Everything about Botox injections in the forehead area: a complete description of the procedure, nuances, price, contraindications. Possible harm and consequences of using Botox for the face and hair

Every woman dreams of eternal youth and beauty. In search of that very “rejuvenating apple”, she does not hesitate to try all kinds of means to achieve her goal. Fortunately, in the modern market, the assortment of goods is rich, the choice is wide. Among the various drugs, Botox for the face occupies a leading position: reviews about it in most cases are laudatory and positive.

The effect of Botox

What kind of miracle cure will help us get rid of early wrinkles? Is Botox harmful to the face? According to the manufacturers, the drug is actually natural. Botox is an emulsion of purified natural protein, botulinum toxin. Once in the tissue, it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, a person is in a relaxed state, the possibility of wrinkles is reduced to zero. Everyone knows that the facial muscles responsible for emotions have a special structure. On the one hand, the facial muscles are in contact with the bone tissue, on the other hand, they are woven into the epidermis. Accordingly, when a person rejoices, cries or worries, the brain sends a certain impulse to the muscles: they contract, and the skin moves. "Botox", getting into the tissue, blocks the communication channel with the gray matter: the mimic muscles relax and no longer stretch the skin in different directions. As a result, wrinkles on the epidermis do not form.

Usually, women who are chasing beauty decide on such a procedure. Although among the clients of plastic surgeons there are often men. Each of them must understand: without special training, in no case should you inject "Botox" for the face! Reviews indicate that any oversight can negate all the expected results. Therefore, one day before the procedure, it is worth giving up alcohol, antibiotics and anticoagulants. It is also not recommended to attend massage sessions where you need to lie face down, and do any work when the body is in an inclined position: tying shoelaces, washing floors or sweeping.

Indications and contraindications

Noticing the first cobwebs near the eyes, do not rush to make injections for the face. "Botox" is not shown to everyone and not always. It is usually recommended to use it when the patient:

  • Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Pronounced nasolabial skin creases.
  • Oblique formations on the bridge of the nose - "rabbit" wrinkles.
  • Folds at the outer corner of the visual organ.
  • Low or too upturned eyebrows.
  • Deep neck wrinkles.

The procedure also helps in the treatment of hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating of the armpits, hands and feet.

At the same time, there are patients who are better off not using Botox for the face. The procedure has the following contraindications:

  1. Age up to 18 years.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Menstruation and a few days after it began.
  4. Alcohol abuse.
  5. Long-term use of anticoagulants, antibiotics and calcium preparations.
  6. Recent surgeries.
  7. Acute and chronic diseases of the lungs and liver.
  8. Hemophilia and other blood diseases, when its clotting is severely impaired.
  9. Myasthenia gravis is a problem with the muscular nerves.
  10. Strong myopia.
  11. Herpes on the lips.
  12. Injuries of the epidermis, inflammatory processes on the face.
  13. Fatty hernia of the eyelids, their prolapse.
  14. Individual intolerance to the drug, an allergic reaction.

A second procedure should be done only when the contraction of the facial muscles becomes noticeable. The effect of the drug lasts for 12 months, so visiting the surgeon once a year is more than enough.

How is the procedure

At the very beginning, you come to an experienced specialist and consult: whether you need it or not. It is better to contact a plastic surgeon directly, cosmetologists do not always have enough skills to carry out a complex procedure. If the master gave the go-ahead, then you are assigned the day and hour of the operation. In front of it, a marker on the face indicates areas where wrinkles are strongly pronounced: a dot is placed in the place where the injection will be made. A small circle is drawn around it, one and a half centimeters in diameter - this is the distribution zone of the drug in the tissues. Then the injection sites are cooled with pieces of ice, after which an anesthetic medicine is administered. The place where the injection was made is slightly pressed down and massaged - this way you can protect the person from severe swelling and bruising, in addition, circular movements help to evenly distribute the drug in the designated area. After the procedure, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor for half an hour, then he is allowed to go home, having previously given recommendations for facial care. Usually the appearance of a person in a matter of days changes "Botox" for the face. Before and after the operation, you will look completely different.

Doctors say that it is best to inject the drug into such muscles:

  • In the area of ​​the eye."Botox" eliminates "crow's feet", raises eyebrows, gives the face a more open expression.
  • around the mouth. It smoothes the creases in this area, enlarges the lips, lifts the corners up, removing the "mournful" expression.
  • On the forehead. Smoothes longitudinal depressions, adjusts the position of the eyebrows, makes the eyes more "open" and larger.
  • On the neck and chin. Makes them more defined, gives shape, is the prevention of the formation of "bulldog" cheeks. The procedure is ineffective if a person has a strong sagging skin in the lower part of the face, as well as the presence of a large

It should be noted that Botox is usually not used to eliminate the hated. Injections can cause the corners of the mouth to droop, making the person look like a puppet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many women are interested in the question: is Botox harmful to the face? Reviews of doctors, cosmetologists and patients are completely different. Someone says that the procedure rejuvenated before the eyes and without any complications. Others point to a number of disadvantages of injections. As for the benefits, they are: a quick effect, the formation of collagen, which retains skin elasticity for a long time, the ability to avoid more serious surgical interventions, the correction of neurological disorders and excessive sweating.

