If a couple has a different Rh factor. Both parents are Rh positive

Pregnancy is the most happy time for every woman. In anticipation of the baby, expectant mothers, of course, worry about the health of the unborn baby. But expectant mothers with a Rh factor with a “-” sign experience special experiences. Despite the fact that Rhesus conflict during gestation is quite rare, and doctors already know how to effectively deal with this pathology, many women are still afraid of this condition.

factor in pregnancy

For many years, it was believed that a mother could have only one pregnancy with a negative blood count. Gynecologists forbade our mothers and grandmothers with this feature to give birth to more than one child. In those days it was just dangerous. Today the situation has changed. Doctors have learned to deal with the incompatibility of indicators in mother and child, and now women can have several children. It is worth remembering that people with negative indicators are less than 21% of the total population of the Earth.

Rh is positive and negative. If a woman has it with a plus, it does not affect the bearing of a baby. If the girl has a minus sign, and the husband has a plus sign, there is a high risk of incompatibility between the cells of the mother and the baby. You need to know that if a woman positive rh, and the father is negative, this does not affect the growth of the baby. But even when mommy has a negative indicator, it is not at all necessary that there will be a conflict. If the baby takes this feature from his mother at conception, the pregnancy will proceed completely normally.


A person's blood may differ in Rh and group affiliation. Often, patients ask doctors if blood type matters during pregnancy? Gynecologists say that the group becomes important only if it is identified rhesus negative. This means that it doesn’t matter at all whether you have a second group or a third, the main thing for specialists is to establish the Rh of the parents when conceiving a child.

If the factor is negative, the patient should be under special control for all 9 months.

Why are all mothers with a negative indicator so afraid of the Rhesus conflict of the mother and fetus? How does Rh affect mother and baby? In fact, the incompatibility of the blood cells of a woman and an unborn baby can turn into a very dire consequences. The mechanism of confrontation lies in the fact that getting into the bloodstream of a woman, the plus factor of the fetus causes a protective reaction of the immune system in the mother. She does not have the D protein, which is the Rh factor. The mother's body perceives the factor of the child as a stranger and begins to rapidly synthesize protective cells for it.

What is going on? These protectors female body enter the infant's bloodstream and aggressively destroy the infant's red blood cells. As a result, the crumbs develop dangerous pathological conditions. What threatens this child? A baby may not be born at all or come into this world with congenital diseases.

Baby's first expectation

Different Rh factors in parents while expecting their first child rarely lead to the development of pathology. The fact is that during the initial meeting of negative maternal blood with the child's protein D, IgM antibodies are formed. These substances have big sizes and cannot cross the placenta. Thus, they do not harm the child in any way, because they simply cannot get into his blood. With a second pregnancy, a woman already forms other antibodies, such as IgG. It is these substances that pose a threat to the crumbs, because they are so small that they easily penetrate the placental protection. Thus, a negative Rh factor and 1 pregnancy does not imply the development of pathology. It is worth noting that the first conception should not be confused with the first expectation of a child. If you had an artificial or natural loss of a baby before deciding to have a baby, you are at risk.

Next pregnancy

The risk of Rh factor conflict increases with each subsequent expectation of the baby. Women who choose to have more than one child should consider these risks. However, not always the child inherits the father's indicator. It often happens that in the first pregnancy the child was positive, like the father, and the second baby inherits blood counts from the mother. Thus, each pregnancy in girls with negative blood is purely individual. If it happened repeated pregnancy, gynecologists always assess the risks of conflict. Negative Rh factor and 2 pregnancy is always a reason for careful monitoring of the condition of the fetus.

The risks of the manifestation of the Rh conflict during pregnancy in the table are as follows:

This table shows that there is a risk only in couples where the woman is with a minus sign and the man is with a plus sign. It is worth noting that if both parents have a negative Rh, the risk arises only if the child inherits the factor not from the parents, but from their ancestors. This happens extremely rarely. For this reason, doctors rarely worry about the occurrence of an Rhesus conflict during pregnancy if both partners have a factor with a minus sign. If the parents positive factor, nothing to fear.

