“Go to kindergarten for your health!” Message from work experience. Good health of our children in kindergarten

Galina Maksimenko

Health- one of the most relevant values ​​in our lives. We all want our child to be strong cheerful: so that he can play with the guys in the yard and not get sick. Frequent illnesses are causes of stunting. Healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in our society, but if we teach children from a very early age to value, protect and strengthen their health, then we can hope that the future generation will be more healthy and developed.

For formation children's interests are significantly influenced by the parents’ attitude to physical education, to the children’s passion for outdoor games and exercises.

Children's gardens and family are called to early age, lay the foundations healthy lifestyle using various shapes work.

Currently, the number of children with poor health, there are more and more children with frequent colds, excess weight, poor posture. There are many reasons, but probably the most important one is a sedentary lifestyle. At home, parents prefer to lure their child with calm games: V best case scenario drawing, intellectual or other board games, in the worst case, watching TV shows or videos. Our parents now pay special attention to the development of intellectual, mental abilities, and they forget that early age is an active movement. Quite It's clear: parents are tired work, want to relax after a stressful working day, in apartments there is a lot of furniture and little space, and a child, being naughty, can get injured or break something. Let him sit and be calmer. However….

Movement is an innate human need. If it is not satisfied, it will suffer child health.

Therefore, it is imperative to satisfy the child’s need for movement. It

serves an important condition formation of all systems and functions of the body, one of the ways of understanding the world, orientation in it, and also a means comprehensive development preschooler.

Task children's kindergarten - to introduce children to active pursuits physical culture, maintain and consolidate natural interest in movements.

So that our children can grow up healthy,we use such methods:

Motility aids focus:

Physical exercise;

Physical education minutes;

Gymnastics (wellness after sleep) ;

Finger gymnastics, breathing, corrective;

Outdoor and sports games;


Nurturing the need for healthy lifestyle in children is carried out according to the following directions:

1. Instilling cultural and hygienic skills.

It is known that the strongest habits, both good and bad, are formed at an early age.

This is why it is so important to instill healthy habits in a child from a very early age.

For health skills, reinforce them so that they become habits. Very important from early childhood instill in children cultural and hygienic skills.

And this problem is one of the most pressing when raising children of this age. And how much it is initially thought out, planned and organized depends on whether it will help strengthen health, physical and mental development, as well as fostering a culture of behavior.

To achieve the effectiveness of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills

developed long-term plan , is learning in class and everyday life, where they were used different shapes organizations: didactic games, exercise games, conversations, reading fiction, viewing illustrations, paintings, observations, showing dramatizations, storytelling, memorization, role-playing games.

2. Learning to care for your body.

Hygienic culture is as important for a person as the ability to speak, write, and read. Self-care gives a person a feeling of cleanliness, health.

It is important that the baby learns that in his body there are no organs, unnecessary or ugly parts, that all parts of the body must be equally constantly taken care of and, first of all, kept clean.

We teach the child to be hygienic individualism: your own comb, your own bed, your own handkerchief, your own towel. We bring children to understand that keeping the body clean is important not only for protecting personal health, but also health of others.

Through play, we gradually lead the child to why it is necessary to carry out this or that procedure. Didactic games, viewing story pictures, illustrations in books, conversations. Our favorite game is "Provocation". We deliberately confuse some actions, and children correct us. And our kids love this game very much.

Our guys will never sit at the table with with unwashed hands, and they’ll also tell you why you need to wash your hands with soap. (Germs live on hands).Our girls definitely need to visit "beauty", and the boys are not far behind them.

We organize training not only in classes, but also in Everyday life, when situations arise that prompt children to make a decision on this problem.

3. Forming a daily habit physical exercises.

One of the indicators healthy lifestyle is a person’s attitude to movements, to physical exercises, to using them in his life.

Very important for healthy lifestyle physical education. Children learn endurance and agility from them. Children enjoy imitating characters from fairy tales: cockerel, bear cub, bunny. They really like to perform movements according to the ones invented by the teacher. story: "Journey into the Forest", "Visiting Mishutka".All motor activity is aimed at a specific goal, task: “Crawl up to the rattle”, "Walk the path" etc.

Our children are waiting for every physical education lesson With impatiently: After all, we are playing champions. And to become strong and agile you need to do exercises.

4. Motor activity includes moving and round dancing games, which is important in introducing healthy image life. The card indexes of mobile and round dance games. After all, an active child is healthy child !

