How to properly breed henna with basma. How to mix henna and basma to get the right color, proportion chart

Coloring compositions for hair with natural ingredients are preferred by many women and girls. And basma, a powder obtained from the leaves of a tropical indigo plant, is very popular among lovers of changing their appearance. The fine greenish powder is filled with vitamins and microelements, and therefore, in addition to coloring, it also benefits our hair. But in order for this benefit to manifest itself, and the curls to acquire the desired shade, you need to know how to dye your hair using natural basma.

Rules for using basma

Basma hair coloring has been adopted by oriental beauties since antiquity. This dye, when used to dye clothes, gives them a bluish color. The same shade can also be obtained on our strands, if you do not know how to use basma correctly. Greenish powder is not always suitable for all women as hair dye, and therefore you need to evaluate whether you are in this group or if you can afford to use basma.

  • Coloring with basma is suitable for owners of dark or dark blond hair. Blondes using this natural dye should be prepared for the fact that in a few weeks their curls may turn greenish.
  • Basma is used only in combination with henna. If you do not follow this rule, then even on dark hair, a greenish color will appear after a while. Basma can be mixed with henna powder, or used alternately. Usually, at first, the curls are stained with henna, and the next day with basma.
  • With the help of natural dyes, you can get completely unexpected shades. What result you get in the end depends on the proportions, exposure time, natural color used before this procedure of chemical paints.
  • It is not recommended to dye your hair with basma after perms, highlighting, in the first months after salon dyeing. The interaction of natural dye and chemicals remaining in the structure of curls can lead to completely unexpected results.

Proper use of natural coloring compounds improves the condition of our hair. Under the influence of vegetable dye, dandruff disappears, the hair follicle strengthens, the strength of the curls increases, a natural shine appears, and the volume of the hairstyle increases. The effectiveness of staining and the benefits of the procedure increase several times when using fresh powder, so you should always pay attention to the shelf life of the purchased product.

The freshness of basma can be checked after brewing the powder. If a black shiny film has appeared on the surface of this dye, then you can be sure that you have purchased the freshest and most useful dye for your curls.

How to paint with basma

When stained with basma in combination with henna, you can get completely different shades. No one can say exactly what color will appear on the curls, so in this matter you need to trust your intuition. There are approximate compositions and the time of their use, which suggest that a suitable staining result will be obtained.

  • A dark blond shade on curls is obtained by mixing basma and henna in equal proportions. In this case, the staining time is up to half an hour.
  • A light chestnut shade is obtained with the same ratio of dyes, but the exposure time should be increased to one hour.
  • A bronze-brown color on the hair is obtained by mixing basma and henna in a ratio of 1: 2. The exposure time of the applied dye is one and a half hours.
  • A rich warm chocolate color of curls can be obtained if basma is mixed with henna in a ratio of 3: 1. Staining time - two hours.
  • To obtain a black, saturated hair color, it is necessary to dye in two stages. First, all the strands are stained with diluted henna, it is kept on the head for one hour and washed off. Then prepared basma is applied to wet hair, it is washed off after two hours.

The prepared mixture for dyeing must be evenly distributed over all the strands and it is advisable that your assistant does this, since it is difficult to cope with this task on your own. Both henna and basma are quite strong dyes and therefore their use requires the fulfillment of certain rules. Knowing how to dye your hair using natural coloring compounds, you will never be disappointed with the result.

  • Natural dyes can leave indelible stains on clothing, leather, and furniture. Therefore, staining is carried out carefully - it is advisable to put on old clothes, the skin along the hairline is treated with a greasy cream, and gloves are put on hands.
  • Basma is diluted only with boiling water, and it is best to apply it warm.
  • Henna needs to be diluted with water, the temperature of which is in the range from 70 to 90 degrees. It is advisable to insist the diluted henna powder for four hours before applying the diluted henna powder.
  • When breeding natural dyes, only glass or ceramic containers and spatulas are used. When using metal products, oxidation reactions occur, and the result of staining will change accordingly.
  • After dilution, the mixture should resemble the consistency of a not very thick composition, convenient for application to curls and without lumps.
  • If it is necessary to paint over gray hair, bleached strands are first painted over and only then all the rest.
  • Dyes are washed off with ordinary water in large quantities. The use of shampoo is possible on the third day after dyeing, since all this time the coloring pigments are absorbed into the core of the curls.

