What is the most important thing in the work of a kindergarten teacher. Doe educator in the current situation in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

"Modern educator, what is he?"

I am proud of my profession because

I live my childhood many times

be a caregiver kindergarten very, very difficult. You understand what responsibility lies with you - the future of the child and the country depends on the educator. In 15 years, our graduates will represent the entire adult population. It is to them that we will go for treatment, they will build houses, pass laws, and become the people on whom the fate of the country depends.

Kindergarten is the second home for children, where they spend 10-12 hours a day. the main task educator - to develop in the child a personality, that uniqueness that will distinguish him from those around him; learn to communicate and reckon with others, respect yourself and others ...

But in order to educate a person, you need to be a person yourself.

1) The educator must know a lot, constantly work on himself, possess special skills and abilities; constantly improve their skills, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods; know a computer, be able to use the Internet.

2) The educator must be a psychologist, take into account age features children, find them individual approach, respect them. Children are open to goodness and beauty, they do not tolerate injustice, they speak the truth straight to their faces!

3) The teacher must be creative personality, to be a guide for children to the world of fairy tales and fantasy, to evoke delight, love, tenderness, surprise in children. The teacher should be interesting to children - be able to sing, dance, "revive" dolls, read poetry, tell fairy tales, sew, draw, make toys from natural material, from paper, from bottles and jars, from lids and boxes and much more from what!

5) The teacher must take care of the health of children, carry out all regime activities; learn to take care of yourself appearance to teach self-care.

6) The teacher must be able to find a common language with parents. The teacher should pay attention to the questions and wishes of the parents, be extremely polite and patient with them (to know the psychology of an adult, because parents are all so different!)

7) The educator must be: independent, diligent, disciplined, hardworking, responsible. And also - to be charming and attractive, beautiful, neat, observe the rules of personal hygiene (after all, the teacher is a model for children); regardless of everyday troubles - always cheerful, cheerful, have a sense of humor.

A modern educator is a person who combines the features of a psychologist, an artist, a friend, a mentor, etc. The creative potential of the pupil depends on creativity the educator himself, so you need to pay great attention development of creative imagination.

A modern educator is a creative worker, a master of his craft, an innovator, a leader healthy lifestyle life, which uses the latest methodological developments in its work.

The necessary qualities of a modern educator are patience, goodwill, because the educator has to work not only with children, but also with parents.

Communication with children is a kind of exam every time. Little wise teachers both test you for strength, and at the same time love you with an all-consuming love in which you can dissolve without a trace. Their secret pure love simple: they are open and simple-minded.

The task of a modern educator is to educate a creative, creative, sociable personality. You need to predict and evaluate your results, develop independence, initiative. To create conditions for the realization of the individual abilities of each child.

The profession of a teacher is one of the most important and significant in life. modern society. Being an educator is a calling. It means to want and be able to live childhood again and again with each child, to see the world through his eyes, to be surprised and learn with him, to be invisible when the baby is busy with his own business, and indispensable when he needs help and support.

Working as an educator, I can say that there is no better profession than my job! It makes you forget all the grief and resentment, gives a feeling of eternal youth.

Of course, it must be kind!

Love children, love learning,

Love your profession!

What should a teacher be like?

Of course, you should be generous.

All of myself without regret

He should give the children!

What should be a kindergarten teacher in modern realities? This profession is special in its significance and essence.

Features of the profession

The specificity of labor lies in the fact that the main object is the child, who is a unique creation of nature. The educator should be engaged in the spiritual, mental, physical development of the baby. It is for this reason that the work of a kindergarten teacher is one of the most responsible and important in the modern world.

The specifics of pedagogical activity

All the work of the educator is aimed at the formation of the main types of activities that contribute to the development of harmonious developed personality preschooler. For the successful implementation of all the tasks assigned to the teacher, he must have a genuine professional skill. Not all holders of a diploma from a pedagogical educational institution will be able to become good employees of a preschool educational institution. Work as a teacher in a kindergarten involves the implementation of musical, gaming, labor, research, project activities with pupils.

