Women's charm is the magic of charm. Female magnetism

What is charm? This is something that cannot be squeezed into standard notions of ideality. Even less "THIS" answers ideality.

However, the abstract-magical SOMETHING that some women possess acts like a magnet on men.

Charm (from French charme) - charm, charm. Enchanting power, charm. Strong and attractive informative aura. The perfect synonym is "highlight".

Neither the miniature Juliet Mazina, nor the charming Audrey Tautou, nor the inimitable Barbra Streisand, as well as many others, could and cannot boast of the dazzling appearance of these data or the fashion models "90-60-90". But they became the owners of a much more valuable gift.

Charm Audrey Tautou

Nature has rewarded them with a special female power- the power of seduction, which is much more pleasant to succumb to than to resist.

Where are the men looking? Wherever you want, but not necessarily on the chest, hips or legs. That is, they, of course, also look there, but only if there is no “woman with charm” nearby ...

For some reason, the expression "a woman with charm" is associated with many French women. Although one of the most beautiful Italians modern cinematographer - Monica Bellucci - is convinced that " beautiful women designed for unimaginative men..."

And life has repeatedly confirmed that men with a normal imagination value women with charm much more than just beautiful ones.

However, there are reasons for such associations, and French women, indeed, “on short leg with charm: their chief charming secret surprisingly simple - optimism, an open smile and, of course, a beautiful posture.

Woman with charm Juliet Mazina

Upbringing future woman starts from the very early childhood when the foundations are laid not only for behavior, but also for health. On which, by the way, future attractiveness largely depends. Therefore, in the compulsory program - time only for yourself.

Charm is like a rebus, a riddle: it is terribly interesting and you want to understand: how it works, what it consists of. And what is so special about it, if it is able to attract and hold attention, despite the lack of brilliant data?

It's funny, but "the most charming and attractive" often use the charm, not even noticing how powerful the weapon is in their hands.

Meanwhile, the inner charm is rare magical quality which is given to a woman as a reward from above ...

This is what makes a woman a Woman, sweet and charming creature, for which a man is ready for the most incredible steps and deeds. Without internal support, that is, without the help of charm, ideal parameters impress for a short time. Yes, men are different.

For example, those whose eyes are absolutely indifferent to ostentatious brilliance: the “zest” is more important, before which even time is powerless.

If you collect all the fragmentary information about what charm is, together - from literature, films and subjective statements, you can create an approximate image of a “woman with charm”.

A woman of charm - Barbara Streisand

It turns out that this is a woman who:

  1. knows how to smile sincerely and warmly knows how to laugh beautifully
  2. knows how to be silent beautifully - attentively, magically and with dignity
  3. has a sense of humor and knows how to use funny phrases
  4. able to empathize and listen
  5. knows the features of his body and always takes care of his health
  6. knows how to emphasize the dignity of his figure and hide the flaws with the help of a skillfully selected wardrobe
  7. has a sense of proportion, style and is not afraid to improvise
  8. skillfully uses cosmetics and does not turn makeup into "war paint"
  9. knows his strengths and is able to turn weaknesses "into continuation of virtues"

But main secret charm, charm, charm - this is self-confidence. Not arrogance, but confidence.

A person with charisma attracts attention, fascinates, is remembered for a long time, inspires trust and sympathy. It seems that this is an exceptionally natural charm, but take a closer look - all charismatics have similar features.
A charming person is a person who has magnetic power. He, like a magnet, attracts people to him, inspiring them with admiration, trust and charming inner strength and self-confidence. Charming people stand out from total weight and, as a rule, become leaders or leaders. (True, by different reasons Not all leaders are charming and deserving of respect.)

Nowadays, internal and external charm are more often called in one word - “charisma”. This word is of Greek origin and means "gift of God" or "grace of God." This suggests that charm and charisma are a character trait that people are endowed with from birth. Indeed, many well-known charismatic personalities did not study "as a leader" - this quality was inherent in them by nature itself.

Obviously, everyone would like to become charming, even those who do not dream of leadership.

