What should I do to grow my hair fast? Mix with eggs and honey

We all want to be beautiful and successful, regardless of age, gender, profession. It's no secret that one of the main attributes of our image, attractiveness is hair, or lack of it.

The question often arises: - "What can I do to make my hair grow faster at home?". Unsuccessful haircut, hair problems after pregnancy, childbirth, other conditions.

The simple desire to look beautiful makes people scour the Internet. Ask your friends, turn to specialists - trichologists, healers, herbalists, in order to get the hair of your dreams.

We will try to help you and review the most effective methods for improving your hair.

What to do to make hair grow faster at home, tips

Hair is an appendage of the skin, it accumulates all the toxic substances that we have in the body and in the environment around us. Accordingly, according to the state of the hair, one can judge the state of the whole organism, understand what the body as a whole lacks.

If there is little calcium and magnesium in the hair, then they are not enough in the body, therefore, the connective tissue is not strong enough, which leads to flat feet and myopia.

Consider the factors that negatively affect hair growth and their condition:

  1. Lack of sleep.
  2. Work in hazardous industries with chemicals.
  3. Irrational nutrition, with insufficient content of microelements, vitamins, proteins. And, by the way, fats, both vegetable and animal.
  4. Endocrine diseases.
  5. Physiological conditions that require increased costs of vitamins and trace elements.
  6. Wrong care.
  7. Insufficient exposure to fresh air.
  8. Exposure to the sun, exposure to the sun with bare head.
  9. Exposure to cold, neglect of headgear in the cold season.
  10. Improper hair coloring, perms, frequent improper use of a hair dryer without protection.
  11. Taking certain medications.
  12. Insufficient fluid intake.

If you had thick and strong hair, and then problems with hair began: hair loss, brittleness, fading, and so on, then first of all you should check the condition of the body as a whole. Perhaps these are the first signs of a disease, or a lack of important trace elements.

Solving hair problems in clinics

Cosmetic clinics dealing with hair problems offer a huge selection of procedures aimed at improving and accelerating hair growth.

One of the most popular methods is mesotherapy, when special formulations rich in biologically active substances, trace elements, and vitamins are injected subcutaneously on the head.

Individually selected compositions that nourish the hair follicle directly, stimulate hair growth, have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Stimulation of hair growth with microelements in ampoules

There are special concentrates of substances that stimulate hair growth. These are nutrients in ampoules, their contents are rubbed into the scalp. Treatment with these ampoules brings results with prolonged use, usually not earlier than after 3 months.

Their composition is very different, therefore it is more expedient that a specialist selects them individually.

Physiotherapy methods

They can be used at home. The meaning of their impact is that they improve micro-circulation in the scalp, hair follicles, thereby accelerating hair growth.

It is very important to choose the right scalp care products, shampoos, conditioners, masks. Don't skimp on this. It is better to choose professional cosmetics, if you yourself cannot decide, you should consult a specialist.

Hair care routine at home

  1. Daily or every other day massage of the scalp for at least 10 minutes, in order to improve blood circulation in the hair follicles and accelerate hair growth.
  2. A balanced diet with increased consumption of foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, F, H. Every day, unrefined vegetable oil should be present in the diet, preferably flaxseed, nuts, vegetables, fruits. Be sure to consume eggs, dairy products, legumes (especially lentils) every other day.
  3. Sufficient water intake, at least 1.5 liters per day.
  4. Reception of multivitamin complexes containing vitamins, trace elements for at least 2-3 months.
  5. Find the right treatment for your hair type. Moisturizers (balms, rinses, masks) must be present in the care algorithm if you want long hair. In the composition of moisturizers, pay attention to the presence of hyaluronic acid, various moisturizing ma oils (Shea, avocado, cocoa).
  6. While washing your hair, do a contrast shower, pour warm (not hot), then cool water on your head, which will tone the skin.
  7. Exfoliate weekly while washing your hair with sea salt.
  8. Try to wash your hair in pre-prepared decoctions of medical chamomile or nettle herb after shampoo.
  9. Minimize the use of hair dryers. If you use a hair dryer, then first dry it without a hair dryer, then dry it with a hair dryer at a low temperature using protective sprays to shape your hair. It is better to choose an expensive hairdresser who will cut your hair in such a way that styling does not take much time than to spend money on repairing damaged hair later.
  10. If you dye your hair, use professional dyes, the services of an experienced colorist. It is better to choose the shade of paint closest to the natural tone of your hair in order to dye as little as possible. Use in the care of a series specially designed for colored hair.
  11. Once a month, add an oil solution of vitamins E and A to the mask or balm, which accelerate hair growth.
  12. Trim split ends regularly.
  13. Use folk remedies that accelerate hair growth. They are often very simple and effective. And most importantly, easily applicable at home.

