Original name for a garden center. Name of the group in kindergarten - how to choose? With a focus on child development

What is the name of the kindergarten? The question is quite complex, but very interesting, because when choosing the right and precise name, it’s as if you are being sent back to the world of childhood, where a lot of exciting and mysterious things await you. It is worth noting that the name of a kindergarten is not just a word. It should be magical and enchanting, because kids should be drawn to it, they should be happy to go to this place and discover something new and unknown every day. The name should be associated with something joyful and cheerful, and be a source of positive emotions and good mood.

What should you do to choose an interesting and original name for your garden?

  • Firstly, the name must meet such requirements and parameters as softness in sound, tenderness and warmth, but at the same time be quite original and unusual. For example, Sunny, Little Mouse, Bell, Bunnies, Robin, Cheburashka, Droplet.
  • Secondly, a fascinating and tempting phrase is perfect for the name, which will definitely remind you of childhood, as well as the cohesion of the entire team. The following names are striking examples. This is a Small Country, a Friendly Family, a Flower Town, Geese and Swans.
  • Thirdly, when choosing a name, focus on the individual characteristics of the kindergarten itself. For example. If your garden is focused on introducing students to foreign languages, which is very fashionable and popular nowadays, then the garden can be called “Linguist”. It is worth noting that already from the name itself it becomes clear what this place is and its main tasks. In the event that the bias is towards uniting children and parents, which is determined by the large participation of joint competitions and works, then the most correct and optimal name will be “Friendly Family”.
  • Fourthly, analyze all the fairy tales and children's cartoons and choose some interesting and exciting name that would become the pride and highlight of the garden. One of the most popular and fashionable names today is “Smeshariki”, believe me, children and parents really like it.
  • Fifthly, when choosing a name, you can involve adults from the parent committee in this process and invite them to play such a fun and interesting game as “Association”, which will help make the right and accurate choice. Remember that if the name reminds you of quite unpleasant and negative associations, then, of course, you should stay away from it. Even though it is very beautiful and attractive. But if the associations are only positive, then this is exactly what you were looking for. For example, if you take the name of the garden as “Dolphin”, at first glance it is very beautiful and successful, but it will definitely be associated with a swimming pool, and many parents will mistakenly believe that it exists. It is precisely such incorrect associations that it is better to get rid of and not use them in the name.

If you find it difficult to choose a name for a kindergarten, then you can take an easier and more accessible path. This is to analyze existing titles that are in great demand and popularity, and then, based on them, make a choice or come up with something of your own.

Popular names of kindergartens.

    1. “Little Raccoon.”
    2. “Three Bears.”
    3. "Thumbelina".
    4. "The Little Prince".
    5. "Classics".
    6. "Funtik".
    7. "Chamomile".
    8. “Knowledgeable.”

Today, the range of names for kindergarten is very wide and varied, so there is plenty to choose from. Remember that choosing a name is a personal matter for everyone, but you should take into account all wishes and meet all standards and requirements. Do not forget that the name you choose, first of all, should be liked by the child, because everything is done for them and for their sake.

Have you ever wondered why a kindergarten is called a kindergarten and not a school for the little ones? It is a school, because a kindergarten is a preschool educational institution, the key word is educational. In this short article we will tell you the history of the revolutionary early 19th century for education, and the names of two great people, thanks to whom children stopped being slaves and began to study.

Background to the emergence of kindergartens

And previously there were places where wealthy parents could bring their children for a day for a fee, but in poor families things were much worse, and children had to work from the age of five. And only at the beginning of the 19th century the situation began to change.

The first such revolutionary to pay attention to preschool education was the English philosopher and educator Robert Owen. He founded the first school for toddlers in 1802 in distant Scotland, where child labor was the norm at the time. He managed to accomplish the impossible - to ban child labor under 10 years of age and reduce the working day (not only for children, but also for adults) from 14-16 hours to 10 hours 45 minutes.

