Sign up for clubs, sports clubs, and creativity centers. Clubs and sections for children Sections from 3 years old

Hello dear parents. You will be interested in this article if you have already begun to think about where you can send your child at 3 years old. Some mothers and fathers will think that at the age of three it is too early to send the baby to some institution, he is still too young. Let's try to prove the opposite.

Overview of institutions

When choosing a place to send your baby, you need to figure out what he plans to do. Surely, in every city you can find:

  • creativity houses, where the little one can draw, sing, dance, sculpt, weave beads, participate in a theater group and do much more;
  • sports institutions, schools where children are provided with various sports, as well as martial arts.

In addition, you can take your baby to the pool for swimming.

First you need:

  • understand what you want to develop in your child;
  • then your task is to choose an institution that is nearby, within walking distance, so that the child does not get tired on the way to class;
  • if there are several options, look for reviews on the Internet, ask for the opinions of other parents;
  • and only then go register your child.

Determining the baby's inclinations

Parents should understand that at the age of three the child’s character begins to form; it is during this period that tastes and abilities begin to emerge. Some parents themselves notice what the baby is prone to. For example, a mother sees that he paints all the wallpaper and doesn’t let go of the felt-tip pens - it’s immediately clear that the child is creative and can be sent to an art studio.

It is important to understand that both girls and boys are very inquisitive and active during this period. Parents can safely choose any institution; their little inquisitive toddler will surely like it. But, if you want to place your little one now in the place where, most likely, he has been studying for more than one year, then you can try to do the following:

  • over the course of a week, the baby is shown different sports (watching programs on TV), allowed to listen to music (watch how the baby starts to sing or dance, or shows no interest at all), given sheets of paper and paints;
  • The task of parents is to carefully evaluate the child’s reaction and identify his inclinations in a timely manner.

Some toddlers can independently tell you what interested them most. But be prepared for the fact that the first institution your child attends will not necessarily stay with you for many years. As a child grows, his tastes and preferences may change.

Also an important factor when choosing a club is the type of upbringing of the child and the intellectual level of the parents, as well as what activities were conducted with the toddler before this age. So, if you ask where to send a child at 3 years old, a boy who has been running in the yard with a ball since the age of two and playing football with his dad, then I think the answer is obvious, of course, to a sports school, let him become a future football player.

In addition, when deciding whether your child will go to a creative center or a sports section, you need to take into account the following points:

  • a child growing up in creative disorder (nothing is out of place in the apartment, the atmosphere is cheerful, positive) will show more interest in creative circles;
  • a child who walks “toe the line” at home, is accustomed to obeying and following all instructions, will achieve more in sports.

You see that it is necessary to take into account both the abilities given to the child at birth and the environment in which he grows and develops and is influenced.

Mugs with a creative twist

If your child is 3 years old, where to send him to study is an important question. Many parents believe that it is too early for sports to appear in a child’s life, but it is just the right time to develop creative abilities.

  1. Vocals It’s still too early to consciously learn to play musical instruments, but you can already try singing. Classes for the little ones do not include the study of musical notation or any special techniques in music. At this age, the child simply listens, sings, repeating after the teacher. The baby develops musical perception, hearing and a sense of rhythm.
  2. Drawing. I don’t know a single child who would refuse to sit down and draw. This circle is just perfect for your child. And if there were capable artists in your family, then even more so you need to go to an art studio with your baby.
  3. Modeling. Perfectly develops a child's fine motor skills. Both boys and girls will enjoy this activity. This is a place for a child's imagination to fly. The material for the lesson can be plasticine, modeling dough, or clay, especially if you get into a ceramics circle.

Sports activities

Many parents strive to instill in their children a love of active games from childhood, so it is not surprising that they try to enroll their children in sports clubs, starting from the age of three. You must understand that at this age we are talking about sports clubs, and not about sports schools, you will have to wait a few more years with this.

  1. If you are wondering where to send your 3-year-old child (girl), then gymnastics, both sports and rhythmic, would be an excellent option. It will allow you to develop flexibility and strengthen the muscles of your growing body, and will also contribute to the formation of correct posture. The girl will be happy to practice with bright ribbons and perform her first exercises. In addition, this section does not require high material costs. By the way, this sport is also suitable for boys.
  2. Starting from the age of three, a child can be sent to figure skating, as well as hockey. It is at this age that the child does not yet experience much fear, for the first time. This sport will improve the performance of the heart and strengthen the child’s endurance. Since the classes are held in a fairly cool room, this will be an excellent way for the baby to prevent colds and help strengthen the immune system. However, it is necessary to understand that this sport requires considerable expenses. Therefore, it is important to count on your capabilities.
  3. Swimming is also a good time to visit, but choose pools with well-heated water. These classes will strengthen skeletal muscles, temper the baby, improve the functioning of his nervous and cardiovascular systems. Be sure that after swimming the little one will come home with a good appetite, in a great mood and will have a sound sleep. What’s also noteworthy is that you can go to the lesson together with your baby, you will dive under water together and complete the trainer’s tasks. The child will be very glad that he does not have to part with his mother, and will feel much more confident.
  4. If your choice fell on martial arts, then aikido would be an excellent option for a three-year-old child. This is due to the fact that this particular method of self-defense will improve the health of the baby and is significantly less traumatic. The child will be taught how to become more confident and avoid conflict situations.
  5. Send your little one to dance if you see that the child starts dancing at any sound of music. Be prepared for the fact that at first the little one will just have fun, but over time he will be able to master the techniques and repeat the movements of the trainer and remember them. Dancing has a beneficial effect on the formation of correct posture, strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Let's not forget that the child will begin to develop creative thinking.

Who is contraindicated for

If you decide that it would be best for your son or daughter to attend a sports institution, then you need to take into account the fact that not every child is capable of this or that sport, largely due to health conditions. Let's look at who is contraindicated for what:

  • gymnastics is not suitable for your little one if he has been diagnosed with heart problems and serious curvature of the spine;
  • Children with diabetes mellitus, myopia and pathologies of the cardiovascular system are not allowed to participate in athletics;
  • Equestrian sports should not be practiced if the toddler has asthma, an allergy to wool and increased fragility of bones;
  • figure skating will be unacceptable for children with myopia and a predisposition to respiratory diseases;
  • It is unacceptable for children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, in particular the spine, to engage in combat sports.

Now you know where to send your child at 3 years old. Most importantly, do not forget to take into account the baby’s personal preferences. You should not force your child to attend the club. It is possible that the initial delight and desire will soon give way to disappointment and loss of interest. Remember that all activities should deliver exclusively positive emotions. This will contribute to the normal development of the child and his abilities.

The first techno-coworking space in Russia is also an educational platform. The Lab provides training in computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, and organizes master classes on 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases, “Laba” is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling cutters and other sophisticated equipment. According to the co-founder of Laba, Maxim Pinigin, any idea can be implemented in a techno-coworking space, “from a stool to a satellite.” Regardless of the age of the inventor.

The center offers several areas for children, such as invention, entrepreneurship, speech techniques and even SMM.

Myasnitskaya 13, building 20

From 7000 rubles

Astronomical circle at the Planetarium

Planetarium Astronomy Club is the perfect story for space-obsessed kids. Here you can learn everything about the solar system, the movement of planets and types of telescopes. Children independently observe the Moon and stars, go to the observatory and meet pilot-cosmonauts. The course of lectures, designed for three years, is given by astronomers, professors and students of Moscow State University.

In order to enroll in the club, you must fill out a form on the Planetarium website (enrollment begins in mid-August) and pass an interview. The planetarium staff advises not to delay: there are always a lot of people who want to attend the courses.

Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

For free

DEZ No. 5 at the Moscow House of Amateur Arts

Elephant fish, lantern cat, bench wolf, peeper - in the studio of architect Mikhail Labazov they do whatever they want. Thanks to teachers, children's fantasies take on shape and color, begin to move, glow and make sounds. Here they create from metal, fabric, polyethylene, turning these and other materials that are not always suitable for installations into art.

Every year Mikhail Labazov chooses a specific topic on which the studio students work. Under what sign will 2018-2019 pass? it is unknown, but in “DEZ No. 5” they have already created “Paintings with Comforts”, “Good Signs”, “Super Things”, etc.

Everyone, without exception, is recorded in the studio. The founder of the studio is sure that all children are geniuses from birth, you just need to help them unleash their creative potential. This is why the waiting list can last for several years.

B. Ovchinnikovsky lane, 24, building 4

For free

Fundamentals of maritime affairs at the Moscow City Children's Maritime Center named after. Peter the Great

One of the oldest maritime clubs in Moscow, where boys and girls are taught to tie knots, understand Morse code and the structure of a modern ship. Here you can touch a boat with a full sailing rig, see models of ships and vessels, hold a sextant, a magnetic compass and turn the steering wheel.

The training cycle lasts several years. During the first two years, children learn what a boat is, learn to communicate using a signal flag, shoot air guns, and swim in the pool. Older children can choose a direction - from ship modeling and radio communications to navigation and ship mechanics. And regardless of age, everyone studies the history of the Russian fleet, aesthetics and naval training.

But the most interesting thing in the studio is practice. The center has its own coastal base on the Khimki Reservoir and a training flotilla. Since April, children, together with teachers, have been repairing ships and putting sailing equipment in order so that they can go sailing in the summer, including long-distance routes.

Leningradskoe highway, 56a

For free

Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills

One of the oldest and most famous children's centers offers more than 2,500 programs. Moreover, here you can find not only the standard set such as dance, chess and fine art. There are studios in a variety of fields - from cynology, karting and handball to a sculpture and animal psychology studio. The most popular are aircraft and ship modeling, robotics, web design and clay pigeon shooting. And the most famous is the song and dance ensemble named after. Lokteva.

Getting into the studios of the Palace of Pioneers is very simple: just register your child on the city hall portal. Most sections are free.

Kosygina, 17

On request

Big Children's Choir named after Popov

Yes, yes, this is the same choir that performed the famous “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, “Beautiful Far Away” and other children's hits of the USSR and modern Russia. The group, created in 1970, was once called the Big Children's Choir of Central Television and All-Union Radio. But later it was renamed in honor of Viktor Popov, who led the team for 38 years.

During the existence of the school, more than 2,000 works were recorded and many records were released in Russia and abroad. The choir still remains one of the most famous in the world: children from all over the country dream of getting here. They enroll in the choir only after several stages of auditions. In addition to talent, you will need a true love of music and perseverance: rehearsals take place 2-3 times a week, and concerts and recordings take place almost all year round.

Degtyarny Lane, 7/1

For free

Math clubs from the creative laboratory “2×2”

The main value of the creative laboratory “Twice Two” is its teachers. The center's math circles are staffed by people who are in love with numbers and formulas. They manage to infect children with a passion for exact sciences: the average score of students in mathematics at school is 4.58, they often take prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.

In order to study in a circle for free, you need to go through several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.

There are many locations and they sometimes change - it’s better to find out separately

Available for free

House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

The branch of the Palace of Children's Creativity on Vorobyovy Gory boasts a rich range of scientific fields - from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 12 chemistry programs here alone.

The House of Creativity pays special attention to children interested in technology. For example, the center offers several radio electronics courses. The beginners' class involves soldering electronic circuits and creating simple electronic devices. In the course “Radio Engineering” they study radio-electronic designs, and in the lessons “Entertaining Electronics” they learn to read and make simple circuits.

Donskaya, 37

Available for free

Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Why does a plane or a rocket fly? How does the Universe work, who can go into space and what is a spacesuit for? At the Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics, you can get answers to thousands of questions. Last year, the “Space Squad” club opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can take psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator, and receive a “Test Cosmonaut” certificate.

And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will become familiar with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a breadboard, read and draw electrical diagrams, and write code.

Prospekt Mira, 111

3000 rubles per month

Center for Aesthetic Education of Children and Youth “Museion” at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin

Enrolling children in Museyon is the dream of any educated Moscow parent. In total, several studios are open at Museion. For the youngest (5-7 years old) there are family groups where children are introduced to art and taught how to “read” paintings correctly. Older children can be sent to ceramics (grades 2-5), printmaking (ages 11-15), numismatics or archeology (grades 5-8) and computer graphics (ages 9-13). Everyone is welcome to family meetings and conversations about art at Museion, but most clubs are signed up for after an interview.

Sales of subscriptions to Museyon children's clubs will begin on August 23 at 11:00 Moscow time only on the museum's website. There will be no sales at the box office on this day. Sales of remaining season tickets will begin at the box office the next day, August 24.

Kolymazhny Lane, 6, building 2

3500 rubles for an annual subscription

Club "Young Nature Researchers" at Moscow State University

Political science, languages, chemistry, physics, mathematics, journalism - more than a dozen courses are open at Moscow State University for schoolchildren. One of the most interesting is the “Young Nature Researchers” (YNI) circle, which has existed for almost 20 years.

The club program includes 182 theoretical and 228 practical training hours. In addition to classes at the Faculty of Biology, studio students spend time at the Zvenigorod Biological Station of Moscow State University and go on multi-day field environmental practices. So, this year the UIP members traveled to Mordovia and Abkhazia, and last year they returned from Western Mongolia.

To join the club, you must prepare a report and answer at least 2 questions on biology from strict “old” club members.

Leninskie Gory, 1, building 12

For free

Children's Opera Studio of the Musical Theater named after. N.I. Sats

It’s not easy to get here: they are admitted only after a competitive audition (song, dance, poetry). In this case, preference is given to children who go to music schools, sing well and feel free in public. Training in the studio is not limited to musical notation, the basics of stage movement, dancing, lessons in acting and theater history. Younger artists are involved in performances on an equal basis with adults. They also have serious work to do - theater classes are held four times a week, and during rehearsals and performances the workload increases.

Vernadsky Avenue, 5

For free

Children's lecture hall at the Museum of Oriental Art

The Museum of the East hosts lectures for children and teenagers on Saturdays and Sundays. You can buy a one-time ticket, or you can buy a subscription. By the way, this is one of the most budget options - a single ticket costs 50 rubles, and an annual subscription costs 600 rubles. Each course of lectures is designed for a specific age. Preschoolers are told about oriental tales, myths and legends, from the Indian Ganesha to the Chukchi Peliken. Children aged 8-12 years are offered lectures about travel, where they learn about Siamese cats, the snow lion and the feathered serpent. Schoolchildren from 10 years of age can choose a classic, serious course on the history of Oriental art from Ancient Egypt to Mexico. Particularly advanced students can also come on Saturdays to listen to lectures on Japanese medieval music or Indian Tarang dance (from 12 years old).

Nikitsky Boulevard, 12A

600 rubles for an annual subscription

Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium"

The museum features more than three hundred interactive exhibits with which you can and should interact: jump, spin, launch and collect. The exhibition is divided into thematic zones dedicated to the main areas of physics - mechanics, acoustics, optics, magnetism, etc. Children here can see sound, draw with light and even visit the only water installation in Russia. You can walk through the halls on your own or along with a guided tour.