Folk methods of treatment and stimulation of hair growth

How, with the help of folk recipes and special hair masks, to make hair grow faster at home? Even our grandmothers took care of their hair exclusively with home remedies, and had beautiful, thick, strong hair.

Often, head masks made from available products were used to stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

The purpose of these masks:

  • - improve blood supply to hair follicles;
  • - nourish the hair with substances necessary for growth and health.

Some masks include onions, garlic, mustard, red hot peppers. We do not recommend using these substances in their pure form.

Since they can provoke allergic reactions, chemical damage to the skin, up to a chemical burn, dehydration of the hair. It is better to include these substances in care products in the form of essential oils.

The algorithm for applying any mask:

  • - massage the mask on the head, on the hair along the entire length;
  • - use a plastic cap and tie a towel on top;
  • - keep the mask for at least 60 minutes;
  • - rinse well with water (preferably boiled).

Examples of masks for active hair growth

  • Mask with burdock oil. You can add an oil solution of vitamins A and E, castor oil, mustard or mint oil to the composition.
  • Linseed oil mask. See the algorithm for applying it above.
  • You can use sea buckthorn oil as a mask.
  • Mask with mustard, kefir, raw eggs. Mix 1 tablespoon of mustard powder with two raw eggs, 200 ml of kefir. The mask is ready.
  • Mask for activating hair growth with cognac, honey and aloe, recipe. Take cognac, honey, juice from the leaves of a home plant aloe in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, add a raw egg. The mask is ready.
  • Mask for activating hair growth at home with beer. Warm beer 100 ml mixed with 2-3 raw eggs. The mask is ready to be applied.

What to do to make hair grow faster at home

In order for hair to grow faster, be strong and healthy, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor the state of the body, and increase immunity. When there are no health problems in general, the hair will be lush and thick.

Do you want to grow your hair faster after a bad haircut? Then our advice will be useful to you!

1. Trim your ends more often

Oddly enough, scissors are your friend when it comes to growing hair. “The main thing is not to cut off too much,” clarifies celebrity stylist Mark Townsend (who is trusted with their hair by Ashley Olsen (31) and Diane Kruger (41)). - Ask your master to clean just a few millimeters (no more than three). And then you will always have strong and healthy tips, and your hair will grow back faster in general.

2. Always use conditioner

Hair mask Lavender Mint, Tee Tree, price on request; firming shampoo "Cucumber freshness" Garnier, from 160 rubles; Purifiant cleansing shampoo from Generik, 1004 rubles; balm "Sos resurrection" Garnier, from 100 rubles; dry conditioner Sephora, 466 rubles; conditioner and shampoo "Moisturizing" Head & Shoulders, price on request; hair conditioner Lavender Mint, Tee Tree, price on request; hair mask "Triple recovery" Garnier, from 230 rubles; Shampoo "Sos Resurrection" Garnier, from 180 rubles; Nioxin hair care and shampoo, price on request; micellar soft shampoo "Clean Line", from 70 rubles; Organic Shop moisturizing shampoo, price on request

“Conditioner helps to “solder” the hair after washing, as a result, they will not deteriorate and break, which means that the chances of growing hair will double,” says Mark.

