What is a French kiss, how to master its technique to perfection. What is a french kiss

French kiss is the most romantic and reverent. During it, the languages ​​of two loving people are intertwined, some kind of magical game takes place between them, sometimes even a struggle. This causes incredible sensations, real euphoria.

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Kissing is an essential companion of love, the beginning of a new level of relationship. No pair of lovers can do without such pleasant moments. Therefore, the question of how to kiss correctly interests both girls and guys.

What is a French kiss?

This is a very intimate process, which is second only to sex in this regard. In the process, one partner touches the lips, mouth and tongue of a loved one with his tongue. Often a kiss on the lips continues in this way, but not always.

At the first kiss, you should not immediately try to get your tongue into the mouth of your beloved. All actions should be gentle and tactful, you should try to understand and evaluate how your partner reacts to every movement.

Let at first it will be a simple kiss on the lips. If the beloved is in no hurry to move away, this suggests that there is an opportunity to try to move on. You need to slightly open your mouth and brush your lips with the tip of your tongue, as in a massage. If a girl opens her lips, this indicates that she is ready for a real French kiss as a manifestation of love.

Execution technique

Shyness and excitement are not the best helpers for a French kiss. You need to behave as freely as possible, not to strain.

French kissing is easy to learn. Experimentation, regardless of experience, will help bring the technique to perfection. But kissing a loved one should not be according to a scheme or rules, where everything is painted step by step, but in the way that the heart tells.

You can make any movements with your tongue and lips:

  • drive from side to side;
  • touch lightly;
  • gently and easily suck;
  • rotate;
  • press, etc.

One of the partners initiates a kiss, it does not have to be a man. At first, one of the lovers takes the initiative, but often both partners are active during this process. It should bring pleasure to a loved one. Only through your own research can you determine what your partner really likes. But there is one rule: all movements should be smooth, not aggressive, so as not to cause discomfort.

Men really like it when a loved one runs her tongue along the inside of her lips. It is there that one of the erogenous zones is located.

You can act on the lips with different strengths. At first it will be soft and gentle touches, gradually you need to add intensity, changing the pace and pressure. The basis of any kiss is constant change, the search for new options and movements.

The length of a French kiss can vary. There are no standards here. For one pair, it will last half a minute, for the other - 10 minutes or even more. A slight shortness of breath and slight arousal are the main indicators that the kiss that took place brought pleasure to both of its participants.

What is undesirable to do?

The following tips will help make French kissing, especially if it's the first one, incredible, avoid common mistakes:

  1. 1. It is not recommended to consider your partner. It is better to close your eyes in order to enjoy the process as much as possible. The partner will be embarrassed if, during the kiss, he opens his eyes and sees that he is being closely examined.
  2. 2. Do not stick your tongue too deep, do not grab your lips and tongue hard and often, do not bite it.
  3. 3. Don't drool in your loved one's mouth.
  4. 4. The process must absorb completely, so there is no room for talking during it. This is very inconvenient, and it will be extremely difficult for the partner to make out the words that they are trying to say to him.
  5. 5. The mouth does not need to be opened too wide, trying to "swallow" a loved one completely. A French kiss is the contact of the lips and tongue of both partners.
  6. 6. You don’t need to pull the girl’s hair, especially too passionately, as they do in films.
  7. 7. Lips and tongue is a zone that you can’t go beyond, so licking your partner’s face, lowering yourself to the neck is already a foreplay that pushes you to intimacy. Sometimes such persistence can frighten a girl.

There are no special differences in the technique and quality of the French kiss. If the guy makes the attempt to kiss first, as it should, the girl needs to trust him. But you need to answer the kiss sincerely, experiencing the brightest feelings for the representative of the strong half of humanity. Otherwise, all actions may be unnatural.

If you don’t feel like kissing, you need to immediately say so so that an awkward situation does not arise.

A French kiss can make relationships even warmer, take them to a new level. Therefore, if a guy takes the initiative and the feelings are mutual, you should not move away.

It happens that a young man hesitates. Then the initiative must be taken into your own hands. But here it is important not to frighten off the man, so at first it should be light hints.

It is from the man that the initiative should come. Therefore, you need to act as quickly as possible, this will help overcome uncertainty. Just listen to your inner voice and follow your desires.

