The impeccable effectiveness of hardware pedicure. Hardware pedicure: video tutorials with detailed explanations

Many women remember the condition of their feet only with the advent of summer, when sandals replace shoes. It seems to me that a real lady should look perfectly well-groomed at any time of the year.

Today I would like to raise the topic of proper care for the feet and toenails, since not only their appearance, but also their health depends on it. Not so long ago, a pedicure was considered a luxury, and not every woman could afford it.

Currently the pedicure procedure has become available to any woman, and for this it is not at all necessary to visit a beauty salon - now you can buy excellent devices for an independent pedicure on free sale.

It is a hardware pedicure that is one of the most optimal ways to care for your feet, at the same time easy and fast. Let's take a look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this method for caring for nails and skin of the feet together, and also take a step-by-step look at how to do a hardware pedicure at home.

What is a hardware pedicure

Hardware pedicure is a very common and popular way of foot care, which involves treating the skin of the feet and nails with a special electrical device that can be easily used without the participation of a hairdresser or other specialist.

This method is a hygienic procedure, the main task of which is to keep the foot healthy and attractive and prevent the development of various problems.

Do not confuse a hardware pedicure with a medical hardware pedicure, which uses similar equipment, but it is used to treat fungus, ingrown nails and hyperkeratosis, and only a doctor can do it.

Features of hardware pedicure

  • Very gentle and pleasant foot care procedure;
  • economical option, as it is carried out using only one device;
  • the total duration of the procedure is 50-60 minutes;
  • Ideal for people of all ages and genders.



  • The high cost of a special apparatus for this procedure;
  • if your legs are in a state of neglect, several sessions will be required;
  • a short training course is required to use the device;
  • The procedure is not suitable for people with very thin nails.

Which pedicure is better - hardware or classic

Classic pedicure available at any beauty salon for a reasonable price. It is performed using cutting tools (scissors, blades) in combination with various nail files and scrapers - as a result, the skin becomes smooth and loses problem areas.

However, in the first days after the procedure, discomfort is felt: a feeling of “thin skin” and slight pain, especially if calluses or corns were removed. In addition, a classic pedicure banned for people with diabetes- the wounds received during the procedure will heal for a very long time.

Hardware pedicure requires the mandatory use of a special electrical apparatus, which has a high cost. In addition to it, the set includes only 2-3 nozzles, so it is often necessary to purchase additional nozzles for a full-fledged hardware pedicure.

The procedure does not require steaming the feet and does not cause injury during the removal of keratinized skin. Thanks to cutters for hardware pedicure, problem areas are not cut off, but removed, gradually peeling them off.

Also, the process of replacing old cells with new ones is much faster than in a classic pedicure. Hardware pedicure is available to everyone without exception, both healthy and with various diseases, as well as it has no age limit.

In addition, it provides a more durable result, and a second procedure is necessary only after a month.


  • if you have foot problems, use a hardware pedicure;
  • if you have health problems, choose a hardware pedicure;
  • if you are elderly, do a hardware pedicure;
  • if you want to enjoy the rest during the procedure or relax, choose a classic pedicure.

So which pedicure is better: is it classic hardware? The choice is yours.

Trendy Pedicure Ideas

Floral motifs

Using this design, you will give a romantic touch to your look, especially when paired with a floral dress or skirt. To perform the original floral pattern, you must first cover the nails with a plain varnish, which will play a background role.

Then, using stickers, draw a chamomile on the nail or draw rose petals with a special needle. To make the flowers look more impressive and expressive, you can use rhinestones that are glued with special glue.

polka dots

Small or large polka dots on the nails will effectively complement your look and give a chic look to a woman in a plain outfit. You can draw polka dots in a chaotic manner or in even rows.

You can also create an original composition by adding sparkles and rhinestones. This design is suitable for a trip to the sea or for outdoor recreation.

Geometric figures

This design is used by lovers of non-standard patterns. A truly bold decision would be a combination of several different figures using bright and very rich colors. The design with geometric shapes is suitable for both a business dinner and a party with friends.