3. Make more masks and use oils

One air conditioner will not be enough. Stylists advise supplementing care with masks and oils. “I advise everyone to my personal recipe: 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil mixed with 1 tablespoon of almond oil, macadamia and jojoba. You apply the resulting mixture to your hair and leave it for 10 minutes, after which you wash it off, ”advises Mark Townsend. “If making masks is not for you. Then pay attention to burdock oil - it is the most popular and really promotes hair growth, ”says Danila Mileev, Ambassador of Kérastase.

4. Rinse your hair with cold water

“Really helps to grow hair and keep long hair in good condition,” says Townsend. “Cool water smooths out the outer layer of hair and helps prevent moisture loss.”

5. Look for "plant" in the composition of hair cosmetics

Set No. 5 for thick and voluminous hair, Nioxin, price on request; oxygen emulsions Perfleor No. 2 and No. 5, prices on request; ampoules against hair loss Lisap Milano, 1727 rubles; burdock oil Sibirska Apotheca, price on request; growth activator Garnier, from 515 rubles; firming serum Vital Booster, Londa Professional, price on request; night serum to increase the density of hair Night Density Rescue Nioxin, price on request; hair serum Eliokap Top Level, from 5000 rubles; set of ampoules for hair loss, Leonor Greyl, price on request

There are many special means to stimulate hair growth. Of course, you need to choose them, focusing not only on the mark “accelerates growth”, but also on the composition! “The list of components must include active ingredients such as coltsfoot extract (it improves blood circulation), yarrow (it tones and strengthens well), cinchona (regulates metabolic processes),” says Kirill Grishkin, Generik technologist.

“Sprays, shampoos and ampoules with menthol or pepper are also good. They will improve blood circulation and nutrition of the bulbs, and will stimulate growth,” emphasizes Katya Konoreva, art director of Go Coppola Nikolskaya.

6. Don't wear a towel in your hair

“Even a super soft bath towel can break your hair,” Townsend says. “It’s better to gently dry them immediately after washing (without rubbing at the same time) and give preference to microfiber towels.”

7. Use silk and satin pillow cases

Forget about cotton bedding - it injures the hair. Here, smooth fabrics that will not cause friction are more suitable.

8. Forget about iron-haired combs

“Use the “right” comb made of natural soft bristles, do not comb wet hair, and it will not fall out and will begin to grow, as expected, by about 1-2 cm per month,” says Danila Mileev, Ambassador of Kérastase.

The speed of hair growth is genetically determined, but sometimes this process is influenced by external factors that can be eliminated. Homemade masks according to folk recipes are one of the most effective means for strengthening, accelerating growth, adding shine and density to hair. The main plus is a completely natural composition, as well as the availability of ingredients. They are easy to make yourself at home. If the cause of the slow growth of curls is a lack of vitamins, then they will cope well with it.

Homemade mask recipes

1. Among the masks for hair growth, a composition based on stands out. Its action is explained by the ability to increase the permeability of the membranes of the cells of the scalp. Penetrating through the roots, it enters the bulbs themselves, stimulating them. The mask contains:

  • vitamins A and E - 2 tsp each;
  • dimexide solution - 2 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp

There is also a second recipe:

  • burdock and castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dimexide solution - 1 tsp;
  • vitamins E and A - 1 tsp each;
  • essential oil, for example, geranium, lavender, rosemary - 3-5 drops.

Both masks provide rapid growth, provided that the formulations are applied to the roots. The head should be wrapped with polyethylene and wrapped with a towel, kept for an hour and washed off. Procedures are done within 2 months 1 time in 7 days. The inventors of the remedy claim that in this way it is possible to grow 1.5 cm per week, as well as significantly increase the density of the hair.

Dimexide in some cases causes allergies with redness and itching. There is a risk of burning the scalp or causing hair loss. Sometimes there is simply no positive effect.

2. Effective. It also removes oil very well. Her recipe is as follows:

  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.

First you need to mix butter, mustard and sugar together, then add hot water. The mask must be applied to the scalp itself. From above, everything is wrapped with polyethylene and a towel. Often, at first, the composition bakes very much, so it is possible to withstand only a quarter of an hour. On subsequent times, the time will gradually increase. Soon it will be possible to keep for an hour.