Fresh breath will give confidence, which must be taken care of before the meeting. During a date, you need to behave as naturally as possible. When approaching the climax, you should hug your beloved more tightly so that she has no way out. The result will not keep you waiting.

Learning what a French kiss is and how to kiss properly is one of those intimate things that you need to learn if you want the relationship between you to remain tender and passionate for a long time.

So, today we will introduce you to the concept of a French kiss, the technique of which will help you conquer your partner with the help of passion and tenderness.

French kissing lessons:

1. First, about the main thing. Before you start dreaming and planning how to kiss the object of your passion, look in the mirror at your lips - you must have seductive lips that you just want to kiss. It's not the sexiest piece of advice you'll read today, but it's one of the most important. If you have dry, chapped lips, then you might want to turn to a moisturizer to keep your lips soft and slightly moist. The same goes for herpetic fever, if it so happened that you have a cold on your lips, immediately go to the pharmacy, you need to buy a special ointment and quickly get rid of this trouble.

2. Let your partner know that you want to kiss him. French kissing - how to start correctly so as not to scare your partner. Before you begin the practical part of French kissing, you need to know how to signal to your lover that you want to kiss him. Of course, you can throw yourself on the neck and press your lips to his lips, but to be honest, this is not the best tactic. This behavior can be shocking to your partner, especially if you caught them off guard.

Instead, during a conversation, you need to often look into his eyes, holding your eyes a little. The expression of your eyes will tell him about your innermost desire. From time to time for a few seconds, look away from the eyes towards the lips. This kind of behavior sends a strong signal of what you want, so when you lean in slightly to kiss him, he's unlikely to be surprised.

3. French Kissing Lessons: Step #1 Instead of going straight to stroking and massaging your partner's tongue with your tongue, it's a good idea to warm up first. Tilt your head slightly to one side so that your noses do not interfere with each other. Then, grab his upper lip with your lips, gently massaging and biting it lightly with your lips, and then repeat the same with the lower lip. You can alternately kiss the lower and upper lip for several seconds, or even several minutes.

4. French Kissing Lessons: Step #2 Now it's time to touch his lips with your tongue. Continuing to gently kiss his lips, tilt your head a little more to the side, open your mouth and begin to lightly touch his lips with the tip of your tongue, gently stroking the outer and inner sides of the lips. If you feel that he liked it, you can continue in the same spirit and use the language more actively.

From the lips we move on to lightly stroking the tongue, and if your partner answers you the same, then this is a clear sign that he liked it. However, one should not penetrate the tongue too deeply, it may seem unpleasant to him.

The French kiss technique includes the following steps:

  • slow circular movements of the tongue around the partner's tongue;
  • slowly and gently press your tongue against your partner's tongue;
  • gently tease and lick his lips with your tongue;
  • alternately move from one action to another to give a little variety to the repertoire of a French kiss.

5. French Kissing Lessons: Step #3 When the moment comes and you feel like you want to stop, the easiest thing to do is just stop kissing your lover and pull away. But, this is not the best option, it is unlikely that the person you are kissing will be delighted with some harshness. Instead, you can first stop touching his tongue and lips with your tongue, and move on to the initial phase of the French kiss, stroking and kissing his upper and lower lip with your lips before slowly and gently pulling away.

6. Don't forget your hands. If you want to know, French kissing isn't just about knowing how to kiss; a French kiss is also the ability to properly use your hands. Of course, you can just hug your partner and stop there, but there are many different, more pleasant and sexy ways to use your hands.

The easiest is to stroke the back up and down with your hands, but you should not be limited to this, and also lightly stroke your head and hair with your fingers. The back of the head is one of the most sensitive and erogenous zones, so you can even lightly scratch the skin with your fingers and nails. Finally, the sexy and dominant feature of the French kiss is to put your hand on your partner's cheek and gently tilt your head to the other side.

You should never forget that your movements should be slow and soft - slower in the French kissing technique means more sexuality, passion and sensuality.

A French kiss, which is unlikely to take long to learn, will bring both of you a lot of pleasure and pleasant moments spent together.

French kiss can rightfully be considered one of the most popular, because in terms of sensuality it has no equal. It is with the help of this kiss that you can get as close as possible to your beloved, and also express your deep and intimate feelings to her.