Our children, waking up, go through various "paths health» (with buttons, cereals, sticks, pebbles, etc.)- for the prevention of flat feet. Just recently we held a competition “Unconventional physical DIY equipment". Parents accepted him Active participation. And we actively use these devices for children's health.

5. Wellness the forces of nature are also of great importance for children's health is:

Regular walks on fresh air;

Solar and air baths- sleeping with pants open, walking without T-shirts, sitting on potties after sleeping in shorts and T-shirts.

Water procedures - dousing, playing with water.

Phytotherapy. In our group we actively use an aroma lamp with essential oils during the period of mass colds. We use

Vitamin therapy - the guys love to eat onions in addition to fruit, because they contain vitamins!

Hardening - walking barefoot during summer walks followed by washing the legs and arms with contrasting water.

Along with traditional forms work We give children self-massage.

We found on the Internet a selection of very interesting and age-appropriate self-massage cards. Kids really like these exercises. How: “2 timid Natalochki”, "Snowman", "At Malanya's, at the old lady's" etc. We do massage 1-2 times a day.

Every day in my work with children we use the following form: finger games.

Systematic finger exercises are a powerful tool promotion brain performance. Psychologists say that gymnastics for the fingers develops the child’s mental activity, memory, and attention.

The group has a card index of finger games and books for development fine motor skills, various items to do the exercises. We widely use finger games without objects in free time, on walks. In games we try to do exercises with objects: clothespins, corks, counting sticks, buttons, etc. Also very good selection didactic games for the development of small motor skills: "Beads"(large, medium) etc.

6. Also in your work we use breathing exercises( "Geese hiss", "Pump", "Motor", "Kitty" etc., games for the prevention of colds.

Everyone knows very well that hygiene products contribute to strengthening health and stimulate the development of adaptive properties body:

Personal hygiene;


Wet cleaning;


Proper hand washing;

Teaching children basic techniques healthy lifestyle;

Of course, without joint working with parents, we would not have come to good results. On parent meetings, individual consultations we teach to evaluate child health, we offer parents files of various gymnastics, exercises for home, we recommend literature, brochures, conversations with a doctor

For parents in "Corner health» recommendations, adviсe:

We offer sliding folders;

We conduct surveys.

Folder prepared "Dr. Aibolit", which contains recommendations, folk remedies for the prevention of colds and much more. A folder has also been compiled with recommendations, consultations, and reminders on instilling cultural and hygienic skills in young children.

All these techniques allow us to gradually stabilize and bring healthy lifestyle. Parents and we now have one goal - to raise and educate healthy, smart, cheerful children.

When sending their baby to kindergarten for the first time, almost all parents are faced with the same problem: the child begins to get sick more often. How can you ensure strong children's health in kindergarten and avoid frequent colds or infectious diseases? Useful tips exists in the Land of Soviets.

The poor health of children in kindergarten has always been big problem. A child entering kindergarten for the first time finds itself in a rather aggressive viral-microbial environment, because in a group there may be children with colds, runny nose, etc. And therefore in kindergarten, a child is often at risk of illness.

To improve the health of children in kindergarten, you need to follow a few enough simple rules. To begin with, if your child is just about to enter kindergarten, you need to start strengthening his immunity. So, you need to let your child walk in the fresh air, ensure that the child’s daily diet contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The child does not need to create “greenhouse conditions”, trying in every possible way to protect him from the slightest influence environment. This means that there is no need to overly wrap up the child during walks, and there is no need to create “sterile cleanliness” in the house. It is better to give the child more contact with other children (this is also useful in terms of social development), regularly carry out hardening procedures.

The health of children in kindergarten depends not only on the state of immunity, but, it turns out, it also depends on how psychologically comfortable the kids are within the preschool walls. If baby is coming to the garden with tears, if he can’t get used to the team, then this will not have the best effect on his health.

That's why a child’s adaptation in kindergarten should be given Special attention . You need to try to choose a garden that your child would like. You also need to prepare your child for his first trip to kindergarten: tell him how fun he can have there, how he can play with other children.

To be completely sure that the health of children in kindergarten will not deteriorate, It is best to go with your child before entering kindergarten medical checkup . During the examination, the doctor will determine whether the child is healthy and whether he has signs of any incipient disease. If a child’s immunity is weakened after an illness, then it is better to wait until the immunity is stronger and only then take the child to kindergarten.

