I love templates. Checkbook of desires love is - examples of desires for a loved one: templates

Express your feelings for a guy, a man, a husband with a special gift - a jar or box with notes "100 reasons to love you."

To confess your love to your boyfriend, man, husband, no matter for the first time or for the umpteenth time, you can in a very original way - give him a jar or a box with confessions under the eloquent title "100 and 1 reason why I love you." Such a gift touches even the most restrained young man.

100 and 1 reasons why I love you: a list of confessions, a template for a boyfriend, husband, man, beloved

For the first time, you could come across such souvenirs on the Internet when you were looking for an unusual gift for your man for Valentine's Day. For ready-made jars and boxes "100 and 1 reason ..." they ask an average of 350 - 500 rubles. Not expensive, of course, but why not do something similar with your own hands? Not to save money, but to put all your love into a gift.

IMPORTANT: Valentine's Day is not the only reason to give your loved one "100 and 1 reasons for love." You can prepare such a surprise for his birthday, the anniversary of your acquaintance or wedding, and simply for no reason. After all, love is recognized not only on holidays.

Gift for a beloved man "100 reasons why I love you."

Two equally important components of such a gift are its design and content. The second is those 100 and 1 reasons why this particular man became your lover.

IMPORTANT: They say you can't love for something or for some reason. But positive character traits, virtues, good deeds, and even cute little flaws laid out on neat pieces of paper will make your man feel special and really dear to you.

The reasons are best printed on a computer. Choose a beautiful font, decorate the text with a beautiful vignette.

By the way, there can be 100 reasons, but as many as you want.
The first thing you should do when starting to make such a gift for a man is to take a notebook and a pen and write a list of those very reasons. If there is real love between you, you will cope with this task without difficulty and write most of the list yourself.
Other reasons you can peep on the Internet. Choose the ones that are right for you. Change the order as you wish. The reasons for love can be numbered arbitrarily or according to their importance.

Cause Cause
1 I love you for the little things ... And for the great things: for giving me the best that is in your life, for sharing joys with me, comforting me in moments of sadness and giving me the courage to move on. 51 For your compliments on my shortcomings.
2 I love you because you are always ready to help me. 52 For your laughter that sounds like music.
3 Because you know how to turn my mistakes into a joke. 53 For your tender kisses.
4 For the fact that we are together, no matter what. 54 When I cry, only you can comfort me.
5 Because you are always there for me, even if I'm wrong. 55 When I'm not around, you miss me, although you don't always admit it.
6 For the future we will create together. 56 I love you for praising my cooking, even if it frankly failed.
7 For the fact that you know how to warm my frozen hands. 57

For being my personal superhero.

8 Because you look at me in a way that others don't. 58 I love you because every day you inspire me to improve, be kinder and more feminine.
9 For having the courage to endure my whims. 59 I love you for hugging me from behind when I wash dishes or prepare food.
10 For the feeling of a "stone wall" that you give me. 60

I love you for your jealousy.

11 Because you are unique. And only mine. 61 Because you are the embodiment of courage.
12 For morning coffee, which has a special aroma. 62

Because your smile is the most beautiful in the world.

13 For replacing the sun for me in rainy and gloomy weather. 63 For the fact that you know how to make decisions and be responsible for the consequences.

For understanding me perfectly.

64 I love you for making my days unique.
15 Because you're as crazy as me. 65 I love you for the fact that with you I can always behave naturally and naturally.
16 Because you don't care what others say about me. 66 I love you for every happy minute that you gave me.
17 For being able to listen and support me. 67 I love you for feeling your presence and support, even when you are far away.
18 Because you are very smart and know the answers to almost all my questions. 68 Because you are only mine.
19 For your amazing sense of humor. 69 Because you won't fool me.
20 Thank you for making me feel loved and needed. 70 You gave me the meaning of life.
21 Because your shoulder is always at my service. 71

For the feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" that I feel next to you.

22 For holding my hand tightly as we walk down the street. 72

For the fact that for your sake I am ready to change for the better.

23 For the fact that next to you I feel complete. 73 I love you because you never get mad at me for long.
24 For the fact that I can be a little girl next to such a strong, smart, adult you. 74 Because my mom thinks you're the best choice.
25 Because you love me when we're at odds. 75 Because your love inspires me.

For not being bored with you.

76 For being with you "in sickness and health, wealth and poverty" ...
27 For my sake, you can skip the broadcast of the match of your favorite team. 77 You are a person worth living for.
28 For revealing my femininity. 78 Your every touch gives me joy.
29 For the fact that in the photo with you I always have happy eyes. 79 I love your every gesture, look and word.
30 For your unconditional loyalty. 80 I love you for being proud that I am yours.

