Attention nymphomaniac! Who are nymphomaniacs? About women with endless sexual thirst What does a nymphomaniac mean?

Who are nymphomaniacs and do they exist in modern society?

Many experts believe that this concept indicates the presence of a psychological problem.

Nymphomania is a Greek word that means “bride” and “passion.”

Experts call this condition excessive sexual desire in women. There are also nymphomaniacs among the male population. But this term is more suitable for women.

To some extent, this is considered hypersexuality, or rather one of its types. A person suffering from nymphomania is always sexually dissatisfied, he fantasizes a lot and is constantly looking for a new partner.

Rarely, the term nymphomania hides women of easy virtue who are not approved by society. In fact, the life of each person depends only on him. Any person decides to condemn or support a nymphomaniac on his own.

People belonging to this type of hypersexuality do not consider their partners as future wives or husbands. All they need is sexual satisfaction.

Previously, nymphomania occurred exclusively in women, so the “syndrome” was called “uterine rabies.”

A nymphomaniac constantly succumbs to some impulses, he is in search of a new partner and tries to diversify his sex life.

It is also interesting that people of this type do not pay attention when choosing a partner:

  • on the floor;
  • for age;
  • on external data;
  • on interests and other information related to a specific person.

Sexual intercourse in most cases does not bring satisfaction, so a nymphomaniac is always in search. He needs a person with whom he can have an orgasm. But at the same time, the nymphomaniac does not accept long-term sexual relations with the new “victim”.

Excitement in the true state is subjective. In this case, the genitals “do not respond” with a normal physiological reaction. Rather, it is a psychological problem. The obsession with constantly looking for a new partner, without involving the genitals in the process, is considered psychopathology. This is due to organic brain damage.

Nymphomania: symptoms and treatment

It is easy to identify a hyperactive person regarding sexual relations. A man or woman who enjoys sex moderately is able to control his passion. Moreover, they are picky in relationships, and many aspects play an important role in choosing a partner for them. People with normal sexual activity can easily go without sex for a week or a month.

Nymphomaniacs are not able to last that long; they are constantly looking for new partners. In a week, people with psychopathology can change more than one person. People with increased sexual activity do not accept long-term relationships; they constantly need fresh impressions. Moreover, in the presence of psychopathology, it is difficult to concentrate on any activities other than sex. People cannot work, relax and communicate normally.

Nymphomaniac women are not afraid of contracting unpleasant diseases or becoming victims of crime. All they care about is sexual satisfaction.

It is quite easy to identify a person with psychopathology. To do this, experts have identified the main symptoms.

The following signs will help you understand who nymphomaniacs are:

  • constant uncontrolled sexual desire;
  • inability to get rid of thoughts about sex;
  • lack of satisfaction from contact with a new partner;
  • the need for constant casual relationships;
  • lack of interest in the opposite sex as a person;
  • hysterical mood, desire to deceive and use cunning.

Treating psychopathology is not easy. First you need to gain confidence in the person and try to understand him.

In many cases, the disease is associated with abnormalities in the brain, so a tomogram will not hurt. Then blood is donated to determine hormone levels.

Treatment should be comprehensive and can only begin after a complete examination of the body. After all, the problem may be hidden in damage to the brain or nervous system.

Drug therapy consists of taking sedatives and antipsychotics. These include Aminazine and Thioridazine.

Camphor monobromide helps young girls cope with the problem.

Along with drug treatment, it is mandatory to visit a psychologist.

You have come to the right place if you want to find out more about nymphomaniacs and simply about women with increased sexual thirst and need.

Today we will talk about the real meaning of this very term “nymphomania”, about the signs of sexual pathological hunger, we will touch a little on statistical data and open the eyes of those men who dream of meeting real nymphomaniacs and other sexually hyperactive individuals.

The meaning of the term "nymphomaniac"

Nymphomania is not just an unbridled thirst for sex, but rather a painful condition and a feeling of constant dissatisfaction. The nymphomaniac not only wants it all day long, but cannot get enough even from many orgasms. She drinks, but does not quench her thirst. She simply changes partners, and gets rid of any men after some short time.

Real nymphomaniacs lack control over their sexual desires and the forms of their satisfaction, which often makes the nymphomaniac’s partner completely powerless and weak in bed. Since mostly men are not used to such treatment and relationships.

If we translate the term “ nymphomania” literally from Greek, then “bride” and “mania” will come out, which means a painful sexual desire that excites anyone anywhere and at any hour indiscriminately who gets into bed.