In addition, he managed to prove and show in practice that an educated, well-rested employee is more useful for any enterprise. He himself organized educational hours for the workers of his factory, which included lessons not only in general development or on mastering any skill, but also lectures on raising children. This experiment in New Lanark (a city in Scotland where Owen's miracle factory was located) echoed throughout Europe. The results were paradoxical - people work less, and there are noticeably fewer workers themselves, since children under 10 years old made up a large percentage of the workforce, and the productivity of the enterprise increased enormously, achieving unprecedented commercial success.

The first kindergarten and its name

Such results could not help but attract the attention of scientific minds in Europe. There were many supporters of the new idea, but there are even more opponents. And only in 1840 in Blankenburg, despite numerous obstacles, the famous German teacher Friedrich Froebel managed to open the first preschool institution with an emphasis on teaching and raising children.

He called him Kindergarten, which literally means “ kindergarten" At that time, Europe was buried in a multitude of gardens and front gardens, both luxurious in rich courtyards and more modest ones. Through the name “kindergarten”, Froebel sought to convey to people the idea that the development of children should not be left to chance - children need to be cared for, looked after and invested in them, like in plants. After all, if you don’t take care of a rose bush or an apple tree, you won’t get any flowers or fruits. But a person is not a plant, it is not enough just to feed and water him; flowers and fruits will appear only if you give food to the mind, and the sooner the better.

This article was created rather as a way to help come up with a name for a kindergarten or group in a kindergarten. We've narrowed the title search down to a few categories.

The names of kindergartens can be divided into several subtypes.

Fabulous. The name is based on cheerful positive characters and elements of fairy tales. Examples of such names of kindergartens are known to everyone: “Buratino”, “Cheburashka”, “Kolobok”, “Nafanya”, “Golden Key”, “Swan Geese”, “Luntik”, “Bambi”.

Natural. Diminutive forms of animate and inanimate objects are used as names. For example: “Sunshine”, “Fir-tree”, “Squirrel”, “Stork”, “Spring”, “Starling”, “Anthill”, “Glade”, “Firefly”, “Chamomile”.

The principle of place. What this principle is is easy to understand. Just walk around the seaside town and you will collect a whole list of names of kindergartens: “Sailor”, “Jung”, “Dolphin”, “Ship”.

Words applied to children. They can also be used to name both a kindergarten and a separate group of it. Kindergartens “Sorvanets”, “Fidget” and even “Heir” appear here (there is actually such a kindergarten in Moscow).

When you come up with a name for a kindergarten or kindergarten group, try to choose words that are general and non-binding, unless this was originally intended. For example, the name “Pinocchio” is just that. But the Harlequin kindergarten involuntarily demands compliance with the name. It immediately seems that all the children do there is learn roles and perform performances.

Chants, mottos, chants, names.

What is the name of the kindergarten? The question is quite complex, but very interesting, because when choosing the right and precise name, it’s as if you are being sent back to the world of childhood, where a lot of exciting and mysterious things await you. It is worth noting that the name of a kindergarten is not just a word. It should be magical and enchanting, because kids should be drawn to it, they should be happy to go to this place and discover something new and unknown every day. The name should be associated with something joyful and cheerful, and be a source of positive emotions and good mood.

What should you do to choose an interesting and original name for your garden?

