Why do you need a pre-wedding love story? Love story: video recording of love stories for lovers

You don’t have to be on the verge of a wedding to want to do a photo shoot in the style of a love story. Every couple in love who enjoys communicating with each other often wants to find visual confirmation of their feelings and relationships. Some order , and many are looking for amateurs to take photos on a TFP (time per photo) basis. The couple receives photographs, and the novice or amateur photographer hones his photography skills.

Love story photos are one of the most sought-after forms of commercial photography, as most couples want to have beautiful, romantic, charming or funny photo stories in their album. Try and you will definitely succeed! In order for the photo shoot to go perfectly, you should prepare for it.

1. Meeting with a couple

If it so happens that you are going to photograph not your friends, but a completely unfamiliar couple, before agreeing on the time of the photo shoot, you need to meet and get to know each other. This is the very first stage on the path to establishing friendly relations with a couple, which will contribute to both your and their good mood and should be the key to success.

Why is it necessary to meet in person in advance? This is very important because the couple will feel comfortable and not feel constrained in front of the camera. In addition to simple acquaintance, try to find out what young people want. What places do they like, what significant events are associated with, are there any points in the city that are memorable for certain occasions. Improve your communication skills at this stage to create a great first impression.

2. Good client preparation

by kamarian photography

One of the key points for a successful result will also be the fact that the couple will prepare for their photo story together with you. You should involve them in working out the details: look for images, select accessories and clothes, maybe even put together a “picnic basket” (sandwiches and a thermos of tea) so that the feeling of hunger does not spoil the overall mood.

3. Matching clothes

Clothes make a photo shoot! You can let your clients choose the wardrobe they want to wear for the photo shoot. Just keep in mind that you need to take into account two issues.

Firstly, men's and women's clothing should be similar to each other in images, colors and, ideally, even complement each other in design. Secondly, you, in turn, need to remember that the couple will definitely want to have some kind of framed photograph on the wall, so it should not stand out from the style and general appearance of the room in which it will hang. If you cannot foresee this in advance, be sure to include photographs converted to monochrome in the finished work. Black and white photography will not spoil almost any interior.

4. Hair and makeup

by Tatiana Andreychuk

In addition to good clothes, models should have a beautiful appearance. And if for women, in most cases, it is not difficult to apply completely photogenic makeup, then for men you also need to remember that it is better to powder the nasolabial triangle a little to avoid unnecessary shine on the skin.

Remind your clients about hair too. It is necessary to put it in order, because in most cases, disheveled hair in photographs will look unkempt or as if they forgot to comb it. Since morning.

5. Start with a classic portrait

Before you go outside, it will be better if you take some classic portraits indoors. If you have the opportunity to work in, do it! If this is not possible, shooting in natural light is quite suitable. No one has yet dared to challenge the “classicity” of the portrait by the window.

Spending half an hour creating a portrait will be like a warm-up, it will help the couple relax, and you will understand and decide what the best shooting angles can be used when photographing these particular people.

6. Look for a good mood

by wind of renovation

The location for a photo shoot is a vitally important thing, as it not only creates different conditions for the photo, but also fills the frame with different meaning. An observant photographer always notices that the naturalness of human movements often depends on the environment. This is why it is important to choose places that are most romantic or valuable for the couple.

by Kristina Makeeva

For many, beaches, gardens, parks and famous attractions in a city or region are suitable. But you yourself can provide some good place where your couple will fit harmoniously, which will give a good mood to all the photographs.

7. Comfort is a must

As mentioned in this photography lesson, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with clients so that they feel comfortable. When people know each other, you get attractive, light and interesting photographs. This is why many couples generally prefer to work with friends whom they are not embarrassed and can comfortably do.

But even if you are not friends, you can be one for a short period of time if you are friendly and kind, listen and take an active part in everything that happens.

8. Relax and have fun

by Liza Medvedeva

There is no need to be very serious during a photo shoot. The photographer must show a lively attitude and his full participation in creating the image, working together with the couple. That is why you, just like your clients, should relax and try not to put pressure on the subject, give them more freedom to be creative, and allow them to act more naturally. Have fun together and it will lead to better photos.

9. Get candid shots

A love story photo shoot necessarily involves moments when the couple is left alone or maybe you come up with a short break. Use this opportunity and your long lens to capture candidness. These are the moments when two people are in a relaxed state and will not consciously think about the fact that they are under the gun of a camera. Candid shots can allow you to capture real emotions, laughter, love and convey an intimate relationship between two people.

10. Always have a plan B and think about the end result!

If something suddenly goes wrong, you should always have a backup plan. It may happen that it suddenly starts to rain and you will not be able to shoot outside. It is important not to cancel the photo shoot, but to be prepared for the unexpected. Therefore, you should always have an alternative plan.