Conflict prevention

All women who are Rh negative and whose pregnancy may be affected should be registered with a gynecologist. Throughout the 9 months, doctors carefully monitor the growth of antibodies in their blood. If antibodies begin to be produced at a dangerous rate, doctors preventive treatment. It consists in administering to a woman a special drug that neutralizes antibodies that are dangerous for the child.

However, the prevention of conflict between mother and child should be carried out immediately after the birth of the first child. The introduction of immunoglobulin should be carried out no later than 3 days after childbirth or termination of pregnancy. This will cleanse the mother's blood of dangerous cells and prevent the development dangerous state during the second pregnancy, if the woman has a negative Rh factor.

What threatens pathology

Why are Rh conflicts dangerous? First, it is worth remembering that the danger arises only when the spouses different rhesus-factor and at the same time the woman is negative, and the man is positive. In other variations, there are practically no risks. If a Rh conflict occurs during pregnancy, the consequences for the child are quite dangerous. Despite the fact that this phenomenon is extremely rare today, all girls with negative blood are afraid of the likelihood of a Rh conflict. This is not surprising, because blood incompatibility can be the cause pathological conditions. What threatens the baby?

Intrauterine death of a child. Miscarriage. Birth before term. hemolytic pathology. Dropsy. Children may differ in enlarged internal organs. Anemia. Jaundice starts. Deafness. There may be developmental delays. CNS lesions.

Diagnosis and treatment

For all 9 months, a woman must donate blood to detect antibodies. When Rh resistance occurs in a pregnant woman, specialists take the necessary measures to preserve the health of the baby. Symptoms of Rh incompatibility, unfortunately, do not appear in the mother. Many women are not even aware of the problem until they pass ultrasound procedure. Ultrasound can show swelling of the fetus, which means that the mother and fetus have blood incompatibility. Also on the study, you can notice that the fetus is in a position that differs from normal, the size of the placenta increases, and a double contour of the baby's head is observed.

All this means that a blood conflict has begun.

At what time can pathology be determined? The first examination of a woman is carried out when registering in the women's office. If it is found that the spouses are with different Rh and the woman is negative, she takes an antibody test every month. Thus, the influence of the Rh indicator on the fetus is checked. If signs of a threat are found from the 20th week, the woman is placed in a hospital. Now she takes the test every 2 weeks.

If manifestations of the Rhesus conflict are detected, treatment is carried out immediately. First of all, the mother is given drugs that destroy antibodies. All actions are aimed at preserving the life and health of the child and this is the most important thing. With symptoms of a conflict that has begun, an intrauterine infusion of pure blood may be prescribed to an infant.

Of course, women are worried about whether a negative Rh can affect the baby, because the causes of the conflict lie in their blood. The risks of pregnancy with the Rh factor "-" the girl always has. However, today doctors can learn about the beginning pathology in time and take timely measures. The revolution in medicine that has taken place over the past decades allows every family, regardless of the Rhesus parents, to have as many children as they want.

In contact with

Every woman dreams of getting pregnant and giving birth. healthy child, but this process is preceded by multiple tests, checks on the health of the mother and father. separate and especially important topic- these are different Rh factors in parents during pregnancy. When conception has occurred, then parents have to take care of not only their health, but also the development of their baby.

Pregnancy test

You should know about your Rh and future mother, and her husband. The probability that the fetus can inherit the Rh factor of one of the parents is 50%. Of course, we are not talking about cases where both the husband and wife have the same (Rh-) or (Rh+) blood.

The danger arises only when the wife is Rh negative and the husband is Rh positive. Only then does the likelihood of incompatibility of the blood of the child and the mother increase. This condition is called a Rh conflict, but with the capabilities of modern medicine, even this problem can be solved with timely diagnosis.

