Why does a girl need a boyfriend? Dating, relationships, feelings.

Young people often enter into relationships without thinking about what they are for. However, this is a rather important question that needs to be resolved before meeting a specific girl. Otherwise, the couple may face pain of disappointment or a broken heart.

In fact, at different ages men have their own demands and needs. Therefore, it is worth examining the question of why a guy needs a girl at each age stage of a man’s development. It is worth clarifying that there are always individual cases. Here we will analyze the basic needs and motives that guide young people in relationships with girls.

Why does a guy under 20 need a girl?

Most often, during this period of time, young people do not think about the prospect of developing a relationship with a girl. They live for today. Let's look at the main reasons why guys start relationships at this age:

1. Relationships to satisfy sexual needs.

2. The desire to find some kind of peace of mind at the expense of your partner.

3. The desire to stand out from peers by winning the favor of a beautiful girl.

4. The desire to share your interests and hobbies with a girl.

5. The desire to experience first-hand what a relationship is, to find out what love is.

Why does a guy between 20 and 25 years old need a girl?

After 20, guys begin to think about their future. This is a period of searching for yourself in the professional field. Sometimes, at this time, guys do not have enough time to maintain a truly serious relationship with a permanent girl.

In addition, young people feel incapable of relationships in terms of money. After all, you need to look after a girl, take her to the movies, cafes. Guys of this age have long been separated from their parents, but are still financially unstable.

The main reasons why young people start relationships with girls at this age:

1. Satisfaction of sexual needs still comes first.

2. Some young people strive to show society (colleagues, their parents) that they are already mature enough for a serious relationship. In this case, even creating a family is possible.

3. Some guys just want to come after school or work to a cozy nest where his beloved lives. This motive is the key to a truly serious relationship.

4. Lack of opportunity to make numerous acquaintances due to lack of time, money, and self-confidence.

5. The desire to live at the expense of someone, including in the girl’s living space and partially at her expense.

6. The desire to dominate someone in this life, to be an authority in someone’s eyes.

Why does a guy over 25 need a girl?

After 25 years, men finally think about the prospect of a relationship with a girl. They try on her image with the ideal of a future wife that they had formed by this time.

In addition, many men begin to imagine the girl as the future mother of their children. Moreover, guys most often do not plan to have a child in the near future, but it is important for them to know that over time, the girl will be able to give birth to and raise their common children.

Most guys of this age have already found themselves in the profession. Therefore, it may also be important for them to appear representative in the eyes of their superiors and colleagues.

The main reasons why men start relationships at this age:

1. The desire to create a strong union, with the prospect of marriage and family.

2. Satisfaction of sexual needs.

3. Creating an image of a person who is successful in all areas of life.

4. The desire to spend free time with a loved one in order to take a break from pressing problems.

5. The desire to find a mistress for your home. It is always more convenient for a man to live with a woman than without her. Sometimes, for this reason, guys do not move out of their parents’ nest for a long time, because their mother takes care of them there.

6. The desire to forget yourself in a new relationship in order not to remember the old ones. Such a motive rarely becomes a good start for a relationship.

How to explain to a boy why a girl is needed

What to do if you are dating a man who doesn’t know what he wants from a relationship and from his girlfriend? We will give you basic tips on how to solve this problem.

1. You can call him for a frank conversation, where you can discuss with him the main reasons why a guy needs a girl. After this, it will be easier for the guy to highlight for himself those points that are relevant to him now.

2. If a young man likes to read, give him a selection of popular science books about the differences between men and women, as well as psychological books on relationships. In any case, after reading them he will learn something useful for himself.

3. Go with him to a live psychological training on the topic of relationships. In such classes, people are usually transformed, they have insight, and they more clearly begin to understand their life path and their goals in relationships.

5. During friendly get-togethers, casually bring up the topic of relationships. The man himself will not notice how he gets involved in the conversation, and, one way or another, will express his opinion on this matter. After this, you can discuss this topic in private.

6. Go together to an interactive performance in which the problem of relationships between men and women comes to the fore. In this type of play, the audience is partially involved in the performance, so you may get the opportunity to learn something more about your boyfriend.

Guys really rarely think about why they need a girl. They do not do this due to the peculiarities of their thinking, and not because they consider this an unimportant area of ​​their life. In addition, they often find it difficult to express their thoughts on this matter.

Girls, you should not focus too much attention on this issue, because a young man may be afraid of such pressure from you. However, it is always useful to discuss this topic discreetly, in a feminine way, so that your partner does not even notice your interest.