Wash off with water and shampoo. The procedure is carried out once a week. If the curls quickly become oily, then you can do the procedure more often, for example, once every 5 days. If the hair is characterized by increased dryness, then the interval between procedures should be at least 10 days. Mustard hair mask allows you to increase their length up to 6 cm in 30 days.

3. Pepper-yolk mask for density and rapid growth stimulates blood flow in the vessels of the scalp. Over time, it improves the appearance of curls, restoring their shine.

Need to mix:

  • red pepper powder or its tincture - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yolk - 2 pcs.

The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and insulated. The composition is kept for about 45 minutes and washed off with baby shampoo. If the mask bakes strongly, then this should be done earlier.

4. Kefir is considered an effective and fast mask that promotes the growth of healthy curls. It is recommended to first warm up a little kefir, but so that it does not curl, apply to the scalp with massage movements and spread on the hair itself. Then everything is wrapped up and the agent is left to act for 30-60 minutes. Instead of kefir according to the recipe, you can use yogurt, preferably made at home. Wash off with regular shampoo, the procedure is carried out regularly.

5. The top most effective masks for accelerating growth include ginger. It contains the following ingredients:

  • juice squeezed from ginger root - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Everything is mixed and spread on the head, rubbing into the roots, put on a plastic bag and a hat.

In order to achieve rapid growth of strands, you must follow these rules:

1. Wash your hair at a certain time, preferably in the morning or afternoon. In the evening, this procedure should not be done, since sleeping with wet hair is harmful. After washing, wrap your head in a towel for half an hour.

2. It is useful to rinse your hair with herbal infusion after washing your hair. Nettle and burdock root contribute to rapid growth.

3. Once a week it is useful to make a mask at home from products that can be found in every kitchen. It is desirable to wash them off without the use of shampoo in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances. In this regard, oil masks and those that contain pepper or mustard have proven themselves well.

4. It is important to provide the hair with vitamins comprehensively. Therefore, special attention should be paid to your diet. The diet is enriched with vegetables, proteins and fruits. Beta-carotene has a strong influence on the rate of regrowth of curls. It is abundant in rice, soy and walnuts. Therefore, it is worth enriching your diet with these products. You can not do without vitamin C, which also helps the strands grow faster. Most of it is found in tomatoes, citrus fruits, currants and bell peppers.

5. To accelerate hair growth, it is important to choose the right detergents. Preference should be given to shampoos and balms on a natural basis without silicones and parabens.

6. Good sleep is important not only for the vital functions of the whole organism, but also for the health of the hair. In order for them to grow as soon as possible, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. At this time, cell regeneration occurs. Lack of sleep negatively affects the hair - it begins to thin out, growth stops.

7. Avoid tight hairpins and elastic bands. Metal parts on them can injure curls. It is preferable to wear silicone rubber bands and plastic crabs. It is also worth giving up hairstyles that involve tight pulling of hair, such as a ponytail.

8. The general condition of the hair also affects the growth rate. If the curls are overdried, damaged or split, then there is nothing to dream of a long hair. Therefore, at the time of growing strands, it is worth excluding the use of hair dryers, curling irons, irons, tongs and other traumatic devices, or at least limit their use.

9. Scientists have proven that sports have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and accelerate their growth. It is enough to do simple exercises at home. She will improve the supply of oxygen to the scalp, and the strands will grow. If there is absolutely not enough time or there are medical contraindications, then it is recommended to replace it with massage at home or in a salon.

Following these tips, you can count on the acceleration of the growth of curls and their beautiful appearance.

Salon procedures

Means that you can prepare yourself at home do not give a quick result. Therefore, if you urgently need to grow curls, then procedures in the salon will come to the rescue.

Professionals know how to activate hair growth and make them beautiful, they have a whole arsenal of ready-made products for this, thanks to which the hair will become thicker. The review of popular salon procedures includes four of them:

1. Darsonval is a stimulation of nerve endings in the scalp with a current of low strength, but high frequency. This helps speed up blood circulation in the bulbs. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve rapid growth of strands in a short time.