And, of course, every photographer is obliged to think about what he ultimately wants to get from a photo shoot. Be it a wedding photograph, or a photo shoot in the style of a love story. love story photo

by Daniel Hofmann

Shoot as much as possible so that you have plenty to choose from, prepare technically for the photo shoot in advance (charge batteries, empty memory cards), take everything you need in your backpack. You must take many beautiful photographs in order to later show your own fairy tale to those who are now living in it.

A love story is a love story of a couple, captured in a chain of photographs or filmed on video. This is an individual photo session or photographs of the couple retaken in a slide show that tell about certain positive periods of your life together. If this is the story of a long-established couple, it may include movie tickets, receipts from restaurants or attractions, a family video on the birth of children, anniversaries, housewarmings and other special events, accompanied by your comments. But it would be much more correct to start filming a love story from the very beginning - with a marriage proposal, engagement, pre-wedding photo shoot, and as it comes, just add more and more new shots.

Why do you need a love story?

Firstly, this is an excellent gift for a celebration of any format and occasion: from the anniversary of a first date, the birth of the first child, to the birthday of one of the lovers, becoming an excellent gift for a dear person. Although, according to statistics, Love Story attracts future newlyweds most of all. Experts say that this is only to the benefit of the future spouses, because they can learn to behave at ease in the frame, which will definitely help make wedding photos even more beautiful and natural. Secondly, pre-wedding euphoria is unique in its beauty, charm, the eyes of lovers glowing with happiness, and these unique emotions are definitely worth imprinting in your memory forever, so that you can remember from time to time, look at them together on anniversaries and have something to proudly show to your grandchildren.

Thirdly, many couples of the previous generation are not at all happy that there are so few romantic photos left in their archives. Modern young people have decided that such an oversight cannot be allowed in their lives and for this reason they choose a photographer and cameraman long before the wedding in order to establish contact with those people on whom all wedding and pre-wedding photographs depend. So the next reason why they usually order a love story shoot is to get beautiful general photos. And of course, most often the engagement, pre-wedding photo shoot, wedding ceremony and banquet are ordered to be filmed by the same photo and video specialists.

Fourthly, a pre-wedding photo shoot is an excellent assistant in drawing up invitations, bonbonnieres and sometimes even place cards. By the way, photo and video invitations have long begun to gain popularity and are now at the peak of newfangled trends. Moreover, with the development of technology, there is an increasing need for the urgent use of the Internet. Many modern people already feel like a duck to water on the World Wide Web, so in some cases it is more relevant to send future guests a link to an invitation video.

In the end, a pre-shot video of your meeting, first date and engagement can be shown to guests as a sweet movie about your love story. This will give relatives the opportunity to learn more about the relationship between lovers and experience touching moments with the newlyweds.

Shooting location

The most suitable places for a photo shoot are outdoors. It could be a forest lawn, a park alley, an azure sandy beach or a rocky coast. In natural lighting, shadows fall softer and everything that happens looks more natural. As a rule, the photographer has his own prepared places, but if you have your own wishes, do not hesitate to suggest, but discuss it in advance so that the master has time to select lighting schemes.

Preparing for filming

The night before your photo shoot, be sure to get a good night's sleep. You can read one of our previous articles on how to do this. It contains tips and tricks regarding sleep, but the most important of them is - no matter that you are nervous (this happens to everyone), do not drink alcohol under any circumstances. In such cases, girls will have additional wishes - a minimum of makeup, pastel colors of nail polish and washed, well-groomed hair (no unpainted roots, if you are twisted, use products to make your hair last longer).

We hope that you have chosen an experienced professional, because everyone knows that the success of your photo shoot and finished work depends on his professionalism. An experienced specialist will tell you how best to dress, select a plot, scenery, props and costumes, give recommendations on poses and other details.

For newlyweds, it is important not to worry about how you look in the photo. This is the photographer’s task, your task is to enjoy the process and fulfill the master’s requests.

Today let's talk about the Love Story before the wedding - the love story, the meeting of the bride and groom, about first meetings and dates, or maybe about dating via the Internet and a long-distance romance.

Many couples are looking for wedding ideas. In a holiday scenario, your Love Story can also become an original part. Check out the most unusual options for telling your love story at a wedding.