Experimentanium regularly hosts interactive classes and educational programs for all ages. The most important and favorite project of Experimentanium is the series of lectures “Scientists for Children,” which is designed for teenagers from 10 years old.

Every weekend, holidays and holidays, the museum hosts science shows and master classes.

Leningradsky Prospekt, 80, building 11

Available for free

Video art, animation and design at the State Center for Contemporary Art

Regular children's classes and studios of the NCCA are held in the historic house of the artist Polenov from the beginning of the last century, next to the main building.

In the animation studio, training lasts three years, during which time children will be taught to understand the basics of computer graphics, sounds, stop-motion photography and various animation techniques. At the end of the year, children create a series of animated short films.

In the sculpture and ceramics workshop you can try different types of clay and different ways of working with it, learn how to work on a potter's wheel and fire finished sculptures in a kiln. Children take small creations home, and larger ones become part of the overall sculptural composition.

The NCCA also has a video art workshop where you can try yourself as a cameraman, director and editor. Teenagers from 10 years old are accepted there. They are introduced to the masterpieces of cinema and video art and given practical tasks, after which at the end of the year everyone makes their own video.

Audio workshop - sound art and sound design, as well as other areas of artistic work with sound. Children will learn to create their own audio projects. There is also an art studio - there is an emphasis on contemporary art. There are design classes and a theater workshop. In addition, the NCCA has a studio for autistic artists, which is a terrible rarity.

Zoologicheskaya, 13, building 2

From 2500 rubles for 4 lessons

Center for Design Creativity "Start Pro"

The center is called “children’s Skolkovo”: “Start Pro” contains one of the best scientific bases in the country. There are 6 laboratories open here, in which about 60 programs are presented. Thus, in “Entertaining Mathematics” they teach how to solve complex puzzles, in the “Graphical environment LabVIEW” - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in “Stroymaster” - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.

Yes, and no boring lectures: the center’s teachers know how to talk simply about complex things, turn science into a game, and boring school subjects into exciting quests.

Protopopovsky lane, 5

For free

Center for additional education "Young motorist"

This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, they allow you to ride motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycling, how to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.

In addition, here you have the opportunity to learn everything about the structure of the car, learn the rules of the road and even pass a traffic rules exam.

Although most of all children respect the practical part of the lesson: they start driving at 12 years old. Students race go-karts, participate in rallies and win prizes at Russian automobile competitions.

Korneychuka, 55a

For free

Young Railwaymen's Club at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. During the classes, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and carriages, and become familiar with the rules of “railway traffic” and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the club's pupils have an internship on the Small Moscow Railway. Children can try themselves as a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter, and even a driver.

Bonus: successful completion of studies in the club gives the right to preferential admission to MIIT, all other things being equal.

Obraztsova, 9, building 9

Students of grades 5-8

For free

Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "Innopark"

An ideal format for those who have not yet decided on their preferences. Innopark provides short courses that provide interesting information about the world of science and technology.

In total, the center has developed 3 programs. So, you can choose “Science in the Palm of Your Hand,” where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, and also carry out experiments, or enroll in one of two “Robotics” courses.

Teatralny proezd, 5

From 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

Digital home

3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - “Digital House” resembles an exhibition of the achievements of modern technology. True, in this “museum” you are allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.

At the center you can practice robotics - using Lego Mindstorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino construction sets, children assemble both simple models and technically complex devices. Another popular area of ​​Digital Home is 3D prototyping. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create unique objects themselves.

Cooperative, house 3, building 6

From 4000 rubles per month

Children's architectural classes at the Museum of Architecture named after. Shchuseva

There are a lot of children's activities at the architecture museum. There are purely architectural ones, where scale, composition and volume are studied, there are classes in ceramics, mosaics and carpentry, there is academic drawing and even a school of architectural photography. All classes include theoretical and practical parts. For example, in the “White Stone” course, children will first be told all about the white stone architecture of Moscow, and then they will be taught how to process white stone blanks and create a white stone relief. Some courses are short-term and last 4-6 lessons. As a rule, such passes sell out very quickly. Other classes run throughout the year and you can buy both a subscription and a one-time ticket. Classes begin at the end of September - October.

Vozdvizhenka, 5/25

250-500 rubles per lesson

Club of young geologists at the Geological Museum named after. Vernadsky

The Geological Museum is one of the oldest scientific museums in Russia, the same age as Moscow University. The Young Geologists Club is a club for those who are seriously interested in the structure of the Earth and its geological history. Throughout the year, university teachers and graduate students teach children about geology, and during the holidays they take them to practical classes. On weekends, children make forays around the surrounding area - they go to see carbonate karst in Ramenskoye or fossils and deposits of the Jurassic period in Bitsevsky Park. At the end of the first year of classes, newcomers are initiated into Young Geologists and given a special badge and uniform. The club is open only to children aged 9 years old, and for children (from 6 years old) “Scientific Adventures” are open - they talk about interesting natural phenomena in an interactive form. Classes take place in the museum building on Mokhovaya Street.

The studio has three types of subscriptions. The main subscription is designed for beginners, in which the first half of the lesson is devoted to the book and its author, and the second is creative, where you can express your impression of the book you just read in different ways. Older students can choose either a literary workshop, where they will be taught how to correctly express their thoughts on paper, write essays and essays, or a theater workshop, where storytelling is taught - the art of oral storytelling.

Prospekt Mira, 30

500 rubles per lesson

Club of young naturalists at the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University

KYUN has been working since 1982 according to a special author’s program and is one of the most authoritative biological circles. The circle of young naturalists is designed for those who have already decided on their choice of profession and are aiming at the biology department of Moscow State University, so they are accepted there only from the 7th grade. Many students become winners of competitions and olympiads in biology, and after admission they continue scientific work at the department. So the preparation there is quite serious. Theoretical classes are necessarily supported by practical trips. During the year, young naturalists go to three practices in the Moscow region and a couple of times a year they travel to other natural areas - to the Astrakhan deserts, to Karelia or to the Crimea. In practice, children conduct research, make observations and study the habitats of animals, plants and mushrooms. Admission to KUN takes place in September on the basis of a competitive interview.

You can also take a separate course, for example, Little Bookworm English for kids, where children sing, play finger games and read English books.

The museum also has the opportunity to sign up for the “Scientific Non-School” program, where they ask questions and learn the secrets of life on our planet and the structure of the world. You can send your child to the creative course “Art in Questions and Answers,” where children understand what art is and try their hand at different genres, or choose a theater studio in English.

Obraztsova, 11, building 1

From 4000 rubles per month

Entertaining archeology at the Moscow Museum of Archeology

On weekends at the Museum of Archeology, younger children can take part in the role-playing program “Playing in the Past” - be a mammoth hunter and try to strike a fire, try on the role of a medieval merchant or turn into an artisan. Schoolchildren will be more interested in classes on the archeology of Moscow, which are designed for a six-month course. On Sundays, archaeologists and museum staff tell listeners about the cultural layer, archaeological monuments and excavations, as well as the entire archaeological history of Moscow from ancient mounds to the Middle Ages. Children will learn and see how Muscovites lived, what they ate, and what they played several centuries ago. You can also take a family membership and attend classes with your child.

Manezhnaya Square, 1A

450 rubles per lesson

Caring parents, as the child grows, begin to think about the additional development of their baby. The best time to introduce a child to children's clubs or sections is from the age of 3 years.