Not all expectant mothers know how the Rh factor can affect pregnancy, so many women find out about their blood type and Rh only at the stage of testing.

Important! The blood group throughout life is not able to change, as well as the Rh factor. These are two inherited characteristics that are formed in the womb.

Rh blood is a protein or antigen found on red blood cells. They are called erythrocytes. If this protein is present, then the blood of such people is called Rh-positive, and if it is not - negative. The presence or absence of Rhesus does not affect a person in any way. This fact becomes important at a time when a woman and a man want to conceive a child.

blood donation

As statistics show, only some women are at risk of developing an Rhesus conflict, since only 15% of the total population of the Earth have negative blood, the remaining 85% have positive blood.

Rh factor during pregnancy

The future child, which is planned by both parents, is often born strong and healthy, as his mother and father do everything possible to protect the health of the baby. To do this, some couples even undergo genetic research to minimize the likelihood of developing an inherited pathology in a child. However, not everyone approaches the issue of conceiving a new life so responsibly.

The very first stage of preparation should be to check the Rh factors of the mother and father. The consequences of a possible blood conflict are too severe for both the woman and the child. In some cases, with untimely treatment, the child may die. It is because of the conflict of Rhesus that the risk of miscarriage increases, premature birth, placental abruption.

Attention! To exclude the possibility of blood incompatibility, it is recommended to check the blood for Rh to both partners.

In what cases does the risk of developing a Rh conflict increase?

The Rh factor and the time of pregnancy are two interrelated concepts that can directly affect the health of the woman and the fetus. By itself, this protein on erythrocytes throughout life is in no way capable of changing a person’s well-being. When fertilization has already occurred, it is not always possible to check the Rh and blood type of a baby in the womb of the mother accurately - a 100% result is possible only after birth.

Blood incompatibility

There is only one dangerous option when a conflict or incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and mother is possible. If a woman has blood with Rh-, and the father has Rh +. A child can get Rh from the father, which leads to Rh incompatibility.

If the husband is Rh negative and the wife is Rh positive, then there will be no conflict. All women with blood (Rh+) are not predisposed to conflict with the baby's blood. A positive Rh factor in a woman and a negative one in a man is a safe situation.

Read also: - the consequences that can cause Rhesus conflict

What processes take place in the body of the child and the mother at the time of the Rhesus conflict?

It is good if both the father and mother are aware of the likelihood of developing blood incompatibility due to different Rhesus, but often the partners do not even know about the degree of risk. They plan pregnancy in the standard mode, without any additional tests and diagnostics.

When the doctor is sure that it is possible conflict rhesus, then he must warn parents in advance. This must be done at the planning stage of conception. The negligence of a doctor or ignorance of the patient's Rh can lead to disastrous results.

When a woman becomes pregnant, she gradually forms a separate, placental circle of blood circulation, which works directly on the development of the baby. The larger the fetus becomes, the higher the likelihood of developing incompatibility.

If fetal antibodies enter the mother’s bloodstream, then her body begins to actively fight against the “strangers”. Her blood cells destroy the baby's red blood cells, which leads to the development of various diseases. In the body of the fetus, the level of bilirubin begins to rise, which is extremely toxic and negatively affects brain development.

Important! The amount of antibodies can actively increase from the third month of pregnancy.

As a result of a massive attack of maternal immunity on the fetus, hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) develops.


Her symptoms are as follows:

  • Enlarged spleen and liver;
  • Increased lethargy of the child;
  • Weakness;
  • Significantly reduced amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Development of microcytosis and anisocytosis;
  • Yellowness and pallor of the skin;
  • Decreased activity of reflexes;
  • Puffiness, the face takes on a moon-shaped shape, accumulation of fluid in the pericardium, bleeding (in severe form).

Precisely because of HDN child may be born dead or premature. Only adequate and correct therapy can save his life. To prevent this from happening, mothers need to take blood tests on time to determine antibodies. The impact of timely diagnosis and treatment is often underestimated.