It will be possible to fully evaluate the hair color after using basma only after a few days. Usually, the full effect of natural staining appears on the fourth or fifth day after the procedure.

The natural shades obtained when using basma can be diversified. To do this, you can add coffee, cocoa, beet juice, tea to the diluted powder. By experimenting, you can get a really completely unusual hair color that emphasizes your appearance from the favorable side.

Using basma and henna, one should not forget that these dyes have a drying effect. Therefore, it is worth limiting the coloring to one procedure per month and it is advisable to use nourishing masks, especially for those with too dry hair.

To update the image of a woman, coloring is often performed. But chemical dyes damage the hair, worsening the appearance. Therefore, natural ingredients are considered to be in demand. Basma hair coloring is popular. Reviews testify to the effectiveness of this tool. This is vegetable black dye. But in order for the curls not to turn green, you additionally need to use henna. Details of the use of components are presented in the article.

What it is?

Basma is a natural paint created from the powder of dry leaves of the indigofer tree. Naturalness is considered an advantage, due to which the natural acid balance of the scalp is not disturbed. The use of dye is safe, and the result of the procedure can please even lovers of professional paint. According to reviews, basma goes well with other natural dyes, giving beautiful shades.

Beneficial features

According to reviews, basma is much better than chemical dyes, because it does not damage the hair structure. It is enough to use effective recipes to get the right shade. Basma, in comparison with artificial dyes, has the following advantages:

  1. It contains vitamin C, which strengthens and nourishes the strands. With it, the hair will have a healthy shine.
  2. The natural substance has a nourishing effect, accelerates hair growth.

The use of natural dye strengthens the roots, eliminates dandruff. The coloring of gray hair with basma is favorable. Reviews indicate that after the procedure, the curls become elastic and soft. This will result in a natural color with an attractive sheen. The use of henna and basma will eliminate the problem of curls falling out. Dry and split strands have a healthy look.

Application features

Not everyone knows how to get the right color. To do this, you need to know the rules of hair dyeing. A positive effect depends on the implementation of simple tips. Vegetable paint is a landscaping agent. In order not to get a blue or green color, painting with henna and basma must be done in combination. It should be remembered that if a vegetable dye has already been used, staining with basma will give an unpredictable result.

If the hair is dry, care must be taken. The coloring of gray curls with henna and basma should be done with olive oil (1 spoon). Otherwise, the strands will be overdried, become brittle, lose their color brightness. After dyeing, the hair should not be washed for 2-3 days. This is necessary to consolidate the result and reveal the shade. Vegetable dye has a drying effect, so you should not wash your hair every day. It is advisable to first paint one strand, and if you like the result, you can proceed to full coloring.

How it is done Reviews confirm that you first need to decide on a shade. The proportion of added substances and the duration of the procedure will depend on this. To get a light shade, staining should be done for half an hour. And to acquire black color, the duration of the procedure is 1.5-2 hours.

To obtain a coloring composition, you need to use porcelain dishes. It is undesirable to use metal utensils, they are difficult to wash. Gloves must be worn as the dyes etch into the skin and are difficult to wash off. The procedure will require a cream. It is applied to areas of the skin to protect against dyes. The paint is applied with a brush in layers. On top put on a bag or cap made of polyethylene.

Water should not be higher than 80 degrees, otherwise it will adversely affect the dye. After putting on the cap, it should be fixed with a towel. If after the procedure the result is not pleasing, it can be repeated after 14-21 days. To get a light shade, rinsing with water and lemon juice is necessary.

What affects coloration?

As the reviews show, hair coloring with henna and basma will have a positive effect if the proportions are used correctly. The result also depends on:

  1. Water temperature to create a mixture. If it is cold, then the process will be long.
  2. Structures of curls. Thin, dry, bleached curls are easier to stain.
  3. The duration of the procedure. The longer the staining, the brighter the shade.
  4. ratios of natural ingredients.