The fact is that by the age of 3, the baby already becomes quite independent, active and shows great interest in expanding his knowledge about the world around him. Therefore, you can safely start choosing a suitable circle. But finding the optimal section for a child is a rather difficult task. After all, today there is a huge selection of all kinds of children's clubs from 3 years old. The baby himself is still too young to make an independent choice.

Activities for 3 year olds – how not to go wrong?

Very often, parents impose their preferences, without taking into account the child’s opinions and capabilities. Not every child is obliged to become a great athlete, singer or musician by obeying the will of their parents. The main task is to help identify the child’s hidden capabilities and talents and provide minutes of interesting and useful leisure time. This is not so easy to do, and it will take more than one year to find a suitable section. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment with different options.

To understand what a child’s soul is about, watch him carefully. What does your child like most – active leisure time or leisurely, painstaking work? Go to the children's art house - let your child see with his own eyes the different options for sections. Perhaps he will want to independently choose a section that is interesting for himself. It doesn't matter if he changes his mind after a while.

When choosing a suitable circle for a 3-year-old child, it is also important to take into account the general physical condition of the baby. Take into account individual psychophysiological characteristics.

So, the child is already 3 years old - where should we send him? Let's consider the main options for children's sections adapted to a given age.

Sport sections

As a rule, children are very active and love active pastime. Therefore, any will give the child many joyful moments and strengthen the baby’s health.

Playing sports will help you gradually develop such useful character qualities as endurance, willpower, and perseverance. But before you send your baby to the section, you should definitely show him to the doctor. It is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to certain types of upcoming physical activity.

At the age of 3–4 years, it is necessary to develop all muscle groups in a child. Therefore, swimming, wushu gymnastics, etc. sections are perfect. In addition, gymnastics will help develop flexibility and good coordination.

Among the popular sports clubs for girls, it is worth noting aerobics and figure skating. Also, the synchronized swimming or water aerobics sections will not leave young ladies indifferent. Movement to music develops a sense of rhythm and improves coordination of movements.

There are also many interesting sports clubs for boys from 3 years old. You can try to be like martial arts. At an early age, aikido or wushu is best. Aikido classes will not only help improve physical health, but will also give you confidence and teach you the ability to stand up for yourself in an emergency situation.

Helps strengthen the immune system for frequently ill children

Art studios

Starting from the age of 3, you can send your child to art clubs. Modeling, drawing, and making appliques will contribute to the creative development of the child. Classes in an art studio will form a creative personality and develop cognitive abilities.

Musical development

If you have musical inclinations, you can try to deepen this talent. Music lessons develop a sense of rhythm and develop good hearing.

Long before the baby is born, parents actively discuss his future, sometimes arguing about the prospects for the baby’s development, about which sports sections and clubs the child should be enrolled in in the future (gymnastics, tennis, football section). Let us recall that the concept of development includes a harmonious combination of the physical and spiritual formation of children. So classes in aesthetic development circles do not at all exclude visiting the sports section.

General physical development

The physical development and formation of children begins with the first massages of newborns, then gymnastics and swimming lessons in the bathroom are introduced. The habit of playing sports from the first years of life is extremely important for children: it is the foundation of a future healthy lifestyle and passion for sports. Therefore, the daily routine must include at least 30 minutes of outdoor and indoor games, water treatments, and hardening.

From the age of 2, parents already observe their children’s sports preferences: playing with a ball or the pleasure of running, jumping, the joy of swimming, the desire for stairs and horizontal bars. During this period, it is already possible to judge the child’s mobility and flexibility, his strength, and perseverance.

From the age of 3, you can look for sports sections for children, in which children will exercise with pleasure and benefit for themselves.

Sports activities from 3 years old

Starting from 3 years old, children can be taken to sports in the sections: gymnastics, swimming, figure skating.

  • Gymnastics trains endurance, composure, endurance, flexibility, forms correct posture, a toned figure, and strengthens the back muscles. Gymnastics is an excellent prevention of scoliosis. The gymnastics section is great for both boys and girls. It is important to note that gymnastics as a sports section does not require large financial expenses from parents.
  • The swimming section perfectly hardens the child, strengthens the nervous system, improves heart function, promotes increased blood circulation, strengthens muscles, and develops perseverance and endurance. In addition, water is an excellent source of positive emotions and at the same time relieves stress. Pleasant fatigue after swimming promotes good appetite and healthy, sound sleep.
  • Training in the figure skating section is acceptable for children over 3 years of age. Just like gymnastics, this sport develops endurance, just as swimming improves heart function. Figure skating strengthens children's bodies. However, parents should consider the financial costs of equipment for this sport. And before you interest a child, evaluate the financial capabilities of the family.

Contraindications for sports activities

  • Gymnastics is contraindicated for children with heart disease and severe forms of spinal curvature
  • Figure skating is not allowed for children with myopia and those who are predisposed to pulmonary diseases
  • Athletics is not recommended for children with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or myopia.
  • Sections of martial arts, boxing, judo, karate, etc. Contraindicated for children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine.
  • Equestrian sport is not allowed for children with asthma, congenital brittle bones, or allergies to animal fur.

Sections for 5-7 years

  • The tennis section is suitable for children from 4-5 years old; it develops agility, coordination of movements, good reaction, and develops coordination. This sport develops the respiratory system and promotes active metabolism.
  • The athletics section will provide the opportunity to engage in running, long and high jumps, race walking, etc. These activities strengthen the skeletal and muscular systems.
  • The football and hockey sections develop endurance, quick reaction, and communication skills. These sports strengthen the heart muscle and lungs. Football team play is especially suitable for sociable and talkative children.
  • Sections of martial arts, boxing, karate, judo, etc. Children begin to be interested at the age of 5-6 years. In addition to developing reaction, endurance and flexibility (like gymnastics), these classes develop tolerance, the ability to peacefully resolve a conflict situation, and at the same time develop confidence that you can stand up for yourself.
  • Cycling gives a child good overall physical development, builds endurance, forms and strengthens bone and muscle tissue.

Sports sections from 10 years old

  • From the age of 10 you can enroll your child in the skiing section. These classes will strengthen the cardiovascular system and develop endurance. However, this sport is more common in areas with long winters and appropriate climatic conditions.
  • The horse riding section is very popular among children. In this sport, the muscles of the back and legs are strengthened and developed without unnecessary physical activity. This sport is indicated for children with cerebral palsy and has a good effect on children with mental disorders.

Respect your child's choice

Choosing a sports section for a child often becomes the cause of heated discussions and even quarrels between parents. Most often, adults transfer the realization of their own unfulfilled hopes and dreams to children. At the same time, they repeat the mistake of their parents: they do not listen to the wishes of the child himself. The opinion that at 3-5 years old a child is still too young to choose a section to his liking, that he does not know or understand anything, can lead to a fatal mistake. And after a few years, the child will refuse to play sports altogether, become withdrawn and angry. After all, childhood impressions are deeply rooted.

Do not rush into the final choice of where to send your child to play sports.

  • First, after observing the child, determine his inclinations and abilities, decide which section you can send him to.
  • Show your child this sport and tell him about it.
  • Take a look at the training section.
  • Meet the section leader.
  • Make sure your child is having fun.

Sometimes parents try to enroll their child in several sports sections at once: gymnastics, swimming, football, etc. On the one hand, there is an absolute benefit to the child’s physical development, keeping him busy, communicating with peers, and instilling organization and responsibility. But on the other hand, unjustified overload can cause high fatigue (and then classes will be harmful to health), irritability, inattention and absent-mindedness at school. In this case, the child will not experience pleasure from these activities and will want to quit them.

