How to make a beautiful ponytail: with backcombing, without backcombing, for long, short and medium-length hair (photo, video)? Braid - fishtail? Easily! Step-by-step diagrams and photo gallery of hairstyle ideas How to weave a fishtail: step-by-step instructions with photos for beginners, and so on.

Of all the types of braids, fishtail is considered the most popular because it is easy to do at home even for yourself, it looks great, captures all the hair and is suitable for both everyday wear and evening events. The name comes from its external resemblance to fish fins. Therefore, the Little Mermaid could well have had this kind of weaving.

Unfortunately, a fishtail hairstyle will not work on short hair, but any other length will be decorated with styling in the center or to the side. Especially if you add a stylish accessory to your hair.

Step-by-step instructions: how to weave a fishtail

Women's braids always attract men's attention. Even simple weaving, which you can do yourself, magically enchants and makes the image unforgettable.

The fact that the girl knows how to do various weavings shows that she takes care of herself and can easily pass on her skills to her little daughter. Therefore, even if you have short hair, it is important to learn how to weave a fishtail so that your child will be the best in kindergarten or school.

To braid, you will need a massage comb with bristles made of natural material, a securing accessory (hairpin, elastic band, ribbon, hairpins), water or hair spray for easy combing of the strands.

  1. Before you start braiding, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. To prevent them from getting frizzy and electrified, it is important not to forget to treat the strands with water, mousse or spray. Moisturizing will also give your hair shine and shine.
  2. All hair should be combed back and in the area of ​​each temple, select one strand, no more than 2.5 cm thick.
  3. The strands that were selected in the temporal zone need to be crossed among themselves at the back of the head, placing the right one on top of the left one.
  4. The crossed strands should be left in one hand, and in the meantime, select the next strand of the same size with the other. The new left strand needs to be crossed with the previous right one so that it is on top, and the entire structure must be pressed to the head with your hand.
  5. With your free hand, select a new strand from the opposite side and cross it on top with the already braided strand.
  6. Continue manipulating, adding new strands from opposite sides until the end of the braid.
  7. Secure the fishtail with a hairpin or elastic band.

Advice! To make your hair look neat and not disheveled, you need to moisten your hair with water or mousse before starting to braid. When choosing special preparations, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you may get the effect of a “dirty head”.

Who is this hairstyle suitable for?

Despite the fact that the fishtail hairstyle is considered universal and suitable for any event, there are still some limitations. For example, girls with short hair simply will not be able to weave because there is not enough length.

Those with chic curly locks will have to straighten their strands with an iron to get an elegant, beautiful braid. If you do not want to damage your hair due to exposure to hot temperatures, it is better to choose another styling option.

Braiding looks great on highlighted hair. It looks voluminous and chic. Schoolgirls can be offered the option of using special colored crayons that will decorate the braid and make it lively and bright.

Pulled back hair does not suit a girl who has poorly defined cheekbones on a narrow, angular face. In this case, it is better to choose loose, voluminous styles. It is also recommended to hide ugly ears behind thick hair.

If a girl has thin hair, it is better not to focus on it. Having gathered them into a ponytail, it is immediately obvious that the strands are hard and thin. This does not add any attractiveness to the image, but is reminiscent of the main character of the book Pippi Longstocking.

A fishtail is ideal for a round to slightly square face shape. Hair should be long, straight, thick and slightly coarse.

When choosing a hairstyle, you can follow the example of the stars. For example, it is better to start a fishtail with a ponytail. If you pull it very tight, you get a Croydon brace. It allows you to quickly correct the shape of your face without surgery. Kate Moss often resorts to this trick.

Advice! To highlight your femininity, always experiment with your hairstyles. Men are attracted to beautiful, well-groomed hair in different styles.

How to weave yourself: instructions

It is very difficult to braid a fishtail yourself, starting from the top of your head. Therefore, it is better to choose a simplified option, when weaving begins from the beginning of a pre-assembled ponytail. For your hairstyle, you need to prepare a comb, an elastic band and a mirror (preferably two).

Before you start braiding, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. They don't have to be clean. If you washed your hair yesterday, that's even better. This makes the hair more manageable, easier to style and straighten. It is better to straighten the curls with an iron, because it will be difficult to braid them into a neat braid. To make styling look neat, stylists recommend spraying your hair with thermal water or moisturizing spray.

After the preparatory procedures, you can begin weaving. To do it, you need to divide all the hair into two identical parts and separate a bunch of hair from the outer edge of the left strand, throw it on top of the main part in the middle and connect it with the right strand.

Next, the same manipulation is done in mirror image with the right strand. A small curl is separated from the outer edge of the right strand, brought to the center over the top and added to the left side of the hair. The weaving is repeated identically until the fish tail ends.

The end of the braid is secured with an elastic band or a hairpin. To make the hairstyle neat and durable, fix it with varnish, but first correct and straighten all the strands.

Advice! You can decorate a fishtail and emphasize your femininity with any stylish accessory. In 2016, it is fashionable to use chains, various types of zippers, ribbons and even feathers. The main thing is not to be afraid experiment.

