To which layer of the skin does the galvanic current penetrate? Electroplating in hardware cosmetology

Today, hardware cosmetology opens up opportunities for creating flawless skin. With the help of various procedures, wrinkles, bags under the eyes and other skin defects are eliminated. One of these is iontophoresis or electroplating. Let's see what it is?

The essence of the procedure

In cosmetology, this method belongs to physiotherapy, is widely known and often used. Iontophoresis, or medicinal electrophoresis, involves the impact on the body of galvanic current and medicinal substances. They are split into positive and negative ions, penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis by 1.5 cm, bypassing the epidermis, and have a more effective and faster effect. Once in the circulatory system, substances are distributed throughout the tissues of the whole organism, forming a depot there.

Iontophoresis works not only locally. Biologically active substances have a systemic effect, since they are distributed throughout the body with the circulatory system.

Iontophoresis in cosmetology

For iontophoresis, a special apparatus is used that produces a low current and low voltage. This galvanic current tones smooth muscles, activates metabolism and blood flow, and strengthens blood vessels.


Among the advantages of the procedure are:

  • Nutrition and hydration of the skin
  • Cleansing of toxins and metabolic products
  • Smoothing wrinkles, bags
  • Elimination of age spots, edema, comedones, acne, dryness and cellulite

The procedure eliminates injuries, and the accumulated beneficial substances have a positive effect after iontophoresis. That is, the skin improves and rejuvenates. The procedure is painless: sometimes tingling and burning sensations are felt, but these sensations are short-lived and do not cause much discomfort. The method has no drawbacks: with the right selection of serums, creams or masks and the correct procedure, a positive effect occurs quickly.

Indications and contraindications

Iontophoresis is used for:

Scars or scars
Age spots
Atonic, aging, dry or oily skin
Galvanization is not carried out when:

Oncological diseases
Intolerance to electric current, even at low voltage and low power
The presence of a pacemaker
Diseases of the endocrine system
Pathologies of the cardiovascular system
The presence of medical implants in the place where the electric current will act
Suppuration on the skin
tendency to bleed
Tuberculosis of the lungs

Result from application

The course of the procedure is prescribed individually, based on the condition of the skin of an individual patient. The result is getting rid of comedones, acne, as the pores open, and special substances remove sebaceous plugs. Small and deep wrinkles are eliminated on the neck and face, dark circles disappear under the eyes. The drainage produced by the device eliminates cellulite. Iontophoresis, carried out together with moisturizers, eliminates dry skin, and with it - peeling and redness. After the procedures, areas affected by age spots are lightened.

Application at home

To carry out cosmetic procedures at home, you must purchase an iontophoresis apparatus and adhere to the following rules:

For galvanization, water-based, not fat-based products are used.
A certain cosmetic substance is selected for the positive and negative charge of the electrode.
For the course, it is better to use drugs with one component. For example, a 10-day course is carried out with vitamin C, and the next 10 days - with hyaluronic acid. This technique does not allow side effects and creates the depot necessary for long-term action. If a cocktail is chosen, it is necessary that its components have a minimum of monopreparations.

It is also necessary to clean the areas that will be subsequently processed by anaphoresis or alcohol. The first method, which is called galvanic decontamination, loosens the epidermis, increases its permeability, so that the active ingredients are better absorbed. Desincrustation requires the use of a clean gauze mask soaked in a soda solution. It should be left on the face for 20 minutes. and act with a negative electrode.

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The functions of the skin are invaluable, because it provides breathing, metabolism and protects the body from penetration of bacteria and infections. Each person has individual skin, and depending on the fat content, the sebaceous and sweat glands work differently. Since it is important for girls to have a beautiful, clean and well-groomed face, many of them resort to using all kinds of cosmetics and procedures. The latter cleanse the pores and improve the complexion.

From a large selection of techniques, galvanic facial cleansing using electric current is painless and safe. It would seem that such a complex name should make a negative impression, cause concern among patients. But the peculiarity of the procedure is that it can be carried out even at home, without worrying about the possible consequences.