Guys meet girls and still don't understand why does a guy need a girl, but without knowing this, how can you build happiness with a girl and a great relationship? The main problem is not knowing why a guy needs a girl, but the lack of specific goals that accompany a guy on the path to success.

Not knowing, why does a guy need a girl, it is impossible to build normal relationships. Therefore, today we will analyze this issue with you, giving you only the most important and main methods and methods so that you not only understand why a guy needs a girl, but also be able to understand your goals in this regard.


Before you start looking for answers to your questions, you yourself need to figure out why a guy needs a girl, or better yet, write down all possible points on a piece of paper, and then start analyzing them. After all, there are different guys and different girls, so the goals and methods will also be different. And in general, it is useful for every person to understand what he wants to achieve in life, since this is already half the work done, even if it seems easier than the process of implementation itself. Know what kind of girls you like, their character and appearance, this will also simplify the task of finding the right girl. The more detailed your plan is, the more effective it will be in practice. And now we move on to the basics of why a guy needs a girl.

For love

Also, don’t forget that there are guys who are looking for a girl to just love her and become happy. But remember that girls they don’t always reciprocate, so you need to study as many more girls and not be disappointed if a girl doesn’t like you. After all, it’s better to be with someone who loves you than to run after the wrong girls who are unworthy of you. Therefore, understand whether you are ready to truly love a girl or whether you need simple passion, which, as you know, is not eternal. Read more: how to stop being shy.

For relationships

Some guys sometimes they are just simply bored, lonely and they just need a girl so as not to go crazy. But not everyone begins to act for this, as they are overwhelmed by the fear of communicating with the opposite sex. But if you have a real desire, then you can overcome all unnecessary fears in a short time and start relationships with the girls you like. But remember that developing relationships is a very delicate matter that requires patience and some knowledge. Because a stupid mistake can lead to the destruction of relationships. But only if your relationship is supported and your foundation consists of true love, then no one can ever destroy your relationship.

For reputation

Some guys think that guy needs a girl just for reputation. Of course, there are such moments, but they are individual and not for everyone. Therefore, in this case, the guy needs a girl for his reputation in the eyes of friends, acquaintances and other girls. Such guys specifically look for beautiful girls, seduce them and then after some time, when their relationship has already been noticed, they leave them or make the girls run after them. Of course, this is a talent and it is given to few, but everyone can learn if they want. But know one thing, there is no point in this.

Just to be

Many people don’t even understand why does a guy need a girl , and start looking for and meeting girls without a specific goal. They simply meet, separate, look for another girl, and so on repeats until a specific goal appears in order to develop a relationship or something else. You also need to remember that girls are very emotional and the slightest offense against you creates a big problem. Therefore, there is no need to worry, it’s better to read: how to deal with girls’ insults, and you will understand that they do this specifically for their specific purpose.

Starting a family

And the most important thing, which really makes sense, is that a guy needs a girl to start a family. Of course, everyone comes to this stage over time, because the passion and mood to run after different girls has already faded away, the guy wants a quiet life. Age is not important here, since every guy understands that family is more important, at different ages, there are still guys who have not yet realized this, but it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is that if you have already set a goal to start a family, the main thing here is not to rush and not make mistakes. Since some guys are afraid that if they delay marriage, their future wives will leave for other determined guys. But this is just fear, because if a girl loves you, she definitely won’t get away from you, and the main thing here is just to live 5 years before getting married, and then, if the relationship continues, start a family. Since experts in this case have noticed that for the first time in 5 years, almost every family is breaking up, or simply losing feelings and love. So why risk your happiness, it’s better to be patient and get more benefits. After all, a girl can still live with you and love you even before marriage.

That's all what we were going to tell you about why a guy needs a girl. By applying all the tips and methods given in the article in practice, you will be able to independently understand and decide why a guy needs a girl and understand what you yourself want to achieve in life and in relationships with girls.

No matter how funny the question of why a girl is needed may seem at first glance, in fact the reasoning on this matter is quite serious. There are several possible cases in which people ask this question.

  • If a young man cannot find a girl for a relationship for a long time, then he begins to get nervous, even panic. Then he can ask himself in frustration, why do I need a girl? What's good about a serious relationship? Why are they even needed?
  • An equally common situation is when a guy recently broke up with a girl, and then out of anger he simply tries to justify the situation, persuading himself that he simply does not need the girl.
  • Another option is when a boy reaches puberty and may not really know what to do with people of the opposite sex, why a serious relationship is needed, and why date a girl.

It is important that everyone must decide on the answer to the question posed individually for themselves and their situation. To do this, let's look at the main positive and negative aspects of romantic relationships with girls.

