How to get mold out of baby clothes. Cheap and effective methods

Clothing in long-term storage can be damaged not only by moths, but also by another pest - mold. Moreover, it does not matter what fabric the thing is made of, it can appear both on synthetics and on natural fabrics.

Mold is a microscopic fungus that thrives in a warm, humid environment, it invades the fabric structure and damages its fibers. If you find affected things, do not rush to throw them away, because you can remove mold from clothes, you just need to know effective methods.

You will learn about the methods of dealing with a harmful fungus and methods for preventing its appearance in this article.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of mold with one method. Each type of tissue requires its own method of removal.

Cotton, linen, wool

The most effective two-stage method:

  1. Apply soapy water and thoroughly rub the affected area with laundry soap, then soak clothing for 30 minutes in prepared soapy water. After the expiration date, wash the damaged parts and rinse the product.
  2. Place a solution of water with hydrogen peroxide per 500 grams of water / 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of peroxide. Immerse the clothes in the resulting mixture and then rinse. If it was not possible to remove the stains, then apply ammonia diluted in two hundred milliliters of water with the addition of a spoon (tea) of ethyl alcohol.

In cases of a small area of ​​damage, a slurry of ordinary soda can help, which must be thoroughly kneaded and rubbed into the stains. Then you need to rinse your clothes.

Popular methods include the use of cleaning products, for example, Domestos, which even has the possibility of bleaching linen in the indications for use. However, it is worth remembering that this is an active solvent and must be diluted so as not to spoil the washed clothes.

How to clean mold stains from clothes with Domestos - video:

Large stains can be saved by boiling with the addition of bleach. To do this, point the solution at the rate of half a liter of water, one tablespoon of "Whiteness" or equivalent. Bring the water to a boil, dip the laundry in it for ten to fifteen minutes, but do not forget to monitor the condition of the fabric - if the stains have disappeared earlier, then immediately remove the item from the water.

Cotton fabric

The easiest way to remove mildew stains from cotton fabric is with chalk. For this:

  1. Sprinkle crushed chalk on the stain and cover with paper.
  2. Smooth the surface with a warm iron.

linen fabric

A saline solution prepared from the calculation will help remove mold from linen items: for five hundred grams of boiling water, one tablespoon (table) of salt and one spoon (tea) of ammonia are poured. The resulting liquid is moistened with the affected area and after half an hour it is washed off with laundry soap.

To get rid of the smell of mold and ammonia as soon as possible, it is better to dry clothes on the street.

No less effective is the method using ascorbic acid dissolved in alcohol. The damaged area is treated with the resulting liquid and the thing is sent to dry, then it is washed under normal conditions.


Turpentine will help to remove the fungus from silk clothes. The thing is first processed by him, and then talc is applied and ironed through the paper. Old mold stains can be defeated using Vanish or any other stain remover.


To save synthetic items, a solution of ammonia is used, induced with water at a rate of 1 to 1. In order not to harm clothes, try applying the mixture to an invisible area and wait for the result - if the fabric is damaged, then reduce the percentage of ammonia in the solution.

Universal folk methods

The problem of mold has not appeared recently, so there are folk methods for combating the fungus. They may not remove stains in all cases, but they do not damage clothes.

Another method of saving clothes is the use of curdled milk. The thing is soaked in it for half a day and then washed in the usual way.

Lemon juice is effective against mildew, which requires wetting the cloth and then sprinkling it with salt. The processed thing is completely dried and washed using ordinary powder. It is allowed to use acetic acid instead of lemon juice, but it is more aggressive and can damage the fabric.

Even tomato juice can be used to remove fresh stains. They rub the damaged areas and after a while wash the linen with plenty of water, then the thing is washed in the usual way.

The consequences of the appearance

Mold not only ruins clothes, but can also be harmful to health. So when it comes into contact with the skin, it causes an allergic reaction: itching, rashes, and constant sneezing.

With a long stay on the linen, the mold penetrates deeper into the structure and it becomes more and more difficult to remove it from the fabric. In severely neglected cases, a thing is easier to throw away than to restore.

Very interesting video about mold:

Having appeared in the apartment, the mold begins to spread its spores and this can lead to infection of other things with a harmful fungus.

