequence of actions is the same:

  1. clean and dry hair;
  2. correctly selected curlers;
  3. means for fixing;
  4. winding;
  5. result.

However, remember that in order to obtain the proper result, it is necessary to carry out the procedure on slightly moistened hair. Wet ones may not curl. Be sure to use mousse, spray or foam.

All people in the world love diversity and, of course, women are no exception. They are tired of everyday fuss, monotonous boring everyday life, one hairstyle and makeup for 5 working days. And, whatever one may say, each of us, sitting at the workplace, dreams of when the day off will come, and she will be able to bring something new to her appearance. And the easiest solution to change is to change your hairstyle. Change a short ponytail for small alluring curls, or loose hair for gorgeous curls. One of the easiest and most effective ways is to create curls with curlers.

What curlers do you need for your hair length?

The stores have a huge variety of curlers. And all this wealth is not due to the fact that our stylists daily fantasize uncontrollably. This is because each type of hair and each length needs its own look. When choosing, do not forget about healthy and beautiful curls.

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying is the size. For short hair, you should buy small curlers, for medium length - medium, but for long hair use large ones. And you can purchase several types at once in order to get a combined hairstyle.

Experts do not recommend using wooden curlers. A lot of dirt collects in them and microorganisms appear that make them unusable. Iron curlers also have a negative effect on the structure of the hair: not only do the hair become thin, they also become electrified.

Types of curlers: which ones make large curls, which ones are medium, which ones are suitable for brittle hair?

A woman always dreams of changing what Mother Nature has given her. Owners of chic curls simply dream of straight shiny hair. However, most ladies strive for lush wavy curls, wanting.

Since Soviet times, our mothers have twisted curls with such devices. Thermal curlers are small cylinders with latches. Before use, they are dipped in boiling water. Boil for 2-3 minutes. And then, pulling out one at a time, they wind it on dry small strands. Remove after 15-20 minutes, and get the desired curls. Such curlers are well suited for short and medium strands, because the heat simply may not be enough for long strands.


They are also called hedgehogs. They have a rough surface and stick to the strands by themselves. They do not require any additional equipment. However, Velcro does not have a very beneficial effect, so they are not advised for women with thin, damaged hair. But they are also not recommended with long curls, because when removing the Velcro they get very confused in the curls. Before winding, it is recommended to slightly moisten.


These curlers provide the most secure curl. And all because their surface is velvety, allowing you to protect the strands. There are different lengths and different diameters. Due to this, you can come up with many different hairstyles. Suitable for all hair types, including long hair. At night they wind it on wet strands, in the morning - on dry hair, using fixatives.


Plastic bobbins replaced the wooden ones and did their job perfectly. With the help of them, you can make any hairstyle, from small curls to large curly curls. At home with them, you can achieve the effect of wet chemistry. The gel is applied to the strands that are wound on curlers, there should be as many of them as possible. They remove it when the curls are completely dry, distribute the curls with your hands, and not with a comb. Unlike wooden ones, plastic ones have small holes, thanks to which air enters the hair during curling, and it dries faster. It is unlikely that you will be able to sleep with these curlers, they are more suitable for morning waving. Applicable to all types of hair.

Plastic and foam

Plastic ones have a surface with small spikes, they are designed to prevent hair from slipping off. To fix the strands in the curlers, a special elastic band is provided, and on it is a cap in the form of a ball. These curlers are mainly used for morning waving. Sleeping in them is not very comfortable.

Foam curlers are recommended only for morning waving. Since the foam rubber is easily wrinkled, in the morning you can get the most unexpected result. Used for short and medium hair. Their clip is very small, so it is not possible to use it on long strands, it is simply not enough.

Boomerang curlers or papillots

Inside these curlers is a wire. Due to it, papillots can be bent in different directions. The foam on them is soft and dense. Soft ones are suitable for morning styling, but from dense foam rubber you can wind them up at night. It is very comfortable to sleep in them. Due to the dense foam rubber, they are not deformed, and in the morning you will get a pretty good result. Papillots are sold in different sizes and diameters, due to which they are suitable for both the shortest and the longest hair. But, unfortunately, the service life of such curlers is very short.

The curlers are placed in an electric stand. They heat up in about 20 minutes. Many coasters have an indicator that indicates heating. They come in different diameters, from 8 to 32 mm. They are wound only on dry hair, pre-treated with thermal protection. Remove after complete cooling. This type is considered the most harmful to the hair. Experts recommend using it only in extreme cases, when you definitely cannot do without curls.

How to wind curlers on video

Why did these curlers become my favorite?

My hair is long and thick, so I prefer curling it with curlers or foam rollers. They almost do not injure the hair, which is very important. I use the largest diameter. I wind it on clean, moisturized hair. A minute before removing, I spray with hairspray. It turns out very beautiful and neat curls.

If you do not have experience in this matter, then I advise you to stock up on a pair of mirrors and a comb with a long handle to separate the strands and train. Believe me, your efforts will not be in vain.