You have the softest hands in the world.

81 You give me the joy of waiting and the sweetness of each of our meetings.
32 I love you for the fact that you dream of me in the sweetest dreams. 82 I love you because you think I'm special.
33 I love you for protecting my sleep. 83 Because you know how to keep secrets.
34 I love you for taking me to bed if I fall asleep on the couch. 84 For the fact that we will (have) beautiful children.
35 I love you for taking care of me when I'm sick. 85 I love you because you always warm me when I'm cold.

I love you because you patiently endure me and my whims.

86 For befriending my cat.
37 For the fact that with you I do not have to pretend. 87

It's even interesting to be silent with you.

38 For giving me funny and cute nicknames. 88 You make my heart beat faster.
39 For lovingly stroking my head. 89 You have colored my life.
40 For the fact that I have the opportunity to fall asleep and wake up in your arms. 90 For the fact that I know that I will not be lost with you.
41 I love you for having the strength to apologize even when I'm not 100% right. 91 I love you simply because you appeared in my life and became the most important person in it.
42 For putting up with my lack of punctuality. 92 I love you because you know how to surprise me.
43 For being my oasis of peace and tranquility when I am too nervous or worried. 93 I love you for saving me from loneliness.
44 For the fact that you endure the company of my girlfriends. 94 I love you because your SMS makes me smile like a fool.
45 For giving me the last piece of chocolate. 95 Because you love the same music.
46 For calling me the most beautiful girl in the world. 96 For not laughing when I roar during the movie.
47 Because you always smell good, even if it's just soap. 97 For being generous.
48 For understanding what love is. 98 Next to you, I'm a real queen.
49 I love you even for your sweet snore. 99 I love you because you always have time for me.
50 I love you because your voice can warm me, even if it's 30 degrees outside. 100 For the fact that you are my soul mate, which I have been looking for for so long.

Well, the last, 101 reasons, are drawn up on a separate piece of paper, which is subsequently glued to the bottom of a jar or box. Usually, it sounds like this: “The reasons are endless, but the most important thing is that I love you, because I can’t help but love !!!”.

You can write these reasons by hand or on a computer. You can use white or colored paper to make miniature scrolls beautiful. On the inside, where the text is, decorate the pieces of paper with vignettes.

How to make and arrange 100 reasons to love you with your own hands for your birthday: ideas for a boyfriend, husband, man, beloved

For the birthday of a husband, boyfriend or man, you can arrange the gift “100 reasons to love you” in several ways:

  1. In the form of a jar or box. Look for master classes on creating such gifts below in the article.
  2. In the form of a poster. Take a sheet of drawing paper, on it state the reasons why your man is so dear to you.
  3. As a sweet gift. 100 or 101 small pieces of paper can be glued to wrapped candies. Then your man will be sweet in the literal and figurative sense.
  4. In the form of a notebook or a deck of cards. Each reason is a separate page.
  5. In the form of a photo collage. Then the reasons will have to be written on separate A4 sheets. Let them be not 100, but less.
  6. Ask friends and acquaintances to take a photo with these sheets in their hands. Take a photo of yourself with a sheet on which the most important, in your opinion, reason is indicated. Use your computer to make a collage of these photos.
  7. In the form of a file. The reasons will then be on separate thick cards, which you will install in a beautifully designed box.
  8. In balloons. Put the papers with the reasons indicated on them into 101 balloons, inflate these balloons. You can also tie cause scrolls to the helium balloon ribbons.

Poster-gift "The reasons for my love for you."

Sweets with wishes for a husband or boyfriend.

Notebook "100 reasons to love you."

Collage as a gift to your beloved boyfriend or husband.

A gift is a card index with the reasons for love.

100 and 1 reason to love a boyfriend or husband in balloons.

A jar with wishes, do-it-yourself notes 100 reasons for love for a boyfriend, husband, man, beloved

We offer you a master class on making a jar - a gift for your beloved husband or boyfriend. It is easy to do and does not require a lot of money. Prepare:
In these neat tubes are the reasons for your love for Him.

Decorate the gift as you wish.