Prevention of fungus and mold odor

There are a number of rules, the observance of which will never face the problem of mold and its removal:

  • Put only completely dried things in the closet, because the mold is a microorganism that develops more actively in a humid and warm environment. Remember that even after ironing, moisture remains on things, so let it dry completely before sending it to the shelf.
  • Periodically air out closets designed to store clothes.
  • Do not store dirty and clean laundry together.
  • Try to avoid increasing the humidity in the room where the clothes are stored. To do this, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the apartment and use special devices. Hygrometers are used to control humidity.
  • Use moisture-absorbing sachets to protect against damp smells on clothing.
  • Do not lean the wardrobe against the walls - there should be room for air to circulate.
  • Do not store clothes in basements or damp closets.
  • Dry shoes thoroughly before sending them for long-term storage.
  • Do not place wet clothes in the laundry basket.

All of the above is available and doable at home, so even if mold has appeared, do not rush to throw away your favorite clothes. Any mold can be removed, you just need to make an effort. Also, in the process of fighting, remember that all methods should be tested on inconspicuous corners of the fabric to make sure they are safe for things.

You will need

  • - Chlorine-containing bleaches;
  • - "Vanish" for colored fabrics;
  • - lemon juice;
  • - citric acid in sachets;
  • - salt;
  • - vinegar;
  • - mold remover
  • - ammonia;
  • - turpentine;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - powder;
  • - sponge.


Well remove the fungus chlorine-containing products. Apply any product on, leave for 15 minutes, wash the fabric in the usual way. When washing, add chlorine detergent to the washing machine. But this method can only be used for white durable fabrics. If the fabric is colored, woolen or thin, then the use of chlorine bleach will damage the product.

For colored, thin, woolen garments, use the stain remover "". To use, prepare a slurry of the product and water, apply to mold spots, leave for 30 minutes, wash in the washing machine, add two scoops of the product to the machine when washing.

You can also remove mold by applying a mixture of lemon juice or table vinegar and salt to the stains. To use, mix lemon juice or vinegar in equal proportions, apply a thick layer on the stain, leave for 1 hour, wash in the washing machine. Instead of natural lemon juice, you can use citric acid in sachets. Dilute 25 g in 50 ml of water and use as directed.

In the household chemical departments, you can purchase products to remove mold from fabrics. To use, read the instructions and process in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Well removes mold ammonia. To use, dilute 1 part alcohol with 1 part water, apply to mold spots, allow the composition to dry, wash the product in the usual way.

If there is a lot of mold on the fabric and stain treatment is not enough, then use a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide. To use, dissolve 30 peroxide tablets in 5 liters of warm water, soak the product overnight, rinse, wash in soapy water.

On delicate and woolen fabrics, remove mold with turpentine. Moisten the sponge, apply turpentine on the mold, leave for 1 hour, wash the product.

To prevent mold, never leave things wet, store clothes on hangers in a well-ventilated closet, take action in time if dampness appears in the house, dry the room, install additional ventilation. Always remember that mold is not only an unpleasant sight, but also a threat to health.

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Mold are fungi that are widely distributed in nature. Their spores can be found everywhere, but only under favorable conditions do they begin to grow. Mold has an extremely negative effect on any material. Even brickwork and concrete structures are gradually destroyed from it. In addition, mold is dangerous to health, it causes allergies and respiratory diseases. To withdraw, you can use the following tips.


The spread of mold throughout the room occurs with the help of tiny particles called spores, which can only be seen with a microscope. Once in a favorable environment (temperature above 15 degrees and humidity above 70%), spores immediately begin to grow and as a result become like thin threads. Due to the lack of ventilation and excessive humidity in the room, mold spores germinate very quickly and begin their destructive effect on all surrounding materials.

In addition, modern double-glazed windows, which are very popular, significantly reduce indoor air ventilation. Because of this, condensation appears on the walls, which causes the rapid growth of mold. Also, a faulty one can cause the spread of fungus. To avoid this, you need to install special ones that will prevent the appearance of mold.

Structures and walls in which pipes are installed must be protected from moisture by making waterproofing. It is extremely important to regularly check the health of plumbing. Remember that even too much can cause black mold to appear on your walls.

You can remove it using a variety of biocidal preparations that you can buy in specialized stores. However, be careful, due to the fact that these products are poisonous, you need to use them only with rubber gloves and a respirator. Compliance with all of the above conditions will protect your home from the spread of black mold.

The mold fungus is tenacious and omnivorous. He settles on food, occupies the walls and windows of the dwelling, affects clothes with himself. In addition, he is very stable. Regular washing will never eliminate the fungus from the affected fabric. We'll have to resort to heavy artillery.

