Russian rappers with tattoos on their faces. Facial tattoos of domestic rap artists

Representatives of rap culture have always had a special craving for decorating their bodies with tattoos. It’s a rare rapper who will refuse to paint a memorable picture or a meaningful phrase reminiscent of the old, hard times spent in the “ghetto.” Alexey Dolmatov, performing under the stage name Guf, being a prominent representative of the rap crowd, also supports this tradition of the genre and periodically replenishes his collection with new tattoos.

Music themed tattoos

A completely obvious and natural phenomenon is the appearance of music-themed tattoos on a musician’s body. And Guf, of course, has a couple of such tattoos:

  • Conveniently located on the musician’s right forearm is a boombox (musical tape recorder), which has gone through quite a few transformations and corrections.
  • Somewhat higher than the famous tape recorder, the rapper later filled buttons reminiscent of the control panel of a music player.
  • On the left shoulder, surrounded by heaps of clouds, there is a rather large musical microphone (1930s format).

Music-themed tattoos by Alexey Dolmatov

I also have a tattoo of a microphone only on the inside of my shoulder. I am not a fan of Guf, but I am very familiar with his work. I got this tattoo because I myself am a musician. This, of course, is not the most original sketch; it seems to me that every fifth musician definitely has a similar tattoo, but I like it!

Pavel, St. Petersburg

Love theme in Guf's tattoos

Everyone knows that any rapper is quite sensitive to the topic of family: representatives of this musical direction often stuff tattoos dedicated to their mothers, children and beloved women. Alexey has more than enough such memorable tattoos.

The first tattoo you should pay attention to is a rather large portrait of Aiza, Guf’s ex-wife, under which there is an illegible, secret saying. This tattoo is located on the side of the musician. On the right shin, also dedicated to his beautiful wife, there is a tattoo “One love Vagapova”.

Did you know?

The “One love Vagapova” tattoo, dedicated to the ex-wife of Alexei Dolmatov, is a pair. On the right leg of Aiza, the woman he once loved, there is also a tattoo “One love Dolmatov,” naturally.

Singer's love tattoos

On the inside of the right forearm there is the following inscription: “Sami V.V.X.” This is the name and date of birth of Sami, the beloved son of the famous rapper.

Inscription dedicated to the son of Alexei

Tattoos dedicated to Moscow Alexey Dolmatov never hid his tender feelings for Moscow, praising it in his texts or sharing with the press stories that happened to him in the capital. And no wonder: after all, here he was born and raised, here he became addicted to drugs, and then got rid of his addiction, here he met love and became famous throughout the country. That is why the most famous and large-scale.

Alexey's tattoos are dedicated specifically to her, Moscow

Intricate inscriptions on the rapper's body and their meaning

  • Like many rap musicians, Dolmatov has a huge number of various inscriptions on his body, the meaning of some of which is still not known to the public:
  • "NO." on the elbow – the musician’s elbow used to be decorated with this mysterious inscription, the meaning of which not a single fan puzzled over; it was later covered with a tattoo of a tape recorder.
  • "Parental Advisory Explicit Lyrics" and "ZM" Label on left chest.
  • Under the right breast “All cops are bastards” (in English) and a strange, bizarre inscription with a star.
  • The inscription “addiction” in English stretches across the entire stomach, which is a memory of the defeated drug addiction.

On the right hand there is an Arabic inscription, and on the left there are lines also of Arabic origin, the meaning of which the musician is silent about.

Almost all of the rapper's inscriptions are presented in this photo

Film classics, which Dolmatov stuffed, and other arts

The rapper is not only a passionate music lover, but also a fan of cinema, so he decided to immortalize already timeless film masterpieces on his hand. As you know, the singer’s favorite films are “Scarface”, “Reservoir Dogs” and “The Godfather”, and therefore his body is now decorated with the faces and catchphrases of Marlon Brondo, Al Pacino, as well as five thugs from Tarantino’s acclaimed film.

Film classics on the body of a famous musician

We find out the meaning of the tattoos on the faces of Eljay, Scrooge, Legalize and other cool guys

Face tattoos are one of the signs of the so-called “new school of rappers.” They shock the grandmothers at the entrance more than the clogged sleeves. And if earlier facial tattoos were part of the image of American hip-hoppers, now more and more Russian performers are getting designs for themselves. Read more about them in this collection.


And although the artist himself did not comment on this event, fans started a whole discussion to get to the bottom of the meaning of the inscription.

From the conclusions: the inscription is a line of coordinates. Due to the poor clarity of the images, it is impossible to see the exact numbers. But the main version at the moment is Eljay’s favorite place on Earth. It may end up in Japan or Spain - the cultures of these countries influenced Eldzhey's early work. This could also turn out to be a vacation spot where the rapper secretly went with his now wife Nastya Ivleeva.

Although, some fans joke that this is just the address of his Moscow apartment, so that the artist does not forget where he lives.


The number 666 scares the superstitious, but rapper Morgenshtern is not one of them. He had a rather large image of the “number of the beast” tattooed right above his eyebrow.