Bright palette

This design is always in fashion and never gets old. A bold, bright combination of light green and orange, blue and pink, as well as green and bright red colors will not go unnoticed and invaluable by others. This is an ideal option for women of any character and age, suitable for any event in your life.

Shine of metal

Metallic pedicure is now in a big trend, and metallic pedicure is doubly fashionable! Great design for femme fatales with a bold and defiant look.

The luxury of gold

This option will favorably emphasize your bronze tan. For a luxurious woman - luxurious design.

New french

This type of pedicure is suitable for business women. A clear bright stripe separating the two shades will ideally emphasize the practicality and high IQ of the owner of the new jacket.


To achieve the harmony of the image, you need to choose the color scheme of the stripes according to the color of the dress and shoes that you are going to wear. And there is absolutely no need to make strips on each toe, a thumbnail is enough.


An excellent solution would be unusual motifs and various ornaments on your fingers. A similar design suits cheerful and never discouraged ladies.

Step-by-step instructions for hardware pedicure at home

You will need:

  • foot sanitizer;
  • softening remover;
  • apparatus with nozzles;
  • foot ointment or moisturizer.

The process of performing a hardware pedicure:

Reviews about hardware pedicure

An online conference was held in the capital of our country with the participation of a number of specialists in the field of cosmetology. One of the sites broadcast this event live.

Everyone who wished had the opportunity to ask questions to the invited guests. I bring to your attention the comments of experts that relate to our today's topic.

Alevtina, 30 years old:

I have always done the classic pedicure on my own to take care of my feet. However, when I found out about a hardware pedicure, I immediately spent money on purchasing a device for it - to be honest, the price turned out to be impressive.

In addition, I had to buy the necessary nozzles for convenient and quick treatment of the skin and nails of the feet. However, I want to note that it was worth it - I got the opportunity to treat hard-to-reach places, as well as independently remove keratinized skin.

I spend much less time and effort on all this than before. I also want to note that now there is no need to repeat the procedure every week, once every two to three weeks is enough. But until the end, I have not comprehended all the possibilities of this device.

Therefore, I would like to know if hardware pedicure solves problems with ingrown nails?

Expert answer: Yes, it does - simple and painless. First, apply a special cream to the ingrown nail that softens the nail plate. The place where the nail has grown into the skin is treated with a special cream.

After all these procedures, you can gently and painlessly pull out the part of the nail that has grown into the skin with the help of forceps. Also, do not forget in the future that when trimming your nails, you do not need to round off their tips - this will allow your nails to straighten, grow faster and not cause you further inconvenience.

Elena, 23 years old:

My grandmother has large cracked heels. I also suffer from this problem, but to a lesser extent. We tried different ointments and creams, made various foot masks - nothing helped.

I read on the Internet that a hardware pedicure can help solve this problem. I bought the device and first tried it on myself, I really liked the result.

But I’m afraid to do it without consultation for my grandmother, her situation is much more complicated, some cracks even sometimes bleed. Tell me, is this procedure safe in our case?

Expert answer: Hardware pedicure can help with solving this problem. However, you will need not one procedure, but several - it depends on the depth of the cracks.

As I understand it, my grandmother has very deep pedicures, I recommend you go to the salon for a hardware pedicure, since the procedure will require certain skills and experience with the nozzles of the device. But with small cracks, you can handle it yourself.

You just need to cut off the protruding edges a little and grind them with a special nozzle, then lubricate the crack with a special ointment for speedy healing. Repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of the crack.

Natalie, 32 years old:

For my birthday, they gave me a machine for a hardware pedicure with all kinds of nozzles. However, I was told that some cosmetics are still needed for this procedure.

Please let me know what I need to buy. In the meantime, I use the services of a master in the salon.

Expert answer: You need to purchase five cosmetic products: to soften and exfoliate dead cells, to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation, to remove the cuticle, as well as a moisturizing foot cream - it is used after foot treatment. You will also need a fixative - a nail care product. Good luck to you!