You will need

  • - lemon
  • - salt
  • - Sun
  • - bleach
  • - strong detergent
  • - vodka
  • - ascorbic acid


Home remedies such as lemons and table salt are the best ways to deal with mold. Wet the mold stain with lemon juice, let it work for about 5 minutes, then sprinkle salt on top of it. Leave the products to dry completely. Better if you can spread it out on a sunny day. Then wash with a strong detergent at a temperature not exceeding 60°C. It can be additionally affected with bleach or any other bleaching agent.

For the next method, dissolve ascorbic acid in a small amount of vodka or alcohol. For 50 ml of liquid, one pharmacy bag of ascorbic acid is enough for you. Apply the mixture to the mold stain, let it dry, scrub the stain with a brush and send the item to the machine for a thorough wash in the same way.

On sale you can find different preparations against mold. Use them without deviating from the instructions given on the jar of the product. If the mold turns out to be too stubborn, unwilling to succumb to your efforts, ruthlessly discard the item. Mold is not only harmful to health, it also multiplies. Regretting one single little thing, you can lose everything. The mold will simply take it away from you. Don't let her.

Helpful advice

If the laundry can be boiled, boil it. Mold does not tolerate high temperatures.

Each of the owners of an apartment or a private house, sooner or later, may face the problem of dampness in the room. And as a result, mold or fungus is formed, which appear in the most unexpected places. Withdraw dampness In the room you can, for this you need to know some of the nuances.


So, first of all, find out the reason for the formation of dampness, if we are talking about, then the reason may be: a faulty ventilation shaft, you may be heated by neighbors living on floors above. If dampness in the house, then one of the main reasons for its formation is poor thermal insulation of the house, and during the period moisture penetrates through the joints in the walls. Moisture can penetrate both through the roof and through the basement, in which case it is imperative to eliminate the source of moisture, otherwise it is impossible to get rid of dampness.

You probably wondered if the walls tend to damp unevenly, and in certain areas - in the corners or near the windows? This is due to condensation of moisture in the coldest places. If the corner or part of the wall becomes damp, then the thermal insulation is broken in these places. Therefore, insulate this area, thereby protecting the wall from dampness.

Having found out the cause, proceed to eliminate it. Install fans with a large impeller diameter, such fans overtake a larger volume of air. In order to correctly select the parameters of the fan, calculate the volume of the room (multiply the length by the width and height), now multiply the resulting number by a coefficient representing the number of complete air changes per hour, for example, this number is 15, and for bathrooms 10.

Every time, in the process of cooking, turn on. In , you can also install a forced draft fan, and turn it on while taking water procedures. Even if you have already completed hygiene procedures, do not turn it off until the mirror that has been fogged up is clean.

In any case, sooner or later you decide in your room, so you need to take care of waterproofing materials. And before you mount them, you need to disinfect, with special means, all surfaces that go under waterproofing materials.

Mold stains not only spoil the appearance of clothes, but are also very harmful to health. To remove such contaminants, use folk remedies.

You will need

  • Turpentine, dry clay, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, ascorbic acid, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, onion juice, curdled milk, a special tool for removing mold stains.

Even a clean, constantly tidy home can grow mold. This happens because of excessive moisture, which accumulates in hard-to-ventilate places: in cabinets, on mezzanines, shelves.

It is there that many housewives put seasonal things: in summer - warm jackets, hats, mittens, in winter - T-shirts, shorts, dresses. But, getting them out of there, they often find an unpleasant surprise - mold, which not only spoils the appearance of things, but also endangers the health of all family members.

At the first manifestations of mold on any fabric, you need to quickly begin to destroy it, otherwise the item may be irretrievably damaged. There are many folk remedies that help remove mold, including vinegar, borax, laundry soap, lemon juice, acetylsalicylic acid, and fermented milk products.