What are the benefits of charisma

Except that the charm is in itself attractive feature character, it can serve well the one who possesses it. A charismatic person is easy to communicate with, sociable, positive, he is respected, trusted, happy to make friends with him and support him. friendly relations. Many doors open to him that are closed to others. People find in him an adviser, comforter, mentor and just good friend, next to which they feel stronger and wiser.

Employers appreciate charming people, because they are indispensable in negotiations, when you need to show perseverance, intelligence, patience, the ability to control your emotions in order to convince the other side to make the necessary decision. Moreover, charismatic people also have good connections. Thus, charisma is a character trait that opens great opportunities in career advancement.

Charismatics - what are they

People who are born charismatic are in the minority, as are people with beautiful appearance given to them by nature. However, by setting a goal and working hard for it, you can achieve high results and earn a reputation as a person "with a twist", interesting, knowledgeable, inquisitive, enthusiastic - charismatic.

Anyone who masters the secrets of charisma and takes advantage of the benefits that it gives will understand that his efforts were not in vain and "the game was worth the candle."

The most charming and attractive

1. They are attentive listeners.

Many people will be very surprised if they are told that they do not know how to listen. However, hearing is not enough to be a good listener. Most people tend to express themselves: they either talk non-stop, preventing the interlocutor from inserting a word, or constantly interrupt, switching attention to themselves. As a result, the conversation turns into a monologue. And it is of interest only to one person - the one who brings down a verbal waterfall on another.

Be able to listen - valuable quality which is not so common. Let's remember how many people in our environment are able to listen to us in such a way that we ourselves grow up in our own eyes and seem interesting and significant to ourselves? Hardly.

Dale Carnegie, an American educator and writer, said that if you want to be a good conversationalist, you must first become a good listener. In his words, "listening carefully is the greatest compliment that can be given to a person." Listening carefully is not only not interrupting, it means being an active listener: encouraging your interlocutor to tell a story with soft nods of the head, keeping the conversation going. leading questions, express their approval, sometimes ask again, showing that the thread of the story is not lost. The appearance of the listener should be benevolent, friendly and in no case judgmental or hostile. Such behavior sets up mutual understanding and the emergence of a strong emotional connection.

2. They are great conversationalists

Charismatics can not only listen, but also speak. With them, you do not have to feverishly look for a topic of conversation to fill awkward pause. They always have in stock fascinating stories from life, neutral anecdotes, good-natured jokes, thanks to which they become the soul of many companies, "igniting" other people.

They do not scream, forcing everyone to pay attention to themselves, they do not laugh deafeningly, but the pleasant timbre of their voice, rich in intonations, makes you turn to them and listen to what they are saying.

Their calm attentive eyes directed at the interlocutor and express genuine interest in him. Charming people are smiling, and a smile is disarming and relaxing: with a smiling person, we feel comfortable and safe.

3. They are honest and sincere

People immediately feel falseness, and they will never be open and sincere with a person once caught in hypocrisy and pretense. A charismatic person is sincere, all his feelings come from the heart. He has empathy, which allows him to feel the feelings of the interlocutor, to approach him emotionally. He is interested in the life, experience and problems of other people, and they feel it and are drawn to him, because they find in him some mutual understanding, some support, some sympathy, and some just an interesting thoughtful person with whom it is interesting to talk and spend time.

4. They know how to compliment

Many people work hard to acquire new knowledge, develop new skills, improve their appearance and health. However, from the outside, the work they have done, in which they have invested so much effort, is not visible. And how I would like someone to notice, sincerely appreciate and praise! Charismatics differ from many in that they are not shy about giving compliments when a person deserves it.

They know that a compliment is a delicate matter, because it must be appropriate and cannot be rude and offensive. Compliments should not be said too often, because the one who makes them may be suspected of flattery. Those who have mastered the science of giving compliments receive many additional bonuses, because they contribute to the establishment of a closer level of relations.

5. They are confident

Charm and self-confidence are closely related, but timidity and charisma are incompatible. A timid person has low self-esteem, he lacks clear convictions, he is like a weather vane that turns in the direction the wind blows. He is dependent on the opinions of others and is easily led astray, because he himself does not know where he is going. They do not listen to his opinion, because he does not have it. A person who does not have his own convictions will not receive universal recognition.

Charismatics know what they want, they have a goal, and they are not afraid to make decisions. Next to them, others feel confident.