  • Firstly, the name must meet such requirements and parameters as softness in sound, tenderness and warmth, but at the same time be quite original and unusual. For example, Sunny, Little Mouse, Bell, Bunnies, Robin, Cheburashka, Droplet.
  • Secondly, a fascinating and tempting phrase is perfect for the name, which will definitely remind you of childhood, as well as the cohesion of the entire team. The following names are striking examples. This is a Small Country, a Friendly Family, a Flower Town, Geese and Swans.
  • Thirdly, when choosing a name, focus on the individual characteristics of the kindergarten itself. For example. If your garden is focused on introducing students to foreign languages, which is very fashionable and popular nowadays, then the garden can be called “Linguist”. It is worth noting that already from the name itself it becomes clear what this place is and its main tasks. In the event that the bias is towards uniting children and parents, which is determined by the large participation of joint competitions and works, then the most correct and optimal name will be “Friendly Family”.
  • Fourthly, analyze all the fairy tales and children's cartoons and choose some interesting and exciting name that would become the pride and highlight of the garden. One of the most popular and fashionable names today is “Smeshariki”, believe me, children and parents really like it.
  • Fifthly, when choosing a name, you can involve adults from the parent committee in this process and invite them to play such a fun and interesting game as “Association”, which will help make the right and accurate choice. Remember that if the name reminds you of quite unpleasant and negative associations, then, of course, you should stay away from it. Even though it is very beautiful and attractive. But if the associations are only positive, then this is exactly what you were looking for. For example, if you take the name of the garden as “Dolphin”, at first glance it is very beautiful and successful, but it will definitely be associated with a swimming pool, and many parents will mistakenly believe that it exists. It is precisely such incorrect associations that it is better to get rid of and not use them in the name.

If you find it difficult to choose a name for a kindergarten, then you can take an easier and more accessible path. This is to analyze existing titles that are in great demand and popularity, and then, based on them, make a choice or come up with something of your own.

Popular names of kindergartens.

    1. “Little Raccoon.”
    2. “Three Bears.”
    3. "Thumbelina".
    4. "The Little Prince".
    5. "Classics".
    6. "Funtik".
    7. "Chamomile".
    8. “Knowledgeable.”

Today, the range of names for kindergarten is very wide and varied, so there is plenty to choose from. Remember that choosing a name is a personal matter for everyone, but you should take into account all wishes and meet all standards and requirements. Do not forget that the name you choose, first of all, should be liked by the child, because everything is done for them and for their sake.

Our site is already more than three years old, niche authors have created a lot of group designs, they send me questions by email asking me to help decide on names of kindergarten and groups. It turns out that there are still kindergartens without names, they just have a serial number (preschool educational institution No. 2 of such and such a city) and in such kindergartens the groups are also simply numbered, but this is boring, our children are not interested. It is for such kindergartens that this article is devoted to how to choose the name of a kindergarten and groups.

You can come up with endless names for kindergartens. For example:

Fabulous. The name is based on cheerful positive characters and elements of fairy tales. Examples of such names of kindergartens are known to everyone: “Buratino”, “Carlson”, “Alyonushka”, “Cheburashka”, “Kolobok”, “Nafanya”, “Ivanushka”, “Golden Key”, “Swan Geese”, “Luntik” , "Bambi".

Natural. Diminutive forms of animate and inanimate objects are used as names. For example: “Sunshine”, “Herringbone”, “Squirrel”, “Bell”, “Stream”, “Stork”, “Springling”, “Starling”, “Anthill”, “Glade”, “Firefly”, “Chamomile”.

The principle of place. What this principle is is easy to understand. Just walk around the seaside town and you will collect a whole list of names of kindergartens: “Sailor”, “Shell”, “Cabin Boy”, “Dolphin”, “Ship”, “Captains”, “Boat”, “Wave”, “Surf” , "Sunset".

This principle is not suitable for all places. Thus, it is difficult to imagine the name of a kindergarten in a mining town.

Words applied to children. They can also be used to name both a kindergarten and a separate group of it. Kindergartens “Sorvanets”, “Fidget” and even “Heir” appear here (there is actually such a kindergarten in Moscow).

When you come up with a name for a kindergarten or kindergarten group, try to choose words that are general and non-binding, unless this was originally intended. For example, the name “Pinocchio” is just that. But the Harlequin kindergarten involuntarily demands compliance with the name. It immediately seems that all the children do there is learn roles and perform performances.

We would not recommend taking a long, polysyllabic name for your kindergarten. Beautiful - yes. Cute - yes. Original - why not. But it’s rare preschoolers who are able to correctly pronounce “Our kindergarten is called “House under the Star of Bethlehem.”
Names of the group in kindergarten

You can take a little more liberties when coming up with a band name. We won’t explain why, we’ll just give examples: “Guys”, “27 Dwarves”, “Stargazers”, “Turtles”, “Mammoths”, “Dog the Cat”, “Beauty and the Beasts”.