  1. Vinegar. This acidic product will not only help remove dirt at home, but also cope with an unpleasant fungal odor. Method of application for hand washing: mix 200 ml of 9% vinegar in 10 liters of water. Soak the laundry in this solution and leave for 1 hour, then wash using. Machine wash method: add 200 ml of vinegar to the washing powder (for 1 full load) and wash at a temperature above 40 degrees. This method is suitable for white clothes made from natural fabrics.
  2. Bura. Dissolve 2 tablespoons in 300 ml of hot water. borax and soak the laundry in this solution, leave for 2-3 hours. It is important to ensure that the borax is completely dissolved in water. After the specified time, wash things stained with mold. Also, borax can be added when machine washing clothes: 100 g per wash.
  3. Laundry soap. Familiar and timeless product will help remove traces of mold from work clothes (or just made from dense fabrics). To do this, it is enough to lather the places of contamination, leave for 1 hour, then wash the item with warm water.
  4. Lemon juice and salt. These two components kill fungal spores. To make mold stains disappear from clothes forever, you need to rub them with lemon juice and sprinkle salt on top. Then hang things out to dry. After the lemon juice and salt are completely dry, you need to wash the clothes with the addition of detergent.
  5. Acetylsalicylic acid. The method is simple and affordable: dissolve 3 aspirin tablets in 50 ml of alcohol or vodka. Apply the solution to the stains, rub gently and leave to dry. After the aspirin dries, you need to clean the thing with a brush.
  6. Dairy products: curdled milk, sour milk, kefir, whey. To remove fresh stains caused by mold, soak the affected areas in one of these products for at least 12 hours. Then wash and dry outdoors, preferably in the sun.

Many products that help remove mold from clothes have an unpleasant odor. After using them, things still smell unpleasant for a long time. To avoid this, during rinsing, you need to add 2 tablespoons to the water. vinegar or special flavored for linen.

To remove mold from materials such as silk and wool, you will need gentle products. These can be considered salt, chalk, turpentine, hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Salt solution. For 500 ml of water, take 3 tbsp. salt and 1 tsp. ammonia. Boil these components, let them cool and apply to moldy places, leave for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, wash in the usual way.
  2. Chalk. The recipe is perfect for mildew-affected colored fabrics. Sequence of actions: crush a piece of chalk into powder and apply it on the spots. Put waterproof paper or a clean piece of cotton fabric on top of the chalk and iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the mold will be absorbed into the chalk, and the thing will remain clean.
  3. Turpentine. To easily remove mold from delicate fabrics, you need to soak cotton wool or a cotton pad in turpentine and rub the stains with it. After this procedure, greasy marks will remain on the fabric, which are easy to remove with white clay, talc, and baby powder. It is enough to sprinkle stains with one of these products, leave for a while, then wash the item.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most affordable home remedies for mold stain removal. To destroy fungi on fabric, you need to dilute 3 tbsp. peroxide in 200 ml of water and apply the solution to stained areas of clothing, leave for 15-20 minutes. After this time, wash things in soapy water.

To finally get rid of the unpleasant odor that accompanies mold-affected fabrics, it is necessary to dry things after washing in the open air for at least 12 hours.

Ways to remove mold from bed linen

Home clothes and bedding are most often made from natural fabrics, which are easily affected by the fungus if stored improperly. If such a nuisance happened, then you can use simple methods:

  • rubbing the damaged areas with onion juice. The sequence of actions: cut the onion and rub it into the mold spots, then wash the clothes in warm water;
  • soaking in yogurt. Dairy products are something that is always in the refrigerator. With the help of curdled milk, you can get rid of moldy stains on things at home. To do this, soak the affected areas of the fabric in yogurt, leave for 12-15 hours, then wash the linen;
  • wash in ammonia. This method will help remove mold from bed linen, which is made of linen or thick cotton. Actions: dissolve 10 ml of ammonia and 40 g of rock salt in 2 liters of water, boil the composition for 30 minutes. After that, apply the solution to the stains, leave for 5-10 minutes, wash things.

Fungi are afraid of high temperatures, so to remove mold, you need to do it in hot water.

Almost everything is preventable, including mold on clothes. Simple rules will help keep your favorite things and protect against fungal infections.

  1. Regular ventilation of the room. Even in cold, windy and bad weather it is necessary to open windows, at least for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Keeping clean clothes away from dirty ones is an elementary rule of hygiene. That is, you need to try to keep your things clean and, as they get dirty, send T-shirts, blouses and socks to the laundry, and not to the farthest shelf in the dressing room.
  3. The wardrobe should not lean closely against the wall, especially in a corner room.
  4. After washing and ironing clothes, you need to carefully check things for moisture.
  5. Shifting clean things in cabinets and chests of drawers with moisture-absorbing bags.
  6. Airing wardrobes, chests of drawers and dressing rooms.

Able to dry a thing, but after ironing, condensation may form on the fabric, that is, excess moisture, which contributes to the emergence of fungi. To protect your clothes from such unpleasant consequences of ironing, you should not immediately fold the thing and put it in the closet, but give it a little “rest”.