Today, a wide selection of curlers of different shapes, sizes and materials is on sale. All of them have the right to exist. However, not all of these devices are suitable for night waving. Remember that with this styling method, you will have to leave the curlers on your head not for an hour or two, but for quite a long time, moreover, you will also have to sleep on them.

It is imperative that the option you choose is mostly convenient. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to the material from which they are made. We must say right away that it is better to choose curlers for the night that are softer.

In general, it is worth noting that you are free to choose the option that is best for you and more convenient. The main thing to remember is the feeling of comfort. If you sleep on hard and uncomfortable bobbin for a long time, it can not only spoil your sleep and mood, but also negatively affect your health and well-being.

How to make curls?

When the correct curlers are selected and purchased, you can proceed directly to the curling process.

Set aside enough time for it before going to bed - to wind your hair competently and accurately, you may need about half an hour or more.

Let us briefly describe the algorithm of actions that should be followed.

The process described above is quite simple, but all its stages are extremely important. To get a really impressive effect, follow this instruction exactly and do not skip any of the steps given in it.

Is it possible to make the effect of the procedure better?

Many girls devote a lot of time to the process of winding their hair on curlers, and take them off in the morning in a hurry and carelessly. This is a common mistake. To make the styling really perfect, you need to approach its final stages with all responsibility. First of all, make sure your hair is completely dry overnight.

If you find that the strands wrapped around the curlers are still slightly damp, there is a risk that the curl will not work. To remedy the situation, we recommend that you dry your hair thoroughly with a hair dryer without removing the curlers from your head.

IMPORTANT! No need to remove curlers from wet strands. If your thick hair has not dried out overnight, you should undo it only after blow-drying. If you encounter such a problem, in the future we advise you to wind only dry hair on curlers in order to avoid trouble with curling.

It is worth removing strands from curlers very carefully and slowly, trying not to injure or fluff the curls. It is better to start this process from the bottom of the head. When you have loosened all the curls, you can gently go through the hair with a comb with rare teeth. If desired, fix the curl with hairspray.


Curling hair at night is really a very practical and convenient solution, especially for those who do not have a lot of free time and want to put themselves in order as quickly as possible in the morning. The main thing with this method of curling is to choose really high-quality curlers made of soft material so that your sleep is sweet and calm, and does not turn into real torture.

Learn how to curl your hair beautifully and carefully. Frequent use of curling irons and thermal curlers will soon be reflected in the dullness and cross section of the hair. Soft curlers can help create gorgeous romantic curls and at the same time keep your hair healthy. Let's look at how to choose curlers and create a spectacular hairstyle on short or long hair.

Pay attention to the boomerang curlers. Outwardly, they look like this: a flexible wire base is covered with a foam rubber or rubber sheath. Boomerangs come in different diameters and lengths, which allows you to independently determine the volume of curls. When choosing curlers, consider the result. A thin base will visually shorten the curls by half and curl the curls with a “small lamb”, which most often looks ridiculous. For all its merits (gentle styling method, reasonable price, variety of choices), curling curls with “boomerangs” takes a lot of time. These curlers are best left overnight. The structure of the hair curlers is different from the thermal curlers. If the second option involves winding on washed dry hair, then boomerangs do not need good air circulation. Before winding on soft curlers, wash your hair with shampoo and lightly dry with a towel. If they are too wet, they may not dry completely, and the result will disappoint you. Dry strands will develop quickly at all, without having formed curls. After washing your hair, stand in front of the mirror and prepare: a set of long curlers, a detangling comb, mousse or hair styling foam, a spray bottle with clean water and a hairdryer. Take a little product, apply to the hair and spread with a thick comb along the entire length. Start separating the strands from the crown. Comb each thoroughly, wrap with a tourniquet, spray with a spray bottle and wrap tightly on curlers. Wind your hair in a spiral. Neat curls are obtained if you distribute the strands into zones (crown, back of the head, temple). Hair styling with foam rollers. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse with conditioner, towel dry, then lightly blow dry with a hair dryer. Hair should be semi-moist. Detangle the hair, apply a little spray or styling product and distribute through the strands. Separate the hair into zones and grab with clips. Start with bangs, if it is not cut off. Place the curlers under the bangs 0.5-1 cm from the tips, wrap the hair and grab the cylinder. Continue winding until you reach the head. Try to wind your hair tightly so that it does not fall apart while wearing or sleeping.

If you want to get round curls, then place the curlers vertically. For soft and slightly messy waves, curl your hair horizontally with foam rollers. If you leave curlers overnight, then it is better to lower the fastener from the bottom up, in order to avoid ugly creases and dents. In the morning, carefully remove the fixture, lightly shake your hair with your fingertips and spray with hairspray if you want to create a “breeze” effect.

Boomerangs are considered the safest curlers in all respects. Try not to grab a lot of hair if you want to make more twisted curls, and on the contrary, wind a larger strand for easy curling. For curly hair, you need to use a leveling serum or apply varnish immediately before winding the curlers.