Therefore, before developing charisma in himself, an insecure person must work on his own self-esteem.

6. They inspire

Charming people are positive and optimistic. AT difficult situation they believe in a positive outcome, and in each person they see his positive features and help him to reveal them if he himself does not know about them.

Charismatic people are also willing to communicate because, being attentive to other people, they fill them with a sense of their own significance. Their self-esteem rises significantly, because their desires, needs, aspirations turned out to be worthy of attention and aroused interest. And a person is ready to move mountains in order to show himself from an even better side, to justify the trust.

The energy of charismatics is contagious - next to them, others feel the value of life more vividly.

7. They are responsive

Charismatics respond to requests for help. Sometimes they do not even wait for these requests, but ask themselves questions: what does a person need and how can I help him? This is not about some costly help: it can be a book, a quote, a hint that would help change his way of thinking. Or arranging a meeting with a person who is in a similar situation or has had a similar experience and could give useful advice. Insignificant, in our opinion, advice in the context of someone's life can be very significant.

Having worked on these character traits, you can get closer to your ideal charismatic. However, there are still some things that need to be avoided so as not to ruin the reputation of a charming person.

  1. Never curse or insult anyone.
  2. Don't complain.
  3. Don't brag.
  4. Not trying to please everyone is impossible.
  5. Don't make excuses.
  6. Don't lose control of your emotions.
  7. Don't be arrogant and arrogant.

© Timoshenko Elena, BBF.ru

Femininity, charm, seduction - these things cannot be learned ...

This is a weapon that is either there or not.

Film "8 Women"

Charm as a quality of personality - the ability to show good looks, charm, charm, attractiveness, expressed in manners and behavior.

Salon plastic surgery"SHARM" opened a subsidiary "SHAURM". Now there are no problems with excess meat trimmings and pumped out fat - everything goes into business!

Charm is an elusive, mysterious aura that strikes both men and women on the spot. Charm is a wonderful cocktail, mixed with kindness, charm, charisma, intelligence and charm. - You have charm - one of best compliments for any person. The attractiveness of a person with charm is also explained by inner spirituality, a lively thought reflected in the look, active listening to the interlocutor, attentive attitude to his intentions, the ability to "submit himself", logical and witty speech, intelligence and attractiveness.

From the happy owner of the charm comes the fertile energy of the soul, filled with joy and happiness. First of all, the person with the shown charm is charming. Sarah Bernhardt said: “To be successful, you have to be charming. Charm is manifested in everything and in nothing at the same time - in the energy emanating from you, in your look, gait, physique, the sound of your voice, graceful gestures. It is not at all necessary to be recognized as handsome or beautiful, the main thing is to have personal charm. Lydia Lunch was of almost the same opinion: “Like any charlatan, he had a powerful charisma. Attractive magnetism. He seemed to glow from within. His charm was irresistible. His smile was outrageous. He seemed so happy—impossibly happy. The hook on which everyone was caught.

The word "charm" was borrowed in the 18th century from French, wherein charme- derived from charmer- "to charm" (from lat. carmen- “poem, song; magic song, divination"). Compare French charmant and our charmingly.

Three Frenchmen, aged 50, 60 and 80, respectively, sit in a club playing cards. During the break between robbers, the conversation turned to women. The one to whom 50 broadcasts: - The most beautiful place a woman has legs! When I look at them, I get enormous aesthetic pleasure... The 60-year-old echoes: - And for me, the height of pleasure is breasts! Look at the ripe high chest- sheer pleasure ... The one who is 80 interrupts them in an old, creaky voice: - You are saying something wrong, gentlemen ... A woman has something else ... I don’t remember what, but a charm, gentlemen, a charm ...

A French woman returns from the USSR, enters her Parisian apartment, goes to the bathroom, then makes coffee, pours a glass of cognac, looks out the window at the Eiffel Tower, stretches and says: "Sharman, damn it, charm."

