Checkbook of desires for a girl template. Do-it-yourself checkbook of desires - examples of desires for a loved one

A checkbook of desires is an unusual and memorable gift. When else will it happen to receive such valuable things as a “day without worries” or “breakfast in bed” as a gift? At the same time, at any time you can choose the time and fulfill any chosen desire! You can make such a gift not only for your beloved man, but also, for example,. The main thing is to choose the right wishes for the addressee and choose a beautiful design. And how to make it with your own hands is described in detail in our master class.

Work materials

1. Cardboard for tear-off checks - with a density of about 200 grams, you can take, for example, business cards, scrapbook paper or paper for watercolors or pastels. In our example, 2 colors are combined - beige and brown gloss.
2. Thick cardboard for the cover - beer cardboard or passe-partout cardboard (the latter is ideal, since you can immediately choose the desired color).
3. Scrapbooking paper - for decorating coupons.
4. Stamp pad with brown tones.
5. Round hole punch.
6. Satin ribbon and pendant.
7. Printer: on it we print pictures for decorating sheets, desires themselves, the name of the book and instructions for it.
8. Awl or seam marker - for perforation.
9. Glue stick, clerical knife, curly scissors.


In our master class, the checkbook is made in a mix of different styles: it has vintage elements, steampunk details and pin-up pictures. Here is a hodgepodge that looks pretty good together.

1. Cut out two rectangles of 18.5x8 cm from thick cardboard. This is the future cover. The classic checkbook has a cover measuring 21 x 8 cm, we shortened its length a little to fit 2 leaves in the width of a sheet of scrap paper.
2. We cut 15 sheets of 17.5x7 cm from ordinary cardboard - according to the number of coupons for desire.
3. At a distance of 1.5 cm from the edges, we make two holes with a hole punch in each sheet, including the cover. It is important to make them at the same distance, so that everything then comes together neatly.
4. At a distance of 1 cm from the holes, we make a perforation using a seam marker or an ordinary awl. With this strip, coupons will be easily torn off without parsing the book.

5. Now you need 4 rectangles of scrap paper to decorate the front side of the cover and endpapers measuring 16.5x7 cm.
6. From scrap paper for decorating sheets, cut out 15 rectangles 14x6 cm in size.
7. For all the cut out rectangles, we tint the edges with a bronze-colored ink pad. What we get is clearly visible in the photo. Now they can be glued into place - on the cover, endpapers and pages.

8. We prepare a list of all, print it in a text editor, leaving free space on the sides. Here is a list for a male as an example:

Romantic dinner with continuation
massage session,
Meeting with friends,
Beer and chips
A walk to the movies,
100 kisses in a day
A day without household chores
Evening at the computer
fishing trip,
Fulfillment of any whim at will,
Breakfast in bed,
Favorite dish to order
I'm forgiven
weekend in nature,
100 compliments per day.

Choose a font that mimics a typewriter. If you don't have one, download it from here. At the same time, we print the name itself and the instructions, the text can be something like the following.
User manual.

1. Choose a wish.
2. Tear off the check and present it for execution.
3. Each check is valid only 1 time!
4. The validity period of this book is 365 days.
5. Not transferable to third parties!

Checkbook belongs to

-------------- (FULL NAME.)
If there is no printer, then we write the same thing with our own hands on a regular sheet of A4 paper.

9. We print. We carefully cut out the name and instructions, and tear each desire from the sheet with our own hands so that the edges are uneven. Now we tint the edges of all fragments, including the title. And stick it in place.
10. We make a selection of beautiful pictures in the same style, suitable for each desire. For the book in this master class, we selected pin-up pictures that fit well with the general vintage mood and add color to a real masculine gift. So, we print pictures on a printer and glue: half immediately onto paper, and the second through a cardboard substrate processed with curly scissors.