Cognitive lessons on hardware pedicure on video

When starting a hardware pedicure at home, you must carefully study the instructions that came with the device for this procedure. Thanks to this, you will be able to better navigate in which cases this or that nozzle is used, this knowledge will help you save your time and effort.

To keep your legs well-groomed and healthy in the summer, you will need to repeat the procedure every two weeks, once, and in other seasons, when the legs are hidden from the sun, once a month is enough.

I bring to your attention a video of the hardware option for processing the foot and toes, after watching which you will learn about all the intricacies and rules for the correct implementation of a hardware pedicure, without knowing which you will not succeed in anything worthwhile - it will be especially useful for teaching beginners.

Hardware pedicure video tutorial, part 1: foot treatment

Hardware pedicure video tutorial, part 2: finger treatment

Master class of combined hardware pedicure

Part 1: foot treatment

Part 2: nail treatment

A hardware pedicure will give your feet a healthy and neat look in a short time. Having once spent on a device for it, you do not have to spend precious free time on trips to beauty salons and material resources to carry out a simple procedure that you can easily do yourself.

After a hardware pedicure, you can use any design of toenails - every fashionista will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself, which will be in perfect harmony with her whole image as a whole.

I highly recommend choosing nail color options according to your character and the clothes you wear. Do not forget that rhinestones and sequins are always relevant and never lose popularity, allowing you to present a beautiful drawing in a more favorable light.

It seems that I told about everything and did not forget anything. Use health information! If you have any questions while reading the article - feel free to ask them, I will definitely answer. Share with me your successes and show the result in the photos, if possible - I will be glad to see that you succeeded. Good luck with your experiments!

Knowing how to do a hardware pedicure, it is possible to perform an excellent cosmetic procedure at home. For absolutely any girl, a pedicure is a mandatory procedure that helps to make the legs smooth and seductive.

How can I make a hardware type of nail treatment

Many are wondering how to do a hardware pedicure at home without resorting to the help of cosmetologists. To be able to independently perform this procedure, you need to purchase a special device. When carrying out the procedure using this apparatus, the legs are not steamed with water. To make the skin on the fingers and feet become much softer and more tender, you need to apply a certain lotion or oily cream to the feet. It is advisable to use a high-quality cosmetic product of well-known companies for the procedure.

The agent used to soften the skin of the feet has an additional antiseptic effect. When it is softened, it is necessary to process the feet using certain nozzles for the existing apparatus.

Each apparatus for performing foot treatment is equipped with certain nozzles. They are used for polishing feet, removing cuticles.

Cuticles near the fingers are treated using a small nozzle, and rough keratinized particles around the nail are removed using a round nozzle, which is slightly larger than the cuticle remover nozzle.

If you need to adjust the length of the nail, then you should use special nippers. When everything is ready, it is necessary to polish the nail plate well using a special nozzle made using white stone. This nozzle must be handled very carefully, because there is a high probability of injury.

At the end of the cosmetic treatment, it is recommended to apply a certain nourishing mask to the legs or do an exfoliating peel. In addition, it is worth periodically making foot masks, which include paraffin. When performing a mask with a thick layer, you need to apply a product containing paraffin on your feet and put on thick warm socks.

Read also: Bio gel for pedicure

The technique for performing hardware-type procedures is quite simple; you can do it at home two or three times a week.

The more often the procedure is performed, the faster you can see a positive result. The legs will become healthy faster, and the skin of the feet will be very tender, like a baby's.

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How to carry out the procedure, taking into account all the nuances

Knowing how to do a hardware pedicure correctly, it is quite possible to perform this procedure on your own, thereby saving time and money.

To perform the procedure, you need to have tools and devices such as:

  • the device itself with certain nozzles;
  • softener for feet and cuticles;
  • a stick made from an orange tree for a cuticle;
  • mask with the addition of paraffin;
  • disinfectant;
  • means for degreasing nails;
  • nail polish remover.