A thirsty person calms down with the presence of water, but a nymphomaniac is not able to completely quench her thirst for sex. Such women satisfy their hunger for a short time, which pushes them to endlessly change sexual partners.

Myths about nymphomaniacs

What real man would not want to communicate with a woman who never refuses intimacy, always agrees to sex at any moment and in a wide variety of positions? According to statistics, a third of men dream of relationships with nymphomaniacs. But is it worth dating nymphomaniacs, much less actually having affairs with them?

Reliable women are certainly tempting, but unless it borders on pathology. Nymphomaniacs are not just beautiful lovers, but ladies who cannot get enough of you, no matter how good a sexual partner you actually are. It's never enough for them. Their sexual desire resembles not just sexual thirst, but painful preoccupation.

Do you think it's great to have sex dozens of times a day? Yes, maybe you, too, are as insatiable as nymphomaniacs, although for men for a long time this is actually completely uncharacteristic, since they have a very definite supply of energy, but they are not just burning with desire, they experience a feeling of hunger that they cannot satisfy .

Even if they experience orgasm a hundred times, they never get the full pleasure that would give them the opportunity to stop, and therefore they endlessly change sexual partners in order to get the long-awaited release. She drives her man to the point of exhaustion, but never gets any relief.

Nymphomaniacs are not satisfied with beautiful lovers, supermen, oligarchs; it makes no difference to them who is next to them, a professor or a young student. Such horny ladies leave anyone after several sexual acts. They lose any control and criticality, which indicates a painful condition.

Not all women who often change sexual partners are nymphomaniacs. There are also people who regularly change men in search of a more financially prosperous one. There are ladies who live with low self-esteem. They are also characterized by a constant change of men.

Causes of nymphomania

If we talk about nymphomania as a pathology, then such a painful condition occurs due to organic damage to the brain, during hormonal imbalances, endocrine disorders, and complications from drug use.

Pathological hypersexuality appears in women suffering from psychopathy, schizophrenia, and epilepsy. Sexual desire in nymphomaniacs is not always constant. Such signs can be regular and paroxysmal. Such women are able to have an orgasm, but they lack satisfaction, and there may be only a slight decrease in sexual desire.

It is difficult to figure out where the norm of adequate female sexual desire ends and pathology begins. Of course, we have no right to make diagnoses here. This is not within our competence. After all, there are simply very sexually active ladies, and there are rampant nymphomaniacs who suffer from neurotic deviations, and this can hardly be measured in a certain number of hours or once a day.

Rather, there is only one main criterion here - if a woman uncontrollably submits to her sexual desire, if she loses all her moral values ​​and follows the lead of hormones, then this is classified as nymphomania. And when a lady knows how to satisfy her sexual desire without harm to her personality, when she is able to control her libido, and not vice versa. Then this is not a pathology, but increased sexuality, which, again, she can adequately cope with.

The main aspirations of nymphomaniacs

Once again I would like to draw your attention to the fact that nymphomaniacs strive either to obtain many orgasms or to have an endless variety of sexual partners.

Such persons bring men in bed to complete exhaustion, because an orgasm, especially one, is nonsense for nymphomaniacs. But even several dozen orgasms a day do not satiate such horny women.

To find peace, they change their sexual partners, hoping to gain sexual satisfaction. It makes no difference to them who is in bed with them. For a while, they are satisfied with any age, social status, or appearance.

The influence of nymphomania on life

Nymphomania has a negative impact not only on a woman’s personality and behavior, but also on her health. After all, while she is looking for sexual satisfaction and indiscriminately enters into intimate relationships with everyone, she does not monitor her safety.

Such ladies can become carriers of sexually transmitted diseases, which are transmitted sexually and to all her sexual partners. This should be taken into account by those men who dream of contacts with nymphomaniacs, since they are always ready to offer their body.

Nymphomania is not a vice, but a disease

I have already mentioned that we do not have the right to make diagnoses here, but it is believed that nymphomania is a mental illness. To avoid more serious complications, at the first suspicion of such a deviation, it is advisable not to sit at home, but to seek advice from a psychiatrist.

If you adore red caviar, this does not mean that you only eat it alone. If you eat only your favorite dish, you will quickly get bored with it and will not bring any pleasure. It’s the same with sex among nymphomaniacs.

After some time, sexual intercourse and orgasms do not bring any positive results. Sex becomes a medicine that does not work, and the woman suffers from dissatisfaction and is naturally unhappy.

In our society, they try to treat nymphomaniacs with indifference or, conversely, treat them as simply hypersexual individuals. But such mania must be taken seriously, since nymphomania is not a personality defect, but a mental deviation. Of course, if such a diagnosis was made by a specialist, and not by you or me or a housemate.