11. Let's start assembling. The checkbook of desires is collected on a satin ribbon through the holes from the hole punch. We tie the bow not tight so that the pages turn freely. Additionally, we decorate the ribbon with a metal pendant. The master class is over. This is how we got the book.

ladies' version

A checkbook of desires can be not only a gift for a man. This idea is perfect for a gift to your beloved wife and girlfriend. Maybe it will not be worked out and decorated in such detail, but the general meaning will surely please your beloved. After all, it will be a gift made with soul and, moreover, with your own hands. Here are some ideas for her.

Breakfast in bed
100 kisses
A day without household chores
100 compliments
Going to the cinema together
massage session
Shopping day!
A day for yourself (for example, combined with a gift certificate to the spa)
My board!
Any whim at will
weekend trip
Going to a concert together
Husband cleaning house
bachelorette party with girlfriends
Surprise gift (such as perfume or certificate)

Design Ideas

In our master class, we took ready-made cardboard for the cover as a basis. However, you can decorate with your own hands the most ordinary corrugated cardboard. And collect the book itself not at all on a tape, but, for example, on rings. Here is a good video tutorial on this topic.

A personal checkbook is a great idea for. It is guaranteed to increase the degree of good mood in the house and serves as a great way to feel like a magician who fulfills cherished desires at least once in your life.

Handmade gifts are always a pleasure to receive, because a person puts his feelings and energy into them. For a loved one with your own hands, you can make a checkbook of desires, which will cause many positive ones. This is a wonderful gift that will make relationships more interesting and fun. There are several options for its design and, in principle, existing master classes can be used as the basis for creating your own unique masterpiece.

How to make a checkbook of desires for a husband or boyfriend?

There are many techniques that allow you to make such a gift with your own hands. It is important that the book is small, A6 format is enough. The gift must be signed, and this must be done in an official form. For example, “Cheque book No. was issued by full name, number. Transfer to other persons or reuse of checks is prohibited. Men's desires for a checkbook should be located one per page, but their number is determined solely by the donor. It is recommended to set a specific deadline for the implementation of desires. To avoid problems with use, it is recommended to provide detailed instructions. In it, describe to whom it is intended, how and when checks can be used, indicate that after use, the check becomes invalid. It can be written that if the performer refuses to fulfill the desire, then the owner of the book is given the opportunity to realize two additional desires. With your own hands, a checkbook of desire for a loved one can be created using fantasy and improvised materials.

A detailed master class on creating a checkbook

For work, you need to take thick colored cardboard and paper, various pictures from magazines or printouts from the Internet, ribbons and various decor. As for tools, for this workshop, take a hole punch, scissors, a pencil, a ruler, glue, and double-sided tape. The checkbook is created in several stages:

You can use other materials: fabrics, paints, leather, textured pastes and much more. If you choose the right desires, then such a checkbook will be a wonderful gift for a friend's birthday, New Year, etc.

What desires can be selected for a checkbook of desires for a man:

You can make one additional check "Joker" when a loved one can guess any of their choice. Such gifts can be made a certain tradition, which will allow you to bring some variety to the relationship, and they will also allow you to learn a lot about the desires of your partner.

Checkbook of desires: templates, master class and a lot of inspiration!

Great and fiery love fades over time. So, in any case, say the classics of world literature. But we believe that love is fading, but it can be rekindled again and again by romantic deeds, and then the great flame of love will never die out in your hearth of relationships.

Give each other romantic gifts on occasion and without it. Don't miss Valentine's Day, Dating Anniversary, Relationship Start, Your Marriage Anniversary and other days with special meaning for you. Give gifts whose value is measured in love, not money! This article is dedicated to one of these gifts - a checkbook of desires.

For those who have just learned about such an original gift, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of the “books of love”. They are designed in such a way that the book will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to you and your partner. Such a book is especially good if you understand that there are misunderstandings in the relationship, and your partner refuses to talk about them. In this comic game, you can open it and find out about the most secret desires (if he was embarrassed to voice them to you, the book will push him).

