Wife secretly alters real stories. love stories

Girls, hello everyone. I'll tell you very briefly. I cheated on my husband, cheated, and even out loud it's scary to tell someone about it. The other day, a friend (she is family) invited her and her husband to visit her, her youngest son turned 5 years old. We gladly accepted the offer, bought a gift for the child and came. (My husband and I have no children). At the moment, her brother moved in with her friend (they have a 4-room apartment). I saw my brother for the second time in my life, but I knew him for more than a year. Brother, a pleasant, sociable person, we immediately found a common language with him. My husband talked more with the husband of a friend, and I chatted with my brother. Naturally, we drank, at the end of the evening, my husband completely relaxed (he rarely drinks) and we took him to bed, there were four of us, soon my friend's husband went to bed, and then she. My brother and I continued to communicate, drank, laughed, and then I notice that he is stroking my hand. I pulled back, went to the balcony, he followed me. I'll digress a little and say the main thing. My friend's brother is my type, every woman has her own type of men that she likes. I like tall brunettes with brown eyes. And the facial features are just the way I like them. In my youth, I had a serious affair with a guy, and my friend's brother turned out to be a copy of him, even in communication. My husband, in no way fits the type that I like, but he took me by his actions, and now for me the most dear person. And I betrayed him. So, back to the story, he followed me to the balcony, lit a cigarette, and hugged me. And I did not resist, I felt so good. So calm, so warm. And even the thought that her beloved husband was sleeping in the room did not prevent this. He kissed, I answered, it is so indescribable, like when you wait for something for a long time, and it happens. He smoked, we returned to the room, turned on the movie and continued to kiss. And then everything happened. Then he hugged me, I said that I needed to go to my husband's room, otherwise we would fall asleep. I spent the night in a room with my husband. Waking up in the morning, I recalled all the moments with a shudder in my body (and I still remember) and I was not even ashamed, but when my husband began to hug me and kiss me with such love, I burst into tears. He says: What are you? And I cry and I can’t answer, I referred to a headache. We left. The next day, we had to visit a friend on business (she and her husband don’t know anything), my brother wasn’t there, he came later, and the game of peepers began. He smiles enigmatically. Girls, you know what's the worst? I want him again (this is not uterine rabies), I just want this particular person, exactly his touch, not even sex, but just him. But I will not leave my husband in any case, even if there was an opportunity to be with my friend's brother. I won't tell my husband anything. I just want to hear an opinion, I thought this could not happen to me ...

Reading stories about wives cheating on their own husbands is always extremely interesting. In them, we learn to look at the situation of the characters from the outside, try on different roles, analyze and draw conclusions, try to learn life from the mistakes of others. But what if the stories about the unfaithful wife cease to be someone's story and become a reality? What makes women commit adultery and, most importantly, what feelings do they have to live with after that? What is treason - the beginning of a new or the end of the present?

I cheated on my husband...

Cheating is always seen in a negative way, no matter what circumstances precede it. This is not surprising, because it implies lies, resentment and betrayal, destroys relationships, breaks destinies, changes the characters of people. The betrayals of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are especially acutely perceived - they cause contempt, misunderstanding, and condemnation. When visiting forums with women's stories about cheating on her husband, you immediately come across uncompromising accusations and insults against the author of the post. Let's leave today all the prejudices, sighs and values ​​​​familiar to us, and try to rationally look at the motives and possible consequences of adultery.

Arina Veselova, psychotherapist, family psychologist, shares real stories from her own practice about female infidelity.