At the same time, the procedure has even more disadvantages: Botox does not remove very deep folds, it is ineffective where wrinkles are not formed from facial muscles - in the cheek area, part of the chin, and décolleté. The disadvantages also include a limited duration, lack of results due to the individual characteristics of the organism or the incompetence of the doctor. In addition, it should be remembered that over time, the load of "sleeping" muscles is taken over by the muscles located nearby. This provokes the development of additional wrinkles.


"Botox" for the face, reviews of which, as we see, are very different, can cause many negative reactions of the body. The consequences can be the most unexpected:

  1. Severe pain and bleeding at the puncture site. It occurs when there is a violation of the preparation for the procedure, improper technique, low professional level of the specialist, due to poorly performed massage therapy after the injection.
  2. Headache. It is observed in those cases when the doctor immediately injects a very large dose of the substance, simultaneously chipping several zones.
  3. If the poison gets on the muscles located nearby, it can cause them paralysis or increased salivation.
  4. An unsuccessful puncture in the eye area will cause swelling, strabismus and double vision. Excessive injection of "Botox" can raise eyebrows high, give a surprised
  5. An improperly processed eyebrow leads to the fact that the eye will not be able to open fully.
  6. Unprofessional work in the neck area causes paralysis of the larynx: a person cannot swallow.

Unfortunately, "Botox" for the face is capable of completely distorting your life. The consequences are often not easy to eliminate, so there is a risk of walking with a distorted mutilated face for the rest of your life.

What interests women the most?

The fair sex often asks about the many nuances that accompany the procedure. The most popular questions are:

  • Is Botox harmful to the face and to health in general? If injections are made by a reliable and competent specialist, safety precautions are observed, contraindications are taken into account, then the introduction of Botox will not cause unpleasant consequences.
  • Is an overdose possible? Such cases are not uncommon. The result is paralysis of certain muscles. The patient must remain in the clinic under medical supervision.
  • How much does an injection session cost? It depends on many factors: the pricing policy of the clinic, its prestige, the professionalism of the doctor, the cost of the drug. But the main thing is the number of units of the substance, and it is individual for each patient. Some establishments offer discounts if you have to process a large area of ​​fabric.
  • When does Botox start working? The maximum effect is observed after a week. For some, the process can take up to 14 days, but this is within the normal range. You will notice the first changes in the skin the very next day. Muscle immobility usually lasts from 3 months to a year and a half - depending on the characteristics of the body.
  • What are the intervals between treatments? Botox does not accumulate in tissues, so you can visit a plastic surgeon 4 times a year - not more often.
  • Is it possible to inject "Botox" for the face at home, on my own? It's better not to. To carry out the procedure, you need to perfectly know the anatomy, structure of the human face. By hitting a nerve instead of a muscle, you can "earn" neuralgia.
  • What can not be done after the operation? For 6 hours it is forbidden to touch the face. In addition, within a few days you need to give up antibiotics, painkillers, visits to solariums, saunas, baths. It is not recommended to play sports, drink plenty of fluids.
  • At what age should the procedure be done? The ideal time frame for Botox is between 30 and 40 years of age. Before this period, there are no indications yet, later - the substance may be ineffective, since wrinkles may already be deep.

The answers to the questions of potential patients are given by experienced doctors, who, before making a final decision, are advised to first try Botox analogues. Perhaps they will help you: injections will be unnecessary.


Recently, the question has become relevant: is it possible to replace Botox for the face at home with a more gentle, but equally effective drug? Some doctors are sure that there are already applicants:

  1. "Xeomin". The German analogue, which is also based on botulinum toxin, but in much smaller quantities.
  2. "Argireline". Panacea from Japanese manufacturers. Helps to relax muscles, prevents the formation of mimic wrinkles.
  3. "Relaxin". A variant of "Botox" with a minimum of side effects.
  4. "Frotox". UK product. While undergoing clinical trials. Freezes the facial muscles with cold.
  5. Hyaluronic acid. Pros: natural, soft and gentle action. Minus - not suitable for home use, eliminates only small wrinkles.

They can serve as analogues and the result will be excellent if used as a prophylactic, as well as with small "cobwebs" on the skin. In other cases, they may not work.

with Botox: which one to choose?

There are many similar products on the market today. Among them is the cream "CyKlim" ("Botox" for the face). Reviews about him are very different: they helped someone, provoked an allergic reaction in someone. The manufacturer claims that wrinkles will disappear from your face, for this it is enough to apply the cream on the epidermis in the morning and evening. It is necessary to apply it in courses - 3 months with a short break. You can lubricate not only the face, but also other parts of the body - the décolleté area for example. Women note that positive changes are noticeable within two weeks after the active use of the remedy.