Instructions for use:

  • The check book of desires is wholly owned by the owner, desires cannot be transferred to other family members
  • One check per day, but time is not limited (any second in a day). It must be presented personally by giving the check (but in the age of technology, of course, you can take a picture and send it to your beloved so that she has time to prepare)
  • The choice of check depends on the desire and mood of the owner. The second half cannot influence the choice in any way, even if it seems to her that it is chaotic and wrong 🙂
  • At the beginning of the book, it is mandatory to write: use until (date). This will encourage the owner to tear off cards more often.

Checkbook of desires - print or draw?

Self-drawing a checkbook is only suitable if you are a professional artist (well, or equivalent to them). In other cases, so that the love checkbook does not look like a school diary for girlfriends, print the templates either with ready-made fonts entered, or enter them yourself in beautiful handwriting.

Checkbook of desires template - interesting desires for a loved one

Below are sample templates. It is enough to download, print, cut and assemble them. The book will be ready in just 15 minutes!

Checkbook with the style of favorite chewing gum "Love is ..."

If you decide to change or supplement the templates, use any online photo editor. With an online eraser, “erase” what you don’t need, and then select the desired font (not necessarily the same, you can do something like that) and write something of your own.

Checkbook with the style of favorite chewing gum "Love is ..." template

Checkbook with the style of favorite chewing gum "Love is ..." template

Favorite social network

Checkbook "Couple in love"

These cute animations are suitable for fans of cartoons, animations and hand-drawn pictures. Gentle loving pink tones, a lot of red hearts and asking to print them for St. Valentine.

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Checkbook "Couple in love" template

Check book of desires "Kiss"

For those who intend to independently write wishes in a checkbook, we recommend this template with red juicy kissing lips. We remind you that in this format, at least 80% of desires should be “with pepper”.

Check book of desires "Kiss"

Another option "Love is ..."

This template is full of juicy hearts just asking for a gift on Valentine's Day! Do not forget to enter the date until which it can be used and go ahead to give cute grace!

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Another option is the "Love is ..." template

Do-it-yourself wish book - step by step

For needlewomen who are passionate about scrapbooking, we offer to create inimitable beauty with their own hands. This will be a simple and quick master class that will help you create extraordinary beauty in just an hour.

Do-it-yourself wish book - step by step

The first thing we need to decide on the size of the book. And pick up a thick cardboard for scrapbooking. We calculate the number of wish cards in this way: the number of wishes plus four sheets.

Calculation of the number of desires: basic desires + 2-3 bonus ones (the owner himself chooses the desire and the way it is fulfilled). Four additional sheets - cover and flyleaf.

We cut the required number of cards and proceed to design. Text: type in a beautiful font. If he has certain preferences in this regard, then it is to them. Yes Yes! There are people who have a favorite font and their ladies who know exactly what their man loves.

Important: men are skeptics and at the same time children at heart. Having accepted the book as a gift, skepticism can be seen in their eyes, but when he opens it, he must notice and understand how unspeakably lucky he is. Since this book is absolutely individual, we do not forget about the unique desires that tantalize the mind and fantasy, as well as specific moments of loyalty. For example, I will not let you go fishing or go fishing. We are writing: I allow going fishing with my friend Vasya.

Wet a sheet of paper a little / sprinkle / tint. We let it dry, insert it into the printer and print out the wishes.

One card: instructions, the rest, according to one desire, we peck and, if desired, one piece of paper is “executed” and thematically decorate.

For intrigue, we add a surprise bonus. We glue only the left end of the phrase "Bonus" and from the bottom we attach one more phrase-subscript to the desire. For example, not just breakfast, but breakfast, and where the bonus is on the roof. Or on the river bank such and such (which would mean a weekend trip). Especially true if you know all the desires of a loved one.

In order for the bonus not to bulge, stick it on the right side with double-sided tape.

Another bonus option: bend the cardboard into three as in the photo and attach the desire inside. Secure with double-sided tape and punch a hole in the upper right corner. Attach to the string at the end of the master class to the checkbook spiral.

Now let's move on to cardboard. We polish the edges with fine sandpaper and paint over with gold / silver, depending on the style of the album.