Tatyana, 22 years old, married for 2 years, husband 26 years old, no children. “My husband is perfect - he will help with cleaning, he will take him to the cinema, and he will cook dinner. Fulfills all my whims, with him I'm definitely married. Sometimes he is too calm, but with my mind I understand that this is the best fit for family life (I have seen enough of passionate relationships from the outside, where you can raise your hand to your wife and offend - I definitely don’t want this). I'm graduating from college and I needed to make a big presentation of my project on the computer. I am not very friendly with technology (shame in the 21st century) at this level, so we started looking for a person who will help in this matter. The choice fell on his friend - a programmer. He has a girlfriend, I have a husband, so we all agreed to this freelance training without a shadow of a doubt. Anton (the name of the client's husband - psychologist's note) worked until late, and Kostya and I sat either with us or with him, and then my husband would join us after work. Once I came to Kostya, and he asked if I would drink beer with him, otherwise he was very tired. I agreed, but inquired just in case, maybe you need to come tomorrow, and let him rest today. He refused, assured that he just wanted to relax a little, besides, the contract is more valuable than money. We fiddled for about 20 minutes at the computer, then he began to show his pictures, turned on the music, and we started talking. On that day, the project did not go to the head, and the beer did its job. Suddenly Kostya asked if we watch adult films with Anton. I honestly answered that yes, it happens. Then he, without a second's hesitation, opened the folder and launched a video of intimate content. He just offered me, as if to his old friend, to check out the figure of a porn actress ... I did not dare to say anything and sat silently, watching the banal plot. Kostya was looking at me, I was looking at the monitor, but I could feel his breath directly. In general, the stars were so formed that everything happened to us with him. It was wild, passionate, I don't know what liberated me so - beer, film, secrecy or his assertiveness. That was our last meeting, in the case he practically did not help, but he filled me with some kind of strength, madness, fire. I feel uncomfortable in front of my beloved, but I'm not going to tell him anything. Our relationship with my spouse has strengthened, although maybe I'm just trying to make amends (I haven't figured it out yet). Would I do it again? Probably, yes, that's why that meeting was the last.

Victoria, 36 years old, married for 15 years, has two sons. “I work as a teacher, so I always give appearance a lot of time. Igor (husband) approves of my desire for grooming, because I am the face of my class and I am not ashamed to become an example for growing girls. My husband is excellent - his money is in the family, I can spend my money as I like. And in everyday life an assistant, and in bed a lion, and as a father, no complaints. I never thought about betrayal, because I have no time, and I don’t want to spend energy on getting into contact, hiding what is happening. We met Vladimir in a restaurant when we celebrated the christening of the daughter of a good friend with a large company. Oh, it was hard to look away from him - big, self-confident, dressed to the nines, arrogant, but gallant. He came to dinner alone, in an expensive car, so it's no wonder that everyone devoured him with a look. Even then, the thought flashed through me that, probably, I would have changed with this, if I had considered such a prospect at all. After 2 weeks, I went on business and went to a cozy cafe in the city to drink coffee. Vova was sitting with a friend at dinner. He recognized me, immediately approached and behaved as if we had known him for a long time. He told me not to go anywhere, he would be right back. They left, but after 10 minutes he fulfilled his promise and arrived alone. We sat at a table and chatted for a long time. Volodya is a very interesting interlocutor, besides, he did not spare compliments addressed to me. I had to leave, and he directly asked when we would see each other again. I objected, because it’s one thing if the meeting happened suddenly, and the planned dates are not included in my plans, I’m still a married lady. He said “okay”, and even somewhere deep down I was upset. Two days later we ran into each other in a shopping center (I doubt it was an accident, although our town is really small). He came close to me, so that I could not breathe from his passion, and offered to leave for another city. For a day, on a business trip ... I agreed and immediately got scared! Why, why did I agree, how will I explain this to my husband and I do realize WHY I'm going there ?! “I can leave at any moment,” this thought calmed and gave strength. My husband took the news calmly, I often dangled to the regional center on business. I didn’t take the car, I said that I was going with colleagues. Yes, it was the most unforgettable 10 hours of my life. Vova has a big apartment there, so we enjoyed each other everywhere. I was fascinated and frightened by his strength and experience, such men only exist in books! He wanted to take me away from Igor, but I was not going to ruin anything. Yes, I am terribly pleased to be in the center of the universe (I feel exactly that way with him), but I cannot betray my family. Sometimes I want to tell my spouse, but I can't afford to hurt him. What about sons? They don't understand me at all...

Anya, 26 years old, married for 1 year. “My husband, Vitalik, practically does not put me in anything. Either I didn’t cook what he wanted, then in bed he wants more, then I need to gain a little weight. Infuriates! When I ask why he needs me like that, he says that he loves me very much, and there is nothing wrong with criticism. Allegedly, it is always necessary to accept comments from a loved one and a loved one with understanding, because he only wants the best for me! One evening his friends came, and he began to make fun of me in their presence. He said that I could feed sour borscht or fall asleep after the first glass of wine. It's a shame - it's not enough to say. I was so angry that I was ready to burst into tears. As a result, they got drunk, Vitalya trudged off to watch TV, and after 2 minutes he began to snore. One guy immediately went home, and the second lingered under the pretext of charging a little phone. He was so gentle, holding my hand and whispering that he would always appreciate a companion like me. We had sex right in the kitchen. I didn’t think about anything, neither about my husband, nor about betrayal, I just enjoyed it. The comrade left, and for a long time I could not sleep, I remembered his caresses. Before Vitalik, I'm not ashamed, it's my own fault. After a while (he again poked me at something), I told about what had happened, he was taken aback and did not even scream, as I expected. What will happen next, we have not yet discussed, we just parted.

