Everything interesting about the number 3. Didactic material in mathematics

In numerology, the number 3 is associated with something divine, absolutely perfect. Everyone knows that three is a sign of trinity, one of the most mysterious, beautiful and lucky numbers.

In the article:

The meaning of the number three in numerology and not only

Even without knowing numerology, you can understand that the number three is actually unique. It is found literally everywhere, has a lot of reflections in human life, in the religious sphere, in magic.

In the Christian religion, three is sacred, because it personifies the Holy Father, Son and Spirit. Their holistic energy symbolizes boundless love and light. What other interesting facts are there about the troika?

  • 3 skies of paradise.
  • Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day.
  • Three crosses located on Golgotha.
  • The apostle Peter denied Jesus three times.
  • When meeting a friend, kiss him three times.
  • Orthodox Christians are baptized three times after the doxology.
  • According to tradition, a full-fledged family should have at least three people: mother, father and baby.

The figure is very many-sided, it symbolizes the unity of this world. For many centuries, people believed that this number can be considered a symbol of a triple pagan deity, which appears in the guise of a young maiden, an adult lady and a decrepit old woman.

Three also symbolizes balance, maximum strength, pointing to the most persistent geometric figure - the triangle. Such a figure is directly related to the most important processes taking place in the Universe: birth, life, death. Therefore, so many witchcraft conspiracies end with this line:

This will be done by the power of three.

Troika in literature

Since childhood, we have heard about the three-headed dragon, 3 travelers who meet the main character on the road, three-eyed creatures.

And if we turn to the ancient epics, then in the story of Ilya Muromets there are three wise men. In legends, families usually have 3 sisters, the same number of brothers, and the hero of the tale must, when performing any task, choose one of the three paths.

Russian folklore once again confirms the magical meaning of the number three among our people.

The meaning of birth under the number 3 in numerology

People who are born on the third of any month are really special. These are sunny, happy children of God, who are in constant development. Such people are endowed with extraordinary energy potential, they can do what is not subject to others.

May 3: Danila Kozlovsky Tom Cruise July 3 Eddie Murphy April 3

According to numerology, a person born under this number is very dreamy, but is able to fulfill most of his desires. Such people are impractical, but love to create beauty. On the third day Pushkin and Vernadsky were born. Such people prefer to work in a team, together with others, loneliness may not be in their favor. Routine is what destroys such people from the inside.

Threes try to draw attention to themselves to the maximum, to embrace everyone, to teach them how to easily experience life's troubles. These individuals ideally manifest themselves as writers, artists, in the sports field. They are excellent speakers who can become wonderful psychologists.

Number 3 plant - dandelion, lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, lucky stone - amethyst, color: purple and purple.

Positive traits

The most positive 3 are their desire to live, friendliness, cheerfulness.

They are sociable, eloquent, artistic and kind. They have a good sense of humor and love to support other people.

Negative Traits

The negative quality of the triple is excessive talkativeness and vanity. Such people become gossips. If they understand that in no other way they can get around the enemy, then they begin to intrigue him in every possible way, try to annoy him, "play not by the rules."

Often such people are very petty, experiencing constant anxiety. Unfortunately, for those who were born under the triple, the proverb “he sees a straw in another's eye, he does not notice a log in his own” applies. These people are very intolerant of the shortcomings and blunders of others, can be very impatient, boastful and jealous.

The magic of the number 3 in human relations

For those who are, it is very important to know that they are loved and in demand by the opposite sex. Without emotional harmony, such people will not be able to live a normal and harmonious and happy life. Like no one else, they are able to love, be faithful to their partner, or often sacrifice personal interests, desires for the sake of the future of the couple.

A lot of events always happen in the fate of such a person. These individuals always want to be admired, they dream of being significant (both in the eyes of just friends and a loved one).

Children born under the number 3 do not need to talk about shortcomings, fix their attention on this. On the contrary, one should be more favorable to them, encourage them for their successes, good behavior and make efforts to develop their talents. Such children are very receptive to everything that others say and are easily re-educated. However, offensive criticism is remembered by them for many years.

And here it is - look
The number three comes up.
Troika - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

There are three pictures on the card:
In one picture - a cat,
In another picture - krinka,
And in the third picture
Black cat from a yellow krinka
Milk laps-drinks.

Bunny running in the snow
Behind him is the dog Laika,
The mistress runs after her,
And all three run!
Laika will catch up now
You, unfortunate Bunny, -
And the hostess will pick
Your ponytail in the snow!
Look at the number 3 -
Like a swallow, look.

The old woman has three sons:
The older one was smart,
Middle son and so and so
The younger one was a total freak.
The brothers were sowing wheat
Yes, they were taken to the city-capital:
Know that the capital was
Not far from the village.
The third number is three.
Take a good look:
This is your bike.
Left a mark on the ground.
Well, how many lanes are there?
Well, how many wheels are there?

Miller with his only son
One day they were walking through the forest.
Suddenly they see - three doves
They fluttered and disappeared into the distance.
third call,
Passengers, cats and dolls
To the wagon!
Goodbye write!
Wave your handkerchiefs, wave!
Machinist, whistle!
Steam locomotive, puff!
And in the third car - fuss, fuss:
A bunch of guys take their places.
They repeat while moving
Addition, division, declension, conjugation.