The child’s workload should be such that there is time left for walks in the fresh air, for intellectual hobbies, for communicating with friends and, most importantly, for doing homework. Only activities with passion and joy will benefit your child.

Select... (ANO "AMI") State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Our Arbat" State Budgetary Institution DSC "EPI-Altufyevo" State Budgetary Institution MC "Kotlovka" State Budgetary Institution "GKB named after. V.P. Demikhova DZM" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "CBS SAO" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "CC "Lira" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Museum of Zelenograd" MBU DC "Gagarinets" LLC "KVD" LLC "Uni-Jim" POU "Tushino Automotive School RO DOSAAF Russia, Moscow" "Znamenskaya Gymnasium" "MOSCOW 2024" "Religious organization "Moscow Trinity Compound of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)" "" RTU MIREA " "FitKervs" "Sigma Fit" "Kyokushin Karate Union of Russia » "Fit - Avangardnaya" OOO "Sports Club "Sagittarius M" Academy of Modeling DECO ANO "RUSSIAN TRADITIONS" ANO "PHOENIX" ANO VO MITU-MASI ANO "Auto-moto TR-Club" ANO "ARTMEDIAOBRAZOVANIE" ANO "AS" ANO "BARS" " ANO "Wind of Change" ANO "Harmony" ANO "Civil Patriotic Education "Nadezhda" ANO "Civil Patriotic School "Orbita" ANO "Children's Club "Baby Club Plus" ANO "Children and Youth Sports and Fitness Center "IMA" ANO " DIALOGUE ANO Dobrodely ANO Leisure Center KOLIBRI ANO DSC Start-7 ANO DEC OKO ANO Edinenie ANO Zabava ANO Health, Education, Culture ANO Image Studio ANO Intersport ANO IRTiKud ANO IRTiKud ANO Linen Rus ANO METAINTEGRA ANO World of Knowledge ANO MSK Severnaya Zvezda ANO MSHT ANO Nasha Otrada ANO PO PUT ANO Development Project " ANO "Professional" ANO "Joy of Childhood" ANO "Development of Human Capital" ANO "SotsTour-Capital" ANO "FOTS Basmanny" ANO "Center "Lomonosovets" ANO "Leisure Center "MELBA" ANO "Center for the Development of Socially Significant Projects and Promotion of Strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony ANO "Central House of Pair Dances" ANO "CC "Khoroshevsky" ANO "CRST" ANO "CSA "Inspirational" ANO "ABNbilliards" ANO "Alley of Kindness" ANO "Atmosphere" ANO "GPSH "Orbita" ANO "CYBER COUNTRY" » ANO "Non-profit theater art studio "Nadezhda" ANO "Professional" ANO "RTD" ANO "Assistance. Development. Initiative" ANO "Sociocirk" ANO "Dance Club DINAMO" ANO "Center for Noospheric Health" ANO "Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Legal Education "Perspective" ANO VO "MGI" ANO VO "RPU St. John the Theologian" ANO DO "Arabesque" ANO DO "Record" ANO DO "TC Shapo-Sintez" ANO DO "School of Choreographic Art "Harmony" ANO Leisure Center "Intellectual Development" ANO DPO "Igor Burganov Academy of Arts" ANO DPO "Professional Plus" ANO DPO LYCEUM "DANILA-MASTER" ANO DCC "Chance" ANO Cultural and Leisure Center "Fortuna" ANO Cultural and Leisure Center "Orbita" ANO Cultural and Health Center "Life Line" ANO CC "Red Gate" ANO CC "Theater Studio "Ostankino" ANO MKDC "Klyuch" ANO MSOC "Alliance" » ANO MEC "Allegro" ANO MEC "EPI" ANO OTsSH "Sadko" ANO PO "KESI" ANO SDK "Mister Smith" ANO SDC "Sport Plus" ANO SK "Lianozovo" ANO SK-2000 "Yaroslavsky" ANO SOPSH "Zvonnitsa" ANO Secondary School "Dimitrievskaya" ANO Sports and Aesthetic Club "Razvitie" ANO Sports Club "Avangard" ANO Sports Complex "Yuzhny" ANO STK "Latin Quarter" ANO TC "JELSOMINO" ANO FOTS "Harmonies of Soul and Body" ANO CD "Druzhba" ANO Center "Athena" ANO Center "Ascension" ANO Center "Art in Maryino" ANO Center for the Development of the Water Stadium "Dynamo" ANO TsICS "Kaissa" ANO CPSI ANO CR&D "UMKA" ANO CRST ANOO "School at St. Andrew's Monastery" JSC "ALBATROS" JSC " VDNH" JSC "Luzhniki" JSC "Savelovsky Park" JSC "City-XXI Century" JSC ETS JSC Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda" ASCHU VO MFUA APSP Association "Society of Merchants and Industrialists" Association for the Development of Children's Sports "Pokrovskoe Residence" BVPF "Zastava St. Ilya Muromets" Charitable Foundation of Ekaterina Inozemtseva (Charitable Foundation of Ekaterina Inozemtseva) Charitable Foundation of St. John of the Russian Bolshoi Theater of Russia (Kindergarten No. 219 "Ivan da Marya") Charitable Foundation "Cultural Seasons" Charitable Foundation "Peace and Harmony" Charitable Foundation "Peace" Charitable Foundation named after the Holy Apostle John the Evangelist BF St. Panteleimon GAOU "School No. 1518" GAOU VO MSPU GAOU DPO "TemoTsentr" GAOU DPO MTsKO GAOU DPO MTSRKPO GAOU DPO TsPM GAOU School "CHIK 16" GAOU School No. 1306 - "School of Young Politicians" GAOU School No. 548 GAOUHE "Moscow" City University of Management Moscow Government" GAPOU KP No. 11 GAPOU MOK im. V. Talalikhin GAPOU PK No. 8 named after. I.F. Pavlova GAPOU TC No. 24 State Autonomous Institution "Moscow Zoo" State Autonomous Institution "Secondary School "MCBI" Moskomsporta State Autonomous Institution MCOP GAUDO "Domisolka" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "GMZ" Kuzminki-Lublino" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "CULTURAL CENTER ZIL" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "KC" ZELENOGRAD" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO "Khodynskoe Pole" GAUK of Moscow "Poklonnaya Gora" GAUK of Moscow "Vorontsovo Estate" GAUK of Moscow MGS "Hermitage" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Babushkinsky" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO" Krasnaya Presnya "GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Tagansky" GAUK of Moscow PKIO "Fili" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Lianozovsky" GAUK of Moscow "MPK "Northern Tushino" GAUK of MOSCOW "ZARYADYE PARK" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO "Sokolniki" GAUK Moscow "PKiO Izmailovsky" GAUK Moscow "KiO Garden named after N.E. Bauman" GAUK Moscow "CPKiO named after M. Gorky" GAUK Moscow PKI "Perovsky" GBDOU Children Garden No. 754 "Sun" GBOU Kindergarten No. 766 GBOU "Sports boarding school "Chertanovo" Moskomsport GBOU "IT-school MCKO" GBOU "Kurchatov School" GBOU "Moscow International School" GBOU "Sports and Education Center "Sambo-70" Moskomsport GBOU "School No. 1212 Shchukino" GBOU "School No. 1270 "Vector" GBOU "School No. 167 named after Marshal L.A. Govorova" GBOU "School No. 2100" GBOU "School No. 354 named after. D.M. Karbyshev" GBOU "School No. 448" GBOU "School No. 58" GBOU "School No. 597 "New Generation" GBOU "School No. 760 named after A.P. Maresyev" GBOU "School No. 842" GBOU "School in Nekrasovka" GBOU " Gloria School" GBOU "School on the Yauza" GBOU "Novokosino School" GBOU "Sport and Education Center "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Bitsa" GBOU "Sport and Education Center "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "Gagarinsky" GBOU "Sports Center" and education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Tchaikovskaya Horse" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport branch "Olympia" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "SAMBO-70" GBOU "Center" sports and education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport department "Khrustalny" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "Cheryomushki" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "Yunost" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Yasenevo" GBOU "TsOiS "Moscow-98" Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "MES" Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "Olympus" Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "Sambo-70" Moskomsport department "Sevastopol" GBOU Veshnyakovskaya school GBOU VPO MGPPU GBOU GMC DOGM GBOU DO of the city of Moscow "Children's Music School No. 8 named after Arkady Ostrovsky" GBOU DO DTDM "Na Stopani" GBOU DO DTDM "Sevastopolets" GBOU DO DTDM "Khoroshevo" GBOU DO DTDM on Miussy GBOU DOTC "Victoria" GBOU DO TsVR "On Sumskoye" GBOU DO TsDT "Novo-Peredelkino" GBOU DO TsDT "Strogino" GBOU DO TsDT "Bibirevo" GBOU DO TsTDYu "Hermes" GBOU DO TsTDYu "Presnya" GBOU DO TsTR and MEO "Radost" GBOU DOD g. Moscow "Voskresenskaya Children's School of Arts" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's Music School No. 66" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's Music School named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's Music School named after R.M. .Gliera" GBOU DOD Moscow "Children's Art School named after V.A. Serov" GBOU DOD Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after S.I. Mamontov" GBOU DPO TsPVShS GBOU Engineering School No. 1581 GBOU Engineering and Technical School GBOU IT -TemoCenter School GBOU Cadet School No. 1784 GBOU Lyceum "Second School" GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1220 GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1577 GBOU Educational Center "Proton" GBOU Open School No. 88 GBOU OSHI No. 1 GBOU Romanovskaya School GBOU REC No. 105 GBOU REC No. 20 GBOU ROC No. 76 GBOU RSHI No. 32 GBOU sanatorium boarding school No. 4 GBOU SLSH No. 11 GBOU Special school No. 1 GBOU SPO (college) of Moscow “Moscow State Choreographic School named after L.M. Lavrovsky" GBOU SPO Moscow "Moscow Secondary Special Music School (College) named after the Gnesins" GBOU SPO Moscow "Moscow Theater College at the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "Moscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov" GBOU Digital School GBOU Central Educational Institution" School of Health" No. 1679 GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 7 GBOU CSiO "Olympus" Moskomsport GBOU School "Beskudnikovo" GBOU School "Dmitrovsky" GBOU School "Integral" GBOU School "Intellectual" GBOU School "Kuzminki" GBOU School "Maryino" GBOU School "Pokrovsky Quarter" " GBOU School "Sviblovo" GBOU School "Commonwealth" GBOU School "Spectrum" GBOU School "Troparevo" GBOU School No. 1000 GBOU School No. 1002 GBOU School No. 1015 GBOU School No. 1018 GBOU School No. 1021 GBOU School No. 1034 GBOU School No. 1056 GBOU School No. 1065 GBOU School No. 1078 GBOU School No. 108 GBOU School No. 1080 GBOU School No. 109 GBOU School No. 1095 GBOU School No. 1101 GBOU School No. 1103 GBOU School No. 1115 GBOU School No. 1125 GBOU School No. 113 GBOU School No. 1130 GBOU School No. 1133 GBOU School No. 1150 GBOU School No. 1151 GBOU School No. 1155 GBOU School No. 1158 GBOU School No. 1159 GBOU School No. 1161 GBOU School No. 1164 GBOU School No. 117 GBOU School No. 1173 GBOU School No. 1179 GBOU School No. 118 GBOU School No. 1186 GBOU School No. 1190 GBOU School No. 1191 GBOU School No. 1194 GBOU School No. 1195 GBOU School No. 1205 GBOU School No. 1206 GBOU School No. 1207 GBOU School No. 1208 GBOU School No. 121 GBOU School No. 1210 GBOU School No. 1212 GBOU School No. 1213 GBOU School No. 1222 GBOU School No. 1223 GBOU School No. 1228 "Lefortovo" GBOU School No. 123 GBOU School No. 1231 GBOU School No. 1232 GBOU School No. 1234 GBOU School No. 1236 GBOU School No. 1238 GBOU School No. 1239 GBOU School No. 1241 GBOU School No. 1245 GBOU School No. 1246 GBOU School No. 1247 GBOU School No. 1248 GBOU School No. 1249 GBOU School No. 1250 GBOU School No. 1251 named after General Charles de Gaulle GBOU School No. 1252 named after Cervantes GBOU School No. 1253 GBOU School No. 1256 GBOU School No. 1257 GBOU School No. 1259 GBOU School No. 1265 GBOU School No. 1272 GBOU School No. 1273 GBOU School No. 1279 "Eureka" GBOU School No. 1280 GBOU School No. 1282 "Sokolniki" GBOU School No. 1284 GBOU School No. 1285 GBOU School No. 1286 GBOU School No. 1287 GBOU School No. 1288 GBOU School No. 1290 GBOU School No. 1293 GBOU School No. 1296 GBOU School No. 1297 GBOU School No. 1298 "Kurkino Profile" GBOU School No. 1302 GBOU School No. 1310 GBOU School No. 1311 GBOU School No. 1315 GBOU School No. 1317 GBOU School No. 1321 "Ark" GBOU School No. 1324 GBOU School No. 1329 GBOU School No. 1347 GBOU School No. 1352 GBOU School No. 1353 GBOU School No. 1354 "Vector" GBOU School No. 1355 GBOU School No. 1356 GBOU School No. 1357 GBOU School No. 1358 GBOU School No. 1359 GBOU School No. 1360 GBOU School No. 1362 GBOU School No. 1363 GBOU School No. 1367 GBOU School No. 1368 GBOU School No. 1370 GBOU School No. 1371 "Krylatskoye" GBOU School No. 1373 GBOU School No. 1374 GBOU School No. 1375 GBOU School No. 1376 GBOU School No. 138 School No. 1381 GBOU School No. 1383 GBOU School No. 1384 GBOU School No. 1387 GBOU School No. 1391 GBOU School No. 1392 named after. D.V. Ryabinkina GBOU School No. 1394 GBOU School No. 1399 GBOU School No. 14 GBOU School No. 1400 GBOU School No. 1404 "Gamma" GBOU School No. 1409 GBOU School No. 141 GBOU School No. 1411 GBOU School No. 1412 GBOU School No. 1413 GBOU School No. 1415 "Ostankino" "GBOU School No. 1416 SBOU School No. 1420 School No. 1429 School No. 1430 GBOU School No. 1432 School No. 1434 School No. 1440 School No. 1448 School No. 1449 School No. 1450" Olympus "GBOU School No. 1454" Timiryazevskaya " "GBOU School No. 1465 SBOU School No. 1466 School No. 1467 SBOU School No. 1468 SBOU School No. 1474 GBOU School No. 1476 School No. 1482 SBOU School No. 149 SBOU School No. 1494 SBOU School No. 1498 School No. 1499 GBOU School No. 15 GBOU School No. 1500 GBOU School No. 1501 GBOU School No. 1502 GBOU School No. 1503 GBOU School No. 1504 GBOU School No. 1505 GBOU School No. 1506 GBOU School No. 1507 GBOU School No. 1508 GBOU School No. 1512 GBOU School No. 1514 GBOU School No. 1515 GBOU School No. 1516 GBOU School No. 1517 GBOU School No. 1519 GBOU School No. 152 GBOU School No. 1520 named after. Kaptsov State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 1522 named after V.I. Churkina GBOU School No. 1523 GBOU School No. 1524 GBOU School No. 1525 GBOU School No. 1526 on Pokrovskaya GBOU School No. 1527 GBOU School No. 1528 GBOU School No. 1529 named after A.S. Griboedova GBOU School No. 1530 "Lomonosov School" GBOU School No. 1531 GBOU School No. 1532 GBOU School No. 1533 "LIT" GBOU School No. 1534 "Academic" GBOU School No. 1535 GBOU School No. 1536 GBOU School No. 1537 GBOU School No. 1538 GBOU School No. 1539 GBOU School No. 1540 GBOU School No. 1541 GBOU School No. 1542 GBOU School No. 1543 GBOU School No. 1544 GBOU School No. 1547 GBOU School No. 1550 GBOU School No. 1551 GBOU School No. 1552 GBOU School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky GBOU School No. 1554 GBOU School No. 1557 GBOU School No. 