The simplest version of a fishtail for weaving yourself is a side one. It is suitable for long and medium hair for daily wear. For example, for going to school, university, office - an excellent option.

To braid the braid on the side, you need to prepare a comb and an elastic band. Any accessories, even a headband, are suitable for an original design.

  1. Step one. You need to comb your washed, dry hair well and decide which side the braid will be on. For training, we’ll take the right side, but in general the location doesn’t matter. You need to comb your hair to the right and pick up strands from the left, twisting them upward so that the free side looks beautiful.
  2. Step two. Along the back of the head, you need to twist the hair into a flagellum to create an edging of the styling and one of the strands for the side fishtail. On the right side, starting from the temple, you also need to twist the side strands into flagella. As a result, there will be twisted strands on both sides of the head, ready for weaving.
  3. Step three. After shaping the occipital area, you need to start braiding. To do this, a thin strand is selected from the right side and thrown to the left. Then vice versa, left to right. Manipulation continues until the end of the braid. The same width of strands is the key to success.
  4. Step four. Secure the fishtail with an elastic band and decorate the braid with hairpins, glitter, flowers and other accessories after stretching and straightening the strands to create volume in the hairstyle.

Advice! When performing the classic version of a fishtail, it is important to monitor the size of the strand. Only the same thickness allows you to create the desired effect. It is also important that the goat is braided loosely at the top and compacted and ends tightly at the bottom.

Classic fishtail: new vision

The fishtail is a hairstyle that has been around for decades. Therefore, fashionistas have stylized its classic version and use the braiding technique to create new beautiful hairstyles. Here are some options:

  • The fish tail around the head in the shape of a wreath goes perfectly with the image of the Greek goddess. The main thing is not to tighten the strands too much. You want them to look naughty and eccentric. The braiding needs to start from the temple on one side and end on the other so that the braid completely wraps around the face.

  • You can create a romantic, playful look using two braids braided using the fishtail technique. To create a hairstyle, you need to make an even parting and make two identical sections on both sides of the head. When they meet, they can be combined into one or both can be left to fall over the shoulders.
  • A fishtail with feigned negligence looks very harmonious and natural. To do this, you need to backcomb the hair before starting weaving, and then do not pull the strands tightly. Volume guaranteed.

  • Curly-haired girls are recommended to weave two fishtails from the temples and join them at the back of the head into one. The strands need to be pulled out a little to get the lace effect. An excellent option for a wedding hairstyle if you decorate it with rhinestones or delicate flowers.
  • A fishtail with constrictions looks impressive. To do this, you need to start braiding the braid from the top of the head, not capturing all the hair, but only the central curls. And from the side strands that remain, select free tails at certain intervals and weave them in. Suitable for long hair, as the constrictions look more beautiful if there are several of them.

Advice! If you have a lot of patience and free time, experiment. After all, you can braid not only 1-2 fish tails. From 5-10 weaves you can create unique unique hairstyles.

Braided hairstyles

When you have learned how to quickly braid a fishtail yourself, or even several, you can begin to create more complex designs. Hairstyles with braids are even more in demand than braids alone. It’s difficult to do them yourself without help, but you can create masterpieces on the head of your daughter, mother or friend who will not forget to thank you.

The fishtail braid is braided from several strands at the temple and woven into the ponytail. Step 3-4

Among the hairstyles with a fishtail, we highlight the following options:

  • Zigzag braid. The diagonal weaving begins from the temple, in the center of the back of the head it sharply changes its trajectory and weaves in the opposite direction.
  • Two braids, woven at the temples, need to be intertwined and secured in the form of a ball at the back of the head. You will get an original flower. If you relax the strands, the lace will look like petals.

Fishtail combined with loose hair. Step 3-4 Variation of the malvinka with a fishtail braid. Step 1-2
Variation of the malvinka with a fishtail braid. Step 3-4 Two braids are woven into a ponytail
  • Adds unusualness and texture hair highlighting.
  • By combining a classic French braid with a fishtail, you get the wrong side of our weaving, which also looks quite interesting and unusual.

Advice! The classic fishtail goes perfectly with any clothing style or look. It can be created for any event. The main thing is not to forget about accessories. They will add sophistication, romance or lightness and playfulness to your hairstyle.

Hair braids are now gaining popularity again. And not in vain. With their help you can create chic, attractive hairstyles for all occasions. Now there are about 50 braiding techniques for different hair lengths. But among them, a very interesting technique remains in the leading position in terms of beauty - fish tail.

Creating this hairstyle is a must-have skill for those who follow fashion. And within the framework of this article, we will look at how to weave a fishtail for yourself using the easiest techniques.

This is what classic fishnetwork looks like.

Benefits of fish weaving

You can weave your hair with your own hands without the help of specialists.

