What is more in love: feelings or reason - essay. Blog of self-realization and creative development: What is more in love, feelings or reason?

Nowadays, discussions on the topic “Love” are very popular. Many people renounce this concept by saying “there is no such thing as love.” But of course, we carry love in our hearts throughout our lives. An elementary example of this is love for parents. Every child, without realizing it, loves. So sincerely and truly that it seems impossible for any adult to comprehend such love. But it is completely different, this is the love that has arisen between a man and a woman. With age, we develop our own opinions, our own foundations, which prevent us from comprehending true love. We are driven by a society that puts pressure on us, although we do not notice it. But the most important thing is our mind. Our mind does not allow us to “take flight”, to take off from the feeling that overwhelms our hearts. We beat ourselves up by giving arguments for and against. You feel love in your heart, but your brain and your thoughts give a red signal. The person becomes confused. A certain problem of “feelings” or “reason,” “good” or “evil” appears. No, of course, reason cannot be called evil, but only in comparison with feelings. After all, evil in most cases is what hinders us, what tries to harm. Under the influence of reason, we cannot decide what is really important to us, what is our priority. And this question begins to torment us, we begin to think and reflect a lot. As a result, under the influence of long thought, we come over to the side of “reason.” Let's free ourselves from this burden. We are no longer worried about this question, but as in any situation there must be an outcome and a conclusion. And everyone immediately diagnoses “love does not exist.” You are driven by the rule “Love means giving and wanting to give as much as possible, without any questions. And if you start to think, it means there is no more love.” What if you throw away all these thoughts and plunge headlong into the pool. Free yourself, break free from your mind. Everything will be different. And the term “love” will begin to mean much more to you than just a word. Life without love is like a tree without fruit. You should never renounce it. The best things in life cannot be heard, seen, or even touched - they can only be felt with the heart. Remember that the reason for many mistakes in life is that we feel where we need to think - and we think where we need to feel.

We'll grow up

all those obstacles

We can get through.

And if suddenly it’s difficult,

stick to those around you

they will help us pass

seven circles of hell.

We won't forget

all those bad weathers
and from now on we won't

pursue happiness.

We would like to understand one thing,

what's wrong with the brain being in power?

wouldn't miss it
that same happiness.

Love is considered to be an eternal feeling and only if it is true and mutual, it will definitely bring happiness to people. But is this really so? Can love last that long? Many argue that she is blind, explaining this by the fact that when a person is in love, he does not notice the shortcomings of his other half, but when this fog clears, everything falls into place and the true appearance of a person is visible, which no longer seems so ideal, but rather the opposite .

Love can only be associated with feelings, but not with reason, and this is proven both by life experience and by many works, which include “Romeo and Juliet,” written by the mysterious Shakespeare.

It is difficult to combine the words “love” and “reason” even in one sentence. But there is no point in saying that reason is a part of love at all. The fact is that a person in love is never guided by reason; he does not notice anyone or anything. Of course, there are more feelings in love.

This can be confirmed by the fact that over the years, people in love have done things for the sake of their other half that were devoid of reason, but were full of the most tender feelings. They did only what their hearts, which were filled with love, told them to do. When Juliet decided to die for the reason that she could not, due to a certain conflict, be with her beloved, it is difficult to say that her decision was full of reason. If she had not done this, she most likely would have married a man she did not love. But she would have had children whom Juliet would have loved more than life itself and for whom she would have lived. Romeo also made a big mistake when he died for the sake of his beloved, because his fate could have been more successful. Therefore, here we can only draw one conclusion: in love there is no reason, but if there was one, then a person could take more correct and balanced actions.

Most likely, reason is present only in mature relationships, where decisions are made not only with the heart, but the person also thinks before doing anything. This is absent during adolescence. During this period, boys and girls were not used to thinking before doing something. They are impulsive and ready to do anything for love. That's why they actually make a lot of mistakes there. And only a mature person, who has experience behind him, even if not the most pleasant one, is able to first think about what an impulsive act can lead to.

Today, many people also believe that marriages that were concluded by convenience, so to speak, are stronger than unions in which people who loved each other came together. This is exactly what happened many years ago, when parents themselves were looking for a future passion for their daughter or son. And it cannot be said that such marriages were unhappy, rather the opposite. Although today a person independently decides who he wants to marry or be married to, love does not always lead to such unions; affection often takes its place, and sometimes even friendship. In Europe, people even try to get married in adulthood, doing it consciously and correctly. This decision is correct, since according to statistics there are much fewer divorces there than in our country. As it turns out, love does not last as long as any other feeling. It's sad but true.