The names and characters of modern cartoons can and should be used in group names. After all, the lifespan of the group is commensurate with the duration of the popularity of modern animated characters. Where are they from Cheburashka, which gave its name to thousands of kindergartens and groups throughout the country.

That's probably all. Get creative, and good health for your children!

In any case, you can use a ready-made list of group names that are already registered on our website.

Our site is already more than three years old, niche authors have created a lot of group designs, they send me questions by email asking me to help decide on names of kindergarten and groups. It turns out that there are still kindergartens without names, they just have a serial number (preschool educational institution No. 2 of such and such a city) and in such kindergartens the groups are also simply numbered, but this is boring, our children are not interested. It is for such kindergartens that this article is devoted to how to choose the name of a kindergarten and groups.

You can come up with endless names for kindergartens. For example:

Fabulous. The name is based on cheerful positive characters and elements of fairy tales. Examples of such names of kindergartens are known to everyone: “Buratino”, “Carlson”, “Alyonushka”, “Cheburashka”, “Kolobok”, “Nafanya”, “Ivanushka”, “Golden Key”, “Swan Geese”, “Luntik” , "Bambi".

Natural. Diminutive forms of animate and inanimate objects are used as names. For example: “Sunshine”, “Herringbone”, “Squirrel”, “Bell”, “Stream”, “Stork”, “Springling”, “Starling”, “Anthill”, “Glade”, “Firefly”, “Chamomile”.

The principle of place. What this principle is is easy to understand. Just walk around the seaside town and you will collect a whole list of names of kindergartens: “Sailor”, “Shell”, “Cabin Boy”, “Dolphin”, “Ship”, “Captains”, “Boat”, “Wave”, “Surf” , "Sunset".

Words applied to children. They can also be used to name both a kindergarten and a separate group of it. Kindergartens “Sorvanets”, “Fidget” and even “Heir” appear here (there is actually such a kindergarten in Moscow).

In any case, you can use a ready-made list of group names that are already registered on our website.

This article was created rather as a way to help come up with a name for a kindergarten or group in a kindergarten. We've narrowed the title search down to a few categories.

The names of kindergartens can be divided into several subtypes.

Fabulous. The name is based on cheerful positive characters and elements of fairy tales. Examples of such names of kindergartens are known to everyone: “Buratino”, “Cheburashka”, “Kolobok”, “Nafanya”, “Golden Key”, “Swan Geese”, “Luntik”, “Bambi”.

Natural. Diminutive forms of animate and inanimate objects are used as names. For example: “Sunshine”, “Fir-tree”, “Squirrel”, “Stork”, “Spring”, “Starling”, “Anthill”, “Glade”, “Firefly”, “Chamomile”.

The principle of place. What this principle is is easy to understand. Just walk around the seaside town and you will collect a whole list of names of kindergartens: “Sailor”, “Jung”, “Dolphin”, “Ship”.

This principle is not suitable for all places. Thus, it is difficult to imagine the name of a kindergarten in a mining town.

Words applied to children. They can also be used to name both a kindergarten and a separate group of it. Kindergartens “Sorvanets”, “Fidget” and even “Heir” appear here (there is actually such a kindergarten in Moscow).

When you come up with a name for a kindergarten or kindergarten group, try to choose words that are general and non-binding, unless this was originally intended. For example, the name “Pinocchio” is just that. But the Harlequin kindergarten involuntarily demands compliance with the name. It immediately seems that all the children do there is learn roles and perform performances.

We would not recommend taking a long, polysyllabic name for your kindergarten. Beautiful - yes. Cute - yes. Original - why not. But only a rare preschooler is able to correctly pronounce “Our kindergarten is called “House under the Star of Bethlehem.”