The brightness of the color is reduced with masks based on olive oil. It is necessary to apply them on dirty, dry curls for 30 minutes, and then rinse with shampoo. To get the desired result, you need to perform repeated procedures.

To eliminate the red tone after henna, you need to stain with black powder. To maintain color saturation in 1.5 liters of boiling water, add 50 g of basma. The product is filtered and cooled. You can perform rinsing.

Options for combining components

According to reviews, henna and basma can be used separately and together. These 2 methods give different results. With separate staining, henna is used first, and then black vegetable paint. All components are prepared before the procedure. But the consistency of the mixture of red composition should be thicker. After the procedure, the curls should be washed with warm water. The shade depends on the duration of the coloring:

  1. Blonde - 20 minutes.
  2. Chestnut - 60-90.
  3. Black - 2-3 hours.

Separate staining

The mixture must be prepared before staining. The powder must be ground, pour hot water. The agent must be thoroughly mixed. Then it must be put on a small fire, stirring, it is required to bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling, the composition must be removed from the stove. If everything is done correctly, the consistency of the mixture will be similar to liquid sour cream.

The black dye agent thickens quickly. Therefore, its consistency should be thinner. A little hot water needs to be added regularly. It should be determined whether the mixture is enough. If the hair is long and thick, then more solution is required.

The mixture must be applied to curls. Head covering is not required. You need to cover with a towel to get a black tone. Then everything is washed off with warm water. If the shade turns out to be saturated, then you can wash your hair with soap. Lighten them up by rinsing with citric acid. The dye is washed off for a long time. If the staining gave a green tone, then the hair should be washed with soap and rinsed. For 15 minutes you need to apply henna.

Simultaneous coloring

You can use henna and basma for hair together. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this method. Pour the components in the amount of 50-200 g into a container of phosphorus. They are poured with hot water until it turns out. A thick agent should be obtained. The shade depends on the ratio of the components.

You can get the following tones:

  1. Chestnut is created with a uniform number of components.
  2. Light brown is created at a ratio of 1: 2. And the duration of the procedure is half an hour.
  3. Light blond is obtained at a ratio of 1: 3, and coloring takes 60 minutes.
  4. Black tone can be obtained with a ratio of 1:3, and the duration is 3-4 hours.

After staining, do not use shampoo for 3 days. This time is needed to consolidate the result.


With the dyeing of black hair after henna, the tone does not change, it turns out to be copper. Chestnut color using henna and basma at home can be achieved with a thick slurry. The duration of staining is 1.5 hours. Rigid strands must be made softened. To do this, add liquid soap (1 tsp) and ammonia (6-8 drops) to hydrogen peroxide 5% (30-40 g). It is necessary to moisten the strands, and after 30 minutes apply henna.

As reviews show, basma allows you to eliminate gray hair. First, red is used, and then black paint. If a little vegetable paint is added at stage 1, the result will be the most dyed. To get additional shades, you need to use natural dyes with decoctions from various components. Onion peel allows you to get a brown shade of warm tones, and sea buckthorn and tansy - yellow, raspberry - red, linden - chestnut.

Recipes with natural ingredients

According to reviews, basma hair coloring allows you to get different shades if the component is mixed with other natural dyes. The following shades are considered in demand:

  1. Bordeaux. Beetroot juice should be heated to 60 degrees, and then add a package of henna to it. Hibiscus tea has a similar effect.
  2. "Red tree". Henna needs to be diluted in a heated cahors. You can get a similar effect with the addition of cranberry juice. Before the procedure, the hair must be moistened and dried.
  3. Chocolate. You will need copper and black dye in an amount of 1: 2. Coloring lasts 1.5-2 hours. With light brown hair, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times.
  4. Golden red. Henna needs to be poured with a decoction of chamomile. In water (1 glass) is added 1-2 tbsp. l. plants. The composition must be infused, and then it must be filtered. It is better to heat up to 75-90 degrees.
  5. Chestnut. Ground coffee (1 tsp) per 25 g of powder should be added to the mixture. You can create a pale chestnut shade by using cocoa instead of coffee.