Performing a hardware pedicure step by step guarantees a good result and the correctness of the entire procedure.

It is worth starting a “manicure for the legs” only after a thorough study of the device itself, because otherwise it is possible to get injured.

Feet absolutely do not need to be steamed, just apply a certain agent to them, preferably with a disinfectant effect. To make the cuticle easier to remove, you need to treat it with a softener.

When everything is ready, you need to remove the keratinized skin from the heels and cuticles using equipment with various nozzles.

Separately, it is worth treating corns and cracks on the heels, using certain products with an exfoliating effect for this.

1. To prevent infection, we apply a broad-spectrum disinfectant on the hands of the master and the feet of the client.

2. To soften the cornification, on the skin of the foot, for 10 minutes, we apply a special agent.

3. While the keratinized layers of the skin are softening, we process the area cuticles and skin around the nail with special nozzles ( see below).

4. We perform nail shape modeling and polishing nail plate (see below ). For a significant correction of the length of the nail, we can use nippers.

5. Remove the remnants of the softener with a napkin.

6. The keratinized layer of the skin, corns and calluses from the foot and fingers are removed by the apparatus using various nozzles ( see below). There is no single procedure for performing a hardware pedicure. You can start the procedure with both the foot and the fingers. You can treat both legs at once or in turn.

7. We apply a decorative or therapeutic coating on the nails.

8. Apply to nails emollient oil.

It is necessary to treat the skin of the legs with the apparatus, constantly moving the handle of the apparatus, in no case stopping in one place and not pressing, otherwise the client will experience a burning sensation. Nozzles are used, starting with coarse-grained, gradually moving to fine-grained and polishers. For foot treatment, in a hardware pedicure, carbide nozzles are used (for hardened, chronic corns) and sand (one-time) nozzles of various abrasiveness.

The prices of nozzles depend on their durability. The more expensive the nozzle, the longer it can be used, and the cheap ones wear out quickly. However, according to some masters, inexpensive disposable (sand) nozzles made in China are practically not inferior to expensive European ones.

Treatment of fingers in a hardware pedicure.

Treatment of the nail plate.

Special cylindrical cutter for free edge . In order to avoid damage to nearby tissues, this nozzle has a sapphire coating only from the end.

Cutter diamond truncated cone. Multifunction nozzle. One of the applications is processing free edge of the nail.

Cylindrical cutter with longitudinal perforated cuts made of stainless steel. Perfectly solves the problem of vulture. Can be used to finish the free edge.

Brush (brush) for cleaning the free edge.

Cuticle treatment.

Boron spherical diamond. Convenient and safe to use.

Milling cutter only-clean - special milling cutter made of tool steel with a polygonal working surface, for removing ptegyrium. She can work like dry nail plate and after applying the remover cuticles.

Corundum cutter for cutting cuticles. Depending on the abrasiveness, it is used both in the cuticle zone and for polishing the skin of the periungual space.

Brush (brush) for polishing the cuticle after treatment with the only-clean nozzle. Before use, apply a cuticle remover.

Treatment of nail folds.

Carbide needle cutter with fine cross cut- a good helper in the fight against hard rollers.

Such a cutter is suitable for cuts, in the process of treating an ingrown nail.

Cutter diamond truncated cone with a rounded end of various abrasiveness. The choice of abrasiveness of the cutter depends on the condition of the skin. The rougher the skin, the larger the abrasive of its working part. In the photo - medium abrasive.

Pear-shaped sapphire cutter. Delicately works on the skin, including in the cuticle area. The abrasive of the sapphire head is medium or fine.

Treatment of corns on the toes.

Mill diamond MonAlit - a tornado. This cutter is made using a unique technology, forming a monolithic structure, consisting almost entirely of diamond grain. Such a cutter gently grinds the skin without injuring it, forming an ideal, even surface, while the skin DOES NOT HEAT! Such a nozzle is indispensable when working with a diabetic foot.