This method of creating braids, in addition to its stunning appearance, has many advantages. Their list is as follows:

  • can be braided on almost any type of hair (wavy, straight, curly, thin, thick, and so on);
  • goes harmoniously with many head accessories;
  • allows you to create completely different images in all kinds of styles, as it has many variations, which expands the range of possibilities and fantasies;
  • looks equally beautiful on any color, even the most fashionable and unusual;
  • suitable for any type of clothing (from classic to casual style);
  • can be combined with tails, other types of weaving, such as plaits and others;
  • helps to collect both part and the entire mass of hair if desired.

Step by step creation of a beautiful fashionable hairstyle for medium hair.

PLEASE NOTE! Many people are interested in whether the fishtail braiding technique is suitable for short hair? Yes, of course, this technique, like other methods, can be used at this length. However, provided that the hair length is at least 10 cm. Read more about this in another article.

But one of the main advantages of this weaving is the ability to do it yourself, without turning to specialists in salons. This is especially important for those individuals who do not have a lot of extra time or do not want to waste their budget.

After all, to learn this technique, you just need to practice a little. Well, the diagram below will help you observe the correct order of the strands in this process.

A pike tail braid looks great even on the most unusual hair color, adding its own twist to the look.

Varieties of fishtail

No less attractive is the fact that you can weave a “pike” braid in different ways. And in any case, she will look beautiful, fashionable and unusual.

Tight option

A pike tail braid created using a tight braiding technique.

A special feature of this braid is the tight weaving technique of the strands. Due to this, the drawing is clear, textured and neat. But this is provided that the working strands are selected to be of strictly the same width. This is the key to beautifully creating such a braid.

Volumetric option

With the help of purl weaving you can achieve volume even on very thin hair.

To achieve greater volume, the fishtail is woven using the purl method. That is, the strands in this process do not overlap each other, but, as it were, are tucked under each working element. And the looser the braid is braided, the more massive it will look. You can get even more volume if you weave thicker rather than thin strands.

At the same time, it is not necessary to adhere to strict accuracy in this technique, since careless parts will not spoil the appearance of the braid. In some styles, for example “Boho”, even deliberate dishevelment is deliberately used.

Openwork option

A variant of an interesting hairstyle created on the basis of an openwork fish braid.

This braid can be created in both the traditional and reverse ways. Its peculiarity lies in the beautifully pulled out loops after weaving. You can also achieve an openwork effect if, after completion, grab the ends of the pigtail and pull the entire structure up, and then carefully straighten it.

NOTE! An openwork fishtail is more suitable for evening and holiday hairstyles. For daily wear, they usually choose a traditional or voluminous option.

A beautiful hairstyle with elements of openwork weaving using the pike tail method.

This described the features and subtleties of various ways to create a fishtail. Well, now the time has come to directly study how a fishtail braid is woven. Read the instructions and go for it!

Description of how to weave a fishtail

If we discuss in detail the question of how a fishtail braid is woven, then this is done using several techniques. The 4-strand method is considered the most labor-intensive and more complex. For beginners, the other 2 methods are suitable.

NOTE! It's easier to start learning how to create fishtail braids if you first collect your hair with an elastic band. This will prevent the strands from falling apart. Once you gain a certain skill, you can already make braids on loose hair.

The process of creating a pigtail from a ponytail.

As for the direction, a fishtail, regardless of the method, can weave:

  • vertical;
  • horizontally;
  • asymmetrical;
  • diagonally;
  • zigzag;
  • around the circumference.

IMPORTANT! You should decide on one or another direction option in advance before weaving, since the final result and the appearance of the hairstyle as a whole will depend on this.

2-strand braiding

Step-by-step diagram of weaving a fish braid by dividing the hair into 2 strands.

This fishtail technique is considered the easiest to perform. Relative simplicity is achieved thanks to two guide strands, which help in this process not to make mistakes.

As for the instructions, weaving a fishtail braid step by step using this method includes the following steps:

  1. Before the process of creating a hairstyle, the curls can be treated with mousse. This will give them obedience and prevent them from falling out of your hands.
  2. Depending on the desired hairstyle (braid on the side, on the back of the head, on top, around the circumference), you should select 2 (guide) main uniform and fairly wide strands in the place where you plan to start weaving.
  3. Next, an additional strand is selected from any of the outer sides of the remaining mass of hair. It needs to be thrown to the opposite side, then attached to the guide element located in this area.
  4. Afterwards, a strand is again selected from the outer area at the place where the additional curl has just been attached to the main guide part of the hair. Then, in the same way, it is added to the other opposite working guide.
  5. The entire weaving technique is carried out using the steps described above until the braid is woven to the desired location.
  6. The ends (again, depending on the hairstyle) are folded under the hair and secured with an elastic band. Or, using bobby pins and hairpins, you can make a beautiful design in the shape of a flower.

The fishtail braid goes well with any weave, for example, as in the photo - with the traditional version.

NOTE! If weaving is done on a tail gathered into an elastic band, it is divided into 2 guide elements. Additional strands are selected directly from each of them.