Cream "CyKlim" ("Botox" for the face), reviews of which in most cases are laudatory, is produced in Russia. Among its analogues are the products of foreign pharmaceutical companies: Italian Botofit, Spanish Botosess system, French Botorelax, Swiss Botu-Like and so on. Before using any cream, be sure to cleanse the skin of the face with a scrub or peeling. You need to use it regularly, until the desired result is obtained, as well as for preventive purposes.

Unfortunately, after the first application of the cream, there is a risk that you will wait a very long time for the effect. Compared with the same injections, the result may be less pronounced. But on the other hand, the cream will leave your facial expressions mobile and lively, which is a plus. For those who want everything at once, the method can be disappointing. In addition, the cream is expensive - one tube will cost you the same as the procedure for treating the brow zone with a Botox syringe.

Masks with the effect of "Botox"

For those who are a fan of all things natural, there is an alternative. This is a Botox face mask made up of natural ingredients. The reviews of the young ladies about her are positive: they say that its contents can work wonders. the main thing is to use it not only inside, but also outside. According to women, the mask helps a lot, which includes 15 g of potato starch, 25 g of fatty sour cream, 80 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 100 ml of warm water. She is easy to prepare. Starch is dissolved in 50 ml of water and put on fire. As the mixture heats up, the remaining liquid is poured into it. The mass must be heated until it acquires a jelly-like consistency. Then the mixture must be cooled and all other ingredients added. We divide the mass into three parts and apply in three layers: each is applied when the previous one has dried up a little. Wait 20 minutes, rinse and apply almond oil. This mask nourishes the skin, increases its elasticity and perfectly tones.

The recognition of women has also earned a honey face mask (Botox effect). Reviews about her are no less positive. To prepare it, you need to mix in one container 45 g of cocoa powder, 25 g of oatmeal, 50 ml of honey and heavy cream. The mass is heated until it becomes thick. Keep it on your face for 15 minutes. This mask has a peeling effect, it nourishes the skin and smoothes the first wrinkles.

For oily skin, a wheat mask is suitable. We make it as follows: we dilute 25 g of flour with 30 ml of water. Gently introduce the protein of one egg, 30 ml of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt into the mixture. Mix and apply a thick layer on the face. We stand for 30 minutes, rinse, and then moisturize the epidermis with a nourishing cream. The mask well cleanses the skin of acne and blackheads, treats seborrheic formations, has tightening and toning properties.

Pros and cons of traditional medicine

Homemade Botox for the face, made from natural ingredients, is a safe and wonderful alternative. Of course, when the skin is already striated with deep folds, it will be ineffective. Therefore, it should be started from a young age: after 20, it is necessary to practice nourishing masks, after 30 - with the effect of Botox and lifting. There is only one minus of such a procedure - its result is less stable, and sometimes it is even invisible. In addition, masks should be done regularly - in whole courses. But believe me, if you are not lazy, then in a month your efforts will bear the first fruits.

There are far more pros than cons for home treatments. First, it is safe for the skin. Secondly, effective tightening of the epidermis and its deep nutrition. And thirdly, skin rejuvenation, the return of a healthy look to it, the alignment of complexion and the elimination of acne. The components do not affect the natural facial expressions, leaving it mobile and natural. They soften the dry edging of wrinkles and folds well, stretching them, making them almost invisible. Homemade Botox for the face is suitable for any age. Reviews indicate that both girls and older women can make such masks. Which tool to use is up to you. The main thing is to analyze everything in detail, study it, consult with experts and only after that make the only right decision.

“Beauty shots” have long become commonplace for many women, but are the consequences of Botox so cloudless, as its manufacturers and cosmetologists claim? It is believed that the drug has been studied from all possible sides, and the experience of using it in humans is more than enough.

After a job done correctly by a specialist, there should not be any side effects, and finding such a doctor with a developed Internet is very simple.

Why, in this case, people quite often refuse Botox injections? Is it following fashion or the desire to preserve beauty without risking health? What do the latest studies say about Botox, and is it being carried out? But first things first.

Botox can damage facial muscles over time

Botox unfolded in full breadth and power at the end of the 20th century, but botulinum toxin has been known for much longer. Initially, he found his application in medicine. And I must say that it was very successful.

It was thanks to the research of the drug for strabismus that Botox was born in the form in which we now know it. This happened after the doctors began to note that in patients participating in the testing of the remedy, wrinkles began to disappear in the region of the bridge of the nose. This side effect could not but interest physicians, because the destruction of wrinkles is the dream of millions of women and men, although the latter are trying to hide this fact. Accordingly, a drug capable of fulfilling such a strong desire is a gold mine for anyone who can develop it. Naturally, it didn't take long. The huge capacities of American cosmetology were directed to the development of Botox. And soon he appeared to the world in all his splendor.

The stars were the first to try Botox injections on themselves. This was very logical, because initially the cost of the drug did not allow mere mortals to use it. However, people saw well how their favorites were getting younger before their eyes, and they wanted the same. Very soon, the abundance of clients led to a reduction in the cost of the procedure. Now it is available to almost everyone. At the same time, few people think about the negative consequences of Botox, because everyone wants to be beautiful and is sure that nothing bad can happen to him.