If all the rules were followed, but the mold still got the clothes in the closet, it is necessary to quickly destroy the traces of the fungus with ordinary washing using synthetic detergents and folk recipes.

It happens that the thing has lain in the closet for a long time, waiting in the wings. And now, remembering the once beloved dress, embroidered tablecloth or bed linen, you can be horrified to find that the fabric is covered with fungus and has acquired an unpleasant musty smell. Surprise gives way to disappointment, and disappointment to panic, because mold is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also dangerous to health. How to remove mold from clothes at home?

Mold is a harmful fungus that thrives in damp and warm environments. A black, gray, white or green coating appears on the affected areas of the tissue. The following factors contribute to the emergence and spread:

  • improper storage of things in old boxes or insulated bags;
  • high humidity in the room or dampness in the closet;
  • improper or incomplete drying of things;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • contact of fabric with surfaces affected by the fungus.

How to remove mold from clothes: 11 folk recipes

Removing mold from fabric is not an easy task. The fungus is very viable, and therefore a powerful remedy is required. At the same time, it is important to maintain the strength and brightness of the fabric. Based on the experience of housewives, 11 effective compositions for combating mold can be distinguished.

Lemon and onion from fresh stains

  1. Peel a couple of onions and mash with a grater, meat grinder or blender.
  2. Pass two lemons through a meat grinder along with the peel and seeds.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Apply a thick layer to the fabric.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap.
  6. After half an hour, remove the product and send the thing to the washing machine.
  7. Air dry the fabric. It is desirable that it warms up well in the sun.

Do not be afraid that the thing will acquire the smell of onions. Lemon neutralizes it. To be safe, use a double rate of powder and fragrant conditioner during washing.

Milk and borax powder for delicate fabrics

  1. In equal amounts, combine milk, borax powder, lemon juice and table vinegar (9%).
  2. Apply the mixture directly to problem areas.
  3. Cover the item with a film or bag.
  4. After 40 minutes, remove the composition with napkins.
  5. Wash the item by hand, rubbing the treated areas liberally with laundry soap.

Chlorine bleach for light products

  1. To remove mildew stains from white clothes, spot chlorine bleach on the affected areas of the fabric.
  2. If there are many such "foci", completely soak the item in the product. For a liter of water you need a cap of whiteness.
  3. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Wash the item by hand or in the washing machine.

Sometimes simple whiteness is not enough to cope with serious foci of the fungus. After examining the reviews of the hostesses, we can conclude that to remove black mold from the fabric, it is better to use chlorine cleaners for cleaning plumbing. They can only be applied pointwise and for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Fermented milk products for synthetics

  1. Apply kefir, whey or yogurt to areas with mold.
  2. After ten hours, rinse the fabric thoroughly and inspect carefully. If traces of the fungus have not disappeared, repeat the procedure. Do this until the item is completely clean.
  3. It remains only washing in a large amount of powder.

Laundry soap for all types of fabric

  1. To get rid of white mold on clothes, rub half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Dissolve the chips in a liter of water
  3. Place the moldy item in the liquid.
  4. After half an hour, send the fabric to the wash.

If the fungus has strongly eaten into the fabric, then boiling will help remove mold stains from the fabric at home. Prepare a soap solution at the rate of a tablespoon of chips for every liter of liquid. Bring the composition to a boil, put a thing in it and “cook” for another quarter of an hour.

Chalk for color

  1. Grind the chalk into flour.
  2. Lay out the item on the ironing board.
  3. Sprinkle the problem area with chalk powder and cover with a sheet of paper.
  4. Heat the surface with an iron for about ten minutes.
  5. Send the item to the laundry.

Ammonia for old stains

  1. Mix ammonia with water in equal proportions.
  2. Soak the areas affected by mold well with the resulting solution.
  3. After half an hour, wash the thing in powder.

Ammonia treatment is a great way to get moldy smells out of clothes. But the pungent smell of ammonia is also absorbed into the fabric. To remedy the situation, you will have to rinse the item several times in clean water with a fragrant conditioner.

All-purpose remedy: vinegar

  1. In a liter of water, dissolve a quarter cup of table vinegar (9%) and a tablespoon of glycerin.
  2. Soak the item in the solution, seal the container with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse and rub liberally with laundry soap, followed by washing.

