Artificial intelligence in a smart home. "Smart home": artificial intelligence

Viaroom Home uses artificial intelligence to automate your home. This smart home system is the latest development using the most modern technologies at the moment. In this review, you will learn about its main advantages and options for using it in your home.

Home assistants such as Google Home and Amazon Echo are becoming commonplace in the home. Their limitation is the need to issue commands, but this is where the Viaroom Home smart home game comes in. Viaroom Home is a complex developed by the ATES Networks team that provides a whole new level of home automation. It premiered at CES 2018. The system is designed to connect all the smart devices in your home, providing home automation using artificial intelligence that learns user habits. Viarum works as a multi-level device that integrates and synchronizes smart home products into a single system of an advanced complex for managing all home functions. If you are starting repairs right now, then by all means think about implementing an integrated smart home system that will make life much more comfortable and productive.

During the 48-hour setup period, the device analyzes occupant habits and scans everything that happens in your home. Going forward, Viaroom Home creates a detailed map of all home systems based on the behavior of its users. Thanks to this, the smart home will be able to predict and modify the use cases of all systems. For example, if a lamp is turned on manually at a certain time every day, artificial intelligence will take this into account and prompt the user to automate this action.

The smart home with artificial intelligence will be able to work with products such as Philips Hue, Osram, Fibaro, Vera, Aeotec, Google Home and Amazon Echo. The device is expected to hit the markets at the end of January 2018. Already, many are pre-ordering at a promotional price to act as beta testers and help set up basic functions.

One can dream for a long time of a fantastically smart home that brews coffee for the owner in the morning, heats the sauna in the evening and prepares dinner, and maybe even talks to him when he is bored. Or you can just think about how great it would be if all our omissions, like leaving the irons on, did not cause any inconvenience in important negotiations.

Today, all this is quite real - high technology has descended to a simple home life and made it even more comfortable. Maybe they were created by sloth scientists who didn’t want to get up in the morning on purpose to go make coffee? After all, laziness, as you know, is not only a quality of a person, but also an engine of progress as well.

High tech = endless possibilities

You can combine the capabilities of the "smart home" system in completely different variations. Also, the house should have one information block, where the functions of all elements of the "smart home" are programmed. The main elements are sensors - temperature, movement, light level, etc. Regarding the indicators of these sensors, an action program is formed: for example, when the air temperature in the living rooms drops below 24 degrees, the heating system turns on automatically at certain hours (when the owners are at home). Or, when the minimum level of illumination is reached, the “intelligent home” (according to the program laid down in it) closes the curtains on its own and turns on the lighting system. Also, in the head computer of a smart home, you can put a program for preparing coffee / breakfast in the morning by the time the owner wakes up, or preparing a sauna for the time he returns from work in the evening.

In addition, the sensors can respond not only to light or temperature - you can program the lamps to respond to clap (in many films, the characters clap their hands and the light comes on - so now you won’t surprise anyone with this), and the microwave - to a voice command like “ warm up dinner. And you can also equip the premises with microphones, and then the "smart home" will learn to talk with the owner. It all depends on how to program a certain element of the system - what command and from whom it will obey. And this is important - an adult inhabitant of the "intelligent home" can, leaving, program the system to respond only to some commands given by the child, if he suddenly finds himself at home alone. Or just turn off some elements of the system until you return.

Everything ingenious is simple. The principle of operation of the “smart home” is also

You can talk endlessly about the possibilities of an intelligent home. The basis of his work is the principle of a single information field - all the elements of the house that you want to manage must be interconnected. That is, all systems must be connected - power supply, water supply, fire extinguishing, security system and others. In this case, the so-called information bus can serve as a standard type of communication - a special system of wires (depending on the complexity of the system, there may be two or more of them). These wires imperceptibly entangle the whole house and serve to communicate all its elements. Of course, experts will recommend installing "artificial intelligence" in the house at the construction stage or at least before finishing the premises. And they will be right - otherwise the repair (new or old) will go down the drain, since the information bus (in fact, the wire system) must be hidden so as not to spoil the appearance.

The owner can control the “smart home” by being directly in the premises and looking at the monitor of the main computer that controls the entire house. But you can look after the premises remotely, using a mobile phone with Internet access or a PDA. Then the same monitor screen will be reflected on the mobile or PDA. But sometimes the system is programmed to answer the owner's call on a regular phone if a special access code or password is named. The "smart home" system, which has Internet access, will tell the owner about all the processes currently taking place in the house. And if an intrusion is attempted, the programmed "artificial intelligence" itself will call the guards and call the owner.

Saving or wasting?

It would seem that such a system should cost a lot. And this is true in reality - a minimum set, such as control over heating and lighting systems in a medium-sized house, will cost about 15 thousand rubles (on average, the price can reach half a percent of the total cost of building a house). It all depends on the degree of “intelligence” of the premises, that is, first of all, on the quantity (and, of course, quality) of materials - the more controls, the more consumables for the information bus (sensors, wires, etc.) will be required. , on the other hand, an "intelligent home" saves a lot of money for the owner - at least turns off the heating or lighting where and when it is not needed.

Safety comes first

No matter how spectacular a smart home looks, after all, first of all, any owner endows the premises with artificial intelligence in order to ensure the safety of his home. And it would be illogical to equip the house with all sorts of expensive technological innovations and “not teach” yourself how to protect yourself. The security of the "smart home" is provided in various ways, first of all, these are various innovations such as biometric access - the locks open only by recognizing the owner by his individual data - the sound of a voice, a fingerprint, etc. Up to the usual tricks - if the owner is going to be absent for a long time, it is enough to program at a certain time to turn on the lights / music, open / close the curtains, that is, create the effect of presence in order to psychologically scare off potential robbers.

The topic "Smart Home" is already on everyone's lips. They talk about it, invest in it, develop it ... On this topic, to such giants as Siemens, General Electric and others joined, it would seem, not quite profile companies, such as Microsoft, Google, Apple.

There is no single standard on the topic, just as there is no instruction, they say, “do this and that”, therefore, theoretically, everyone can build their smart home exactly the way they want, and therefore I could not miss this topic and actively connected to it. I won’t say that I ate a dog with smart houses ... no, rather, I bit it, but nevertheless, based on my experience and my observations, I’ll try to lay out a detailed one ... mmm ... How-To? No, it won't. Review? It’s not that either ... Rather, it will be a parting word or a certain set of tips.

The theater begins with a hanger, and I will start by immediately dotting all the “I” so that readers do not have unreasonable negativity or just some kind of misunderstanding in the process of reading.

The most important thing is that the article is intended for people who have not yet really understood whether they really need this “Smart Home” at all and do they need to get into this topic?

Now the term.
Let's be honest, "Smart Home" is not only such an artificial intelligence system that talks to you in the morning in the bathroom (while you shave) and cooks dinner for you while you drive home. Do not confuse the system with the wife.

Smart home is any an automation/automation system (or a complex of automation/automation systems), which at least somehow, at least for the smallest fraction, but makes your life easier. It doesn’t matter what it is: automatically turning off the light in the toilet after a person leaves and closes the door, or a system that itself waters house flowers, feeds a beloved cat and shuts off a leaking water supply pipe if you stay late at work. If something works in your house based on some algorithm, then it can already be called a “Smart Home” system, only with limited functionality.

Also, "Smart Home" is not only a mansion stuffed with electronics, but also an apartment in which your automation and / or control system works, i.e. "Smart apartment" is also "Smart home" and further in the text we will use this term.

In general, excessive tediousness is useless for a person, and to go into polemics on the question of how smart the “Smart House” turned out to be, which was made by student Kolya - I think it is disrespect for the work of that same Kolya. Did he do it? Does it work and manage something? Excellent, well done! Let it continue to grow.

We return to the topic.

We want to build our Smart Home, where do we start? From purchase, construction? No, in this business, as in all engineering tasks, you need to start with paper, or rather, with a project. Will it be a piece of paper with diagrams and drawings that only you can understand, or will it be something drawn in *CAD ... the main thing is that at least you understand what is shown there.

Do not be afraid to describe "long-term plans", write down and think through everything, even what you can do in a very distant future. It's better to think it over now because then it will be too late. This is an experience paid for by the blood of many engineers who stepped on numerous rakes.

What should you pay attention to?

1. Users

Consider how the system you are introducing will be handled by users, i.e. residents of your home or members of your family. Will people who are not technically savvy (old people, children or wife - no matter who exactly) be able to use this? Scenario like: "Honey, the light in the toilet is now on, now I'm just uploading the firmware to the Arduino." does not fit. Imagine renting out your system to a wealthy thug who sees your LED light switches and tells you: " This… listen, what the hell is this? Where is there to reap?". What is obvious to you may be completely incomprehensible to others.

2. Technology

Wired or wireless. If wired, then you need to make plans for laying all the necessary cables (and preferably with a large margin). Where to ditch the walls, where to place sockets and automation elements - everything should be on the diagram. If the system is wireless, then think about where the transmitters / receivers will stand, where the signal repeaters will be placed.
Now you remember this, in a month, when there will be a lot of information, there will be porridge in your head and something will be forgotten.

3. Executor

Who will do all this? Are you yourself or hired by a specialist firm? It will be cheaper on your own, but you will need to deep dive into the issue. We will still rely on self-deployment, because the category of the article is "Do it yourself", right?

4. autonomy

Thinking through the functionality and capabilities of a smart home, always count on the fact that there will be no Internet in the house. Of course, many smart guys will object to me, saying that you need to think over the possibility of pairing with something in the outside world ... think over, lay it down, no one argues, but your smart home should work properly in full autonomy / isolation mode. It may be difficult for a person living in a metropolis to understand how it is so that there is no Internet at all ... GPRS, ADSL, at least something should be backed up? No no and one more time no! Nothing can happen, but it should work all.

Here is an example:
You have built a funny system: say “Nafanya, turn on the slow cooker / light in the toilet” and the system turns off the slow cooker or the light in the toilet, saying “I turn it on” along the way. But suddenly, because of the evil hackers of Al-Qaeda, your provider's network fell off, and after it the network of your mobile operator Rupor fell down, which provides you with a backup LTE channel. Naturally, Google TTS, which was based on your voice control system, fell off and the smart home in the blink of an eye turned into a dumb dumbass who cannot turn on anything. Enable manual control, or better yet, make the system so that it can, for example, read the weather aloud without Google's voice service. Difficult, but possible. Nobody said that deploying "Smart Home" is like installing MS Office.

Second example:
You made smart home control through an Android application, but after the malicious hacker attack described above, your smartphone could not access the cloud service and instruct the smart home to turn off the forgotten iron. Write your own application that can work remotely through the 2G network of a mobile operator or via Wi-Fi if you are in the coverage area of ​​your home hotspot.

5. The next point to remember when designing follows from the previous one: The "core" of your automation system.

Your home may have a router (ADSL, LTE or something else), a switch or some other network switching device, but a smart home should be controlled by a "core" - a separate and independent device. In no case do not combine network traffic management and home management in one piece of hardware. Now there are many routers on which you can install firmware with a miniature copy of Linux, and many people who get acquainted with this topic try to hang everything that comes to mind on such routers. Personally, I love these routers, in which you can fine-tune everything that you need, but I do not consider it correct to install controls on a device that was not originally designed for this.
Your house may be left completely without a network, but home automation should work, or vice versa, home automation may “fly out”, but this should not drag the LAN (local network) to the bottom.

6. Core placement

Under all this quotation with a router, a switch, a control system core, backup power systems, etc. you need to allocate a separate place: closet, closet, closed niche / mezzanine. Anything where there is ventilation (equipment will get warm and you need to think about cooling) and where it will not get in the way / get into your eyes. Your system should not spoil the overall look of housing and make negative changes in home comfort.

If you have a basement, then it is better to deploy your "mission control center" there.

7. Expenses

Perhaps this should have been inserted somewhere closer to the beginning, but if the previous points have not been fully worked out, then the matter may not come to expenses.
The most important thing to know is that the "Smart Home" is a damn expensive undertaking. You can do things yourself (poison boards, program microcontrollers), but this will only reduce your costs, not eliminate them altogether.
The next most important thing to consider at this point is duplication. The purchase of any equipment and performers should be doubled and always rounded up. In your house, for each performer (switches, sensors, etc.) there should be an understudy in the gas box (unless, of course, a third-party organization is engaged in servicing your house). Do not count on the fact that if something breaks, then you will go to the store and buy it.

The tension jumped. Although the protection worked, some of the built-in light switches burned out, I got sick yesterday and are lying at home with a temperature of 39.2 degrees. Let's say that you are a courageous man (that's a pun turned out), and, spitting on your health, you decide to get out of bed and replace all the switches yourself, but ... with what? Understudy.

Decided to place a camera in front of the entrance? Buy two. Have you thought that you need 12 smart switches around the house? Buy 24. Do you think it does not happen that all 12 will fly out at once? Sometimes, unfortunately, the very first thing that you should have duplicated is the core of the system.


I described a negligible part of the beginning of such a large and interesting project for most "techies" as "Smart Home". This topic affects almost all areas in IT: networks, programming, administration, automation, electrics and electronics ... and therefore it is a complex topic that requires a special approach. This can be seen from what I wrote above, but if it is not visible, then the writer in me has not matured.

There is no way to cram the entire text into one article, I have already shortened it enough, therefore there will be at least one more part of the material, which, in principle, will contain tips / recommendations on choosing software and hardware. It sounds a little strange, they say, such a variety of technologies, what advice can there be? However, there are tips and tricks even in such a situation.

Thanks to everyone for your attention, and to those who have read all this to the end.

Mankind has been dreaming of the technologies of the future for a long time, books and cinema now and then send us a couple of decades, or even hundreds of years ahead, where robots are, if not on a par with humans, then they are his assistants and advisers.

Time goes by, and that same future is inevitably approaching us, opening the doors to the vast breadth of technological progress. For example, now you can hardly surprise anyone with a robot vacuum cleaner, and it is quite possible that in 5 years such “robo-pets” will drive around most Russian apartments, led by cats and other living creatures willingly riding on them.

But the robot vacuum cleaner is not the only robot that could make life easier for Russians in the near future. And today I will tell you about a wonderful development called Cubic from Cubic Robotics.

What is Cubic? The device is positioned by the creators as an autonomous voice assistant, which can become the basis of a "smart home".

It looks like a small cube, as you might guess, in a matte silver case with a black front, a speaker and a backlight, which is an indicator that the cube is on. On all videos, it is turned on by the voice command "Cube, wake up"

The possibilities of the miracle cube are really wide.

Here are just a few of what he can do:

  • Management of equipment and all systems at home / office. At the same time, Cubic itself is controlled using voice commands.
  • Answers to user questions. All the necessary information is either in the device database or in the global Internet.
  • Providing useful tips and news, as well as weather forecasts and road conditions.
  • Organizer features. Cubic can be used as a calendar, alarm clock. At the same time, he is able to independently remind you of important dates.

Thanks to the ability to access the Internet, Cubic will be constantly improved, and users will receive new features for their device.

In response to skeptical comments from users that their smartphone can also act as an adviser and organizer, the developers emphasize that Cubic is not a mobile application, but a separate device, which makes it unique. In addition, it is a robot with its own character and personality.

By the way, about the character. Take a look at any video about Cubic and you will see that this little helper is really made with soul) He correctly forms sentences for his answers, understands some of the subtleties of the conversation, and can even become a good conversationalist. In case of misunderstandings, the robot does not give up and asks clarifying questions. Cubic is a Russian development and speaks literary Russian, which is good news.

"The inspiration for us was Jarvis (Jarvis) - the hero of the movie" Iron Man ", - say the creators of Cubic. "This is a butler, an artificial intelligence that does not have a body, but is able to control various devices in the main character's house."

As for device management (Smart Home system), it also looks very interesting. Visually, the work with the technique is shown in the following video:

As you can see, to set up the Smart Home system, you need to explain to Kubik what is in which outlet, but after that he acts on the basis of your words, that is, to turn on or off any device, you will only need to “humanly » ask the robot to do it, or even just give a hint.

The head of Cubic Robotics announced that they had finally managed to find a factory on whose production lines the first batch of voice assistants would be assembled. It is expected to be ready by this summer.

It will be possible to buy Cubic at a price of 20,000 rubles. It's a lot or a little for a nice talking "house manager", it's up to you, but one thing is clear - the Russian development shows good promise, and may well become a small (or big) breakthrough in the field of Russian robotics and voice control.

Artificial intelligence to the masses! After watching the movie "She", thousands of girls and boys were inspired by the romantic moods of the near future and dream of how the smartphone operating system will understand them from a half tone and everyone will live in perfect harmony. And if you look at things more realistically? In fact, there are already inventions that can perfectly understand you and even recognize the context of your humor.

I have known about the Cubic Robotics project for a long time, and I was surprised by the fact that so few people among my acquaintances know about it. Therefore, the material is for informational purposes only. And in order to fully understand what it is about, we decided to talk with the creators of this robot. So, Yuri Burov, founder and CEO of Cubic Robotics, answers questions and clarifications. But first, my brief opening speech.

Cubic is a robot with character. That's what it says on his website. Yes, he even has his own website and you don't. This is such an assistant that was created to become your personal smart robot. Those fairy tales and fantasy that you read were read by the developers. But after you just put the book on the shelf with the words “Wow!!”, Cubic Robotics engineers decided to act. Their brainchild is an artificial intelligence in the form of a cube. He understands not just what you ask him or ask him. The cube is aware of the context of the sentence, offers the most correct answer in a suitable situation. He can read the news to you, give you advice, wake you up in the morning and remind you to exercise. And even manage household appliances in the house. Yes, there is technology! He even knows how to joke! Smart robot with Russian flavor.

We did not manage to meet personally with the guys - they flew to Boston on business. But they managed to answer my questions in writing. You are welcome to read.

How it works? In details. Explain what is inside and why a cube and not a ball or a rhombus?

The basis of Cubic is a minicomputer, a speaker, microphones, a radio transmitter for controlling sockets and a backlight. Our main development is a complex microphone system that allows the cube to hear at a great distance, up to 10 meters ideally. And, of course, the "intelligence" itself, the voice operating system VOIS (Voice intellectual operation system). She is the one who answers your questions and understands what you are saying.

The shape of the cube was chosen by us as the most stable, "monolithic". Our robot does not plan to move around the room, it must become its "center", and therefore it needs stability.
In addition, it is quite difficult to integrate the electronic “stuffing” into a rhombic or spherical case, which, moreover, needs to be cooled.

What is the system and information update rate of Cubic?

As for the exchange of data with the server, this happens quite quickly, it takes much longer to wait for a response from some people than from Kubik. Yes, the capacity of the minicomputer itself is not enough to analyze the data, and the answers are generated on the server.

If we are talking about the emergence of new functionality and increasing vocabulary, then this work is ongoing, we roll out updates every 1-2 days.

As for what words to add to the brain of the cube, serious work is being done here: the team has linguists and screenwriters who are responsible for building semantic schemes. You need to understand that the Cube is a gadget that works using VOIS, which we have already talked about. The basis of the principle of VOIS is the ability to understand the context of the conversation. When a question comes to the server, it starts looking for options that could be suitable as an answer. To do this, we use several different engines from a classic chatbot to a statistical search algorithm based on dialogues.

For example, the user asked - "What is there on the street"?

There are several answers to this question. Among other things, the server will consider the following options:

- It's 25 degrees outside and the sun is shining.

- There are very serious traffic jams on the street, you should not go by car.

And a search for successful dialogues can give out something like: “You yourself can see, unlike me, you have legs.”

There can be quite a lot (hundreds) of correct answers. It is important to choose from them the one that the user needs right now. The context check algorithm (statistical) is responsible for this. It can show that if the database has information that the user has a car, then he is most likely interested in traffic jams. And if the user just talked about the weather (for example, he asked the weather for tomorrow), then it is more logical to answer him about the weather outside.

Determining the context is a difficult task. It is partly based on the analysis of the existing base of correct dialogues. Some rules have to be written manually, others follow from formal logic. For example, the most simple and effective rule is that if two answers are equally good, then the one whose topic is closest to the last conversation will be chosen.

How many people do you have in your company? How many are working on polishing Cubic, and how many are working on PR advertising and instagramming Cubic himself?

The company today has 10 people, 8 of which are closely involved in the creation of the product and technology platform. The other two are involved in external communications, whether it's dealing with the media or building a marketing strategy and sales channel. In general, we started doing marketing about 3 months ago, when we already had a ready-made prototype.

Please explain why a Cubic user needs if he has Siri or Google Now and is not too lazy to go to the outlet to turn on electronic devices?

For starters, Siri doesn't speak Russian. Secondly, to ask a question, you need to run the application: it does not hear you 24 hours a day. The cube, unlike Siri, is 24/7 work, voice recognition at a great distance and a completely voice mode of operation. The cube does not have a screen, so it gives out all answers exclusively by voice, and also has a tendency to conduct dialogues and clarifying questions in those places where mobile assistants display content on the screen.

The problem with many intelligent assistants is that they are completely impersonal. We focus on the “character” of the device, which makes it easier for people to have a dialogue with the machine: they remain within the framework of their usual logic.

What are you going to improve? What will Cubic be able to do next, besides turning on the lamps and the fan and assisting as a voice assistant?

Our plans include the creation of an ecosystem that would unite several user devices. Home robot Cubic, smart radio in the car, application in the smartphone, united by one intelligence. All this is already possible, based on our OS. In addition, we will soon have an API that will allow other developers to create their own applications for Cubic.

The Cube itself can become the brain of a smart home, and manage a much larger number of systems. In the near future, such solutions will be quite expensive, but there will be demand for them.

So, in the future, he will be able to become a butler in a smart apartment? Will be able.

Sasha Brad,
electronics engineer Cubic Robotics

What about a friend? I mean, is the Cube only needed to assist, or will it become a full-fledged robot that can replace a person? In addition, in the group you wrote that you hope that your project will someday reach the level of development, like the operating system in the movie “Her”. Are these dreams or will you really work in this direction?

As for the film "Her" - we would certainly like to reach this level of technological development. However, you need to understand that this is still fiction, which is far from everyone: monsters like Google, and startups like us. Our dream is to create an operating system that could understand a person and anticipate his desires.

For example, at 12.00 hours and the operating system invites you to have lunch. Based on the recommendations of your doctor, she chooses a diet, after which she determines the nearest restaurant where there are suitable dishes. And then - invites you to go there.

As for friendship and the replacement of a human by a robot, we would hardly want this. AI (artificial intelligence) should understand a person, help him in a difficult situation. But the final decision should still be up to the individual.

Will Cubic move? Will his legs grow? And will he acquire human traits in the future?

You need to understand that the creation of an anthropomorphic robot that can walk and perform some functions is a very expensive task. The common man cannot afford it. Therefore, in the near future, the legs of the cube will not grow. As for the intelligence itself, the voice operating system, it can be integrated into almost any such device. Whether this will be implemented, we don't know yet.

It is planned to launch the Cube in the USA, it is being tested in a hospital in Irkutsk on weekends. When does the free sale of Cubic start? On what platforms? And do you have any forecasts - how many people will want to buy such a robot?

Free sales of the Cube will begin quite soon: initially, our plans were for the end of May, the beginning of June. We will sell on our website, now we are finishing the new version. In terms of demand, we already have about 1,500 applications for the purchase of Cubic, which is already more than the first batch of the robot.

Now part of our team practically lives in China, in a factory that assembles devices. If all goes well, we will soon get the first industrial design.

Is there a specific audience that you targeted your idea to?

There is. First of all, these are people who constantly want to try something new, who follow technological innovations. Geeks, as they are sometimes called.

Think back to the last reviews you received about your brainchild.

Basically we get questions. In fact, many write that the project is cool and want to take part in its creation. There are also reviews from venture investors, for example, RBC asked Sergey Toporov, senior investment manager at LETA Capital, about the cube, and this is what he answered:

“The world will in any case come to the active use of personal assistants. Prerequisites are already increasingly penetrating into our lives: Siri or SpeakToIT, GoogleNow, DriveAssistant in cars, decision support systems, etc. It is obvious that the creation of a working solution will require a lot of time and resources, since the creation of a single "smart" system is a very multifaceted task, which includes many subsystems, both at the hardware and software levels. Bringing this idea to Cube might be the right move for two reasons. Firstly, it will give some kind of "animation" of the program. According to the founders of Cubic Robotics, this should be a “listening” device, and apart from being tested by the market, this hypothesis cannot be refuted or confirmed in any way.”

What do you think about the Hyperkolobok project? Do you consider him your competitor?

It is difficult for us to talk about this project, we have not seen a working prototype. And no one saw.

They write that you have dreamed of creating robots since childhood. Cubic- is this the robot that lived in your imagination? Or is this just the beginning? What is it, an ideal robot and an ideal artificial intelligence in your understanding?

The cube is a robot that was born in our minds. We have been looking for the “same” format for a long time and, after quite a long search, we have come to the right place. As for the ideal robot or AI, it should be “for a person”. Most of the robots in films and books, they are for themselves - exactly follow the orders of a person, but at the same time, if a person orders them to tear off his leg, they will tear it off.

In a mild version, this is C3PO, they give him a command, he carries it out, but at the same time he grumbles: “What the hell should I do this, it’s dangerous, and it will harm them, but I will do it.”

Artificial intelligence in our model is independent, but at the same time it accepts a person as he is and tries to help him, based on his situation.

That is, in our understanding, if the AI ​​​​learns that a person has committed a crime, it will advise him to surrender to the authorities. At the same time, he will choose the option of how this person receives the minimum punishment.

He will not advise him on illegal ways to escape punishment, but at the same time he will not say that the person is bad. He will say that he understands that the person in this situation acted badly and, based on his previous life, this was a logical consequence, but at the same time, if he, the person, wants to improve.


Until Kubik prepares you for an escape or suggests articles of the criminal code. I personally hope that even if he will be able to do this, such skills will never be useful to him, you really try. So far, he has peaceful conversations with you about the weather, politics, and turns on a fan for you when it's hot, or a light when it's dark. Knows how to joke and probably understands what sarcasm is and how to use it in a way that will cheer you up. Guys-engineers consistently “roll out” information and fresh photos of their robot in groups