What should mothers do in case of Rh conflict?

It is worth repeating that if the husband has a negative blood type, and the wife has a positive one, then there is nothing to be afraid of. The risk only arises if the mother has negative blood and the husband is positive. In this case, the presence of a different Rh factor in parents should be diagnosed even when planning a pregnancy.

The dangerous period in such a situation begins as early as the 3rd month of pregnancy, when the number of antibodies begins to grow.

A woman needs to remember a few simple rules testing:

  1. Up to 32 weeks, take an antibody test every month;
  2. From 32 to 35 weeks - 2 times a month;
  3. From 35 weeks to childbirth - 1 time per week.

With this approach, the complication due to Rhesus incompatibility is minimal. When labor activity has passed, it is important for the woman in labor to introduce anti-rhesus immunoglobulin. This serum will prevent the risk of developing conflict when next pregnancy. The main thing is to administer the serum within 72 hours after delivery.

It is important to consider that anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is administered to a woman with blood incompatibility if she has undergone:

  • Abortion;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Various operations on the membranes;
  • Miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • Transfusion of platelets.

Bleeding in such cases can lead to complications. The consequence of the negligent attitude of doctors to such a woman is even a fatal outcome.

How should the treatment take place?

The main thing is to find a good and qualified doctor in a timely manner, who will professionally approach the solution of this issue.

Treatment in the perinatal center

If the husband has a negative Rh factor, and the wife is diagnosed with a positive Rh factor, then there is absolutely no need to worry. This is important to remember. Only women with Rh- are at risk. Treatment primarily consists of:

  1. Full examination women;
  2. Redirecting her to a specialized perinatal center, where they will monitor the health of both the mother and the child;
  3. The introduction during pregnancy for prophylactic purposes of anti-rhesus serum;
  4. stimulation labor activity to speed up the blood transfusion to the fetus.
  5. Immunoglobulin administered within 72 hours postpartum.

When a doctor sees a woman's negative blood and a father's positive blood in the test table, then this is not as dangerous as it used to be. Modern medicine has stepped forward so much that even such couples now have high chance give birth healthy baby, As the others.


Appointment of immunoglobulin in Rh conflict, indications and contraindications

Today, more and more young families are faced with the problem of infertility. The reasons why spouses fail to achieve pregnancy can be different. In 30% of cases, the culprit is problems in the female body, in another 30% - male diseases, but in 10-15% of all infertile couples influence has incompatibility at conception.


If both participants in the conception process are healthy, have systematic sexual relations, do not use contraceptives, but at the same time the woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, then they should consult a doctor.

The incompatibility of partners at conception has the following signs:

  • The absence of pregnancy in a woman for a year or more, subject to regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives.
  • Constant miscarriages, which usually occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, when a woman often does not even know about her situation.
  • Intrauterine death of a child or the birth of an unviable infant.

Sexual conflict at conception is influenced by immunological or genetic disorders. To find out the cause of this problem, you need to consult a doctor, do the necessary test and analysis. After the diagnosis and a series of examinations, a course of treatment will be prescribed.

Immunological incompatibility

This problem is manifested in the fact that the woman's body secretes antibodies to the sperm of the spouse, which block them and do not allow them to perform their function. This is a kind of allergy in a woman to a man's ejaculate. In some cases, the production of antibodies in a man for his own sperm.

Doctors believe that the presence of antibodies to the sperm of a spouse in females is directly related to the transferred sexual diseases and infections, as well as to the number of different sexual partners. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a couple must pass a test or analysis for compatibility.

By blood type

A positive course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby often occurs in those parents who have favorable blood group compatibility for conceiving the first child. For this you can do special test.

There is an opinion that those spouses whose blood type of a man is higher than that of a girl are more likely to become pregnant. For example, the father has the second blood group, and the future mother has the first. But this theory has not been medically proven.

Also, a positive trend towards successful fertilization occurs when the parents are carriers. different groups, but at the same time the same Rh factor (positive or negative).