The benefits of dating a girl

First of all, any romantic relationship is a pleasant emotional experience. Starting to date a girl, guys begin to feel their importance, courage and the opportunity to be needed by a loved one. Romantic dates, kisses, gentle touches, and in adulthood, sexual relationships - all this has a positive effect not only on the mood of a couple of lovers, but also on their health. Scientists have proven that harmoniously developing relationships have a positive impact on the well-being of lovers.

Coming from a practical point of view, it is worth noting that girls tend to take care of guys. So, roughly speaking, a girl is also needed to cook food, iron things, sew on a button or give a massage. Of course, you cannot consider the object of your sympathy only from this position. But, in any case, it’s nice to know that there is someone who will take care of you.

It’s a pity to admit, but in modern times young people often start relationships with girls to create a special reputation. Some guys want to appear “macho”, others simply want to raise their prestige in the eyes of the people around them. Such relationships can hardly be called serious, but there are still cases when they last quite a long time.

Disadvantages of a relationship with a girl

Of course, the main disadvantage of a guy having a girlfriend is the limitation of his freedom. Girls love attention, and therefore want to receive it from their “other half”. In addition, they are predominantly possessive, which means that they do not like sharing a young man with anyone else. Thus, when you are planning to start a relationship, you should think about whether you are ready to devote a sufficient amount of time to your chosen one and whether you can give her the necessary attention.

In addition, any romantic relationship requires financial costs. Be prepared for the fact that, in addition to ordinary holidays, such as New Year or Valentine's Day, there will also be personal holidays, such as the day of your first kiss, the day you started a relationship, or some other day that is significant for the two of you. Since every holiday requires at least some gift, you need to prepare in advance for financial costs.

If we’re talking about truly serious relationships, then it’s also worth remembering about responsibility. A young man should be a protection for his girlfriend. This concerns not only physical protection, but also other issues. For example, a guy should both morally support a girl and help financially if necessary.

To be successful with men, you need to thoroughly study male characteristics, habits and needs. Knowing why a guy needs a girl, you can adjust your behavior and become more attractive to the stronger sex. We have already talked about. Now let’s try to figure out what needs a young man satisfies when entering into a relationship with a girl.

From childhood, men are taught to restrain their emotions (“Boys don’t cry,” “Don’t be a wuss”) and not to show weakness. Therefore, in order not to seem like “wimps,” guys carefully hide their fears, doubts and worries under the guise of “macho.” Only with the person closest to you can you drop this mask, relax and be yourself. Usually a guy doesn’t open up right away: he needs some time to learn to trust his beloved.

Men are vain creatures. They need admiration and adoration like air. A guy who gets a girlfriend is ready to move mountains. He feels unusually strong, smart and powerful. The admiring glances of his beloved raise his self-esteem to unattainable heights.

Traditionally, boys are not taught to do housework, so most men are absolutely helpless in everyday life: they eat sausage with mayonnaise, risking gastritis, wear multi-colored socks and accumulate a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink. And only when a guy has a girlfriend does this chaos stop.

Guys have a worse understanding of relationships between people and are poor at distinguishing the nuances of human emotions. Girls are more sensitive, understand people better and are interested in them. A girl will always tell a guy how to behave in a given situation, keep a young man from unnecessary conflict, and advise what to buy as a gift for his relatives and friends.

A beautiful and cheerful life partner, like an expensive foreign car, is an attribute of a successful man. It’s nice to take such a girl out into the world and introduce her to friends: the envious glances of other men stroke the guy’s vanity and raise his self-esteem.

More and more often we hear that every girl should be not only independent, but also self-sufficient, that in this life you can rely solely on your own strength. Yes, we understand that a girl must be a strong personality, she must be able to earn money, raise a child, cope with stress, and also improve herself, to become better, prettier and more educated?

So, why then does a girl need a guy? We are used to the fact that in family relationships, a girl must take care of a guy, maintain a house, provide comfort, returning home late at night after a hard day at work, she must think about what to cook for dinner, when to clean the apartment, what the young man will wear to work tomorrow what he will have for lunch, and also when he will have time to get himself in order. After young people begin to live together, in addition to their main responsibilities: going to work, taking care of their appearance, improving themselves, the girl is obliged to think about the young man. In other words, she additionally plays the roles of housekeeper and mistress in one person. If previously she might not have prepared dinner in the evening because she was on a diet, now she stands at the stove, preparing a fragrant, high-calorie dish, so that she can then watch how the young man will happily consume it. It turns out to be pure masochism. So, why does a girl need a young man? Why tie yourself into strong bonds of marriage and take on additional responsibilities?