2. Ozone therapy is an injection method in which a special mixture is injected into the scalp that improves lymph and blood flow. Provides additional nutrition for roots and bulbs, activating their growth.

3. Mesotherapy is a microinjection into the scalp, through which the hair is provided with all the useful substances.

4. Head massage helps to improve the blood supply to the bulbs.

These procedures not only effectively accelerate growth, but also eliminate another problem - increased loss.

The rate of hair growth is largely dependent on genetics. But it is not necessary to put up with this if you want to grow a braid as soon as possible. There are many different means that will help activate the work of the bulbs, improve their nutrition and work. Especially effective for the rapid growth of the mask. You can buy them at the store, but it's better to make your own. Such products have a lot of advantages: natural composition, low cost and a large selection of recipes.


The effectiveness of masks

On average, adult hair grows 1.5-1.8 cm per month. For some people, this figure is less or more, a lot depends on eating behavior, genetic inclinations, and the adequacy of care. No mask that accelerates hair growth can promise an increase in average rates by 3-4-5 times. But at home, it is quite possible to achieve an increase in length of 3-4 cm.

In order for everything to really work out, hair growth accelerated, you need to use the funds regularly, at least 2 times a week. The first noticeable result can be seen after 3-4 weeks. If the hair is dyed, then it is convenient to assess the condition by regrown roots.

Principles of preparation of products for hair growth

Home remedies are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the tissues, which improves the nutrition of hair follicles, accelerates growth, makes hair strong, and prevents hair loss. All components must be fresh, of high quality, products with a dubious composition cannot be used.

What ingredients can be included in the masks:

  • mustard;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • vegetable, fruit juices;
  • essential and base oils ;
  • spices;
  • eggs, dairy products.

All components are mixed until smooth in a bowl. It is advisable not to use metal utensils and spoons. Many mixtures require heating, especially in the presence of oils in the composition. It is better to use a water bath. Do not overheat the mass, the temperature should not be higher than 45 ° C.

General principles for the use of masks

All masks for fast, healthy growth are applied directly to the scalp. You can do this with your fingertips or with a brush. Since most formulations contain pungent and burning ingredients, it is not recommended to apply along the length of the hair if the type is not greasy. Otherwise can cause a cut.

  1. Masks must be thoroughly rubbed so that the components penetrate the skin.
  2. After applying home remedies, you need to put on a plastic cap or bag, warm your head with a towel, scarf.
  3. The minimum holding time is usually specified in the recipe. But if the head bakes strongly, itching or painful sensations appear, the remedy should be washed off immediately.
  4. An allergic reaction should not be allowed. If there is intolerance to any ingredient, it is better to refuse this recipe.
  5. It is necessary to thoroughly wash off the homemade compositions with shampoo so that the particles do not settle along the length of the strands, do not dry, do not spoil.
  6. After applying masks that accelerate hair growth, be sure to use conditioner, balm. It will smooth the scales, neutralize the possible harm from burning, drying ingredients.

Advice! Penetration of the mask into the skin will be unhindered if the head is well cleansed. It is recommended to do a scrub once a week, you can use ordinary edible salt moistened with water, or a special cosmetic product.

Video: Mustard growth mask with yolk

Recipes for homemade masks for faster growth

The action of home masks directly depends on the ingredients included in the composition, as well as their combination. It is not recommended to change the components or their quantity, if this is not provided for by the recipe. For the duration of the exposure of the main agent applied to the skin, additional formulations for the length of the hair can be used. They should not contain aggressive products: mustard, alcohol, pepper.

Castor mask for growth with pepper

Castor oil - 4 tsp
Red pepper tincture - 1 tsp.
Calendula tincture - 1 tsp.

Instead of calendula, you can use cognac or vodka. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, heat in a water bath, rub into the hair roots. Insulate, withstand at least an hour. A slight burning sensation, tingling is acceptable, the skin will heat up.

Mustard mask for growth with kefir

Mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir - 100 ml
Sugar or honey - 1 tsp

Remove the kefir from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes warm. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey or sugar, add mustard powder, grind until smooth. Divide the hair into partings, apply a mask that enhances hair growth with a brush. Any nourishing oil can be applied along the length of the strands. The exposure time of mustard is 40-45 minutes.