Braiding without dividing hair into parts

Without dividing the strands into working elements, the fishtail braid (the braiding pattern with the photo is shown below) is braided similarly to the previous technique. However, this method is suitable for those who already have the skill. After all, without clear guidelines, it is not easy to create a beautiful braid the first time, each time evenly selecting the woven strands on the sides.

How to make a braid without dividing your hair into strands.

The instructions and technique for weaving a fishtail braid using this method consists of the following steps:

  1. First, the entire mass of hair is combed towards itself.
  2. Next, a working strand is selected from each side, and then they cross each other. In this case, you should make sure that they are the same width.
  3. Then, holding the hair with one hand by pressing it to the head, for example, on the right, the opposite hand again selects a strand on the same side.
  4. Next, you need to throw it to the right, grabbing it and attaching it to the total mass of hair with the same hand.
  5. Using a similar technique, the entire fishtail braid is braided by alternately grabbing strands, then tossing them over and attaching them to the hair located in opposite parts of the head. Any direction of weaving can be chosen. It directly depends on what kind of fishtail hairstyle you want to get.

Examples of fishtail hairstyles

Another option for an attractive hairstyle based on fishtail braiding.

Using this weave, you can create a huge variety of hairstyles. It has no limitations, unless your own imagination simply runs out. And if this happens, taking the options below as a basis, it will be easier to come up with some kind of masterpiece on your head again, emphasizing your subtle and harmonious taste and image as a whole.

Side option

If you braid the side braid a little casually, you will get an interesting hairstyle.

This hairstyle is suitable for all occasions, as it goes well with any clothes and makeup. It is neat and attractive, so it will be relevant for both holidays and everyday life.

"Fish" braid from the forehead

Fishtail braid with a braiding pattern from the forehead.

This type of installation is very conservative. It will be an ideal choice for everyday visits to work or business meetings. It is also convenient to wear for girls of both kindergarten and school age.


Hairstyle "malvinka" based on "fish" weaving.

This is the best option for romantic people. It is ideal for a youth party, corporate event or, for example, a birthday. This weaving combines beautifully with ribbons, and then you can achieve an even more original look.

Fishtail braid headbands look great and are back in fashion.

This is another beautiful romantic example for lovers of something unusual and extraordinary. This fishtail hairstyle looks not only feminine, but also very stylish. Its variations are coming back into fashion.

Layering of openwork “fish” braids

Step-by-step creation of a fashionable hairstyle from openwork fishtails.

If you want to get an elegant, unusually beautiful look, then this hairstyle is the best choice. It can even be used for one of the most significant events in life - an anniversary or wedding.

To do this, after creating it, you just need to decorate your hair with an elegant hairpin or other similar accessory. Well, it itself is done very simply and quickly. This can be seen from the step-by-step photos attached above.


If you still don’t quite understand how a fish tail weaves, the video in this article should certainly help. After all, for some, a visual aid in action is more effective than written instructions with a photo.

You look at photographs of celebrities and see gorgeous, voluminous braids with huge links that look like a fish tail.

What kind of fishtail braid is this and how to weave it?
I really want to not only weave it, but also use it in different hairstyles, for example, around the head, at an angle, or in a twist.

Having mastered this type of weaving, the range of hairstyles will greatly expand, and your envious people will immediately notice the new hairstyle. Those who do not know this method will ask to show it or teach them, which will allow them to become more popular and make new friends.

Do you want to do it quickly, both on a friend and on yourself? In a matter of minutes in the morning and quickly before school or work, so that you have more time to get ready?

But it looks so impressive that I can’t even believe that an ordinary person, and not just a master, can do it. You will master the technique right now for free, all you have to do is train to bring the weaving option to automaticity.

how to braid a spikelet for a child step by step instructions photo

Let's discuss it for ourselves.

Try to find 5 differences in these fishtail and spikelet braids. You will be very surprised by the result.

For a beautiful and tight braid, it is very important to know how to cut the ends yourself at home with the help of training videos, which is described in detail.

It will also be useful for you to know how to weave a braid from ponytails with elastic bands, described step by step.

The fishtail braid is another hairstyle that is a variation of the French braid. For those who want to learn how to weave for the first time, we recommend looking at the diagram, photo instructions and video tutorials.

All 3 sources of information will help you quickly and easily weave a fishtail (spikelet) on a model and on yourself.

To learn as quickly as possible, look at the photo and diagram, then select the desired fish tail option and read the description and watch the video.

If any point is not clear, take the moment back and review it again. Pay special attention to the placement of your hands and separation of strands.

We prepare the hair as for any braiding. If they become electrified or fluffy, spray them with water from a spray.

+ and - weaving:


  • easy to implement;
  • goes perfectly with any other hairstyle: ponytail, bun, French braid, shell, crown, bun;
  • soft and pliable braid, which allows it to be laid in any desired direction;
  • it is easy to braid, as there is no need to study complex instructions;
  • Suitable for thick and thin hair due to its volume;
  • It’s easy to make such a braid voluminous in a matter of seconds;
  • it has no age, so it is woven independently or in combination for little girls and young ladies over 50.