Often the health of children in kindergarten suffers from the fact that parents bring a known sick child to the group. This behavior of parents risks infecting other children in the group and complicating the course of the disease. own child. If possible, a sick child should be left at home.

True, it’s also not worth playing it safe by keeping your child at home for 3-4 weeks at the slightest suspicion of a cold. The fact is that during this time in children's team New viruses and microbes will appear, and therefore the child runs the risk of getting sick again immediately after the first visit to kindergarten.

This is the responsibility of both kindergarten staff and parents. Together we need to try to create all the conditions for children to develop properly and healthy.

Kindergarten is important stage in everyone's life little man. But you need to understand that every preschool institution is, first of all, an aggressive viral-microbial environment with a constant update frequency. Therefore, it is not surprising that every child who finds himself in this environment is under constant threat of infectious diseases and colds.

Unfortunately, some irresponsible parents take their children to kindergarten, not paying attention to the constant runny nose, and sometimes even cough and other symptoms of an incipient illness. However, not all infectious diseases at the first stage they have noticeable symptoms, and some children may not even get sick themselves, but are carriers of one or another infection. Therefore, even an ordinary playground is already a place where germs accumulate, let alone the confined spaces of kindergarten groups.

Many pediatricians believe that it is necessary to send a child to kindergarten at 3 months, when he is not yet accustomed to anything, or already at 4.5 years, when the baby’s own immunity is strong enough and can withstand the new environment around him. It’s unlikely that even one mother would dare to send a child to a nursery at the age of 3 months, and we practically don’t have such nurseries, but by the age of 4.5 years, as a rule, all “maternity” mothers have already been working for the good of society for a year and a half, and not sit at home, indulging in caring for your child.

In this regard, the question arises, how to prepare your child and his immunity for kindergarten? How to avoid constant illness and frequent sick leave? And how to come to a common denominator called “healthy child” through the basic principle conscious motherhood- "do no harm"?

2 days in the garden – 3 weeks at home?

Ask mothers whose children are already in kindergarten, most of them are familiar with the “2 days in kindergarten - 3 weeks on sick leave” scheme. Many will even tell you that before kindergarten their children had never been sick with anything, but then they went to kindergarten and that’s all - constant sores, cough, runny nose, medicines...
As practice shows, it is constant illness that sometimes becomes the main reason why mothers “mature” to such procedures as dousing and hardening, which, as they say, were not attempted before. Well, since any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, it is more advisable to start preparing for the garden before visiting it, and not when the whole family has suffered, gotten sick and been in hospitals.

So, if you want your child to quickly and painlessly get used to the nursery preschool institution, have not been sick or suffered, listen to our advice and follow these simple rules...

Rule 1: No greenhouse plants!

The first thing that doctors and teachers recommend to all mothers is to abandon greenhouse conditions. More fresh air, more walking barefoot or on bare feet, air baths, frequent contact with other children (on playgrounds, at guests, etc.) - all this will help the child acclimatize to the new kindergarten group as painlessly as possible. And do not try to create a sterile environment at home - this will cause more harm to the child than the usual amount of bacteria around us.

Rule 2: Do you want to talk about it?

Strange as it may seem, but mental health and the child’s mental balance has a significant influence on his immune system. Therefore, it is important that the child does not burst into tears before entering the kindergarten, but goes there consciously and with interest.

To do this, choose a suitable garden where you can fewer children and more teachers in each individual group. Explain to your child in advance what awaits him, talk to him about all the rules of behavior in the kindergarten, tell him how many interesting things he can learn and see, how many children he can meet - in general, try to interest and intrigue the child to avoid unnecessary stress.

You should also not leave the child immediately and for the whole day; try to first bring him for half an hour and, perhaps, even sit next to him, if necessary. Increase your child's time in kindergarten gradually - this way you can avoid many psychological problems.

Rule 3. Trust, but verify!

Despite the fact that your child looks healthy and cheerful, before going to kindergarten you need to undergo a medical examination. First of all, you yourself need this so that you don’t bite your elbows later because you didn’t recognize this or that disease in time. And secondly, this is a simple rule of human behavior in a team - if you yourself are sick, do not infect others.

So, go through all the required doctors (more specifically, they will tell you about this at your local clinic), get all the required vaccinations (unless, of course, you decide to refuse them) and then, with a clear conscience, go “surrender” to the kindergarten .