French kiss: what is it?

The most characteristic designation for him is unforgettable. In particular, if you perform it competently, then it will completely turn into a real extravaganza. And for most guys aged 13 to 22, this is generally the only type of kiss that they actively practice. The French kiss is very specific, it is he who is able to cause a lot of misunderstandings and at the same time kindle the fire of passion as much as possible, bringing two people in love closer together.

How to kiss in French?

In short, a French kiss is a contact of tongues. The technique of its implementation is very diverse. For example, both languages ​​and one can work. At the beginning of the kiss, you can simply open your mouth and wait for what the partner will do, but in most cases it is better to take the initiative yourself. Imagine that the mouth of your beloved is your mouth. Do the same movements in it that you can do in yours: move your tongue lightly, you can walk it through the girl’s teeth, but only gently. Move confidently, but don't do anything in your partner's mouth that you don't want to feel yourself.

When such movements get bored, stop them and move on to something new. In the event that you and your girlfriend are gourmets who enjoy tasting mouth-watering delicacies, you can perceive a French kiss as delicious food. In principle, both of these pleasures are very similar to each other.

What to do with the language?

Be confident. First make contact with your partner's lips, and then stretch your tongue towards her tongue. As soon as they meet, you can feel your blood pressure jump, your heart starts pounding, your palms sweat. Playing with each other with the tips of the tongues, you will certainly have the feeling that your souls merge into one. This is the magic of the French kiss!

But still, no matter how overwhelming the euphoria is, do not forget about delicacy and caution. Statistically, most young people are terrible French kissers and cause their girlfriend a lot of discomfort. For example, some guys stick their tongue out so far that it makes it hard for a girl to breathe. Remember, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are too shy to point out such mistakes to their partner, and they try to silently endure all the inconveniences. Therefore, it is better to control yourself and try not to overdo it.

Can a partner enjoy biting her tongue?

In most cases, yes. Carefully close your teeth on the tongue of your beloved and bite it a little, as if checking if your teeth are sharp. The girl will receive tremendous pleasure, but only if you are extremely gentle and careful. Perhaps your beloved will not immediately get used to such a manner of kissing, but soon, with just the mere memory of such a reverent biting, she will become wildly delighted. Thanks to the French kiss, partners begin to trust each other more. All because of our psychology, because on a subconscious level we understand that the partner could bite painfully, but she did not. So you can really trust her.

Does everyone have to french kiss?

No, many people prefer to just kiss their partner on the lips. You can live without French kissing. If for some reason they are unpleasant to you, it is advisable to immediately warn your partner about this, while it has not yet come to passion. She should treat it with respect. Naturally, you can give a girl a chance to change your taste, and what if she just charms you with her French kissing technique? But if it doesn't work out, she'll just have to put up with it.

Is it worth it to be equal to the heroes of films, practicing a French kiss in life?

Definitely not. Otherwise, you may be overtaken by absolute disappointment. Remember, during filming, the emphasis is on a beautiful picture in the frame, and no one even thinks about pleasant sensations at this moment. In practice, such beautiful, from the point of view of aesthetics, kisses can end in a complete fiasco, because, for example, a wide-open mouth will only make the girl feel that you are trying to eat her, but will not set her in an intimate way.

Is it possible to kiss in French without using the tongue?

No, because it is this type of kiss that primarily implies the contact of the partners' languages. That is, kissing in French, your tongues with the girl should at least touch each other several times.

Is it normal for a person to be nervous during a French kiss?

Yes, this is a common situation. The fact is that a kiss with the contact of tongues is of the same nature as sex. It excites and is a kind of bridge to more intimate manifestations of feelings, such as the act of love itself. A French kiss will quickly excite you and your partner and bring you as close as possible, which is not so easy to achieve with simple hugs. Know that if during such a kiss everything inside of you seems to turn over, then your nervous system works like clockwork.

Is French kissing really done all over the world?

No. For example, the inhabitants of the Arctic do not practice French kissing at all. In Asia, kissing is extremely rare and they consider it an unhealthy manifestation. In the South Pacific, partners only suck each other's lower lips, and a man can also stroke his beloved's tongue with his tongue.

How long can a French kiss last?