Names of the group in kindergarten

You can take a little more liberties when coming up with a band name. We won’t explain why, we’ll just give examples: “Guys”, “27 Dwarfs”, “Stargazers”, “Turtles”, “Mammoths”, “Dog the Cat”, “Beauty and the Beasts”.

The names and characters of modern cartoons can and should be used in group names. After all, the lifespan of the group is commensurate with the duration of the popularity of modern animated characters. Where are they from Cheburashka, which gave its name to thousands of kindergartens and groups throughout the country.

That's probably all. Get creative, and good health for your children!
Chants, mottos, chants, names.

1 Taka-Tuka-Land, Berlin, Germany
In the Berlin kindergarten Taka-Tuka-Land, the architects decided to focus on the fact that children are very active creatures. They strive to run back and forth at breakneck speeds, and this is fraught with serious injuries. Therefore, hard surfaces (except the floor) and sharp corners are difficult to find in Taka-Tuka-Land. Well, it is named after the ideal country for children, Taka-Tuka, from the fairy tale about Pippi Longstocking.

The exterior and interior of this preschool institution are designed in bright light green and yellow colors, and the entrance is designed in the shape of a giant hut made of wooden slats. Inside the building there are even more such huts, only made of soft fabric and a trampoline. They are built along the walls and also decorate some of the windows from the inside. The designs of the wall bars are also funny: these are not the usual wooden crossbars attached to the walls, but entire towns of ladders, arches and swings. The kindergarten corridor has been turned into a small exhibition space in which children's drawings, photographs, and crafts are exhibited. The stands are also painted light yellow and illuminated with lamps.

Ecole Maternelle Pajol, a 4-room kindergarten located on rue Pajol in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, combines many of the things that children love and desire. Every step and turn reveals another facet of an amazing, bright, colorful world that never becomes dull and boring.

Here's what its creators say:
"We love color, especially when it's used to brighten and brighten up a drab and dull environment. And this nursery definitely speaks the language of joyful colors.
We love it when public art, public buildings and spaces are used for play, to express joy, and not just to display pompous "acceptable" art and architecture. And shouldn’t a kindergarten correspond to the mood of children, and not adults?”

3 Kindergarten Kekec from Architecture Jure Kotnik. Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kekec Kindergarten is located in one of the residential areas of Ljubljana. Its appearance was driven by the growing need for new kindergartens, as the capital's population increased significantly and the density of buildings inside the city's ring road also increased. The idea for such a design arose due to the lack of equipment for children's playgrounds in existing kindergartens. The new facade helps to cope with this problem, because it is itself a game element.
On one side, the boards covering the glazed façade are painted in one of nine bright colors, while on the other side the wood is left unpainted.

This solution has several functional purposes: it serves as a shade-creating element, and also as an educational game for children. While playing with these flaps, children learn different colors and constantly change the appearance of their kindergarten.

4 Segrt Hlapic , Zagreb, Croatia

The architectural company Radionica Arhitekture, which created the Segrt Hlapic kindergarten in the Croatian capital Zagreb, decided that children do not need to master the complexities of the labyrinthine corridors of large buildings.

As a result, they ended up with just an elongated kindergarten, where each group of children has access to a huge room that combines a bedroom, a playroom, and a classroom.

5 Fagerborg Kindergarten, Oslo (Norway)

Fagerborg Kindergarten is a unique kindergarten built in Oslo (Norway) according to the design of the Norwegian architectural studio RRA.

The total area of ​​the unusual building is about 1000 square meters. Taking into account the wishes of local authorities, the authors of the project developed an environmentally sustainable facility with modern architecture and positive democratic “content”. The interiors are made in natural wood, which alternates with bright, cheerful inclusions in the most unexpected places.

6 Kindergarten in Tromso, Norway

As a result of a competition for the creation of a new preschool institution, announced by local authorities, two new kindergartens have appeared in the city of Tromsø, Norway. The architects were given complete freedom in organizing the space, which allowed the company 70°N arkitektur as to create fun, colorful and, last but not least, interactive interiors.