Psychologists have repeatedly tried to derive the charm formula. Here's what they came up with:

- A woman with charm cannot have a cheeky gait, a loud voice, a rude manner of speaking. All her movements are beautiful, her gestures and words are soft, delicate and feminine. In conversation, she does not try to impress with frilly phrases, but you still want to listen to her. And even the style of clothing does not matter. Her outfits can be dim, made in muted pastel colors, or maybe she prefers to stand out from the crowd by dressing in an avant-garde or military style. But, nevertheless, she never looks like a vulgar or gray mouse, because all her things and accessories are perfectly combined with each other. She knows how to wear jewelry, knows the secrets of make-up, but even without all this, her strength is no less. The conclusion suggests itself that the point is not in appearance, but in the strength of the personality itself, the charisma of a person. A woman with charm can be anyone. Either she is mature, or passionate, tender, strong, affectionate, strict.

- What is the charm of a woman? Its owner feels always confident. Woman with charm enjoys special attention in men, and often causes envy and at the same time respect from girlfriends. Neither perfect outer beauty, no brilliant mind is valued like this short word"charm". So what is charm? Can every woman have her own charm? How to find it in yourself? Every woman has a charm. Charm is a combination of intelligence, beauty and charm. Well, what to do if one of these qualities is missing. Are all women endowed with intelligence? Or Beauty? Actually - yes! Every woman is beautiful in her own way. Only one external beauty is a beautiful wrapper, which is quickly forgotten. Too big a woman's mind can, on the contrary, scare a man away. Of course, you can talk to her, but then it’s scary ... A woman with charm knows her positive external qualities. Someone has beautiful hair, the other good skin, someone beautiful smile or eyes and so on. The task of a woman is to correctly emphasize her dignity. Professionally selected cosmetics and skillfully executed make-up can give the face special charm. Correctly matched in color and style clothes, appropriate jewelry, elegant hairstyle, gait and manners of talking and smiling - all this is an individual female charm.

A fat plus of charm is that it does not go away with age. Its elusive and inexplicable nature accompanies a person all his life. You can imitate the voice, gestures, gait, clothes of a person with charm, but, alas, the result will be zero. The nuances of charm are so elusive that it is impossible to reproduce it by any talentedly executed imitation. Everything seems to be exactly the same, but something is missing a little, there is no enchanting power, irresistibility and captivating charm.

No one can reproduce the charm of Charles Aznavour. In the year of his 90th birthday, he toured in Moscow. Everyone who saw him on the eve of the concert at a press conference and at Evening Urgant could appreciate his lively mind and lively temperament. But, unfortunately, they could not buy tickets - a week before the concert, none were on sale. Boris Barabanov, who was at the concert, says: “Charles Aznavour began the concert with several victorious and optimistic numbers, and the first one - “Les Emigrants” - became proof of his viability as a vocalist. His strong point has always been not the number of octaves, but the ability to intonate, a flexible, charming, slightly fussy manner, which only at first glance became the basis of the entire chanson as a genre, but in reality no one could repeat it. The singer still perfectly conveys this flexibility and charm on stage. In "Crocus" it was hard to believe that in front of us is a man who is 90 years old. Charles Aznavour went on stage on his own, kept himself upright and rarely used his folding "director's" chair for its intended purpose, rather leaned on it in a foppish way. In general, over the past ten years, at each subsequent performance in the Russian capital, the artist holds up better than at the previous one. And in Crocus, he was a fighter at all. When the time came for the traditional dance trot on Les Deux Guitares, he at first seemed to stumble and limp towards the wings, but halfway he turned around and perfectly executed the choreographic element, turning everything into a joke. Mr. Aznavour did not bend down for the flowers that were brought to him in abundance, and no one demanded this from him, on the contrary, the audience showed signs: “Do not strain yourself, maestro, we will just leave it here.”

Petr Kovalev 2014

It is not surprising that men pay attention first of all to beautiful ladies. But contrary to popular belief, beauty is not just good looks. The stronger sex appreciates in ladies not only their beautiful appearance, but also many other qualities - character traits, demeanor, laughter and smile, temperament. What kind of woman is attractive and how to become charming?

An old Arabic proverb says that a woman keeps a man near her with her character, but attracts him with her beauty. And there is a lot of truth in this proverb. Guys are looking for girls who are attractive, charming and seductive.

Attractive appearance

What do we see when we first look at another person? Of course, the undoubted advantage is a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. This does not mean that a lady should look like a model from the cover of a magazine.