Man is a very complex creature of nature, which is difficult to unravel. But in order to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, you need to reveal your secrets, get to know yourself more, and not hide illnesses, but treat them.

Learn to manage yourself

It is not easy to find the line between female hypersexuality, increased libido and nymphomania, but if you try, you can distinguish between normality and pathology. But the main point is that if a person, be it a woman or a man, cannot control his desires, then he becomes a level of consciousness closer to an animal and further and further from the level of development of consciousness of a real wise person.

Therefore, the most important thing is to learn to control yourself with your emotions, and splash out your energy only at the right moment and for the benefit of yourself and others.

Otherwise, even such great energy as sexuality or love can destroy your life and the lives of those around you, lead to many diseases, including psychological ones, and, of course, nullify any moral, and even more so, spiritual development.

So learn to manage your sexuality, develop it in the right direction, and communicate less with people who are attractive at first glance, but inside have a great emptiness and infinity of unfulfilled animal desires, be it sexuality as in the case of nymphomaniacs or painfully hyperactive sexual women, monetary ambitions or anything else. As Buddha said, for true happiness it is important to find the golden mean, which is what I wish for you.

And of course, read dozens of other articles on self-development and sexual topics on our training and self-development portal, for example, about bringing to orgasm, or even.

“In women, hypersexuality is called nymphomania. Sometimes the term “nymphomania” is used in a figurative sense to designate forms of sexual behavior in women that are not approved by society, or expresses the negative attitude of Puritan morality towards the sexual activity of women,” says psychologist Yulia Plyakha.

What are the causes of nymphomania in women?

The causes of nymphomania are different - organic brain damage, neuroendocrine disorders, mental pathology (manic phase of manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, psychopathy, epilepsy), hormonal imbalance in the menopause when using drugs (cocaine, ephedrine and other stimulants, heroin , mescaline), etc. In addition, there is so-called imaginary nymphomania, in which a woman maintains relationships with many partners for non-sexual reasons, for example, because of an inferiority complex and doubts about her own attractiveness. Sexual desire in nymphomania syndrome can be either constant or paroxysmal.

Attacks can be provoked not only by familiar sexual objects (for example, the sight of a naked male body), but also by objects that have a very distant relationship to sexual life. Orgasm with nymphomania can take on a protracted wave-like character, not bringing a feeling of satisfaction and only slightly weakening sexual desire. In real life, it is not always easy to draw the line between extreme variants of the norm and pathological hypersexuality.

According to K. Imelinsky, the neurotic variant is spoken of in cases where sexual activity is the only form of enrichment of a person’s personality, despite the fact that he could achieve a lot in other areas of life. And if sexual activity is the only form of enrichment and existence of a person’s personality, since he is unable to achieve anything in other areas of life, then this presupposes a personal basis. That is, this is a consequence of personality development disorders, the expression of which is social failure, in the form of impoverishment of the personality as a whole. Increased sexual desire is manifested in the need to exhibit sexual activity extremely often and diversify it, or in extremely high potency, or a combination of both. At the heart of the neurotic variant, along with increased sexual desire, there may be a feeling of one’s own inferiority and uncertainty about one’s own sexual capabilities. Because of this, a person seems to be constantly testing his sexual abilities.

That is, if sexual desire becomes a dictator in a woman’s life, if all moral principles recede before its power, then this is a disease of nymphomania. If a woman finds a way to satisfy her increased sexual demands, while maintaining the ability to control them and without causing harm to herself and others, then we are talking about increased libido.

What motivates nymphomaniacs?

Nymphomaniacs usually have two main desires - to have as many orgasms as possible or to have as many sexual partners as possible. In the first case, a nymphomaniac is capable of bringing her partner to complete physical exhaustion in bed. In the second, the nymphomaniac will not care about her partner’s appearance, age, or social status. Often, having not achieved the goal of obtaining multiple orgasms, women switch to searching for a large number of partners.

How can such a reflection influence the lives of such women?

This behavior has a very detrimental effect on both a person’s personal life and his reproductive health - immersed in their condition, hypersexuals often do not take proper measures to protect themselves from illness and unwanted pregnancy by having sex with casual partners.

In the minds of some men, a nymphomaniac is a dream. A woman with whom you can constantly realize your wildest sexual fantasies. However, such men should not forget that nymphomaniacs, firstly, are not always girls with model appearance, and secondly, that very soon such a partner will turn their life into a real nightmare.

Is nymphomania a serious illness?