What is the essence of galvanic cleaning?

So, after reading numerous reviews about the procedure for cleansing pores with an electric current, you decided to contact a beautician. What information you need to have in order not to harm your appearance in the pursuit of youth and beauty?

Galvanic facial cleansing is relatively recent. This method of cleansing the skin is based on the action of electrical impulses of weak strength and voltage. From the course of physics it is known that the electric current finds the path of least resistance, and there are many such paths in the human body. The conductors are the ducts of the glands, in which the secret reacts to the action of a galvanic current and is effectively removed.

The use of current involves the application of a special alkaline solution before the procedure. This allows you to most effectively push greasy plugs and accumulated dirt to the surface. All unnecessary secretions from the skin are washed off with water, to which 3-4 drops of lemon juice are first added, this neutralizes the effect of the alkaline preparation.

Reviews of girls after galvanic cleaning prove that this technique is effective, after it the skin acquires a delicate shade, black dots, acne and other surface irregularities disappear. In addition, this is an excellent means of rejuvenation, because after the first procedure, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, as if by magic.

What should be expected from the procedure?

Galvanic face reading has features that are characteristic only of this method of pore cleansing. So, galvanic currents increase the permeability of blood vessels, as a result of which cells are more actively filled with fluid, tissue nutrition improves and skin tone stabilizes.

After the action of current on the face, the number of small and deep wrinkles decreases, as evidenced by the reviews of numerous customers. In addition, the regular procedure contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

This suggests that if oily skin is cleansed by the action of current, then it will soon turn into normal. And most importantly, the technique of low current and voltage action contributes to the renewal of the epidermis.

Indications for carrying out:

  • excessive work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • oily skin;
  • age-related changes in integument;
  • acne and "black dots";
  • acne rash after drug treatment, which is at the stage of recovery;
  • seborrhea;
  • vitriol;
  • melasma, etc.

To carry out deincrustation, or galvanic cleaning, you will need a special apparatus to which two electrodes are connected, one of which is positively charged and the other negatively charged. Additional devices do not need to be invented. In addition, you should stock up on a cleansing lotion or tonic, a solution of water and lemon juice.

Benefits of Disincrustation

Each cleaning procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, galvanic cleaning performs a number of functions that are not inherent in other cosmetic procedures and peelings:

  • softens tissues;
  • activates and expands the follicles;
  • improves blood circulation in the epidermis;
  • increases skin sensitivity;
  • seals of sebum inside the follicle are broken;
  • the balance of sebum production is stabilized, which means that the work of the sebaceous glands is getting better;
  • tones the skin;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • narrows the pores, which prevents the penetration of dirt inside;
  • dries up the covers.

In addition, it is painless and highly effective.

How to perform the procedure

First you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of cosmetics. To do this, a cotton pad dipped in a lotion or makeup remover foam is gently swiped over the face, removing a layer of makeup.

After removing the make-up, an alkaline solution is applied to the face, which can be bought at the store or prepared independently. Its role is to conduct electric current in the pores.

Once the alkali layer has been applied, the cleaning step should proceed. Do not carry out the deincrustation procedure longer than 20-30 minutes. This time is enough for the fats to completely dissolve and the sebaceous plugs to stretch out. To make the cleaning painless and quick, the beautician wraps the active electrode with a cloth soaked in a special liquid, after which he turns on the device to negative polarity and moves the electrode along the face.

Due to the negative polarity, alkali ions penetrate deep into the skin, interacting with fat cells, forming soap compounds. This action completely dissolves the fat. Soap compounds easily come to the surface of the skin in the form of foam, which is subsequently washed off with water. After cleansing, the device is switched to positive polarity to narrow the pores and activate blood circulation.

The final stage is the application of a cosmetic mask. It should be a soothing nourishing mask that will have the maximum effect on sensitive skin. Since the pores are enlarged after deincrustation, the active substances of the mask produce the maximum effect. At the request of the client, a moisturizing cream is applied after the mask and a classic face and neck massage is performed.