In fact, her beauty should be close to natural, and the advantages of her face and figure are beautifully emphasized.

These external features influence the opinion of men and their first impression of a lady. Many of them can be corrected. Right choice shoes, competent makeup, hairstyle, diet and physical activity can improve the look. And the shoes on high heels act as an aphrodisiac.

Beauty is important, but charm is just as important.

All ladies are divided into those who are able to spread their charm and charm to others, and those who cannot do this. For this, it is not necessary to be very beautiful and attractive in appearance. cute charming girls they should be cheerful, devoted and disinterested, they should show a lively interest in others, and not be narcissistic people.

Girls should have dreams, enjoy the little things, have good mood and mood. Such a person can be called a charming person.

Charm can act more decisively than beauty and other advantages. You can meet outwardly beautiful ladies, but, unfortunately, devoid of charm. Often they are just boring. Some say they like soap bubble, brilliant and beautiful, but this beauty does not reveal, does not play and does not enchant.

A charming lady has a natural charm, humor and kindness. She is pleasant in communication, there are many girlfriends, friends and admirers around her.

It should be remembered that beauty passes, but charm remains, because it is not associated with age. Women full of charm are always attractive, regardless of age, figure and other qualities. It may seem that the lady at first glance does not belong to the most beautiful. However, her charm and charm overshadows all external flaws.

Charm is the charm of a woman that attracts men like a magnet. This allows the girl to flirt, seduce and seduce. We can say that charm is a complex of qualities of a woman, consisting of character, mind and body. You must cherish the body, but do not forget to take care of the mind.

How to become charming and charismatic?

Charm is born when we are confident in ourselves, we know what we want. It can triumph over the people around us.

Often a charming smile captivates a man, but keeps him friendly character and cheerful disposition. Charm is the most powerful weapon in the battle of life. Therefore, it is worth shaping it in yourself so that it is natural and at the same time obvious.

What is femininity

Most of the stronger sex prefer ladies who exude femininity. To become charming woman, you have to learn it. Lightness, softness, tenderness, kindness, warmth are qualities that are highly valued. They evoke a caring instinct in guys. Communication with such a woman allows them to relax and escape from work and everyday problems, this better side their lives.

The guy wants to feel loved, he dreams of a woman like a mother who looked after him and loved him unconditionally, without demanding anything in return. Often men, when creating a family, think that everything will be the same as in the parental home.

Trust in relationships

Men want their girls to be honest, loving and caring.

They want to trust them and enjoy their trust. Such qualities are important in every person. Relationships are a refuge for people, a place of rest.

They want to feel safe, and it is due to mutual trust. Everyone loves to feel needed. Most of them want the girl to see them as a hero who can handle anything she can't handle on her own.

Intelligence and wisdom

Contrary to popular belief, men value intelligence in women. beautiful dolls great for entertainment, but poorly associated with a serious life partner. After all, life sometimes gives rise to various problems. Sometimes a person needs support or advice, help and care, and not stupid jokes, selfishness and misunderstanding.

Openness and directness

The stronger sex appreciates openness and directness in women. They avoid the stubborn and endlessly
ladies convinced of their rightness and infallibility. The fact is that very few of them can read the intentions of the girls, notice and understand their hints. And for some reason, women believe that they should be understood without words and are offended.

Many men simply accept what a girl says or does, they do not even know what she is thinking and experiencing. Thus, there is no chance that the guy will be able to correctly interpret the thoughts and hints of a woman, understand her intentions, in his perception "they don't know what they want".

). The article touched me, and led me to such thoughts - therefore, I present to you both the article itself and below my thoughts and experience on this topic.

Women's Charm

Many people want to acquire charm, but in fact, if you do not have it, then you have to start by changing your mindset. Let's see what steps we could take to acquire female charm.

To become charming, you need to constantly monitor yourself, your behavior, your actions, gestures, facial expressions, developing new qualities in yourself. To begin with, you need to visualize the very girl that you think is charming, possessing the very charm that you want to acquire. It could be a famous lady, or someone you know who you think is charming.