Human nature is boundless in the knowledge of the unknown. Female adultery in three different variations had its own thread and led to a logical outcome. What can be said about these cases?

Different fates - different betrayals

It was not in vain that I gave examples of real betrayals of absolutely different wives - with different characters, status and attitudes of the faithful towards them. Based on the above, is it possible to conclude that betrayal occurs only when the marriage is bursting at the seams? Absolutely not!

In the first story, where the wife cheated on her husband, the suppression of hidden desires and the girl's infantilism can be traced. She is comfortable with a calm spouse, but she is secretly ready to go on an adventure with any (reliable!) passionate man. She could leave when the person said he was tired and would drink beer, or when they were distracted from the project after 20 minutes, and, of course, she should have been indignant when a friend turned on the adult video. It was not alcohol that pushed her to have rough sex with a friend of a legal companion, he only “pulled out” everything that she lacked in her own marriage to the surface. From the woman's story about her betrayal, it becomes clear that this incident brought them closer to her husband, but, nevertheless, the wrong one does not exclude the fact of a repeated incident. In this key wording lies the wrong attitude of Tatiana to the family. What was the provoking factor - an unsuccessful parental example, the distortion of family values ​​​​through authoritative people / books / films, previous bitter experience, is still unknown, but it is obvious that relationships in such torment will not last long.

Infantilism lies precisely in ignoring or hushing up their problems. The replacement of unsatisfied desires will never bring true pleasure. Learn to speak out your desires, overcome barriers and get rid of existing clamps.

The story, where an adult woman cheated on her husband with an influential person, only says that she loves to be in the spotlight, to feel that he is ready to put the whole world at her feet. Of course, each of us likes it, we love with our eyes and appreciate people by their actions. But after all, the husband also did things - he helped, drove to restaurants, was a wonderful lover and a caring father. Why did he fade into the background?

We all need a second wind sometimes. Who and where finds it depends only on our inner content. Apparently for Victoria, Vladimir just became that very second wind, youth, flirting, unbridledness. But with her mind, she understood that the family, the system that had been created for a long time, should not be destroyed. In such cases, a serious intrapersonal conflict develops, which, if not resolved, will end in severe depression, which can develop into chronic neurasthenia.

Tip: In the case of a conflicting desired and actual, you need to understand yourself in order to understand and accept your true motives. Do not be afraid to seek help from a specialist, so you will have a chance to remain not only happy, but also a psychologically healthy person.

As for the story where the wife tells her husband about how she cheated on him, everything is obvious there - the girl is ruled by unwillingness to continue further relationships. This can be veiled by various subtexts - click on his nose (they say, look, you make fun of me, and someone caresses), hurt (you like this, and I like this for you), etc. But the main idea of ​​​​this story - Awareness of a failed marriage. I, as a specialist, usually fight for my family, if there is something to save. In this story, where the wife gave herself to another with her husband (even if sleeping), there is, unfortunately, nothing to fight for. Incompatibility of temperaments, disrespect, frustration, disagreement, mismatch of moral values, unwillingness to accept oneself and each other, work on oneself, deny one's mistakes, and so on - a bad basis for a happy union.

Can a husband be blamed for cheating on his wife? Indirectly, yes. But “I deceived you because you let me down” sounds somehow ridiculous, you must agree. Usually, I say that it’s good when such relationships end at a stage where the spouses still have nothing to share or the bitter realization has not come that you lived half your life somehow, not as you dreamed.

What can be said about female infidelity? Are they as weak, driven and defenseless as they seem? Of course not! We are endowed with natural strength, dexterity and intuition, we always know exactly where we are going and how our road will end. We are wise, therefore it would be wrong and incorrect to write off carnal pleasures on a combination of circumstances. Women are not hostages of the situation - that's a fact.