Getting rid of loneliness. Some call it free, but in fact, behind freedom lies bottomless loneliness. When a girl is alone, she very often becomes sad, becomes depressed, and worries that this loneliness will never end. Yes, as the years go by, other girls grow up, who, thanks to their youth and energy, will look much more advantageous than older representatives of the fair sex. However, if you approach the position of marriage from this side, then you run the risk of starting to live with that person who will systematically ruin your mood every day and discourage all desire to return home. Let's not forget that a happy girl is one who happily runs to work in the morning and returns to her loved one in a great mood in the evening. This is how every representative of the fair sex should live. You should be satisfied with absolutely everything in this life: both your job and your young man. If any of these components does not bring you joy, then you need to look for what you want until you find it. The main thing is not to sit still, as water does not flow under a lying stone.

He can take care when you are sick. During illness, we all feel our loneliness especially acutely. I so want to hug a loved one, touch his cheek, feel that someone can prepare hot tea, pat him on the head, say pleasant words. When you lie in bed and realize that only you can make tea, broth or coffee, that there is no one to even talk to, moments of despair set in, which aggravate the illness even more. Then you want to be with people, pretend that everything is fine, just not to sit in empty walls. At these moments, the young man’s concern is felt especially acutely.

He can give compliments. Naturally, we can also give compliments to ourselves. Remember the movie “The Most Charming and Attractive”? Yes, there the main character convinced herself that she was the best girl herself, without the help of a young man. However, nothing lifts your spirits like a compliment from a man. Therefore, having heard a few pleasant words addressed to you, you understand that life is good, that the sun is shining brightly, and the problems that existed before do not seem so acute.

You can let off steam on it. As cruel as it may sound, girls can only let off steam on their men. Why? Because he will certainly forgive these small weaknesses. A friend may not understand and be offended; parents simply will not give the opportunity to talk to them in such a tone. Only a young man, whose iron character deserves all praise, has to listen to hysterics. Indeed, who else will calm us down, wipe away our tears, look for a way out if our new dress is suddenly splashed on cars, our stockings are torn, and the new nail polish absolutely does not match the previously purchased dress. If we tell this to a friend, she will begin to worry with us. As a result, a small problem will turn out to be a real disaster, like a nuclear war. Men are more restrained in expressing their emotions. Therefore, they can simply take us by the hand, lead us to the store and buy the shade of varnish that we need at that moment. They don’t think, don’t cry, and don’t express vivid emotions, they only solve the problem, which very often we, behind tears, hysterics and worries, simply cannot do.

A man can protect. Any man is ready to protect his girlfriend, but only if he really considers you his girlfriend. In other cases, he will gently let you know that he does not care about you with your problems. For example, you are afraid to walk down a dark alley, call him. If a man cares about a girl, he will go to the place where you are and help you overcome your fear. If you and your emotions are indifferent to him, then he will say that he is out of town, that he has no time for you now, that he has been drinking and cannot drive. Yes, you never know how many excuses you can find if you have a great desire?

The man gives gifts. Yes, if a young man wants to please a girl, he literally showers her with gifts. By his actions, he wants to show that you are not indifferent to him, that he does not skimp on you. By the way, a man gives gifts only as long as he is interested in you. In the first stages of a relationship, this is especially evident. Therefore, take a closer look at the young people who surround you. If men are not trying to please you, give you flowers, souvenirs, then he is simply not interested in building a serious relationship with you. It's even worse if a man asks you to buy something for him. These can be unobtrusive requests, for example, to buy a pack of cigarettes, a keychain for a phone, or something else. If he doesn’t even offer you a refund for your purchase, then don’t even consider this young man as a potential life partner.

A man can love you as the only and best girl. Naturally, both your parents and your friends love you, but no one can love you like a young man. Love between a man and a woman is a special feeling that allows you to forgive a lot, forget about shortcomings, and see a person only from the positive side. This love gives life to many people, it cures incurable diseases, works miracles, makes people much better than they were before. For example, a guy after meeting his girlfriend may begin to get rid of bad habits and may become kinder to the people around him. The girl always walks around in a great mood, begins to take care of her appearance, improves herself, becomes beautiful and confident.

In general, a girl needs a guy just to experience this feeling of comprehensive and all-consuming love, to feel that there is a person in the world who constantly thinks about her, who is ready to lend a helping hand at any time of the day or night. After he helps a representative of the fair sex, he will feel grateful that at that moment she thought of him first.