Charmseems to many to many completely inaccessible, like inner charisma, although both can be developed in oneself using willpower and certain efforts. It seems to some that only some lucky ones, minions of fate, possess it).

I sincerely believe that you are already charming, charming, but you just don’t know about it!!!

So what is charm? It is defined as follows: inexplicable pleasantness and attractiveness of a person, charm, charm. Charm magic.

All people at birth already receive a certain amount of attractiveness, charm, in order to attract others, charm them, attract them to themselves. Any woman produces a magical effect on her friends, beloved man, relatives. We are all so different, but equally experience pain or pleasure, basic human needs. And in each of us there is an inner magical power that others like, to a greater or lesser extent.

Why is it important for us to have female charm? Charm is incredibly important in life, as it allows us to connect with people much closer than just superficial weather talk and dreary exchange of pleasantries. You kind of "bribe" other people with your charm, enter into a deep connection with them and influence people. It also attracts the most different people- men, women, children. Being charming, you give people joy, delight, help to touch a completely different life.

In addition, the presence of female charm makes you very memorable for others.

So what steps can we take to become charming?

1. Look at everything with humor. Not everything should be taken seriously. Be funny, joyful carefree. Learn to laugh at yourself, at the situation you are in. Don't be a boring bore or too serious. Create a state of lightness around you.

2. Don't try to please everyone. And don't be upset because someone doesn't like you or doesn't feel good around you. The less you worry about these things, the more you will love yourself and show others how you feel about yourself. Just move on. Instead of thinking about what kind of impression you make and on whom, develop all those magical powers that you have. In any case, some people will discuss and discuss you, but life is too short to think about what they will think or say about you!!!

3. Communicate with people of your own energy level and higher. Follow your instincts. If you like to communicate with a person and you feel that your energy increases from this - communicate, and if vampires suck it out of you energetically - stay away from such people. Influence others with your feminine power and magic, develop it in yourself constantly. Do not put yourself above others, communicate sincerely, be a friend.

4. Always think positively. Ask yourself in a difficult situation such a question - what can I do right now to feel good, free, and glow with happiness. By the way - pessimists are not charming!!!

5. When communicating with others - just be present! Listen, make eye contact, be careful. Copy gestures, facial expressions to help the person relax. Lack of presence in the conversation - denies female charm.

6. It should be recognized and understood that there are only 2 types of charm and charisma. The first kind comes from focusing solely on other people. The second is solely from focusing on oneself. You can be a charismatic person who has the charm of focusing on yourself. Although those who focus on others have a special charm. For real charming woman can simply be, and not prove anything to anyone. She is confident in who she is and does not try to sell herself to you. Rather, one who focuses on others is recognized as charming. But those who focus on themselves also beckon us - they know how to create such conditions for us next to them that we want to be in their society as much and as long as possible.

Be aware of these two charms and choose yours wisely!

7. Be a child! Children have a lot of charm as they are innocent, adorable, carefree and don't care what anyone thinks of them. They are cheerful, adventurous, never sit still, they are energetic, and look at the world with wide eyes.

8. Love yourself for being a woman. And feel comfortable that you are a woman. Emphasize all that makes you a woman and be naturally feminine. It's okay if you play with your hair by twisting it around your finger, if you pout, bite your lips, twirl in your new skirt, admire your reflection in the mirror. It won't make you stupid or say that you have a head in the clouds, but will say that you are feminine and charming to others. If you make a mistake in front of everyone - don't worry - just go back, correct it and go forward again carrying yourself with the dignity of a true Lady who has female charm!

I am sure that many people have charm. In my opinion, these are: Barbara Streisant, Jennifer Lopez, Cate Blanchett, Scarlett Johansson, Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage, Anthony Hopkins, Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger, Hugh Jackman, Sean Connery, Jim Carrey, Irina Allegrova, Jasmine, Sati Casanova , Fedor Bondarchuk, Andrey Merzlikin, Anton Makarsky.

Do you agree with my list?

Maria is the creator of the Lada School of Femininity project.

Actually no, I don't agree with this list! Because I would name completely different people and I think that each of our readers will have their own! Therefore, the list will be supplemented and supplemented and will be very wide! :-)

Then I note, this list contains only actresses / actors and singers? Why is that? Why do we name them? And choose from their list of those who we like best?