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro GBOU School No. 1560 "Leader" GBOU School No. 1561 GBOU School No. 1564 GBOU School No. 1566 GBOU School No. 1568 GBOU School No. 1569 "Constellation" GBOU School No. 1570 GBOU School No. 1571 GBOU School No. 1573 GBOU School No. 1574 GBOU School No. 1575 GBOU School No. 1576 GBOU School No. 1579 GBOU School No. 158 GBOU School No. 1580 GBOU School No. 1582 GBOU School No. 1583 GBOU School No. 1584 GBOU School No. 158 6 GBOU School No. 1589 GBOU School No. 1590 GBOU School No. 1591 GBOU School No. 1593 GBOU School No. 1596 GBOU School No. 1598 GBOU School No. 1601 GBOU School No. 1613 GBOU School No. 1619 GBOU School No. 1621 GBOU School No. 1636 GBOU School No. 1637 GBOU School No. 166 GBOU School No. 1678 "East Degunino" GBOU School No. 1694 "Yasenevo" GBOU School No. 17 GBOU School No. 170 GBOU School No. 1708 GBOU School No. 171 GBOU School No. 1741 GBOU School No. 1747 GBOU School No. 1748 GBOU School No. 1770 GBOU School No. 1786 School No. 1788 SBOU School No. 179 School No. 1793 School No. 1794 School No. 1795 School School No. 1797 School No. 1798 School No. 1799 School No. 1811 School No. 183 GBOU School No. 185 GBOU School No. 1852 GBOU School No. 1861 "Zagorie" GBOU School No. 1862 GBOU School No. 1874 GBOU School No. 1883 "Butovo" GBOU School No. 1900 GBOU School No. 1905 GBOU School No. 1912 GBOU School No. 192 GBOU School No. 1935 GBOU School No. 1944 GBOU School No. 1945 GBOU School No. 1948 GBOU School No. 1950 GBOU School No. 1955 SBOU School No. 1980 SBOU School No. 1981 School No. 1985 School No. 1987 School No. 1995 School No. 1995 School No. 1998 SBOU School No. 2000 GBOU School No. 2001 GBOU School No. 2005 SBOU School No. 2006 School No. 2007 FMSh GBOU School No. 2009 School No. 2010 School No. 2010 School No. 2016 School No. 2025 HBOU School No. 2026 School No. 2030 GBOU School No. 2031 HBOU School No. 2033 HBOU School No. 2033 2036 GBOU School No. 2042 GBOU School No. 2044 GBOU School No. 2045 GBOU School No. 2048 GBOU School No. 2051 GBOU School No. 2053 GBOU School No. 2054 GBOU School No. 2055 GBOU School No. 2057 GBOU School No. 2065 GBOU School No. 2070 GBOU School No. 20 72 GBOU School No. 2073 GBOU School No. 2075 GBOU School No. 2083 GBOU School No. 2086 GBOU School No. 2087 GBOU School No. 2089 GBOU School No. 2090 GBOU School No. 2094 GBOU School No. 2097 GBOU School No. 2098 named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovatora GBOU School No. 2099 GBOU School No. 2101 GBOU School No. 2103 GBOU School No. 2104 on Taganka GBOU School No. 2107 GBOU School No. 2109 GBOU School No. 2114 GBOU School No. 2115 GBOU School No. 2116 GBOU School No. 2117 GBOU School No. 2120 GBOU School No. 2121 GBOU School No. 2122 GBOU School No. 2123 named after. M. Hernandez GBOU School No. 2126 "Perovo" GBOU School No. 2127 GBOU School No. 2129 GBOU School No. 218 GBOU School No. 2200 GBOU School No. 222 GBOU School No. 224 GBOU School No. 236 GBOU School No. 281 GBOU School No. 283 GBOU School No. 285 GBOU School No. 293 GBOU School No. 305 GBOU School No. 315 GBOU School No. 319 GBOU School No. 324 GBOU School No. 338 GBOU School No. 345 GBOU School No. 368 "Losiny Ostrov" GBOU School No. 37 GBOU School No. 384 GBOU School No. 41 GBOU School No. 423 GBOU School No. 429 GBOU School No. 444 GBOU School No. 45 named after L.I. Milgrama GBOU School No. 46 GBOU School No. 460 GBOU School No. 463 GBOU School No. 480 GBOU School No. 482 GBOU School No. 49 GBOU School No. 491 GBOU School No. 498 GBOU School No. 504 GBOU School No. 507 GBOU School No. 508 GBOU School No. 51 GBOU School No. 518 GBOU School No. 534 GBOU School No. 536 GBOU School No. 538 GBOU School No. 544 GBOU School No. 554 GBOU School No. 556 GBOU School No. 56 named after Academician V.A. Legasov GBOU School No. 57 GBOU School No. 587 GBOU School No. 609 GBOU School No. 618 GBOU School No. 625 GBOU School No. 626 GBOU School No. 627 GBOU School No. 629 GBOU School No. 630 GBOU School No. 64 GBOU School No. 641 named after S. Yesenin GBOU School No. 648 GBOU School No. 654 named after A.D. Fridman GBOU School No. 656 named after A.S. Makarenko GBOU School No. 657 GBOU School No. 664 GBOU School No. 667 GBOU School No. 67 GBOU School No. 69 GBOU School No. 7 GBOU School No. 705 GBOU School No. 709 GBOU School No. 710 GBOU School No. 712 GBOU School No. 717 GBOU School No. 718 GBOU School No. 719 GBOU School No. 734 GBOU School No. 74 GBOU School No. 763 GBOU School No. 771 GBOU School No. 777 GBOU School No. 806 GBOU School No. 814 GBOU School No. 825 GBOU School No. 827 GBOU School No. 830 GBOU School No. 843 GBOU School No. 851 GBOU School No. 852 GBOU School No. 853 GBOU School No. 854 GBOU School No. 86 named after M.E. Katukova GBOU School No. 867 GBOU School No. 868 GBOU School No. 875 GBOU School No. 878 GBOU School No. 883 GBOU School No. 887 GBOU School No. 89 GBOU School No. 90 GBOU School No. 902 "Dialogue" GBOU School No. 904 GBOU School No. 91 GBOU School No. 920 GBOU School No. 922 GBOU School No. 924 GBOU School No. 935 GBOU School No. 937 GBOU School No. 939 GBOU School No. 947 GBOU School No. 949 GBOU School No. 950 GBOU School No. 953 GBOU School No. 956 GBOU School No. 962 GBOU School No. 967 GBOU School No. 97 GBOU School No. 991 GBOU School No. 996 GBOU School No. 998 GBOU School Bibirevo GBOU School in Kapotnya GBOU School named after. A. Borovik GBOU School named after. N.M. Karamzin GBOU School named after E.N. Chernyshev GBOU School named after Marshal V.I. Chuikov GBOU School named after Mayakovsky GBOU School named after F.M. Dostoevsky GBOU School Maryina Roshcha GBOU School on Vernadskogo Avenue GBOU School Perspective GBOU Boarding School No. 17 GBOUDO "DDT on Taganka" GBOUDO "DTDM "Preobrazhensky" GBOUDO DTDM "Vostochny" GBOUDO DTDM "Vostochny" GBOUDO DTDM named after A.P. Gaidar GBOUDO DTDM "Undiscovered Islands" GBOUDO ZDTiM GBOUDO im. V.A. Mozart" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's Music School named after S.M. Maikapara" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's School named after I.S. Kozlovsky" GBOUDOD, Moscow "MGDMSH named after I.O. Dunaevsky" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's Music School named after A.P. Borodin" Moscow Children's Music School named after G.F. Handel " Harmony" GBPOU Moscow "MGTK named after L.A. Filatov" GBPOU "1st MOK" GBPOU "26 KADR" GBPOU "Sparrow Hills" GBPOU "Police College" GBPOU "MKAG" GBPOU "Moscow Secondary Specialized School of the Olympic Reserve No. 1 GBPOU "KFKS "Sparta" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 1" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 2" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 3" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 4 named after. A. Ya. Gomelsky" Moskomsport GBPOU Moscow "State School (College) of Wind Arts" GBPOU Moscow "KMTI named after. G.P. Vishnevskoy" GBPOU Moscow "TKhTK" GBPOU Moscow "Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after F. Chopin" GBPOU Moscow "Moscow Music and Pedagogical College" GBPOU DZM MK No. 1 GBPOU DZM MK No. 2 GBPOU ZKNO GBPOU KAIT No. 20 GBPOU KAS No. 7 GBPOU CAT No. 9 GBPOU KBT GBPOU KGTiT No. 41 GBPOU KDPI im. Carla Faberge GBPOU KZhGT GBPOU KIGM No. 23 GBPOU Film