Read also:

Features of botulinum toxin in cosmetology: What is it? Preparations, instructions for use

How it works?

Botox fights many problems

Despite the fact that Botox rarely gives side effects, it will not be superfluous to find out that the active substance of the drug is the strongest poison. In principle, this is logical. After all, the procedure is based on blocking the receipt of nerve impulses by the muscles. The fibers stop responding to the commands that the brain gives them, relax, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

It is believed that these injections are not at all harmful to the body. Botulinum toxin they contain an insignificant amount that can affect only a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle fiber. In this case, the drug does not accumulate in the tissues, because it is gradually excreted from them.

That is, when repeated administration is required, the initial dose will already leave the human body. From this point of view, the negative consequences of Botox injections are theoretically impossible.


It is believed that in order to reduce the side effects of Botox to zero, it is enough to fall into the hands of a skilled doctor. In principle, everything is so. The procedure for administering the drug takes very little time, about half an hour. A little more if the scope of work is wide. In this case, the preparation can be much longer.

The doctor needs to carefully examine the face of his patient. At the same time, he is usually asked to frown, smile, grimace in different ways so that all the folds are clearly visible. The specialist immediately marks the places where he plans to inject. Then he needs to calculate the amount of the drug and take into account all the subtleties of its introduction: depth, speed, etc.

Botox is absolutely useless for skin health, it does not have any effect on its appearance or quality. The effect is achieved solely through the impact on the muscles. Botox also has no consequences in the form of a change in the contours, volumes of the face, since it does not apply to fillers, that is, fillers.

Today it is important to find a good specialist

Going to the doctor, it is important to remember that there are contraindications for the procedure. They can be many chronic diseases, infectious and inflammatory, some problems with blood clotting. Injections should also be avoided during pregnancy. It is difficult to say how dangerous Botox is for a child, but doctors require, just in case, to follow safety principles, since botulinum toxin is still a poison. Is Botox harmful while breastfeeding? Here history repeats itself - it is better to infringe on yourself a little for the sake of the interests of the baby.

Read also:

Features of Botox and alcohol intake: how much you should not drink, why you should not drink, consequences

Side effects

Despite the fact that compliance with all the rules for administering the drug supposedly provides a guarantee of safety, negative feedback from patients can often be found on the Internet. They describe the various consequences after Botox, which are unlikely to please anyone. This is the asymmetry of the face, and swelling, pain at the injection sites, poor health and much more.

In fact, it is very easy to miscalculate, and every person, including a professional, can make a mistake. In practice, a slight deviation in the amount of the drug or the site of its administration is sufficient to produce a distorted face.

Due to the large amount of the substance, drooping of the eyelids or eyebrows is often observed. Relaxed muscles are not able to control their position.

Sometimes after Botox can droop the eyelid

Botox can also give complications in the mouth area, when a person is deprived of the opportunity to use it normally, to talk.

Due to paralysis of the muscles around the eyes, vision problems often occur.

One of the most famous and often ridiculed side effects of beauty injections is a mask-like face that cannot express emotions and resembles something of a puppet. There are no wrinkles, but there is no need to talk about beauty either. Of course, this harm from Botox passes over time. But hardly anyone wants to pay a lot of money to look stupid and amuse others with their appearance. And often to terrify, then how lucky.

A little about the latest research

The possible harm of Botox haunts many scientists who continue to try to study it. And although this is not widely voiced, they still have some results. And I must say that the picture that emerges is not at all as cloudless as it seemed before.

So, it is believed that the toxin is excreted from the body, its effect on the muscles is gradually weakened, after which they return to their natural state. Experts believe that in fact Botox gradually causes muscle atrophy. They decrease in size, cease to respond adequately to stimuli. Of course, this does not happen after the first injection, a long-term effect is necessary, but the very fact of such an outcome is alarming. Presumably, the disappearing muscles are replaced by fat cells. It will be extremely difficult to improve the condition of the face after such metamorphoses.

Doctors are finding more and more evidence of the effect of Botox on the whole body

Another study on Botox is devoted to the issue of its local, almost point, effect. The results suggest that not everything is so rosy. In practice, negligible doses of the toxin can still move through the nerve cells. And their journey ends in the brain. It is still difficult to say how Botox behaves further, but the likelihood of its negative effect on the nervous system is very high.

Women always dream of prolonging youth by any available means, at least outwardly. The easiest way to hide the true age is by removing wrinkles on the face. If this cannot be done with the help of creams and masks, and surgical intervention is scary, you can use Botox for the face.

Botox is a product of the microorganism Clostridium botulinum, which is the causative agent of the extremely dangerous disease botulism. At the beginning of the twentieth century, when the toxin was isolated experimentally, the scientific world learned about its ability to cause micro paralysis of muscle fibers. This property allowed further use of Botox in cosmetology.