Once inside the kindergarten, you might think that you were in a children's selector enlarged several times. There are holes of different sizes in the walls of the rooms, many of which children can crawl through without hindrance. Also, the presence of holes makes the work of educators easier, because they do not have to constantly run from room to room in the hope of keeping track of everyone at once. The two gardens provide a large number of colored elements, which contributes to the development of children.

It is possible to move some of the internal walls, which makes it easy to reorganize the premises for specific tasks. With such a layout of the kindergarten, we can safely say that the little tomboys will not be bored.

7 Kindergarten in the Finnish town of Yutteri(Kolpino, Russia) + New-Ton kindergarten (St. Petersburg, Russia)

In Russia, too, there are unusual and wonderful projects for children's homes. Thus, the construction company Lenstroytrest, as part of the project for the development of a new residential complex in Kolpino, which is called the Finnish town of Yutteri, will build a dream kindergarten.
As the company’s specialists say: “You should have fun going to kindergarten! Therefore, we decided to decorate it in the form of a fairy-tale castle that can accommodate 120 little residents of Yuttery.”

The Yutteri complex is being built in the best traditions of European residential complexes - when the beauty and severity of the appearance of the buildings are combined with the convenience and safety of the apartments inside. And one of the fundamental principles of the “Live” philosophy, according to which all the company’s projects are developed, is social infrastructure. According to it, a fairytale castle is being built in the middle of a Finnish town, and next to it a large and cozy school with a swimming pool and a sports ground is being built.

It is noteworthy that the fairy-tale palace in Yutteri is not the only project of the Lenstroytrest company in our area. So in 2016, in the New Ton residential complex, which is being built near the Ladozhskaya metro station, another unusual kindergarten with a musical and aesthetic bias will be built.
When designing the kindergarten, the builders sought to create a place where children would be happy to come every day, so they focused on bright architecture. The new kindergarten in Newton is an elliptical building with multi-colored walls, the facade of which will be decorated with a large decorative treble clef. The kindergarten will be pleasing to the eye even in the dark, thanks to the artistic lighting of the facade.

“Our main task is not just to build a kindergarten, but to create all the conditions to provide the young residents of Newton with a quality education. As a parent, I understand how important it is to be confident in the institution where you send your child: what is the emphasis in the curriculum, how seriously does the management take the choice of development course, are there additional educational opportunities, what are the logistics, medical and social support? kindergarten. In our New-Ton residential project, we are directly involved in resolving all these issues. We managed to agree on approval of the creative direction for the future kindergarten, because... We understand that music education and the development of creativity must begin at an early age. Subsequently, the kindergarten will be equipped with all the necessary musical instruments for children, and the teaching staff will include the best teachers in the city,” said Viktor Lebedev, director of the New-Tone project.

What is the name of the kindergarten? The question is quite complex, but very interesting, because when choosing the right and precise name, it’s as if you are being sent back to the world of childhood, where a lot of exciting and mysterious things await you. It is worth noting that the name of a kindergarten is not just a word. It should be magical and enchanting, because kids should be drawn to it, they should be happy to go to this place and discover something new and unknown every day. The name should be associated with something joyful and cheerful, and be a source of positive emotions and good mood.

What should you do to choose an interesting and original name for your garden?