  1. In principle, any colored jar is suitable for this gift. But if you use a container for coffee or bulk products, it will be more beautiful. It is possible and plastic, but if it is not cloudy.
  2. Think about what to do with the lid. If it is beautiful, as in the picture below, you can leave everything as it is. If you don’t like something, paint it with acrylic paints or glue it with colored paper.
  3. Take care of your own reasons. Prepare paper rectangles, fold them into tubes. Do not be too lazy to tie up each wish with a ribbon, the gift will look more spectacular. By the way, if you have curly scissors, use them.
  4. Prepare a label that says "100 and 1 reason I love you." If you want, write the name of your chosen one on it, place your joint photo. Decorate the label however you like.
  5. Attach the label to the jar with double-sided tape. Decorate the jar itself with stickers, ribbons, paper decor.
  6. Put the little scrolls in a jar, close it.
Such a jar is a gift from the heart and with great love.

VIDEO: Jar "50 reasons why I love you"

Box with wishes, do-it-yourself notes 100 reasons for love for a boyfriend, husband, man, beloved

Making a box is even easier. If you have one left from any gift, it fits in size and color, you just have to stick the etiquette, come up with a decor.
If there is none, glue the box yourself or take a white shoe box. You can cover it with wrapping paper and you're done.

A box with wishes, notes "100 reasons for love" for a boyfriend, husband, man, beloved

Gift box decoration option.

Come up with your own unique reasons for loving your chosen one. Or use the tips in this article.

VIDEO: "100 reasons why I love you" - making a box

Hello our dears!

There are many more holidays ahead when we can congratulate our loved ones and loved ones. One of the universal gifts for any holiday, in my opinion, is "100 Reasons Why I Love You". This gift is universal. You can give it to your beloved or beloved, mom, girlfriend, brother, sister, and whoever you like)) The main thing is to choose the appropriate 100 reasons))

Today I will share with you the experience of how I do these reasons. I will decorate and make 2 jars. For her (him) and for mom. This MK without specific dimensions, because. your jar may differ from mine in size and volume. I saw on the net 100 reasons in plastic jars, but we haven’t seen such ones, and just glass ones (such as in this MK) you still need to look for.

And so, we need the following materials.

The main thing is that it should be transparent and without a pattern on the walls. And with a convenient lid.

2. Cardstock or binding board. For one jar, 1 sheet of A4 was enough for me.

3. Paper for drawing or watercolor paper - 0.5 sheet A4.

4. Lace, about 1 m.

5. Any (to your taste) flower d 2-2.5 cm.

6. Pearls on a string (but you can do without them) - 1 m.

7. Forms (knives) for cutting or figured hole punches. Or a stationery knife, curly scissors and a lot of patience to cut it all out by hand)))

8. Color office paper A4 (80gr/m) for printing reasons - 7 sheets.

9. Tape narrow 10 mm - 6 meters.

10. Glue gun, titanium glue.

11. Good mood and desire to surprise with your gift))

So, let's begin

1. We cut out everything that we need for decor from cardstock (cardboard): butterflies, a circle for a cap, a heart for an inscription.

2. I make a circle on a jar with embossing (you can skip this and leave the circles flat)

3. We make a printer inscription on a cut out heart. I do it like this:

3.1. I create a plate in Word, I type the necessary inscription in it and print it on any draft.

3.2. On this draft in place of the printed text on masking tape (I make it double-sided)

I glue the cut out heart so that the text does not go beyond the boundaries of the cut out shape.

3.3. In Word, in this table, I make all borders invisible, insert a draft with a glued heart into the printer and print it.

3.4. Carefully peel off the heart, and the inscription is ready!)

4. We glue our mugs on the lid.

Using a glue gun, glue the pearl thread.

Glue butterflies.

5. We measure the volume of the outer side of the lid and the volume of the jar, and cut the lace to size.

6. Glue lace onto the border of the lid.

7. We decorate the jar itself. On the walls we glue the cut-out border from the cardstock. Glue lace over it.

8. We make out a heart. Glue the flower and pearl thread.
9. We glue the heart on Titan glue (or Moment Crystal or Gel)

10. Print out 100 reasons. To make it more convenient to cut them, I make the reasons on the plate. I get it on 7 A4 sheets. The reasons themselves were once found on the net and corrected for themselves.

100 reasons for him (her).
I specially arranged such reasons, which, so to speak, are uni-sex. It is very convenient for selling when you are not doing it for someone specific. When I made it to order, the customers (tsy) always made their own adjustments.