Rule 4: Balanced nutrition is the basis of a child’s health

It's no secret that the basis of a healthy lifestyle not only for adults, but also for children is high-quality, varied and balanced diet. So organize your child’s nutrition from the very first days of his life so that his daily menu includes: different groups foods rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Nutritionists believe that it is best to use “native” products in the menu, i.e. grew up in the area where baby is born. For example, for us, residents of the middle zone, black currant is more useful product rich in vitamin C than southern oranges.

The human body consists of 80% water, so every person should consume at least a small amount of it per day. Unfortunately, we often forget about water, especially when it comes to children: we replace it with sweet juices, compotes and teas. Of course, this replenishes fluid reserves in the body, but the quality of these reserves leaves much to be desired.

Rule 5: If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Since Soviet times, we are all well aware of the magic formula absolute happiness: “if you want to be healthy, toughen up!”
Indeed, statistics say that among hardened children there are many times fewer sick people. However, this path is not for the faint of heart. Few mothers would dare to pour ice water on their child. It just so happens that we all – homo sapiens – have the incredible ability to “kill” with our love. Trembling for the baby's health, we put an extra pair of tights on the child instead of dousing him with a jug in the morning cold water, and we achieve the opposite effect: we get excess heat, as a result of which the child sweats and catches a cold even more more likely. Everything is good in moderation, so hardening also requires a systematic approach, otherwise there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect.

So, there are several principles by following which you can strengthen your baby, providing invaluable support to his fragile immune system:

The main rule for mom: do not be afraid of anything and believe in success;
doctors recommend starting hardening with air baths;
You need to start hardening as early as possible, but NEVER TO LATE;
all procedures must be carried out systematically (every day or every other day - as you decide);
everything needs to be done gradually, so you shouldn’t immediately pour ice water on the child, it’s better to start with the body’s prescribed temperature of 36 degrees, lowering the temperature by 1-2 degrees in 3-4 days (note that in this case everything is individual and the child may need more time to get used to the new temperature);
everything needs to be done during the game, with good mood and with a smile - tears and hysterics are excluded, it is better to postpone the procedure for several days until the baby is forgotten;
avoid hypothermia, everything must be done quickly - poured on, rubbed, dressed;
avoid overheating;
do not start hardening if the child is not healthy;
Before starting the procedures, the child’s hands and, most importantly, feet should be warm.

With these simple rules, many children stopped getting sick not only from colds, but also became easier to bear infectious diseases and constant stress.

Remember that not only his health is important for a child, but also the health of his parents, otherwise, who will take care of him if not you? So the best way is to toughen up with the whole family. And by the way, if you combine water procedures with massage and exercises, then the best way There is no way to protect your baby's health. However, before starting any procedures, it would be useful to consult with a pediatrician.

Rule 6: Insurance Policy for Immunity

In addition, there are many medicinal methods support fragile children's immunity - from immunomodulators to physiotherapy. But you shouldn’t use them yourself; first you need to consult a pediatrician, or even better, an immunologist. After all, it is known that most immunomodulators, for example, when used continuously, inhibit the natural functions of the immune system.

However, there are other little tricks that do not require the intervention of doctors. One of these tricks is rinsing the child’s nasopharynx after returning from kindergarten. A weak (0.85-1%) solution is used for rinsing. table salt or special preparations based on sea ​​salts, sold in pharmacies. After rinsing, you can lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment. In addition, you should remember to wash your hands with soap after walking and before eating and, if possible, avoid public transport and other places of increased accumulation of microbes.

Natural immunomodulators

And finally, I would like to say a few words about natural immunomodulators, the regular use of which in food will help maintain children's immunity in good shape. These include rosehip syrup, honey and so-called “cold” jam - fresh berries mashed with sugar.
Rosehip is an essential source of vitamin C, especially in winter time of the year.

Honey has been used in medical practice for a long time as a healing, soothing, relieving irritation, dry skin and a substance that stimulates the production of endorphins. However, do not forget about its strong allergenic properties.

“Cold” jam, prepared in the summer, is also a source of various vitamins; it can be added to tea instead of regular sugar. It turns out no less tasty and even more healthy.

Child health in kindergarten

“And my baby, as soon as he started kindergarten, has been constantly sick!” - Isn't that a familiar remark? And we hear it quite often, and not only from those parents whose little one went to kindergarten just recently, but also from those whose children are already about to go to school. So why does the health of children in kindergarten decline so sharply compared to children at home?