Cutter steel truncated cone perforated. This cutter, despite its formidable appearance, can be safely used to speed up work.

To work with core calluses, you must have burs of different diameters(from 1mm to 3mm). When drilling a callus channel, we change burs, starting from a larger one, gradually moving to a bur of a small diameter. The foot is treated with a nozzle with a rubber base and interchangeable caps of various diameters. The amount of abrasiveness of the caps depends on the condition of the feet.

In the photo - a base with a diameter of 13 mm with an abrasive cap 080 (large abrasive).

Possible cap abrasiveness options:

060 - super large,

080 - large,

150 - medium,

240 or 320 - small.

Nozzle with a rubber base with a diameter of 5 mm with a cap 080 coarse abrasiveness.

Very handy for pedicure ! Base with a diameter of 11mm with interchangeable caps: 060-super-large, 080-large, 150-medium, 280-small. The area of ​​the processed surface for one pass is more, than at a basis with a diameter of 13 mm.
Carbide cutter with coarse, medium and fine cross cut teeth.

Carbide cutter with very large(blue ring), major(green ring), or shallow(red ring) cross O and cutting teeth coated with titanium nitride. The finer the cut, the smoother the finished surface becomes.

Steel cutter with longitudinal perforated notches. Used when dealing with hyperkeratosis.

Carbide cutter truncated cone with rounded end and coarse cross cut. Effectively fights against calluses.

black ring- Extra-large cross cutting of teeth.

Carbide milling cutter with special helical cutting. Cutting features are designed for effective work on the legs and skin.

Carbide pear cutter. Helps to remove peeling. Recommended for diabetic foot. You can work with this nozzle in two directions:

a) lift the flaky skin in one direction,

b) changing direction, gently cut.

Diamond cutter MonAlit (sintered diamond) - tornado gently grinds the skin without heating it. Ideal for working with diabetic foot and treatment of interdigital areas.

Bullet-shaped silicone carbide grinder, for creating a perfectly flat surface. The color of the nozzle depends on the amount of abrasiveness of the grain.

Removal of corns.

This cutter is only recommended for experienced craftsmen!

A hollow cutter with a sharp edge is designed for loosening corns. To do this, a "notch" is performed.

Reversible cross cut carbide cutter easily removes loose callus.

A stainless steel cutter also easily removes loosened corns.

Removal of calluses.

The carbide nozzle removes the keratinized layer of corns, opening access to the corn core.

The hollow cutter processes the core callus.

We drill out the corn with a perforated spherical bur.

With a bud-shaped diamond cutter, we grind the edges of the corn.

Grain size of diamond cutter:

large- green ring

average- blue ring.

Foot crack treatment.

A cylindrical cutter with longitudinal perforated notches is used to work with hyperkeratosis.

The rubber tip with interchangeable caps is perfect for preparing the foot for treating cracks. The amount of abrasiveness depends on the state of calluses. In the photo - a large abrasive, the size of the base is 13mm.

Nozzle with 11mm rubber base and replaceable caps effectively removes the horny layer to gain access to cracks.

On the picture

150 - medium abrasive.

Nozzle with a rubber basis with a diameter of 5 mm with replaceable caps. The thinner the skin, the less abrasive should be.

With a truncated cone diamond cutter, we begin work directly on the cracks. In the work we use the upper and lower edges of the nozzle.

Needle fissure cutter Made of stainless steel, multifunctional. In this case, we use it when processing the edges of a crack on the heel.

The diamond bud cutter is perfect for safe and efficient cracking. This cutter is especially suitable for beginners.

At diamond bud cutter with cross cutting, all planes can be used in work.

We grind the edges of the crack with a cylindrical cutter.

Efficient and convenient for grinding the edges of the crack sintered diamond cutter.

A carbide cutter with a medium cross cut grinds the skin well at high speed (about 20 thousand rpm).

An alternative option for grinding can be a diamond burr with a rounded end. The grain size of the cutter is selected depending on the condition of the skin.