Basma is a natural dye known to mankind since ancient times. Its main function has always been to dye hair, although sometimes it was used to give the desired color to fabrics.

The substance in question is a powder with a gray-green color. It is produced from the tropical indigo plant, the dried leaves of which are ground until the desired consistency is obtained.

Benefit and harm

Among the positive properties of this tool are:

  • It is an environmentally friendly product that is not capable of harming the hair and scalp;
  • Can heal wounds;
  • Removes inflammatory processes;
  • The composition contains vitamin C, wax, various resins, tannins, minerals that have a healing effect on damaged strands;
  • Resists hair loss, strengthening hair follicles;
  • Prevents dandruff;
  • Destroys harmful bacteria that cause diseases of the scalp;
  • Promotes the growth of healthy and strong curls;
  • Increases volume, creating a feeling of thick hair, which is important for those who have naturally thin and not very thick hair;
  • Suitable for sensitive scalp;
  • Curls become shiny, acquire a rich dark color.

When planning to dye your hair with basma, you first need to know about the harm it can cause:

  1. It is washed off hard and requires a significant period of time for this;
  2. When staining occurs for the first time or after using other paints, basma may appear in an unpredictable color;
  3. You can’t perm your hair, because you can end up with a green color on your head;
  4. Poorly stains gray hair, making them visible against the general background;
  5. With frequent use, it makes strands dry and brittle.

ATTENTION! Basma is combined with henna before use. This will protect you from getting a green, blue tint on the strands.

What color does natural basma give

Without the use of additives, natural basma gives a blue or green tint. It depends on the natural hair color. Henna will help to give them the necessary shade. It is added to the analyzed paint in a certain amount.

The combination of henna and basma

Paying attention to what shade you want to get on your head, you need to observe different proportions of these two components:

  1. It will be possible to get a chestnut color if you mix basma with henna in equal amounts;
  2. To make the strands turn black with a blue tint, combine a portion of henna and exactly twice as much basma;
  3. If you want to make a bronze tint, prepare a mass of a certain amount of basma and henna, the amount of which should be twice as much.

In order not to spoil the appearance, paint over one curl with the tool in question, evaluate the result and think about whether you want to see yourself like this in the mirror.

How to prepare a solution and choose a shade

To avoid surprises on your head, prepare a mixture of basma and henna and carefully apply it to a small section of the strands. Leave for a certain amount of time and rinse off. In the event that you do not know what result can be obtained after applying the paint, remember that it will be difficult or almost impossible to wash it off. If the resulting color suits you, continue the staining procedure.


The preparation of the solution is as follows:

  1. Mix dry paints;
  2. Heat water to 90 degrees and gradually add it to the powder;
  3. If you want to give your hair an interesting shade, add additional components instead of water;
  4. The finished mass should resemble thick sour cream;
  5. Add a few drops of any essential oil so that the hair is not dry and the dye lays down more easily.

Some components will help to diversify the color of basma and make it more unique:

  • Green tea will help to get a chestnut tint to blond hair;
  • Onion infusion will give the strands a brown color;
  • Elderberry juice will make hair pink or purple;
  • Blue onions will give a purple hue;
  • Freshly ground coffee will make the brunette strands chocolate.

The right proportions to get the right color

It will be possible to obtain the desired shade only if the necessary proportion of the two components is observed:

  1. Mix the same amount of basma and henna and you can get a light brown or pale chestnut shade;
  2. One tablespoon of henna and two tablespoons of basma will give a rich brown or chestnut color;
  3. To give strands a bronze or copper tint, combine one tablespoon of basma and two tablespoons of henna;
  4. A 1:3 ratio (henna and basma, respectively) will give a black color with a blue tint.

Hair coloring with henna and basma

The natural paint in question is quite specific. That is why you need to know how to properly carry out the procedure for changing hair color at home.

Painting methods

There are two staining methods:

  1. By mixing the components in a dry form among themselves;
  2. Sequentially applying and washing off each of them (used most often for gray hair to achieve a more uniform staining).

How often can you paint

You can change the color of the strands with basma no more than once a month. Otherwise, they may become overdried and lose their strength.