Skin care after cleansing

Galvanic facial cleansing allows you to achieve maximum results when pushing out sebaceous plugs. After the procedure, the skin begins to breathe actively, a delicate healthy color returns to it. But an additional advantage of deincrustation is that it not only cleanses the skin, but also regenerates it, resulting in a rejuvenation effect. After the action of the current, the cells of the epidermis become elastic, there is an improvement in their structure and appearance.

The first 3 days after cleansing, the skin is highly sensitive, so it should be protected from ultraviolet rays, mechanical effects of any nature, as well as from aggressive cosmetics. It is recommended to refrain from visiting swimming pools and saunas. Cosmetologists advise to conduct a course of restorative masks, selected for a specific skin type, to give preference to products based on cosmetic clay with the entry of plant components.

In order for galvanic facial cleaning to have the best result, it can be combined with vacuum and manual (manual) cleaning. With manual action, comedones are squeezed out using a special spatula, and the vacuum procedure involves the use of a special apparatus for pulling plugs and dirt.

To clean the deep layers of the epidermis, electric cleaning can be combined with mechanical or ultrasonic peeling. It is forbidden to combine galvanophoresis with dry cleaning. The use of chemical acids will provoke an additional load on the epidermis, which will cause trauma.

Contraindications for disincrustation

With all the safety and painlessness, facial cleansing with electric current has certain contraindications. So, the risk group includes people who have:

  • oncological diseases of any organ;
  • dry skin type;
  • inserted metal implants;
  • eczema, herpes and other skin diseases;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • inflamed acne;
  • individual intolerance to electric current.

The procedure is also prohibited for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the minimal impact of even a weak current and voltage on the body of a pregnant woman causes deviations in the development and growth of the fetus. Cleaning during lactation is also contraindicated, because premature ending of lactation is possible.

Carrying out galvanophoresis at home

Modern cosmetology produces a huge number of devices for galvanic cleaning, which made it possible to carry out the procedure at home. Home cleaning is no different from the salon, and is carried out according to the same rules and regulations. So, at the first stage, the skin is prepared and cleaned. To do this, remove makeup and wipe the face with clean water.

As a special conductor gel, you can use a home-made solution of baking soda. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, mix thoroughly and wipe the surface of the skin with a solution. If you want to fully comply with salon technologies, you can purchase a gel guide and other preparations in beauty salons.

After applying the solutions, you can proceed to direct cleaning. Girls can do it on their own, but it is more convenient to ask a friend or acquaintance of a beautician to relax during the procedure. Be sure to set the device to negative polarity and hold the electrodes along the massage lines for 10 minutes. This will allow the pores to expand, remove all the sebaceous plugs and impurities from them, which are removed with clean water.

Next, the device is adjusted to a positive charge and again carried out over the face along the massage lines. After that, a restorative clay mask is applied to the face. The recipe is simple: you need 20 g of crushed clay, white, black, green or red will do. Add 20 g of mineral water, mix until a homogeneous slurry, and the mask is ready. Apply evenly on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. After removing the mask, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

This remedy has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells. The procedure should be repeated no earlier than 10 days later. The duration of the course varies from 5 to 10 sessions and depends on the degree of contamination of the skin. If after the sixth procedure the covers are completely cleared, it makes no sense to complete the full course, otherwise you risk ruining the skin.

By acting on the surface of the dermis with weak current pulses, the galvanic apparatus starts natural metabolic processes that contribute to the production of collagen and elastin. Often, galvanization in cosmetology is combined with other methods of exposure. Such an integrated approach allows you to work out problem areas in the most qualitative way. So, the apparatus for galvanization can have the function of massage, vibration, myostimulation.

Facial rejuvenation occurs not only at the cellular level, but also through the impact on muscle fibers. Skin turgor improves, tone evens out, face oval is tightened. And all this is due to the complex effect on the dermis with a galvanic massager or other device with advanced capabilities.
To increase the efficiency, the electroplating apparatus is used in conjunction with a special gel.