We find an old name card of a loved one. We cut out his name, grind and tint the edges a little, cover, like other edges, with a little gold or silver. Sticking to the first page of the book. The name "Checkbook" is framed and also glued.

We glue the cover onto a hard cover (cardboard) and proceed to the fastener. On the right side, we retreat 1.5-2 cm and insert a stylized large brad without pressing it a little so that a waxed cord lies under it.

On the second side there will be instructions for using this checkbook.

The second card we make out is nahzatz and the last page of the checkbook. Also, stepping back from the edge of 1.5-2 cm, we attach a smaller brads and attach a waxed cord to it so that you can close the checkbook. After that, we press the brads as tightly as possible into the cardboard.

The last page (nahzatz) is a sheet of paper for the opportunity to write down your impressions of the time spent and the fulfillment of desires.

We fold the checkbook and fasten it with a spring on a binder or rings. We fix the external bonus. We hope you and your loved one enjoy this book! Good days and passionate nights!

A checkbook of desires for a man in a Word - a book of desires love is

When creating an individual checkbook with your own hands, a natural question arises - in what font to write wishes to your loved one in Word. Personally, as an author, I absolutely love Monotype Coursiva for love notes and checkbooks. It is as if created for romantic natures. But depending on the style of the checkbook, other fonts may be needed. If your Word does not support enough, you can download fonts for Word here

How to make a checkbook of desires so that your loved one likes it?

When creating a checkbook, you, as well as when creating your relationship, must take into account the wishes of not only and not only your own, but your loved ones. The execution style should be sympathetic to both of you. For example, if your man is skeptical about flowers and hearts, you don’t need to make a checkbook in this style. Choose a retro style or his favorite book/game. It is also inappropriate to create a book with smileys in the style of social networks if your missus goes there no more than once every six months, or even is not registered in them. And remember, in no case should there be conflicting stinging wishes in the book. The book aims to strengthen your relationship, not further destroy.

It should also be understood that the spouse may express a desire to show the book to friends, do not cross it, but if the book has a “pepper”, indicate in the instructions that the contents of the book are intended only for the owner.

Checkbook of desires for a husband - examples of desires

It is best to stock up on individual desires, but for inspiration, of course, you need a list of "standard" desires. Use the list below to diversify your book. Create at least 15-20 wishes per book.

Checkbook of desires for a husband - examples of desires

Wish List and Wish Book Pictures for Boyfriend

If you understand that platitudes are not for you, but you really want to surprise your loved one, a non-banal list is below. But keep in mind that the financial part will be on you in fulfilling your desires, and the budget must be prepared in advance.

So what does your loved one long for and dream of?

  • A romantic dinner that flows into a passionate night. No matter how men say: satin, tulle, lace, costume dinners (he can be dressed as he wants, but his lady ... she must bewitch!)
  • Bachelor party with beer and fun. Where is the creativity here? In a gift coupon for that same party, pre-specified and attached to the book. And don't be surprised if that's the first wish he wants to take.
  • Game evening. And then he himself decides to let you into his space or he himself plays, and you do not distract
  • Going to football, bowling, etc. with a company of your choice (with you or friends, it's up to him)
  • Getting a striptease, a chic dance, special intimacy with your beloved
  • Breakfast in bed flowing into lunch
  • Favorite dish to choose from
  • Going to the sauna, bathhouse, fishing, hunting
  • Receiving a unique (long-awaited) emotional gift

Video: Checkbook of desires

Video: Scrapbooking - Checkbook of desires - Gift for husband for his birthday, wedding, February 14 and 23

Sometimes human life, behind a series of gray everyday life and constant petty everyday problems, becomes boring and faceless. You don't have to blame anyone but yourself for this. People themselves arrange their lives, make it happy or not.

In order for every day to be bright and cheerful, joyful and eventful, not so much is needed. It is enough in the morning to simply be sincerely happy about the new day, give a smile to others, turn on imagination and creativity, set yourself up for all the best, bright, positive.

