What is the name of the birthday gift list. baby shower

Hello, dear readers of the blog about original congratulations! Today I will tell you what a Wishlist is, what it is for and how to use it.

In general, I myself am for unexpected gifts, but in fairness I must say that there are people who like certainty. Well, you know, there are those pragmatists who always know what they want and get upset when they get something else.

I used to think that only men like practical gifts. It turns out not. I often visit various forums where I see comments from girls that they can't stand surprises. That’s lucky for their “halves”, right 😉 ? They said what you need - you bought it, and your head doesn’t hurt, you don’t need to think about how to please your beloved?

For such pragmatic people, the wishlist is a real lifesaver. And for the guests invited to the festive event - a great joy.

Usually, how is it? You are invited to a feast. You, of course, rejoice at the first moment, and then the thought comes: what to give as a gift? And the quest called "Choose a cool gift" begins.

And if the person inviting you has a wishlist, then preparing a gift becomes a “technical matter”.

So, let's figure out what kind of miracle it is.

Wishlist translated from English - a wish list.

Remember, many in childhood wrote a letter to Santa Claus about what they want to receive as a gift for the New Year? And thanks to this list, parents could fulfill these desires (at least some of them). Agree, this is a real way to give a child a little miracle.

But in our traditions, this is still a “letter to Santa Claus”. But among the Americans, such lists are called "Wishlist" (wish list). Although, in my opinion, in fact it is one and the same.

What are the benefits of wishlists?

Adults also want their wishes to come true, so the tradition of making a wish list has gradually spread to the adult part of the population. Especially now, when many people practice the method of visualizing what they want (this is when you imagine that you have ALREADY become the owner of what you really want to receive).

But in order for your desire to come true for sure, you need to clearly formulate it and be sure to write it down on a piece of paper.

There is a great exercise:

You need to take a piece of paper and a pen and write 100 of your desires. Your first thought will be: “Yes, it’s easy!”. But when you sit down and start writing down, you will be able to write about fifty at once, no more. Further it will be more and more difficult. But you need to continue until your "List of 100" is typed.

And the most interesting thing about this exercise is that your true desires will be in the last twenty of your list. Why? Because what we sincerely want is hidden somewhere in the depths of our soul. Although it seems to us that we want the same as everyone else. In fact, everything that is at the top of the list is usually dictated by advertising, society, environment.

So it turns out: everyone wants, and I want. But it is important to get to the bottom and find your own, deep desires. Moreover, it may turn out that it is not at all difficult for you to fulfill them now.

Interesting experience - test yourself!

And, interestingly, desires begin to come true! Even if you just wrote this list and don't open it anymore.

In 2010, I wrote my wish list on file and forgot about it. A few months ago, I accidentally discovered it and was surprised - half of what I wrote then came true. Well, isn't it a miracle?

But the most important and practical use of a wishlist for congratulations is to provide guests with the opportunity to choose a gift from the list of options prepared by the hero of the holiday.

It turns out a double benefit: the birthday boy gets what he really wants, and the guests do not need to rack their brains over gift ideas. That's what a wishlist is!

Yes, in this case there will be no surprise. But, believe me, for the person who took care of compiling the wishlist, this is only a plus. So don't even worry about it!

How to make a wishlist?

If you are preparing a wish list for any holiday occasion, there are two ways to prepare a wishlist.

  • This can be done in the form of a printed list on a regular sheet of paper in the form of a table in which to make columns: the name of the gift, wishes for it (model, color, size, etc.), the estimated price and provide a column in order to enter the name there the person who chose this idea for implementation.

Or make a list on one of the ready-made wishlist templates, like this.

  • The second option is to use online services, which are already enough (type the phrase “Wishlist online” in any search engine and choose the one you like best), and create your wish list right on the site. This, perhaps, is even convenient, because. there you can attach pictures, specify a link to a specific product in the catalog of the online store.

Another plus of online wishlists is that this list can be sent to invited guests via social networks.

By the way, there you can also make a wishlist for yourself, in which you will create a list of gifts for those you want to congratulate on the New Year. Such a list of gifts is very convenient in terms of visualization - you see pictures of gifts, links at hand, the cost and to whom exactly which gift you have chosen. Then it remains only to purchase these goods and prepare them for delivery.

What holidays can I make a wishlist for?

Wishlist for the birth of a child

In my opinion, this is the most common reason for compiling a wishlist. There are such practical future mothers who, knowing that friends and relatives will still congratulate the family on replenishment, make a list of necessary things.