There are, for example, in my practice, and non-standard infidelity of the wife from the stories of eyewitnesses, where these eyewitnesses, in fact, are the husbands. It was with their consent that the sexual intercourse of the spouse and the person took place, which was carefully selected by the missus. Can this be called a change? No, it can rather be called the diversity of the sexual life of two adult, mature partners. Here, no one suppresses, does not force, does not blackmail anyone. Everyone saves their marriage and feeds their feelings exactly the way they want and feel. If this does not cause the other half of discomfort, moral trauma, pain and other negative emotions - why not?

In all the stories "How I cheated on my husband" you can see the unique story of each woman, not like the rest. There is only one conclusion to such stories - betrayal does not save from pain, does not rehabilitate relationships, does not glue families together, does not replace love. Cheating makes you feel guilty, corners, hurts, destroys. If you are experiencing dissatisfaction in marriage, do not rush to dive into the arms of another. I assure you, you will get a lot more problems than before! Someone else's bed nourishes illusions, but usually ends in emptiness. Be happy!

Recently, my wife's best friend moved into our apartment. At first I could not even think that she would settle so firmly on our square meters. She lived with us and had nowhere to go. I had to sleep in the kitchen for a long time. Once I found out that a friend does not like men and became my wife's mistress. The story of life in the first person.

Vitya, here Sveta has some problems in the family. Do you mind if she stays with us? - once asked my wife.

I have known the world for a long time. She was even a witness at our wedding with Natasha. I can’t say that I was delighted with this request, but still, I allowed it. In my naivete, I expected that Sveta would really spend the night with us only one night.

What happened to her? - asked Natasha when she finished talking on the phone.

Yes, her husband kicked her out of the house. Such a beast! Not only did he cheat on her, Sveta also turned out to be to blame. How do you guys manage to find someone to blame for everything?

In response, I shrugged. If you believe everything that Natasha just told me, then Sveta's husband is really a scoundrel. But I do not exclude the possibility that Sveta could easily present everything in this way. Putting a man in a bad light for women is easy.

While Svetlana got to us, Natasha and I tried not to waste time. We live in a two-room apartment. We are in one room and the children are in the other. Natasha and I have two children: boys Pasha and Kostya. Therefore, the question of where, even for one night, to place Sveta was relevant.

Well, do not lay it in the kitchen? The boys can come here at any time. Don't even change! Let's do that then. I will spend the night in the kitchen, and then you and Sveta will be in our room, - I suggested to Natasha.

She didn't argue. In such a situation, it is difficult to think of anything else at all.

A couple of hours later, Sveta arrived. Her arrival turned into a small evening gathering.

Vitya, you have no idea how insolent he is. I suspected before that he had someone. But he has recently stopped even trying to hide his mistress from me, - she began to talk about her difficult female fate of the Light.

Despite the fact that she is considered my wife's best friend, we have known each other for many years, I do not know her husband. Somehow we didn’t have a chance to cross paths at joint events, as families we didn’t go anywhere together. So I could only judge him according to the words of our guest.

Complaints against her husband dragged on long after midnight. Since it took place in the kitchen, my bedroom for one night, I had to listen to all these effusions. And my Natasha agreed with her friend. During this night that Sveta spent at our house, I got rather tired of her. Her endless complaints about her husband and the fact that Natasha agrees with her in everything began to infuriate her. I had the feeling that I was in some kind of club of man-haters, and then I completely began to feel superfluous.

Vitya, this is such a thing ... Do you remember yesterday we talked about the fact that Natasha will only spend the night with us?

Such an introductory part from my wife could only mean one thing. Now she will ask if I don't mind if Sveta stays with us. How to look into the water!

She just doesn't have anywhere else to go. She hasn't had time to rent an apartment yet. She has a meeting with a realtor tonight. Here he will take off and will no longer embarrass us.

Well, do not expel the wife's girlfriend on the street? Although I'm tired of Svetlana, not letting in a person who has nowhere to go is already too much.

The meeting with the realtor went wrong. The apartment that was offered did not suit Sveta. Now she went to such meetings with realtors, almost every day after her main job. It is easy to guess that all this time she lived in our apartment, and for me the kitchen managed to turn into a living room.