Large-scale clinical studies of the properties of the substance began only in 1978, and after 10 years the first preparations based on it were developed. At first, Botox was used only as an effective remedy for blepharospasm and strabismus. But as it was used, an interesting side effect was increasingly noted - smoothing of mimic wrinkles at the injection site around the eyes.

Further study of the toxin showed that in small doses it is practically harmless, and the cosmetic benefits of Botox for facial skin are undeniable. Therefore, at present, such procedures are firmly rooted in the lists of services provided by professional clinics and beauty salons.

Operating principle

How Botox works on the face is well known. The introduction of injections is carried out intramuscularly, after which their susceptibility to the signals of nerve impulses is blocked. After a while, the mimic muscle stops contracting, relaxes, and the wrinkles formed earlier are smoothed out.

The harm of Botox to the face is minimal. If the procedure goes without violations, the muscles do not lose their mobility completely, only the increased tone is removed. At the same time, natural facial expressions are preserved, since nerve and muscle fibers do not suffer.

The effect of Botox procedures lasts from 4 to 6 months. How long is determined individually, depending on the structural features of the skin and muscles. How often Botox can be done on the face is decided by the doctor according to individual indications and the rate of decomposition of the toxin in the tissues.

Features of the procedure

A successful procedure is the key to smooth facial skin for a relatively long time. But before you decide on beauty injections, you need to learn about the pros and cons of Botox.


Botulinum toxin is one of the most well-known substances that can eliminate wrinkles. Procedures for its introduction into the muscles have many positive reviews from doctors and patients.

Over the years, the use of Botox in the beauty industry has allowed:

  • Get excellent results without major surgery.
  • Smoothen wrinkled and saggy skin for 6 months to 1 year.
  • Get rid of the signs of old age without the risk of significant adverse reactions.


The negative features of rejuvenation with Botox are possible complications after an inadequately performed procedure. But these risks can be minimized by careful preparatory work. Before the operation, you need to read the reviews about the clinic and the doctor who will perform the injections.

Also, it would not be superfluous to find out about the full list of contraindications, side effects and recommendations on what not to do after facial Botox. Subject to all conditions, the result will please for a long time, without overshadowing the possible shortcomings of the procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you try the action of Botox on your face, it is recommended to prepare according to certain rules:

  • A few days before the procedure, finish treatment with antibiotics. It is also not recommended to take drugs that block normal blood clotting (heparin, aspirin, phenindione).
  • Do not drink hard liquor the day before the operation.
  • Do not engage in heavy physical labor and any sports the day before the procedure and immediately after it.

Preparing for Botox also includes a consultation with the doctor who will be performing the surgery. Before injecting Botox, he examines the site of the procedure, determines the degree of depth and severity of folds on the skin. Structural features of muscle fibers, the degree of tissue wear are preliminarily assessed. This data will help determine the points where you can inject the toxin and the exact amount needed to get the best result.

How is the procedure

The procedure for the introduction of Botox from wrinkles on the forehead or other parts of the face takes place in several stages:

  1. Since the introduction of Botox, whose harm to the body is minimal, is felt quite painlessly, anesthesia is administered only at the request of the patient. Local anesthesia is carried out using a special cream. After the onset of its action, injections are practically not felt.
  2. The face is cleansed of makeup and impurities. The injection site is treated with alcohol or another disinfectant.
  3. Marking is applied to the face according to a previously drawn up scheme.
  4. Botox is injected at a certain point on the face using a syringe with a very thin and short needle. The main stage takes no more than 5 minutes.
  5. The skin is treated with an antiseptic and cooled to reduce the effects of Botox.
  6. The outpatient card contains data on the date and time of the procedure, as well as the batch number and expiration date of the drug.

additional information

Botox preparations are placed in special vials. Its quantity is measured in action units (ED). How many units of Botox are needed for one procedure is determined by the doctor.

Summarized indications for various parts of the face are given below:

  • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - from 4 to 15 units;
  • Wrinkles around the eyes - from 8 to 16 units;
  • Creases between the eyebrows - from 8 to 25 units;
  • Facial injections above the upper lip - from 2 to 4 units;
  • Lifting the corners of the mouth - from 4 to 6 units.

In domestic clinics for injections, drugs manufactured by Japan Refinex, the USA (Botox), Russia (Relatox), France (Dysport), South Korea (Neuronox) are used. The difference between Japanese Botox and other products lies in the method of cleaning and the presence of additional components. Otherwise, they are equally effective.

The effectiveness of the procedure

After the procedure, the mimic muscles begin to gradually relax. The peak of the process falls on about the second week. In some cases, it is possible to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes or on other parts of the face in a few days, or vice versa, only after a month. Such discrepancies in time are observed due to the individual characteristics of the organism.

If the patient has a rare insensitivity to the action of Botox, the procedure will not bring any effect. Therefore, if you have previously been treated with botulinum toxin, you should tell your doctor about this.