As it turned out, the musician did not put any sacred meanings into this drawing. He just knew that with such a tattoo he would definitely not be hired for an office job. A trip to a tattoo parlor became a point of no return in choosing a life path. No jackets or conferences. Only creativity. There is no turning back. Soon the artist liked wearing rusunkas on his face so much that he added a note and a mace to the collection.

Rapper Face (real name Ivan Dremin) got tattoos on his face at the moment when he realized: Face is no longer just a pseudonym. This is a symbol of the fact that he has become the “face of the younger generation.”

Ivan gained widespread fame in 2017, when his album No Love was downloaded by 7.9 million people. In the spring of the same year, the inscription Numb appeared above the rapper’s eyebrow. The word is translated from English as “numb,” “numb,” or “helpless,” which is how Dremin remembers his state during his school years. In addition, there is a reference to the cult song of Linkin Park.

The rapper stamped two more inscriptions on his face under his right (HATE) and left (LOVE) eyes. As the performer himself admitted, with this he wanted to convey the idea that love and hatred are the main feelings that live in a person, and through the prism of which we all look at the world.


The pyramid on Legalize’s chin is the very first of Andrei Menshikov’s many tattoos. It, according to the rapper, does not carry any occult meanings. At the beginning of his career, Liga did it to shock and surprise.

But over time, journalists increasingly asked the musician obsessive questions about the secret meaning of the drawing. Therefore, the League had to come up with a legend that the pyramid looked like the letter L, with which his nickname began.

In 2018, on the eve of the release of the album “The Young King,” Andrei posted on Instagram a photo of a fresh tattoo - a crown on his forehead.

In Roman Super's documentary dedicated to , Liga appeared with thick stubble, which makes it quite difficult to see that same triangle. The crown hid behind a cap pulled down over his forehead. Have you matured?


Scrooge (Eduard Vygranovsky) has been thinking about going to a tattoo parlor for two years, because his loved ones, as the artist himself admitted, do not really approve of tattoos.

Now, above the rapper’s right eyebrow is the word Edy, an abbreviation of the name Eduard. And above the left is the inscription NOT GUILTY, translated from English as “innocent”.

In addition to the inscriptions, Scrooge also has graphic images on his face, numbers on his ears and an extension of the tattoo he got on his neck.

Photo:, Instagram @morgen_shtern, @sayonaraboy, @ligalizemc, @facepublicenemy

a:2:(s:4:"TEXT";s:7259:"Hip-hop and tattoos have always been a means of expression for musicians. Recently, more and more people are getting tattoos on the most visible place - the face, so that It’s better to express yourself and show your inner world. We decided to make a selection of domestic performers who got tattoos on their faces.

1. Lottery Billz

A young and promising artist not long ago got himself a tattoo in the form of a crying heart flying away on wings. The performer interprets his tattoo as follows: “Where love should be with understanding, only tears of suffering appear...”. The author told us that he decided to get a tattoo to remind people of the importance of helping and understanding each other in this world.

2.Yung Pretty

A young performer from St. Petersburg made the following tattoos on his face: a nickname above his eyebrow, two tears on his cheekbones, a cross on his right cheek, and a crossed out heart, meaning that there is no place for heartfelt feelings in his head.

He has a huge number of tattoos on his face:
Love and play ( play And love under the eyes) - everything that the performer can do.
"Candyman" is a reference to the film.
13 is an unlucky number, so that people don’t think of doing anything stupid towards the artist.
The sign of Omen as the personification of a child for whom everything is destined.
Maple Leaf - Yura remembers his childhood, he had not yet gone to school and fell from a large metal fence, and when he fell, he saw how “helicopters” (maple seeds) fell with him, and time seemed to stop.
Crystallization sign on the right cheek - “let’s just say I sniffed my kilogram... I won’t do it again.”
K5 - tattoo in honor of his team (Also members of Kadis, PAPA, Code10).

4. Young Gipsy

The artist has a huge number of tattoos on his body and several on his face. One tattoo is a symbol Ohm(?) or Aum- it is believed that this sound was the first and the Universe appeared from its vibration. It is also considered a sacred sound. The second is the inscription “Family” above the eyebrow and tears, thereby the performer shows grief for his family: he lost his father and recently divorced his wife.

5.044 Rose

The performer got himself a tattoo of a rose in honor of his nickname.

6. Jacques-Anthony

Jacques got a tattoo of the word “Game” upside down, thereby showing that he had “flipped” it.


Face made tattoos on his face at the beginning of 2017. There are two inscriptions under his eyes Hate And Love(hate and love). As Ivan explained in one of his interviews, these are the two emotions that he experiences most often, and the inscription “Numb” is interpreted as the artist’s internal state. He said that until recently he felt Numb(which translated means numb or helpless).


Oleg also has several tattoos on his face. One of them is “JEFE”. According to him, it reminds him of his time in prison. During this time, he learned important life lessons, in memory of which he got a tattoo. He also has another tattoo of a devil's horn, as on the cover of his debut album Mas Fuerte, and another symbol whose meaning the artist did not mention.