It seems to me that there is absolutely no reason in love, and a person who is overwhelmed by this feeling is not able to act and think soberly. Of course, this feeling is desirable and wonderful, but you shouldn’t always give in to it; sometimes you should think about the future and be guided not only by your heart, but also by your mind.


Lyrical digression
Before starting, I want to make a small digression. One day, my sister needed to write an essay on this topic, and I wanted to help her, although she didn’t ask for it. I decided this... Just in case... And along the way, I decided to write an article on this topic. This turned out to be such a deep, familiar and touching topic that I simply could not leave it.
Love is the most beautiful feeling given to us by the Almighty. Since ancient times, it has inspired poets, writers, and artists to create unusual and vibrant works of literature and art. In early times, people in some cultures fought duels and performed great feats because of love. Many people even now go to great lengths for love, and this is not surprising. What is the basis of this feeling? What is more in love: feelings or reason? To answer this question, let's explain what it is! Many people think that it is a feeling of moral attachment to a person. Is this really so, or is love a feeling on a broader scale than attachment to something or someone?
So, let's give one parable.
One young man asked the sage, “What is the difference between love and liking?”, to which the sage replied, “When you like a flower, you pick it, and when you love, you water it.” I want to clarify that the concept of “like” refers to the feeling of sympathy. If you think about it, there is a meaning in this parable that can be applied not only to the plant, but to everything that surrounds us. So, for example, imagine a situation: we liked a person, spent time with him, and then decided to leave him. You can't do that to a person. This is called playing on a person's feelings, breaking his heart. If we have fallen in love with one person, but there is something in this person that is harmful or bad, before we try to change this person, we must think about whether what we think is wrong is really so. If this is so, we cannot put pressure on this person, even if it is better for him, but we must make sure that he himself wants to change, being sure that we want the best for him and do not reproach him for anything. We must motivate him to do good, point him to good things gently, and remind him of good things.
“And remind, for reminding benefits the believers.” (Quran, 51:55).
The point is that we will do everything in our power gently, without pressing, taking into account his perception of the world around him and his actions, taking into account how he perceives his character, habits and feelings, taking into account how he treats us, how he reacts to our behavior, and how he perceives us, so that this person feels good, and so that he understands that we support him and wish him well. In other words, we cannot take and remake a person to suit our ideals, but we can try to help him become better. And we should not think that the person we love is obliged to reciprocate our feelings, to obey us, no matter how well we treat him and no matter how much we love him. After all, he has his own life, his own ideals, his own life path. If we love this person, we must respect him.
“There is no love higher than respect.” (Prophet Muhammad (sala alayhi salati wa salam)).
There are times when we become attached to a person, or become obsessed for one reason or another. For example, a very handsome guy, pumped up, or a girl all like that, and we begin to build the illusion that that person is very good, and we definitely deserve him, and we gradually become obsessed with this person. It happens that people show sympathy for each other, get married, attachment arises, time passes, sympathy and affection disappear, and people separate. Love cannot be compared with affection, sympathy, or obsession, which many people mistakenly do. Love is when you care about someone, want the best for him and respect this person, and do not repeat “You are only mine, whether you want it or not!”, since this is an obsession, and, to some extent, selfishness . Obsession relates to love only if respect for the person and his feelings prevails, and not when vice versa.
Also, there are cases when love is confused with yu, which consists of sympathy, attraction, obsession and jealousy.
And it itself consists of the following feelings:

  1. Respect
    Respect for a person means: respecting his rights, his feelings and individuality.
  2. Jealousy
    Jealousy is when you don’t allow the person you love to cheat.
  3. Attraction
    Attraction is when we are interested in a person.
  4. Sympathy
    Liking is when we like a person, and it is not necessary that we like him because of his appearance.
  5. Attachment
    A feeling of attachment can arise, for example, as a result of spending some time with a person, or with an animal, if it is an attachment to animals, or to a house in which you have lived for a long time.
  6. Obsession
    This is when you always want to be with a person.
  7. Confidence
    What kind of love is this when you don't trust a person?
  8. Responsibility
    When you understand that you are responsible for your actions, for the consequences of your actions, for what you have undertaken, for what has been given to you in this life by the Almighty.