The normal time is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. One minute is enough for the vast majority of couples, but to really feel the kiss in French and fully enjoy it, it will take from 3 to 5 minutes. Remember: after a quality kiss, you and the girl will be excited, breathing will be sharp and intermittent, and a strange, unlike anything, sensation will appear in the stomach.

How intensively should you work with the language?

Intensity is best kept to a minimum, especially in the beginning. You should start with short tender kisses, very smoothly and gradually moving on to passionate and deep French ones. Don't try to stick your tongue deep into your partner's throat, because this will cause her nothing but shortness of breath and gag reflexes. Be gentle and careful, then you will succeed at the highest level!

What irritates girls the most about French kissing?

Remember, there are three things that can greatly tarnish the reputation of the French kiss in the eyes of women.

Fish mouth. In this case, the man works with his mouth, like a fish swallowing prey. This is an innate instinct that is inherent in absolutely every person. But it is better to use it only during meals. A good example is a baby suckling a bottle of milk. In his case - touches, in yours - looks stupid. Of course, as an exception, you can apply this kissing style, but only if you are sure that your partner has a good sense of humor and she will appreciate the attempt to bring something out of the ordinary into your intimate relationship.

The use of language on the principle of a gag. Many men stick out their tongue so much that you might think they want to shut something up with them. If you noticed such a sin in yourself, then it’s better to stop sticking out your tongue for a while: what if it turns out to be too big for her small mouth? Focus on gentle caresses. Gently tease her with the tip of your tongue, as if inviting her tongue to play pranks in your mouth. Practice this kind of French kissing for a few months, and you will gradually forget about your bad habit of using your tongue too deeply.

Salivation. This is one of the worst cases ever. You simply must learn to restrain the flow of your saliva, otherwise you will not have time to blink an eye, as bad fame will disperse about you. Train yourself to swallow your own saliva about once a minute so that it does not have time to accumulate in your mouth in large quantities. Alas, until you learn to control your salivation, you will not be able to perform the perfect French kiss. Read US VKontakte

A French kiss is the best way to show your tender feelings for a partner. In addition, this type of kiss is considered the most popular in the whole world, because it has everything: passion, tenderness, exactingness, perseverance, and, most importantly, love.

To understand how to kiss in French, you need to understand one simple rule: a kiss is based on the contact of languages. Moreover, either both languages, or one can move - it all depends on the preferences of the partners. The easiest way to learn how to French kiss is to put the initiative in your partner's hands. But it is best to take a direct part in this process. To do this, you must first imagine yourself in the place of a partner and begin to make the same movements with your tongue as in your own mouth.

These can be timid movements, or they can be imperious, exploratory ones. You can lightly run your tongue over your partner's lips, then again penetrate into his oral cavity and perform circular movements. It is important that this kiss gives pleasure to the partner and does not cause him discomfort. But in order to understand and understand these feelings, you should sincerely talk with your beloved (beloved), only then the French kiss will be perfect, because joint tests will help determine exactly the option that both will like.

You can start a kiss with the usual caress of the lips. And here, too, fantasy has no limits. They can be bitten lightly, gently kissed, moving from one corner to another, until the partners feel that the moment for a French kiss has come.

Before you learn how to kiss in French, you should monitor the freshness of your breath. To do this, you need to follow standard hygiene recommendations, and before a kiss, you can use a refreshing lollipop or chewing gum, which will spice it up due to its unusual taste.

Due to the fact that not everyone knows how to kiss in French correctly, many people make the grossest mistake, penetrating the mouth of the companion (companion) with their tongue as soon as the partners' lips touched, and they do it clumsily and too insistently. This haste can only frighten and cause disgust. Therefore, it is so important to start a French kiss with the usual kissing of the lips. When the languages ​​of the partners come into contact, there may be a desire to stop this process. But it's not worth the hassle.

It is necessary to start a French kiss gradually, periodically penetrating the tongue into the partner's mouth. When the companion gets used to such caresses, you can extend the kiss with the tongue. At the same time, do not forget about tenderness. What movements can be done with the tongue? Everything is very simple: touching the inside of the partner's cheeks, touching her tongue and teeth, light biting the organ of taste.

In general, you can do whatever makes you happy. The main thing is to experiment, because this is the only way to understand what you like and what you don’t. If we talk about the final stage of the French kiss, then it should not be too harsh. On the contrary, you should slowly switch from tongue to lips and, after a short caress, tilt your head and close your mouth.