Yes. This is a severe mental illness that leads to loss of self-control. Such things never lead to anything good and prevent people from living. That is why, if signs of nymphomania appear, you should immediately consult a psychiatrist. In addition, nymphomania may be just one of the symptoms of more severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.

Judge for yourself, you love chocolate, its aroma and taste, but what happens if you eat it all day, every week? Its taste will become unpleasant or indifferent to you, but at the same time you cannot stop eating chocolate, you spend your money on it, spoil your health and slowly kill yourself. For many nymphomaniac women, sex is a way to drown out their painful condition, loneliness or other problems.

Agree, our society is not yet ready to accept nymphomania as a disease, so the solution to this problem is often dismissed. But, if you feel that this way of life is preventing you from building a life, do not hesitate to seek help from a doctor!


Characterized by constant sexual dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies, an incessant search for new partners and, due to the disinhibition of sexual behavior, casual sexual relations.

See also

  • Satyriasis is a similar phenomenon in men


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  • Polymorphism (biology)
  • Windows 98

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    nymphomania- and, f. nymphomania f. honey. Painfully increased sexual excitability in women. BAS 1. Regarding your conviction about the revealed nymphomania, they brought me joy. Hertz. //30 27 (1) 122. Seeing Lva Mikhail in a dream portends seizures for men... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    NYMPHOMANIA- NYMPHOMANIA, nymphomania, many others. no, female (from Greek nymphe, see nymph, and mania madness) (med.). Painfully increased sexual excitability in women. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    nymphomania- noun, number of synonyms: 11 andromania (4) uterine rabies (2) hypersexuality ... Dictionary of synonyms

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Nymphomaniac - who do you think this is? Is this a woman who simply adores mythical creatures called "nymphs"? Probably not... To find out the meaning of the word “nymphomaniac”, we need to uncover another concept from which this term, in fact, was formed.

Nymphomania - what is it?

This sexual desire is characteristic of the fair sex. It manifests itself in an unlimited desire for sexual intimacy with completely different partners, regardless of their age, appearance and even gender. Interestingly, in men a similar mental pathology is called satyriasis. So, who is this nymphomaniac? Right! This is a woman suffering from the above-described excessive hypersexuality. But, let me! Is such a passion without boundaries the norm? Let's look into this.

Who is a nymphomaniac: a mentally unhealthy person or a girl of easy virtue?

What's behind this?

Nymphomania is, of course, a syndrome of some pathological change in the cerebral cortex of a woman. Here are some reasons for this:

  • impaired activity of the hypothalamus;
  • impairment due to previous infectious diseases that negatively affect the cerebral cortex (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • vascular or traumatic brain damage;
  • drug intoxication;
  • other anomalies of the body.

It is these factors that awaken in a woman’s mind an uncontrollable desire for sexual contact, and as a result, uncontrollable behavior. Note that they have nothing to do with sex, so a nymphomaniac cannot be called a lecher, a girl of easy virtue, and so on.

Who is a nymphomaniac woman: a “gift of fate” or a punishment?

There has long been an opinion that a woman who wants sex 20 times a day is every guy’s dream. Let me dispel this stupid myth.

Firstly, nymphomania affects only mentally unhealthy women. That’s why you don’t need to indulge yourself in sexual pleasures with them, but urgently turn to specialists. Fortunately, this pathology is completely treatable. After all, men, do you really enjoy making love to someone who is mentally ill?

Secondly, nymphomania as a mental disorder begins to develop precisely in adolescence, while the young girl has not yet formed as a personality. Already from the age of 16, young girls with developing nymphomania look at their adult uncles with their lustful, hungry eyes. Uncles, don't give in! This is not a gift, this is a criminal article!

Thirdly, nymphomaniacs are rarely satisfied. Her partner is more likely to lose consciousness than she is to cum. Decent women in this case at least fake an orgasm. Nymphomaniacs won’t even think about it.

Fourthly, sex with a nymphomaniac is fraught with certain contagious sexually transmitted infections. Well, guys, are you still dreaming of such a “gift of fate”?

Who's who: amateur and nymphomaniac

The meaning of the term “nymphomaniac” is already clear to you and me. However, you should not hang this “label” on all girls who really love sex. This doesn't mean anything yet. In a normal woman, sexual desire is easily controlled independently, intensifying only under certain circumstances (for example, if a desired partner is nearby). For a nymphomaniac, such an attraction arises everywhere and everywhere, it does not depend on any circumstances. This is her "hunger". She is not able to suppress, for example, for the duration of some work. She wants it always and everywhere!

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