Coloring instructions

To avoid unforeseen consequences, it is necessary to carry out the staining procedure in accordance with the basic rules and recommendations. Consider them in more detail:

  • First of all, you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, without using conditioner;
  • Apply a cream on the face (it will facilitate the washing off of smudges);
  • Prepare the necessary mixture, immediately apply it with a special brush on the strands;
  • It begins to distribute the mass on the back of the head, because it should be on it a little longer in order to evenly paint over;
  • After that, we gradually move to the area of ​​the temples, forehead and crown;
  • The brush should move towards the tips of the strands from the roots;
  • Wipe the skin around the hair and all excess material;
  • Cover your hair with a cap or plastic bag.

ATTENTION! While in position or breastfeeding, first apply a small amount of paint to the skin and wait a few minutes. If redness, spots or itching appear, you are strictly forbidden to use this remedy.

How much to keep

It all depends on the type of hair, the thickness of the strands and color. The lighter they are, the faster the hue will change. If you want to get a rich color, then you need to keep the paint longer.

For beautiful shades, there is a certain exposure time for hair dye:

  • Fair-haired - 30 minutes;
  • Gentle chestnut - no more than an hour;
  • Saturated chestnut, brown - an hour and a half;
  • Copper or bronze - an hour and a half;
  • Black, acquiring a blue tint - about 4 hours.

How to wash off

For washing, use only ordinary warm water. Rinse your hair until the water runs completely clear. Shampoos and conditioners should not be applied, as they can lighten the tone of the curls.

In the event that the paint was overexposed, and the color turned out to be very dark, you can try to lather your head with soap. In some cases, lemon juice helps.

Hair care after dyeing

After the remnants of the mixture have been washed off, the strands can be treated with an acidified liquid. Vinegar or lemon juice is added to it. They will make the strands more bright and shiny. Try to dry your curls with a hair dryer as little as possible so as not to injure or overdry them.

Poll: How do you dye your hair?

Features of dyeing hair black

Achieving the color in question is quite simple. To do this, spread henna for 60 minutes, rinse and dye the strands with basma. The longer it stays on the hair, the color will turn out to be just black or turn blue (if the procedure takes up to 4 hours).

chocolate color

You can get such a beautiful color if you add freshly ground coffee in the amount of 1 teaspoon to henna (no more than 25 g). You can pre-boil coffee for 5 minutes, cool it, and then add it to the dry mass.

Painting with henna and basma of gray hair

You will have to evenly paint over ordinary and gray strands in several passes. First of all, henna is distributed, rinsed, and then the strands are treated with basma. Leave it in accordance with the desired result:

  • Up to three minutes - sand color;
  • No more than five minutes - light blond;
  • 8 to 10 minutes - dark blond;
  • About 20-25 minutes - brown with a light shade;
  • Half an hour - natural brown hair;
  • Almost 40 minutes - dark brown hair;
  • 45 minutes - beautiful chocolate color;
  • An hour or more is black.

In the event that the color does not change after a while, and the gray roots already begin to grow, it is enough to tint only them, and do not touch the entire hair.

If you decide to dye your hair at home, do not forget about some tricks that will help you achieve the desired effect:

  1. Apply only to wet strands. If they are pre-dried naturally or with a hair dryer, the paint will go badly;
  2. Make sure that the place where you will carry out the entire procedure is covered with polyethylene. This is explained by the fact that once on any surface, it will be quite difficult to wipe off the product4
  3. It is necessary to put on gloves on your hands before starting staining and cover your shoulders with an unnecessary towel;
  4. Basma is applied to curls only with a special brush;
  5. To prevent the paint from flowing through your hair, add a little glycerin, a decoction of flax seeds or ordinary oil to it. The presence of additional components in the end will not affect the color;
  6. It is better to mix basma and henna in a glass, plastic or porcelain container so as not to cause oxidation with metal;
  7. Do not leave the finished mass until the next time, because the color will not be what you planned;
  8. When buying a product, study its composition. It must be natural;
  9. Do not purchase expired paint;
  10. Apple cider vinegar, which is added during the rinsing process, will help make your hair even softer and shiny.