Translation: S.Ya.Marshak
3 is the snake charmer
He went out with his pipe.
A snake is dancing in front of him -
Crocheted tail, arched neck.
You look at the snake -
Yes, it's number three!

"Three points for the old man"
Larisa is standing at the blackboard,
Girl in a fluffy skirt
And translates into glasses
Good deeds.
All blackboard in numbers.
- For helping mom - two points,
Helping a little brother
I'm writing a point to Nikitin,
And Gorchakov has three points -
He took the old man to visit.
- Three points are not enough for this!
Shouting Andryusha Gorchakov
And jumps up from the bench.-
Three points for an old man?!
I need a raise!
I spent almost half a day with him
He managed to love me.


"Two and Three"

Serezha came to the first class.
Don't joke with Sergei!
He knows how to count
Nearly ten!
Not a sin to such a sage
Turn up your snub nose.
Seryozha went to first grade,
Don't joke with Sergei!
He knows how to count
Nearly ten!
Not a sin to such a sage
Turn up your snub nose:
Here's how - then at the table to the father
He asks a question...
Two pies here, papa, right?
Do you want to bet
I can always prove
That there are not two, but three!
They count together.
Here is one, and here are two. Look!
One yes two...
Son finished...
As times and will three!
Well done!
Father said.
And actually three!
And so I'll take two
And take the third one!

To introduce children to the number and number 3, the formation of the number 3, to learn to correlate the number with the number of objects. Learn to write a number 3. Exercise children in the ability to decrease and increase by 1. Use the appropriate signs when solving examples and problems. To consolidate the ability to determine the spatial arrangement and copy it. Strengthen counting skills. Learn to understand the learning task and perform it independently. Develop logical thinking and attention. Cultivate interest in mathematics.



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Slides captions:

Figure 3 Compiled by: Lyagushina L.V.

The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground, The tail is small with a crochet, Instead of shoes - hooves. Three of them - and how friendly the Brothers are! Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Mystery.

Find the error and restore order. 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 10

How many hares are in the basket? Why do you say that? 3

Look! Bird flock! Troikas fly across the sky. Number 3 bending the branch, It's easy to make a bow.

A rooster flew up on the wattle fence, Met two more there. How many roosters were there? Who has an answer?

How many apples were there? How much is left? 3 2 3 – 1 = 2

3 1 2 Formation of the number 3

3 But look at this, Number three stands out. Three - the third of the icons - Consists of two hooks. 2 1 0 3

The magic of the number Guys, many of you already know how to count, they can count their toys, and their friends, and the trees in the garden, and much more. And in ancient times, with great difficulty, people first learned to count to two, and only after many, many years did they begin to advance in the count. Every time something unknown, mysterious began after the deuce. when they counted “one, two, many”, then after two there was “everything”. Therefore, the number 3, which, when counting, should have followed the number 2, meant "everything." For a long time, the number 3 was for many nations the limit of counting, perfection, a symbol of completeness, a lucky number. The number 3 has become the most beloved number in both myths and fairy tales. Do you remember the fairy tales about the Three Little Pigs, the Three Bears, the Three Heroes, the Three Brothers, who tried three times to achieve some goal? It has become a tradition to write works in three parts (trilogy), paintings (triptychs). The ancient Greeks considered this number lucky, and in Ancient Babylon they worshiped three main deities: the Sun, the Moon and Venus. The number 3 was considered magical in ancient times also because it was the sum of the previous numbers (3=2+1); symbolized by a triangle that represents the past, present and future. Well, what does the triple mean as the number of the name? This is talent, versatility, gaiety, an indication of science, the world of art, sports, everything that serves as an outlet for a person. So, Katya, Vitya, Alyosha, Dima and Fedya, if you take this into account when choosing a profession, you will definitely come to success and fame.

Elvira Usmanova
"Number and figure 3". Abstract of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group

Target: -To consolidate children's knowledge about number 3, number 3, learn to find figure 3 among many others numbers.

Continue to teach children to relate figure with the number of items.

Strengthen writing skills number 3.

Improve knowledge of geometric shapes.

Learn to understand the task and solve it yourself.

Build skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Cultivate interest in mathematics

Course progress.

Guys, sit back and listen. attentively. Today we are going to a fairy tale. And to whom, you will know when you guess riddle:

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three Bears)

Once upon a time there was a father on the edge of the forest - a bear, what was his name? (Mikhailo Potapych)

Mama bear. What was her name? (Nastasya Petrovna)

How many bears are on the edge? Let's count (1,2) .

But their son came running to them. What's his name? (Mishutka)

How many bears have become? (3)

So two plus one makes 3.

The bears walked and went home to have dinner. Nastasya Petrovna began setting the table.

First, she put a large plate on the table.

How many plates are on the table? (1)

Then I put down a smaller plate. How many plates are on the table? (1 yes 1 makes 2 plates)

And then she put down the smallest plate. How many plates are on the table? (2 yes 1 makes 3)

What can be said about the number of bears and plates? (they are equally divided)

And let's go guys to visit Mishutka. But we will not just go, but we will collect nuts.