The final grinding and polishing is carried out with nozzles made of silicone-carbide alloy or silicone without abrasive.

Silicone nozzle for polishing skin and nails.

Hardware processing technique has at least one advantage: efficiency, because hardware pedicure is performed using a milling machine (with cutter attachments), which is used to treat feet and toenails. Nozzles of different sizes allow the master to penetrate even into hard-to-reach areas of the foot. In addition, it is more convenient and safer to do the processing with the device than with scissors.

What is a hardware pedicure

This is one of the types of care for toenails and feet. It is carried out using a special device - a milling cutter. Includes foot treatment, removal of calluses and corns, cuticle treatment, nail polishing, nail shaping and decoration (at the request of the client). In addition to the aesthetic effect of a cosmetic procedure, pedicure gives a therapeutic result.

Which pedicure is better: hardware or classic

A classic pedicure, unlike a hardware pedicure, is available in any salon - this is a basic technique that can be performed by any professional master. In addition, it is cheaper, but has a number of disadvantages (while there is only one drawback of the hardware type - the price):

  • feeling of too thin skin after treatment - the master cuts off the keratinized layers once, due to which in some places the cut may be too close to the “live” skin;
  • soreness - there is always a risk of touching the non-roughened skin of the feet with cutting tools;
  • the risk of infection - through micro-wounds invisible to the human eye, an infection from the outside world can enter the body or an existing one can spread (especially important for people with nail diseases);
  • a short-lived result - the damaged layer of the epidermis begins to regenerate, so that after about a week the corns re-form in the same places where they were cut off;
  • steaming the legs before classical treatment may be prohibited for health reasons (for example, with varicose veins).

Benefits of hardware pedicure

It makes sense to choose hardware processing, even if its price is higher than traditional. Below are the main advantages of a hardware pedicure before a trimmed pedicure:

  • safety - the device cannot damage healthy skin, there is also no risk of fungal infections (because it does not require steaming the skin, like a traditional pedicure);
  • long-term - care is performed every 2 weeks (in advanced cases) or once a month (with regular visits and a stable result);
  • careful study of hard-to-reach areas - processed with small nozzles;
  • painlessness;
  • used, including for medical purposes, solves a number of medical problems, improves blood circulation, enriches cells with oxygen (after treatment, they begin to breathe better).

What you need for a pedicure

The tools that are used in the classic edged pedicure are not needed for hardware. Foot treatment during hardware pedicure is performed with the following tools:

  • apparatus - milling machine;
  • additional cutters (nozzles).

In addition, additional materials are used. Among them:

  • disinfectants;
  • a special gel or oil to soften the cuticle;
  • moisturizing nourishing creams and therapeutic ointments are used after the procedure.

The workplace in which the procedure takes place must be equipped with special equipment. It includes the following fixtures:

  • comfortable armchair;
  • footrest;
  • disposable slippers;
  • face mask (for the master);
  • rubber gloves (also for the master).


Nozzles for a milling machine are called milling cutters. Cutters are supplied as a set, but can be purchased separately (if the old ones have become unusable or if there is a need to supplement the basic set). Materials for special nozzles:

  • metal - for the correction and removal of artificial nails;
  • ceramics - for skin procedures;
  • silicone - for leveling and polishing natural nails (including before coating);
  • diamond spraying - for shaping artificial nails;
  • felt or suede - used to create grinding nozzles (for polishing nail plates).

The quality of the material is important so that the cutter does not heat up during rotation and does not damage the nails. Below is a list of which cutters are needed for hardware pedicure:

  • cuticle cutter - cylindrical;
  • to remove corns and calluses (notched burs are used for rods);
  • for processing the skin between the fingers;
  • for polishing the skin of the foot.


The main tool for this type of pedicure is a professional apparatus, a milling machine with nozzles or a milling cutter. In addition to additional milling cutters, the set includes brushes for cleaning tools, which can also be purchased separately. Milling cutters vary in size and capabilities (for professional or home use).