All these feelings cannot be excluded from love. But, separately, nothing connects them with love. And to control your feelings, which are an integral part of love, you need to have reason. If there is no intelligence in a relationship, there will be no love, because, for example, there will be a lack of respect for each other, which will lead to a quarrel. Some say that love dulls the mind. But actually it is not. The mind is dulled by our illusions and a single obsession, in which we do not take into account respect for the rights and feelings of another person. For example, I had situations when girls liked me, became so obsessed that they did not take into account the fact that it was important for me to maintain subordination, maintain honor and dignity, and, as a result, I broke up. As they say, the secret of good relationships is a measured presence in everyone’s life. I could love them, but their disrespect for me spoiled everything.
There are also people who believe that reason has no place in love, since love is not a business agreement. Yes! Love is not a business agreement, but as I have already said, reason plays a connecting role in love.
I also want to be a little more detailed about the business agreement.
A business agreement in a person’s personal relationships is rather a transaction, the subject of which may be sexual desire, finances, distance (for example, when a person makes a choice in favor of the convenience and availability of the person with whom they want to satisfy their physiological needs). And this deal does not apply to love, and, accordingly, to reason in love.
Even if we consider reason in love as something businesslike, it is only as a guarantor of the hormaonic prosperity of your love union, based on feelings of love.
Everything that has been said above is, by and large, about the love between a guy and a girl or a husband and wife. Love for a person can also be friendly and family; it does not mean love between husband and wife, but, for example, for a sister, brother, mother, father, etc. And this type of love consists of respect, responsibility, trust, attachments and attractions. And love, in addition to love for a person, has other varieties: love for work, for animals and plants, etc. But these varieties are united by responsibility, sympathy and affection - those feelings that make up these types of love.
So! Let's sum it up!
As we have found out, love between a guy and a girl/husband and wife consists of respect, jealousy, attraction, trust, obsession, sympathy, affection and responsibility. And besides the love between husband and wife/boyfriend and girlfriend, there is love for friends and relatives, which consists of respect, responsibility, trust, affection and attraction. And in the absence of reason, it is impossible to maintain balance, to maintain harmony, as shown by the example of lack of respect.
Next, we found out that love for work, for pets, for home, for plants is responsibility, sympathy and affection. And this love does not require any moral costs or making reasonable decisions. But the sense of responsibility belongs to the mind. And if there is no responsibility at work, there will be no success, not a single animal will want to stay with you, since they need care, and you can lose your home if you are not responsible and do not maintain order and integrity. That is, sympathy and affection in the absence of responsibility mean nothing and are not love.
From all this we can draw the following conclusion: in love for a person there are many feelings, but each feeling requires wisdom, which, in turn, relates to reason, and thus it turns out - in love for a person, feelings and reason are 50/50, and in love for pets, etc. there is more reason than feelings, although this love does not require reasonable effort, but reason, as a sense of responsibility, plays an inclusive role.
And if we draw a general conclusion, combining love for a person and for the world around us, then we can safely say that in love there is more reason than feelings. And in the end: love is not only a moral attachment, but the most beautiful feeling that combines other feelings, which, together with the feeling of moral attachment, the mind maintains in harmony.

People are guided by different impulses. Sometimes they are controlled by sympathy, a warm attitude, and they forget about the voice of reason. Humanity can be divided into two halves. Some constantly analyze their behavior; they are used to thinking through every step. Such individuals are practically impossible to deceive. However, it is extremely difficult for them to arrange their personal life. Because from the moment they meet a potential soul mate, they begin to look for benefits and try to derive a formula for ideal compatibility. Therefore, noticing such a mentality, those around them move away from them.

Others are completely susceptible to the call of the senses. When falling in love, it is difficult to notice even the most obvious realities. Therefore, they are often deceived and suffer greatly from this.

The complexity of relationships between representatives of different sexes is that at different stages of relationships, men and women use too much a reasonable approach or, on the contrary, trust the choice of behavior to their hearts.

The presence of fiery feelings, of course, distinguishes humanity from the animal world, but without iron logic and some calculation it is impossible to build a cloudless future.

There are many examples of people suffering because of their feelings. They are vividly described in Russian and world literature. As an example, we can choose Leo Tolstoy’s work “Anna Karenina”. If the main character had not fallen in love recklessly, but had trusted the voice of reason, she would have remained alive, and the children would not have had to experience the death of their mother.

Both reason and feelings must be present in consciousness in approximately equal proportions, then there is a chance for absolute happiness. Therefore, in some situations one should not refuse the wise advice of older and more intelligent mentors and relatives. There is a popular wisdom: “A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a fool learns from his own.” If you draw the correct conclusion from this expression, you can pacify the impulses of your feelings in some cases, which can have a detrimental effect on your fate.