The answer, as usual, is on the surface. It’s all about the child’s very wide social circle, because most diseases that “attack” the baby are transmitted by airborne droplets. And if, while sitting at home with his mother or grandmother, the child communicates closely mainly only with them (plus two or three more people from among mutual friends), then in a preschool educational institution the number of his entourage often reaches 35-40 people (including children from the group, teachers, nannies and other employees of the institution). And of course, the likelihood that one of them will be a carrier of the infection is very high (and there is nothing to say about the fact that in kindergarten the kids are constantly snorting and coughing).

So, if you want your child to quickly and painlessly settle into a preschool without getting sick or suffering, listen to our advice and follow these simple rules...

Rule 1: No greenhouse plants!

The first thing that doctors and teachers recommend to all mothers is to abandon greenhouse conditions. More fresh air, more walking barefoot or on bare feet, air baths, frequent contact with other children (on playgrounds, at guests, etc.) - all this will help the child acclimatize to the new kindergarten team as painlessly as possible. And do not try to create a sterile environment at home - this will cause more harm to the child than the usual amount of bacteria around us.

Rule 2: Do you want to talk about it?

Oddly enough, the mental health and peace of mind of a child has a significant impact on his immune system. Therefore, it is important that the child does not burst into tears before entering the kindergarten, but goes there consciously and with interest.

Explain to the child in advance what awaits him, talk to him about all the rules of behavior in the kindergarten, tell him how many interesting things he can learn and see, how many children he can meet - in general, try to interest and intrigue the child to avoid unnecessary stress.

You should also not leave the child immediately and for the whole day; try to first bring him for half an hour and, perhaps, even sit next to him, if necessary. Increase your child's time in kindergarten gradually - this way you can avoid many psychological problems.

Rule 3. Trust, but verify!

Despite the fact that your child looks healthy and cheerful, before going to kindergarten you need to undergo a medical examination. First of all, you yourself need this so that you don’t bite your elbows later because you didn’t recognize this or that disease in time. And secondly, this is a simple rule of human behavior in a team - if you yourself are sick, do not infect others.

So, go through all the required doctors (more specifically, they will tell you about this at your local clinic), get all the required vaccinations (unless, of course, you decide to refuse them) and then, with a clear conscience, go “surrender” to the kindergarten .

Rule 4: A balanced diet is the basis of a child’s health

It's no secret that the basis of a healthy lifestyle not only for adults, but also for children is a high-quality, varied and balanced diet. So organize your child’s nutrition from the very first days of his life so that his daily menu includes different groups of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements.

Nutritionists believe that it is best to use “native” products in the menu, i.e. raised in the area where the child was born. For example, for us, residents of the middle zone, black currants are a more useful product rich in vitamin C than southern oranges.

The human body consists of 80% water, so every person should consume at least a small amount of it per day. Unfortunately, we often forget about water, especially when it comes to children: we replace it with sweet juices, compotes and teas. Of course, this replenishes fluid reserves in the body, but the quality of these reserves leaves much to be desired.

Rule 5: If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Since Soviet times, we have all been well aware of the magic formula for absolute happiness: “if you want to be healthy, toughen up!”

Indeed, statistics say that among hardened children there are many times fewer sick people. However, this path is not for the faint of heart. Few mothers would dare to pour ice water on their child. It just so happens that we all - homo sapiens - have the incredible ability to “kill” with our love. Worried about the baby's health, we put an extra pair of tights on the child instead of dousing him with a jug of cold water in the morning, and we achieve the opposite effect: we get excess heat, as a result of which the child sweats and is even more likely to catch a cold. Everything is good in moderation, so hardening also requires a systematic approach, otherwise there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect.

Remember that not only his health is important for a child, but also the health of his parents, otherwise, who will take care of him if not you? So the best way is to toughen up with the whole family. And by the way, if you combine water procedures with massage and exercise, then you won’t find a better way to protect your baby’s health. However, before starting any procedures, it would be useful to consult with a pediatrician.

Rule 6: Insurance Policy for Immunity

In addition, there are many medicinal ways to support children's fragile immunity - from immunomodulators to physiotherapy. But you shouldn’t use them yourself; first you need to consult a pediatrician, or even better, an immunologist. After all, it is known that most immunomodulators, for example, when used continuously, inhibit the natural functions of the immune system.