How long does the effect of Botox last? If the procedure was performed for the first time, from 4 to 6 months. Six months later, the paralyzed muscles begin to contract again, causing wrinkles to appear. To smooth the face, you need to resort to using the toxin again. After about five repeated operations, the muscles relax so much that wrinkles do not form for about a year.

In the event of a prolonged absence of paralyzing recharge, natural facial expressions are restored in full. But since Botox stays on the face for a long time, during this period a person weans the habit of squinting, wrinkling his forehead or pursing his lips. All this results in an increase in the efficiency of the procedure.

According to numerous reviews, Botox for the face is most effective at a certain age. Mimic folds begin to appear on the face, starting at age 25 or earlier. But they are so weakly expressed that they do not pose a significant problem. Therefore, women start thinking about whether Botox is harmful to the health of women from the age of 30, when defects are visible to the naked eye. The age range from 30 to 50 years is considered the most favorable for the procedure in terms of effectiveness.

After 50 years, muscle fibers lose their tone, so the effectiveness of the method decreases. And for women aged 60 and older, Botox is almost pointless to administer due to minimizing the role of muscles in the formation of wrinkles.

Is the procedure harmful?

Is Botox harmful to the face? Partly, because negative reactions result from inadequate performance of the procedure. Mistakes such as incorrect calculation of the dose of the administered drug or an injection in the wrong place are fraught with bruising and redness on the skin. They pass quickly and leave no traces.

But Botox is dangerous not only because of medical errors. Negative reactions of the body may be due to individual intolerance to the toxin.

The most common side effects include:

  • headaches, dizziness, double vision;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • complete loss of facial expressions for a long time;
  • paralysis of neighboring muscles due to the penetration of toxin into them;
  • nausea, up to vomiting;
  • angioedema;
  • symptomatic manifestations of influenza;
  • drooping of the upper eyelid and eyebrows.

It is difficult to understand how harmful Botox is for the face in each case before the procedure. Fortunately, serious complications are very rare.

Contraindications for the procedure

There are a lot of contraindications for Botox for the face, since it is a toxic substance. You need to know about them before irreparable consequences occur. An experienced doctor will definitely ask about the presence of certain conditions that carry a potential danger before the operation.

Botox injections for the face have the following contraindications:

  • pathology of the lungs, liver, kidneys in the chronic stage;
  • hernial changes in the upper and lower eyelids;
  • drooping of the upper eyelids;
  • autoimmune diseases affecting neuromuscular connections;
  • pathological myopia;
  • insufficient blood clotting;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • alcoholism;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological and benign tumors;
  • increased predisposition to the appearance of hypertrophic scars of the skin tissue;
  • taking anticoagulants and antibiotics;
  • individual sensitivity to Botox.

It is also recommended to refrain from injecting Botox when planning a pregnancy or during the period of bearing a child, since the toxin has a pronounced effect on the normal development of the fetus. Data obtained in the course of large-scale studies on rats showed that newborn rat pups had pathologies of muscle and bone tissue.

It is forbidden to take care of the face with Botox injections while breastfeeding because of the ability of the substance to penetrate into the mother's milk.

It is not advisable to carry out a rejuvenating procedure during exacerbation of chronic diseases, the development of inflammatory processes accompanied by fever, manifestations of infectious diseases, including herpes, open wounds and other inflammations on the skin.

Restrictions after the procedure

To minimize the risk of complications, experts advise following the recommendations after Botox:

  1. The first 4-5 hours after the end of the operation, keep the vertical position of the body without lowering the head. Neglect of the rule leads to improper relaxation of the muscles of the face.
  2. Do not massage the face after Botox, lubricate the injection sites with cream, or exert other mechanical effects. Otherwise, the risk of infection is high.
  3. You can not do any sports after Botox for at least two days. Compliance with this condition is very important in order for the muscles to be completely at rest and fully relaxed.
  4. Contraindications after the procedure include the use of any thermal effects that accelerate the process of removing the toxin from the body. For one to two weeks, it is forbidden to visit the sauna, solarium or dry your hair with a hairdryer.
  5. It is advisable to stop eating smoked and overly salty foods for a while, as they delay the removal of fluid from the body. As a result, edema is formed, which reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.
  6. Alcohol consumption is also prohibited. How much? Experts advise to forget about hard liquor for at least two weeks after the operation. They have the ability to dilate blood vessels, which contributes to the absorption of the toxin directly into the blood.
  7. Smoking after Botox is not recommended due to the high risk of adverse reactions. In addition, nicotine affects the normal distribution of the toxin in muscle tissues.

Often, the effectiveness of some homemade starch-based masks is compared with the action of botulinum toxin. But this is not entirely correct, since a real toxin smoothes wrinkles by an order of magnitude more effectively. Using Botox at home is permissible only in this, figurative sense. Injection of the drug without special training and relevant knowledge will most likely lead to severe, irreversible consequences.

Have you tried Botox for wrinkles?

A woman's face is like her visiting card, from which you can learn a lot about her character and habits, lifestyle and attitude towards herself. But, at the same time, I so want to remain mysterious and a little mysterious, and most importantly, to hide my true age and seem younger than my age. What to do if you do not want to go to a plastic surgeon? You can try to get a "new" face in a short period of time with Botox injections.