Interestingly, in the days of Kievan Rus, a French kiss was called Tatar. In addition, this kind of manifestation of feelings between a woman and a man was very condemned by the church, since the penetration of the tongue into the partner's mouth imitated oral intercourse.

French kissing is not for everyone. Therefore, before demonstrating your skills to a partner, you should ask about his attitude to such a manifestation of feelings and, if the partner is against it, you should not insist on a French kiss.

This is the most romantic and sensual kiss of all the variety of types of kisses. The Americans call it french kiss, and the French call it baiser amoureux (love kiss). A French kiss involves tongue contact, that is, one of the kissers with their tongue should touch the partner's mouth or tongue.

This kiss well stimulates the tongue, lips and, in general, the entire oral cavity - these zones are very sensitive to such sensations. The most important feature french kiss is that it can last much longer than any other. has always been and remains the eternal symbol of passionate love.

To perform a good French kiss and get unforgettable sensations and enjoyment from it, it is important to follow certain rules or, more simply, to master " french kissing technique».

French kiss and its technique

Moisturize your lips. Dry lips will make kissing a little more difficult. To moisturize your lips, a light touch of your tongue to your lips is enough. Girls can use lip balm to make them soft and smooth as well.

Tilt your head slightly. While doing french kiss, and most others, you need to tilt your head slightly to the side so that your noses or foreheads do not collide when your faces approach each other. Just make sure you tilt your heads in different directions.

Close your eyes. When you start to get close to your partner, look into each other's eyes, but when your faces are very close, close your eyes. This rule is more for aesthetic beauty, and some couples, on the contrary, like to kiss with their eyes open.

Start with a regular kiss. Before you start kiss in french, start with a soft and gentle kiss with closed lips. Then move on to the French kiss, but open your lips slowly, slowly.

Don't pressure your partner. You should not persistently and boldly put your tongue into your partner's / partner's mouth, the kiss should be pleasant to both. First, slowly open your lips so that one of your lips is pressed against the lips of a partner / partner, and one of her / his lips is pressed against yours. Open and close your lips, and then lightly lick your partner's / partner's lips, try with your tongue to lightly and gently open her / his mouth. This is how you show that you want to start French Kiss. If your girlfriend/boyfriend has not shown reciprocity, then you should not insist on a French kiss. Maybe next time your partner/partner will be ready.

Explore the language. If your partner has indicated that he is ready for a French kiss, then slowly open your mouth more and try to slip your tongue into your partner's / partner's mouth. The tongue is one of the most sensitive organs on the human body, so the fact that your tongues touch will be very pleasant for both. But do not overdo it, do not stick your tongue too deep - this is unpleasant. To act with the tongue should be playful, soft, gentle. The first touches should be very gentle, if your partner wants more, she/he will let you know.

Do not hurry. In a French kiss, unlike a passionate kiss, everything should be done slowly. Slowly and gently explore each other's mouth.

Experiment. Kisses are never the same, one is never the same as the other. If the first kiss was great, then it's not certain that the next one will be the same, but it can be just as good. Turn on your imagination and try to add variety. Sometimes try to kiss deeper, and sometimes pay more attention to the tongue or lips, vary the duration of the kiss.

Discuss the kiss. You can talk with your partner and find out what he liked more and what less - this will help improve your french kissing technique and get both much more fun.

Keep your hands busy. During the kiss, your hands should not hang around idle. Try stroking your partner's back or shoulders. You can gently touch the hair, face, neck, or just hug your loved one.

Watch your partner's body language. Watch how your partner reacts to a kiss, this will help you understand what you are doing wrong or what she / he really likes. If the girl/guy starts to pull away, then she/he is not comfortable and the kiss should be stopped or try to change. If you hear groans or sighs - this is a signal that your French Kiss like it should be. A good kiss is when both are pleased and well, you should not only take, you must also give. Pay attention to how your partner kisses you, this can give you clues about what exactly he / she likes.

Practice. No theory makes sense without practice, as they say, one practitioner is worth two theorists. So practice, improve your french kissing technique and find your style.

Finally, I would like to wish you to always be open in your feelings to your partner and enjoy every kiss with him, especially French ones.