Guys, how many nuts have we collected? (3)

How many nuts do I have in my hand (3)

We will give these mushrooms to Mishutka.

Mishutka, you sit down, and the guys will tell you what kind of figures they are. (Children have geometric shapes on their tables)

2) Working with geometric shapes.

Take as many circles as I have red balloons? 2

How many green balls (1)

Take as many triangles as I have green balls?1

How many figures are there in total? 3

How many circles do you have?

Like from numbers 2 got 3? (2 and 1)

To out number 2 get number 3, you need to add one to two

Consider all options

Raise your left hand.

How many triangles are on the left?

How many circles are on the right?

- How many pieces are there? 3

How did we get? (1 and 2)

Our little bear loves to pick flowers. Let's help him count the flowers (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue). How many flowers are there? 3

Put 3 different geometric shapes, so that it becomes 3. In this case, no figure should be repeated twice.

How did we get number 3?

What will it be numbers? (1,1,1)

Let's try to write number 3 from sticks.


Three Bears.

Three bears were walking home.

Dad was big, big

Mom is smaller with him

And the son is just a baby.

He was very small

Walked with rattles

Ding ding, ding ding.

3. Writing numbers 3

To burn number 3, need a sign - number 3

But look at this

Speaker number 3.

Troika - the third of the icons -

Consists of two hooks.

Sample writing display.

Letters in the air: And now let's try to portray number 3 with fingers

We curled our fingers.

Need a lot try -

Twist your hand deftly

Digit"3" portray.

4. Work in notebooks.

colorize number 3. Connect numbers and dots with a gentle amount of items.

5. Game - "Make no mistake"

Now we will play with you. The game is called "Make no mistake".

There is a bag in front of you. Hidden here numbers. you need to find number and feel without taking it out of the bag to say which number, then pull out. Check if you said it correctly and fix it on the board.

6. Practical task.

Proverbs. Explain their meaning.

The promised three years are waiting. (They say jokingly when they do not believe in the imminent fulfillment of this promise).

7. Bottom line classes.

What have you learned? What is today number received? How can you get it?

Number 3 can be learned in many different ways. Numerous creative tasks and folklore can help with this: proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems in Russian, as well as coloring pages and pictures. If you are preparing a lesson in grade 1, a bright presentation will help you, which can be downloaded from the website.

To help a preschooler or a child who goes to grade 1 remember the number 3, the question may be: what does it look like? To answer it, give the kid clues in the form of a riddle, numbers in pictures. In folklore genres, associations are often made between figures and objects, phenomena. For example, a three is like a hook, half of a figure eight, and so on. If the baby still cannot draw a parallel, help him by showing a photo of various objects.

Coloring can give the opportunity to master the numbers not only to preschoolers, but also to children attending grade 1. She not only teaches colors and numbers, but also develops perseverance and attention. The coloring page will also help the child answer what the number 3 looks like. The coloring page printed from our website can be an addition to the lesson or used as a task for a moment of relaxation. A coloring book can have many functions. If you are in doubt what to ask a preschooler at home after the lesson, coloring will help you! Also, the coloring book may contain parallel comments and tasks of a different type (count and color, collect items and color, etc.).

Count how many bears are in the picture.

You can offer your baby a book about numbers in pictures. A colorful presentation may also come in handy. It is also perfect for teachers who go to children for a lesson in grade 1. A presentation with a commentary in Russian will enable the children to build an associative array with a number. The presentation may contain some photos of objects, phenomena associated with the number 3.

It should also be remembered that there is also a Roman numeral 3. This number can also be represented in pictures.

Language learning methods

Poems, proverbs, sayings, riddles can be a great help in mathematics lessons, if the teacher goes to a lesson in grade 1. Poems can be offered to be learned by one student, who will then tell them in class. Many authors, including modern ones, have poems about the number 3. The most famous poems by S. Marshak "Merry Account". These verses will also help the child build an associative array with a number.

An interesting question will be for children who attend kindergarten or grade 1: what does the number 3 mean? But really, does the number really mean something?

In ancient times, people believed that the number 3 means something magical, perfect. This is the number of ideal, perfection, shrine, not only in paganism, but also in Christianity. Remember: 3 means the Holy Trinity, and in fairy tales there are three repetitions. Surely the child will say to such a question that the number 3 means a family, three wheels of a bicycle, etc. He will come from his own experience. Expand his ideas using sayings, proverbs, riddles.

Marshak's poems about numbers.

Proverbs in Russian are just full of mentioning this sacred number. In addition, proverbs often have an instructive meaning, and it will not be superfluous for a child to hear them. Proverbs often represent the trinity in its sacred meaning: it is the primordially Russian roots present in folklore that can truly raise children.

A selection of proverbs and sayings about the number 3 for children.

Riddles are a special kind of creativity. These are short lines in which the number 3 is encrypted. Riddles not only make it possible to build associations, but also develop ingenuity. Use riddles for preschoolers and 1st graders. They will become smarter and will think quickly and creatively.

coloring pages