In cases where the blood type is the same, but the Rh is different, it may be difficult to conceive a healthy child.

A man with a third negative and a woman with a second negative have every chance of giving birth to a healthy child. And he will have negative group blood.

Rh mismatch

At its core, the Rh factor is a special protein that is located on human red blood cells. Most (about 80%) of people have these proteins, that is, they are Rh-positive. The remaining 20% ​​are Rh negative. It is known that the Rh factor is formed at 7–8 weeks of fetal development and does not change throughout life.

If a woman is Rh negative and a man is Rh positive, complications can occur during pregnancy. Until the miscarriage.

For a successful pregnancy, both spouses must have the same Rh factor blood: either negative or positive or positive in the woman and any in the father. If the rhesus do not match, this can cause various problems both at the birth of a new life, and during pregnancy, as well as immediately after childbirth. Therefore, an analysis to determine the Rh blood is a mandatory item when planning a pregnancy.

Genetic incompatibility

This kind of couple mismatch can result in the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities or different kind diseases. The causes of genetic incompatibility in parents can be:

  • The presence of any genetic diseases one of the spouses, which are inherited.
  • If the age of future parents is more than 35 years.
  • Partners are blood relatives.
  • It also affects the unfavorable ecology of the area, and other reasons.

Fortunately, complete genetic inconsistency is extremely rare, and with partial incompatibility modern medicine successfully learn to fight. Such couples are special control physicians and from the first days of pregnancy are carefully observed. They pass a special test and pass the analysis, the result of which is entered in a special table.


If a couple turned to doctors for help in time, then the right treatment can help them soon become happy parents. To overcome the problem of immunological inconsistency of spouses, doctors most often give the following recommendations for action:

  • It is necessary to use contraceptives for some time in order to reduce the severity of the reaction of the female body to male sperm.
  • You need to be treated with antihistamines.
  • It is also necessary to take immunostimulants.
  • Sometimes the immunological mismatch can be circumvented by intrauterine administration of sperm.

Immunological inconsistency is not a sentence. Even in this situation, there is still a chance to get pregnant and bear a healthy child, but there may already be problems with subsequent pregnancy attempts.

Compatibility tests

Couples who long time not able to conceive should consult a doctor and take a compatibility test to conceive. They need to take a blood test and undergo a diagnostic examination. You also need to pass a postcoital test. It is recommended to do this study within 6-8 hours after unprotected intercourse, as in laboratory materials cervical mucus females must present male spermatozoa. The analysis is best taken during ovulation.

So, for the conception and birth of a healthy child, you need to prepare in advance. Necessary:

  • Get tested and diagnosed.
  • Pass all the required tests and tests.
  • Determine the Rh factor in parents (negative or positive).
  • Find out the presence or absence of blood compatibility for conception.
  • Examined for the presence of antibodies in the body of a woman.
  • Get tested for genetic diseases in both partners.

Even if the test shows the inconsistency of the parents in at least one indicator, do not despair. It must be remembered that the main factor successful pregnancy is true love partners, as well as great desire have a child.

Doctors keep records of couples who have found incompatibility. A special table is compiled in which the data of analyzes and tests are entered. It is constantly monitored and monitored. If necessary, the couple is assigned drug treatment, which gives a chance to conceive and bear a healthy child.

Rh-conflict during pregnancy: what should a woman with a negative Rh factor do to avoid consequences

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy occurs as a result of blood incompatibility according to the Rh (rhesus) system. According to statistics, this type of incompatibility occurs in 13% couples, but immunization during pregnancy occurs in 1 in 10-25 women.

Pregnancy of a woman with a negative Rh factor, in which the fetus has a positive Rh factor, leads to the production of antibodies by the mother's immune system to the child's red blood cells.

As a result of this, the fetal red blood cells "stick together" and are destroyed. It is a humoral immune response to the presence of a foreign maternal organism Rh protein.