College No. 40 "Moscow International Film School" GBPOU KMB No. 4 GBPOU College "Tsaritsyno" GBPOU College of Moscow "MKhU at MGATT "Gzhel" GBPOU KPSR No. 16 GBPOU KS No. 54 GBPOU KST GBPOU KSU No. 10 GBPOU KSU No. 3 GBPOU MADC named after A.A. Nikolaev GBPOU MGOK GBPOU MIPC named after I. Fedorov GBPOU WEST GBPOU Moscow College of Creative Industries named after L.B. Krasin GBPOU MTK GBPOU OK South-West" GBPOU OKG "Capital" GBPOU Food College No. 33 GBPOU PC No. 10 GBPOU PC No. 18 GBPOU PC No. 50 named after twice Hero of Socialist Labor N. A. Zlobin GBPOU PC named after. N.N. Godovikov GBPOU PC named after. P.A. Ovchinnikov GBPOU PT No. 2 GBPOU PT No. 47 GBPOU SKISiG GBPOU TK No. 21 GBPOU TK No. 34 GBPOU TPSC named after. V. M. Maksimchuk GBPOU TSiT No. 29 GBPOU FC No. 35 GBPOU ETC No. 22 GBPOU Law College GBU "Khoroshevka" GBU "Aist" GBU "Almega" GBU "Harmony" GBU "Children-Children" GBU "Dialogue" GBU "DMC Perovo " GBU "Leisure and sports center "Druzhba" GBU "Leisure center Bogorodskoye" GBU "Leisure center Sokolinka" GBU "DSC "Harmony" GBU "DSC "Nekrasovka" GBU "Zarya" GBU "KROTS" GBU "KCC "Success" GBU " SSC Krasnoselsky" State Budgetary Institution "Travel Laboratory" State Budgetary Institution "Lefortovo" State Budgetary Institution "Lomonosovets" State Budgetary Institution "MDN" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" SP SSHOR "Gloria" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Psychological Assistance Service to the Population" State Budgetary Institution "MOTSVS" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "MC "GALERIS" State Budgetary Institution "NPRTs" State Budgetary Institution "Rovesnik" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Vnukovo" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Alekseevsky" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Centaur" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "CONTACT" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Ostankino" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Troparevo-Nikulino" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Lyublino" " GBU "SDC Triumph" GBU "SDC "Inspiration" GBU "Slavs" GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 28" Moskomsport GBU "Sports and Leisure Center "Raduga" GBU "School "Academy Spartak" Moskomsport GBU "School No. 4" Moskomsport GBU "SS" Fighter" GBU "Talisman" GBU "FAVORITE" GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomsport GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomsport GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomsport1 GBU "CD&K "Yuzhnoye Butovo" GBU "CD&S "Phoenix" " GBU "CDS "Obruchevsky" GBU "CDS "Olympus" GBU "CDSM "Astra" GBU "Center GBU "Center "Reflection" GBU "Center Veshnyaki" GBU "Center for Leisure and Creativity "Ogonyok" GBU "Leisure Center Kuntsevo" GBU " Center" branch "Dialogue" State Budgetary Institution "Centre" branch "Kovcheg" State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Krasnoselsky" State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Khamovniki" State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Yantar" State Budgetary Institution "TsKS "Izmailovo" State Budgetary Institution "TsRiT "Union" GBU "CSD "Atlant" GBU "TsTM "Olympus" GBU "TsFKiS TiNAO Moscow" Moskomsport GBU "TsFKiS Central Administrative District of Moscow" GBU "Energia" GBU "DMC Blue Bird" GBU "Leisure Center "Yunost" GBU "Istok" State Budgetary Institution “Cultural and Sports Center “Forward” State Budgetary Institution “MGFSO” Moskomsport Secondary School “Synchronized Swimming Center named after. Maria Kiseleva" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School "Chess School of Anatoly Karpov" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Secondary School of Swimming State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School of Rugby State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School of Sambo State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" of Moskomsport Secondary School of Hockey State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" » Moskomsport SSHOR in boxing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in cycling GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in water polo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in kayaking and canoeing GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SSHOR in judo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in martial arts GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR for winter sports GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for athletics GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for table tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for shooting GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SShOR for wrestling GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in artistic gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SShOR in weightlifting GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in fencing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in rhythmic gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SShOR in diving GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SSHOR synchronized swimming State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moscomsport structural unit of SShOR No. 71 "Timiryazevskaya" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moscomsport (structural unit SShOR No. 56) State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moscomsport JV SShOR "Dynamo" GBU "SASH" of Moskomsport GBU "SDC "Inspiration" GBU "SDC "Shire Krug" GBU "Sports School No. 10" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 114 "Record" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 26" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 76" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 86" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 93 "On Mozhaika" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Sparrow Hills" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Moskvich" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Russian Alpine Skiing" school - Capital" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 24" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 27 "Falcon" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 42" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of Olympic reserve No. 61 "Fortune" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 64" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 65 "Nika" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 73 "Victoria" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 74" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve for tennis "Olympian" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports Complex "Megasport" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School "Bitsa" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School "Kosino" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 104 "Pearl" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 112 "Sputnik" of Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 2" » Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 29 "Khamovniki" Moskomsport