At first, the fact that a strange woman lives in my apartment bothered me. I had to give up some habits. It was not possible, and to retire with his wife, since Sveta could enter the room at any moment. Then I got used to it a little, and after some time I even began to manage to see the pluses in it.

One woman is good, but two is better. Sveta tried to help with the housework, regularly spent evenings at the stove, cooked various dishes, and at the end of the month she even gave part of the money for the rent.

In parallel with this, I began to feel that Natasha and I were moving away from each other. She began to spend all her free time with Sveta. I have always believed that being jealous of a wife for her friends is the last thing a slacker man will do. I did not consider myself one of these, but, quite likely, very soon I could replenish their ranks.

Natasha, let's go to the cinema this weekend, shall we? My mother has already agreed to take the children to her. She missed them very much. And you and I haven’t gone anywhere together for so long, - I suggested to my wife.

In fact, I didn’t need this movie for nothing. I am not a big fan of going to cinemas, but at that moment it was important for me to make sure that Natasha still wanted to spend time with me.

Certainly! You're right - we probably haven't been to the cinema for a hundred years. I don't even know what's going on right now. Where shall we go? If you don't mind, I'll ask Sveta where she wants more, Natasha chirped joyfully.

And what does it have to do with Sveta? Did I invite Sveta two minutes earlier, and not my wife? And then everything fell into place.

I think you won't mind if Sveta comes with us? I don't want to leave her alone. She is going through a difficult time right now. You don't know, but she filed for divorce yesterday, - Natasha explained to me.

And I, naive, thought that Sveta would sooner reconcile with her husband than rent an apartment and leave ours. Now, we certainly won't have to count on it in the near future. She just filed for divorce yesterday. Now they are being divorced best case, a month later. It turns out that all this time she will hang out with us?

I'm not used to hacking in the heat of the moment. I am generally a supporter of informed decisions. I don’t remember what exactly and when drove me crazy, but Sveta coped with it just with a bang. My hands were shaking from anger, and I was literally a couple of steps away from causing a scandal. But in last moment restrained himself. In this situation, shouting and breaking dishes will not solve anything. You can only make it worse, because I saw how Natasha is dependent on Sveta. But what is the secret of such dependence, I could not understand in any way.

To begin with, I tried to put myself in the place of Sveta. Nothing good came of it. I imagined that I had a fight with Natasha and left home. Yes, it is quite likely that I will spend one night with a friend and spend the night, but not more. The next day I would have started looking for an apartment. I don't see anything good in embarrassing people in their own home. And this is on the condition that (just sure of this), my friend would not kick me out, but, on the contrary, offered to stay as long as possible. In addition, Natasha and I and our two children did not live in a three-story cottage, in which there would be enough space for a company of soldiers. We have an ordinary double! To be honest, the four of us sometimes feel cramped in it, and then there is Sveta.

Natasha, when will Sveta leave us? You understand, it's not quite normal that she has been living with us for so long. Are you unable to rent an apartment? Or does she have no relatives with whom she could live?

Vitya, don't you know that in Sveta's parental apartment there is nowhere for an apple to fall? Her sister lives there with her husband, nephews, brother and girlfriend periodically visit. Eight people in three rooms! Well, where else is Light?

Where is she for us? There are five of us, but two rooms. She can't live with us forever.

After this conversation, Natasha was offended by me and then talked to me for several more days only in cases of emergency. “Vitek, you are jumping. Soon, this Sveta will evict you first to the balcony, and then completely transport your things to the garage. Be careful with this. Women - they are so cunning, - my friend, and part-time neighbor in the garage Anton advised me. - Although, why am I upset? We will see each other more often. I will visit you in the garage to come to you.

We met with Anton that evening in a pub, which is located not far from my house. After a quarrel between Sveta and my husband, I began to look there almost every day. I just didn't want to go home.

To some extent Anton was right. Slowly but surely, Sveta kept me out of the house. I wonder if she did it on purpose?

And then I began to notice that Natasha changed her attitude towards the male sex. Several times I started an old hurdy-gurdy that it would be nice for Sveta to collect her belongings and get out of our apartment.

“Vitya, why is she bothering you so much? She doesn't even bother us one bit. You have a sofa, a TV, a refrigerator with food in your kitchen. What else do you need?

Now Natasha, I'm sure, at the suggestion of her friend, began to think that men are unpretentious creatures that are at the lowest stage of evolution. Anton is right - at this rate I will soon be living in a garage. A sofa, a TV and a refrigerator are all I need to be happy.