However, there are other little tricks that do not require the intervention of doctors. One of these tricks is to rinse the child’s nasopharynx after returning from kindergarten. For washing, use a weak (0.85-1%) solution of table salt or special preparations based on sea salts, sold in pharmacies. After rinsing, you can lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment. In addition, you should remember to wash your hands with soap after walking and before eating and, if possible, avoid public transport and other places where germs accumulate.

Natural immunomodulators

And finally, I would like to say a few words about natural immunomodulators, the regular use of which in food will help maintain children's immunity in good shape. These include rosehip syrup, honey and so-called “cold” jam - fresh berries mashed with sugar.

Rosehip is an irreplaceable source of vitamin C, especially in the winter season.

Honey has been used in medical practice for a long time as a healing, soothing, relieving irritation, dry skin and a substance that stimulates the production of endorphins. However, do not forget about its strong allergenic properties.

“Cold” jam, prepared in the summer, is also a source of various vitamins; it can be added to tea instead of regular sugar. It turns out no less tasty and even more healthy.

prepared based on materials from Internet resources

Parents enroll every child who reaches a certain age in kindergarten. Some act based on considerations so that the child does not spend his days aimlessly chasing a ball or watching cartoons for hours. In other cases (in almost every family) there is no one to look after the child due to work commitments. But whatever the reason, the health of children in kindergarten is stably ensured, which has positive influence both mentally and physically.

Many mothers consider it right to leave their baby at home, preferring to keep him with her all day and “blow the dust off him.” They explain this behavior by the fact that when communicating with other kids there is a chance of catching various viral diseases. However, these same mothers do not understand or fundamentally do not want to understand that they cannot turn a child into a “greenhouse plant.”

And the child’s constant presence within the home walls and limited communication will make him a notorious, self-contained and uncommunicative egoist. It is extremely important to define it in childcare facility by providing the child complete freedom communication and self-development. No matter how much parents want it, in any case they will not be able to devote enough time to their child to play with him and exercise.

Mothers are busy all day with household chores: washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, etc. Dads spend most of their time at work, and in the evening they are too tired to engage in children's play or parenting.

Ensuring the health of children is the No. 1 problem for both their parents and educators. Therefore, they are organized and carried out various events, aimed at both physical and mental development. These can be educational games (riddles, puzzles different topics), not complicated physical exercise, staging small scenes and more.

Taking part in all this, the child inevitably develops, improves, learns about the world, learns to communicate with peers and adults (in in this case, with teachers, parents of children from the group). And most importantly, he gets acquainted with such life concepts as: independence, responsibility, determination. These concepts play a leading role in the development of personality.

Wellness activities

In any kindergarten, a number of health-improving activities are carried out aimed at ensuring and maintaining the health of the baby. Wellness activities include:

  1. Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Physical education and health activities.
  3. Hardening.
  4. Prevention.

Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle

This event is aimed at developing in the child the need to lead and strive for a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, special attention is paid to the child’s compliance with the daily routine, instilling and developing cultural and hygienic skills, and learning to care for one’s body.

Physical education and health work

This type of health promotion is no less important than all others. By doing physical education and gymnastics, muscles, joints, bone baby. The body gains the ability to fight various ailments, diseases, and disorders. Thus, physical education and health activities include:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education classes;
  • outdoor games and play exercises;
  • outdoor exercise;
  • sport games;
  • breathing exercises after a nap;
  • diagnostics of physical development;
  • sports and music festivals;
  • leisure.


Hardening procedures are aimed at strengthening the health of each child, making him strong and increasing his immunity. Before you begin of this event, the presence of any disease in the child is excluded. In general, hardening involves:

  • outdoor games, walking;
  • taking air baths;
  • implementation of water procedures;
  • water games;
  • dosed sunbathing.

Walking barefoot is both a hardening procedure and a great pleasure. The kids really like it.


Your child's compliance with basic preventive measures is also part of the health program. Preventive actions mean:

  • ensuring a clean environment;
  • creating a healthy microclimate;
  • rational and balanced nutrition;
  • fortification - consumption of vitamin drinks, fruits;
  • prevention of influenza - herbal medicine using onions and garlic;
  • preventive vaccinations to protect a child from such serious illnesses like: whooping cough, mumps, tuberculosis, chicken pox and others;
  • aromatherapy procedures;
  • therapeutic physical culture;
  • restorative massage.

The implementation of health activities is aimed at ensuring that the child, while in kindergarten, grows up absolutely healthy and strong!