And you already have to choose from the list what you can and want to give, “check in” (tell your mother what exactly you have chosen) and go shopping.

The result is mutual benefit. Family - savings, because. many necessary things will be given as gifts from relatives, friends and relatives, and guests will think less and worry about the present. You just need to choose and buy a gift.

Wishlist for the wedding

Particularly down-to-earth newlyweds also make a wish list for wedding guests. This happens: not everyone wants to receive money as a gift. But if you leave this process to chance, overlays can happen.

For example, we were given 3 identical blankets, 2 juicers and 3 teapots for a wedding (which, however, was a long time ago).

The wishlist just excludes such situations, because the guests, having read the wish list, report what choice they made. So gifts will not be repeated.

Birthday Wishlist

It's also a perfectly valid option. Although so far, it seems to me, it is less common in our country. But if the birthday is widely celebrated, then a list prepared in advance will also facilitate the task of choosing gifts for invited guests.

That's what a wishlist is. I hope you understand that this is a useful thing. Just like the birthday calendar I talked about in. So if you are a practical person, if you know exactly what you want, this option is for you!

Create wishlists, invite your friends to the party and let your wishes come true! Maybe it is the wishlist that will help you fulfill several desires from your “List of 100” at once. Experiment, enjoy yourself 🙂!

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Wishlist (Wish List - wish list) - a hint for guests who really want to please the culprit or hero of the occasion. What to give the future baby and his mother? And so that later the warehouse of unused things does not lie with an unnecessary load.

As a rule, they do not differ in variety. The most popular gifts are:

1. Children's clothes - they usually give them a lot and at once, and it comes to the point that some clothes do not even have time to try on - the baby grows up quickly.
2. Plush toys - these cute little animals can be delightful at first, but later turn into a dust collector.
3. Diapers - and, unfortunately, not always the brand that suits the baby.

To avoid disappointment, it is customary all over the world to pre-compile a Wish-list, that is, a list of wishes for a future mother. It makes life very easy for everyone - both future parents and guests. With it, you will always be sure that you will not receive an unwanted gift, and guests will not have to rack their brains over the question “What to give?”.

The expectant mother simply adds products to her Wishlist as she desires and gives a link to the list to friends and relatives before the holiday.

Let's figure out how to make a Wish List and how to share it with friends.

There are many on the Internet Wish list compilation services . Here is a short list of services to choose from:

How to make such a Wishlist online, we will now consider in detail on the example of the Ukrainian service http://wishes.in.ua/

Instructions on how to create an online wishlist:
1. Register on the site. The procedure is standard.
2. Next, go to the "My Page" section and press the orange "Add Wish" button.

3. In the field that appears, enter the necessary information.

For example, a mother wants a baby. We go to our favorite online store and find the right product. Next, copy the product description and paste it into the required field in our wishlist. We do the same with the hyperlink to the product and the name.

To copy an image, right-click on it and select "Copy Image URL". Next, insert a hyperlink to your image into the "Photo Link" field. You should end up with something like this:

4. We keep the desire. To do this, click on the blue "Add Wish" button below, and your wish will appear on your page. Using the same algorithm, we add our other desired gifts to this wishlist.
5. We send a hyperlink to our Wish-list to friends and family, and look forward to our long-awaited gifts.

We hope that with the help of our little guide on how to create a wishlist, the process of receiving gifts will become much more pleasant. Easy pregnancy and happy motherhood!

Daria Nastenko


And now we invite you to participate in a wonderful

wish list(wishlist) - a list of specific desires, designed as a list.

Why List

This is how, in all countries of the world, children tell the magician who comes on New Year's Eve what exactly and in what order they want to see under the tree. The miraculous materialization of children's desires, as a rule, occurs with the help of parents. But what about adults? Grown up children turn into scientists who create scientific theories about the visualization and materialization of desires. An adult approach to the children's theme has led to the appearance in our lives of such a thing as the Wish List (wishlist). Due to its practicality, making a wish list has become very popular.

How to compose

First, remember everything you would like: from a bouquet of flowers to a trip to the city of dreams. Second, make a list in order from the most desirable things to the least important. This method will help to put in order the confusion in desires, and organize the sequence of execution.

Then you (or your loved ones) will be able to determine exactly what you need, for example, when buying a gift. It’s a good idea to make such a list at the beginning of any season and you don’t have to waste your energy and money, feverishly remembering, for example, what kind of tanning product you read about in a glossy magazine in winter.