Talking with Natasha about Sveta's move was useless. I had in stock a few more ways to evict an obsessive girlfriend. The last of them is just to take and kick her out, and then throw out all the things after her. But, given Svetino's influence on Natasha, I was not sure that my wife would not follow her. I went the other way. If earlier I spoke about Sveta exclusively in a whisper or in her absence, now I simply stopped limiting myself. Sveta returned to the discussion of the issue of moving almost every evening. And he tried to do it in such a way that the essence of our conversation would definitely reach the ears of her friend. Did not help. Light was impenetrable. She continued to act like nothing happened to me. Like, she doesn't know about my position. Although I am sure that she hears all the conversations with Natasha perfectly.

The situation was radically changed by an unexpected acquaintance. I, according to the already established habit, whiled away the evening after work in a pub with a mug of beer. And then a complete stranger sat down next to me. At first I thought that he confused me with someone else,

Are you Vitya? Husband of a friend of my practically ex-wife Sveta? - the stranger asked me.

I nodded in response.

I know that Sveta lives with you.

After these words, I managed to rejoice: at last he changed his mind and decided to return her home. But no…

You better be careful with her. She destroyed our family, and now, I'm sure, she's working on destroying yours.

Yes, it was correct!

I did not expect such a turn of events! And what to do next? Has my wife taken under my nose not a lover, but a mistress? With a lover, everything would be much easier - at least you know how to behave. And what to do with the mistress?

In the evening, when I got home, I pulled my wife into the kitchen for a conversation. Was determined. It was still not enough for my wife and her friend to cuckold me.

Natasha did not deny for a long time and confessed everything.

So, let Sveta collect things now! I don't care where she goes. We do not live in the Stone Age - in extreme cases, we will spend the night in a hostel. Maybe he will meet his love. If she doesn’t collect, then I will help her and send her from the balcony, for speed, - I put Natasha before the fact.

If you kick her out, then I'll go after her - apparently, Natasha thought to frighten me and force me to abandon her decision in this way.

But I was not in that state then.

Please! I can help you to collect things for the company.

Natasha freaked out and went to tell her mistress everything, and at the same time to collect things. She really left that evening with Sveta. I had to tell the children that my mother had gone to help Aunt Sveta settle into her new apartment.

They seemed to believe. The relationship between Sveta and my wife did not last long. About a week later, Natasha appeared at home. We talked for a long time, she cried, asked for forgiveness. I told her that I forgot everything, that I forgive her. But really not sure.

Like it or not, Natasha cheated on me. Let not with a man, but still, betrayal took place. But we have two children. I want them to grow up in a complete family. And I set a condition for Natasha: that Sveta was no longer on the threshold. And also no other close friends who can destroy family happiness.

Never thought you could get in...

An absurd situation happened to me, as in that joke. Celebrated with homies in a night bar, I don’t remember what kind of holiday. There I met her, she is such a pretty brunette. We exchanged Mobile numbers, and that's the end of it ... ..

The call came 2 weeks later, in the late afternoon.

- My husband left on a business trip, now I'm at home alone, come, otherwise it's boring, - she chirped.

I rush to her, take a bottle of cognac along the way, a box of chocolates and go to the address.

We met. Something cognac quickly ended. I had to take two, I fly to the store, there is no cognac, but there is vodka. I cling a liter and back. She's already made a couple of salads. After the first crushed bottle, she began to pester. Well, why should I break it off or what? Of course not!

I'm still that diver, when I dive, I dive without a suit and scuba gear. And not such depths came across. I dived, in general, I go ashore. We drank some more, I go for a swim, I dive ...

And then the sound of a lock opening is heard in the door. Everything has gone below the plinth for me.

- My husband is back! she whispered.

With lightning speed I throw on a T-shirt, jump into jeans, fly up to the window, damn it, 5th floor. I'll break down. I'm a diver, not a paratrooper. If I were him, I would continue the swim in this situation. The eternal question: what to do? Ah, come what may. I'm standing ... The husband enters the bedroom.

Everything has sunk down below my uterus. That's who the paratrooper is, so this is him. Wardrobe 2 by 1.5. Looks at me, then at her, is silent. He comes up to me, I smile like a fool from fright. On my nose with my right hand. To say that sparks fell from the eyes means to say nothing. I stood on my feet.