Constantly on the shelves of stores there are new hair dyes. They compete with each other in quality, range of colors, safety and ease of use. There is a color for every taste. And, nevertheless, modest bags containing natural hair basma do not lose popularity against their background. Why?

The secret of non-disappearing demand is simple. Basma is a 100% natural product, which is not inferior to modern means in terms of coloring quality. And in terms of the amount of benefit for our hairstyles, this nondescript powder will “wipe the nose” of even the most magnificent-haired beauties depicted on boxes of hair dyes.

Ancient and very modern

The fact that the paint from the exotic indigo plant is able to dye jeans indigo blue, we learned relatively recently. But the beneficial properties of a powder prepared from the leaves of the same tropical tree have been known for a very long time. The first mention of a powder with the modern name "basma" dates back to the seventh century BC.

First, the inhabitants of ancient China and India, followed by Egypt, Greece and Rome, used basma for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It was initially expensive, but how could this stop the women who lived in those distant times from striving to be more beautiful?

Basma is a great dye. This tool is able to dye the fibers in colors from dark chestnut to black. Natural basma for hair has the most flattering reviews, since it is intended for them by nature itself. Its main actions in relation to our hair:

  • Makes the hair structure flawless;
  • Strengthens hair follicles;
  • Activates the growth process;
  • Gives hair a juicy color and natural shine;
  • It can improve the condition of the scalp and get rid of dandruff.

Not a bad track record for the humble gray powder! All these regalia are time-tested and confirmed by generations of women who looked bright and attractive thanks to basma.

Briefly about the application

You decided to trust a proven tool and dye your hair with basma. To get started, three simple tips that will help you avoid disappointment:

  • When buying basma, be sure to pay attention to its shelf life. Do not use an expired product. Poor-quality dye can dry out the scalp, and the color after dyeing will be far from desired;
  • If you have recently done a perm, do not use basma. Coloring her hair after chemical treatment is unacceptable;
  • After dyeing your hair with basma in its purest form, the hairstyle can get a specific green tint. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, add a little henna. Henna is a “relative” of Basma by origin, she will add perfection to her fellow tribeswoman.

Depending on how much henna you add to the dye mixture, the intensity and shade of the color will change. Approximate proportions:

  • Black color basma 2 parts henna 1 part

  • bronze color basma 1 part henna 2 parts

  • Chestnut basma 1 part henna 1 part

  • blond basma 1 part henna 1 part (hold for a short time, no more than 30 minutes)

Now you can learn how to dye your hair with basma. The process is simple, but has some peculiarities. Pour the finished mixture of basma and henna powders with hot water, the temperature of which is at least 90 degrees. Water should be gradually added so much that a slurry of the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

While the composition is hot, apply it on the head. First, grease the roots well, then distribute along the entire length of the hair. It is recommended to start the procedure from the back of the head, moving to the front. Don't forget to smear cream on your forehead so that the dye doesn't soak into your skin.
The dye will work better if applied to pre-washed, still damp hair. After applying the gruel-paint, put a plastic bag or shower cap on your head, warm it with a towel and hold for 1.5-2 hours.

The degree of exposure to the coloring mixture depends on the thickness of your hairs, on their length, density. Therefore, consider the individual characteristics of your hair. If, after dyeing, the hair color turned out to be beautiful and quite suits you, do not wash your hair with shampoo, walk for 3 days, let the paint harden.

If the tone is too dark, wash your hair with shampoo. The color will become paler. You can rinse your head with water acidified with lemon juice. Lemon will lighten hair.
Gray hair is also painted over with basma, but more than one procedure will be required for the complete disappearance of gray-haired strands.

FAQ section

We will answer questions on the use of basma, which are most common.

How long does basma last on hair?

Holds long and strong. No worse than chemical paints. You just need to tint the growing roots. Do not be embarrassed that the water with which you rinse your head after washing is stained at first. This leaves the excess dye, the hair color will lose intensity not significantly.

Is it possible to dye hair with paint after basma?