Because we like the IMAGE they present to us. And whose image is more attractive to us or corresponds to our idea of ​​a Woman or a Man, about freedom, the way of life they live, about luxury or opportunities. We liked the image, for example, that this actor showed us about love, masculinity, for example, some of his external features that we like in men are added here - and he becomes attractive to us.

We do not know what they are outside the acting world - the world of fame and publicity! Yes, and this fades into the background, moreover, it often leads away from everyday reality - this is why we love cinema - because it embodies what we so strive for in life.

I know a very famous actor - he has a role - militants, bad men, difficult roles! I do not like this image, I do not watch such films! But in life he is a very cheerful, smiling person with a great sense of humor and in life it is much more pleasant to communicate with him!

We like some image - and we fall in love with it. Not in a specific person, but in the IMAGE that he presents to us! It often happens that in life we ​​fall in love not with a specific person, but with his image - with our idea of ​​him, and then we are disappointed (this just reflects the situation “I fell in love with him, but he turned out to be like that ...”.).

Therefore, for me, real charm is when the true image of a person and what he demonstrates to others coincide (as they say, what's inside, then outside). When a person acts from his inner being. When a person carries his true image through his life, actions. And when he knows how to show his inner beauty (and we are all beautiful, we have an amazing diverse world inside, it just seems to us that he is not like that, someone else has it better and we begin to distort it in every possible way, suppress it and try to make it somehow this does not add charm for sure), do not pinch it, but allow it to manifest itself.

In my opinion, female charm is directly related to the state when a woman is in harmony with herself - not even when she knows how to be herself, but when she already is SHE - unique, inimitable. She is aware of her uniqueness, her characteristics (both strengths and weaknesses) and lives in accordance with it! And then it doesn’t even matter how she looks, and even what she is wearing, she attracts, glows, and is so real, you know, there is a feeling that a person lives his own, full life, and such a living one !!! :-) I think that many are familiar with Svetlana Ermakova, the author of numerous books "How to be a husband / wife", "How to be happy woman”, which she writes in collaboration with her husband Leonid Zharov, etc. In my opinion, she has, despite her age (what is the expression “One must grow old with dignity, and, most importantly, that dignity does not grow old”), boundless charm. In my, of course, fastidious opinion! Your opinion may be completely different!

Maybe I have a strange opinion, but I don't really like actresses/actors. For the fact that their image, and often the model of behavior in public, does not coincide with the real them, the real ones. And this gap can be very large, when a person can get confused and not find where he is, he is real. He knows so many feelings, he can portray that he continues to play in life (I have come across this - on stage, a person is an amazing actor with such a velvety male voice, conveying, well, just shades of feelings, with his every gesture, but in life a person does not already understand who he). This can impose quite a lot of trauma on the mental component of a person.

And why else do we love the actresses that we have listed? For inner freedom! They are free internally to do what they like / want, as they want - they are free in their choice of self-expression. And how they know how to express their feelings - without embarrassment, without restrictions - as far as I can see, it is available only to a few! Sometimes it's hard for me to do it! But for me it’s a real pleasure to be myself, both alone with myself and with a man, and with people (that’s why I’m leading - which I do and strive to do as much as possible so that it helps a woman learn to freely, playfully express herself). And a free woman simply beckons, she is always different, she is natural, she can do anything! And it endows with boundless charm. Because many of us would like to be free as well. And I want it and strive too. But for the most part, freedom attracts, this freedom calls, do as I do, be like me - and you will succeed!

On this, by the way, advertising is built! Think they sell new phones beautiful cars, expensive cosmetics, no, they sell something completely different - status, dignity, desire to stand out, to be unique (the fact that having this particular thing you will feel exactly like that), luxury, self-confidence, beauty, femininity. See how they call! For example, an advertisement for Toyota, the sky, a landscape, a road, and the car itself drives there for just a few seconds. What are they selling? Not a car, there are many different ones, they sell freedom! That if you buy this particular car, then you will be free, you will feel and enjoy freedom! Is it so? Most women, using some expensive cosmetics, also subconsciously strive for femininity and beauty. But is this the only thing? See how cleverly they play on our needs! :-)

Charm - along with freedom - is mystique. In my opinion, charm is directly related to mystery, not feigned, but some secrets that excite thoughts and imagination. Something inaccessible and unknown is always attractive.