Cosmetics are selected in such a way that it has a certain charge, and act according to the instructions attached to the device. Thanks to the action of the current, nutrients penetrate deep into the dermis, saturating and restoring tissues.

Results after electroplating at home

Professional cosmetic procedures have been successfully adapted for home use. Compact and easy to handle, electroplating devices give the same result as a number of procedures in a beauty salon.
The method is so effective and atraumatic that it is ideal both for eliminating age-related changes and for maintaining youth and beauty at 20. Galvanic currents effectively cleanse and detoxify the skin. Oxygen saturation improves, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, a high lymphatic drainage effect is noted.

Electroplating at home allows you to saturate the skin cells with nutrients as much as possible. With the help of iontophoresis, or the active introduction of drugs into the deep layers, the so-called "depot" is created, in which the cosmetic product remains after the introduction for some time and gradually saturates the skin. This delayed effect improves the functioning of cellular systems, thanks to the preservation of moisture and nutrients.

Galvanization promotes active lifting and tightening of the skin. Under the influence of ions, the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid is stimulated - the most important components of our skin, which are responsible for its firmness and elasticity. The network of small wrinkles disappears, deep mimic wrinkles become less noticeable - a smooth surface without visible age-related changes.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of devices for galvanotherapy is based on the impact on the epidermis by galvanic current. A continuous flow of electric current, with low voltage and low power, does no harm, but at the same time stimulates skin cells to regenerate.

At home, you can use galvanization for restoration and rejuvenation. Galvanic currents, with regular procedures, are able to increase the amount of collagen fibers, which is the key to elastic and healthy skin.

A qualitative change is possible even after the manifestation of visible age-related changes. Modern hardware techniques that safely and effectively launch their own recovery processes will help turn back the clock.

Galvanization as a physiotherapy has been used in Russia since 1801. Thanks to the scientists Galvani and Volt, the process of electron movement was discovered. Now this discovery is used in cosmetology as a strong biostimulant.

In hardware cosmetology, with the help of galvanization, with health difficulties, rehabilitation procedures are carried out. One of the methods of rehabilitation is galvanization - the impact on the human body with an electric direct current of low voltage and strength.

Galvanic current, passing through the cells of the body, enters various tissues and organs, affecting the course of natural biological processes. It activates intracellular synthesis, blood circulation and the formation of the physicochemical work of the endocrine system. It has a profound effect on both the skin and the entire body as a whole.

The procedure is painless. For medical and cosmetic work of galvanization, wherever it is performed: on the head, neck, torso or limbs; closely watched by a physiotherapist. Before entrusting the problem area to the doctor, you should remove all the metal parts of the wardrobe, and expose - if necessary, that part of the body that will be treated.

After that, it is advisable for the patient to rest for about 30 minutes, and the doctor will observe the response of the body to the influence of electrical signals.

Actions of galvanic current

A constant electric current, with a voltage of 30 to 80 V and a power of up to 50 mA, penetrates into the cell tissues using active and passive electrodes. Directly charged ions are created between these electrodes, moving, they enhance metabolism and regenerative functions in the body.

This flow of movement of ions contributes to the occurrence of some chemical reactions in the human body. The composition of glands, fluids and muscle tissues includes: proteins, colloids, glycogen, salts, and so on. It is their molecules that the current causes to decay into charged ions. This causes irritation of the skin receptors, as there is a jump in the saturation of ions.

The impulses arising from this are rapidly transmitted to the central nervous system, and the overall positive reaction of the body does not take long to wait.

An excellent result of the action of galvanic current shows in conjunction with drugs. By reacting with each other, they increase efficiency and increase the positive outcome of the procedure. Basically, two methods of galvanization are used.

Types of galvanization (iontophoresis, disincrustation)

Galvanization in cosmetology provides for such procedures as: disincrustation and electrophoresis or iontophoresis.

Desincrustation is a procedure in which the face is cleansed thanks to an alkaline solution in combination with galvanic current. In the pores of the skin, saponification of sebum occurs, which leads to loosening of the skin and its cleansing.