Happiness is being with you
Together we can create miracles

It's never boring with you
When you are near, the world blooms around

You know how to make me smile
We are the perfect couple

You always feel my mood
I am touched by your appearance when you sleep

You love me with all my flaws
The thought of you fills every moment with love

When you hug me everything is fine
You always understand me

I can be myself when you are around
Every moment with you is filled with joy

Passion for you makes me lose my head
The best night is the one we spend together

We can do anything when we are together
I don't understand how you can live without you

The best day is the day spent with you
You listen to my advice

you have the most beautiful lips
My heart beats for you

I can trust you
You believe in me

You understand me perfectly
You always look great

You'll never say you're hearing this story for the 10th time
You can call to say you love me

We can talk about everything and nothing
Your hugs are so tender

You're my inspiration
Your support is everything to me

There is no one more beautiful than you
Your jokes are very funny

You give me confidence
Thanks to you I'm getting better

You know how to give me happiness
You can not be offended for a long time

You always feel if I feel bad
You are the most amazing person on earth

I'm never afraid because you're with me
I see love in your eyes

You are always by my side
I like your smile

It's nice to chat with you about anything
In the book of my life - the best chapters about you

You like me even when I grumble
You always know how to please me

You always help me if needed
You take care of me and ask for nothing in return

When I'm with you, nothing else matters
You will understand if I forget something important

From one of your smiles, all my sadness disappears
When I look at you my heart skips a beat

You always listen when I speak
You are my dearest treasure

You are like a magnet - I am drawn to you
All my friends are delighted with you

You are my most beautiful dream
You know how to console me when I'm sad

You can break away from any business to be with me
There is nothing sweeter than your kisses

I can ask you stupid questions
Our desires coincide so often

You know my secrets and keep them
I want my life to be yours

We are a beautiful couple
Even your small actions are very important to me.

Looking into your eyes, I understand: my dream has come true
I don't want to let you out of my arms

You have the keys to my heart
Your advice helps me

Sometimes I just need to hug you
You my sun

When we're together, time doesn't matter
You teach me to love

You are interested in all the little things in my life
I love listening to your voice

Your love keeps me safe
You are tenderness

Everything was fine with your appearance
I love everything you do

You can brighten up any gloomy day
You don't want to get out of bed

When I take your hand, it becomes easy for me
You are my best friend

You make our life happy
You are always on my mind

You turn Me On
I'm crazy about you

I want us to be together forever
You awaken passion in me

You always make me happy just by being you.
With you, you can not be afraid to look stupid

We know the most beautiful sides of love
It's a pleasure for me to be with you

Can you find the right words
All I need is to know that you are near

Your happiness is the most important thing to me
It's good to be with you anywhere

100 reasons for mom

I love you because we are the same.
You always take care of my health.

You are always ready to help with both action and advice.
You taught me how to take care of animals.

You sincerely wish me happiness.
You always call and are sincerely interested in my affairs.

I always feel your love and support.
You never impose your opinion.

I always have a place in your heart.
You helped me make the right choice in life.

You will always accept any of my choices and any of my decisions.
You encourage me to do what I love.

You believe in me even when I give up.
You instilled in me a love for nature.

You will forgive everything and always understand.
You are always by my side in the most important and crucial moments of my life.

You love me the most.
You are warm to those I love.

And the main one of the 100 reasons why I love you is simply because I have you.
You taught me how to properly express my thoughts and defend my personal opinion.

You helped me get rid of childhood fears.
I love you for the fact that you carefully keep the family hearth.

You taught me to tell the truth in all cases and not be afraid of enemies.
The most delicious piece of food and the last piece of candy you always gave me.

In your house, I always feel comfortable and warm.
You always took care of me first and yourself second.

You will always console me and help me cope with all difficulties.
You keep my favorite toy and baby pictures.

I love you, because you are always proud of me.
You taught me to be optimistic about the future.

Your happy smile is the best motivation for me.
Next to you, I feel at ease.

You taught me to find the good in everything.
You explained to me that it is not shameful to make mistakes.

You taught me to trust people.
You taught me to forgive and ask for forgiveness.

You taught me to love.
You didn't set impossible tasks for me.

You will never lie to me, but you will never hurt me with words.
You worry about whether I have everything I need.

You helped me with my homework.
You taught me to see the difference between desires and whims.

You taught me to be responsible for your promises.
You brought up punctuality in me.

You very rarely forced me to do something I didn't like.
You taught me order.

You taught me how to ask for help and help other people.
You kept my diary from elementary school.

You saved me from a lot of trouble.
Thanks to you, I love books and educational TV shows.

You can turn a boring day into a fun holiday.
You taught me to always be sincere about my feelings.

You always have an answer to any of my questions.
You approach many problems with humor.

You did not leave me during the illness and forced me to take medicine.
You helped me avoid embarrassing mistakes.

Even from a distance, I feel your support and love.
You create comfort and give warmth to those you love.

You can make me laugh in any situation.
Do you remember the first rhyme given to me at school.