How to issue

In this case, the scope for your imagination is unlimited:

  • on paper;
  • on the wall in the room;
  • on a magnetic board;
  • on the desktop as wallpaper;
  • make a video cut, burn it on a USB flash drive and periodically watch it on TV.


Remember that first of all, you make a wish list for yourself. Don't forget to format it correctly. If you have too many wishes, break the list into groups:

  • image;
  • places where I want to visit;
  • books;
  • movies.

A list of actions and “checkmarks” next to the completed one will also not hurt.

Unobtrusive hints

Are you tired of "running in circles" during the same dates? How many teddy bears and bunnies are missing in your room? How many dull vases and perfumes that cause allergies have you gifted to friends? Lost count? Internet to help you! The Wish List is a real lifesaver. A wall on VKontakte and a list on Twitter, of course, are not an option. Use the Internet wisely. On the expanses of the World Wide Web, many specialized wishlist sites have formed where you can create your own page. There you can dream to the fullest:

Create your account on the wishlist site, and you will greatly ease the "suffering-throwing" of your friends and relatives on the eve of important events. Wish List - an unobtrusive hint to help your loved ones fulfill your desires.

Anti-Wish List

Do you want to avoid spoiled holidays and a collection of unnecessary gifts? Make an anti-wish list! Anti-Wish List - a list of things that you do not want to see as a gift. Include in it what especially annoys you. Accurately indicate the brands, shapes, colors of what you cannot give in any case.


Feel free to describe in detail what exactly you don't like. Usually, it is forbidden to comment on the list of anti-gifts on such sites.


We are not immune from them, but we can avoid them. So, typical mistakes when compiling a wish list.

  • Too long list.

Do not forget that the Wish List is needed, first of all, for you. "Hint" for friends should not turn into a "drop-down" list of 100 items. At best, they will read up to the fifteenth, and they will remember even less.

Modern society can be called a consumer society. So, most people are constantly on the lookout for special things that could satisfy their needs. There is nothing wrong with this, of course. But how can you structure your desires? That's what wish lists are for.

What it is?

First, you need to understand the terminology. What is a wishlist (wishlist) and how is this concept translated correctly? The original language is English. And to understand the essence, you just need to know that from English wish is a desire, and list is a list, a list. That is, wish lists are some kind of lists of what a person wants. I would also like to separately note that today such lists are elements of youth culture. This is the "must have" that everyone should have.

Why do you need a wishlist?

I also want to tell you why you need to make such lists. There are a few simple reasons for this:

  • To structure your desires.
  • In case of need, quickly orientate with the desired.
  • So that friends and loved ones know what a person really wants.

In essence, such lists are very useful. First of all, in order to satisfy the needs of a particular person. It should be noted that in Europe and the USA, before the wedding, the newlyweds make lists of gifts (in fact, the same wish lists). Only those things that a married couple will need in life get there. And each guest notes in advance what exactly he will give for the wedding. In this case, everyone finds a positive. The couple gets exactly what they need in one piece. And the guests do not need to invent what to present in order to please the young. Any wishlist works on the same simple principle.

Where to create such lists?

Where can vish lists be placed? Yes, almost anywhere, as long as it is convenient. Options:

  • Initially, these were special sites where those who wished could register, create their own wish lists, make friends and view each other's lists. A huge problem was that few people knew about such sites.
  • You can create wish lists in your favorite social networks. This may be a separate list that you create yourself, or a link to a specific site where such lists are more convenient to view.
  • Wish lists can be written on ordinary leaflets, hanging them, for example, in the house. So, each family member can attach to the refrigerator a list of what they want to receive for a particular holiday. Or you can distribute such lists once a year in your company, if, of course, this is practiced.

Rules for creating lists

We figured out what a wishlist is. How to make a wish list correctly? There are several simple ways to do this. The easiest way to do this is on a specially designed site. Most often, there you can add not only a photo of the desired item or event, but even give links to a store where it can be purchased. Or, for convenience, the average price of a gift in stores of a city or country may be indicated there. It is much more difficult to create lists yourself. So you need to think about how to structure them correctly. The most convenient option is to create lists for specific categories. Attention: to avoid embarrassing situations, all gifts should be as specific as possible. For example:

  1. Category "Hobby". There a person brings everything that can satisfy him in terms of hobbies. The list may include: (multi-colored or a strictly defined color), embroidery threads (for example, DMC red shades), tailor's scissors (blade length should be 25 cm), a set for (trademark "Flame"), etc.
  2. Category "Recreation". Here you can include everything that you want to buy for the holiday season. It can be a large one with a flower pattern, a straw hat with a pink border, SnowMaster ski goggles, etc.
  3. Category "Books". Not only authors and titles of works are also entered here, but today the format of the release is still relevant. This may be a paper edition or a volume in electronic format (for reading with an e-book).