When disincrustation, solutions of sodium bicarbonate up to 3%, sodium carbonate 5% and sodium chloride up to 5% are used.

Electrophoresis or iontophoresis. In this case, charged cosmetic preparations are injected with the help of an electric current. Due to the properties of the current, as well as ionizing agents, the active particles penetrate the epidermal barrier and affect the lower layers of the dermis, the epidermis.

With the help of iontophoresis, a large concentration of cosmetics is created in the desired area of ​​the skin, which accumulate in cell tissues and move into the blood and lymph vessels. There is a kind of process of organized storage of drugs in a given area of ​​skin healing.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of treatment is gentle and non-traumatic, there are positive and negative points.

The positives include:

  • The procedure is not accompanied by pain and discomfort;
  • Injury and infection of the skin is excluded;
  • Without the intervention of a surgical scalpel, a quick and positive result is achieved;
  • Side effects and possible complications are reduced to nothing.

Unpleasant nuances of the effects of galvanic current:

The effect that galvanization has on the body is usually accompanied by an excellent effect and positive results.

Efficiency of galvanization

A clearly and correctly performed galvanization procedure entails a loop of positive effects:

With the help of such sessions, many people said goodbye to ailments.


Electroplating in cosmetology is used to improve the appearance and for many diseases.

Indications for current treatment are extensive:

  • Organ damage;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Fading, lost skin tone;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Scars, comedones, acne;
  • Rosacea, acne, seborrhea;
  • Muscular hypotension;
  • wrinkles;
  • Damage to nerve endings;
  • Injuries of different membranes (mucosa, eye).

Unfortunately, there is a downside to the coin.


Electroplating can be harmful if some contraindications to such a procedure are neglected.

First of all, you should pay attention to the individual intolerance to direct current, as well as:

Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, contraindications cannot be ignored, otherwise there will be no benefit, but only harm.

Are there side effects?

No complications or side effects occur if the conditions are met. Otherwise, you can burn deep tissues, and such damage will not heal soon, causing discomfort. Discarding the malaise of a viral or infectious nature, the likelihood of a surge in this disease in a severe and protracted form increases.

Can electroplating be combined with other procedures?

The combined effect of procedures enhances the regenerative effect in the body. The positive impact of physiotherapy sessions in total gives the restoration of balance lost during illness. Either the influence of one procedure, in whole or in part, neutralizes the action of another.

The combination of procedures depends on the nature, course and stage of the disease. The general and functional state of a person is taken into account.

After galvanization on the same day, it is not advisable to do:

  • mud applications;
  • Radon, sulfide and carbonic baths;
  • Darsonvalization is undesirable;
  • Use a high pressure shower.

Galvanization can be safely combined with other procedures:

Do not forget that many procedures are not a guarantee of a speedy recovery of health, sometimes it turns out the other way around.

Preparations for galvanization

When galvanizing in medicine and cosmetologists, they use solutions of elastin and collagen in ampoules. All drugs are prescribed by a cosmetologist individually. Demonstrate a good effect of herbal preparations.

Biogenic stimulants are used, prepared from:

  • Tissues of animal organisms;
  • plant extracts;
  • Estuary mud.

Acids used:

  • Ascorbic. Takes an active part in the creation of procollagen, collagen, improves capillary permeability;
  • Salicylic. Acts as a distraction, irritant and antiseptic;
  • Nicotine. Shows a vasodilator and stimulant effect;
  • Caffeine. Breaks down fats into fatty acids under the influence of the lipase enzyme.

Various buffer solutions for special purposes, drugs and serums are used. The result of such procedures is much more effective than regular application of cosmetic substances to the skin.

How is the galvanization procedure for the face?

There are no complications in the procedure.

But there are certain rules that you should follow:

During the session, the patient holds the neutral electrode in his hands, which is necessary for the generation of current. After the procedure, it is advisable not to use cosmetics for 10-12 hours. For about 5 days, the skin will be sensitive to both mechanical and chemical influences, as well as to ultraviolet rays.