Cons: It will be difficult for beginners to braid it all over their heads and make a beautiful beginning, since doing it for the first time their hands get tired very quickly.

Advice: To cope with all the disadvantages, do your first weaving on a model, so that your hands remember the weaving, and your eyes remember the exact sequence of actions. So after several dozen braids, you will braid yourself a perfect fishtail.

5 options

They should be disassembled before weaving begins:

  • classical;
  • vice versa or reverse (we take external or internal strands, place the strands under or on the braid);
  • double;
  • from rubber bands;
  • other variations based on the classic.

When weaving by yourself or on your own:

What could a fishtail look like?

What beginning your spikelet will have depends on the chosen hairstyle and your desire. Look at the list below, we tried to take into account all the options.
The fish tail weaves:

  • from the tail or collected hair (on the back of the head, crown);
  • from the temporal region and along the side;
  • all over the head starting from the forehead;
  • on the side of the head, around;
  • from part of the hair on the top of the head;
  • from the temple and obliquely it goes across the entire head, smoothly descending downwards.

In the photo above, you see several options at once and the main problem is the lack of a beautiful beginning if you weave using the classic method, as well as when switching from weaving from back to side.

Advice: Start with a regular 3-strand braid and then move on to a fishtail.

To ensure a beautiful transition when braiding a fishtail on the back of your head without any breaks, braid from behind until you reach neck level or immediately move all your hair to the side and only then braid or ask your loved ones for help.

How to carefully start weaving from the beginning of the head?

Lightly sprinkle the prepared hair with some water or gel to prevent frizz, then select a strand of hair where we will begin weaving.

1 method

We divide the selected strand into 3 parts and begin weaving a classic French braid. The right strand on the central and the left strand on the central, making 2 braids, fold 2 strands into 1 and then continue weaving the fishtail braid.

Method 2

We divide the selected strand into 3 parts, transfer the right strand to the central one and connect 2 strands into 1, then continue weaving with 2 strands.

The beginning of the reverse

Select a strand of hair and divide it into 3 strands.

Make 3 braids, the right strand under the central one, the left strand under the central one.
Then we connect 2 strands into one, i.e. the result is right strand 1.
From the edge of the right strand, select a thin strand and place it on the left under the bottom and add a tie from the loose hair.

Braid 8-10 cm and then begin to pull out the strands to add volume.

The secret of clean braiding: pour the mousse into a container, take a small amount of it onto the sharp tip of a comb and run it along the links of the braid, this will result in a cleaner and more accurate braiding, and the protruding ends will be hidden by sticking to the braid. We collect the mousse a little at a time, because... it melts quickly.

Do everything strictly according to the instructions described, because... The mousse scooped into your hand quickly melts, and when applied with your fingers, your hair will stick to your hands.

How to weave a fishtail: step-by-step instructions with photos for beginners, as well as a video and diagram

Prepare for work: wax, 2 combs - a brush and one with a thin tip for separating strands, an elastic band for tying a braid, varnish.

Have your model sit down and ask her to tilt her head back slightly. The level of her head should be comfortable for your arms and torso, so that while standing you do not have to bend or stretch - this will lead to rapid fatigue and discomfort.

The second option is to sit on a sofa or chair, and place the model at your knees, so that you feel comfortable.

First comb your hair and lightly treat it with wax or some water for your child.

  1. To make the braiding beautiful and neat, divide the hair so as to separate a rectangle
    in the middle of the head. Divide the selected strand into 2 equal parts. In this case, we divide the left one into 2 parts. You should get 3 strands of photo 1.
  2. Divide the selected strand at the forehead into two equal parts. If your model has bangs, highlight them as desired.
  3. Divide the left side in half again. You have 2 small ones in your left hand and 1 large one in your right hand in photo 2.
    We hold two strands with our left hand like this: the index and thumb hold the outer one, and the middle ring and little fingers. We hold the large left strand with our whole hand.
  4. We place the right strand on the middle one and transfer it to the left hand; with the right hand, using the index finger and thumb, we clamp these two strands at the intersection.
  5. We place the left strand on the middle one and transfer it to the right hand, in the right hand we hold 2 strands.

    As a result, you should get 2 equal strands, from which we will weave.

  6. Place your left hand under the strand, and your index finger under the braid; your thumb holds the place of the weave, preventing it from unraveling.

  7. With your right hand, use your index finger to separate a strand of hair and transfer it to the left strand, while pinching it with the middle finger of your left hand. The separated strand is narrow, and the pick-up is exactly the same.

    We add a lift, apply it using the tip of a comb or index finger, but in the second case it will not turn out so even and thin. Comb the scoop well; if hairs stick out here and there, smooth them out with gel.