What is Botox and how do injections work?

The amazing properties of botulinum toxin (Botox) and its effect on the skin were discovered quite by accident in 1982, when clinical studies were carried out in the treatment of strabismus and blepharospasm. In the treatment of these conditions, its "side" effect was noted in the form of smoothing transverse wrinkles in the forehead area.

The drug itself is a weakened botulinum toxin, which is obtained during the life of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium is the causative agent of a dangerous disease called botulism. When released into tissues, toxins can block muscle function, causing them to become paralyzed.

For several years, this property of Botox has been used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, but at present, Botox injections are widely used for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes. Control injection of small doses of botulinum toxin under the skin can cause local paralysis of mimic wrinkles, which lasts for several months, after which Botox is excreted from the body.

For or against Botox injections?

To do or not to do Botox? Some say that the drug quickly eliminates wrinkles and signs of aging, while others discuss the harmful properties of Botox. In order to decide to carry out such a procedure on your face, you need to know all the pros and cons of the method.

With the introduction of Botox under the skin, mimic wrinkles relax, and more precisely, the muscle fibers that form wrinkles relax. As a result, the person can no longer frown. This property of neurotoxin is used in those areas of the face in which the first signs of aging appear first. These include the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, the periorbital and perioral regions.

In addition, injections of botulinum toxin into the armpits, palms, and feet have been shown to reduce sweating, which has become widely used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. And some patients after injections completely get rid of migraines and migraine-like pains. These undoubted advantages also include the fact that the sensitivity of the skin does not suffer, and the neurotoxin itself is completely eliminated from the body after 6-9 months.

The super-fine needles used for injections do not leave marks on the skin, which has led them to be called "dinner" beauty injections. In the countries of Western Europe and America, these injections have long been given at lunchtime, so they take little time and are highly effective on the second day.

Does Botox have any cons?

The ministries of health in many countries of the world, exploring Botox, tried to find its negative effect on human health, but they did not find it. In some cases, after injections, patients complain of discomfort in the affected area, but if the procedure is performed by a professional cosmetologist, then these incidents do not exist. Unpleasant sensations arise in cases where Botox is injected too quickly or more often than 1 time per year.

You can also be calm about the toxicity of the drug - there is no danger of poisoning or intoxication with botulinum toxin, since for this it is necessary to introduce doses thousands of times higher than cosmetic ones into the body.

If you, nevertheless, are afraid to carry out such a procedure, the cosmetologist can recommend you alternative methods of rejuvenation and correction of age-related changes. These include:

Indications and contraindications for the use of Botox

Indications for administration: age-related changes, signs of aging (sagging) of the skin, as well as the presence of mimic wrinkles. There are also contraindications for Botox injections, listed below:

  • The period of pregnancy (lactation).
  • Muscle weakness in the injection area.
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Acute and chronic infections.
  • Skin diseases at injection sites.
  • Individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to Botox.

Consequences, side effects, complications

Usually, discomfort and possible complications appear immediately in the first few days after injections, but, fortunately, the drug is completely eliminated from the body, and all troubles are reversible. Of all the noted complications and side effects, the following undesirable effects of Botox can be distinguished:

  • Spasm of the eyelids.
  • Eyebrow drooping.
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhages.
  • Violation of the mobility of the upper lip (with deep administration of the drug).
  • Headache.
  • Swelling at the injection site.

Technique of drug administration

Botox injections are carried out only after consulting a cosmetologist and identifying contraindications to the administration of the drug. It is important to assess the state of facial expressions and the processing zone so that after the session the face does not become immobile.

The skin is preliminarily disinfected with an antiseptic solution, and places with hypersensitivity are treated with local anesthetics. After the procedure, you can immediately return to work, since injections of the drug do not require local anesthesia.

Video of the procedure

Alternative to Botox and its analogues

In cosmetology clinics, instead of Botox, they often offer to inject a drug called Dysport, which is its analogue. The only difference is that Botox is made in the USA and Dysport is made in France.


  • Is it possible to combine Botox and pregnancy? No, pregnancy is a contraindication for the procedure.
  • Which is better: Botox or Hyaluronic Acid? These are substances that have a different mechanism of action, but the simultaneous injection of hyaluronic acid into Botox injection sites helps to fill deep dips and furrows in the skin.
  • Are antibiotics and Botox compatible? Botox is best administered 2 weeks after taking antibiotics and other medicinal substances.
  • What can not be done after Botox? Drink alcohol, strong coffee, spicy dishes, take sunbaths and a solarium, visit a bathhouse and sauna, make warming masks, smoke cigarettes. In the first 4 hours after the procedure, do not take a horizontal position and do not massage the injection sites.
  • Is Botox Harmful? No, Botox injections cannot harm your health.
  • When does it start to work? Botox begins to act during the first 3 days from the moment of administration and its effect lasts for 3-4 months.
  • How often can you inject? It is considered optimal to administer Botox no more than 1 time per year.
  • Xeomin or Botox? Xeomin is the latest generation of botulinum toxin and is produced in Germany. It has such advantages over Botox as favorable conditions for storage, a minimum of complications, a lower dose for administration, and others.
  • Is there an allergy to Botox? In some cases, it is not an allergy that occurs, but an increased sensitivity to the drug.
  • Where is Botox injected? The drug is injected into the places of accumulation of mimic wrinkles and folds.
  • At what age can Botox be done? There are no age restrictions on the introduction of Botox (except for children).