  • Rh factor - what is it
  • The likelihood of developing a Rh conflict during pregnancy: table
  • The reasons
    • Feto-maternal transfusion
  • Rhesus conflict during pregnancy: the mechanism of occurrence
  • Consequences for the child
  • Risks
  • Diagnosis, symptoms and signs of Rh conflict during pregnancy
  • Treatment
    • Plasmapheresis in Rh-conflict pregnancy
    • Cordocentesis
  • Immunoglobulin for Rh negative
  • Can the Rh factor change during pregnancy?

What is the Rh factor

To understand what a Rh conflict is during pregnancy, you need to dwell on such a concept as the Rh factor.

Rh (+) is a special protein - agglutinogen - a substance that can stick together red blood cells and damage them when they encounter an unfamiliar immune agent.

The Rh factor was first discovered in 1940. There are about 50 varieties of antigens of the Rhesus system. The most mutagenic dominant is the D antigen, which is found in the blood of 85% of people.

Antigen C is found in 70% of people, and antigen E is found in 30% of people on the planet. The presence of any of these proteins on the erythrocyte membrane makes it Rh positive Rh (+), the absence - Rh negative Rh (-).

The presence of agglutinogen D has ethnicity:

  • people of Slavic nationality have 13% of Rh-negative people;
  • among Asians 8%;
  • in people of the Negroid race, there are practically no people with a Rh-negative blood factor.

AT recent times Increasingly, there are women with a negative Rh factor in the blood, according to the literature, this is due to mixed marriages. Consequently, the frequency of Rh conflict during pregnancy in the population increases.

System D antigen inheritance

Types of inheritance of any traits are divided into homozygous and heterozygous. For example:

  1. DD, homozygous;
  2. Dd, heterozygous;
  3. dd is homozygous.

Where D is the dominant gene and d is the recessive.

Rhesus conflict during pregnancy - table

If the mother is Rh positive and the father is Rh negative, then one out of three children will be born Rh negative with a heterozygous type of inheritance.

If both parents are Rh-negative, then their children will be 100% Rh-negative.

Table 1. Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

The male Woman Child The likelihood of Rh conflict during pregnancy
+ + 75% (+) 25% (-) Not
+ 50% (+) 50% (-) 50%
+ 50% (+) 50% (-) Not
100% (-) Not

The reasons

The cause of the Rh conflict during pregnancy is:

  • transfusion of incompatible blood through the AB0 system is extremely rare;
  • feto-maternal transfusion.

What is a feto-maternal transfusion?

Normally, in any pregnancy (physiological or pathological), a small amount of fetal blood cells enters the mother's bloodstream.

A negative Rh factor during pregnancy in a woman definitely carries a danger for a baby with a positive Rh factor. Rhesus conflict develops, as well as any immunological reaction. At the same time, the first pregnancy can proceed without complications, but subsequent (second and third) lead to Rh-conflict and severe symptoms. hemolytic disease fetus and newborn.

Mechanism of immunization (development of Rh conflict)

Rh-negative mother and Rh-positive fetus exchange blood cells, the immune system mother perceives the baby's red blood cells as foreign proteins and begins to produce antibodies against him. For the development of a primary immune response, it is enough for 35-50 ml of fetal erythrocytes to enter the mother's bloodstream.

The volume of blood that comes from the baby's bloodstream to the mother increases with obstetric invasive procedures, caesarean section, childbirth, and other obstetric manipulations.

The first immune response begins with the appearance of immunoglobulins M - these are large pentagram molecules (polymers) that hardly penetrate the placental barrier and do not destroy the erythrocytes of the fetus, thus they cannot harm it. Therefore, the first pregnancy most often proceeds without consequences.

Secondary fetoplacental transfusion entails consequences for the child. It occurs during repeated (second, third, fourth) pregnancy.