Although sometimes it is very difficult to make an effort on yourself. Especially if sympathy for a person overwhelms. Some feats and self-sacrifices were performed out of great love for faith, country, and one’s own duty. If the armies used only cold calculation, they would hardly raise their banners above the conquered heights. It is unknown how the Great Patriotic War would have ended if not for the love of the Russian people for their land, family and friends.

Essay option 2

Reason or feelings? Or maybe something else? Can reason be combined with feelings? Every person asks himself this question. When you are faced with two opposites, one side shouts, choose reason, the other shouts that without feelings you can’t get anywhere. And you don’t know where to go and what to choose.

The mind is a necessary thing in life, thanks to it we can think about the future, make our plans and achieve our goals. Thanks to our mind we become more successful, but it is our feelings that make us human. Feelings are not inherent to everyone and they can be different, both positive and negative, but they are the ones that make us do unimaginable things.

Sometimes, thanks to feelings, people perform such unrealistic actions that they had to achieve this with the help of reason for years. So what should you choose? Everyone chooses for themselves; by choosing the mind, a person will follow one path and, perhaps, will be happy; by choosing feelings, a person is promised a completely different path. No one can predict in advance whether the chosen path will be good for him or not; we can only draw conclusions at the end. As for the question whether reason and feelings can cooperate with each other, I think they can. People can love each other, but understand that in order to start a family, they need money, and for this they need to work or study. In this case, reason and feelings work together.

I think the two only start to work together when you grow up. While a person is small, he has to choose between two roads; it is very difficult for a small person to find common ground between reason and feeling. Thus, a person always faces a choice, every day he has to fight with it, because sometimes the mind is able to help in a difficult situation, and sometimes the feelings pull out of a situation where the mind would be powerless.

Short essay

Many people believe that reason and feelings are two things that are completely incompatible with each other. But as for me, these are two parts of one whole. There are no feelings without reason and vice versa. We think about everything we feel, and sometimes when we think, feelings appear. These are two parts that create an idyll. If at least one of the components is missing, then all actions will be in vain.

For example, when people fall in love, they must include their mind, since it is he who can evaluate the entire situation and tell the person whether he made the right choice.

The mind helps not to make mistakes in serious situations, and feelings are sometimes able to intuitively suggest the right path, even if it seems unrealistic. Mastering two components of one whole is not as simple as it sounds. On the path of life you will have to face considerable difficulties until you learn to control and find the right side of these components. Of course, life is not perfect and sometimes you need to turn off one thing.

You can't keep balance all the time. Sometimes you need to trust your feelings and take a leap forward; this will be an opportunity to feel life in all its colors, regardless of whether the choice is the right one or not.

Essay on the topic Reason and feelings with arguments.

Final essay on literature grade 11.

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Why do women choose weak men?

True beauty always has a flaw.
Francis Bacon

Why do women often make the same mistakes, step on the same rake, marry losers, alcoholics and various parasites? Why does a woman, knowing that he has a lot of shortcomings, turn off logic, still marry frivolous men, what motivates a woman at the moment of making a decision to leave the category of men who never grow up?

There are of course a huge number of reasons, let’s look at them:

This is love, when you love, all the shortcomings seem to be advantages, no matter what it is, you close it all these eye imperfections It is not clear what is more in these relationships: reason, or a feeling of love; in each case there is a separate situation. But the root of the problem is, of course, the woman herself, she is a beacon and attracted the right man
The next reason why girls often marry quitters and losers, is it self-confidence that I will correct him, with my love, upbringing and other aspects, is this so, in fact, life shows many examples when a man very rarely changes, a woman just has to adapt to a man as he is. Not giving a damn about your life in general.
Next reason why women choose a man weaker than women, this is a banal desire to educate, to be strong, to be a rear and a wall for him, a tandem - mommy-son, a woman simply becomes a mommy for her man, preferring to be the master of her life and his, or rather the mistress.
Conviction of a woman that all the good men were taken away, only the 3rd grade remained, not a marriage, you have to take what you have, this is a global mistake of many women, of course this is an illusion, in fact there are many good men, despite the fact that there are significantly fewer of them, at least in our country.
Women are often afraid that they will be left alone, every year this fear grows exponentially, creating conditions when a woman is ready to throw herself into an embrace with any man in order to have the status of a married woman. But this status becomes disgusting over the years, due to an unsuccessful marriage, the desire to dissolve the marriage is often initiated by women. Women, as in one of the points, reproach themselves for where their head was at the moment of making such an important decision.
Women often simply overestimate their strengths, marrying whoever she got. They hope that she will endure falling in love, that he will change, she will re-flash him, as if it were a computer program, she hopes that she will blind him from what she has, then she will love it.
Of course, life is a very interesting thing, having many combinations, where you don’t know what will happen around the corner, everything changes: nothing is stable, every person, every day he degrades, or becomes more perfect - As Belinsky said, Everything is good and beautiful in harmony, in accordance with itself. Likewise, a woman who chooses a loser or an alcoholic degrades along with him, even if she does not drink alcohol with him and distances herself from him. Or it thrives and smells great if it lives with a harmonious man. Everything is built like a man, like a woman, there is a single whole.
But the main reason why do women prefer to choose men who are losers, alcoholics and other various degenerates, for the reason that it is so necessary for her at this period of her life. Of course, you might think that a woman lacks adrenaline, of course not! She lacks a person who would shake out all the dirt from her, in other words, clear her karma, now this is a very fashionable topic.
In fact, everything is very simple, there is a bad character, there is sticking, there is a great desire to live according to instincts, only by satisfying basic desires, then a woman will attract the individual concerned and, which will help her by tearing her away from these moments, the stronger the woman’s sticking during these moments, the more at a low moral level, a man will come, in order to help degrade, if a woman does not understand why such a man was given, or if a woman understands what is going on, we will literally rise from the ashes.

Everything is based on how a woman reacts to an emergency situation in her personal life. She becomes depressed, hates, despises the man she deserves, he tramples her more and more into the dirt or humiliates and insults her so that she would be reborn and become a good girl. Of course, for women everything will seem scary and unfair, but such is life, we are with the people we deserve in this period of life. I will not repeat myself, I wrote about this in my book “ Secrets of love and happy relationships“That’s why I refer you to this book for details.
Conflicts in the family, no matter how strange it may sound, if you treat them correctly, they often save both, the desire to conflict with the partner is normal if the couple is not angry with each other, in other words, they do not send emanations of anger, hatred, destruction at each other. The more such emanations, the more dangerous are such conflicts that destroy both. Of course, it is difficult to achieve balance when the conflict has gained momentum, but it is worth learning, - Conflict outside, acceptance inside.

Feeling of love or reason? What more and what to choose?
As you understand, every situation in your life always has a deep meaning, but also pushes you to change within to match the feeling of happiness. Life actually gives us many different background and internal clues so that we follow the right path to our happiness; we can wander through different labyrinths of our lives, or we can choose the right path (road) to get to to your destination (fortunately) very quickly.
Women mainly associate their happiness with a man, there is a good man, the woman is happy, there is no man, the woman is unhappy, she is in search of the hidden man. If the search is serious, a woman registers on social networks on a forum, goes to parties to meet a worthy man there, she takes care of herself, invests a lot of money in herself in order to attract. But the result often turns out to be ineffective, then the wrong men come across (they only want fleeting hobbies) or she simply ignores her, because men love women who do not scream with their appearance take me!! On the contrary, they show minimal inaccessibility, the main thing is not to overdo it, there will be too much inaccessibility, the woman will be alone, men today do not show much confidence, preferring women who are more accessible. The golden mean rules in everything.
The basis of any girl’s happiness, at least in our time, is for a man to be not only wealthy, but also handsome; if he is overweight, not handsome, but rich, girls spend an hour paying attention to these little things and get married, For them, the feeling of comfort and a well-fed life comes to the fore. Are they doing the right thing? This is of course their business, but women at all times lived in accordance with their feelings, to be loved and to love themselves!

This costs a lot, of course, but the rich life that has come to our country in recent decades is forcing us to reconsider our interests in men, many women who increasingly prefer to marry wealthy men. There is, of course, a golden mean, when girls marry wealthy men, but they find some character trait or physical parameter and marry this trait. Thus deceiving yourself, or believing that the girl, in the process of living together, will find more and more beautiful features and fall in love...
Of course, every woman ideally should, but is not obligated to, live in accordance with her feelings.
A feeling that has a price is worthless.
N. Chamfort
A woman who trusts her feelings is happier in a relationship, because for her this comes first; when there are feelings and emotions for the man with whom the woman will live under the same roof, then she fulfills her destiny, if she ignores her feelings when choosing her instincts and the desire to satisfy the desires of the physical body, then such a woman is already doomed, she will have to break herself until she chooses only a satisfying life. The desire only to receive makes a woman weaker and more passive, a woman’s desire to live according to her feelings makes her strong on the inside, but weak and feminine on the outside, this is true harmony which every woman should strive for.