Pedicure technique

  1. The hands of the master and the feet of the client are disinfected.
  2. Feet, including toes, are covered with a special softening gel, after which they are left for 10 minutes to get a softening effect.
  3. The nozzle for keratinized skin is worked out on the entire surface of the feet.
  4. The cuticle is removed.
  5. Calluses and corns are treated.
  6. Treatment stage. If there are corns-rods, they are treated with boron and covered with a cream to destroy the corn root.
  7. The desired shape is given to the nails.
  8. A session of foot massage is carried out (at the request of the client and the competence of the master).

In addition, pedicure may include removal of gel polish, removal or correction of artificial nails, polishing of nail plates, preparation for coating and the coating itself (including design, strengthening with biogel, etc. at the request of the client). Further, the features of each of the hardware processing: medical procedure, professional pedicure and home.


Beauty salons provide the opportunity for pedicure for medicinal purposes. You need to clarify the cost and the possibility of treating a specific problem directly in the salon, where they do a hardware medical pedicure. It can be a female, male or children's pedicure. In addition to the above steps, the procedure includes:

  • treatment of foot cracks and hyperkeratosis (hard stratum corneum);
  • antifungal treatment (treatment with special creams and ointments, removal of affected nail plates);
  • treatment of thickened and ingrown nails;
  • treatment of excessive sweating;
  • treatment for diabetic foot.


It is performed in salons or at home (by craftsmen who work on a private basis). Regardless of the location of the workplace, it must be properly equipped (see the list above), and the technology itself must include all of the above steps. For professional milling, larger multi-function machines and more attachments are used, as any customer problem needs to be solved. Otherwise, the technology has no features other than those already mentioned above.

For many women, it is quite possible to perform a hardware pedicure at home. The procedure allows you to solve many problems with the legs, which can partially be attributed to medical ones. The device for a pedicure allows you to process the feet as quickly and efficiently as possible without visiting the masters.

Hardware pedicure at home is a pleasant and gentle procedure for the feet. During the execution, no damage appears on the skin, nails, there is no pain. Among the main features are:

  • Comprehensive care with one device. You just need to choose the right nozzles for different parts of the legs, which will give smoothness to the feet and nails.
  • The procedure turns out to be long, there is no need for steaming the legs, hard and rough skin is removed with the help of equipment. The average duration of a pedicure is about an hour.
  • Hardware pedicure at home is allowed to be done by any person, even with problematic health. Doctors allow the use of equipment for diabetes, hypertension, thrombosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pedicure at home can be done in old age, especially if it is not possible to visit a beautician.

What is required for the procedure?

Pedicure at home requires certain materials. Among the main ones you need to cook:

  • Skin disinfectants. It is recommended to use gel-like antiseptics, which do not require water. Such substances can eliminate bacteria and fungus.
  • Softening remover, which is sold in the form of a gel or cream. Some manufacturers immediately add antiseptics to the composition, due to this there is no need for the first paragraph.
  • Apparatus for home pedicure or machine with various types of cutters.
  • Moisturizing cream, ointment. The selection of funds depends on the problems with the legs.

Having prepared all the tools, you can start the procedure at home.

Execution technique

It is not difficult to make a hardware pedicure, any girl can do it. It is important to follow the algorithm of actions, to correctly process different parts of the foot, using specific nozzles. Correctly done procedure allows you to get a good result and keep it for a long time.

Hardware pedicure step by step:

  1. The foot and the skin between the fingers are treated with disinfectants.
  2. Using a diamond cutter in the form of a cone, the shape of the nail is created, the twisting speed is 10 thousand rpm.
  3. For the cuticles, a spherical bur is used, the movements should be from the center of the nail, so that there is no burning sensation, you will need to constantly move the machine.
  4. Using a corundum cutter, the cuticles are polished. The remains are removed with cotton pads.
  5. Using a needle-shaped cutter, the side part and sinuses of the fingers are processed. The typewriter is held like a regular writing pen.
  6. A cutter with a rounded end is used at the very end, with its help the front pads are processed.
  7. To polish the nail, you can use silicone nozzles of different grain sizes.