  • Firstly, the name must meet such requirements and parameters as softness in sound, tenderness and warmth, but at the same time be quite original and unusual. For example, Sunny, Little Mouse, Bell, Bunnies, Robin, Cheburashka, Droplet.
  • Secondly, a fascinating and tempting phrase is perfect for the name, which will definitely remind you of childhood, as well as the cohesion of the entire team. The following names are striking examples. This is a Small Country, a Friendly Family, a Flower Town, Geese and Swans.
  • Thirdly, when choosing a name, focus on the individual characteristics of the kindergarten itself. For example. If your garden is focused on introducing students to foreign languages, which is very fashionable and popular nowadays, then the garden can be called “Linguist”. It is worth noting that already from the name itself it becomes clear what this place is and its main tasks. In the event that the bias is towards uniting children and parents, which is determined by the large participation of joint competitions and works, then the most correct and optimal name will be “Friendly Family”.
  • Fourthly, analyze all the fairy tales and children's cartoons and choose some interesting and exciting name that would become the pride and highlight of the garden. One of the most popular and fashionable names today is “Smeshariki”, believe me, children and parents really like it.
  • Fifthly, when choosing a name, you can involve adults from the parent committee in this process and invite them to play such a fun and interesting game as “Association”, which will help make the right and accurate choice. Remember that if the name reminds you of quite unpleasant and negative associations, then, of course, you should stay away from it. Even though it is very beautiful and attractive. But if the associations are only positive, then this is exactly what you were looking for. For example, if you take the name of the garden as “Dolphin”, at first glance it is very beautiful and successful, but it will definitely be associated with a swimming pool, and many parents will mistakenly believe that it exists. It is precisely such incorrect associations that it is better to get rid of and not use them in the name.

If you find it difficult to choose a name for a kindergarten, then you can take an easier and more accessible path. This is to analyze existing titles that are in great demand and popularity, and then, based on them, make a choice or come up with something of your own.

Popular names of kindergartens.

    1. “Little Raccoon.”
    2. “Three Bears.”
    3. "Thumbelina".
    4. "The Little Prince".
    5. "Classics".
    6. "Funtik".
    7. "Chamomile".
    8. “Knowledgeable.”

Today, the range of names for kindergarten is very wide and varied, so there is plenty to choose from. Remember that choosing a name is a personal matter for everyone, but you should take into account all wishes and meet all standards and requirements. Do not forget that the name you choose, first of all, should be liked by the child, because everything is done for them and for their sake.

This article was created rather as a way to help come up with a name for a kindergarten or group in a kindergarten. We've narrowed the title search down to a few categories.
The names of kindergartens can be divided into several subtypes.
Fabulous. The name is based on cheerful positive characters and elements of fairy tales. Examples of such names of kindergartens are known to everyone: “Buratino”, “Cheburashka”, “Kolobok”, “Nafanya”, “Golden Key”, “Swan Geese”, “Luntik”, “Bambi”.

Natural. Diminutive forms of animate and inanimate objects are used as names. For example: “Sunshine”, “Fir-tree”, “Squirrel”, “Stork”, “Spring”, “Starling”, “Anthill”, “Glade”, “Firefly”, “Chamomile”.
The principle of place. What this principle is is easy to understand. Just walk around the seaside town and you will collect a whole list of names of kindergartens: “Sailor”, “Jung”, “Dolphin”, “Ship”.
This principle is not suitable for all places. Thus, it is difficult to imagine the name of a kindergarten in a mining town.

Words applied to children. They can also be used to name both a kindergarten and a separate group of it. Kindergartens “Sorvanets”, “Fidget” and even “Heir” appear here (there is actually such a kindergarten in Moscow).
When you come up with a name for a kindergarten or kindergarten group, try to choose words that are general and non-binding, unless this was originally intended. For example, the name “Pinocchio” is just that. But the Harlequin kindergarten involuntarily demands compliance with the name.

It immediately seems that all the children do there is learn roles and perform performances.
We would not recommend taking a long, polysyllabic name for your kindergarten. Beautiful - yes. Cute - yes. Original - why not.

But it’s rare preschoolers who are able to correctly pronounce “Our kindergarten is called “House under the Star of Bethlehem.”

Names of the group in kindergarten

You can take a little more liberties when coming up with a band name. We won’t explain why, we’ll just give examples: “Guys”, “27 Dwarfs”, “Stargazers”, “Turtles”, “Mammoths”, “Dog the Cat”, “Beauty and the Beasts”.
The names and characters of modern cartoons can and should be used in group names. After all, the lifespan of the group is commensurate with the duration of the popularity of modern animated characters. Where are they from Cheburashka, which gave its name to thousands of kindergartens and groups throughout the country.
That's probably all. Get creative, and good health for your children!
Chants, mottos, chants, names.