For the speedy regeneration of the skin, it is necessary to use regenerating, moisturizing masks and creams.

In cosmetology, such procedures are not accompanied by painful sensations. There may be mild tingling and tingling. The next session is best done in a week. A total of 4 such sessions will be needed, depending on the condition of the skin.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure of decontamination at home?

Galvanization at home is no different from procedures in a beauty parlor. To do this, you need the apparatus itself, strict adherence to the instructions and a gel for decontamination. You can use a soda solution. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin and the result of the procedure.

The use of iontophoresis for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet

In cosmetology, for the treatment of sweating of the hands and feet, iontophoresis is used. During the session, current flows through the first electrode into the bath of water. The patient immerses his hands and feet in the bath, and a second electrode is fixed on his body. Thus, a person acts as an electrical conductor for about 30 minutes.

Water for such events is taken from the tap. But if it is soft, then a little soda or anticholinergics are added to the bath. For the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, characteristic pads are used, which should be held during the procedure.

Application for the body against cellulite

If you do not adhere to the diet and do not drink enough water, even the best galvanizing apparatus will not help to achieve the desired result.

In the fight against cellulite, galvanization contributes to:

  1. Maintain skin tone;
  2. Eliminates wilting;
  3. Deprives her of excess fat.

Drugs are injected into the problem area into the skin. Under the action of a galvanic current, they penetrate deeply and are deposited, producing a lipolytic effect. The procedures last half an hour, at intervals of a day.

Devices for home use

For galvanization at home, they try to use a compact and efficient device.

There is a wide choice on the market of galvanic devices:

To date, the action of direct electric current is the most common method of lifting.

As a result of aging and wear and tear of the body, all processes occurring in the cells slow down, which affects the state of health and appearance. Galvanization will help restore the previous biological rhythm, heals and rejuvenates the entire body.

Thanks to the use of galvanization in cosmetology, the path to solving many problems is shortened, without painful procedures at minimal cost.

Video: electroplating in cosmetology

What is galvanization:

Microcurrent therapy (galvanization) in cosmetology:

Electroplating, galvanic current or galvanization is a low voltage direct current that, in direct contact with the skin, causes various biochemical reactions in it.

Physics at the service of cosmetologists!

Electroplating is used in professional cosmetology almost everywhere. It helps to optimize intracellular metabolic and redox processes, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, proteins, lipids, enzymes and ATP.

At the same time, there is a powerful activation of endocrine functions, so the banal current effect in hardware cosmetology can most favorably affect the entire vital activity of the body.

Thus, skin rejuvenation, its cleansing and accelerated regeneration are not the only effects that can be expected from galvanic procedures. Recently, hardware methods in cosmetology have gained remarkable popularity. Only with their use, the skin really acquire elasticity, smoothness and elasticity.

At the same time, therapy will not require impressive time and money costs from you. In addition, the desired device can be purchased and used independently at home.

Electroplating procedures in modern cosmetology provide two main effects - deincrustation and ionization.


This is a deep cleansing of the skin by exposing it to a galvanic current. In this case, the nozzle of the device is in close contact with the skin and is guided along its surface in accordance with the massage lines of the face.

Under the influence of direct current, a negative charge produces sodium, due to which the fat dissolves through electrolysis and turns into a kind of "soap". Sebaceous plugs (comedones, or so-called “black dots”) are eliminated, deep and intensive cleansing of the follicles is achieved.

This method is excellent for owners of oily and mixed (combination) skin. The electroplating apparatus in cosmetology is also widely used for the treatment of congestive acne (acne).

Under the influence of galvanization, cicatricial changes in the skin are rapidly resolved, which is very important for girls who are tormented by the problem of post-acne scars.

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for use in owners of dry skin - it conducts electricity rather poorly and reacts negatively to its effects. Hyperemia, hyperthermia and swelling appear, but positive results from the procedure cannot be expected. And are they needed?