Vinegar is a highly effective remedy for mildew on clothes. Only 18% of known fungi are resistant to it. The remaining 82% of species (including those that affect tissues) die under the influence of an acidic environment.

Turpentine and talc for silk and wool

  1. Soak the sponge well with turpentine and rub the moldy cloth.
  2. Sprinkle the treated area with talcum powder (white clay powder is also suitable) and cover with a sheet of paper.
  3. Heat the material with an iron for five minutes.
  4. Remove the remaining talcum powder from the fabric and wash in automatic mode.

Salt and lemon for children

  1. How to wash mold from baby clothes? Squeeze the juice of a lemon or prepare a concentrated solution of citric acid.
  2. Soak the mold stains with the solution.
  3. Take fine salt and crush the areas previously treated with lemon juice generously.
  4. Wait until the fabric is completely dry and wash with plenty of powder or soap.

To enhance the effect of lemon and salt, lay the item out to dry in the sun. Direct beams will serve as a catalyst for a chemical reaction aimed at eliminating mold.

Aspirin and alcohol for bedding

  1. Dissolve three tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in a third of a glass of medical alcohol.
  2. Treat the spots with the resulting composition, lightly rubbing the liquid into the fabric.
  3. Wait until the item is completely dry.
  4. Rub the treated areas with a dry brush.
  5. Wash.

We remove the fungus from the baby stroller

In most families, this "transport" is passed from the oldest child to the youngest. But when it's time for a new "passenger" to take his seat, you may find that the fabric upholstery has become covered with fungus. It is ugly and dangerous for the health of the child. It is worth using one of two methods on how to remove mold from the fabric on the stroller.

local spots

  1. Mix baking soda with a little water to make a paste-like mass.
  2. Spread the mixture over the mold spots.
  3. After three to five minutes, rub the treated areas with an old toothbrush. For ease of use, soak it in water.
  4. Rinse the baking soda off the stroller.
  5. Using soapy water and a sponge, wipe the entire fabric surface.

Soda is a natural and safe antiseptic. The substance will perfectly cope with the fungus. After such treatment of the stroller, you can not be afraid that the child will have irritation or an allergic reaction.

Strong pollution

  1. Before cleaning the mold from the fabric on the baby stroller, treat the entire surface with turpentine. Do not spare the means, the fabric should be well saturated with it.
  2. Dampen the sponge in water, sprinkle with soda and begin to intensively rub the surface.
  3. In 2 liters of water, dissolve three tablespoons of washing powder and peroxide. Treat the stroller with this composition, applying on top of the soda.
  4. Rinse with clean water, then wipe with water acidified with vinegar.
  5. Wipe the surface dry.

After washing, soda may remain on the surface of the fabric. To permanently remove particles, the stroller must be thoroughly vacuumed.

Prevention of the formation of black plaque

None of the methods guarantees complete elimination of the fungus. Even if no traces are visible on the surface of the fabric, there may be live spores between the fibers and after a while mold spots may appear again. To avoid having to look for ways to remove mold stains from clothes, follow preventive measures.

  • Do not rush to hide things. After ironing clothes or bed linen, wait 15-20 minutes until the items are completely cool. If you use a steamer, you can put things on the shelf no earlier than after half an hour.
  • Don't stuff the closet. In order not to create favorable conditions for the appearance of the fungus, do not clog the closet with things. There must be enough free space for air to circulate.
  • Dry things regularly. At least once a year, you need to get all the contents of the cabinets and ventilate in the open air.
  • Edit the closet. While things are drying outside, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth soaked in water acidified with vinegar and wipe dry. This is necessary so that mold does not appear in the closet with clothes.
  • Install the cabinet correctly. Do not place furniture close to the wall. When installing the cabinet, you need to observe a small indent (3-5 cm) to ensure normal air circulation.
  • Ventilate the room. In any weather, ventilate the room daily for a quarter of an hour. In this case, the cabinet doors must be open.
  • Store clean items separately. If you put an item that you walked around in all day on the same shelf with clean T-shirts, this will be the first step in the spread of fungi and germs.
  • Exclude contact. If you're stacking seasonal items for long-term storage, place plastic bags between them.

Things can “infect” with mold not only in the closet, but also in the washing machine. To prevent the development of fungi, wipe and dry the drum. Keep the door ajar for continuous ventilation.