Pepper hair mask with yolk and honey

Pepper tincture - 2 tbsp. l.
Yolk - 1 pc.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Burdock or castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, measure the right amount, mix with honey. Blend until smooth add yolk, pour in pepper tincture and burdock oil. Shake the mixture. Divide hair into strands, rub into the skin, put on a warming cap. The exposure time of the mixture is not limited by anything, but not less than 30 minutes. Frequency of application - 2 times a week.

Strengthening, promoting rapid hair growth beer mask

Light beer - 300 ml
Rye bread - 40 g

Break a piece of bread into small pieces, put in a bowl. Pour fresh beer, mix, leave for 10 minutes. Mash the swollen bread into a homogeneous gruel. Apply the mixture to the skin, rub with your fingertips. Spread the remaining mask with a comb with rare teeth along the length. Wrap your head for 2 hours. Rinse hair with warm water, use conditioner if necessary.

Onion hair mask with burdock oil

Onion juice - 40 ml
Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Prepare juice from fresh onions. Color and grade do not matter. Strain. Add liquid bee honey, stir until completely dissolved. Pour in the prescription oil. Stir, rub into the scalp, hold for 2 hours. This tool for rapid growth can be use at night.

Kefir hair mask with cinnamon

Kefir - 100 ml
Cinnamon - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Melt honey to a liquid state, combine with warm kefir and ground cinnamon. Stir. Leave for 15 minutes so that the spice grains dissolve, useful substances pass into the mask. This mixture can be used not only on the roots, but also along the entire length. First, rub into the skin, make a light massage, lubricate the strands. Put on a hat. Holding time 45 minutes. This recipe is not suitable for blondes. Cinnamon can give blonde hair a yellow tint.

Vitamin E Hair Oil Mask

Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Vitamin E capsule- 2 pcs.
Castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour all ingredients into a bowl. Heat the oils on a steam bath, stir thoroughly. Rub the mixture into the skin. If it remains, then you can process the tips. Keep under a warming cap for 2 hours. Rinse your hair with a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

Ginger hair mask (fresh root)

Ginger root - 20-30 g
Coconut oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Essential oil of orange - 2 drops

You need to choose a good, dense ginger root. Remove a thin skin from it, grate finely, put in cheesecloth and squeeze out fresh juice. You will need 1 dessert spoon. You need to melt the coconut oil, you can hold it by the battery, then measure the amount you need, combine with ginger juice, add orange ether. Stir, rub your hands into the scalp. Warm up for 2 hours.

Cognac mask for rapid hair growth, stimulating blood circulation

Cognac - 3 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Any base oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Instead of cognac, you can use vodka or moonshine, but a noble drink works better, as it contains valuable components. Combine alcohol with liquid honey, grind. Add any base oil: olive, coconut, burdock or any other similar product. Rub the mixture, treat the hair roots. Keep the growth agent for 45-50 minutes under a warming cap.

Tea mask with vodka for daily use (night)

Vodka - 200 ml
Dry tea - 40 g

Pour dry tea leaves into a dark glass jar, pour vodka. Close shake, leave in a warm place for 10 days. Periodically, the hair growth agent must be stirred. Strain the infusion, carefully squeeze the tea leaves. Daily rub tea vodka into the root zone, it is not necessary to apply and insulate the hair. The course of use is 2 weeks, then you need to take a break for 7-10 days, repeat if necessary. Store the infusion in a dark place for no more than 2 years.

Clay hair mask with pepper and cinnamon

Cosmetic clay (blue, green) - 5 tsp.
Red pepper - 1 pinch
Cinnamon - 1 tsp

Mix blue or green clay with cinnamon, add a pinch of pepper. Dilute the mixture with warm boiled water. But you can use yogurt or kefir. The mass should resemble sour cream of medium density. Rub into hair roots, insulate. Remove the mask after 2 hours with warm water, do not use shampoo. The product is not suitable for light hair.

Video: Mask for growth and dry tips
