Help unwind. Need advice, perspective.

My husband has changed in the last six months. It became unbearable to live. The thought of divorce never leaves my head.
Our history is like this. He is 4 years younger than me, we met when I was 25, and he was 21 on the Internet, corresponded for a year, met, fell in love. He went to the army, for a year I went to another city every two weeks, spending all my salary on him, on food, on the road. We even managed to go on vacation to the sea. Everything was at my expense. But I never thought about money. His mother, despite the fact that she lived 10 minutes from the unit, never came and fed her son. Sometimes, it seems to me that my mother-in-law is my daughter. So she behaves ... then he came to me .. To the capital. Little did I think at that moment, I just loved madly and believed in our happiness. And we began to live in an apartment with my mother. There were no options. Began to look for work. It didn't work, my sister helped. I took him to my company, taught me how to work. So we lived for a year. He was always a radiant, insanely sociable person. I got along well with my mother and lived generally well. A year later, he changed jobs and began to earn extra money, made me an offer and we got married. A son was born. With children's money, he decided to open his own business. I was very resistant, with a newborn in my arms without a stable job. I was scared. I then patted his nerves, but deep down I believed in him. It was difficult, we survived thanks to my mother. She never regretted anything for us. And fed and watered. He took a risk in defiance and in spite of everyone, and we can say he succeeded. Two years later we were able to buy a nice apartment in a new building. With the help of my mother and sister. They lent us the missing money. And from that moment it all started. Since the new year. He didn’t go home several times, after drinking with friends, and he didn’t goof around somewhere, but walked around the city all night .. And I begged, the time was not calm, she talked about her son, mom doesn’t sleep all night .. In general, such There were three walks. Further .. As soon as he drinks a little, he becomes aggressive, angry, runs into a quarrel, can offend. I became nervous when he plans to drink, I ask him to know the measure, this results in a scandal. And the last time there was such a scandal (before a party), he told me all sorts of things. I still can't come to my senses. He said that he hates me, that he lives only for the sake of his son, that I got him along with my family. The next day he went for his walk and did not come to spend the night. Showed up in the morning, as if nothing had happened. In general, my heart is torn from resentment. It turned away from him so much that I can not look at him. My mother says that she is tired of him, that something happened to him, like the roof went. She is tired of us, says that I will die, he will outlive you. I want to emphasize that he began to behave this way for the last six months. Inadequate, irritable, and drunk form is unbearable. Is he really like that, just hiding his face for so long. We lived only 5 years. What to do? It's a shame, because we never lived for our family in our house, which we dreamed about so much. And when it is here, this moment is near, so take it and destroy everything. It's a shame. Give advice. How to lead what to do? Is it worth going to reconciliation or will it not change already, but in your apartment it will be worse. I'm scared.