10 original ideas for displaying Love Story at a wedding:

  1. A clip of photographs set to music. This format of telling a love story at a wedding will be especially interesting if the love story photo shoot is plot-based, with an original script.
  2. Love Story in the form of a series of paintings. Print your best photos onto large format canvas and frame them in beautiful frames. Your personal exhibition-story about love can be arranged in the guest greeting area.
  3. Do you want to make a love story video? Arrange a premiere screening of an action-packed film and then reward your guests for their contribution to your story.
  4. The most modern wedding idea is a personal wedding website. Tell your love story and show photos, starting from childhood.
  5. Perhaps the most unusual idea for a wedding is a musical. Your love story will sparkle with colors and involve you in a very interesting preparation process. A small production with the participation of professional actors, singers and dancers will make a lasting impression on your guests.
  6. Are you inspired by retro and epistolary genres? Print a wedding newspaper where all your guests can read about your love story.
  7. Maybe you met through the Internet and your romance developed at a distance? Or are you connected by the topic of travel? Create your map with dates and events from the history of the relationship and show it to your guests.
  8. A flash mob or flash mob is always unexpected and interesting, but requires careful preparation. Start showing the Love Story video clip on the screen, and at the most unexpected moment, appear in front of your guests, bringing the video to life. You can "step" off the screen by breaking it. Involve professional dancers who can be among the guests as waiters and suddenly start dancing with you.
  9. A doodle video is a hand-drawn cartoon in which you can add sound and tell your love story with humor. You can complete such a cartoon with footage of real footage of you. The idea is especially good for the story of acquaintance from childhood or school.
  10. Time travel and reincarnation are always very interesting and original. Invite your guests into the world of illusions and science fiction, tell them not only about your past, but also show them your dreams for the future - all with the help of an illusionist. Your couple in the past - a young boy and girl, you in the present - the bride and groom, what you are in the future - dream and create this image. Professional make-up will help create you in youth and in old age; involve actors who can play you. Add magic tricks to the program with the miraculous appearance of significant objects from your relationship history and interesting comments from the host in the form of a quick quiz with guests during the show. This has never happened at any wedding in the world!


Need an idea for shooting a Love Story about your dating story? I have written for you 10 ready-made scripts with interesting stories on the most original topics that can be filmed at any time of the year.

Our entire team is delighted with the beautiful and original pre-wedding shoots of our couples! And it’s a pleasure for us to come up with an idea and setting for shooting. And, of course, we are both for it when future newlyweds decide on such a photo story. Why? We'll tell you in today's article!

Love Story shooting is a short (1.5-3 hours long) photography of a couple in love. A photo session can be done in a studio, but more often it is carried out outdoors, by the river or in the city. There are several options - you can come up with images and an idea for shooting, or you can tell your story of how you met or just take a walk in beautiful places.

Why do you need to shoot Love Story:

  1. Get to know the photographer, find a common language with the professional who will photograph your wedding day. Every photographer is a person, and communicating and working with him in advance is very important for the results of wedding photography. Trust one of the professional wedding photographers in Novosibirsk to take pictures (and we can give advice).
  2. Get beautiful and heartfelt photos that convey all the warmth of your relationship. You can’t always devote enough time to photography on your wedding day; shooting a Love Story is a great choice! The shots are taken with full dedication, without haste, in a pleasant, light, cheerful atmosphere.
  3. Use the resulting photographs in the decoration of the hall. Decorate the hall with printed photographs and before the celebration, while the guests are gathering, they will have the opportunity to see your love story. You can use footage from a photo shoot for a slide show at a banquet - this touching and tender video will tell everyone about your feelings.
  4. If the wedding is themed, then the Love Story can be made close in style to the theme of the wedding. These photos can be used in invitation designs.
  5. Find beautiful places for wedding photography and stroll through your memorable places in the city. Places for shooting in Novosibirsk are sometimes unoriginal, but among them you can find beautiful landscapes and interesting corners, then it will be easier for you to decide on a walking route on your wedding day.

Fantasize, remember your love story and be happy!

And we will be happy to help you film a Love Story and organize a beautiful, original date!

“Love Story pre-wedding photo shoot - why is it?” - newlyweds often ask when meeting a photographer.

If you think that Love Story is extra money, it means that somewhere deep down in your soul you think that photography is not such an important aspect in a person’s life and you should think about whether you need to spend money on a wedding photographer in principle? when, just for show, any of your acquaintances/friends/relatives can now photograph you :) If doubts have nevertheless crept in and you think that you need a professional photographer, then this article is for you!

Many people believe that this is a waste of time and money, that it is completely unnecessary. Some people generally consider photography to be an unnecessary and useless waste.
Of course, there is some truth in every judgment, but often this is an erroneous opinion; the person has simply not yet come to this internally.

Photography sooner or later becomes something very important and special for absolutely any person.
By the way, video is also a very important moment in people’s lives, but since I’m a photographer, I’ll tell you about photography :)

Before you start talking about Love Story and its essence, you need to understand what photography means to you?

Let's Let's think about what photography is in general?
- This is memory,
- captured emotions of a certain moment,
- just pleasant memories in the future from watching what happened to you once,
- your past,
- a tangible imprint of your life and much more.

Previously, photography was not so developed and took up less space in a person’s life, but it was still popular, at least for “standard shots of life,” look at old photographs of your relatives.
Now progress is moving forward and providing enormous opportunities compared to those our grandparents had.