You managed to explain to me that all people are beautiful.
You are great with my friends.

You managed to explain to me what real beauty is.
You taught me useful skills that you cannot do without in everyday life.

You know about all my preferences and habits.
You never scolded me for random mistakes.

You try to ignore my weaknesses.
You always know what gift I want to receive.

You will always listen and understand me.
You always sincerely rejoice at my gifts.

You can be trusted with any secret, and you will keep it.
You shared your signature recipes with me.

You can share everything with you.
I love you for those hours when you and I did something together.

You always give me good advice.
You taught me to take responsibility for my duties.

You are always by my side.
I love that you helped me choose stylish things.

You will never offend.
You helped me believe in myself.

I love you because you always forgive me.
Thanks to you, I live in this world.

You taught me to appreciate the joy and smiles of the people around me.
The first song I heard was a lullaby that you sang to me before going to bed.

You explained how important it is to share joy with friends.
The first step in my life was taken by holding your hand.

You can be trusted unconditionally, you will never leave and never betray.
You helped me to know the world around me, telling me about everything in the world.

Love is better to prove by actions and deeds, but a dear person should at least occasionally hear why you love him. Sometimes it is difficult to find words, especially if you want to congratulate a loved one. A little excitement can get in the way. To make a surprise for a dear person, we suggest using ready-made “reasons” for love.

The main thing in the article

Beautiful and original 100 reasons why I love you boyfriend, husband, beloved: a list of ready-made reasons

Phrases that fully express your feelings and thoughts:

  1. You completed my inner world and became my soulmate.
  2. You are my real protection and support.
  3. I feel your care, even being at a decent distance.
  4. Only you can cheer me up with a simple phone call.
  5. We are similar. We have common tastes, hobbies and world view.
  6. You don't point out my flaws.
  7. Often you forgive my bad mood.
  8. Do not give me a reason for jealousy, resentment.
  9. Caring and caring when I'm sick.
  10. You constantly confess your love to me. Not in words, but by constant deeds, it’s even more pleasant.
  11. Those qualities that should be in a real man, you have.
  12. You kiss me tenderly in the morning.
  13. Appreciate my attention and good attitude towards you.
  14. There is absolute trust between us.
  15. You know my likes and dislikes.
  16. Time flies by when we are together.
  17. Surprise with surprises.
  18. I am changing for the better thanks to you.
  19. You remember our important dates.
  20. You are polite.
  21. My parents respect you.
  22. You always keep your promises.
  23. Never limit my freedom.
  24. I'm real with you.
  25. I'm not afraid of anything, you're near.
  26. You did not run away from me, even when you saw crying and without makeup.
  27. You're my inspiration.
  28. Never leave me in trouble.
  29. You always know what to do, even when I'm lost.
  30. I love your manly figure.
  31. You are not afraid of serious topics for conversation.
  32. You are quite versatile.
  33. You have a boundless sense of humor, but in some situations you can be serious.
  34. Ready for anything for me.
  35. You are proud of me and do not hide our relationship.
  36. I love you even more for every day that we are together.
  37. You have golden hands.
  38. You give me confidence in the future.
  39. I know no matter what happens, you will always be with me. Together we can survive everything.
  40. You give me romantic evenings.
  41. Asking regularly how my day went.
  42. You paint my life with bright colors.
  43. You have wise advice for every problem.
  44. You never yell at me, but you always calmly explain what I'm wrong about.
  45. You always look great.
  46. You always smile sincerely.
  47. We have the best nights spent together.
  48. I am very comfortable with you.
  49. I'm sure we have a great future.
  50. For your piercing gaze.
  51. For the fact that you combine the qualities of a superhero and a guardian angel.
  52. You constantly praise me, even if something did not work out.
  53. You encourage me to self-discovery.
  54. You are unique.
  55. I love unique days.
  56. I love you for not paying attention to gossip about me.
  57. You know the answers to almost all my questions.
  58. You can't be angry for long.
  59. My parents approve of you.
  60. You can skip important things for me.
  61. Your love gives me wings.
  62. You bring out the best in me.
  63. You're great at keeping secrets.
  64. For my interesting nicknames that you came up with.
  65. You appeared in my life and took the main place in it.
  66. When I'm nervous, you remain "Mr. Calm."
  67. Give me the last piece of the pie.
  68. You are not rude to others.
  69. Treat strangers with respect, regardless of social status.
  70. Do you like children.
  71. You always have time for me.
  72. You helped me understand and feel true love.
  73. I like your voice.
  74. Your touches are gentle and unique.
  75. You are great at giving relaxing massages.
  76. I forget about all the problems when I come to you.
  77. My girlfriends said that you are my best choice.
  78. You are kind to me, animals and children.
  79. You deserve hundreds of compliments.
  80. Independent and confident.
  81. You are a versatile person.
  82. The rest of the men are gray and inconspicuous compared to you.
  83. From you I will have beautiful and healthy children.
  84. You are beautiful both inside and out.
  85. Your gentle fingers know how to relieve pain and tension.
  86. You are very easy to keep up the conversation.
  87. You are wise and know how to properly prioritize life.
  88. I am in your power.
  89. Do you have a creative hobby?
  90. You try not to stand in one place, constantly develop and improve yourself.
  91. You don't gossip.
  92. Ready to help at any time of the day.
  93. You can see the extraordinary in simple things.
  94. You are a real macho.
  95. Open, simple and honest.
  96. Informed and well-read, you own information and know how to use it.
  97. Always positive.
  98. Believe in a great future.
  99. Your emotions are alive and sincere.
  100. You never give up.