  8. We take the right strand in our right hand, while holding our grip. Similarly, use your left index finger to separate a small strand, only on the left. In this case, the right hand is positioned like this: the index finger is under the braid, and the thumb is at the place of weaving. We release the left strand and transfer the separated part to the right hand, similarly we make a pick-up and place it on the middle finger for gripping.
  9. Then we repeat the steps in the same way. Working with 2 strands. Photo 4 - we take a part of the strand and grab it, positioning our hands and fingers as we pick up the separated strand, photo 5 - we took the grab and laid it on top of the separated strand. Photo 7 is holding the strand after weaving the right strand. 8 is working with the left strand, laying part of the strand on top.
  10. The main strand is flat; separation occurs from the main strands only along the edge.

  11. Having reached the top of your head, your braid will begin to overtake the hooks, i.e. the braid is on the top of the head, and take the tiebacks below the level of the braid, then take the tiebacks not from the edge of the hair, but a little closer to the braid, leaving the front part of the curls untouched.
  12. Thus, it is necessary to braid the braid to the level of our last pick-up. Make sure that the braid turns out neat, to do this, comb it and bring the tiebacks exclusively to the braid, not lower.
  13. When the braid is level with the level of the hooks, now we again take strands from the very edge of the hair growth.
  14. We continue to weave the braid to the very bottom, while strictly repeating the shape of the head, making the braid close to the head.

    We pull the tie-backs well towards the head, thereby avoiding rapid “loosening” of the hair.

    It’s quite simple to check this, look at the lower strands where there are tiebacks, there should be no hanging strands there, everything exactly follows the shape of the head.

  15. The hooks are finished, we weave only from 2 strands, separating parts from the edges and moving them to the opposite part.
  16. Separating the strands at the edges makes the braid pattern the same on both sides.

  17. So we braid the fishtail to the end and tie it with an elastic band. Using a comb, lightly smooth out the unevenness; do not set the teeth deeply, but place them at an angle. Then we find the places where there are roosters and, placing a sharp tip at the hair growth, draw it under the hair, not deep to the braid. The roosters are cleaning up. Spray with varnish.
  18. Use varnish to create a cloud at a distance of 30-40 centimeters. Spraying it point-blank will make your hair look sticky and dirty.

Step-by-step instructions with explanations in video format for beginners and experienced craftswomen:

Learning to weave a classic version on a model from a tail

On model with grab handles

To the child

To myself

You don’t always want to ask someone to braid you or have the opportunity, but your hands are always with you and they are ready to help you, you just need to teach them a little to perform simple step-by-step movements.

How and what?

Prepare: 2 mirrors so that they stand opposite each other, or a dressing table, a comb with a thin tip or paste, and a hair elastic.

It is important to place mirrors so that you can see your weaving in progress, so you can remove the cocks or align the weaving.

Stand in a comfortable position and comb your curls, then raise your hands up and take them in your hands touching your head.

Pay attention to the photos, they are step by step so that you can see what is happening behind you when you weave.

Video on how to braid a fishtail braid for yourself:

How to do it on the side?

  1. Comb your hair and divide it into two equal strands.
  2. Move all your hair to either side.
  3. Holding both strands in your hands, use your index finger to separate a thin curl from the edge of the strand and transfer it to the second one.
  4. We repeat the operation on the left side.
  5. It needs to be repeated for understanding. Separate, shift, grab, separate, shift, grab.
  6. Separate on the right, rearrange, separate on the left, rearrange. So, repeat until the end of the braid, tie the ponytail with an elastic band or a hairpin.

On myself

Second option starting at the temple

With grabs all over your head

    When the braiding goes from the forehead to the back of the head, this continues until the end of the braid.

    Ties are made from the sides of the head, and not separated from separated strands.

    So we repeat the operations until the end of the braid, tie it with an elastic band.

Secret: The thinner the strands and the same thickness, the more beautiful and uniform your braid. Thin curls will make it longer, and thick curls will make it look like a French braid.

Wearing a classic all over the head with tiebacks

With rubber bands

To create this hairstyle you will need: rubber bands, a comb with a thin tip, medium-length or long hair.

  1. Comb your curls thoroughly. Select a strand from the forehead and tie a ponytail using an elastic band. Turn it out. Lightly pull up by pulling the 2 parts of the tail.
  2. We do the stretches in rows so that they are separated and look like a fish tail.

  3. Separate the tiebacks on both sides using your fingers or the thin end of a comb. Assemble them together with the previous one and also turn them out, stretching it around its axis. We pull it up. Then we slightly stretch the side parts along the strands, giving it the appearance of a fish tail.
  4. We repeat: collect the tail, add a tie, tie the tail, turn it inside out, stretch it.
  5. We repeat this up to the neck. At this point we repeat in the same way, but without grabs.
  6. The braid lasts a long time, although the impression of lightness, airiness and carelessness is created, but it is deceptive. All day long, even for an active child, it looks as if it was done not long ago.

  7. Having reached the very last section, tie it and turn it inside out. We straighten the previous strands, giving them more volume and showiness.

On the contrary: description, photo, diagram of itself and on the model

The difference between the reverse fishtail is in the laying of the strands, we put them under the bottom, i.e. It turns out that the braid appears under our strands.