Funny gifts, which will be discussed in this article, can become little helpers in the implementation of the goals you have set - checkbooks of desires for the most beloved people. What is it, how to make them, what to fill and how to use? About all this - in detail and in order.

To whom and when to give such an original souvenir?

Tired of giving your loved ones and friends banal things? Then the checkbook of desires will be the most suitable and original surprise that will be remembered for a long time. It's great to get a check for "a whole day without work and worries" or "coffee served in bed"!

  • Such souvenirs are prepared not only for a beloved husband or wife. Become the most unpredictable mother (mother-in-law or mother-in-law) in the world and make such an interesting surprise for your children.
  • Prove that you are the best and reckless friend by presenting a checkbook of desires to the one with whom you have been “not spilling water” since childhood.
  • Even a work colleague with whom there is a good and trusting relationship, you can make such a small and cheerful souvenir before the New Year and Christmas to cheer you up.

This unique gift is perfect for absolutely any holiday, whether it's a birthday or March 8, St. Valentine's Day or a wedding anniversary, professional holiday or Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The main thing is to come up with a beautiful design for the book and choose the right desires for the one to whom it is intended.

The gift will turn out not at all expensive, but at the same time it will bring a lot of pleasure to both its manufacturer and recipient.

Some useful rules

When starting to make a checkbook of desires, you need to consider a few useful and time-tested tips:

  • It should not be too large in size, the main condition is compactness (the most suitable format is A6).
  • At the beginning or at the end of the book there should be a small instruction on its use (after all, not everyone will immediately understand what kind of wonderful souvenir it is and how to use it).
  • This gift must be strictly nominal, which must be displayed on the cover, it will not be possible to re-gift it. You can beautifully, openwork write the last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient of the gift or an affectionate pseudonym known only to the two of you (“my kitten”, sparrow, mouse, etc.).
  • One wish should be written on each separate page.
  • The number of pages can be made at your discretion, but it would be better if this number coincides with some important date or figure for the one to whom the checkbook is intended as a gift.
  • On the booklet you need to indicate the period of its validity (for example, one year). When the allotted time expires, the checkbook of desires is cancelled. But there is nothing wrong with that, perhaps by that time all the dreams made there will already come true and it will be possible to prepare the next selection of wishes.

You can indicate on the checkbook of desires that its loss, damage, transfer to unauthorized persons is strictly prohibited and will be punished by law.

What can you wish for?

It would seem that nothing complicated. It is enough to take a template and apply all your wild imagination on it. But as soon as the moment of writing desires comes up, there is a snag. And there are always, it seems, a lot of desires, and what is more important - you can’t figure it out right away. This is not a matter of one day, here it is necessary to think over everything in advance.

These are the most serious dreams, and some very frank, and comic, perhaps even bold. To make wishes for a checkbook, you need to carefully observe the person to whom you will make it for a considerable period.

It is necessary to notice every accidentally dropped word (“if only ...”), or expressed in a fit of despair “how I would like to now ...”.

It is even worth noting when your favorite football team lost, how upset your husband or son was, then display it in the checkbook of desires (so that next time there will be a victory).

It is necessary to pay attention to everyday needs and habits, to collect material bit by bit. To make it clearer and clearer, here are some examples of popular women's and men's wishes.

What a woman wants

Massage at the spa
Eau de toilette as a gift
Breakfast in bed

What does a man want?

Maybe it will seem strange to someone, but men dream no less than women:

Of course, men and women can also have material desires:

  • buying jewelry,
  • fur coats;
  • car;
  • new TV.

Here are the main standard hints, and then everything is completely individual. We will assume that the desires have been decided and sorted out. It's time to make all this a reality and make a checkbook of desires with your own hands.

Simple and fun making process

First of all, you need to decide what materials and devices you will need to make such a book with your own hands:

So the wish list is set. It will be possible to write them, but there is an option to look for pictures on relevant topics in magazines or on the Internet. Then you have to spend a little time, delve into magazines, wander on the pages of the World Wide Web; cut, print. This will be the first step.

Another very good idea. Do not tear off pages with desires as they are fulfilled, but put a report on their implementation on them.