All people can be divided into different categories with a certain attitude towards photography in general.

There are people who love photography in any form, these often include photographers, both professional and amateur, models, and just people who believe that photography is the moments of our lives that in the future we can show to our children, grandchildren, thereby telling them clearly how you lived, where you were, what you saw in this life and what you remembered. What was important to you at one time or another and you captured it in a photograph as a keepsake of that moment.
Such people do not spare shots, they shoot a lot, and often do not store pictures on the computer, they try to print them out in albums, hang them in frames, etc. So that photography always surrounds them.
People in this category will be photographed even if “I look bad in photos,” because in 10 years, such a photo may become your favorite, you will be younger, slimmer, more beautiful, etc. :)

There are people who seem to love photography, but they don’t run like crazy to take a photo in this or that place, “I took a photo, well, well, but no, well, no.”
Such people will sooner or later move into the above category, even denying it now.
For such people, photography is a tick in their life: “Yes, I was here, I took a photo as a souvenir” :)

And there are people who don’t like to be photographed, but deep down they really want to, but their personal stereotypes (appearance, complexes, weight, height, certain body parts, etc.) do not allow them to get rid of their complexes and fears of the lens.
Over time, such people still come to the conclusion that photography is a memory of us, which tells us that “yes, I lived on this earth.”

And the category of people who completely deny photography, believing that it is useless nonsense - “and also pay so much money for it?! Oh, No)". Often such people in old age regret their categorical, sometimes stingy, judgments about photography.

But in the end, sooner or later Lately everyone will realize the value of photographs!

In addition, many people understand that they have practically no photographs of the two of them together. In some photographs they are in the company of friends, in others they are alone, because one of them took the picture, or there are no photographs at all.

Such important moments as weddings, births, some personal moments and the world around us come down to photography and videography.

The genre of photography can be any, but all “Love Story” photo sessions have one thing in common - a common theme related to love. Recently, the filming of Love Story has been strongly associated with weddings and the pre-wedding period, but love is not only a romance and a wedding. A Love Story can be filmed in honor of another wedding anniversary (first, fifth or even twentieth), on the occasion of the birth of a child, etc.

So, we are interested in the Love Story pre-wedding photo shoot.

It is really necessary and important, it will allow you to become closer to the photographer, the photographer will be able to understand your fears about photography and on your wedding day it will be easy and comfortable for you, because psychology proves that the person you have seen more than 2-3 times subconsciously becomes your friend, and with friends you will agree that it is always easier to loosen up)

A pre-wedding Love Story is usually filmed some time before the wedding - sometimes several months, six months, or even a year. For future newlyweds, this is a great opportunity to get to know the photographer whose services they plan to use on their wedding day. The couple can see the photographer at work, and a little later evaluate its results by looking at the finished photographs of their Love Story. The earlier Love Story is filmed, the more time the couple has to finally decide on a photographer.

If a photographer has already been chosen, shooting a Love Story helps the future newlyweds and the photographer better understand each other and get used to each other, which, of course, will make the work easier on the most stressful day - the wedding day.
In addition, thematic photographs from Love Story can be used to make souvenirs intended as gifts for wedding guests or for wedding invitations.
The most common Love Story plots:

· History of acquaintance and further development of their relationship,
· Walking style (usually the most common option, light and relaxed).

The shoot place.
After choosing a script, you need to decide on the location of the shooting. These can be memorable places, picturesque landscapes, beautiful halls, etc., it all depends on the chosen scenario and your desires. When choosing a photo shoot in nature, you need to take into account that it is best done in the morning or evening hours ( ). If the weather is very bad, then you can reschedule the appointed time, but remember that in rain or snow you often get unusual and spectacular shots, it all depends on the photographer and your desire to be photographed.

Tips for shooting:
- Before shooting, try to get enough sleep, rest and avoid alcohol;
- The bride should not undergo cosmetic procedures;
- Discuss clothing, hairstyle and makeup options with the photographer, everything should correspond to the intended scenario;
- Don’t take a lot of accessories and sets of clothes; shooting should be fun, not unnecessary troubles and problems.
- Approach the shooting of Love Story creatively, with courage and do not make cliches.
- If you are a girl who is not comfortable with cosmetics and makeup, then you should think about a makeup artist; by the way, this is a good time to do a makeup and hairstyle rehearsal with the future makeup artist whom you plan to invite as a specialist to your wedding.

Remember that photography reflects our life in moments! Take photographs, appreciate high-quality photographs, but at the same time do not refuse the opportunity to take pictures with your phone or any other camera. Photography is our life! Love her and cast aside all doubts and “bad personnel” complexes.

“In our world, everything is done in order to ultimately become a photograph...”