With a huge forefinger of his left hand with the words “out”, he pointed to the front door to me.

- I understand ... - I nodded, legs in hands, or rather legs in sneakers and out into the street.

I'm walking, I'm shaking. Head spinning whether from hops, or from a blow. Nose hurts terribly. Here you go, our respected valiant police on a gazelle, they take me and are going to take me to the monkey house.

It was the limit. My blood pressure jumped and, in addition, a broken nose - as the blood rushes. In hospital.

The doctor on duty is a woman in her 45s and two nurses in her 20s. Filled out some papers, measure the pressure. 210 to 150. She stuffed gauze swabs up my nose to stop the bleeding. My tears flowed from the pain.

“Pull down your pants, I’ll give you an injection,” said the doctor.

Here I am like a sickle below the waist. I didn't have time to wear panties. What to do? Ah, come what may. I expose half of the fifth point. Silence ... Oh, an injection.

“You can go,” she said.
“Thank you, thank you,” I say, embarrassed, and evaporate.

Made it home without incident. That brunette didn't call again.
I figured out the moral for myself: you should not sleep with other people's wives at their own house, but sleep with them at your own house ...

P.S. Pretty brunette, I leave you my panties for a long memory, hang them in the bedroom above the bed, they won’t fit your husband anyway.

When it comes to betrayal in the family, we are accustomed to sympathize with the one who was betrayed and condemn the one who betrayed. But let's deviate a little from the standards and look into the world of the one who betrayed. In our case, this person is a woman. We will try to understand how she feels after her misdeed, we will try to experience her emotions together, sympathize or be happy for her.

But first, let's pay a little attention to the reasons that spur a beautiful person to adultery. Much has been said about this, and again, starting from standard thoughts, we are used to looking for reasons in relationships. Allegedly, women cheat only when their personal life in marriage does not add up. Not always. In search of the reason for their infidelity, psychologists first of all advise to focus on yourself. After all, often external circumstances do not contain the true root of the problem and can only mislead.

The search turns into a useless ferment in a vicious circle. Therefore, we recall once again that the problem may be internal. However, there is a catch here too. A beautiful person who has cheated on her chosen one is not always aware of her true motives and is not always able to analyze the motives of an act alone.

Among many others, psychologists name the following reasons for female romances on the side:

  • Emotional abuse. When the wife does not want, but is forced to live with her missus.
  • Lack of emotional connection with a loved one.
  • Constant infidelity on the part of a loved one.
  • The desire to prove to himself that he is able to attract the opposite sex.

In the latter case, the problem is in the woman herself. Here it is recommended to start self-analysis with questions: why did you choose the man who does not want to notice you as your husband and why you cannot live without confirmation of your attractiveness from the outside? If you figure it out, then the feeling of your own attractiveness should radiate from the inside. Then it will certainly be noticed. Lover will not help here.

What does the half that betrayed feel?

And finally, there is another type of women - the most interesting from the point of view of psychology - they do not have a sense of guilt, because of which they begin to wind themselves up, they say, if I don't give a damn about my loved one, I'm a bad and insensitive person, Pangs of conscience as if artificially produced.

No matter how different the sensations are, all the representatives of the weaker sex are connected by one thought - tell your husband or remain silent? And again, let's turn to the experts. Some believe that honesty is not always practical. Rather, honesty does not carry such at all, therefore it is better for the other half to remain in the dark. Revelations in this case will be an attempt to share their pangs of conscience with someone else. And often such an attempt is rather selfish and useless. That is, if a cheating wife is sure that it is her duty to make a sincere confession (so as not to keep a man in the cold), then in fact she only seeks to get rid of responsibility, shifting it onto her husband's shoulders. In addition, honesty will result in a negative result - the violent reaction of the husband will be added to the gnawing torment.

Let's take a different situation: let's say an unfaithful partner told her partner about treason, let's say he forgave, but suddenly the wife perceives forgiveness not as generosity, but as weakness and ceases to respect the chosen one. Therefore, adultery happens again and again. Why is that? Perhaps the lady chose the wrong partner, and now she has met her true love. Then, of course, it is better to consider the prospects from all sides and make a choice. Often here, female adultery turns into happiness for herself. A beautiful person can understand, for example, that with a legitimate companion she is only wasting time, but with a lover she lives a full life.