How to make a box with the best ideas of the reasons why I love you for your husband, boyfriend, beloved

  • Find or purchase a small box.
  • Proceed to the design - paste over with wrapping paper.
  • Put in the box ideas of why you love your loved one. They can be printed and cut. Roll each and tie in a bow. Or stick it on cardboard and arrange it in the form of cards.
  • Tie the top of the box with a bow.

Surprise for a boyfriend, lover, husband: a jar of 100 reasons why I love you


  • Small glass jar with lid
  • 100 reasons why I love you printed on paper.
  • Scissors
  • Ribbons, rhinestones and flowers for decoration
  • Glue.


  1. Printed one hundred reasons, cut and twist into a tube.
  2. Tie the tube with a thin ribbon.
  3. Put the reasons in a jar.
  4. Decorate the jar beautifully by pasting it with ribbons, rhinestones and flowers.

You can sprinkle your perfume into a jar so that your loved one remembers you more often, looking at the reasons for love.

List of funny and cool reasons why I love you: templates

Best Design Ideas: 101 Reasons Why I Love You Husband, Boyfriend, Lover

VIDEO: Declaration of love to a guy - 100 reasons why I love you

If you find it difficult to speak words of love live, then 100 reasons for love, printed and designed as a gift, will do everything for you. If you choose from ready-made and template phrases, focus only on those that are close to you and reveal the essence of the relationship with your beloved man. Give your loved one attention, do not forget to praise and talk more often about why you love him.

Checkbook of desires: templates, master class and a lot of inspiration!

Great and fiery love fades over time. So, in any case, say the classics of world literature. But we believe that love is fading, but it can be rekindled again and again by romantic deeds, and then the great flame of love will never die out in your hearth of relationships.

Give each other romantic gifts on occasion and without it. Don't miss Valentine's Day, Dating Anniversary, Relationship Start, Your Marriage Anniversary and other days with special meaning for you. Give gifts whose value is measured in love, not money! This article is dedicated to one of these gifts - a checkbook of desires.

For those who have just learned about such an original gift, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of the “books of love”. They are designed in such a way that the book will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to you and your partner. Such a book is especially good if you understand that there are misunderstandings in the relationship, and your partner refuses to talk about them. In this comic game, you can open it and find out about the most secret desires (if he was embarrassed to voice them to you, the book will push him).

Instructions for use:

  • The check book of desires is wholly owned by the owner, desires cannot be transferred to other family members
  • One check per day, but time is not limited (any second in a day). It must be presented personally by giving the check (but in the age of technology, of course, you can take a picture and send it to your beloved so that she has time to prepare)
  • The choice of check depends on the desire and mood of the owner. The second half cannot influence the choice in any way, even if it seems to her that it is chaotic and wrong 🙂
  • At the beginning of the book, it is mandatory to write: use until (date). This will encourage the owner to tear off cards more often.

Checkbook of desires - print or draw?

Self-drawing a checkbook is only suitable if you are a professional artist (well, or equivalent to them). In other cases, so that the love checkbook does not look like a school diary for girlfriends, print the templates either with ready-made fonts entered, or enter them yourself in beautiful handwriting.

Checkbook of desires template - interesting desires for a loved one

Below are sample templates. It is enough to download, print, cut and assemble them. The book will be ready in just 15 minutes!

Checkbook with the style of favorite chewing gum "Love is ..."

If you decide to change or supplement the templates, use any online photo editor. With an online eraser, “erase” what you don’t need, and then select the desired font (not necessarily the same, you can do something like that) and write something of your own.