This is very clearly visible in the video, so look at the weaving option on the model, you can see it better there than on yourself.

To weave a reverse fishtail braid, prepare: a comb, rubber bands, and spray water.

Step-by-step video from Sveta Rash on how to weave a reverse fishtail braid on yourself:

Option on model:

Wearing a reverse fishtail with hooks

Model wears reverse fishtail

Double fishtail

  1. When we separate the strands and move them along both the inner and outer parts of the braid.
  2. A braid with strands released, i.e. you are weaving a spikelet, from each strand I release one narrow strand. Shifts happen exactly the same way.
  3. We braid the remaining free strands into another French braid or spikelet.

Double fishtail braid

An unusual version of the double fishtail

How to make a voluminous fishtail braid?

  1. in this article.
  2. Pull out the strands, moving from bottom to top, giving some dishevelment to the braid and volume at the same time.
  3. The thinner the strands of your braid, the thicker it becomes and the more links it has, and the longer it will be.

Hairstyle options with fishtail braiding

  • From the tail photo + video.
  • From an inverted tail.
  • Fishtail on the sides of the head + collected in a common braid from Lily Moon.
  • Fishtail basket all over the head.
  • Fishtail turning into a bun.
  • A fishtail is a headband with loose or gathered hair.
  • Fishtail hairstyles

    Malvinka with braiding for short and medium lengths

    A braiding option that will please those with short and shoulder-length hair. Even beginners can try the magic of this weaving and create a beautiful hairstyle on their own. 5 minutes are enough to go to work, school or kindergarten with a new hairstyle. Let's get started!

  1. Comb your curls thoroughly. Separate a strand of hair in the area above the forehead. If you have bangs, let them out.
  2. Divide the strand into 2 parts. Separate a strand of stripes from the left outer side with your index finger and transfer it to the right strand in your right hand.
  3. Separate a part from the right strand and attach it to the left, transferring it to your left hand.
  4. We begin to add tiebacks, but we do not do this all over the head, but only at the base of the hair growth near the face. We place the left tie on the right strand, separating the tie on the right and place it on the left strand.
  5. Weaving occurs only due to tacks, pay attention to this.

  6. As you can see in our weaving process, we only use 2 strands; we always place the highlighted strand on the opposite side. Repeat braiding to the crown area or desired length.
  7. Having reached the area behind the ears, weave without hooks, i.e. separating part of the strand from the main strands and transferring it to the opposite one. It sounds like this: separate a part from the right strand and transfer it to the left, separate a part from the edge of the left strand and transfer it to the right.
  8. Having made several links, secure the braid with a thin elastic band, carefully comb the ponytail and pull the braid up, moving it away from the elastic band, and lightly pulling the strands from the braid to give it volume. If desired, braid the braid to the end and tie it there with an elastic band.

Tutorial video on creating a fishtail hairstyle for short and medium length hair:

The video teaches in detail how to braid a fishtail and make it with free links:

Fishtail with large sections

  1. Separate a strand of hair on the crown by running your fingers from the temples to the crown.
  2. Gather all the separated upper hair and begin to weave a fishtail, separating the strand from the edge and transferring it to the opposite strand. We separate a strand from the right side and transfer it to the left, separate it from the left strand and transfer it to the right. Try to take strands of the same size.
  3. Having done this 5-6 bindings, hold the braid in your hand and slowly stretch the links in different directions, giving them volume.
  4. Why can’t you stretch the strands after you’ve already braided the entire braid? Because the braid will not be uniform and it will be difficult to pull out the strands; then you will have to move not from top to bottom, but only from below, which is not very convenient.

  5. We repeat this way by weaving 5-6 links without stretching, then 5 more links and stretching. If desired, make the areas with stretched links larger or smaller, more often. Experiment with which option you like best.
  6. Make sure that the stretched strands and the braid itself are symmetrical so that it turns out even.

  7. So we continue to weave until the end of the braid, simultaneously stretching the strands. When you get to the end, tie it with an elastic band that matches your hair.

Mega volume

  1. Separate a strand in the middle of your head and divide it into 3 strands. We perform one braid, fold 2 strands into one and then continue weaving from 2 strands.
  2. We separate a thin strand and it goes to the opposite side, select it with the index finger, transfer it and pick it up with the middle finger of the second hand. It's a reverse fishtail, but we braid the braid itself inward, and we make grabs under the braid.
  3. Separate a strand of hair from the braid, transfer it to the opposite one, take a grab and transfer it to the opposite strand under the bottom, under the braid. We hold the braid itself at the place of weaving with our thumb and forefinger so that it does not fall apart.
  4. Make 5-8 loops and pull out the links. It is important to not pull out all the links, but at intervals, this will make it more impressive and voluminous. The result of this weaving is that the links are not elongated, slightly elongated and very large.
  5. So with tiebacks we weave to the back of the head, make sure that the spikelet is close to the head, repeating its shape. Then we weave without grabs, similarly pulling out the strands in a chaotic manner, making intervals.
  6. Make a herringbone or butterfly shape from the released links by adjusting the stretch.