Cellular memory works in the body of a pregnant woman and, as a result of repeated contact with the Rh factor protein, protective antibodies are produced - immunoglobulins G - a Rh conflict develops. Immunoglobulin G molecules are small monomers that can penetrate the placental barrier and cause hemolysis - the destruction of fetal and newborn erythrocytes.

What contributes to the development of Rh sensitization?

The first pregnancy in an Rh-negative mother with an Rh-positive fetus in most cases ends successfully and ends with the birth of the fetus. Any subsequent pregnancy, regardless of outcome (miscarriage at early dates, abortion, spontaneous interruption) at Rh negative woman becomes an impulse for the development of a secondary immune response and the appearance of immunoglobulins that destroy the baby's red blood cells in utero.

Cause of Rh incompatibility during pregnancy Rh negative mother can be:

  • In the first trimester:
    • medical abortion (surgical or medical), provided that these complications arose for a period of 7-8 weeks.

Genetics is a stubborn and seemingly unpredictable thing.

Do you think that only in ancient times poor mothers suffered from the evil gossip of their neighbors, if suddenly a blond baby was born to dark-haired parents?

In this article, we will answer the following questions:

1M Can the same parents have children with different rhesus?
2. M The baby may be Rh positive Rh negative parents?
3. E If mom and dad are Rh positive, can they have an Rh negative baby?

And now a little genetics (simplified and clear).

How is the Rh factor inherited?

Each person has two genes responsible for the Rh factor. We take one gene from the father, the other from the mother. Each of them can be:

R- Rh factor gene.

r- the gene for the absence of the Rh factor.

Obviously, only three pairs of Rh genes are possible for a person:

– RR (Rhesus positive person)

– Rr (a person with a positive Rh who is a carrier of a negative)

– rr (Rhesus negative person)

R - dominant gene, in combination with a minus gives a plus 🙂

Therefore, Rh-positive people are of two types: RR and Rr. Unfortunately, if you have a positive Rh, no one will voluntarily tell you what type it is - RR or Rr.

A routine blood test for the Rh factor will only determine the fact itself - “you have a plus” (a more thorough study can be done for a fee at the institutes of genetics and large perinatal centers). But sometimes the type of positive Rh can be calculated from children 🙂

From personal experience:

Example #1. My mom has Rh +, my dad has Rh -, I have Rh -. This means that the mother is a carrier of the Rh negative gene, i.e. she has a positive Rh type Rr (clearly in Scheme 2).

Example #2. I am Rh negative and my husband is Rh positive. The baby was born Rh positive. Because the baby inherits one gene from me, then it definitely has the Rr type (see diagram 2).

Rh-negative people (rr) cannot be carriers of a positive Rh (because it would then dominate and give a plus).

In the world there can be only three situations of inheritance of the Rh factor:

1. Both parents are Rh negative.

On the scheme 1 it is very clearly seen that only Rh-negative children can be born to such parents.

2. One parent is Rh negative, the other is Rh positive.

On the scheme 2 it can be seen that in two cases out of eight they will have a child with a negative Rh, and in six cases out of eight a Rh-positive child will be born, which is a carrier of a negative gene.

3. Both parents are Rh positive.

On the scheme 3 it is clearly seen that in one case out of sixteen this couple can have a Rh-negative child, in six cases Rh-positive children can be born who are carriers of the gene negative Rh factor, and in 9 cases out of 16, these will be Rh-positive (fully Rh-dominant) children.

If my explanations remain incomprehensible to you, I will answer the questions:

1. Can the same parents have children with different Rhesus? They can.

2. Can a child of Rh-negative parents have a positive Rh? No.

3. If mom and dad are Rh positive, can they have an Rh negative baby? Yes.

From personal experience:

My friend's husband thought he was Rh negative. And he assured everyone of it. The most familiar also had a negative Rh, so when a child with a positive Rh was born, the obstetrician said during childbirth: either from a neighbor, or your husband is lying.

Having survived the collapse on the delivery table, the angry woman finally got an official blood test from her husband, which confirmed that her husband was Rh positive!

(2 ) (1 )