You need to start a hardware pedicure with coarse nozzles, changing them to softer ones. The average speed is 10-12 thousand rpm. For high-quality performance of the procedure, you need to constantly move the equipment and not stop in one place.

After nail treatment, you need to do the feet themselves, using hard nozzles for rough skin.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The heel and metatarsus are carefully processed at a speed of 20 thousand revolutions.
  2. Using a soft cutter, the prepared foot is polished, then a polishing sponge is used.
  3. In the presence of cracks, careful and accurate processing should be carried out. In the area of ​​cracks, hard types of cutters are used, after which the skin is removed, grinding and polishing is carried out.
  4. At the very end of the procedure, cream, oils and other products are applied.

Having mastered the basic rules, having done a pedicure on your own several times, you can easily and quickly master the technique, after which the result will not differ from a professional one.

Combined variant

The procedure may not be purely hardware, but also combined. In this case, a machine for a hardware pedicure is used, as well as manual treatment of the feet. The technique allows you to achieve ideal results. The main advantages are the choice of places for manual and machine processing. The device can remove calluses and corns, nails, more delicate tissues can be processed manually.

There are some important tips to follow:

  1. Constantly monitor the condition of the feet.
  2. Wash your feet every evening using additional products in the form of a brush or pumice stone.
  3. Choose a suitable quality foot cream to prevent dry skin, cracking.
  4. With fatigue in the legs, use baths with the addition of honey, pine needles or rosemary oil.

Combined technique is an individual treatment method that makes it possible to properly care for the feet.

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware pedicure at home

The advantages of hardware pedicure are varied, thanks to their abundance, many girls fell in love with this method for treating feet. Comparing the technique with other processing options, the following can be distinguished:

  • Rough, damaged and diseased skin cells are removed without affecting the healthy parts.
  • After polishing, the skin and nails begin to breathe, as dead parts are removed from them.
  • The cuticle is not completely removed, but simply trimmed with a special cutter.
  • Calluses and other formations are easily removed without pain or harm. With the systematic use of the technique, you can forget about the problem altogether.
  • When polishing the foot, blood circulation normalizes, the tone increases.
  • No need to steam your feet in water to soften the skin.
  • During the procedure, acupressure is obtained, which has a positive effect on the general state of health.
  • During the procedure, nail dust and other debris immediately enters the machine, and not on the floor.
  • Skin elasticity lasts longer.
  • Professional hardware pedicure is completely safe, allowed for diabetes and other diseases. Skin damage, wound formation is excluded, bacteria and other infections are also excluded.

Although many people do pedicures with a clipper, there are several drawbacks to this method. The main ones are:

  • For a home pedicure, you need to buy equipment, which significantly affects the home budget.
  • Several procedures are required to learn how to do a pedicure. To do this, it is recommended to take courses, watch a training video on how to manage pedicure devices at home.

The disadvantages are insignificant, therefore, if financially possible, it is recommended to purchase a device and do everything yourself.


Since it is necessary to use additional gels and other means to soften the feet, the treatment may be contraindicated:

  • Pregnant.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • People with individual intolerance or allergies.
  • Treatment is prohibited for diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Manicure procedures when using additional cosmetic products are best discussed with the doctor. If he allows you to perform the procedure, there are no pronounced contraindications, then you can use the technique.

The frequency is 2-3 times a week if the feet are problematic. The result will be noticeable almost immediately: the legs will become beautiful and healthy, and the skin will be soft.

Hardware pedicure is an effective tool for removing nails that grow into the skin, as well as adjusting the plate itself. The technique allows you to get soft and smooth feet with beautiful nails. The set with the device comes with several nozzles, a complete set of cutters will have to be purchased separately. If you have any doubts about using the device, you can study the reviews, talk with professional craftsmen and consult a doctor.

Useful information about pedicure at home