Checkbook with the style of favorite chewing gum "Love is ..." template

Checkbook with the style of favorite chewing gum "Love is ..." template

Favorite social network

Checkbook "Couple in love"

These cute animations are suitable for fans of cartoons, animations and hand-drawn pictures. Gentle loving pink tones, a lot of red hearts and asking to print them for St. Valentine.

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Check book of desires "Kiss"

For those who intend to independently write wishes in a checkbook, we recommend this template with red juicy kissing lips. We remind you that in this format, at least 80% of desires should be “with pepper”.

Check book of desires "Kiss"

Another option "Love is ..."

This template is full of juicy hearts just asking for a gift on Valentine's Day! Do not forget to enter the date until which it can be used and go ahead to give cute grace!

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Do-it-yourself wish book - step by step

For needlewomen who are passionate about scrapbooking, we offer to create inimitable beauty with their own hands. This will be a simple and quick master class that will help you create extraordinary beauty in just an hour.

Do-it-yourself wish book - step by step

The first thing we need to decide on the size of the book. And pick up a thick cardboard for scrapbooking. We calculate the number of wish cards in this way: the number of wishes plus four sheets.

Calculation of the number of desires: basic desires + 2-3 bonus ones (the owner himself chooses the desire and the way it is fulfilled). Four additional sheets - cover and flyleaf.

We cut the required number of cards and proceed to design. Text: type in a beautiful font. If he has certain preferences in this regard, then it is to them. Yes Yes! There are people who have a favorite font and their ladies who know exactly what their man loves.

Important: men are skeptics and at the same time children at heart. Having accepted the book as a gift, skepticism can be seen in their eyes, but when he opens it, he must notice and understand how unspeakably lucky he is. Since this book is absolutely individual, we do not forget about the unique desires that tantalize the mind and fantasy, as well as specific moments of loyalty. For example, I will not let you go fishing or go fishing. We are writing: I allow going fishing with my friend Vasya.

Wet a sheet of paper a little / sprinkle / tint. We let it dry, insert it into the printer and print out the wishes.

One card: instructions, the rest, according to one desire, we peck and, if desired, one piece of paper is “executed” and thematically decorate.

For intrigue, we add a surprise bonus. We glue only the left end of the phrase "Bonus" and from the bottom we attach one more phrase-subscript to the desire. For example, not just breakfast, but breakfast, and where the bonus is on the roof. Or on the river bank such and such (which would mean a weekend trip). Especially true if you know all the desires of a loved one.

In order for the bonus not to bulge, stick it on the right side with double-sided tape.

Another bonus option: bend the cardboard into three as in the photo and attach the desire inside. Secure with double-sided tape and punch a hole in the upper right corner. Attach to the string at the end of the master class to the checkbook spiral.

Now let's move on to cardboard. We polish the edges with fine sandpaper and paint over with gold / silver, depending on the style of the album.

We find an old name card of a loved one. We cut out his name, grind and tint the edges a little, cover, like other edges, with a little gold or silver. Sticking to the first page of the book. The name "Checkbook" is framed and also glued.

We glue the cover onto a hard cover (cardboard) and proceed to the fastener. On the right side, we retreat 1.5-2 cm and insert a stylized large brad without pressing it a little so that a waxed cord lies under it.

On the second side there will be instructions for using this checkbook.

The second card we make out is nahzatz and the last page of the checkbook. Also, stepping back from the edge of 1.5-2 cm, we attach a smaller brads and attach a waxed cord to it so that you can close the checkbook. After that, we press the brads as tightly as possible into the cardboard.

The last page (nahzatz) is a sheet of paper for the opportunity to write down your impressions of the time spent and the fulfillment of desires.

We fold the checkbook and fasten it with a spring on a binder or rings. We fix the external bonus. We hope you and your loved one enjoy this book! Good days and passionate nights!

A checkbook of desires for a man in a Word - a book of desires love is

When creating an individual checkbook with your own hands, a natural question arises - in what font to write wishes to your loved one in Word. Personally, as an author, I absolutely love Monotype Coursiva for love notes and checkbooks. It is as if created for romantic natures. But depending on the style of the checkbook, other fonts may be needed. If your Word does not support enough, you can download fonts for Word here http://www.xfont.ru/krasivye_shrifty

How to make a checkbook of desires so that your loved one likes it?

When creating a checkbook, you, as well as when creating your relationship, must take into account the wishes of not only and not only your own, but your loved ones. The execution style should be sympathetic to both of you. For example, if your man is skeptical about flowers and hearts, you don’t need to make a checkbook in this style. Choose a retro style or his favorite book/game. It is also inappropriate to create a book with smileys in the style of social networks if your missus goes there no more than once every six months, or even is not registered in them. And remember, in no case should there be conflicting stinging wishes in the book. The book aims to strengthen your relationship, not further destroy.