Can a person live without feelings?

The basis of the relationship between a man and a woman lies in the plane of feelings; if there are feelings for each other, then both are happy and satisfied. If there are no feelings, young people get married on the basis of various instincts: sexual, mercantile, just to please, etc. Then such a union has an extremely short period of time. Because only the feeling of love gives the greatest satisfaction from each other, and everything else is fleeting.
Can young people marry without feelings, focusing only on various instincts and interests? Of course they can, there are actually a huge number of such couples, they prefer to live, each according to their own interests. Both may have lovers and mistresses on the side, different interests, but the common ground that binds both will be less and less. Often such couples simply turn into neighbors next door, because initially they make the mistake of connecting relationships based on different instincts.

Let me enter your life, a new life

Every woman in her life wants to be loved, to be on top, to have a real man next to her, the standard of a real man, in order to attract a real man, of course you need to match him, it doesn’t happen if one is harmonious and the other is not. If both develop, then there is harmony, often women themselves do not know what they want from a man, it just looks like childish whims.

Because there is a mess in the soul and in the mind, when there is chaos in thoughts, then there is a mess not only in the internal environment, but also in relationships with men. The ability to look inside, into the depths of thoughts, focusing one’s attention on the basis, on the soul, on the heart, makes a woman more sensual, insightful, and generous.
Stopping the daily flow of thoughts during the day gives a woman peace and tranquility and freedom of thoughts.
Tightness and stiffness caused by different thoughts and emotions cause disharmony in a woman. It is difficult to create anything in your life when your personal life, happiness, and the future in general are at stake, women make a category of mistakes. This is because chaos and confusion in thoughts leave an imprint on various aspects of life,

If a woman shuts down all her thoughts for a few minutes, intuitive information enters her mind that can be easily applied. Disorder in the head and in business does not lead to anything good. Because the good simply cannot get in, due to the large amount of unnecessary things in the head.
You just need to learn to stop the flow of thoughts during the day, giving relief to your consciousness and giving the floor to intuition, which always tells a woman how to act correctly at every stage of life; many women have simply forgotten how to hear it under the scale of thoughts.


1. Remember the last time you were alone with your thoughts, when was the last time you were with your inner world, where there is only you and your consciousness, where no one bothers you, only peace and quiet. If you haven’t had such days for a long time, then urgently set aside time for this and plunge into a journey within yourself to figure out what should be thrown out of your head and what to do immediately, so as not to clutter your mind with useless thoughts. Just take a comfortable position, relax and immerse yourself, creating order, throw away everything that lies like a long burden in your consciousness, write everything that needs to be done on a piece of paper or notebook. T In this way, you unload your head from rubbish, creating conditions for new things to come into your life.
Where there is disorder, chaos, energy does not flow there, it simply bypasses or dissipates, if you clear it all out, new thoughts, fresh ideas come to you on how you should continue to live, how to act in this or that situation.
2. Many women are under the yoke of routine, it is difficult for them to get out of this twisted horn of life’s difficulties, in order to reach a new stage, they need to shake off everything old, get rid of everything old, battered, rotten - destroy old things, put things in order in their thoughts, commit an act that knocks you out of your usual way of life in order to give the breath of new life. The more ways you can find ways to take things to the next level, the easier you will be able to breathe when a person is carrying different loads. He is ineffective, he is heavy, he is like a turtle who does everything extremely slowly because he is used to it. Of course, your own swamp is better, it is already established, there is no need to disturb it, everything is familiar and painfully familiar. But you can’t stay in this swamp of your own thoughts and unrealized thoughts for very long; it can suck you in for the rest of your life.
3. You understand that in order for love or something new to come into your life, you need to get rid of the old, every day, get rid of everything that has twisted from your life, write down in your notebook what you threw out of your life, what you are being pulled down into the swamp - maybe it’s some old thing, or maybe it’s a boring record from some habit, the main thing is to admit that you have shortcomings, this makes it much easier to deal with them. The art of mindfulness that we practice with you provides great opportunities, if we observe our victories over our shortcomings. Which do not interfere with us, but they do not allow the flow of energy to change our lives more radically.

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