The work program of the educator

There are certain requirements for the level of training, as well as for direct activity teacher preschool institution. In addition to secondary vocational or higher specialized education, there should be a special working programm educator. It indicates the main goals of working with pupils: educational, developing, educational. Here the tasks set by the educator for a certain period, ways to achieve them are prescribed. According to the new standards of preschool education, the teacher prescribes all the basic universal skills that his pupils must master after completing the course of study. Depending on which profile is chosen by the preschool institution, teacher programs can be narrowly focused. Among the most common directions in the preschool educational institution, the patriotic, environmental, and physical education directions are in the lead.

Functions for the implementation of the educational activities of the educator

For the implementation of the tasks assigned to the educator modern system Russian education, it needs certain functions. The communicative-stimulating function implies the ability of the teacher to establish contact with children, maintain friendly relations with the children. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher imply the manifestation of a sincere attitude, care, warmth, love and respect for the kids. This function involves full communication not only with the wards, but also with parents, other employees, colleagues.

The diagnostic function is interconnected with the study of the characteristics of each child and the establishment of their level of upbringing and development. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher include knowledge of the characteristics of the nursery developmental psychology. If the teacher does not have information about the level of moral, mental, physical development child, he does not belong in kindergarten. A real professional will study all the personal characteristics of each child in his group, get to know his parents, analyze the living conditions, the atmosphere in the family, in order to be aware of everything that happens to his kids.

It assumes such professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher as planning educational and developmental work. In addition, professional interests preschool worker should include the desire to be creative in their activities.

The constructive and design function characterizes the professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher regarding the organization of training sessions and educational games, projects with kids.

The organizational function is considered the most difficult, it is it that allows the educator to demonstrate their personal characteristics. Only a person who is passionate about his profession can lead children, “ignite” a spark of knowledge in them. The teacher selects, structures information while communicating with the children, organizes various activities for them, analyzes the desire of the kids to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The research function implies the ability of the teacher himself to engage in self-education, to develop his professional interests in order to be a real example for the child.

What should a teacher know

There are certain personal qualities that a kindergarten teacher should possess. Education of this profile can be obtained at a pedagogical college or university. First of all, it is necessary to note the dominant qualities. If a teacher does not like children, does not want to work with them, there is no question of his pedagogical competence.


This quality is especially important for representatives of this profession. It is the educator who should provide timely support and assistance to the child, help him in overcoming the problems associated with communicating with other children. Under the guidance of a sensitive mentor, the baby is transformed from an "ugly duckling" into a beautiful "swan". During the visit to the kindergarten, the child's personal growth should go on, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills should grow.


The teacher must be tolerant of his kids. Situations are not allowed when the teacher raises his voice to the children during the lesson.

Pedagogical tact and justice

This quality implies the observance by the mentor of universal norms of interaction and communication with preschoolers. In addition, a professional educator takes into account the individual qualities of each child, his psychological features. According to the new Federal State Educational Standards, each kindergarten student builds his own educational trajectory, along which he moves under the guidance of his mentor. Justice is a mandatory quality of a modern DU teacher. He is obliged to behave impartially in relation to each kid. What other personal qualities should good teacher? He must be an optimist, not get lost in extreme situations, have charm and personal charm, have a sense of humor, have worldly wisdom. From the point of view of social activity, such a teacher should always be ready to help colleagues in solving social and social problems relating primarily to the educational sector.

Responsibilities of a Kindergarten Teacher

The Ministry of Education has developed requirements that must be met modern teacher preschool institution.

  • He is obliged to plan, organize, carry out activities and children and their upbringing in the DU.
  • The teacher is engaged in daily work, which is aimed at providing conditions for the social and psychological rehabilitation of preschoolers.
  • In his work, he is obliged to apply modern master techniques, methods, teaching aids.
  • Based on the recommendations of a child psychologist, the results of personal research, she works with children individually, in groups, and is engaged in correctional and developmental activities.
  • Together with a medical worker, he develops and implements a set of measures aimed at preventing and strengthening physical health preschoolers.

Together with medical workers ensures the preservation of strengthening the health of children, conducts activities that contribute to their psychophysical development responsible for their life and health.