  7. Tie it with an elastic band, when you reach the end, hide it simply by wrapping it with a strand and securing it at the back with a bobby pin.
  8. At the end of the braiding, reduce the size of the pulled links so that the braid fades away and looks more impressive.

  9. The braid is ready, we don’t treat the child’s hair with anything, but spray the adult’s hair with hairspray.

Video on weaving an openwork braid with step-by-step explanations with mega volume:

2 reverse braids on herself

2 braids inverted

Classic with twist or snake

Weaving option with one turn, if desired, make several turns, and a step-by-step video will help you braid it on your model.

Now you know how to weave a fishtail, we hope that the step-by-step instructions with photos are suitable even for beginners. We wish you good luck in weaving and inspiration! And let all your friends envy your voluminous fish tails!

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Fishtail braids have become an increasingly popular hairstyle lately. This charming and eccentric braid is distinguished from others by its unusual shape, reminiscent of a pike tail, which is why it was called the pike tail braid. This braid is ideal for both everyday life and special occasions. The fishtail braid is the basis of many hairstyles, including wedding ones.

A pike tail is ideal for a hot summer day and sports, with this hairstyle you don’t have to worry about the hairstyle falling apart or getting damaged. This cute and attractive braid looks very stylish and goes with any outfit, so every fashionista needs to know how to braid a fishtail braid, because it is truly a universal hairstyle.

At first glance, fishtail braiding looks quite complicated, but in fact the technique is very simple. A couple of practices in front of the mirror and you will master its weaving. This hairstyle looks best on straight, smooth and shiny hair.

Before starting your fishtail braid, spray your hair with anti-static spray or water to make it manageable. And after that, comb your hair thoroughly.

Fishtail braiding pattern

  1. To begin, divide your hair into 2 parts along the parting.
  2. Select a thin strand from the left side and move it to the right side of the hair.
  3. Now separate the same thin strand from the right side and move it to the left side of the hair.
  4. Continue similar steps until you have braided the entire length of your hair.
  5. Finally, secure your hair with an elastic band. The fishtail hairstyle is ready!

Photo of fishtail braiding

Once you master this technique, you can create a variety of braids and hairstyles based on the fishtail. A fishtail braid, thrown over the shoulder, looks very beautiful. To braid it, simply part it to the side and not in the center of your head. Slightly disheveled pike tails look very stylish; to do this, at the end of the braiding, pull the braid to the sides and loosen some strands.

The pigtail got its interesting name due to its external resemblance to a fish tail. It is also called a spikelet or mermaid tail. It is suitable for going out, school or college, walking with your baby and as an everyday hair item. It is elegant, original, comfortable and simple. The article describes how to weave a fishtail braid, describes the necessary steps step by step with photos and presents various variations of the hairstyle.

The hairstyle can be done starting from the temples, from the crown, in the French style, or by making a high ponytail, from which a fishtail braid is made. The weaving pattern is the same for everyone everywhere, it consists of two strands, the only difference is where to start braiding.

Step-by-step weaving of a spikelet:

  1. We divide the hair into two equal halves, after combing it. If the hair is unruly, then treat it with mousse or sprinkle it with water.
  2. From the right half from the right edge we take a thin strand and transfer it to the left half from its right side.
  3. From the left half we take the same strand from the left edge and connect it to the right half as in the diagram.
  4. Repeat the second and third steps alternately.
  5. At the end of the braiding, secure the resulting braid with an elastic band or other clip.
  6. To give the resulting hairstyle volume, straighten the braid and stretch it slightly to the sides.

How to do a French fishtail braid

In the French style, weaving starts from the crown. It is necessary to divide the hair into two halves in the part of the head where you want the braid to begin. Next, we collect the hair according to the above scheme.

Hairstyle for mothers on maternity leave

The spikelet is perfect for mothers with small children. It will collect tangled hair, will last a long time and look stylish and neat. Making a mermaid tail is easy and quick if you learn how to weave. As an everyday hairstyle, you can do a slightly disheveled braid in a free style, as in the photo.

Design options for cornrow braids for different occasions, photo

Another variation is a high braid. It can be worn when going out or used for everyday decoration. To make it, we collect a high ponytail on the top of the head, secure it with an elastic band and braid it further according to the pattern. You can wrap the elastic band with a lock of hair, so the hairstyle will look more interesting.

Two spikelets look cute and at the same time very stylish:

A fishtail with loose hair looks original.

A braid in the shape of a shell or a zigzag is suitable for festive events.

A braid made obliquely and gathered into a bun is an excellent option for both celebrations and everyday wear.

A spikelet on long hair looks interesting and festive.

A mermaid tail for girls is the perfect hairstyle for every day.

A spikelet on the side is the most convenient way to braid it yourself.

Another way of weaving looks very beautiful:

The fishtail braid is universal and fits almost any style and look. You can experiment with it and choose several types for different occasions.

Watch the video tutorial to clearly see how weaving occurs.