Can! But it's better to wait a while. Approximately 2-3 months. Vegetable dye is not removed from the hair. And with chemicals, which include persistent hair dyes, it may not be compatible. The color will be uneven and not at all what you expect. Therefore, it is better to first try the paint on a separate strand.

Is basma harmful to hair?

It can only “harm” with a green tint, which will appear if you apply it incorrectly for coloring. Do not combine it with chemical dyes and perms. And all will be well!

Luxurious black or chocolate-colored curls. Velvet or silk. Long or touching the shoulders, loose or gathered in a graceful bun. Your hair will always be beautiful if you take care of it with natural and proven products.

From time immemorial, every woman has been striving for beauty and often, in order to achieve what she wants, makes all kinds of changes in her appearance. Such changes include, for example, hair coloring.

It would seem, what is easier?

Modern stores offer a huge selection of hair colors of various shades.

But what if the scalp is too sensitive and does not accept chemicals? In this case, vegetable paints come to the rescue.

One of these colors is basma. Being a natural dye, it not only does not harm, but also benefits the scalp and hair.

And today the Pantry of Beauty will tell you how to dye your hair with basma and how it is useful for hair.

Basma for hair: benefits

Eliminates dandruff;

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to heal wounds on the head faster;

Regular use of basma as a hair dye or in the form of masks and conditioners can make hair more voluminous and shiny.

Having made your choice in favor of basma, you should know that you need to use it with some caution. Owners of light curls should not dye their hair with this dye, especially if it is used without henna, as the result can be completely unpredictable.

It is very important to properly dilute the basma and apply it to the hair. Below are a few points that you should rely on when using basma.

How to dye your hair with basma

Remember that hair basma is a very strong dye, so try to protect your clothes as much as possible by covering them with a special cape, or put on one that you won’t mind getting dirty.

The same applies to the skin along the edge of hair growth. It is recommended to smear it with a fat cream.

How to breed basma? The powder should be poured into a glass or porcelain deep bowl. Fill it with very hot water (90%). You need enough water so that the dye resembles sour cream in density. Mix very well, breaking up any lumps.

To make the paint flow less, you can add glycerin or cosmetic oil to it.

It doesn't matter if the hair is dry or wet, as long as it is clean.

Coloring should start from the occipital zone, then go to the parietal and temporal. The bangs are painted at the very end. The composition is applied from the roots and along the entire length of the hair. After applying the paint on top, it is recommended to put on a plastic cap and warm with a towel.

The time that the dye will be on the hair depends on the desired shade: the longer you hold it, the richer the color will be.

After the right time, wash off the basma with warm water. Rinse until the water is completely clear. Shampoo is not used. It is not recommended to use it for the next three days.

Coloring in the hair structure continues for almost a day after washing off the composition from the head.

Masks with basma for hair

On the basis of basma, you can also prepare therapeutic hair masks that can make your hair soft and smooth. Here are some of them.

Mask with coffee, cocoa and basma for hair

Required Ingredients:

basma powder - 50 g;

cocoa powder - 50 g;

natural ground coffee (strongly brewed) - 2 cups;

rosemary oil (essential) - 15 drops.

Pour basma into a deep non-metallic container, add cocoa there and pour it all over. The mixture is required to infuse for 15 minutes, then drop rosemary oil into it and mix.

With a hair dye brush, apply the mass to clean, damp hair, cover it with a plastic cap and wrap it with a towel. It is recommended to keep such a mask on the hair for about 2 hours, then rinse with warm water without using shampoo.

After applying the mask, the hair becomes shiny and smooth.

Basma and henna for hair

Required Ingredients:

henna (colorless);

olive oil;

freshly brewed natural coffee.

All ingredients require about 1 teaspoon (for short hair), if the hair is long, then more.

Brew coffee, drain the liquid, and add all the components listed above to the remaining sediment, mix, apply to hair, cover with polyethylene and wrap. This mask is recommended to be applied at night.

Rinse first with warm clean water, and then with a neutral shampoo, you can do without it. At the very end, rinse your hair with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice.

Having given your preference in favor of basma, remember that it is best recommended first and only after that with basma. Or use them together. Otherwise, the final color of your hair may turn out green or blue.