Dry and sensitive skin, if it is not simply dehydrated and atopic, rarely accumulates abundant pollution, sebaceous plugs and comedones. Therefore, in this case, it will be much more acceptable to use electroplating for the purpose of ionization - deep penetration into the structures of the dermis of drugs and nutrients of intense action.

For the deincrustation procedure, a good conductor is required. Often, sodium chlorine (or saline, which is familiar to all of us), acts in its role. Some cosmetologists prefer to use a regular soda solution made in certain proportions. If you decide to use electroplating in the conditions of home “cosmetology”, it would be advisable to recommend a competent dermatocosmetologist in this regard.

Despite its obvious benefits, disincrustation by the method of exposure to galvanic current has a number of contraindications. It is in no way applicable to pregnant and lactating women, pacemaker wearers and patients with individual intolerance to electric current.

It is strictly forbidden to use such devices for persons with oncological pathologies and benign neoplasms on the face (bulging moles, warts, papillomas). A relative contraindication to galvanization is chronic dermatitis in the acute stage.


This method is fundamentally different from the previous one, but is carried out on the same equipment. This technique is based on drug electrophoresis, which is very often used in standard, medical physiotherapy. Of course, other preparations and solutions are introduced under the skin of the face.

At the same time, nutrients and ions penetrate through the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands into the deep layers of the dermis, intensively saturating them with everything necessary for normal hydration, regeneration and cell renewal. Nutrients that have penetrated to the desired depth accumulate over time, forming a depot, after which they are washed out by the lymph and enter the general bloodstream.

The ionization method perfectly copes with the problem of atopic, dehydrated, excessively oily, dry or aging skin. Tissue ions and cell membranes are involved in the process of iontophoresis, which provides a powerful activation of all types of metabolism. Iontophoresis has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect, therefore it is often used not only for the face, but also for the body, in order to treat an unattractive, and so common among women " orange peel».

The procedure of ionizing galvanization in cosmetology helps to eliminate wrinkles: under the influence of current, the skin becomes smooth, moisturized and elastic.

With the help of ionization, the following means can be introduced into the skin:

  • mesotherapy cocktails;
  • cell activators;
  • Concentrated proteins and enzymes;
  • Complexes of fruit acids;
  • plant extracts;
  • Marine extracts.

The technique of performing the electroplating procedure in cosmetology can be seen on the attached video.

As you understand, the method is almost completely painless and absolutely safe (provided there are no direct contraindications).

Application for the body and in the fight against cellulite

Electroplating can be applied to any part of the body, but the most popular, nevertheless, is facial iontophoresis. This procedure is so effective that its results can be compared with classical injection mesotherapy. Disincrustation, on the other hand, has such a powerful cleansing effect that the client no longer needs additional mechanical cleanings, which are not only painful, but also very dangerous.

Galvanic current is also remarkable in the fight against cellulite: with its help, millions of women around the world have successfully got rid of " orange peel”, striae (stretch marks), age-related sagging of the skin of the body. Electroplating is indispensable for those who are in the process of losing weight and want to protect their skin from gravitational ptosis against the background of a sharp devastation of tissues.

What effects will the procedure give you?

Carrying out galvanization procedures will provide you with the following effects:

  • Accelerated removal of toxins, toxins and decay products from tissues and cell matrix;
  • Elimination of small facial and first age wrinkles, deep furrows, folds and creases;
  • Improvement of smoothness, elasticity, natural skin turgor;
  • Filling all layers of the dermis and epidermis with nutrients;
  • Improving the elasticity of the skin and its resistance» chronological aging processes;
  • Elimination of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • Lightening age spots and freckles;
  • Treatment of hyperkeratosis;
  • Smoothing scars (small scars) and post-acne;
  • Gradual removal of striae (stretch marks), including those of hormonal origin;
  • Mitigation of the manifestations of telagniectasia (couperose) and small vascular networks;
  • Powerful lymphatic drainage effect.

In what cases is electroplating absolutely or relatively contraindicated?