Photos before and after Botox

The dream of eternal youth is as ancient as humanity. No wonder the heroes of fairy tales either went “there, I don’t know where” for rejuvenating apples, or jumped into boiling water, emerging young and beautiful, or looked for the enchanted source of eternal youth. But while magical remedies that give youth forever remain a dream, real remedies are becoming more and more popular, capable of prolonging youth and beauty for years and even decades. Botox is one such remedy that is being used by more and more people who want to preserve youthful skin. And there is more and more discussion whether the harm from Botox is much more significant than the benefits.

Botox is a drug based on a weakened botulinum toxin type A. This substance is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and is a neurotoxin that blocks neuromuscular transmission and disrupts muscle function. In botulism (a disease caused by Clostridium botulinum), this can cause paralysis of vital muscle groups and is life-threatening. In the manufacture of Botox, a weakened botulinum toxin is used, which reduces the ability of the desired muscle group to contract.

Initially, the drug was used in medicine to treat conditions associated with chronic spasm of certain muscles (blepharospasm - painful spasm of the eyelid, torticollis, muscle spasms in patients with cerebral palsy, migraine). At the same time, it was noted that the use of botulinum toxin caused a decrease in mimic wrinkles, relaxation of facial muscles and visual rejuvenation of the skin.

So botulinum toxin got into cosmetology, where the purpose of its use is to smooth out facial wrinkles. The drug is injected into the problem area (usually the area around the eyes and forehead), after which the aesthetic effect quickly sets in. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out, "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes, the frown line disappear, the face becomes significantly and noticeably younger. The benefits of using Botox are obvious, but is there any harm?

Myths and truth about the dangers of Botox.

Before deciding or not to decide on rejuvenation with the use of botulinum toxin, the future patient will certainly seek information about the procedure, including finding out what harm can be from the use of Botox. And the information can be extremely contradictory. On the one hand, cosmetic clinics describe the procedure as routine, safe, performed millions of times over the thirty-year history of the method. On the other hand, you will definitely meet horror stories about blindness, strokes and terrible asymmetrical faces. The truth, as always, looks a little different.

The introduction of Botox is a rather aggressive intervention, with indications, contraindications, conditions that must be met, and complications that occur with different frequencies.

First - about contraindications. There are a number of situations in which the use of Botox is prohibited. And often the harm caused to the body as a result of the intervention is due precisely to ignoring these conditions. Botox is contraindicated in:

  • Any infectious diseases
  • Increased body temperature
  • Glaucoma
  • Neoplasms
  • Severe diseases of internal organs
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Too sensitive skin and the presence of any inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the procedure
  • Flabbiness and low tone of facial muscles
  • Taking antibiotics
  • Persons under 35 and over 60

Complications after the introduction of Botox are divided into two groups, depending on whether they are caused by the actions of the doctor or arose as a result of non-compliance with the prescriptions by the patient.

What depends on the doctor?

Indicators of the competence of a specialist working with Botox is the exact observance of the instructions when using the drug: the correct dilution, the exact selection of the dose and the careful choice of the injection site. If these conditions are not observed, facial asymmetry, long-term (several months) persistent edema, ptosis of the upper eyelid, dry eyes, dysfunction of the facial muscles (blinking, articulation, eating) may occur.

All of these violations are reversible and, in the worst case, persist until the end of the drug.

What depends on the patient?

Like most cosmetic procedures, rejuvenation with botulinum toxin is accompanied by clear recommendations for the patient. In order to reduce the risk of complications from the introduction of Botox and harm to the body, you need to responsibly approach their implementation, because this is important for the result. Before the procedure, you need to inform the doctor about contraindications, if you have them, about all the diseases that you suffer from, what medications you take, whether there were any allergic reactions, about what cosmetic procedures you have already undergone.

After the introduction of the drug, there are a number of restrictions that need to be remembered. It is necessary to protect the skin from mechanical, thermal, chemical influences. This means that the day before the injection and for about a week after, you should not:

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Taking antibiotics and other medications without doctor's approval
  • Be exposed to high temperatures and direct sunlight (visit a bath, sauna, beach, solarium, hot bath)
  • Lower your head down (blood flush to the face increases the risk of improper distribution of the drug), for this you need to refrain from such activities as massage, cleaning, trying on shoes
  • Actively rub your face

If these rules are not followed, Botox may be incorrectly distributed, asymmetrical facial deformities, edema, hematomas.