Having noticed mold on the fabric, first of all take care of your own health. Fungi can cause allergic reactions, itching, redness, and rashes. Once inhaled, the spores cause severe coughing and sneezing. From things stored in the closet, the fungus can spread throughout the house. Therefore, noticing the slightest hints, you should find effective ways to remove mold from fabrics and clothes. And do not delay with processing, because over time the fungus will destroy the structure of the fibers, and the thing will be hopelessly damaged.


Is there mold on your clothes? Musty smell of damp haunts? Is the situation familiar? Sometimes nothing can save you from this misfortune, but there is a way out! You can use grandmother's methods or turn to professionals. We will talk about proven ways to get rid of mold on clothes.

Why does mold appear on clothes and fabrics?

To begin with, let's look at the root causes of the appearance of the fungus on the tissues:

  • Mold is mostly due to moisture. You need to carefully evaluate things after drying. If they are not completely dry, then they should not be put away in the closet. One item left undried can ruin the rest of your clothes.
  • Outerwear will dry better in the open air. In large metropolitan areas, this is extremely difficult to do, but you can find a well-ventilated area (for example, a balcony) and dry there.
  • Outdoor mold spores fly freely in large quantities. They settle on clothing and human skin. Street clothes should not be put in the closet, as spores can spread.
  • It's good to do a full check of things. Dismantle the entire closet and ventilate things.
  • It is better to position the cabinet so that there is room for air behind it. A space where there is not enough air flow is often prone to infection by fungus.
  • Look for leaks and air humidity. Water can leak from the roof onto the cabinet, and mold will not wait long there.

As it became clear, you need to monitor moisture and air. If there is a lot of the first, and the second is not enough, then mold appears. No matter in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the closet.

In another article on the site, we discussed methods of getting rid of it.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

How to remove mold from clothes at home?

First you need to ask yourself the question: “Is it worth removing the mold from this particular thing on my own?”

Imagine an expensive thing for a person is spoiled by a fungus. The means that allow it to be removed are aggressive and can damage the thing. In such cases, you should think about professionals. Especially if you have not had to remove the fungus before.

If the thing after processing is not a pity, then you can proceed to the study of proven ways to get rid of mold. The main thing is to find out for which fabric this method is suitable. What suits one, will be disastrous for another.

Some items have pieces of fabric attached on the back or separately in a bag. These pieces are useful for test soaking. Try the selected method on it and see what happens to the fabric.

Folk remedies for mold on things

To begin with, you can try to wash the thing at high temperatures with a regular powder. With a mild injury, this can help.

If this does not happen, go to the next step:

  • Onion. From it you need to squeeze the juice in any way possible. Next, pour the juice abundantly on the foci of pollution and leave for half an hour or a little more. We wash the thing as usual. This method is not suitable for deeply affected things.
  • Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice onto the affected tissue and immediately pour salt on top. Leave for 30-60 minutes and wash with powder.
  • Dairy whey. Works the same as juice. We water, we wait, we wash.
  • Laundry soap. We rub the soap on a grater and send it to a basin with warm water. We also apply soap to the foci. Leave in prepared water, and then rinse or wash the fabric.
  • You can use a slightly different method, which includes clay and turpentine. To do this, you need to soak the clothes with turpentine, and pour clay on top. Spread a piece of tracing paper or waxed paper and go over it with a hot iron. It is necessary to heat the fabric for 5-10 minutes. Then, wash it.

Don't think these tools are outdated. Previously, people did not use purchased products, but only natural ones that are at hand. Tip: try simple methods first, and only then switch to potent ones.

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How to remove mold from woolen and silk fabrics?

These types of fabrics do not like washing, so they need to be soaked. Add 5-6 drops of formic or sulfuric acid to the water, there should be about 15 liters of water. Soak a delicate cloth in this solution. Then rinse out the acid and hang it outside or on the balcony. This is necessary to erode the remnants of the spores.

Important: formic and sulfuric acid in undiluted form are dangerous to humans. A solution of these substances in concentrations of 10% or more can corrode the skin. When preparing the solution, be extremely careful. Protect skin, respiratory tract and mucous membranes. For children, these procedures are not carried out.

If there is a large stain on the wool, then treat it 3% ammonia solution. First you need to gently rub the stain, for example, with a brush, but not with coarse fibers.

On small spots can be applied in the same percentage hydrogen peroxide. If the stains are gone, then you can rinse the thing, if not, then the procedure is repeated. The fabric must be thoroughly dried in the sun or next to a heating element.

How to remove mold from white fabrics?

From white fabrics? Probably the ideal option bleach. It is already often used with white things, but you need to look at the type of fabric. Delicate items with bleach do not wash.