But in this case, sooner or later, the chosen one will have to be told about the act. When infidelity is associated with fanatical emotional involvement and strong emotional attachment to another, then it is difficult to hide the romance. After all, it will significantly affect the family.

What about after what happened?

Some representatives of the weaker sex after the incident fall into a stupor. The act becomes a real shock. Many try to put themselves in the place of the “victim” and experience pain that is tantamount to physical pain. According to experts, the source of too close acceptance of the fact of one's mistake, as well as the accompanying experiences, is the awareness of the wrongness of this act. The pain mentioned above is caused by the understanding that something is done wrong and this “something” is not approved by society. The act is immoral and indecent, even if it satisfied the desires of the lady.

However, the question is only how you yourself evaluate your actions. Neither society nor the reaction of a loved one, who probably does not even suspect what happened, should be a measure of your own feelings.

If we take the opposite example, then persons who do not know remorse after infidelity claim that a romance on the side for them is an excellent surge of emotions without any pangs of conscience. It must be said that they are absolutely sincere. This is also quite possible.

But when guilt overwhelms you and it seems that there is no way out, analyze why the betrayal happened. After all, you dared to take such a step for a reason, not because it was just boring. It's time to delve into memory and remember:

  • What did not suit the partner.
  • How and when did the misunderstandings start?
  • How did you feel before the event?
  • What are you experiencing now.
  • Did you fill in the gaps?

The answers may vary. For example, you cheated unconsciously, without first building a plan for adultery. Or after what happened, you felt confident in your attractiveness. Or maybe they began to treat their beloved very warmly, suddenly realizing that novels with others are not yours. Or the act finally led you to the decision to free yourself from the bonds of marriage and begin to build a new life with another. Or perhaps you are tired of everything and you announced to both of your partners that you will remain in splendid isolation.

Whatever answers you find, you need to understand one thing - there is no point in blaming yourself.

Accusations do not carry any constructive value, but only aggravate the situation. Behind self-flagellation it is very difficult to find true motives.

And one moment. If the person who has changed is wondering how to tell another about the breakup and how to convince that everything is over with herself, it is worth considering. If you have to convince yourself, it means that the other person is still valuable to you. Ask yourself what? And what is the point in breaking off valuable relationships and returning to a past life? After all, this is violence against oneself in favor of one's own correctness. And correctness will not make you happy.

How to be with a spouse?

When a decision is made not to talk about their infidelities, many wives still fear that remorse for betrayal will not leave them alone and torment them so much that they will certainly affect their marriage. Psychologists argue that such an outcome is not inevitable. It's just that women start to panic ahead of time. Very often there is simply no feeling of guilt. The main thing is not to convince yourself that this is bad. You need to understand that blaming yourself is of little use. Especially in situations where adultery is committed to save the marriage. This refers to those families where the accumulated negativity in relation to the spouse blocks all possible ways to notice good features in him. Having committed adultery, the wife is satisfied that she has “revenged” and is again able to see positive qualities in her husband.

In addition, the communication on the side may not be as perfect as expected. As a result, a woman gets a completely different, more positive outlook on relationships and on a loved one.

It happens that even constant women's trips "to the side" do not become a reason for divorce. In such a family, the lady assures that she sincerely loves her chosen one and wants to meet old age with him, nevertheless, she regularly goes “to the left”. And the most interesting thing is that this does not mean that she deceives herself and others. Apparently, by love, a beautiful person does not mean a storm of passions, but a calm desire for comfort, a stable family life. The desire to be with her husband and love for her husband are not quite the same thing. It can be very convenient with a spouse, behavior and relationships are predictable here, and therefore there is no desire to divorce. But what is missing, the wife gets on the side, which happens after she has already made sure that she will spend the rest of her life with her lawful chosen one. A little illogical, but quite understandable. After all, another man can be an excellent lover, but a completely worthless spouse.

Summing up

Summing up, we recall that you will always have time to repent of "sins". Do not rush to be frank with those who have been betrayed. Think carefully: who will feel better after the confession? Try to turn the problem into a productive direction: analyze, understand, give answers to tormenting questions and, finally, draw conclusions. Perhaps your lawful chosen one is not at all your man in life. Or perhaps the romance on the side became the missing element that was not enough for the resumption of marital relations.