The educator is obliged to know and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding preschool education, and be familiar with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Such a word as "educator" comes from "nourish", that is, to feed. The modern dictionary interprets this profession as a person who is engaged in educating someone, takes full responsibility for the development and conditions for the existence of the personality of another person. For the emergence of this teaching profession were objective reasons. For the full development of society, it was important that the experience accumulated by older generations be passed on to children. First given profession appeared in Ancient Greece. At that distant time, a slave was responsible for the development of the child. It was he who first watched the baby, after the child grew up, accompanied him to school. The duties of a slave included control of the development of the child, his behavior and actions. Gradually, the slave was replaced by home caregivers (governesses), and then kindergarten teachers. Modern DU teachers are creative and bright personalities. They are distinguished by emotional stability, endurance, patience, poise, observation. Representatives of this profession have excellent communicative skills and the Educator is an excellent organizer who speaks clearly and is able to attract the attention of the interlocutor. All representatives of this important and responsible profession have a developed sense of personal responsibility. They are active, enterprising, kind towards their pupils and colleagues. There are also certain medical restrictions that do not allow a person to work as an educator of remote control. A candidate for the post of educator undergoes a medical examination. Children are not allowed to people with mental disorders, serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and of cardio-vascular system suffering from severe stuttering. You can not work in a kindergarten and persons who have skin and venereal and infectious diseases are virus carriers.

Modern preschool teacher

Updating the system of preschool education implies the creation of a new type of kindergarten capable of organizing a single educational space, proclaiming the idea of ​​the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood.

Recognition of the priority of the child's personality, his right to manifest his interests, characteristics, expression in creative self-realization involves the formation of a new model of education, where the interests of the preschool child will be taken as a basis. On this stage there is a reassessment of values ​​and authorities, which leads to an intensive search for modern educational technologies aimed at developing and supporting children's initiative, at protecting and strengthening children's health. In confirmation of this, the new regulatory document "Federal State Requirements for the Structure of the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education" defines the basis educational program kindergarten and puts forward the development of each child as the main goal of educational work.

What should be a modern preschool teacher?

First of all, focused on personal interaction with each pupil, excluding the authoritarian model of building the educational process. Preschool education is entirely built on the process of interaction between the teacher and children, and since the teacher for the child is quite a significant figure, it is the educator who is responsible for the quality this process. It follows from this that highly professional teachers should be next to the children. It is next to the children, because if the child and the teacher are partners and communicate on an equal footing, then this provides the psychological comfort necessary for the full development of the child.

The professionalism of a teacher consists of many components. But it often happens that the process of raising and educating children is built into a system that is often clearly planned and strictly regulated, almost completely excluding the creativity of both the teacher and the children. And as a result, the proposals, questions of children, their moods remain without due attention, as they go beyond the scope of planned activities. A modern teacher should be ready for flexible adjustment of the educational process, based on the interests and needs of students. The goal should not be the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the development of the child's personality. The main task for the teacher of a modern kindergarten is a gradual departure from stereotypes, the organization of mental activity, during which there will be a reassessment of one's own professional action, their attitudes towards the child. Only real changes in the mind of the teacher will lead us to changes in everything educational. educational process.

Renewal of pedagogical consciousness is a long, complicated and painful process. It is important that educators realize the significance of their mission and direct their efforts towards the full upbringing and education of children, their psychological protection.

The modern world is characterized by rapidly changing conditions, constant updating of information, so another important component professional competence teacher is the constant improvement of their knowledge, mastery of progressive pedagogical technologies education and training. The decisive factor in the development of the teacher's personality at all stages of his professional path is continuous self-education. The educator must be motivated and need for self-development. In modern educational institution conditions must be created for the study of best practices, updating knowledge and their creative application in practice. The teacher should be capable of introspection and self-assessment, perception new information and implementation in your work innovative forms interaction with all participants in the educational process.

Modern information and communication technologies are used in all areas of activity of modern society and impose new requirements on the quality of education in accordance with the promising and urgent needs of the individual and society as a whole. Self-organization skills, the ability to analyze and apply the necessary information, the skills of effective collective activity- modern requirements for the quality of education. First of all, teachers should own all the benefits of information and communication technologies.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is important for improving the educational system. The use of modern technical means can change pedagogical process, introducing novelty and diversity into it. A modern teacher in his work should use a personal computer with all its great potential - this will facilitate some aspects of his pedagogical activity, as well as with proper use and creativity you can achieve stunning results - the process of education and training will be of interest to all participants in the educational process.

It becomes obvious that the teacher who leads pedagogical activity with the use of a multimedia projector, a computer, is oriented in the information space, has a qualitative advantage over colleagues operating only within the framework of traditional technologies.