Bleach must be added to the main wash. If the fabric allows, you can wet the stain with bleach and leave for a while. Do not think that the longer the fabric lies, the better.

You need to wait 15-30 minutes. Then rinse well and dry in the open air, in the sun. A well-ventilated area is also suitable, even better if it has a working battery. Close to warmth, clothes dry faster and better.

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How to remove mold from linen, cotton, satin, calico?

For such fabrics, folk treatment against mold is perfect. There were enough of them above.

But there are also other ways:

  1. Vinegar. It is diluted in water and the fabric is soaked for a while. It is logical that after all the manipulations, the thing is washed in a machine with powder. If possible, add bleach when washing - this will enhance the active ingredients, and the method will be more effective than with vinegar alone.
  2. Put a liter of water to boil. When the water is warm, add a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia. Bring this composition to a boil. Let it boil for 30 minutes. Then cool to a warm state and apply on the stain. Let the mixture work for 30 minutes, then you can wash and dry.

How to remove mold from colored fabrics?

Methods for removing mold from colored fabrics:

  • When a spot has just appeared, you need to urgently smear the spots with the pulp of fresh tomatoes. Then you need to wait and wash as usual. Don't use tomatoes on old stains - it won't help.
  • You can use a 10% solution of borax. Wet the stain carefully. Then rinse this place and leave to dry. If the paint is still faded, edit these places with oil paints.
  • Chalk powder works great too. It must be sprinkled on the site, covered with a napkin and ironed.

The best ways to remove mold from fabrics and clothes

Of course, you need to know the cause of the stain, how long the tissue has been affected and its type.

We can only give some tips for removing mold at home:

  1. Determine the type of fabric. So you can not be afraid to spoil the thing.
  2. Natural recipes work well with natural species.
  3. After using the product, you need to rinse the thing thoroughly.
  4. You need to dry either in the sun or in a room with a heater. You can also use an iron to iron the places of a special accumulation of mold fungi.
  5. Before using any methods, try washing the fabric at the highest possible temperature for that fabric.

Tips are general, but important. Failure to comply with them leads to new formations of fungal spots. If simple washing doesn't work, try soapy water, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar. Be aware that vinegar in large quantities and in contact with the fabric for a long time can destroy it.

soap solution

The case with laundry soap was described above, but any soap can be used. Just housekeeping is better to handle this case.

The soap solution can also be boiled along with the affected tissue. Everything is prepared in the same way, only after that the solution is put on the stove and brought to a boil. Boil for up to half an hour. Then rinse and dry.


Has a specific smell. Be extremely careful with him. Protect skin and respiratory tract. Do not mix with bleach. It turns out a poisonous agent that is dangerous to human health and life.

For 30-40 minutes, you can leave a solution on things: salt, water, ammonia. Then according to the old scheme: wash, dry. The only thing is that the smell of this solution needs to be properly weathered. Better outdoors.

Baking soda

Since ancient times, it has been an indispensable assistant in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Baking soda is gentle but effective. It can be used more than once, that is, remove the stain in several stages. But still, she will not take deep spots and old ones.

A little water is added to the baking soda to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Use a soft brush to apply gruel to moldy areas and rub a little. Rinse in cold water, wash and dry.

Hydrogen peroxide

Cheap and completely safe. It is applied in large quantities to areas where mold has accumulated. It's better to leave it for a while. For best results, add table salt. Salt is dissolved in water, peroxide is added and the soaked cloth is left for half an hour.

Alcohol and ascorbic acid

1 tablet is diluted in a glass of alcohol. It is applied to places of accumulation of mold fungus. We are waiting for complete drying. We wash and dry.

Prevention measures

Measures to prevent the appearance of mold on clothes:

  • Keep an eye on humidity. Do not put unfinished things in the closet. It is better not to dry things in a room with a closet. Evaporating water will settle in the form of air humidity.
  • If there is a large accumulation of things that are not used, then these things are best thrown away. The perfect place for mold to grow.
  • Seasonal items need to be aired periodically.
  • Dirty and street things have no place in the closet.
  • Down jackets, jackets are dried in the air.

After removing mold spores from clothes, follow the preventive tips described in this article. It is also worth taking a closer look that, perhaps, mold has settled somewhere in the apartment, and its spores fall on clothes. Here you need to act quickly and thoroughly. After all, mold can lead to serious diseases. Be healthy!