It should also be understood that the spouse may express a desire to show the book to friends, do not cross it, but if the book has a “pepper”, indicate in the instructions that the contents of the book are intended only for the owner.

Checkbook of desires for a husband - examples of desires

It is best to stock up on individual desires, but for inspiration, of course, you need a list of "standard" desires. Use the list below to diversify your book. Create at least 15-20 wishes per book.

Checkbook of desires for a husband - examples of desires

Wish List and Wish Book Pictures for Boyfriend

If you understand that platitudes are not for you, but you really want to surprise your loved one, a non-banal list is below. But keep in mind that the financial part will be on you in fulfilling your desires, and the budget must be prepared in advance.

So what does your loved one long for and dream of?

  • A romantic dinner that flows into a passionate night. No matter how men say: satin, tulle, lace, costume dinners (he can be dressed as he wants, but his lady ... she must bewitch!)
  • Bachelor party with beer and fun. Where is the creativity here? In a gift coupon for that same party, pre-specified and attached to the book. And don't be surprised if that's the first wish he wants to take.
  • Game evening. And then he himself decides to let you into his space or he himself plays, and you do not distract
  • Going to football, bowling, etc. with a company of your choice (with you or friends, it's up to him)
  • Getting a striptease, a chic dance, special intimacy with your beloved
  • Breakfast in bed flowing into lunch
  • Favorite dish to choose from
  • Going to the sauna, bathhouse, fishing, hunting
  • Receiving a unique (long-awaited) emotional gift

Video: Checkbook of desires

Video: Scrapbooking - Checkbook of desires - Gift for husband for his birthday, wedding, February 14 and 23

Looking to add some variety to your personal life? Make romantic relationships interesting and filled with pleasant surprises?

The news portal "site" in this article invites you to make an unusual romantic gift with your own hands for your beloved / beloved - a checkbook of desires.

This gift can be given to your soulmate on Valentine's Day, on the anniversary of the relationship, on the Wedding Day, etc. Becoming the owner of a checkbook of desires from a loved one is very romantic!

In this article, we offer you several options for checkbooks of desires for your loved one. You just need to choose what you like the most (color, design and desires), print, cut and fasten together.

Your loved one, who will become the owner of your unusual romantic gift, will be able to use it at any time. It is enough just to tear off the desired page and present it to the donor. The donor in the very near future should try to fulfill what is written on the check. In order for you not to have any disputes regarding the rules for using the checkbook of desires for your loved one, we recommend that you print out detailed instructions for its use and attach it to the checkbook itself.

Instructions for a checkbook of desires for a loved one

Now, templates...

Wish Checkbook Templates

Checkbook of desires "Love is ..."

Remember everyone's favorite, so tasty and fragrant, chewing gum "Love is ..."? This checkbook of desires is made in her style. It looks very romantic and beautiful.

A wish list:


Answer honestly

morning surprise

I'll let go to friends

compliment day

sleep longer

Day without offense


My desire

I am forgiven

Watching a movie of your choice

romantic dinner

Any desire

+ 2 hours of play on the computer

Checkbook of desires "Cute cats"

In your relationship, is it customary to call each other cats and kitties? Then this version of the checkbook of desires with adorable cats will suit you.

A wish list:

Watching a movie of your choice

Day without offense

My desire

I am forgiven

Any desire

Go shopping with your loved one

go for sausages

Time for sports

+ 2 hours of play on the computer

Checkbook of desires "Friend in Love"

A great option for your beloved boyfriend / man. Give your boyfriend such an unusual romantic gift and he will appreciate it.

A wish list:

Day without offense


100 kisses

Breakfast in bed

+ 1 hour game on PC

I am forgiven

Watching a movie of your choice

romantic bath

Festive dinner

A day without controversy

A day with friends

Any desire

Back massage

walk together

+ 10 minutes of sweet sleep

Checkbook of desires "I love you"

Checkbook of desires of this sample for hearts in love.

A wish list:

romantic dinner

Forgiveness of one offense

+ 10 minutes sleep

bath for two

Erotic Desire

Evening with friends

scratch your back

Any desire

+ 30 minutes on a computer or phone

Any dish to order

Recognizing you are right

The right to choose a film


Exemption from request

Bonus (repetition of any page)

If for some reason none of the above templates suit you, then you can try to make your own unique checkbook of desires.

Do-it-yourself checkbook of desires:
