How to rid your dog of dog smell. Natural and pathological reasons why a dog smells

In the big cities of the modern world, sometimes the touch of nature and the real warmth of selfless devotion are so lacking. Communication with pets, especially dogs, can give these sensations to everyone.

But often people are afraid to have dogs, fearing the appearance of the specific smell of the animal in the house and, especially, on the clothes of the owners. Why does dog smell occur and how can you eliminate it? In fact, achieving freshness in an apartment is not at all that difficult.

A healthy, clean, well-groomed dog has almost no odor. You can only notice the presence of such pets by smell if you are in close proximity to them; their “aroma” does not spread throughout the rooms and does not linger on objects. But for this you need to follow some rules.

First of all, a strong, unpleasant odor can be a sign of illness in your pet. Usually, various diseases have an additional smell, in addition to the smell of the dog. But in any case, a persistent odor that remains even after bathing and drying is a reason to contact a veterinarian. A specific odor appears in case of skin diseases, especially in the presence of pus, and diseases of the kidneys and urinary system lead to the appearance of an ammonia odor. When there is a disease of the digestive system, problems with stool and a corresponding smell naturally appear. A strong dog smell without impurities can be a sign of poor nutrition, metabolic disorders or hormonal imbalances.

Thorough cleaning of the room will also help get rid of the dog smell. Cleaning involves removing and disinfecting stains left by the dog (urine, excretions). To remove hair, you need to vacuum, wet clean, clean the sleeping area and regularly change the dog litter.

The unpleasant dog odor is produced by the sebaceous and sweat glands. The smell is worse in summer in hot weather, after swimming or when the dog is wet. Males smell stronger than females; females have increased discharge and odor during heat. When dogs are stressed, they secrete more aromatic substances as a form of defensive response to danger.

In order to prevent the dog from smelling and its aroma from spreading throughout the house, you need to monitor its health and cleanliness. The main measures to combat dog odor are hygiene for your pet. This concept includes not only bathing, but also cleaning the dog’s ears and teeth, combing the dog’s fur, especially during shedding, and regularly changing the animal’s bedding and other household items. After walks, you should wash or wipe your paws with a damp cloth, after bathing, dry your dog, and you should also remove discharge from the eyes and nose, especially if it is frequent and abundant.

Any shampoos and hygiene products sold in pet stores are suitable for care. Deodorizing products are also sold for decorative dogs, but you need to be careful with them, because a dog’s sense of smell is stronger than a human’s and not every animal likes the presence of foreign aromas. Baby shampoos can be an alternative, but their use is not advisable. You can also wipe your eyes and ears with a regular cotton swab and water. Among the folk remedies to remove dog odor, a solution of vinegar and water (1/3) is used, which can be used to wipe the animal after bathing.

The presence of a dog's individual odor is the norm, but there are breeds that smell much less. First of all, these include hunting breeds (a strong smell can interfere with hunting): greyhounds, setters, hounds, spaniels.

One of the main sources of odor is the undercoat, so hairless dog breeds and breeds that do not have it have a weak odor, for example, Chinese Crested, Mexican Hairless Dogs, American Hairless Terrier, Yorkie Terrier, Maltese, Cairn Terrier and others. Short-haired dogs: Dachshunds, Dobermans, Great Danes also smell less.

In contrast to these breeds, shepherd dogs, guard dogs with thick hair and undercoat, have a strong dog smell.

Regardless of the choice of breed, proper care will allow the owner to enjoy all the advantages of communicating with wonderful animals without being distracted by their smell.

Four-legged friends have their own specific natural smell, which is determined by the physiological structure of the skin. However, a change and intensification of the natural aroma can be caused not only by violation of hygiene rules, but also by the development of a number of diseases. Specially developed products will help you get rid of the unpleasant odor, as well as following the rules of caring for your pet.

Read in this article

The main reasons why a dog smells

Experienced dog breeders and veterinarians distinguish several groups of causes of unpleasant odor in dogs:

  • Physiological. Until 3 - 4 months, puppies do not have the specific aroma characteristic of an adult dog. Each dog, due to the anatomical structure of its skin, has an odor resulting from the work of the sebaceous glands. It is a generally accepted fact that males smell more intensely than females. At the same time, in females during estrus, the natural odor increases due to hormonal changes.

The specific aroma serves to attract males and may be unpleasant to the human nose. In some individuals, by the time sexual development completes (1.5 - 2 years), the hormonal levels stabilize, and they stop emitting an unpleasant odor during estrus. Owners of spayed and neutered pets note that after surgery the problem ceases to be relevant.

Seasonal reasons also fall into this category. So, in the summer, especially on hot days, the smell from a furry pet becomes more intense. The heavy spirit of the animal increases after swimming or rain, when the coat gets wet.

  • As it dries, the intensity decreases. Hygienic.

This category primarily includes violation of the rules for caring for the skin and coat of furry friends. Accumulated dust and dirt in thick wool are an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms. Bacteria, viruses, yeast-like fungi, intensively multiplying on the skin and dirty wool, emit a specific odor.

  • Irregular combing, infrequent water treatments, improper use of detergents, and irregular trimming are common causes of stench from animals. Pedigree

. There are dog breeds that, due to physiological characteristics, have a more pronounced odor. Basset hounds, American cocker spaniels, Newfoundlands, as well as many hunting dogs, such as shorthaired pointers, pointers, and pointers, smell much more intensely.

  • This feature is associated with genetically predisposed seborrhea of ​​the skin and the functioning of the sebaceous glands of dogs hunting waterfowl. Allergic
  • . The presence of an allergic reaction in a furry pet to chemicals, household pesticides, or food components often leads to skin irritation. Rash, itching, scratching provoke a violation of the integrity of the skin, the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, which is accompanied by an unpleasant dog aroma. A fish mono-diet is especially often the cause of stench from a pet. The cause of the stench from a pet can be some diseases: bacterial infections, dental problems, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, stomach, kidneys, as well as oncological pathologies.

The increased smell from the animal may remind the owner of the stench from fish, rotten meat, or dog. Various “flavors” usually have their own reasons.

The dog smells like fish and mice

If the owner detects the smell of fish from a pet, the smell of old men's socks,
“mouse” stench, then the cause of this phenomenon may be diseases of the internal organs.

The smell of rotten fish may primarily indicate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. , liver disease is the most common cause of putrid stench from a pet.

Often, no other symptoms of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, except for the smell from the mouth, are observed.

The stench from a dog is often a sign of the development of kidney pathology, diseases of the respiratory system and metabolism. For example, diabetes mellitus can be accompanied not only by a pronounced ammonia smell, but also by rotten meat.

The stench comes from the pet and with such pathology as inflammation of the paraanal glands. These formations are located under the tail and for a number of reasons can become inflamed.

A foul-smelling secretion accumulates in the anus area, which gives a stench not only to the animal itself, but also to the room in which it is located.

To learn why a dog may have an unpleasant odor, watch this video:

She smells strongly of dog

Any dog ​​smells like a dog. However, if the smell becomes strong, it poses a problem for the owner and household. First of all, the animal must be thoroughly combed and washed. For this purpose, you can use a special detergent that eliminates odors.

If the unpleasant phenomenon cannot be eliminated using hygiene procedures, it is worth looking for the cause of the stench in the pet’s health. The owner should first rule out food allergies. Even the most expensive and high-quality food is not a guarantee that the dog is not allergic to the components of the mixture. The most common allergic reaction to chicken is

The next step should be to visit a veterinarian with your pet. A biochemical blood and urine test prescribed by a doctor will help identify the level of liver enzymes, detect renal pathology, and rule out diabetes mellitus. The veterinarian will also examine the animal’s oral cavity for the presence of dental diseases.

Causes of bad breath, ears and paws

Inflammation of the gums, caries, periodontitis, injuries and bruises of the jaw are often the cause of a disgusting odor from a dog’s mouth. Irregular brushing of teeth or its complete absence also leads to the accumulation of food particles between the teeth, the formation of tartar, and the development of putrefactive bacteria, which are the source of stench from the animal.

In the early stages of tartar development, you can get rid of the problem by regularly brushing your pet’s teeth with special pastes. Professional ultrasonic cleaning of the oral cavity in a specialized clinic effectively combats plaque and tartar.

Many owners note a stink from their dog's limbs. This is due to the fact that between the fingertips there are special glands that cause a unique “trace” smell from the pet. The glands can become inflamed or simply produce an increased amount of secretion, which is the cause of the unpleasant amber.

Inflammatory processes due to infection of wounds, splinters, and abrasions can also cause stench from paws. Regularly treating paws with disinfectant solutions after a walk will help prevent this unpleasant phenomenon.

To learn how to brush your dog's teeth at home, watch this video:

Why does urine stink?

The cause of the strong smell of urine in a dog is often an error in feeding. If there is too much protein in your pet's diet, a disturbance in nitrogen metabolism occurs, which is accompanied by an ammonia-like odor in the urine. Correcting the diet in terms of nutrients and enriching feed with vitamins and minerals will normalize the situation after a while.

However, the stench can also have a pathological cause. With the development of renal failure, the composition of urine changes sharply, which is accompanied by the appearance of an ammonia odor when urinating.

A strong stench can come from urine and with the development of diabetes. The disease is accompanied by a violation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, as a result of which the urine becomes odorous. Having discovered such a phenomenon, the owner should not hesitate to visit a veterinarian.

How to get rid of smell in an apartment

Interior items, upholstered furniture, carpets, textile coverings quickly absorb the unpleasant odor emanating from the pet. The owner can get rid of it by following the tips and rules:

  • Carry out wet cleaning and ventilation of the room daily. Effectively eliminates stench and stench by adding disinfectants based on chlorine, citric acid, and vinegar to the water for washing floors.
  • In your pet's resting areas, special neutralizers must be used. Dog odor eliminaters contain aromatic substances that act at the molecular level. In a specialized store you can purchase products both for treating your dog and for neutralizing the smell in the room.

When using disinfectants and aromatic agents, one should not forget that they only eliminate and mask the stench, but do not eliminate the true cause of the phenomenon.

To learn how to get rid of an unpleasant odor from a dog or cat, watch this video:

Help from a veterinarian

If compliance with hygienic rules for caring for an animal does not bring tangible results, you should seek advice from a veterinarian. First of all, the doctor will conduct a general examination of the animal with a mandatory examination of the oral cavity. This simple manipulation allows you to identify dental problems: tartar, caries, inflammation in the gums, teeth, and pharynx.

Palpation and examination of the retropharyngeal and submandibular nodes will also help in establishing the cause of bad breath. Examination of the auricle using a special device will help rule out otitis media. A skin scraping is taken if otodectosis is suspected.

A general clinical examination will help identify inflammatory processes in the paraanal glands. The veterinarian will clean them and give recommendations to the owner on caring for the pet. If gastritis is suspected, the animal is prescribed endoscopy. Liver pathology can be identified by deviations in enzyme levels in a biochemical blood test. Clinical examination of urine allows us to exclude kidney pathology and diabetes mellitus.

The specific smell in dogs is determined by physiological and breed characteristics. The stench from animals, as a rule, has pathological causes and is associated with diseases of the oral cavity, otitis media, inflammatory processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and respiratory system.

If hygiene procedures do not bring tangible results, the owner should contact a veterinarian to identify the pathology.

Many people do not get a dog for only one reason - because of the dog smell that these animals emit. Naturally, ardent lovers of these pets will say a contemptuous “fee”, because, in their opinion, such a small drawback cannot force them to abandon their four-legged friend, now and in the future. And besides, sometimes the smell is almost elusive and almost unnoticeable. So why does a dog smell like a dog, what does the degree of “aromatization” depend on, and is it possible to completely rid a pet of a specific aroma?

When choosing a puppy, future owners take into account many factors: the size of the home and the pet, the breed, what the dog is for, how it treats kids and whether it can get along with other four-legged birds, etc. and so on.

However, many people overlook the fact that some breeds have a very unusual smell. And they learn that their new family member smells quite strongly when the ward grows up.

"Fragrant" breeds

When purchasing a Shar Pei, American or English Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Beagle or Bloodhound puppy, you need to keep in mind that these dogs top the lists of the “stinkiest” breeds. But dog breeders can argue that with proper care, their pets smell no more than other dogs of less fragrant breeds. Although you should not try to completely rid your pet of the aroma - this is a thankless, and most importantly, useless task.

The owner's subtle instincts

In addition, all dogs smell like dogs, but the intensity of the smell varies. People who have had pets for years stop noticing this nuance and get used to it. But beginners will definitely catch it.

Why do pocket dogs have a stronger smell?

Not long ago it was possible to find out why representatives of decorative breeds smell sharper than their larger counterparts. As it turned out, the whole point is in improper care - babies are usually bathed more often than expected, using inappropriate products, treated to forbidden food, and cut, even if the breed does not require this. In theory, small dogs should emit a weaker aroma than large dogs.

Puppies don't smell!

Any specialist will confirm that babies under 4 months do not have a specific amber.

If suddenly the aroma began to hover...

Usually, owners stop paying attention to the “smell” emitted by their pet. But sometimes it becomes more intense than usual, and this fact should alert you. This phenomenon may be a symptom of a disease or a signal of poor nutrition.

Physiological features

Canines hardly sweat, so you shouldn’t compare a dog’s spirit with sweat. Almost every animal in the wild has individual odors - they act as communicative and protective means. Most often, glands are sources of specific odors (not necessarily dogs).

Located in the skin

Their main function is the production and secretion of lubricant that covers the coat. It depends on how many glands a dog has and how sensitive they are whether the breed will be odorless or odorless.

Most dogs designed to work on ponds or in harsh climatic conditions have more glands. The skin of those with short fur is protected only by a layer of fat, so for the most part they are also very “fragrant”.

In dogs that do not have an undercoat, the secretion of lubricant occurs more intensely, so their wet coat begins to smell stronger than usual.


They are located between the animal’s fingers and produce sweat, which has a peculiar odor. According to some owners, their pets' paws stink like a dirty rag, while others' paws smell like the scent of fresh baked goods. It turns out that dogs' sweat smells differently, being an individual trace.

To eliminate unpleasant odor from paws, it is recommended to wash them or wipe them with a damp cloth after each walk. By the way, in winter and summer, dogs’ limbs begin to “smell” more intensely. If the dog receives the necessary care, his paws will not smell much, with the exception of dogs for whom scent is a breed trait.

Unlike humans, the sebaceous glands of dogs do not affect the processes of thermoregulation, but through them toxic substances are removed from the body. This is especially noticeable when the animal becomes ill or undergoes aggressive therapy.

It is also necessary to take into account that through the sebaceous glands in dogs, a special secretory fluid is secreted, containing external secretion products that attract individuals of the opposite sex. After sterilization, this feature of the pet almost does not function.

The owner needs to be wary if his puppy suddenly acquires the smell of a dog or an adult, odorless pet suddenly begins to smell strongly. In any case, medical attention is required - diagnosis, and possibly treatment.

Pathologies and special periods accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor

It is not always the dog smell that comes from dogs; in some cases, we are talking about other, also unpleasant aromas. For example, bitches before, during, or after heat may smell strongly. This problem can be solved if you regularly wash the intimate area of ​​the animal, washing away dried bloody discharge that exudes a putrid odor.

In addition, the cause of the stench may not be the fur or skin. If an unpleasant aroma begins to emanate from your pet, you can sniff certain parts of the body. Perhaps the following are to blame for this symptom:

  1. Ears. They can smell for various reasons. Most often, the “smell” is a mixture of dirt, plaque and earwax, which can be eliminated by regular ear cleaning. An aroma with “notes of sweetness” can signal an inflammatory process – otitis media. With improper nutrition, the ears also suffer; if the dog eats sweet, smoked, spicy, or baked goods, they literally begin to stink.
  2. Eyelids. Minor inflammation or progressive conjunctivitis is also accompanied by a stench that seems to come from the pet's skin. If there are no external signs of the inflammatory process, you can test your theory by washing the dog’s eyes with warm boiled water, tea leaves or chamomile infusion. If the aroma has become barely perceptible, then the dog’s eyes require treatment.
  3. Oral cavity. Dogs are susceptible to various diseases of teeth and gums; they may develop decay, tartar, and inflammation of soft tissues. In addition, bad breath may be the result of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract or metabolic processes.

Experienced dog breeders know that the source of a bad odor is not difficult to identify. Especially often, the aroma of a dog turns out to be a stench emanating from the animal’s ears.

Inadequate nutrition is another common reason why your dog starts to smell like a dog. Cheap, low-quality food, scraps from the master's table, delicacies in the form of confectionery - such food makes even representatives of odorless breeds smell fragrant.

We must not forget about the individual characteristics of the pet; some animals are lactose intolerant, others are allergic to fish or chicken. If you treat this with disdain, the pet will sooner or later begin to get sick, look bad and smell bad.

Common non-pathological causes

The following phenomena can also lead to unpleasant symptoms:

All of the above are completely understandable phenomena that can be predicted. The intensity of the smell can only be reduced by carefully taking care of the hygiene of your four-legged friend.

Dog smell is a symptom of illness

A sudden, persistent odor that hits the nose is, in fact, most often a sign of illness. Moreover, the owner most likely missed the initial stage of the disease, and the pathological process is in full swing. The following symptoms should alert every owner:

  • change in the quality of wool: dullness, disheveledness, thinning, appearance of bald spots;
  • skin problems - rash, inflammation, scratched areas, wounds, sebum stains;
  • excessive lubrication is a sure sign of metabolic processes failure.

Skin and fur are among the first indicators - their condition worsens with various disorders in the body. The most common causes are helminthiasis and allergic reactions. With non-advanced forms of pathologies, the dog can be quickly cured and body functions restored. But diagnostics can reveal more serious health problems.

If the quality of the coat and skin has not changed, it is recommended to bathe the dog. And if after the event a sweetish smell begins to emanate from it, you need to take a biochemical blood test at the clinic. Often this symptom, along with indigestion and a strong smell of feces, is a sign of liver dysfunction. Liver tests will reveal pathology.

If the stench comes from the mouth, you should examine it for the presence of affected areas, blisters, wounds, rashes, and ulcerations. Rotten teeth can also be detected during the examination. But if everything is fine with the dog’s oral cavity, the cause should be looked for elsewhere - undergo an examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fighting dog odor

If in the case of pathological conditions everything is more or less clear, then what to do if the pet is healthy, but has a very rich aroma? You can resort to the following procedures:

  1. Bathe your pet without using shampoo or with laundry soap. It is worth noting that if he does not like water and reacts sharply to the process, after washing the amber can only intensify. It will be possible to fully evaluate the changes only after the dog’s fur has dried.
  2. Wash the fragrant dog with a special shampoo designed to remove dog odor. It is not recommended to use a hairdryer for drying, at least on the hot drying setting, as when the skin heats up, it begins to release more grease.
  3. It is worth assessing the condition of your pet's bed; perhaps it needs cleaning, washing or complete replacement.
  4. If your pet has its own wardrobe, it is worth washing the clothes and hanging them to dry in fresh air for ventilation.
  5. The dog should be taught to wash or wipe its paws after every walk. This procedure should become daily, regardless of the weather and time of year.
  6. Hygiene comes first - dogs with long hair should trim the hairs growing on their paws between the toes and pads, as they get very dirty, soaked in sweat and smell strongly. The same should be done in the anus and genital area. Ear cleaning should be carried out according to a schedule - for dogs with long ears it is recommended to do this once a week, for dogs with erect ears - a couple of times a month. Teeth brushing is another necessary preventive procedure that almost all dogs need. The owner needs to purchase a special brush and paste, and also periodically pamper the pet with dental treats and toys.
  7. You should take care of your pet's fur. Dogs with long coats are brushed 2-3 times a week, and during seasonal shedding - every day. It is advisable to use brushes with natural bristles. Short-haired animals are treated with a massage brush or glove that removes dead hair and massages the skin. Those with coarse fur require regular trimming - plucking out old hairs. It is done in a salon or the owners master this technique on their own.

Future dog owners should understand that dog smell is a natural phenomenon, and it will not be possible to completely rid your pet of it. But proper care, care and time will make it less noticeable. And if a person does not agree to put up with him, then he should give up the idea of ​​having a four-legged barking friend.

Every living creature has its own smell. And this smell is not always pleasant for everyone. In particular, sometimes the dog smells bad. It seems to us that the dog stinks of dog. But that's not true. After all, this is her natural “aroma”. It’s just this kind of naturalness that you need to fight against. And to do this it is necessary to consider the essence of the problem.

What makes a dog smell like dog?

There are several reasons why this smell is pronounced:

  • Poor hygiene. The dog must be bathed at least 3 times a month.
  • Stress. When dogs are stressed, they smell stronger. This is a protective reaction of the body;
  • Poor nutrition. The dog should eat special food, not your food;
  • Disease. Contact your veterinarian. Perhaps the dog is sick!

And it’s worth remembering that an animal is not a plush toy. It cannot smell like perfume or synthetics. Therefore, there will be a slight smell of dog in any case. And if you do not agree with this, then it is better not to have such pets.

What to do?

If your dog smells like dog, then you can take the following measures:

  1. Wash the dog with a special shampoo for animals;
  2. Clean the dog's paws and tail after every walk;
  3. Buy your dog a bone to clean his teeth to prevent bad breath;
  4. Don't let your pet wander through garbage dumps.

The dog should also be walked regularly. Otherwise, she will turn your house into her toilet. And it will smell pretty bad. In this case, the dog itself will not have such a smell. In general, well-groomed animals do not stink. And if you take care of your pet, there will be no problems with this.

Veterinarians' opinion

Additionally, you should consult a veterinarian even if your pet is healthy. After all, this way you can choose a good shampoo for dogs or other means to combat odor.

It is worth noting that often the smell of a dog comes from the animal’s ears. Treat this part of the body and the problem can be avoided.

What not to do?

Do not spray your dog with perfume or air freshener. Dogs have a good sense of smell. And a pleasant aroma for us can have a bad effect on them. As a result, the animal may simply cease to distinguish odors.

There is also no need to use folk remedies. For example, you should not treat your dog with vinegar, as some people say. Such experiments can harm the animal.

And don’t think that only large and medium-sized dogs can smell. There are many topics on forums that describe the problem of bad smell in expensive lap dogs. Little depends on the breed and size.

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Very often you can hear the following from dog owners: “I don’t know what happened, but my dog ​​started... smelling unpleasant, and thus causing me some discomfort.” I would like to say right away that every dog ​​has its own special smell, and when you bring an animal into your home, you must be prepared for this. It's a different matter when it comes to an unpleasant odor that suddenly appears out of nowhere and is added to the specific dog odor. What to do in this case?
About, why does your dog suddenly start to smell, and how to deal with such unpleasant “odors”– our publication today...

First of all, in order to answer the question - Why does your dog have a bad odor?, you need to know the following.

Dogs completely lack sweat glands, therefore, the source of such an unpleasant odor can only be... wool.

Oh, that means you need to do it more regularly. The optimal frequency of bathing, which will allow both the animal to be clean, and you not to cover your nose when you are near your dog, and the dog’s skin and coat will not be too dry, is considered to be once a week. If, due to circumstances, the animal is completely indoors, you can bathe it less often, but if it is regular and on a schedule, you will have to maintain fur hygiene more often...

Also, it is necessary to bathe the dog correctly - no “human” means, no matter how expensive and fragrant they may be. Only special shampoo for dogs. Likewise, if, for example, your dog does not have fleas, you should not wash it with anti-flea shampoo, since the latter is very toxic and can, if used frequently without the need (presence of fleas), harm both the health and condition of your dog’s coat. Yes, and as a matter of fact, it doesn’t remove the smell... Well, what will help you cope with the unpleasant “aroma” is a special conditioner (in addition to shampoo). It will not only give the animal’s fur a pleasant smell, but will also take care of the coat, making it softer, silkier and shiny.

If you notice that after water treatments, the dog begins to itch (we can immediately rule out the presence of fleas) - the shampoo and conditioner will have to be replaced with other products, since your pet has developed a skin allergy to them (this also happens), or you are not very thoroughly washed off all these products from the animal’s body...

As for using a hair dryer, only on a regulator that is set to minimum or gentle mode, and only at the request of your dog.
As practice shows, in five cases out of ten, by improving your pet’s personal hygiene and using properly selected dog hair care products, you will very soon stop noticing that your dog smells, because the smell will disappear by itself...

Is it possible to use special deodorizing agents for dogs in order to kill the specific smell?

As a rule, this question is asked by those five out of ten people who, despite the hygiene of the dog, still feel an unpleasant odor emanating from it. You can use it - who will forbid you, especially since such perfumes, deodorants and eau de toilette for dogs periodically appear on the shelves of special veterinary stores. But, as practice shows,

If your dog still smells after a bath, then if you spray him from head to toe with dog perfume, nothing good will come of it. Maybe for the first five minutes you will only feel the subtle aroma of a cosmetic product, and then... your pet’s specific dog smell will be added to its notes, and such a cocktail of aromas is unlikely to be one of those that you want to inhale again and again...

In addition, very often such “fragrances” for dogs become the cause of serious allergic reactions, and can even lead to the fact that the animal can. And, a dog without this sense organ and this ability is simply not allowed...

So, you've faithfully managed to follow all of our instructions regarding your dog's personal hygiene, but... he still smells? Then, you need to turn your attention to... the diet of your four-legged friend.

In the case when the dog’s body does not receive certain useful substances, vitamins, and metabolic processes are “knocked down,” the animal’s body can let you know about it in this “smelling” way.
If this option does not give adequate results, again, seek advice from specialists, since the “root” of the smell may be hidden in some dangerous diseases and fungal infections of the skin, which can occur in a latent form in the animal’s body. You will have to take tests and undergo a full course of examination in order to accurately determine the source of this smell...

Be that as it may, an unpleasant smell is not a reason to get rid of the animal. When you took him into your home, you took on the obligation to take care of him, in sickness and in health, and in the presence of an unpleasant “aroma”...

Video on how to care for dog fur:

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