More about categories

I also want to tell you what categories the wish list of gifts can consist of. So, there are a huge number of them:

  • Collections.
  • Cloth.
  • Movie.
  • Entertainment.
  • Job.
  • Gadgets and technology.
  • Sport.
  • Shameless desires.
  • Housing.
  • All for yourself.
  • Cosmetics.

It should also be noted that the category “expensive gifts” should be singled out separately. And if such presents are not affordable for friends and relatives, then maybe one day it will be possible to receive such a gift from a secret admirer or a new boyfriend.

I would also like to note that you can create a category "Desired events". It will be especially useful for reading by the second halves. So, you can describe in detail how you want to see this or that event. For example, girls can paint a picture of the perfect marriage proposal.


When creating a wish list, you can also think about the opposite. That is, about what you do not want to receive as a gift from loved ones. This is often called an anti-wishlist. This includes everything that you do not want to receive as a present. This is also very correct, because, probably, there is nothing worse than receiving something that you absolutely do not like as a gift.

Constant work on the list

And, of course, you need to remember that you need to work on the list constantly. Not only in terms of introducing more and more new elements there. It is also worth looking at what has previously been created. After all, no one will argue with the fact that desires tend to change, to transform. This is especially true for girls. So, periodically it is worth deleting what you no longer want from the list provided for consideration.

Separately, I would like to note that periodically you need to report what was donated from the list. For example, you can put the nickname of the one who presented it in front of the desired thing. Or give a link to the donor's profile.

Important nuances

At the very end, we note that you also need to create a list of important holidays, for which you want to receive gifts. Each list will be different, it will be slightly different. Not only dates such as New Year and birthdays are entered here, but also name days, graduation, graduation from school or university, etc. So it will be easier for comrades to decide when and what to present.

Have you ever tried to make your wish-list (wish-list)? We all have many desires, ideas and plans, most of which are vague, variegated and spread out over time. "I want something - either sturgeon with horseradish, or the Constitution ...", as one classic said. It is difficult to keep track of them, and the lack of specifics is the first enemy on the way to fulfilling the desired.

Why do you need a wishlist?

There are several reasons for compiling your own wishlist:

  • on the eve of your birthday, you are tormented by questions about what to give you, and you are tormented by what to answer? Show your family and friends your wish list and let them choose a gift for you according to their abilities.
  • Wish list will help you to clearly define and concretize your desires, and this contributes to their fulfillment.
  • your wish list is a list of everything that gives you pleasure, which means it is a great tool for and a source of self-love

Let's try?

1. We remember what we want.

Try to sit down and write down at least 100 of your “wishlists”. You will be surprised, but it is not so easy. It seems that there were so many things I wanted, but they sat down in front of an empty sheet - and thought. To make things easier, break your list into categories, for example:

  • material things. Fur coat, designer handbag, new gadget.
  • spiritual values. Books, films, music.
  • house. New, renovation in the bathroom.
  • events. Travel, events, meetings.
  • impression. Drive in the rain along the night road, have breakfast on the terrace by the sea, rest in Sevastopol 2012.
  • education. Learn to sing, draw, knit, drive a car.

2. We write down and draw up.

The more specific our desires, the more likely they are to come true - this is how our subconscious works. In addition to your will, it will snatch from the surrounding world that information (and, therefore, opportunities) that is directly related to your specific desire. Therefore, try to describe the thing you need as accurately as possible. You don’t just want a bathrobe, namely a terry, thick, snow-white, to the heels. Not just, but to drink coffee with a fresh crispy bun. In a rocking chair, in a white terry dressing gown, from a blue cup. This is the nature of "accidents". We "accidentally" go to the store, where we see the dressing gown of our dreams, we are "accidentally" invited to the Crimea by old friends ...

3. We post it for everyone to see.

Of course, you do not have to post ALL your desires on the Internet. Collect those that you not ashamed to show can be a gift from someone close to you. You can print your wish list and hang it on the wall in the hallway, where it will be available to all interested parties, you can put it in the top post on your personal blog. In addition, there are many services on the Internet to help you compose and publish your wish list, you just need to send a link to your page to everyone. For example,




http://lesterwish.com/ (wish list)

A wish list can also be compiled in the Yandex Ya.ru service with the search for the desired item on the Yandex Market.