For example, the owner of a book has another wish fulfilled, and he writes the word “done” on the corresponding page and puts his signature.

And even more original - stick a photo report on the back. For example, there was a desire to go camping with the whole family and then there was a photo of how dad and children put up a tent, and mom cooks kulesh on a fire. Or I really wanted to go to the sea in the summer - and here, please, a photo with dolphins - one hundred percent confirmation that the dream has come true.

Believe me, by making such an unusual gift, you will become a magician who, at least a little, brings a person closer to his cherished dreams and goals. It's always nice to receive handmade gifts.

Just think about it!.. A person did not just run into the store and buy another gift set of cosmetics or a box of chocolates, cake, martini, whiskey. Perhaps he spent several evenings making such a booklet, watched you for a very long time in order to notice and remember all the most secret desires, and, finally, he put a piece of his soul into such a gift.

Perhaps to some this will seem like a crazy idea (after all, people are all completely different) or some kind of game element. But such a game will definitely make family life more interesting and richer. Perhaps, relations between spouses that have begun to cool will become warmer due to this.

Checkbooks of desires "For him" and "For her"

Master class "Checkbook of desires" - video

After many years, sitting with grandchildren by the fireplace, someone will start sorting through the family archive, take out a checkbook of desires, presented once in his youth, leaf through and for a moment return to the time when there was youth, excitement, recklessness, unbridled happiness and love. Because such gifts are not given to unloved people.

An original gift for any celebration will be a handmade checkbook of desires.

The essence of such a present is the fulfillment of the cherished or everyday dream of the spouse during the year. Such a surprise for the newlyweds on their wedding day is also suitable.

Necessary materials

A checkbook as a gift is easy to make yourself. For this you will need the following materials:

  • For receipts, you can use any 200-weight paper. This can be scrapbook paper, business card, or watercolor paper.
  • For the cover, a thick cardboard for a passe-partout of the desired color is suitable.
  • For the design of coupons - scrapbook paper.

In addition, you will need various tools for decorating and decorating the presentation:

  • round hole punch;
  • stamp pad;
  • , various decorative elements;
  • awl or seam marker;
  • curly scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue stick;
  • printer for printing congratulations, wishes, various images, the name of the presentation, instructions.

The process of creating a surprise

Making a checkbook of desires as a gift is easy. The main thing here is to show imagination. Style decisions, colors are determined individually, it all depends on who the present is intended for: a man, a woman, newlyweds.

The process of creating a checkbook as a gift with your own hands consists of the following steps:

Making a surprise for spouses

It is possible for a husband or wife to decorate a checkbook of desires as a gift, taking into account his / her lifestyle, interests, and field of activity. It is important to choose the right wish list.

When decorating a birthday craft for a husband or beloved man, you should choose a dark color scheme. Brown, bronze, dark blue shades will look good.

They will give the product some nobility. To make the surprise look more expensive, the cover can be decorated with leather or fabric.

The female version of the checkbook as a gift can be made both in delicate pastel colors and in a bright range of yellow, orange, red colors. The cover can also be made of more expensive material.

Dreams can be absolutely anything. Male examples:

Women's options can largely coincide with men's, for example, in terms of romance, food, relationships. However, you can add specific ones:

  • Love - 100 compliments, kisses, "I love you" phrases.
  • Rest - meeting with girlfriends, shopping, a day at the spa.
  • Household duties - a day without chores around the house, cleaning the apartment with a spouse, an evening without washing dishes.

Making a present for the newlyweds

A checkbook will be an excellent wedding gift, where you can place wishes for both the bride and the groom. You can add a similar gift with the following options:

When making a present, it is good to use a different wedding theme, the colors can be classic or corresponding to the shade of the holiday.

In addition to checks with dreams, such a wedding gift can be filled with banknotes, equipping the sheets with additional pockets or hand-made envelopes.

Thus, a good gift idea for loved ones and loved ones would be a checkbook with various wishes that will surely please the heroes of the occasion.