Remember gossip, most of us don't like it. But often curiosity takes over when someone says: but Mashka has this! No matter how we consider ourselves not gossips, but curiosity is already warmed up and you still want to know what it is? :-) This, in my opinion, follows from the law of evolution, when a person is drawn to learn everything unusual, unknown.

Therefore, if you add mystery to your image, it will give you charm. What could it be? It can be your unique way of communicating, the way you have dimples on your cheeks when you smile, one of the women has her inimitable profile when she looks away, someone adds to her speech special words, sounding unusual or to which the other person is sure to respond and remember. I have seen some women straighten their hair in an absolutely charming way, play with intonation, or be embarrassed in an indescribably charming way! Something non-standard, but peculiar to you, some kind of zest! Find her, beat her in an unusual way. Practice on your own! And take it out with people, i.e. when interacting with others, use it, just don't overdo it, let it be casual and natural - as if it were necessary.

This summer in Italy, I tried to completely immerse myself in an unusual and unusual environment for me. There was one a big problem for me, I speak very bad Italian. I understand that when a person speaks completely wrong, cannot convey and express what he wants to say in a language that is native to another, it eventually begins to annoy, anger and it becomes unpleasant. And I learned Italian completely on my own and I understand quite tolerably, but I can’t speak - it’s still difficult for me. And then, in order not to cause irritation when communicating with men, I came up with this image - let me be a mysterious foreigner who is trying to pronounce Italian sentences in her usual manner. A slightly guilty look that they say I can’t, a little begging and confused - help me, teach me. With a slight half-smile, with a share of fun. It worked 100% (although a few years ago I was holding back, I was ashamed that I pronounce it so badly, I don’t speak perfectly, etc.). All evening we laughed, had fun and taught me how to pronounce words correctly, patiently listened to my attempts and complimented me as I pronounce them charmingly. Although a friend was sitting next to me - and everything that she did not speak Italian (and she speaks well, unlike me), caused irritation, no matter how hard I tried to include her in the conversation and smooth out all the sharp moments. This is how a disadvantage can be turned into a virtue. This is how I train myself and I advise you not to make a drama out of your shortcomings.

And in general, treat yourself as a kind of mystery, a riddle that needs to be unraveled (even, for example, when I’m afraid to do something new, I don’t persuade myself, I don’t try to cast aside fear, but I treat it as a mysterious journey, what of it will turn out, which I don’t know about myself yet, what new ability I will reveal, what experience I will get?), then believe me, you will turn out to be much more attractive, and most importantly, more attractive in the eyes of other people.

By the way, you can also treat other people, especially those close to you, those with whom you have been living for a long time and you seem to know well - you can also treat them as a mystery and a riddle. Because in a person, as a rule, you know a set of habitual patterns of behavior and reactions that both we and this other person demonstrate within the framework of habitual, everyday activities - actions - life. But what if you go beyond the ordinary? (It’s not for nothing that they say that a person is an infinite Universe, and even if we say that we know a person as plastered over, this is far from the case!) And play a little, simulate new situations, surprises, but do it carefully, taking into account the peculiarities the nature of their beloved men and especially perception. This is my favorite feature, I love men to reveal to them their real, not familiar (for this they also hate me, so be careful with the soul of another person) stereotypes about men, for example, men don’t cry, men should be strong, men don’t give flowers, etc. etc. It breaks the usual patterns of thinking and, at least, arouses interest. For a person, it is important to recognize yourself, especially if it caused admiration in the eyes of others, so if you open a new man to your man, he will be at a loss, amazement, will get a taste and will consider you a wonder of the world.

Charm is associated with self-esteem, when a woman carries herself like the greatest jewel - and feels like that from the inside! But we will discuss this in future issues.

Do you feel charming? How is it expressed outwardly? What are your specialties, highlights? - Write, we will discuss on the pages of our mailing list!

With love, gratitude to each of you, Evgenia -! (I would be grateful if you post this article somewhere with a link to our feminine site).

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