One of the main conditions for the use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is that competent specialists should work with children, who not only have computer skills, know their technical capabilities, but also clearly follow the sanitary standards and rules for using computers, who know how to introduce children to new information technology. Given this, the teacher must be computer literate, master the work with software educational complexes, resources of the global information network Internet in order to be able to use modern computer technologies to interact with pupils and their parents at a qualitatively new level.

Thus, a modern kindergarten needs a teacher who will not be a “teacher”, but a senior partner for children, contributing to the development of the personality of pupils; a teacher who is able to competently plan and build the educational process, focusing on the interests of the children themselves, but at the same time not be afraid to deviate from the planned plan and adapt to real situations; a teacher who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences, as well as capable of cooperation, possessing psychological and pedagogical knowledge, modern information and communication technologies, capable of self-education and introspection.

The system of Russian education at the present stage of development of society is undergoing significant changes associated with a change in the model of cultural and historical development. But no matter what reforms take place in the education system, in the end, one way or another, they are limited to a specific performer - a teacher. It is the teacher who is the main figure in the implementation of the main innovations in practice. And for the successful introduction of various innovations into practice, for the implementation of the tasks assigned to him in the new conditions, the teacher must have necessary level professional competence and professionalism. In the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the issue of ensuring the conditions for the development of the child's personal growth comes to the fore. This is due to the need to integrate the individual into society as a creative individuality, capable of mastering spiritual values, forming a specific selective orientation associated with the expansion of subjective meanings.

Every day, the kindergarten teacher is a witness and participant in the process of shaping the people of the future, helping, and sometimes even hindering their development. Our life is arranged in such a way that children spend most of their daylight hours not with their own parents, but with kindergarten workers and educators. This fact confirms the high social significance of the teaching profession.

The world around us is constantly becoming more complex. Today it is no longer enough once having received a basic education to work in one's specialty. To match modern requirements, to maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to constantly study, engage in self-education. Continuing education should become a necessity. The need to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities penetrates into all spheres of life - professional, family, social, personal and, of course, the sphere of pedagogical activity.

What qualities should a modern preschool teacher have? In a number personal characteristics it is necessary to name the qualities that become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relations in the educational process. Among these qualities are patience, responsibility, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, optimism, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the life of pupils, goodwill, restraint, responsiveness and many others. important professional qualities teachers are hard work, hard work, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of one's professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of one's work, etc. All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of an educator, without which effective pedagogical activity is impossible.

To meet modern requirements, the educator must be:

a) active (to support children in their manifestations of activity, to match them). A teacher who sits most of the time on a chair and directs children's activities from him can hardly be called active, striving for the all-round development of children;

b) capable of change - to keep up with the rapidly changing world and changing children and their parents;

c) attentive to oneself, one's behavior, verbal self-expression, to how one's own behavior, speech affects others, including children;

d) competent - seeking to improve self-education, competent in the profession.

Based on the foregoing, we can single out several recommendations for the prevention of pedagogical difficulties, which V.A. Yuzefovich.

  • Analyze systematically own actions in the process of professional activity from the position "I doubt the correctness of what I did" . Doubt. Learn to look at yourself in the process of activity through the eyes of other people. Argue with your own thoughts. Keep a diary, write down your thoughts, etc.
  • Scrupulously study all disciplines, especially pedagogy and psychology. Don't overestimate your personal experience, build your own pedagogical activity, it correlates with scientific foundations, and not with ordinary ideas or stereotypes.
  • Avoid False Generalizations (“I came to class underprepared and got out of a difficult situation due to my general erudition, therefore, you can not prepare thoroughly for each lesson” )
  • Don't take negative reactions people, their inappropriate behavior as a desire to inconvenience you. This behavior is based on people's own problems and their inability to solve them constructively.
  • If you make a mistake, don't give up. Constantly improve your theoretical level.
  • Attend classes experienced teachers absorb the new.

Only by constantly developing and improving, the educator will be able to fully fulfill his functions. And the most important service function of the educator has been and will be constant communication with the child. The educator should be able to answer many questions, taking into account age. On how correctly and how quickly the teacher will find an approach to each child, will be able to organize, the life of children in a preschool depends on whether the children will be calm, affectionate, sociable, and most importantly, prepared for life in modern society!
